Sunday, December 16, 2018

#Scriptchat Transcript: Andy Silverman @battyink discusses writing/producing a comedy web series and getting it out there December 16, 2018

We had a fun chat with Andy Silverman @battyink (BUCKLE UP web series, Texas Cotton). He shared about his experience with his web series, Buckle Up, and answered our questions about writing/producing a comedy web series and how to get it out there.  

Moderated by @SarahAlexis4.

Read the transcript below or on the Wakelet site. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

#Scriptchat transcript: Jack Marchetti @JackMarchetti on going from indie filmmaking to TV movies! 12/09/18

Thanks to Jack for joining us, especially when someone (me, @mszoeyrose) gets stuck at work and we're without a moderator.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

#Scriptchat Transcript Bob DeRosa @ThemBob talking Breaking Story December 2, 2018

Bob DeRosa @thembob joined #scriptchat for the third time as our guest, this week discussing how he breaks story & his latest project, Video Palace Podcast on Shudder! Enjoy! @jeannevb

Read the transcript on Wakelet or below.