European Moderator: @DreamsGrafter, Mina Zaher
American Moderator: @jeannevb, Jeanne Veillette Bowerman
8:00 am DreamsGrafter: #Scriptchat o'clock!
8:01 am DreamsGrafter: Agree w/ @filmutopia's point re learning about screenwriting through the process of production. #scriptchat
8:02 am DreamsGrafter: Unless u c your work being made you can't know what works and what doesn't bc production & editing are also part of the process #scriptchat
8:05 am filmutopia: #scriptchat - @DreamsGrafter - thanks. That's been my experience.
8:06 am filmutopia: #scriptchat - what's the topic this week?
8:06 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - it's an open forum this week ...
8:07 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - that's why i thought your blog post gave great food for thought ...
8:07 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat been doing an MA for last two years - finish next week - and can't wait.
8:08 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - it's been a great learning experience - but i want to take my writing into the real world - even if that means
8:08 am CORKY242: Screenwriters: follow @DreamsGrafter for the European #scriptchat which is airing NOW :o)!
8:08 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - me picking up my own digi cam. that's why your post hit a note ... ppl can focus too much on the safety net of
8:09 am filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I considered doing an MA in screenwriting, but in the end decided I didn't have the time
8:09 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - a writing course - but it's the practical side which is also important - seeing the writing come to life.
8:09 am CORKY242: RT @jeannevb: don't forget EURO #scriptchat is OPEN FORUM starting 2pm GLOBAL TODAY
8:10 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - it's a great thing to do - it's a safety bubble to find one's voice, take risks and make mistakes ...
8:11 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat as well as having someone drum structure and character arcs into you -
8:11 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter If you can write the right project you can start taking scripts into the real world with a Kodak Zi8 or a Flip #scriptchat
8:11 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - but every writer works differently -
8:12 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - why didn't you have time? bc you were producing? or you already knew what you wanted to write?
8:14 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham #scriptchat - totally, ppl want the story and the characters - that's why i loved paranormal activity - and they movie works
8:14 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham #scriptchat - simple story - great character relationships. how's your writing going john?
8:14 am filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I made a decision to put all my time and energy into writing and building projects. I'm too easily distracted.
8:16 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat - and how do you develop your drafts? - i.e. the basis for the course i'm on is workshops ...
8:17 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat did u already know other writers? - or did you go to scriptreaders?
8:18 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat that's the biggest fear amongst most peeps on my course - who's going to read their work? how do you deal w/ that?
8:18 am filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I develop characters in a spreadsheet; then I plot sequences on a 4 act structure; then I write
8:19 am ttimechitchat: @johnrackham @DreamsGrafter In the US I quite a few online series~by former daytime soap stars/writers. Interesting format. #scriptchat
8:19 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia #scriptchat and what about moving to the next draft?
8:20 am filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I use a mixture of friends who are screenwriters and professional readers. I've a lot of mates in the indsutry
8:22 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia a good balance. i'm starting to think about using professional readers as well as ppl i know.never paid for feedback #scriptchat
8:23 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia but starting to see it as an investment ... #scriptchat
8:23 am filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat: I'm big on professional feedback. I've three really good readers
8:24 am DreamsGrafter: @ttimechitchat online series? yeah, am looking to get into that - will attempt to film one in the new year #scriptchat
8:25 am DreamsGrafter: @ttimechitchat again, w/ my puppet characters ... ;) #scriptchat
8:25 am ttimechitchat: Interesting look at the growth of a screenwriter/ writer RT @filmutopia: How I Learned to Write Movies (#scriptchat)
8:25 am DreamsGrafter: @ttimechitchat can you recommend any worth watching? #scriptchat
8:27 am jeannevb: it's EURO #scriptchat time. If any AMERICANS r awake, jump in. Open forum
8:27 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia difficult to find good readers - cld you pimp them out? do they have websites? #scriptchat
8:28 am jeannevb: @john_hunter hello! I try to post full #scriptchat transcript on every week.... IF the transcript site cooperates
8:28 am DreamsGrafter: RT @jeannevb: it's EURO #scriptchat time. If any AMERICANS r awake, jump in. Open forum
8:29 am jeannevb: hi guys! Small crew... we need to find a way to either beef up EURO time or switch the overall time to merge us #scriptchat
8:29 am filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - I'd have to talk to them, first. but if you DM me an email address, I'll have a chat with them.
8:29 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter Bloodmyth - planned in 4 months, written in 3 weeks & reworked with the cast as rehearsal & filming progessed #scriptchat
8:31 am DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb #scriptchat - yes, it'd be great to find a way to merge both groups ... to get a healthy US/Euro cross over ...
8:31 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia thanks clive - will dm ... #scriptchat
8:31 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter Since then, I don't know. I can't hand a script to someone else to read until I think it's perfect... #scriptchat
8:32 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I haven't yet been able to show anyone anything I've written.
8:32 am blackrugger: I'm awake early, since i'm going to miss the american #scriptchat
8:32 am filmutopia: #scriptchat - guys, I'm going to have to bail... I'm trying to do other things at the same time and doing both badly! Ha!
8:32 am jeannevb: @blackrugger excellent! #scriptchat
8:33 am jeannevb: @filmutopia thanks for the post & thanks for the #scriptchat
8:33 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia good luck w/ the other - and thanks for taking time out for #scriptchat ...
8:34 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I run ideas past people, actors and writers I know. When I finish something I'll get them to read it.
8:34 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter how's it going? #scriptchat
8:34 am ttimechitchat: RT @DreamsGrafter @ttimechitchat online series? yeah, am looking to get into that~ #scriptchat {Youtube seems 2B a good outlet 4 starters.}
8:35 am blackrugger: so what's the topic? #scriptchat
8:35 am ttimechitchat: RT @DreamsGrafter @ttimechitchat again, w/ my puppet characters ... ;) #scriptchat {;-)}
8:35 am DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb it was a quite afternoon ... been thinking 2pm is a difficult time to get tweeps involved 'cause of sunday offerings #scriptchat
8:36 am jeannevb: @blackrugger it's an open forum, so talk whatever you'd like #scriptchat
8:37 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter looks like it. Maybe do it at night? Either 8 or 5pm? I wish there was a good universal time for all #scriptchat
8:38 am ttimechitchat: RT @DreamsGrafter @ttimechitchat can you recommend any worth watching? #scriptchat {Think go cheezy...that's what's avl..}
8:38 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter we talking readers? #scriptchat
8:38 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham it's so about the planning? true - more you plan, the easier the writing #scriptchat
8:38 am filmutopia: #scriptchat - as amends for slopping off early, if anyone wants a particular topic covered in my Sunday morning movie blog, let me know
8:38 am jeannevb: Here's a question for u all: do u offer to read beginning screenwriters work? #scriptchat
8:39 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat if anyone wants a particular topic covered in my Sunday morning movie blog, let me know #scriptchat
8:39 am DreamsGrafter: RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat - as amends for slopping off early, if anyone wants a particular topic covered in my Sunday morning movie bl ...
8:39 am jeannevb: @filmutopia thanks, Clive! I will def keep that in mind #scriptchat
8:40 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter I get stuck with planning. Often I have to stop & write some scenes before I know where the plan should go #scriptchat
8:40 am ttimechitchat: RT @DreamsGrafter @ttimechitchat can you recommend any worth watching? #scriptchat { this is 1 that ppl seem 2 like}
8:40 am DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia @johnrackham - @jeannevb is going to see if there's a time for europe and the US to crossover for #scriptchat
8:41 am jeannevb: @filmutopia have a great day. About to read ur blog now w my coffee... does this count as church? ha #scriptchat
8:41 am blackrugger: @jeannevb As a beginning screenwriter, I'll read anyone's work. #scriptchat
8:41 am johnrackham: @filmutopia Thanks for the blog today. It made me feel much better about the hard time I'm having learning to write screenplays #scriptchat
8:42 am jeannevb: @blackrugger that's good. Bc reading great scripts is wonderful but reading 1s w flaws can be even better for learning #scriptchat
8:43 am ttimechitchat: RT @DreamsGrafter @ttimechitchat can U recommend any worth watching? #scriptchat { this has lots of buzz: out 12/4}
8:43 am DJordanKnight: Not anymore :o) RT @jeannevb Here's a question for u all: do u offer to read beginning screenwriters work? #scriptchat
8:43 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight morning, beauty! #scriptchat
8:44 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham i always self-impose deadlines. i need to to make sure i get the words on the page. #scriptchat
8:44 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb :o) Morning! #scriptchat
8:45 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight well there goes pestering you about reading one of my screenplays... :( ha #scriptchat
8:47 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter Unfortunately, deadlines mean nothing to me compared with getting something as good as I can make it. #scriptchat
8:47 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter @johnrackham I need deadlines too. I'm the master procrastinator. I try to set weekly goals #scriptchat
8:48 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger Lol! It's a hard call to make. Many new writers say they want it real, but they can't take it. #scriptchat
8:48 am jeannevb: @johnrackham @dreamsgrafter 4 me deadline is about getting it on paper, once its on paper, I have no prob w rewriting motivation #scriptchat
8:49 am jeannevb: RT @DJordanKnight: @blackrugger Lol! Its a hard call to make. Many new writers say they want it real, but they cant take it. #scriptchat
8:49 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham @filmutopia @jonathanbart @momentsoffilm @john_hunter - guys, is 8pm a better time for #scriptchat (pls. advise)
8:49 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger The last one who asked me for notes said no sugar coating. But after he got my notes, he quit writing. #scriptchat
8:49 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight I can deal with honesty. Scout's honor! Worst case scenario... you make me cry. #scriptchat
8:49 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight @blackrugger I agree! Most ppl can't take brutal honesty about their work, but its essential #scriptchat
8:49 am johnrackham: @johnrackham I had to get my latest project to a US company, who can take me to investors, by this month to be in time for 2010 #scriptchat
8:50 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger I've done that, too, ha ha! #scriptchat
8:50 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight @blackrugger same happened to me. I do NOT sugar coat. BUT... to his credit, he digested, then dug back in :) #scriptchat
8:50 am blackrugger: @jeannevb It's very essential. How else do you expect to get better? #scriptchat
8:51 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb @blackrugger I think it's me, ha ha. Maybe I approach notes too clinically, but then, I take notes in the same way. #scriptchat
8:51 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter They were talking $1m upwards. I felt it was more important to get the script right & go for 2011. #scriptchat
8:52 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb @blackrugger The writer needs to have a healthy relationship with the page. They are inkblots, not babies. #scriptchat
8:52 am jeannevb: @johnrackham getting "the script right" wld be more of a priority for me too, John #scriptchat
8:53 am jeannevb: @blackrugger yep. I do need to learn how to give feedback more PC though haha...but I give it like I want to get it... REAL #scriptchat
8:53 am blackrugger: @jeannevb that's the way I like it... Real. #scriptchat
8:54 am DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb @johnrackham - another interesting topic: ... "but when is a script ready?" - there's also risk of overwriting. #scriptchat
8:55 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb @blackrugger Meh - I have no plans to get all PC -- Saccharine notes are no favor. #scriptchat
8:56 am DJordanKnight: @DreamsGrafter @jeannevb @johnrackham Never, ha ha. It has been said that scripts are never finished, they are surrendered. #scriptchat
8:56 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight we shld start a company "Naked Reader" haha #scriptchat
8:56 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger I'll tell you what -- I'll give you notes on your first ten pgs, when you're finished with your script. Deal? #scriptchat
8:56 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham well done! it's so important to be able to work under that kinda pressure #scriptchat
8:57 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Read Like You're Naked - ha! #scriptchat
8:57 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight Deal and thank you. #scriptchat
8:57 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter @johnrackham It might already be on my topic list but I'll doublecheck #scriptchat
8:57 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter @jeannevb I'm learning as I go. My strength is inventing new concepts. #scriptchat
8:57 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham apparently UCLA screenwriting programme is about writing a script every 10 wks or something to train #scriptchat
8:57 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight just think of the web page design HAHA! #scriptchat
8:57 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham writers up for the realities of the industry #scriptchat
8:58 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter @jeannevb Pulling a truck would be easier than screenwiting for me #scriptchat
8:58 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger NP, but if I make you cry, you were warned, ha ha! #scriptchat
8:58 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight fair enough. #scriptchat
8:58 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Ha -- You should see my background for Write Like You're Naked - It's a woman wearing a typewriter. #scriptchat
8:58 am jeannevb: @johnrackham do u enjoy writing? #scriptchat
8:59 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham it doesn't amaze me anymore how many ppl underestimate the craft behind screenwriting #scriptchat
8:59 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight @DreamsGrafter @johnrackham yes, I've heard the "surrender" line. Agree. #scriptchat
9:00 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight awesome! #scriptchat
9:00 am johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter I'm never going to get to be part of the industry if I can't write better than 99% of screenwriters. #scriptchat
9:01 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger Let me know when you've got something and I'll DM my email to you. #scriptchat
9:01 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter @johnrackham I'm amazed how little respect industry gives screenwriters #scriptchat
9:01 am DJordanKnight: @johnrackham I disagree with that. Have you seen some of the garbage being written? It's more than just skill. Unfortunately #scriptchat
9:02 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight OH. MY. GOD. did hell freeze over? @blackrugger haha #scriptchat
9:02 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham it's totally about writing - but it's also about ideas/concepts ... look at @shitmydadsays ... #scriptchat
9:02 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham they love his voice - and he's getting the help to write the tv series #scriptchat
9:02 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight u do realize, I am now going to beg u to read my work & tear it a new non-PC A-hole? #scriptchat
9:02 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight will do. #scriptchat
9:03 am DJordanKnight: It's also about persistence, networking, and just plain dumb luck. #scriptchat
9:03 am DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham you're ahead of the game 'cause of your understanding for good dialogue. don't underestimate the power of the voice #scriptchat
9:03 am DreamsGrafter: guys, i'm afraid i've got to leave #scriptchat and get back to my script (final MA deadline, friday) #scriptchat
9:04 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb LOL. #scriptchat
9:04 am DreamsGrafter: will ask the UK writers tonight re change in #scriptchat time.
9:04 am jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter if u need a reader, send it on over : ) #scriptchat
9:05 am johnrackham: @jeannevb That's an excellent question. I don't know if enjoy is the word. #scriptchat
9:05 am jeannevb: I'll post new time when ur ready : ) RT @DreamsGrafter: will ask the UK writers tonight re change in #scriptchat time. #scriptchat
9:06 am jeannevb: @johnrackham do u feel its more a necessity? If u cld do ANYTHING u want, what wld it be? (yes, this is therapy haha) #scriptchat
9:07 am jeannevb: absolutely RT @DJordanKnight: Its also about persistence, networking, and just plain dumb luck. #scriptchat
9:07 am llapen: @jeannevb going to miss #scriptchat tonight:( friend in town and dinner plans have been made.
9:08 am robinkelly1: RT @DJordanKnight The writer needs to have a healthy relationship with the page. They are inkblots, not babies. #scriptchat
9:08 am jeannevb: @llapen we're just doing informal open forum. My guess is it'll be small group w holiday. ENJOY ur night! #scriptchat
9:11 am johnrackham: @jeannevb I once workshopped one of my ideas with another writer and handed most of it off to him to write. #scriptchat
9:12 am yeah_write: Morning writers. #scriptchat
9:12 am jeannevb: @johnrackham did u like that or did u want more control? #scriptchat
9:12 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Just for grins and giggles, what is your favorite bit of dialogue you've ever written, under 140 words? #scriptchat
9:12 am johnrackham: @jeannevb Never again. I'd rather give a child up for adoption. (It's still not finished 4 yrs later & it belongs to him). #scriptchat
9:13 am blackrugger: @yeah_write Morning. #scriptchat
9:13 am DJordanKnight: Morning @yeah_write! #scriptchat
9:13 am DJordanKnight: sorry, i meant characters, not 140 words, ha ha. coffee, please. #scriptchat
9:14 am johnrackham: @jeannevb I want to control everything. I also want to produce and direct my ideas. I think I may be too obsessive. #scriptchat
9:14 am DJordanKnight: @johnrackham Do you use a contract when you're collaborating? #scriptchat
9:15 am yeah_write: Jeanne is a great reader BTW #scriptchat
9:15 am jeannevb: @johnrackham UGH! that's horrible #scriptchat
9:15 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight my memory sucks. I cant pull it out of my head haha. I'm old. #scriptchat
9:15 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight what's urs? #scriptchat
9:15 am jeannevb: @johnrackham i think we'll need longer for our therapy session HA #scriptchat
9:16 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb LOL You can't be older than I am. I know my scripts verbatim. Of course, I can't remember my kid's names... #scriptchat
9:16 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight @jeannevb totally jumping in on fave bit of dialogue... "Ah, the plans of premeditated rape." #scriptchat
9:16 am yeah_write: I would think a contract is essential. #scriptchat
9:16 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb mmmm, probably, "Jack! Drop the swami!" Ha! #scriptchat
9:17 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight haha. I'm 46 but have the memory of a 98yo w Alzheimers #scriptchat
9:17 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight its convenient for my husband haha #scriptchat
9:17 am scripteach: @jeannevb & @DJordanKnight: why's my Twitter client all jittery? Oh, wait--it must be all the caffeinated posts from yous twos! #scriptchat
9:17 am DJordanKnight: @blackrugger Absolutely jump in any time :o) That sounds like a heavy scene, man! #scriptchat
9:18 am DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Okay, you've got me beat by six months. Crone :p #scriptchat
9:18 am johnrackham: @DJordanKnight We did have a contract at some point. I think it may have involved signing it over to him. #scriptchat
9:18 am DJordanKnight: @scripteach @jeannevb Yeah, scripteach is here :o) #scriptchat
9:18 am jeannevb: @DJordanKnight haha #scriptchat
9:19 am Alex_Carrick: For my #writechat & #scriptchat buddies - my hot-off-the-press Christmas story
9:19 am DJordanKnight: @johnrackham Okay, probably not the most effective contract, ha! #scriptchat
9:19 am johnrackham: @DJordanKnight He is a decent guy though, and is still doing his best with the script. He wants to direct it at some point #scriptchat
9:19 am jeannevb: @scripteach @DJordanKnight what's EURO #scriptchat without a jug of coffee beside u? : ) Morning!
9:19 am jeannevb: RT @Alex_Carrick: For my #writechat & #scriptchat buddies - my hot-off-the-press Christmas story
9:20 am blackrugger: @DJordanKnight that's a line between two female best friends. #scriptchat
9:21 am johnrackham: @DJordanKnight I'll get to read it though. He still doesn't have a complete grasp of some of the historical background. #scriptchat
9:21 am DJordanKnight: @johnrackham Finding the right collaborator is a hit and miss proposition. #scriptchat
6:59 pm jeannevb: OK, so here we go.... open forum tonight, so have at it! Who wants to go first? #scriptchat
6:59 pm DJordanKnight: Sorry in advance for the tweet flood. Going into #scriptchat Feel free to join us! #scriptchat
6:59 pm karenquah: @jeannevb POM martini? So there. #scriptchat
7:00 pm covermyscript: totes, yo. xox RT @jeannevb: yeah! #scriptchat
7:00 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Ready here, double Rum & eggnog...Wondering if brandy will go with chocolate milk... #scriptchat
7:00 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript Good to see you here tonight. #scriptchat
7:00 pm jeannevb: @PennyAsh mmm #scriptchat
7:00 pm UncompletedWork: I'm here /cracks knuckles/ #scriptchat
7:00 pm covermyscript: happy to be here. how is everyone? RT @yeah_write: Good to see you here tonight. #scriptchat
7:00 pm yeah_write: @jeannevb You have POM, I have Pear. Great minds... #scriptchat
7:00 pm dawnbierschwal: Apologies in advance to my non-screenwriting followers for the next hour's worth of #scriptchat tweets,
7:01 pm jeannevb: How do u all stay motivated to keep writing? Don't give me the "you need dedication" line either... #scriptchat
7:01 pm matt_farace: POM Martini? I just took a Tylenol PM. But I'm rearin' to go. #scriptchat
7:02 pm zacsanford2: Hello and good evening everyone. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. #Scriptchat
7:02 pm covermyscript: hey all, it's time for #scriptchat. all you writers out there, follow along and participate. loads of fun and lots of great info.
7:02 pm zacsanford2: Thinking about the money and success at the end of the rainbow. RT @jeannevb: How do u all stay motivated to keep writing? #Scriptchat
7:03 pm yeah_write: If I lose motivation, I read books about the craft. They get me excited. So do chats like this. #scriptchat
7:03 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb I keep motivated by watching movies or shows, reading books, listening to music and chatting #scriptchat
7:03 pm dawnbierschwal: You too, Zac! RT @zacsanford2: Hello and good evening everyone. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. #scriptchat
7:03 pm SissiePoohSOD: hey, all.. taking a brief #nano break here. #scriptchat
7:03 pm jeannevb: @rachlanger2 accountablility helps me too... and friends encouraging me #scriptchat
7:03 pm LisaFromNYC: Hi #scriptchat tweeps.
7:03 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb It's hard, especially when you've been away from it for a while. I can't go long w/o writing or I get grumpy. #scriptchat
7:04 pm jeannevb: RT @yeah_write: If I lose motivation, I read books about the craft. They get me excited. So do chats like this. #scriptchat
7:04 pm Timsn: I keep a journal. Write down everything. I take pictures of a lot of stuff with my iphone too. Gives more inspiration #scriptchat
7:04 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Motivation isn't really an issue for me. I write because I am compelled to write, not because I am obligated. #scriptchat
7:04 pm zacsanford2: Don't forget, one lucky person will win a copy of the new @savethecat book. #Scriptchat
7:04 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @SissiePoohSOD How's your Nano going, Steph?
7:04 pm jeannevb: @garnerhaines i get SO grumpy too! Nothing turns my mood around like a great writing day #scriptchat
7:04 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb Getting someone, anyone, to read your stuff can help. I recommend joining/forming a Writers Group to share WIPs. #scriptchat
7:05 pm jeannevb: @zacsanford2 i do like pots of gold : ) #Scriptchat
7:05 pm yeah_write: Looks like a great book RT @zacsanford2: Dont forget, one lucky person will win a copy of the new @savethecat book. #scriptchat
7:05 pm karenquah: @jeannevb The thing #nano taught me was to write regardless. Every day, no-editing. U get into a rhythm & don't think about it. #scriptchat
7:05 pm jeannevb: @PennyAsh I also keep motivated by all the shit out there... I know MY shit is better! haha #scriptchat
7:05 pm PennyAsh: RT @zacsanford2: Don't forget, one lucky person will win a copy of the new @savethecat book. #Scriptchat Cool :)
7:05 pm SissiePoohSOD: @Donna_Carrick : quite well. I'm almost done w/Chapt. 11 & I've written 71,764 words so far. #scriptchat
7:05 pm jenlinmcclin: I'm in a writers' group which does help. Not sure it keeps me motivated, since we don't really hold one another accountable. #scriptchat
7:05 pm garnerhaines: @PennyAsh Yeah, a bad movie or book can motivate you even more than a good one, "I can write better than this crap!" #scriptchat
7:05 pm dawnbierschwal: It helps to have more than one script to work on... if I'm not feeling it on one, I have another to work on. #scriptchat
7:06 pm jeannevb: RT @karenquah: @jeannevb #nano taught me was to write regardless. Every day, no-editing. U get in a rhythm & don't think . #scriptchat
7:06 pm greyfoxgrandma: RT @PennyAsh: #scriptchat in 15 min, off for eggnog and rum[] Cheers!! *clink*
7:06 pm SissiePoohSOD: I also managed 2 write a mind-amazing 151 pgs. #scriptchat
7:06 pm jmiewald: Hi everyone #scriptchat
7:06 pm jeannevb: RT @dawnbierschwal: It helps to have more than one script to work on... if Im not feeling it on one, I have another to work on. #scriptchat
7:06 pm PennyAsh: @garnerhaines Exactly :) For me it's usually "That didn't end right" #scriptchat
7:06 pm yeah_write: Sharing a WIP can be counterproductive if you don't get the feedback you want. Even though it shouldn't. #scriptchat
7:06 pm jenlinmcclin: I agree with others & their assessments about "bad material." Sometimes I wonder "how did they get that produced?" #scriptchat
7:06 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat That's terrific @Sissiepooh
7:06 pm garnerhaines: I'm addicted to writing. Although it's often a struggle, when it's working it's the biggest high I know. #scriptchat
7:07 pm jeannevb: feel free to throw out any topic you want! #scriptchat
7:07 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb LOL Yeah really #scriptchat
7:07 pm dklon: Hello #scriptchat
7:07 pm Lead_Solo: Hello, fellow screenwriters. What did I miss? #scriptchat
7:07 pm karenquah: @jeannevb @PennyAsh Good point about bad crap. Reading anything u can get hands on is good motivator. #scriptchat
7:07 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @jeannevb -- good to see you. Yes, lot's of reasons to stay motivated.
7:07 pm SissiePoohSOD: @garnerhaines: whenever I watch a bad movie, that really gets me motivated, because I see it as a challenge 4 me 2 do better #scriptchat
7:07 pm garnerhaines: The problem can be keeping from getting discouraged when I don't seem to be making progress in getting my stuff read or made. #scriptchat
7:07 pm PennyAsh: @greyfoxgrandma Good stuff :) #scriptchat
7:07 pm SissiePoohSOD: @Donna_Carrick: thanks! I'm amazed by how well I've done. #scriptchat
7:07 pm yeah_write: we are just getting started. RT @Lead_Solo: Hello, fellow screenwriters. What did I miss? #scriptchat
7:08 pm jeannevb: @Lead_Solo we're talking motivation but its an open forum tonight, so jump in with any topic that jazzes u #scriptchat
7:08 pm Timsn: I don't think about it. Writing has always been something i Love. #scriptchat
7:08 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat I've come to believe all achievement is about tenacity.Stay with the course and eventually you reach the goal.That motivates me.
7:08 pm yeah_write: don't forget, a bad movie isn't always the writer's fault. #scriptchat
7:08 pm CTK1: Hey WRITERS! - Tweeting right NOW is the writers haven known as #ScriptChat Hosted by @jeannevb --Join in
7:08 pm karenquah: @garnerhaines same here about being addicted. Definitely the best high. #scriptchat
7:08 pm covermyscript: only if u learn lessons. why is it bad? then write better. RT @garnerhaines @PennyAsh bad movie can motivate u more than good 1 #scriptchat
7:08 pm jmiewald: Do you write for a specific amount of time / words / pages per day? #scriptchat
7:08 pm SissiePoohSOD: @garnerhaines: I understand. That's what I need.. good honest critiques of my work. #scriptchat
7:09 pm shabanky: @jeannevb my motivation is just when I'm ready to quite I hear a f'd up story from 1 friend that i can take bits and pieces from #scriptchat
7:09 pm garnerhaines: @dawnbierschwal I try to work on 3 or more things at once. That way if I stall on one, I can pick up another. #scriptchat
7:09 pm jmiewald: And at a specific place and time? #scriptchat
7:09 pm jenlinmcclin: Where I tend to have the hardest time getting motivated is during "the big edit." Can crank out a first draft, but then... #scriptchat
7:09 pm jeannevb: @CTK1 welcome, babe! Open forum... throw out any topic u want #scriptchat
7:09 pm dklon: A bad movie can also be the result of a bad director and incompetent producer. #scriptchat
7:09 pm PennyAsh: @karenquah @jeannevb It is, I read just about anything, very little I won't at least scan #scriptchat
7:09 pm LisaFromNYC: @jeannevb staying connected with other writers helps. Solidarity #scriptchat
7:09 pm UncompletedWork: Hello #scriptchat. I'll begin by pimping some things of interest. #ScreenwriterKaraoke LA is in 2 weeks.
7:09 pm dawnbierschwal: So true... and so scary. RT @yeah_write: dont forget, a bad movie isnt always the writers fault. #scriptchat
7:09 pm jeannevb: @SissiePoohSOD it's hard to find GOOD critiques of work. Too many ppl want to just pat u on the back or just give u vague notes #scriptchat
7:10 pm jenlinmcclin: @dklon Agree completely. #scriptchat
7:10 pm SissiePoohSOD: @jenlinmcclin: I don't have any probs getting motivated during the "big edit". that's the fun part 4 me. #scriptchat
7:10 pm jeannevb: agree! RT @LisaFromNYC: @jeannevb staying connected with other writers helps. Solidarity #scriptchat
7:10 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @jenlinmcclin Edit can be hard, but making work better is so rewarding.
7:10 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript I can usually see where a story goes wrong or a character just isn't real #scriptchat
7:10 pm zacsanford2: @jeannevb is right. I like about 10-15 out of 100 that I read. And about 5 of the 10-15 actually get passed on to the boss. #Scriptchat
7:10 pm brozogirl: @PennyAsh @karenquah @jeannevb Hello ladies! #scriptchat What's the subject?
7:10 pm yeah_write: @jenlinmcclin The edit freezes me up with scripts too. But not with novels. don't know why. #scriptchat
7:10 pm jeannevb: I dont quit bc I never want to say "what if" #scriptchat
7:10 pm smashadv: Hello screenwriters. I'm a copywriter fascinated w/dialogue. Just kind of watching here #scriptchat to see what I can learn from y'all.
7:10 pm UncompletedWork: Also, NY screenwriters the next #ScreenwriterKaraoke East should be in January. I won't be able to attend though #Scriptchat
7:11 pm mjreid2: I don't stay motivated. It comes and goes in cycles. That being said, I'm constantly thinking about scripts. #scriptchat
7:11 pm SissiePoohSOD: @jeannevb: that's it.. I want honesty, not perpetual pats on the back. #scriptchat
7:11 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @jeannevb Good critique group is so valuable. Even when you disagree, keeps ideas flowing.
7:11 pm PennyAsh: @LisaFromNYC Yes, other writers of all experience levels helps a lot #scriptchat
7:11 pm pig_pen: @garnerhaines you don't find working on multiple things confusing, or distracting toward overcoming a stall? #scriptchat
7:11 pm jeannevb: @smashadv welcome Jim! We're talking lots of diff topics, motivation is one #scriptchat
7:11 pm covermyscript: the key is to put that towards ur work. RT @PennyAsh: can usually c where a story goes wrong or a character just isn't real #scriptchat
7:11 pm PennyAsh: @brozogirl What motivates you to keep writing #scriptchat
7:11 pm garnerhaines: @dawnbierschwal Most likely they're entitled to two rewrites then adios, and someone else rewrites, but they still get blamed. #scriptchat
7:11 pm dklon: The first 5-10 pages of a script are the most important to me when I read others. #scriptchat
7:12 pm jenlinmcclin: Agree. RT @SissiePoohSOD: @jeannevb: thats it.. I want honesty, not perpetual pats on the back. #scriptchat
7:12 pm yeah_write: @jeannevb What if is worse than failure. #scriptchat
7:12 pm karenquah: Apologies to everyone for barrage of tweets during #scriptchat. You're more than welcome to join us!
7:12 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @PennyAsh: @LisaFromNYC Yes, other writers of all experience levels helps a lot #scriptchat /Very true
7:12 pm PennyAsh: @smashadv welcome :) #scriptchat
7:12 pm karenquah: @brozogirl Anything you want! #scriptchat
7:12 pm SKCOMEDY: So many things can go wrong in a production, it's sometimes a wonder that anything totally great ever gets made. #scriptchat
7:12 pm jeannevb: @SissiePoohSOD I want someone to tear my work a new asshole if it needs it. Do NOT sugarcoat feedback. Be real or dont bother #scriptchat
7:12 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat sometimes when we are helpng others, we learn more, or cement what we know.
7:12 pm rachlanger2: I agree with @garnerhaines. When I hit the wall with number one, I free up the creative juices with number two, then head back. #scriptchat
7:12 pm HoodedMan: I usually ponder if something is missing when I reread #scriptchat
7:12 pm jeannevb: yes! join! RT @karenquah: Apologies to everyone for barrage of tweets during #scriptchat. Youre more than welcome to join us! #scriptchat
7:12 pm garnerhaines: When a movie turns out well, they credit the director, but when it stinks the first person they blame is the writer. #scriptchat
7:12 pm SissiePoohSOD: something else which keeps me motivated it knowing that I have something to say & I want to share it w/the world. #scriptchat
7:12 pm ReneeRenegade: Hey, good ppl. I'm in. #scriptchat
7:12 pm mjreid2: Sneaky trick to maintain motivation: make yourself accountable to someone else - writing group, producer, friend, what have you #scriptchat
7:12 pm jeannevb: RT @SKCOMEDY: So many things can go wrong in a production, its sometimes a wonder that anything totally great ever gets made. #scriptchat
7:13 pm MerrieDestefano: @jenlinmcclin I agree. The Big Edit is tough. That's what I'm doing right now. Well, I'm tweeting right now. Avoiding Big Edit. #scriptchat
7:13 pm jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick we also learn how far we've come... that's motivation too #scriptchat
7:13 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat What truly motivates me is the certainty that each effort is better than the last. I keep reaching.
7:13 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript Yep and the hardest thing sometimes, easy to see someone else's misstakes #scriptchat
7:13 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines True, but someone is still writing it, yes? Crappy dialogue doesn't write itself. #scriptchat
7:13 pm SissiePoohSOD: @jeannevb: precisely. that's the kind of criticism I really need. make it constructive, I'm a happy girl. #scriptchat
7:13 pm jeannevb: @ReneeRenegade hey, babe... grab ur poison & jump in #scriptchat
7:13 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb They might feel they're helping, but neg criticism will either boost your confidence in your work or determination #scriptchat
7:14 pm PennyAsh: @rachlanger2 @garnerhaines I can't imagine not working on multiple projects #scriptchat
7:14 pm jeannevb: @jenlinmcclin ur avatar is cracking me up #scriptchat
7:14 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat I think scripts are so much more a communal effort than ms. I applaud anyone who has the guts.
7:14 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight "No great movie ever began with a lousy script" #scriptchat
7:14 pm smashadv: @mjreid2 that's sound advice right there. especially if you're working on spec (assuming) #scriptchat
7:14 pm HoodedMan: I'm very aware of the fact that the first or even the third draft isn't the final script #scriptchat
7:14 pm jeannevb: @brozogirl party is ON! : ) @PennyAsh @karenquah #scriptchat
7:14 pm dawnbierschwal: @garnerhaines Eye opening to watch a director in action make changes to a script on the fly... writer no where around. Reality. #scriptchat
7:14 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick we also learn how far we've come... that's motivation too #scriptchat /Oh, yeah!
7:15 pm PennyAsh: @HoodedMan I'll tell my crit partner if I think something's missing, asking them to point out the "huh?" spots #scriptchat
7:15 pm SissiePoohSOD: @garnerhaines: that's true. as long as the negative criticism is done in such a way that it'll spur me 2 do better, bring it on. #scriptchat
7:15 pm rachlanger2: Are there any other TV writers in the mix? #scriptchat
7:15 pm jenlinmcclin: @jeannevb Just a little December fun *back to topic* #scriptchat
7:15 pm SKCOMEDY: @DJordanKnight Crappy dialogue sometimes gets written by the actor, or the director, or the producer, or the producer's friend #scriptchat
7:15 pm mjreid: @Donna_Carrick Yes! Each script is learning the craft. My early efforts are embarassing, but each taught me something. #scriptchat
7:15 pm garnerhaines: @SKCOMEDY There's an expression, "A camel is a horse designed by a committee." #scriptchat
7:15 pm DJordanKnight: What a crowd tonight! I'm having trouble keeping up - it's great! #scriptchat
7:15 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @brozogirl Yes, sometimes that's the case.
7:15 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb LOL #scriptchat
7:15 pm karenquah: @DJordanKnight @garnerhaines Think it was Goldman who said a good script can turn into bad film but... #scriptchat
7:16 pm PennyAsh: RT @garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight "No great movie ever began with a lousy script" #scriptchat True
7:16 pm jenlinmcclin: @dawnbierschwal Hardest part about being the "writer." You give up the goods with little modicum of control on final outcome. #scriptchat
7:16 pm jeannevb: @garnerhaines I'd rather hear the neg fr another writer than fr a producer. 1 chance to make 1st impression #scriptchat
7:16 pm yeah_write: @rachlanger2 @covermyscript writes for TV #scriptchat
7:16 pm garnerhaines: @SissiePoohSOD Esp.rejection letters. "Oh yeah? Well I'll just write something so bloody brilliant you wouldn't DARE reject it!" #scriptchat
7:16 pm karenquah: @DJordanKnight @garnerhaines ... a good film can never come from a bad script #scriptchat
7:16 pm jeannevb: @mjreid @Donna_Carrick I'm afraid to reread my 1st script haha #sobad #scriptchat
7:16 pm ReneeRenegade: @mjreid2 exactly. our theatre group has artist 3 yr plan for personal growth & commitment. must sign soon lol #scriptchat
7:17 pm jeannevb: RT @karenquah: @DJordanKnight @garnerhaines ... a good film can never come from a bad script #scriptchat
7:17 pm jmiewald: I wonder if the internet will change the blame for bad films on writers. Now your original script can be available for download #scriptchat
7:17 pm jenlinmcclin: @MerrieDestefano I tend to avoid Big Edit like the plague. Kills. Me. Don't know why. #scriptchat
7:17 pm SKCOMEDY: @garnerhaines On the other hand, sometimes a writer's "passion" project turns out to be his weakest. #scriptchat
7:17 pm tylerweaver: Motivation for not quitting? I want to know what happens next. And if I don't - I want to work it until I do. #scriptchat
7:17 pm jeannevb: @karenquah but a bad film can def come from a great script, sadly #scriptchat
7:17 pm pig_pen: Can an idea be pitched without a script? Can it be copyrighted? #scriptchat
7:17 pm SissiePoohSOD: @garnerhaines: I like the way u think! :) #scriptchat
7:17 pm PennyAsh: Spent the day watching Firefly, dumping the stutter one character in my story has as a result #scriptchat
7:17 pm PennyAsh: @CalebHolyfield Why not both #scriptchat
7:17 pm blackrugger: @jeannevb I just watch my favorite movie and then something inside me goes " get back to your writing" #scriptchat
7:18 pm jeannevb: @sadknob u shld join us for #scriptchat.... its on now.... trying to get @WookiesGirl to be a voyeur w us too : )
7:18 pm MerrieDestefano: @jenlinmcclin Sometimes it's not too bad. But this one is for me. But I'm surviving and the story is getting stronger. #scriptchat
7:18 pm garnerhaines: RT @dawnbierschwal Hardest part about being the "writer." You give up the goods with little modicum of control on final outcome. #scriptchat
7:18 pm jenlinmcclin: My first script was during a Univ. class. Went back to read. Not bad. GREAT feedback. THAT motivated me to dig back into it. #scriptchat
7:18 pm yeah_write: @pig_pen You can't copywrite an idea. You can only copywrite the executed work. #scriptchat
7:18 pm jeannevb: RT @blackrugger: @jeannevb I just watch my favorite movie and then something inside me goes " get back to your writing" #scriptchat
7:18 pm HoodedMan: When you see that four or five people are credited for the writing your expectations to the film falls dramatically #scriptchat
7:19 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines @karenquah I guess it would help to define a "bad script," yes? #scriptchat
7:19 pm jeannevb: screenwriting is not the best career choice for control freaks #justsayin #scriptchat
7:19 pm karenquah: @jeannevb yeah, another reason why i enjoyed working on novel. Such a relief to know no one can fuck it up except me - lol! #scriptchat
7:19 pm PennyAsh: @pig_pen You can't copyright an idea #scriptchat
7:19 pm garnerhaines: @pig_pen ...write a treatment and register it, then you'll have something. #scriptchat
7:19 pm SissiePoohSOD: @HoodedMan: sad, but true. too many movies seem 2 b written by committees. #scriptchat
7:19 pm jenlinmcclin: @DJordanKnight Poor structure, cliched characters, story that just doesn't wash. #scriptchat
7:20 pm ReneeRenegade: @jeannevb Oh? do tell! #scriptchat
7:20 pm brozogirl: #scriptchat What is your biggest motivator? I get worked up at times and rationalize why I shouldn't. Look up @karenquah Kicks butt in gear!
7:20 pm PennyAsh: @blackrugger I do that :) Works beautifully, also will read a favorite book #scriptchat
7:20 pm Timsn: My prob is knowing when to let go and let others read it #scriptchat
7:20 pm DJordanKnight: RT @jeannevb screenwriting is not the best career choice for control freaks #justsayin #scriptchat #scriptchat
7:20 pm yeah_write: I find myself breaking down the movies I watch lately and watching with one eye on the clock to see breaks. #scriptchat
7:20 pm LisaFromNYC: RT @HoodedMan When you see that 4 or 5 people are credited for the writing your expectations to the film falls dramatically #scriptchat
7:20 pm covermyscript: hiya!!! RT @yeah_write: @rachlanger2 @covermyscript writes for TV #scriptchat
7:20 pm HoodedMan: @garnerhaines @dawnbierschwal not if you direct yourself #scriptchat
7:20 pm garnerhaines: @jenlinmcclin Sometimes going back to old stuff you haven't looked at in a while can be therapeutic too - #scriptchat
7:20 pm dawnbierschwal: Think I read somewhere that Nancy Meyers couldn't imagine turning over her scripts to a director, so became one. #scriptchat
7:20 pm mjreid: Multitasking FTW - #scriptchat as mjreid2, watching Grey Cup on intertubes, playing browser games, writing notes on web series. Coffee helps
7:20 pm jeannevb: @karenquah it's like @filmutopia's experience now... the freedom to just write. I can't wait to get my novel going now #scriptchat
7:21 pm covermyscript: or people who like paying bills on time. RT @jeannevb: screenwriting is not the best career choice for control freaks #justsayin #scriptchat
7:21 pm DJordanKnight: @jenlinmcclin Story. There you go. #scriptchat
7:21 pm UncompletedWork: Since we are just chatting wildly here, I would implore all of you to maintain and periodically check your story files. #ScriptChat
7:21 pm PennyAsh: @HoodedMan Unless it's a proven team, rare but it happens #scriptchat
7:21 pm garnerhaines: @jenlinmcclin ... if enough time has passed, you can look on the script with fresh eyes, appreciate your cleverness. #scriptchat
7:21 pm karenquah: @DJordanKnight @garnerhaines Bad script? Undramatic, cliche characters, stilted dialogue, formulaic plot, predictable, yawn... #scriptchat
7:22 pm SissiePoohSOD: story is everything! #scriptchat
7:22 pm HoodedMan: RT @dawnbierschwal ThinkI read somewhere thatNancy Meyers couldn't imagine turning over her scripts to a director so became one. #scriptchat
7:22 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb @karenquah So true :) #justsayin #scriptchat
7:22 pm karenquah: @jeannevb yeah, think you'd love it Jeanne. Can't think why I didn't try it sooner. Guess I thought I couldn't write. #scriptchat
7:22 pm jeannevb: @covermyscript so true #justsayin #scriptchat
7:22 pm jenlinmcclin: @garnerhaines As well as nitpick your mistakes, which is a good thing in and of itself. LOL! #scriptchat
7:23 pm Timsn: Story and characters! #scriptchat @DJordanKnight you cannot have a great film without great characters
7:23 pm UncompletedWork: You are your very best source of story ideas, so always file them away. They'll come in handy, I promise. #Scriptchat
7:23 pm DJordanKnight: @karenquah But a lot of that can be fixed in rewrites, if you have a story worth telling, yes? #scriptchat
7:23 pm Alex_Carrick: Biggest motivator? 1) stories just come to me; 2) the challenge; 3) give something of me to public ; 4) fun #scriptchat
7:23 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript Any words of wisdom for aspiring TV writers. #scriptchat
7:23 pm smashadv: @DJordanKnight @jeannevb Little control? so far - screenwriting sounds a LOT like copywriting. just longer. ;) #scriptchat
7:23 pm ReneeRenegade: @brozogirl my "fans". Random ppl who encourage me & ask about the ending to an incomplete script. #scriptchat
7:23 pm garnerhaines: @karenquah I'd rather have "formulaic and predictable" than "makes no sense whatsoever" or "tedius and dull" #scriptchat
7:24 pm jeannevb: @karenquah I'll be looking for ur #nano support next year, babe : ) #scriptchat
7:24 pm jenlinmcclin: @Timsn I've seen too many films "with potential;" really interesting characters, but story just didn't quite fly. #scriptchat
7:24 pm SissiePoohSOD: @Alex_Carrick: absolutely. if it's not fun, you won't put ur heart & soul into what u write. #scriptchat
7:24 pm HoodedMan: RT @SissiePoohSOD story is everything! #scriptchat // at least very close to everything and crucial
7:24 pm DJordanKnight: @smashadv Ha! :o) #scriptchat
7:24 pm jeannevb: @garnerhaines i hate predictable. I know some genres r made for that, but I throw up in my mouth during those films #beinghonest #scriptchat
7:25 pm jeannevb: RT @jenlinmcclin: @Timsn Ive seen 2 many films "with potential;" really interesting characters, but story just didnt quite fly. #scriptchat
7:25 pm Alex_Carrick: I wouldn't know what to advise writers. Audiences seem to like things I don't get at all anymore. #scriptchat
7:25 pm jeannevb: @smashadv @DjordanKnight heehee... then make us AD MEN! : ) #needmoneyforxmas #scriptchat
7:26 pm yeah_write: Hey @zacsanford2 where did you disappear to? #scriptchat
7:26 pm jeannevb: @LaStPeAcEoFmInD amen, babe! Even novelists have editors & publishers to answer to... and agents #scriptchat
7:26 pm PennyAsh: @Timsn I agree, great characters plus great story #scriptchat
7:26 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Nooooo ... Been there, done that. #scriptchat
7:26 pm jmiewald: Yep RT @Alex_Carrick: I wouldnt know what to advise writers. Audiences seem to like things I dont get at all anymore. #scriptchat
7:26 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb Everybody has their own peeves. I hate when a film betrays its own internal logic, breaks its own rules -for no reason #scriptchat
7:26 pm jenlinmcclin: @jeannevb @garnerhaines Hate going into the theater and being able to predict because I'm thinking in my "writers' mind." #scriptchat
7:27 pm karenquah: @DJordanKnight Most definitely. Everything can be fixed if you're willing to lay aside prejudices, be open to story & work hard #scriptchat
7:27 pm LisaFromNYC: @garnerhaines me too. predictability can still be entertaining, but dull is well.. dull. #scriptchat
7:27 pm PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork Never never never throw anything out, it may come in handy #Scriptchat
7:27 pm HoodedMan: @PennyAsh there are rare exceptions, yes, but scripts and/or stories written by committee are generally speaking a bad thing #scriptchat
7:27 pm sadknob: "Writing is like making love while having a tooth pulled." -Dean Koontz #scriptchat
7:28 pm garnerhaines: @Alex_Carrick I've seen plenty of trailers that say to me, "This movie is not meant for you at all." #scriptchat
7:28 pm PennyAsh: @fannyfae Hey :) Me I want the paycheck first, then credit would be nice #scriptchat
7:28 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight i'm so desperate for xmas money, i'm going to call Elliot Spitzer. I have more experience than that18 yo chick HA #scriptchat
7:28 pm karenquah: @jeannevb you got it - #nano support #scriptchat support. Any bloody support u need! #scriptchat
7:28 pm SKCOMEDY: I agree. RT garnerhaines I hate when a film betrays its own internal logic, breaks its own rules -for no reason #scriptchat
7:28 pm PennyAsh: @HoodedMan Yep #scriptchat
7:28 pm jmiewald: Well, Dean Koontz deserves worse #scriptchat
7:28 pm dawnbierschwal: RT @sadknob: "Writing is like making love while having a tooth pulled." -Dean Koontz #scriptchat
7:28 pm yeah_write: I love this. RT @sadknob: "Writing is like making love while having a tooth pulled." -Dean Koontz #scriptchat
7:28 pm garnerhaines: @covermyscript Finish everything, and learn to write quickly and to deadlines. Also, learn to play well with others. #tv #scriptchat
7:28 pm jeannevb: is there an orgasm involved? God, I hope so RT @sadknob: "Writing is like making love while having a tooth pulled." -Dean Koontz #scriptchat
7:28 pm DJordanKnight: @PennyAsh @Timsn Character w/o story is like a blind man in a Mazarati. He can rev the engine but he can't take it anywhere. #scriptchat
7:29 pm SissiePoohSOD: @garnerhaines: and then there are those movies where the story is given away in the trailer. #scriptchat
7:29 pm Alex_Carrick: RT @jenlinmcclin @Timsn story didn't fly < "4 Christmases" & "Ugly Truth" had moments but mostly awkward unbelievable language #scriptchat
7:29 pm covermyscript: run. nah, just kidding. here: RT xox @yeah_write @covermyscript Any words of wisdom for aspiring TV writer. #scriptchat
7:29 pm jeannevb: @garnerhaines breaking rules just to break them is pointless. Agree! #scriptchat
7:29 pm SissiePoohSOD: @jeannevb: LMAO! #scriptchat
7:29 pm karenquah: @sadknob RT "Writing is like making love while having a tooth pulled." -Dean Koontz -- heh heh, wisdom tooth, no drugs... #scriptchat
7:30 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @garnerhaines: @covermyscript Finish everything, and learn to write quickly and to deadlines. . #tv #scriptchat
7:30 pm garnerhaines: @SissiePoohSOD Probably because it's one of those Predictable ones. The audience isn't going for the surprises or twists. #scriptchat
7:30 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight character w/o story is like a virgin boy w a playboy bunny. Over before it started @PennyAsh @Timsn #scriptchat
7:30 pm brozogirl: @kingisafink Very true. When you look at a tough cookie like @karenquah, you can never have an excuse not to write #scriptchat
7:30 pm jenlinmcclin: @Alex_Carrick Haven't seen either! #scriptchat
7:30 pm PennyAsh: @jmiewald I like Koontz :) #scriptchat
7:30 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Oh I really love the Dean Koontz quote about the tooth. Ha. The good and the bad, all rolled together
7:30 pm covermyscript: 10-4. RT @garnerhaines: Finish everything, learn to write quickly and to deadlines. Also, learn to play well with others. #tv #scriptchat
7:30 pm PennyAsh: @DJordanKnight @jeannevb Yep exactly #scriptchat
7:32 pm fannyfae: @PennyAsh Me too. I have seen too many horror stories. Bottom line, if you cowrite, CYA! #scriptchat
7:32 pm Alex_Carrick: RT @jenlinmcclin: We hadn't rented a movie for weeks - then those 2 - not a lot good out there #scriptchat
7:32 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb That *cough* comes with the first royalty check :) #scriptchat
7:32 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @jeannevb: @garnerhaines breaking rules just to break them is pointless. Agree! #scriptchat /But breaking rules for fresh approach...
7:32 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight can that be my fave dialogue? haha #scriptchat
7:32 pm karenquah: @brozogirl @kingisafink Too kind *red as beetroot* Now if only i could write... #scriptchat
7:32 pm Timsn: What about Altman? Great characters. More interested in character motivation that interesting plots. Look at The Long Goodbye #scriptchat
7:32 pm garnerhaines: @SissiePoohSOD Sometimes you can play off the formula, play against expectations, if you're in a genre with expectations. #scriptchat
7:32 pm jeannevb: so what's some other ppl's best advice they've gotten? #scriptchat
7:32 pm dawnbierschwal: Must suck 2 b an actor who signs on based on a good script and somewhere in the process the movie takes a wrong turn. #scriptchat
7:33 pm HoodedMan: I will spend this week in London, where I'll only write notes and poems in my paper diary #scriptchat #amwriting #writechat
7:33 pm PennyAsh: @fannyfae Absolutely. I have a writing partner, thinking alike helps too #scriptchat
7:33 pm UncompletedWork: What's everyone working on? Been writing film/screenwriting articles this month. My take on DVD commentary #ScriptChat
7:33 pm UncompletedWork: RT @PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork Never never never throw anything out, it may come in handy #Scriptchat [Of course never!]
7:33 pm shabanky: I hate when they false genre u in the trailor you think it's a horror/suspense when its really a crappy romance i.e. Angel Eyes #scriptchat
7:33 pm jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick @garnerhaines fresh is always the goal, for sure #scriptchat
7:33 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @mjreid My first 4 attempts are still collecting dust - not good enough. It gets easier after the first 1k pages.
7:34 pm fannyfae: Movies are a stab your best friend in the back, sell your grandmother for a buck kind of industry. #scriptchat
7:34 pm jeannevb: I am confident before we're done, I will be locked out again. Twitter hates me. If u see @jeanneveillette... that's me #scriptchat
7:34 pm Timsn: Forgot hashtag #scriptchat I loved the book The Artists Way. Morning pages. That was the best advice
7:34 pm jenlinmcclin: BINGO! RT @yeah_write: Best advice I ever heard is to finish your script/novel. You cant sell it if it isnt written. #scriptchat
7:34 pm SissiePoohSOD: @UncompletedWork: I'm working on my #NaNo novel. It won't be fully done until early Dec., though. #scriptchat
7:34 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick @garnerhaines fresh is always the goal, for sure #scriptchat /Esp for scrptwtrs-I admire you!
7:34 pm Alex_Carrick: I don't really find writing to be that hard. In fact, I enjoy it. It's the background research that's the killer. #scriptchat
7:34 pm PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork Steampunk novel and fantasy script here :) #ScriptChat
7:34 pm covermyscript: to help out aspiring writers, will give free coverage to my 500th follower. #scriptchat
7:34 pm Lead_Solo: Best advice? To start out, write what you know. Stretch the limits after you've been proven. (read:sold) #scriptchat
7:34 pm SissiePoohSOD: @shabanky: I can't stand that either. feels like the old "bait & switch" thing. #scriptchat
7:34 pm rachlanger: Anyone else having trouble with Tweetchat? #scriptchat
7:34 pm brozogirl: @ReneeRenegade #scriptchat "fans" are biggest motivators. I don't have a heck of alot of ppl as interested as writers on twitter.:)
7:35 pm fannyfae: @PennyAsh Me, too. I trust my writing partner because both names are on the script at the WGA site! #scriptchat
7:35 pm jeannevb: @UncompletedWork @PennyAsh I even save my deleted scenes. #packrat #scriptchat
7:35 pm Timsn: @jeannevb hope you don't get locked out #scriptchat
7:35 pm garnerhaines: @shabanky I've seen the same movie marketed 4 different ways. I saw different trailers on TV in the same week. #scriptchat
7:35 pm yeah_write: @Alex_Carrick I LOVE research. I research to death, and put off the writing. #scriptchat
7:35 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @rachlanger: Anyone else having trouble with Tweetchat? #scriptchat /And tweetdeck too.
7:35 pm SKCOMEDY: Don't sugarcoat it. RT fannyfae Movies r a stab your best friend in the back, sell your grandmother for a buck kind of industry. #scriptchat
7:35 pm talented_boy: @UncompletedWork got an independent project in the works...progressed from a webseries to a film...first one for me #scriptchat
7:35 pm PennyAsh: @CalebHolyfield Still do both. Read The Company, good example of multi story line same focus #scriptchat
7:36 pm yeah_write: Great deal. RT @covermyscript: to help out aspiring writers, will give free coverage to my 500th follower. #scriptchat
7:36 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb Me too. I have a subfolder where I put deleted scenes or alternate drafts called "Special Features" #scriptchat
7:36 pm SissiePoohSOD: I'm grateful 4 the writers here on Twitter. makes me feel less alone when I write. #scriptchat
7:36 pm mjreid2: @jeannevb Best Advice: Write the Truth #scriptchat
7:36 pm jeannevb: @rachlanger i'm afraid to say "no" or I will ha #scriptchat
7:36 pm jenlinmcclin: @UncompletedWork 1 family "road trip" dramedy / 1pretty dark drama / 1 romantic comedy - VARIETY! #scriptchat
7:36 pm PennyAsh: @fannyfae My writing partner is also a cousin, we found that out after we partnered up. #scriptchat
7:36 pm jeannevb: @Timsn I'll come back... just like a cold sore hee #scriptchat
7:36 pm alanamorales: Great #scriptchat going on now, for my writer followers who are interested...
7:36 pm karenquah: @jeannevb Best advice this year came from @MarvinVAcuna He told me to start a blog & network online & look what happened! #scriptchat
7:36 pm yeah_write: @rachlanger If you are using a new account, a lot of posts don't show. #scriptchat
7:36 pm talented_boy: @covermyscript can i unfollow you and then return?? =) #scriptchat
7:37 pm Alex_Carrick: RT @yeah_write: I LOVE research. I research to death and put off the writing. <>
7:37 pm jeannevb: love it! RT @mjreid2: @jeannevb Best Advice: Write the Truth #scriptchat
7:37 pm SKCOMEDY: Best advice--Ray Bradbury: "FInd out what your hero wants, then follow him!" #scriptchat
7:37 pm jenlinmcclin: @Donna_Carrick Tweetchat was fine. Now starting to slow. #scriptchat
7:37 pm alanamorales: @SissiePoohSOD I agree! re:Twitter writers #scriptchat
7:37 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb I never throw anything out, some things I come back to over and over #packrat #scriptchat
7:37 pm dot_user: RT @Lead_Solo: Best advice? To start out, write what you know. Stretch the limits after you've been proven. (read:sold) #scriptchat
7:37 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Write what's in you. That's what connects to people best.
7:37 pm fannyfae: @jeannevb Im convinced #twitter hates everyone. Ive had numerous issues all weekend. #scriptchat
7:37 pm yeah_write: Me too!! RT @SissiePoohSOD: Im grateful 4 the writers here on Twitter. makes me feel less alone when I write. #scriptchat
7:37 pm rachlanger: @yeah_write Super frustrating! Perhaps my fuse is too short. #scriptchat
7:37 pm covermyscript: while am here, anyone have specific scriptwriting questions, format, arcs, etc? #scriptchat
7:38 pm jeannevb: @Alex_Carrick @yeah_write I can get caught up in research as well. Need to remind myself the goal is to WRITE the damned story #scriptchat
7:38 pm jenlinmcclin: Networking will be my key. I live in "flyover" country. Not loads of opportunities, but nice creative community. Writers rare. #scriptchat
7:38 pm smashadv: What's the best way to begin writing a screenplay? I usually 'attack' writing, but respect my ADD in pushing it along. #scriptchat
7:38 pm PennyAsh: RT @SKCOMEDY: Best advice--Ray Bradbury: "FInd out what your hero wants, then follow him!" #scriptchat Love that :)
7:38 pm UncompletedWork: RT @covermyscript: to help out aspiring writers, will give free coverage to my 500th follower. #scriptchat
7:38 pm jeannevb: @fannyfae it mostly hates me when I'm leading this chat. Y it limits tweets is beyond me! Counterintuitive #twitter #scriptchat
7:38 pm MonicaEmme: Is there a topic tonight? #scriptchat
7:38 pm covermyscript: that's cheating. but am worth paying for. you should try me. RT @talented_boy: can i unfollow you and then return?? =) #scriptchat
7:38 pm karenquah: @jeannevb love it! @mjreid2: Best Advice: Write the Truth -- Yes absolutely! #scriptchat
7:38 pm yeah_write: @rachlanger It was happening with the participants in my chat a few weeks ago. Very frustrating. #scriptchat
7:38 pm garnerhaines: Once I've written an outline, sometimes the fun is gone. I've written it, and don't want to go on. I put it in The Trunk and bbl #scriptchat
7:38 pm jeannevb: RT @smashadv: Whats the best way to begin writing a screenplay? I usually attack writing, but respect my ADD in pushing it along #scriptchat
7:39 pm LisaFromNYC: A great procrastination tool for me RT @yeah_write @Alex_Carrick I LOVE research. I research to death, and put off the writing. #scriptchat
7:39 pm Timsn: Also write what you know #scriptchat
7:39 pm UncompletedWork: RT @PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork Steampunk novel and fantasy script here :) #ScriptChat [I love me some steam-punk]
7:39 pm HoodedMan: @shabanky They may make vastly different trailers to appeal to a vastly different audience. #scriptchat
7:39 pm jenlinmcclin: @smashadv I'm not sure there is a BEST way. To each his/her own. Some dig in, some outline first, some write 3rd act first... #scriptchat
7:39 pm rachlanger: @covermyscript I have been trying to figure out TV format by reading scripts, anything you HATE seeing, format wise? #scriptchat
7:39 pm PennyAsh: @garnerhaines Good idea #scriptchat
7:39 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @kirkland4 Yes, simple or complicated, those stories that have to come out are the ones we love.
7:39 pm brozogirl: @kingisafink Like the savvy new blog. I find that the blog is not so scary and can be quite fun.:) #scriptchat
7:40 pm jeannevb: @smashadv I usually do a logline 1st. Couple of sentences to describe concept. Then dev chars, their flaws, then outline #scriptchat
7:40 pm DJordanKnight: @smashadv Begin with a blank page. Stare at it a while. Stop for coffee. Twitter. Type FADE IN. Break for lunch. #scriptchat
7:40 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript I'm a month behind, but I'm hoping to have you cover my current screenplay in the next week or so. #scriptchat
7:40 pm PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork I adore Steampunk :) #ScriptChat
7:40 pm jeannevb: @jenlinmcclin how do you start? #scriptchat
7:40 pm jenlinmcclin: @garnerhaines Agree re outline. I don't work on it until "Big Edit." I have basic ideas mapped out and just write to end. #scriptchat
7:40 pm garnerhaines: @Timsn Also write *who* you know, and *where* you know. #scriptchat
7:40 pm covermyscript: wrong font. always courier 12 / courier final draft 12. RT @rachlanger: anything you HATE seeing, format wise? #scriptchat
7:40 pm yeah_write: @MonicaEmme Open forum tonight. #scriptchat
7:40 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @LisaFromNYC: #scriptchat @Alex_Carrick I love the research, too. But I love writing as well. Goal: Retire from dayjob, write FT
7:41 pm jeannevb: I tweet "cold sore" and B R I T N E Y @'s me. Maybe she wants to be a screenwriter ha #scriptchat
7:41 pm smashadv: @DJordanKnight I'm running with that. ;) #scriptchat
7:41 pm talented_boy: @covermyscript i'm there as soon as my pockets can agree with such a purchase lol #scriptchat
7:41 pm garnerhaines: @HoodedMan But like the earlier poster said, sometimes it's not even the genre of movie they promised. The 4 trailer film wasn't #scriptchat
7:41 pm UncompletedWork: .@rachlanger RE: TV formats. Act breaks are fucking important. Make it interesting and worth while to return after a commercial #ScriptChat
7:41 pm covermyscript: you should always use 2 brads not 3. those are the rules. #scriptchat @rachlanger
7:41 pm Alex_Carrick: In my short stories, I first decide what I want to write about (e.g. Christmas), then I need a hook (e.g. polluting coal). #scriptchat
7:41 pm jenlinmcclin: LOL! RT @DJordanKnight: @smashadv Begin w/ blank page. Stare at it a while. Stop 4 coffee. Twitter. Type FADE IN. Break 4 lunch. #scriptchat
7:41 pm jmiewald: It's often fun to write who you want to know and who you want to be #scriptchat
7:41 pm covermyscript: @yeah_write i would love to cover your script. i've heard nothing but great things! #scriptchat
7:41 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Because @Alex_Carrick & I both work F/T, writing has to be an obsession, or wouldn't do it.
7:41 pm fannyfae: @PennyAsh A cousin?! That sounds almost incestuous! ;) But it is good to have a good bond with those you write with. #scriptchat
7:41 pm alanamorales: I'm curious how you all approach your characters - let them develop as you write or know everything about them first? #scriptchat
7:41 pm PennyAsh: @garnerhaines Also write what you love #scriptchat
7:42 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines. Why should we write who, what, or where we know? I'm just curious. Why not write who, what, where excites us? #scriptchat
7:42 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight i love you (@smashadv) #scriptchat
7:42 pm rachlanger: @covermyscript Please pardon my ignorance but "brads" ? I use Final Draft and try to follow the format of their samples. #scriptchat
7:42 pm DJordanKnight: @smashadv That will be fifty cents. :o) #scriptchat
7:42 pm garnerhaines: @jenlinmcclin I have the characters and the destination, and a vague notion of the in between, then "follow them around" #scriptchat
7:42 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb That is scary lol #scriptchat
7:42 pm Timsn: Wow imagine britney bot screenwriters. Interesting #scriptchat
7:42 pm yeah_write: lol RT @DJordanKnight:@smashadv Begin with a blank page.Stare at it a while.Stop for coffee.Twitter.Type FADE IN.Break for lunch #scriptchat
7:42 pm Alex_Carrick: One hook in a story will often lead to another (coal - govt emission regulations - going broke). Story takes on life of own #scriptchat
7:42 pm covermyscript: what do you think, should i offer a christmas special and not be a grinch? vote now. #scriptchat @talented_boy
7:42 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @alanamorales I attended a wrkshp by Stuart Kaminski-best advice, know everything 1st.
7:43 pm PennyAsh: @fannyfae We discovered the relationship about a year after we started working together lol, distant but there #scriptchat
7:43 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight The people around you, the places around you affect you and who you are. A writer is an observer first. #scriptchat
7:43 pm jenlinmcclin: @jeannevb I've always jumped right in. Know my premise. Know where I want to go, and just let the story & chars lead me there. #scriptchat
7:43 pm Donna_Carrick: @alanamorales #scriptchat After awhile, it comes naturally to know characters completely.
7:43 pm smashadv: @PennyAsh I feel like I might write something compelling if I focus on something i hate. #scriptchat
7:43 pm fannyfae: Write what you are passionate about. Sometimes that can be one that is unexpected. #scriptchat
7:43 pm LisaFromNYC: Absolutely. RT @Donna_Carrick Goal: Retire from dayjob, write FT #scriptchat
7:43 pm rachlanger: @alanamorales I know at LEAST enough to be going on a third date or writing a CD cover bio. Sometimes a lot more. #scriptchat
7:43 pm jeannevb: RT @karenquah: Best advice this year came from @MarvinVAcuna He told me to start a blog & network online & look what happened! #scriptchat
7:43 pm UncompletedWork: RT @jeannevb: @UncompletedWork @PennyAsh I even save my deleted scenes. #scriptchat [Yeah I save my deleted scenes too. For repurposing]
7:43 pm SKCOMEDY: Huge blocks of stage directions. And adverbs! RT @rachlanger: anything you HATE seeing, format wise? #scriptchat
7:44 pm Alex_Carrick: Story takes on life of its own. Each paragraph leads logically into the next one. Same for dialogue. #scriptchat
7:44 pm dawnbierschwal: @alanamorales I use a combo of the two. Start by defining basics of the character... but let them evolve as the story does. #scriptchat
7:44 pm HoodedMan: I have 5 practically complete scripts ready for filming, 3 shorts and 2 l It feels great to take your time to do the films right #scriptchat
7:44 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat I keep telling you all, she's really a nice girl -- wink, wink. LOL
7:44 pm karenquah: @jeannevb agree with @PennyAsh B R I T N E Y a screenwriter? lol, scary thought #scriptchat
7:44 pm jenlinmcclin: @garnerhaines Exactly. I ALWAYS know my 1st & 3rd acts, it's that GIANT GAPING WHOLE in the middle that trumps me up! #scriptchat
7:44 pm Timsn: Hey @madfashionista join us here at #scriptchat
7:44 pm jeannevb: @smashadv focusing on any emotion is great. Evoking emotion is the whole point. Hate is more seductive than love to me #scriptchat
7:44 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight I'm saying, know what tools are in your toolbox. Your experiences are the What, the people you meet/know are who #scriptchat
7:44 pm SissiePoohSOD: @fannyfae: that's what I do. I find something which interests me, I'll write about that. #scriptchat
7:44 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript Xmas special = charge extra so you can afford Xmas. Just kidding. #scriptchat
7:44 pm talented_boy: @covermyscript christmas specials are always a good thing...espcially when they help out the literary young'ns #scriptchat
7:44 pm covermyscript: "brads" r brass fasteners that bind ur script. 1 in top hole, 1 in bottom. that's it. never clip long 1s dangerous! #scriptchat @rachlanger
7:45 pm ReneeRenegade: @garnerhaines Thanx-- #scriptchat
7:45 pm SissiePoohSOD: @jenlinmcclin: I don't have probs w/1st & the middle. it's the ending which hangs me up a little bit. #scriptchat
7:45 pm Donna_Carrick: @LisaFromNYC #scriptchat Just hope doing both doesn't kill me first! ha ha
7:45 pm PennyAsh: @smashadv Depends, but it's still what you love since what you hate is often a reaction to what you love #scriptchat
7:45 pm covermyscript: #scriptchat here's my advice: if a project doesn't work, repurpose what does. sometimes you get to tell a better story with little waste.
7:45 pm Timsn: I start with characters. Someone pisses me off, wow what a great villain, etc #scriptchat
7:45 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @SissiePoohSOD: @fannyfae: that's what I do. I find something which interests me, I'll write about that. #scriptchat /Agreed.
7:46 pm jenlinmcclin: @SissiePoohSOD I've only had to change an ending once. Ended up going "vague." Just made more sense that way. #scriptchat
7:46 pm covermyscript: LOL! RT @yeah_write: @covermyscript Xmas special = charge extra so you can afford Xmas. Just kidding. #scriptchat
7:46 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat If I don't know my subject well enough, I study it till I do. EG: Learned to play clarinet for last book.
7:46 pm rachlanger: @covermyscript Ah! I just didn't know their name. 2 brads, got it. #scriptchat
7:46 pm jeannevb: @Timsn i love the villians. Always did like the bad boys ha #scriptchat
7:46 pm HoodedMan: @SissiePoohSOD @fannyfae I write & make stories I would like to read or watch #scriptchat
7:46 pm pig_pen: I start with a premise and flesh it out from there. #scriptchat
7:46 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript Great advice. Finding myself rethinking my story, making it tighter #scriptchat
7:47 pm mckormickastley: Sorry to ask so late in the game. what is the topic? #scriptchat
7:47 pm PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork Sometimes things can be repurposed more than once #scriptchat
7:47 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines Fair enough, but I'd rather write about something I want to know. If I'm not curious, why should a reader be? #scriptchat
7:47 pm rachlanger: @mckormickastley Free for all tonight! Have at it! #scriptchat
7:47 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat I would love to see your plays one day, @jeannevb . I bet I'd love them!
7:47 pm jeannevb: @pig_pen u win for most interesting twitter bkgrnd *curtsy* #scriptchat
7:47 pm karenquah: @DJordanKnight Picking up from b4, only thing that can't be fixed is lack or absence of talent. And bad luck. #scriptchat
7:48 pm UncompletedWork: RT @rachlanger @covermyscript I just didn't know their name. 2 brads, got it. #scriptchat [You may also hear them called Brass Fasteners]
7:48 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb Spend at least as much time developing your villains as your heroes. #scriptchat
7:48 pm Timsn: @madfashionista #scriptchat is screenwriters (and novelists) worldwide on a chat Sundays 8-9PM Eastern We're here now. Hashtag #scriptchat
7:48 pm jenlinmcclin: Just don't overtighten. Limits thinking. RT @PennyAsh: @covermyscript Great advice. Find myself rethinking story, making tighter #scriptchat
7:48 pm jeannevb: @mckormickastley no topic tonight! Took the handcuffs off & letting u roam free... jump in #scriptchat
7:48 pm yeah_write: @rachlanger What type of TV do you want to write for? #scriptchat
7:48 pm smashadv: @PennyAsh yes, love is not possible without a reference point to the opposite. #scriptchat
7:48 pm ReneeRenegade: RT @garnerhaines The people around you, the places around you affect you and who you are. A writer is an observer first. #scriptchat
7:48 pm covermyscript: holiday special, 50% off basic coverage to the first person who knows the answer to this question... #scriptchat
7:48 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Must get the kids into bed now, folks. Sorry to have to go. Have fun writing. I got 3 chapters today -- proud writer/mama!
7:48 pm PennyAsh: @smashadv Exactly #scriptchat
7:48 pm jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick the 1 I'm working on now is my passion. Hopefully will be done in a few months. I'll send it ur way ONLY if... #scriptchat
7:49 pm jenlinmcclin: @mckormickastley More or less: What motivates you to write? What is your process? But generally a free for all. #scriptchat
7:49 pm rachlanger: @jeannevb Pink fuzzy handcuffs and twizzler whips with Rolo spikes, non? #scriptchat
7:49 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight Then you research, & it's a something you know. But how did you think of this thing you wanted to write about? #scriptchat
7:49 pm HoodedMan: @Donna_Carrick I lived eight months outdoors when I was writing a survivalist novel, an eyeopener, in many ways #scriptchat #amwriting
7:49 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @garnerhaines: @jeannevb Spend at least as much time developing your villains as your heroes. #scriptchat /Yes, balance story!
7:49 pm smashadv: @jeannevb @russelltripp hate's as much a part of life as love. for a writer, to understand this relationship is key. #scriptchat
7:49 pm UncompletedWork: RT @PennyAsh @UncompletedWork things can be repurposed more than once #scriptchat [Many a short story have become a script this way]
7:49 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight ...answer, it's Who You Are. #scriptchat
7:49 pm jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick u PROMISE to be brutally honest. I like raw feedback #scriptchat
7:49 pm pig_pen: @jeannevb Thanks! My parents were trendsetters in terms of filming the birth. #scriptchat
7:49 pm SissiePoohSOD: I'm an incurable ppl watcher & I think that helps me when I write. #scriptchat
7:49 pm PennyAsh: @jenlinmcclin Nope, but this one can take in a couple more belt notches :) #scriptchat
7:49 pm jeannevb: @HoodedMan very cool (survivalist) #scriptchat
7:49 pm rachlanger: @yeah_write I'm currently working on an hour long drama series. #hardsell but its what I love. #scriptchat
7:49 pm DJordanKnight: @karenquah Do you think talent can be learned? Or is it inherent? #scriptchat
7:49 pm fannyfae: @SissiePoohSOD Excellent! It's the projects that make you cringe that you have to watch out for! #scriptchat
7:49 pm yeah_write: @DJordanKnight What happened to Zac tonight? #scriptchat
7:49 pm mckormickastley: I don't feel like it's as simple as write what ur passionate about, I think you have to find the passion in what you're writing #scriptchat
7:49 pm karenquah: @jeannevb @pig_pen u win for most interesting twitter bkgrnd *curtsy* -- OMG, that's friggin' GROSS (lol!) #scriptchat
7:50 pm HoodedMan: @garnerhaines They certainly lie and deceive a lot #scriptchat
7:50 pm PennyAsh: @UncompletedWork Yep :) got one that will be a script and a steampunk story #scriptchat
7:50 pm dawnbierschwal: @covermyscript Don't forget the washers. : ) #scriptchat
7:50 pm jeannevb: @smashadv @russelltripp It's the passion of hate that draws me... wreckless, unpredictable, pushing chars to limits. #scriptchat
7:50 pm SissiePoohSOD: @fannyfae: precisely, which is why I do my best to pick the projects that I'm going to stick with. #scriptchat
7:50 pm Lead_Solo: @UncompletedWork I am working on features. One is close to being ready to go out, rewriting DRAFT No. 36... #scriptchat
7:51 pm Donna_Carrick: @jeannevb #scriptchat You have my word. Get in touch anytime & send you my email address.
7:51 pm SissiePoohSOD: nothing worse than getting into a project & losing enthusiasm 4 it 1/2way through. #scriptchat
7:51 pm covermyscript: hint, it's from "Scrooged" #scriptchat
7:51 pm HoodedMan: @Donna_Carrick It enriched my story and my life #scriptchat
7:51 pm brozogirl: @ReneeRenegade Sometimes I forget to join in the conversation because I'm too busy observing the situation. #scriptchat #lifeasawriter
7:51 pm jeannevb: but its great! RT @karenquah: @jeannevb @pig_pen u win 4 most intrest'g twitter bkgrnd *curtsy*//OMG, thats friggin GROSS (lol!) #scriptchat
7:51 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines well, i might find something interesting in a headline - bingo story idea, then research, now i know, yes? #scriptchat
7:51 pm PennyAsh: @dawnbierschwal Must order washers and brads :) #scriptchat
7:51 pm Donna_Carrick: @jeannevb #scriptchat A valuable critique is both respectful and honest. It should motivate, not belittle.
7:51 pm mckormickastley: What are some good coverages services that y'all have used? #scriptchat
7:52 pm jeannevb: @Pig_Pen haha. I want to be at ur holiday table! #scriptchat
7:52 pm jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick awesome #scriptchat
7:52 pm SKCOMEDY: Talent can be enhanced. Perception can be enlightened. Skills can be learned. #scriptchat
7:52 pm karenquah: @DJordanKnight talent is natural. can't be learnt. Unfortunately however, it's not always the talented who land the jobs. #scriptchat
7:52 pm DJordanKnight: @yeah_write @zacsanford is here somewhere -- or should be. He was, lol. Maybe he fell asleep? ZAC!!! WAKE UP!!! #scriptchat
7:52 pm brozogirl: RT @DJordanKnight: @karenquah Do you think talent can be learned? Or is it inherent? #scriptchat
7:52 pm covermyscript: who did clare's homeless people think frank cross was in "Scrooged?" that's the question. sheesh. shouldn't be drinking. #scriptchat
7:52 pm Donna_Carrick: @HoodedMan #scriptchat There are certains parts of life that do that. The effect is permanent. For me, hubby & children, they enrich me.
7:52 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight True, and the kind of story that you find interesting is a part of who you are. #scriptchat
7:53 pm jeannevb: @smashadv @russelltripp and indifference has no passion or spark to drive a story very far. It can be a piece of it tho #scriptchat
7:53 pm karenquah: @jeannevb @pen_pen it's fantastic! meant gross in the biggest complimentary way! #scriptchat
7:53 pm Donna_Carrick: @HoodedMan #scriptchat I have to admit, childhood trauma also made me more understanding. These things help a writer.
7:53 pm Alex_Carrick: When you get a chance, "Red-Suit Mistletoe Initiative" (all started with coal). #scriptchat
7:53 pm HoodedMan: @jeannevb TY. It is about the dramatic effects of Global Warming, & the subsequent collapse of civilization. #scriptchat #amwiring
7:53 pm garnerhaines: @karenquah What works best is persistence. #scriptchat
7:53 pm jeannevb: B R I T N E Y is back... maybe she's writing a sequel. Maybe I'll write a script about passionately hating her ha #scriptchat
7:53 pm brozogirl: @DJordanKnight Like the question. Please do tell your response. #scriptchat By the way, glad to see you. Hope UR well!!!
7:54 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Oh oh, she heard I called her a nice girl, and now she's chasing me again. Must go, good night everyone!
7:54 pm karenquah: @SKCOMEDY Talent can be enhanced. Perception can be enlightened. Skills can be learned. - hear! hear! #scriptchat
7:54 pm garnerhaines: @Donna_Carrick YES! That's what I'm talking about. #scriptchat #whowhatandwhereyouare
7:54 pm dawnbierschwal: With every story you write, I think you learn a little more about yourself. #scriptchat
7:54 pm jeannevb: RT @Donna_Carrick: @jeannevb #scriptchat A valuable critique is both respectful and honest. It should motivate, not belittle.
7:54 pm yeah_write: RT @DJordanKnight: @yeah_write @zacsanford is here somewhere -- or should be. He was, lol. Maybe he fell asleep?ZAC!!WAKE UP! #scriptchat
7:54 pm pig_pen: @jeannevb We used to put on holiday shows where someone came up with a story and everyone wrote their own lines. Good times. #scriptchat
7:54 pm UncompletedWork: RT @covermyscript: holiday special, 50% off basic coverage to the first person who knows the answer to this question... #scriptchat
7:54 pm jeannevb: @JBMovies #scriptchat is on... open forum... u shld jump in : )
7:54 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines I might argue that the type of story that interests me reflects my worldview (pro/con) but does not define me :o) #scriptchat
7:54 pm UncompletedWork: RT @covermyscript: who did clare's homeless people think frank cross was in "Scrooged?" that's the question. #scriptchat
7:54 pm Alex_Carrick: Another motivator, absolutely, is to sort out confusing issues in my own head #scriptchat
7:55 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript Bob Cratchet? #scriptchat
7:55 pm karenquah: @garnerhaines What works best is persistence. -- Agree. And dedication. #scriptchat
7:55 pm socalvillaguy: RT @jeannevb: RT @Donna_Carrick: @jeannevb #scriptchat A valuable critique is both respectful and honest. It should motivate, not belittle.
7:55 pm jeannevb: @pig_pen that's fantastic! We used to have mock trials at my house ha #scriptchat
7:55 pm HoodedMan: @Donna_Carrick both good and bad experiences help a writer/artist #scriptchat
7:55 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript What do you put on for the cover? Card stock or plain paper? #scriptchat
7:55 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @Alex_Carrick: Another motivator, absolutely, is to sort out confusing issues in my own head #scriptchat /Absolutely-I agree!
7:55 pm covermyscript: nope, but nice try. anyone else remember "Scrooged?" RT @PennyAsh: Bob Cratchet? #scriptchat
7:55 pm garnerhaines: @dawnbierschwal Exactly. I'm there in my pages, and my wife has said she recognizes a bit of herself in every female character #scriptchat
7:55 pm jeannevb: @sadknob thx for popping in #scriptchat... ur quote was a hit *curtsy*
7:55 pm Alex_Carrick: And I won't deny it, sometimes I write a scene to respond to a situation that I didn't deal with well in real life #scriptchat
7:56 pm yeah_write: True RT @dawnbierschwal: With every story you write, I think you learn a little more about yourself. #scriptchat
7:56 pm pig_pen: @karenquah @jeannevb so happy to have found this forum and discover such like-minded (sick) minds #scriptchat
7:56 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @HoodedMan: @Donna_Carrick both good and bad experiences help a writer/artist #scriptchat /Very, very true.
7:56 pm karenquah: @fannyfae Didn't you know? Everybody and their gardener are screenwriters in CA! ;) -- heh heh. Or actors, right? #scriptchat
7:56 pm jeannevb: @karenquah of course u did, u crazy chick ... it's why I love u so @pen_pen #scriptchat
7:56 pm DJordanKnight: @brozogirl I don't believe that talent is inherent. I don't believe creativity is limited by DNA. #scriptchat
7:56 pm brozogirl: @SKCOMEDY #scriptchat Talent can be enhanced. Perception can be enlightened. Skills can be learned. ~Lovely~
7:57 pm PennyAsh: RT @jeannevb: RT @Donna_Carrick: @jeannevb #scriptchat A valuable critique is both respectful and honest. It should motivate, not belittle.
7:57 pm SKCOMEDY: You can never say of someone, "You have no talent." What you can say is . . . "You haven't shown any talent . . . yet!" #scriptchat
7:57 pm covermyscript: plain paper. courier 12 font. nothing fancy, RT @PennyAsh: What do you put on for the cover? Card stock or plain paper? #scriptchat
7:57 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript Worth a try :) #scriptchat
7:57 pm jeannevb: @Pig_Pen *smooch* @karenquah #scriptchat
7:57 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight The kind of stories I respond to, the kind I like to watch, read, hear, and write are because of who I am. #scriptchat
7:57 pm jeannevb: @Pig_Pen u do know we drink heavily during #scriptchat, right? : )
7:58 pm ggSpirit: RT @Alex_Carrick: Another motivator, absolutely, is to sort out confusing issues in my own head #scriptchat
7:58 pm fannyfae: One of the best scripts that got me into this game was one that came from listening to an NPR story #scriptchat
7:58 pm DJordanKnight: RT @SKCOMEDY You can never say of someone, "You have no talent." What you can say is "You haven't shown any talent . . . yet!" #scriptchat
7:58 pm PennyAsh: @covermyscript Gotcha, I always try to follow requirements #scriptchat
7:58 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript God? That's my answer cuz I have no idea. #scriptchat
7:58 pm geekwriter1: RT @Donna_Carrick: RT @garnerhaines: @jeannevb Spend at least as much time developing your villains as your heroes. #scriptchat /Yes, ba ...
7:58 pm mckormickastley: @UncompletedWork Richard Burton? #scriptchat
7:58 pm jeannevb: @SKCOMEDY tact is important in all areas of life. Some days its easier than others though : ) #scriptchat
7:58 pm covermyscript: keep trying. RT @russelltripp: I certainly remember "Scrooged" but can't remember that part. #scriptchat
7:59 pm yeah_write: hehehe RT @jeannevb: @Pig_Pen u do know we drink heavily during #scriptchat, right? : ) #scriptchat
7:59 pm harleymaywrites: @Alex_Carrick re: dealing well in life. That's the beauty of writing about it! You get to process it better. #scriptchat
7:59 pm fannyfae: @karenquah That is usually the ticket! ;) #scriptchat
7:59 pm covermyscript: no, that was "Caddyshack" RT @yeah_write: God? That's my answer cuz I have no idea. #scriptchat
7:59 pm karenquah: @jeannevb @Pig_Pen u do know we drink heavily during #scriptchat, right? : ) --Speak for y'self *hick* *burp* #scriptchat
7:59 pm yeah_write: @fannyfae I'm an NPR junkie. #scriptchat
7:59 pm UncompletedWork: RT @mckormickastley: @UncompletedWork Richard Burton? #scriptchat [That's right, but tell @covermyscript]
7:59 pm jeannevb: @ggSpirit welcome! :) #scriptchat
7:59 pm SissiePoohSOD: I think we all bring a little bit of ourselves to each character we create & write about. #scriptchat
7:59 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb I'm learning to be ruthless. It's a job. #scriptchat
7:59 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb Oh, damn. I should try that next time. #scriptchat
7:59 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines That's cool -- but do you never write about who you wish to be? #scriptchat
8:00 pm mckormickastley: @covermyscript Richard Burton #scriptchat
8:00 pm pig_pen: @jeannevb My wife's preggo so I don't like to drink around her. That's why I sent her away. #scriptchat
8:00 pm jeannevb: #wack #Sicilian It's in my genes, baby RT @PennyAsh: @jeannevb I'm learning to be ruthless. It's a job. #scriptchat
8:00 pm UncompletedWork: RT @mckormickastley: What are some good coverages services that y'all have used? #scriptchat [there's always @covermyscript]
8:01 pm garnerhaines: @DJordanKnight Of course, but that's based on who I am. #scriptchat
8:01 pm jeannevb: @garnerhaines i forgot what i said ha #scriptchat
8:01 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript 25% off if you can answer the second question you come up with? #scriptchat
8:01 pm dawnbierschwal: @DJordanKnight Ah, but isn't who you wish to be part of who you are are well? : ) #scriptchat
8:01 pm covermyscript: CORRECT! YOU WIN 50% OFF COVERAGE! YAY! @mckormickastley: Richard Burton? #scriptchat
8:01 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb ROFL I need a few Sicilian genes #wack #Sicilian #scriptchat
8:01 pm jeannevb: @Pig_Pen haha Smart man! U shld rub her feet later :) #scriptchat
8:01 pm jenlinmcclin: Sorry all. RL is calling. Will check in with you next week. Happy Tweeting! #scriptchat
8:01 pm smashadv: @russelltripp @jeannevb yes, but indifference is alone. Was Hitler indifferent to the Jews? #scriptchat
8:02 pm garnerhaines: RT @dawnbierschwal @DJordanKnight Ah, but isn't who you wish to be part of who you are are well? : ) #scriptchat
8:02 pm SissiePoohSOD: when we write, we want 2 b the heor & we also want 2 b the villain/ #scriptchat
8:02 pm karenquah: @PennyAsh @DJordanKnight Ruthlessness - now there's something that CAN be learned. Esp. from Sicilians like @jeannevb lol #scriptchat
8:02 pm jeannevb: @zacsanford2 is supposed to be giving a Save the Cat book away.... u here, Zac? #scriptchat
8:02 pm jbonnell: Anyone heard anything about Slamdance Horror contest? #scriptchat
8:02 pm SissiePoohSOD: ack... my spelling's goin' downhill... LOL #scriptchat
8:02 pm Alex_Carrick: RT @qlcoach: Would you like to participate in a joint author interview? Gary <>
8:02 pm jeannevb: @smashadv wow, u just stirred emotion w that question : ) I am not full of hate ha #scriptchat
8:03 pm jeannevb: RT @jbonnell: Anyone heard anything about Slamdance Horror contest? #scriptchat
8:03 pm garnerhaines: @jeannevb Drinking. Script chat should involve drinking. :) #scriptchat
8:03 pm jeannevb: @jenlinmcclin thanks for joining us! #scriptchat
8:03 pm yeah_write: I don't want to be anyone in my current script. They are all teens. No freaking way would I do that again. #scriptchat
8:03 pm covermyscript: @yeah_write @russelltripp k, last christmas special. free half hour phone consultation if you get this one... ($50 value) #scriptchat
8:03 pm DJordanKnight: @dawnbeirschwal Deep question! Perhaps, in an abstract way, yes. But through the page, we achieve what we wish. #scriptchat
8:03 pm jeannevb: @karenquah @PennyAsh @DJordanKnight my grandpa knew Mussolini #justsayin #scriptchat
8:04 pm PennyAsh: @karenquah @jeannevb @DJordanKnight LOL #scriptchat
8:04 pm dawnbierschwal: I suspect he has been all along. : )RT @jeannevb: @zacsanford2 is giving a Save the Cat book away.... u here, Zac? #scriptchat
8:04 pm yeah_write: @jenlinmcclin Thanks for dropping by. #scriptchat
8:04 pm dklon: Look away for a few minutes and there's 434 new msgs on here. #scriptchat
8:04 pm SissiePoohSOD: well.. let me get back 2 the #nano trenches. good 2 b with y'all. see ya next week! #scriptchat
8:04 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Zac isn't answering his phone. Hm. #scriptchat
8:04 pm covermyscript: One of my favorite x-mas movies #scriptchat
8:04 pm brozogirl: @DJordanKnight No talent is not inherent. Talent grows with diligent determination. That doesn't come from DNA. #scriptchat
8:04 pm HoodedMan: @SissiePoohSOD My main characters are often both idealistic and "demonic" sides of myself #scriptchat
8:04 pm smashadv: @jeannevb I respect hate. it's got a place in the corner. I occasionally throw meat to it. #scriptchat
8:04 pm jeannevb: @dawnbierschwal I know I saw him at one point... but I'm drinking, I see a lot of things ha #scriptchat
8:05 pm garnerhaines: @SissiePoohSOD Sometimes when I write I want to be the whore, but I also want to be the vanilla. ;) #scriptchat
8:05 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @dklon: Look away for a few minutes and there's 434 new msgs on here. #scriptchat /How many from our girl? Hah
8:05 pm DJordanKnight: @yeah_write HA! I hear you. No second adolescence, thank you! #scriptchat
8:05 pm SissiePoohSOD: @HoodedMan: that's how it seemes 2 b. acknowledging those 2 sides 2 our nature. #scriptchat
8:05 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Neat :) Closest to historical I get is being descended from Robert the Bruce :) #justsayin #scriptchat
8:06 pm smashadv: what's the opposite of indifference? I don't think it's love. Obsession, maybe. my point is that hate has a role to play. #scriptchat
8:06 pm covermyscript: for free phone consult: "in "The Ref," what kind of restaurant did Caroline and Lloyd own before they moved to CT?" #scriptchat
8:06 pm dklon: @Donna_Carrick More than a few. #scriptchat
8:06 pm SissiePoohSOD: have a good night, y'all... see ya! #scriptchat
8:06 pm yeah_write: AMEN!! RT @DJordanKnight: @yeah_write HA! I hear you. No second adolescence, thank you! #scriptchat
8:06 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @garnerhaines: @SissiePoohSOD Sometimes when I write I want to be the whore, but I also want to be the vanilla. ;) #scriptchat /Ha!
8:06 pm dklon: My ancestral claim to fame is The Brothers Grimm. #scriptchat
8:06 pm jeannevb: the Colosseum in Rome RT @smashadv: @jeannevb I respect hate. it's got a place in the corner. I occasionally throw meat to it. #scriptchat
8:06 pm karenquah: @jeannevb @PennyAsh @DJordanKnight my grandpa knew Mussolini -- And my grandpa played mah jong w. chairman mao #justsayin #scriptchat
8:07 pm jeannevb: @smashadv and every villain has hate in them somewhere #scriptchat
8:07 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Okay rum and cashews don't mix well...Or is that the eggnog? #justsayin #scriptchat
8:07 pm UncompletedWork: RT @covermyscript for free phone consult: in "The Ref" what kind of restaurant did Caroline & Lloyd own before they moved to CT? #scriptchat
8:08 pm smashadv: @jeannevb maybe hate is indifference personified? #scriptchat
8:08 pm rachlanger: @covermyscript Italian? #scriptchat
8:08 pm jeannevb: @PennyAsh ewwww #justsayin #scriptchat
8:08 pm MonicaEmme: @covermyscript I write novels, but the answer is italian #scriptchat
8:08 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript A&W, oh, no wait that's me. Crap I've never seen that movie. I suck at this contest stuff. #scriptchat
8:08 pm SKCOMEDY: We lost Zac somewhere along the way--I say we ALL get books! #scriptchat
8:08 pm dwacon: @scriptchat Sorry I'm late -- not enough hours in the day. #scriptchat
8:08 pm PennyAsh: @karenquah @jeannevb Small world ain't it :) #justsayin #scriptchat
8:08 pm jeannevb: @smashadv maybe all hate stems fr hating ourselves #scriptchat
8:08 pm jmiewald: @covermyscript Never saw it... So I say a Bob's Big Boy #scriptchat
8:08 pm jeannevb: @smashadv we shld be in group therapy ;) #scriptchat
8:09 pm pig_pen: I have to get back to converting my office to a baby's room. Thank you all for your advice and conversation #scriptchat
8:09 pm matt_farace: My family's claim to fame is a cousin who was on the FBI most wanted list and was played in a tv movie by Tony Danza. No shit. #scriptchat
8:09 pm garnerhaines: @jenlinmcclin YES, exactly. Big Gaping Hole. I felt my way through my last BGH with recipe cards on my last feature. #scriptchat
8:09 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Definitely ewwww #justsayin #scriptchat
8:09 pm DJordanKnight: @karenquah @jeannevgb @ PennyAsh @DJordanKnight My grandpa worked for Lucky Luciano. We're just racking them up, aren't we? #scriptchat
8:09 pm MonicaEmme: @jeannevb isn't writing our therapy? #scriptchat
8:09 pm yeah_write: My great+++ uncle helped the Declaration of Indep. Robert Roger Livingston. #scriptchat
8:09 pm covermyscript: @rachlanger @yeah_write @jmiewald nice try all, but no. keep at it. #scriptchat. trying to make them a little tough. ;-p
8:09 pm PennyAsh: @jmiewald @covermyscript I vote for that answer #scriptchat
8:10 pm karenquah: @pig_pen thank YOU for joining in the fun & sharing your background with us. #scriptchat
8:10 pm UncompletedWork: So, in the spirit of the holidays what are some of the worst holiday scripts you've read? #ScriptChat (Besides 'Earnest saves Christmas')
8:10 pm fannyfae: @karenquah Wow! That's pretty impressive! My partner's mom used to be Ernest Hemingway' in Cuba #justsayin #scriptchat
8:10 pm DJordanKnight: @dwacon Welcome! #scriptchat
8:10 pm garnerhaines: @MonicaEmme Absolutely. My last TV pilot was definitely dealing with my mother's death. #scriptchat
8:10 pm dwacon: @matt_farace My brother mentored Will Smith before he became big? That didn't help me when I was at Overbrook with my script #scriptchat
8:10 pm jeannevb: @MonicaEmme absolutely... but i find going to therapy helps me get in the minds of my chars too #scriptchat
8:10 pm dklon: Writing is definitely cathartic for me. I get away with things on the page that would otherwise land me in jail. #scriptchat
8:11 pm smashadv: @jeannevb it's all therapy Jeanne - all of this. ;) #scriptchat
8:11 pm mollyscarroll: RT @russelltripp: @smashadv Also, that hate is often an outward expression of an internal failing. #scriptchat. // wow- I love that. Truth.
8:11 pm jeannevb: @smashadv abso-f'ing-utely :) #scriptchat
8:11 pm PennyAsh: @dklon Hah! Yes, the reason I love to write psychos #scriptchat
8:12 pm dwacon: @DJordanKnight Can't stay long... up early in the ayem. #scriptchat
8:12 pm DJordanKnight: @smashadv I hope you take Blue Cross/Blue Shield. #scriptchat
8:12 pm jeannevb: amen RT @dklon: Writing is definitely cathartic for me. I get away with things on the page that would otherwise land me in jail. #scriptchat
8:12 pm brozogirl: @MonicaEmme Writing is therapy at first. After all the editing comes in #scriptchat then the therapy turns to a drink.:)
8:12 pm CTK1: -RT @dklon: Writing is definitely cathartic for me. I get away with things on the page that would otherwise land me in jail. #scriptchat
8:12 pm PennyAsh: RT @smashadv: @jeannevb it's all therapy Jeanne - all of this. ;) #scriptchat Yep :) Cheaper too
8:13 pm fannyfae: *sigh* #twitter hates me this weekend! LOL! #scriptchat #justsayin meant to say she was Hemingway's secretary. *facepalm*
8:13 pm jeannevb: @dwacon welcome! :) #scriptchat
8:13 pm Alex_Carrick: Thanks to jeannevb from myself & @Donna_Carrick for another engaging round of play that #scriptchat. Chores to do before bedtime.
8:13 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Do you really think that hate comes from self loathing? #scriptchat
8:13 pm garnerhaines: GTG tweeps, it's been fun. See you next time, Same Tweet Time Same Tweet Channel. #scriptchat
8:13 pm dklon: I tell people that it's cheaper than therapy and I can get paid to do it. #scriptchat
8:13 pm jeannevb: @brozogirl @MonicaEmme this is why #scriptchat is BYOB :)
8:14 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb or however you phrased it, can't find it now, ha ha #scriptchat
8:14 pm smashadv: @russelltripp @jeannevb it's been my experience in life that the opposite of love is fear. but that's just me. #scriptchat
8:14 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight some of it, yes. Hitler hated himself, for sure. Lots of insecure ppl r full of hate & abusive to others #scriptchat
8:14 pm DJordanKnight: @garnerhaines cya! Thanks for the exchange! #scriptchat
8:14 pm Alex_Carrick: By the way, isn't Twitter itself a form of group therapy? Water cooler to the world. #scriptchat.
8:14 pm Timsn: RT @dklon: I tell people that it's cheaper than therapy and I can get paid to do it. #scriptchat YES!!!!
8:14 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight my memory sucks, i cant remember what I tweeted 5 min ago ha #scriptchat
8:15 pm jmiewald: @Alex_Carrick Sans the water #scriptchat
8:15 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript It wasn't an Italian restaurant? #scriptchat
8:15 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb you said something like maybe hate stems from self loathing or self hate. do you believe that? #scriptchat
8:15 pm CTK1: @jeannevb Well at least you didn't think today was Monday. #scriptchat
8:15 pm MonicaEmme: @jeannevb lol or chocolate? #scriptchat
8:15 pm karenquah: @smashadv @russelltripp @jeannevb it's been my experience in life that the opposite of love is fear. but that's just me. -Agree! #scriptchat
8:16 pm jeannevb: @smashadv @russelltripp hadn't thought of that. Ppl r def fearful of love. I'll have to ponder this one #scriptchat
8:16 pm whenwelisten: RT @Alex_Carrick: By the way, isn't Twitter itself a form of group therapy? Water cooler to the world. #scriptchat.
8:16 pm jeannevb: @MonicaEmme or both *grabs Twix* #scriptchat
8:16 pm covermyscript: that is correct. sorry wasn't paying attention! you go rachel! congrats. free phone consult. DM me. RT @rachlanger: Italian? #scriptchat
8:16 pm dklon: Ah, now things are easier to look at. #scriptchat
8:16 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Do you really think Hitler hated himself? I'm not so sure of that. I think he was just psychotic. #scriptchat
8:16 pm ReneeRenegade: LOL rt @dklon Writing is definitely cathartic for me. I get away with things on the page that would otherwise land me in jail. #scriptchat
8:16 pm PennyAsh: @karenquah: @smashadv @russelltripp @jeannevb Fear is just another word for hate really #scriptchat
8:16 pm rachlanger: @covermyscript scandanavian? Hehe I'm just going to keep trying! #scriptchat
8:17 pm MonicaEmme: @jeannevb ew now I want a twix. tx #scriptchat
8:17 pm jmiewald: @covermyscript It was a place that served only breakfast cereal #scriptchat
8:17 pm jeannevb: @russelltripp @karenquah @smashadv noq u really have me thinkin, Jim... i like that :) #scriptchat
8:17 pm dawnbierschwal: OK, must return to my children. Have a good night all! (you too @zacsanford, since I'm guessing you're here being Big Brother). #scriptchat
8:17 pm brozogirl: @Alex_Carrick Twitter is my water cooler to the world. #scriptchat. It has made a big difference in my writing.:)
8:17 pm fannyfae: @Alex_Carrick I would say that twitter can be that, yes. For me, I just love meeting other writers & such. #scriptchat
8:18 pm PennyAsh: @DJordanKnight @jeannevb Current thinking on psychotic personality is it's genetic #scriptchat
8:18 pm yeah_write: Yahoo, go Rach. @covermyscript: @rachlanger: #scriptchat
8:18 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @vickidelany: RT . Mention that you are up at Type M. #scriptchat See my guest blog today! Thanks, Vicki, forgot!
8:18 pm jeannevb: @DJordanKnight personally, I do think he did. It's classic really, pushing ppl down to make himself feel better...more righteous #scriptchat
8:18 pm Timsn: I need to go. Been great #scriptchat Thanks!
8:18 pm DJordanKnight: @PennyAsh But hate isn't the opposite of love, so if fear is hate, then how can fear be the opposite of love? Confused, lol. #scriptchat
8:18 pm yeah_write: @dawnbierschwal Good night Dawn. #scriptchat
8:19 pm jeannevb: @brozogirl @Alex_Carrick twitter has made a HUGE diff'c in my writing & degree of support #scriptchat
8:19 pm PennyAsh: Congrats @rachlanger: #scriptchat
8:19 pm smashadv: @jeannevb uh, hello...copywriter ;) #scriptchat
8:19 pm whenwelisten: RT @Donna_Carrick: RT @vickidelany: RT . Mention that you are up at Type M. #scriptchat See my guest blog today! T ...
8:19 pm jeannevb: @Timsn thx for joining in! #scriptchat
8:19 pm jeannevb: @smashadv HAHAHAHA #scriptchat
8:19 pm PennyAsh: @DJordanKnight LOL beats me but it sounded good, a little buzzed here #scriptchat
8:20 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat #writechat @vickidelany just reminded me my guestblog up today at Type M for Murder: Please drop in!
8:20 pm rachlanger: @covermyscript YES! Thank you! #scriptchat
8:20 pm DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Agreed -- classic behavior, but on a genocide scale, I'm sticking with the psychotic theory, lol. :D #scriptchat
8:20 pm whenwelisten: RT @Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat #writechat @vickidelany just reminded me my guestblog up today at Type M for Murder: ...
8:20 pm SKCOMEDY: Back to RL. Thanks for a great #scriptchat, tweeps.
8:21 pm Alex_Carrick: One of the best things about twitter & other social media for writers - they do provide an audience/readership. #scriptchat
8:21 pm karenquah: @brozogirl your water cooler chica? i like that. #scriptchat
8:21 pm DJordanKnight: @PennyAsh - Ha! I think I'm one of the few who do not get buzzed during scriptchat :D #scriptchat
8:21 pm matt_farace: Is there a #tweetcloud-like function that scans numerous writings to see if you unconciously use same words/phrases too often? #scriptchat
8:21 pm Donna_Carrick: My guest blog at Type M For Murder on book-buying Carrick-style! Please drop in! #scriptchat #writechat
8:21 pm covermyscript: night all! have tons of x-mas presents to get making. have fun #scriptchat. winners, DM me for details. xox
8:21 pm jeanneveillette: Twitter locked me out... at least its consistent #scriptchat
8:22 pm karenquah: @SKCOMEDY thank YOU, really enjoyed your tweets. #scriptchat
8:22 pm yeah_write: @SKCOMEDY Good seeing you here tonight. #scriptchat
8:22 pm covermyscript: you're super welcome! can't wait to work with you. RT @rachlanger: YES! Thank you! #scriptchat
8:22 pm PennyAsh: @DJordanKnight LOL first time for me, I usually don't get buzzed at all #scriptchat
8:22 pm DJordanKnight: Found Zac - woot! He had to take a call but said to tell y'all that he'll @ reply by Wednesday regarding book. #scriptchat
8:22 pm jeanneveillette: @SKCOMEDY thanks for joining us! #scriptchat
8:22 pm dklon: @PennyAsh I'm stone cold sober right now as well. #scriptchat
8:22 pm karenquah: @jeanneveillette was wondering when it would happen... at least some things remain constant in this world #scriptchat
8:22 pm PennyAsh: @russelltripp Or Weird Al #scriptchat
8:22 pm jeanneveillette: @PennyAsh @DJordanKnight then I'm screwed (being biological) ha #scriptchat
8:23 pm fannyfae: @matt_farace That is a really good question. I would love to find that out myself. #scriptchat
8:23 pm jeanneveillette: @DJordanKnight what were the rules for winning it? Totally missed that ha #scriptchat
8:23 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript You rock for offering Christmas specials. Congrats to winners. #scriptchat
8:23 pm rachlanger: Alright all, Act II is no closer to being written. Thanks for another great #scriptchat
8:24 pm jeanneveillette: @rachlanger night, babe! #scriptchat
8:24 pm DJordanKnight: @jeanneveillette damned if I know, ha ha! #scriptchat
8:24 pm yeah_write: @DJordanKnight I hope it was a good call. #scriptchat
8:24 pm jeanneveillette: I've got 5 more min before putting my boy down #scriptchat
8:24 pm PennyAsh: @jeanneveillette Has to be triggered though. Tons of serial killer research for a story and a head full of trivia #scriptchat
8:24 pm brozogirl: @karenquah @jeannevb @Alex_Carrick If I can't make it out to the market, I know I have writing friends a click away. #scriptchat
8:24 pm rachlanger: @jeanneveillette Thanks again for being a lovely host. #scriptchat
8:24 pm jeanneveillette: feel free to @ me anytime u want an impromptu chat or topic u want discussed at future #scriptchat
8:25 pm covermyscript: thanks! my pleasure. congrats to winners! RT @yeah_write: You rock for offering Christmas specials. Congrats to winners. #scriptchat
8:25 pm dklon: Is there a sound associated with the hash sign? I always hear a honk when I read it. #scriptchat
8:25 pm PennyAsh: @dklon Usually I am, wee bit too much rum tonight though #scriptchat
8:25 pm DJordanKnight: @jeanneveillette I texted him, maybe he can get the "rules" back to me before you have to run, ha! #scriptchat
8:25 pm PennyAsh: @russelltripp LOL me too, along with Dr Demento #scriptchat
8:26 pm jeanneveillette: hope you all had fun tonight tweeting wild. Next Sunday, we'll have a formal topic #scriptchat
8:26 pm jeanneveillette: @DJordanKnight just want to RT them for peeps #scriptchat
8:26 pm Alex_Carrick: RT @brozogirl @karenquah @jeannevb If can't make it out to the market, I know I have writing friends a click away. #scriptchat <>
8:26 pm Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Thanks once again for a really entertaining and enlightening chat, @jeannevb ! See you soon...
8:26 pm Wookiesgirl: @jeanneveillette Thanks for the invite. I was able to pop in and out! #scriptchat
8:26 pm DJordanKnight: @Jeanneveillette Zac says it's a random drawing, picked from tonight's participants. #scriptchat
8:26 pm dklon: This was certainly interesting to try out. Thanks. #scriptchat
8:26 pm jeanneveillette: @smashadv so glad u joined us for group therapy ;) #scriptchat
8:27 pm MonicaEmme: Night all. :) #scriptchat
8:27 pm fannyfae: @PennyAsh Is all the rum gone? ;) Ive had way too much champagne and apple pie this weekend! #scriptchat
8:27 pm jeanneveillette: @Alex_Carrick @brozogirl @karenquah I even tweet AT the market :) #scriptchat
8:27 pm brozogirl: @MonicaEmme I think a twix would make a perfect switzel stick. #scriptchat That could be a character indiosyncrasy ...
8:27 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @jeanneveillette: hope you all had fun tonight tweeting wild. Next Sunday, we'll have a formal topic #scriptchat /See you then.
8:27 pm jeanneveillette: @MonicaEmme night! thanks for joining in! #scriptchat
8:27 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @MonicaEmme: Night all. :) #scriptchat /Night, Monica.
8:28 pm PennyAsh: @fannyfae LOL not quite, still got some :) Need more eggnog though #scriptchat
8:28 pm ReneeRenegade: nite-nite, fellow scribes ((hugs)) #scriptchat
8:28 pm jeanneveillette: @Donna_Carrick @Alex_Carrick so glad u joined us! xo #scriptchat
8:29 pm fannyfae: @jeanneveillette Thanks for the chat. This was the first one I have attended. Looking forward to next week's #scriptchat :)
8:29 pm gdreemer: #scriptchat Hi all. It's 8 am in Delhi am just getting into Monday mode. Glad to see some still around. :-)
8:30 pm DJordanKnight: @jeanneveillette Thanks for hosting, this was def interesting. Like being in a bar full of writers, all talking at once. Cool! #scriptchat
8:30 pm gdreemer: #scriptchat Have been told that it's time to hit Pre Production button. Scripting will continue huh? Final draft is never final?
8:30 pm jeanneveillette: @gdreemer well, we're just closing up :( #scriptchat
8:30 pm jeanneveillette: @fannyfae excellent! So glad u found us :) #scriptchat
8:31 pm jeanneveillette: RT @DJordanKnight: @jeanneveillette Thanks 4 hosting, def interesting. Like being in bar full o writers, all talking @ once. #scriptchat
8:31 pm brozogirl: @PennyAsh #scriptchat What about a nip of peppermint schnapps? #scriptchat I so want to tweet AT the market @jeannevb Cashier observing#work
8:31 pm jeanneveillette: OK, Officially signing off. Thanks so much for joining us, everyone! Next week... the fun continues #scriptchat
8:32 pm yeah_write: So true. RT @DJordanKnight: @jeannevb Thanks for hosting... Like being in a bar full of writers, all talking at once. Cool! #scriptchat
8:32 pm Donna_Carrick: RT @DJordanKnight: @jeanneveillette Thanks , def interesting. Like being in bar full of writers,talking at once. ! #scriptchat /'Zactly
8:32 pm fannyfae: @gdreemer Heh...Not until it's in the can it isn't final! And even then! ;) #scriptchat
8:33 pm PennyAsh: @gdreemer Interestin, maybe only final when the movie is finished? #scriptchat
8:34 pm PennyAsh: @brozogirl That'll work :) #scriptchat #scriptchat #work
8:35 pm karenquah: @jeanneveillette Grazie Mille my Sicilian friend. You are a true wonder. (Not that I'd say anythg bad, now I know abt Mussolini) #scriptchat
8:35 pm DJordanKnight: Fabulous night on #scriptchat ! Now back to those pages...
8:37 pm Donna_Carrick: great day all around. Lots of writing done, #writechat #scriptchat and guest blog running Type M For Murder
8:38 pm PennyAsh: @DJordanKnight Have fun :) My plot just crystallized now to write it #scriptchat
8:38 pm zacsanford: - "Is this real life?" Sorry I missed #scriptchat y'all. See you next week.
8:38 pm brozogirl: @PennyAsh Glad:) #scriptchat #work Time to wrestle with some characters. Oh wait, I can make them love first ...
8:40 pm PennyAsh: @brozogirl LOL That's the fun part #scriptchat #work
8:42 pm cmhoughton: RT @jeannevb: @UncompletedWork @PennyAsh I even save my deleted scenes. #packrat #scriptchat - I save each revision as a different file name
8:43 pm jenlinmcclin: Sorry all for the mass tweetage earlier. Was participating in weekly #scriptchat. Screenwriters welcome. Sundays at 7 CST.
8:45 pm PennyAsh: @cmhoughton Yes, and I put it all in a file together once it's sold #packrat #scriptchat
8:52 pm JoTreggiari: RT @jeannevb: hey everybody! Got my POM martini.... ready #scriptchat it doesn't really have australians in it, does it?
8:56 pm jeannevb: @JoTreggiari yes, #scriptchat has Australians in it... but my martini doesnt... yet :)
8:57 pm jeannevb: warning: #scriptchat transcript may be a backwards read again. That wthashtag is still cutting off first part of chats. Got all of EURO tho
8:58 pm jeannevb: #scriptchat PIMPAGE! @zacsanford will be randomly picking 1 participant fr tonight's chat to give a the new Save the Cat book to!
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