Scriptchat TOPIC: Open discussion.
We took the fuzzy handcuffs off and gave the scriptchat writers a chance to run wild. Expect the unexpected with this gang. Enjoy! @jeannevb
EURO moderator: Mina Zaher, @DreamsGrafter
USA moderator: Jeanne Veillette Bowerman, @jeannevb
EURO chat:
7:00 pm DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK ... Open Topic ... Let's kick off! :))
7:00 pm Jonathan_Peace: about to hit #scriptchat so expect a lot of screenwriting tweets for the next hour or so.
7:00 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @olilewington: Early apologies to all my followers for the on-coming flurry of Tweets. It's a #scriptchat night.
7:01 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Jonathan_Peace: about to hit #scriptchat so expect a lot of screenwriting tweets for the next hour or so.
7:01 pm booksbelow: RT @fnafilms: Looking forward to @filmcourage with @kingisafink and of course European #scriptchat
7:01 pm jazadal: RT @fnafilms: Looking forward to @filmcourage with @kingisafink and of course European #scriptchat
7:01 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat hi guys, I'm busy tonight. Have fun
7:01 pm lupiilu: going over to #scriptchat now, so lots of tweets, ignore or join, up to you. :D
7:02 pm olilewington: Who's got something "open" to talk about? Am gutted this week as my house move looks like it'll make me miss RPP deadline. Damn #scriptchat
7:02 pm DreamsGrafter: #sigh Haven't had a chance to read @filmutopia's post today. Sounds like another good'un. Looking forward to reading it. #scriptchat
7:02 pm lupiilu: good evening all. :D #scriptchat
7:02 pm Jonathan_Peace: Good evening to all. #scriptchat
7:03 pm DreamsGrafter: @lupiilu Hi Lucy! #scriptchat
7:03 pm olilewington: Haven't caught @filmutopia's post either, Mina - will catch it tomorrow, hopefully. #scriptchat
7:03 pm DreamsGrafter: @olilewington Oh no, have you got the 10 pages written? Even if it's rough. Costs nothing to enter. #scriptchat
7:04 pm DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace Hello mr! Welcome ... ;) #scriptchat
7:04 pm lupiilu: @DreamsGrafter Hi Mina. #scriptchat
7:04 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @fnafilms: Looking forward to @filmcourage with @kingisafink and of course European #scriptchat
7:04 pm olilewington: @DreamsGrafter I know and I do, but I've got 3 other jobs in August, not sure I'll hit 60pp if they accept me #scriptchat
7:04 pm Jonathan_Peace: @DreamsGrafter @lupiilu Hey there... #scriptchat
7:05 pm olilewington: @DreamsGrafter Or at least, 60 DECENT pages...! #scriptchat
7:06 pm Jonathan_Peace: And here it is, my 3000th Tweet: Love you Lucy (@lupiilu)..... told you it'd be special LOL #scriptchat
7:06 pm DreamsGrafter: @olilewington 3 other jobs sounds a lot. That's a real pity. #scriptchat Are they all on at the same time? i.e. juggling.
7:06 pm Sofluid: I'm the same :/ RT @olilewington: @DreamsGrafter I know and I do, not sure I'll hit 60pp if they accept me #scriptchat
7:06 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace pmsl. Love you too babe. X #scriptchat
7:07 pm DreamsGrafter: Is anyone doing 40 Days of Screenplays? #40Dos #scriptchat
7:07 pm DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace @lupiilu ... I love your vibe guys. #awholelottalovethere! :) #scriptchat
7:08 pm Jonathan_Peace: @DreamsGrafter Yeah, it's a great idea. Shouldn't be a challenge though. As writers we SHOULD be reading scripts everyday #scriptchat
7:08 pm DreamsGrafter: @olilewington @Sofluid I've learnt if you've got nothing to lose ... you'll always get something out of it. #scriptchat
7:08 pm lupiilu: @DreamsGrafter Yeah I'm doing that, it's a good way to get the beats of a script. #scriptchat
7:09 pm Sofluid: New blog! Can screenwriting be taught? #scriptchat
7:09 pm lizziside: Hi guys. No, I cldn't manage 1 a day. Not now. RT @DreamsGrafter: Is anyone doing 40 Days of Screenplays? #40Dos #scriptchat
7:09 pm lupiilu: @DreamsGrafter Ack! he loves embarrassing me! lol #scriptchat
7:09 pm DreamsGrafter: @olilewington I'm meeting Gemma from the ##londonswf tomorrow. Looking forward to hearing more about it. :) #scriptchat
7:09 pm antonsays: #scriptchat I think you should choose your own scripts tho. Make it relevant to what you do
7:09 pm booksbelow: @olilewington Excuses, excuses! :-) #scriptchat
7:10 pm DreamsGrafter: @olilewington When I was in my final term, I had my screenwriting job (corporate vid), teaching BA and worked on the SWF in Oct. #scriptchat
7:11 pm olilewington: 'Tis gonna be awesome! RT @DreamsGrafter: @olilewingtonLooking forward to hearing more about #londonswf #scriptchat
7:11 pm DreamsGrafter: @olilewington I don't know how I did it. But for that month, the body coped. Apart fr. #swf, the rest cont. til Dec. #crazzy #scriptchat
7:12 pm lizziside: Are we gonna settle on 1 topic or chit-chat freely about anything? Just to know ;-) #scriptchat
7:12 pm DreamsGrafter: @antonsays Cool idea. What style are you writing? Which genre? #scriptchat
7:12 pm jeannevb: gloomy day in NY, so no lake... what's up on open topic? #scriptchat
7:12 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace I choose to ignore that comment! #scriptchat
7:12 pm DreamsGrafter: @lizziside Chatting freely right now ... hello! :) #scriptchat
7:13 pm BWtheFilm: Hello everyone! #scriptchat
7:13 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm Hello! How's the script for your short going? #scriptchat
7:13 pm Jonathan_Peace: What's everyone working on at the minute? I'm just finishing prepping my next script, a bromantic comedy.. #scriptchat
7:13 pm antonsays: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat comedy. Glad to see the latest box office stats show its still the biggest seller
7:13 pm lupiilu: @jeannevb Hi Jeannevb. :D #scriptchat
7:14 pm jeannevb: @lupiilu *waves* ;) #scriptchat
7:14 pm Euroscript: #scriptchat Talking of #londonswf Euroscript will be running its script and story clinic again.
7:14 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm Hi, welcome! Tonight's an open topic so we're just letting it all off our chests. ;) #scriptchat What kinda stuff do you write?
7:14 pm Sofluid: @Jonathan_Peace We should read scripts often, but every day is a bit extreme. Don't forget to write! :) #scriptchat
7:14 pm olilewington: @Jonathan_Peace Wish I had time to write at the moment, it's all falling by the wayside to producing/directing & earning! #scriptchat
7:15 pm jeannevb: Submitted last script & about to start another. Struggling getting going, prob bc I know how long a road it is. Happen to u all? #scriptchat
7:15 pm BWtheFilm: @Jonathan_Peace Fun! I love a good bromantic comedy. I'm in post-production on my webseries. #scriptchat
7:15 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace Well you know I've just finished my first draft for the RPP. Next is the re-write. #scriptchat
7:15 pm olilewington: Good point - great addition! RT @Euroscript:Talking of #londonswf Euroscript will be running its script and story clinic again. #scriptchat
7:15 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb Hi babe! Different chats going on right now. How's you? Are you looking forward to starting a new writing project? #scriptchat
7:15 pm Jonathan_Peace: @Sofluid Yeah, maybe every day is a bit extreme but I'm always reading something to chill down to. #scriptchat
7:15 pm booksbelow: @Jonathan_Peace Just beginning first script, kind of a true life Indiana Jones type thing, historical so probably not saleable. #scriptchat
7:16 pm Jonathan_Peace: @olilewington Earning... yeah. need to start doing that soon. LOL #scriptchat
7:16 pm chained: #scriptchat question for everyone how much money did you sell your first script for ? i mean the 1st #script you sold
7:16 pm lupiilu: @olilewington what are you producing/directing hun? intensive prod work, produced 3 amateur shorts last year, very hard work! #scriptchat
7:16 pm jeannevb: @lupiilu I LOVE the rewrites... maybe too much ha. Its adding the little details after the 1st draft barf that's the best #scriptchat
7:16 pm lizziside: @DreamsGrafter that case i think I'll go for a pizza and catch up later :-)) #scriptchat
7:16 pm DreamsGrafter: @antonsays Do you receive emails from InkTip? There's a lot of companies asking for comedies right now. #scriptchat
7:16 pm Jonathan_Peace: @BWtheFilm Sounds good. I'll check it out. #scriptchat
7:16 pm BWtheFilm: @DreamsGrafter Hey there. Mostly comedies. I'm currently taken with the web format. #scriptchat
7:17 pm david_haddon: Hey guys, so what sorta things do people right? Or are your scripts nonspecific? Anyone write comic scripts for example? #scriptchat
7:17 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter a bit nervous about starting it. Comedy after such grimness. But hoping nxt wk's conf gives me needed push #scriptchat
7:17 pm fnafilms: where's @bang2write? #scriptchat
7:17 pm DreamsGrafter: @lizziside Ok babe, have a lovely evening. I just had a pizza. :) #scriptchat
7:17 pm rpg3000: Hello #scriptchat. First time here, be gentle.
7:17 pm olilewington: @lupiilu Am producing Love Like Hers for @dannylaceyfilm and also a series of web docs for a charity 1/2 #scriptchat
7:17 pm Jonathan_Peace: @booksbelow That sounds interesting. I thought Indiana Jones WAS a true story? #scriptchat
7:17 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @Jonathan_Peace tomorrow morning I'm setting sail: a brand new script: TV comedy drama series, part one...
7:18 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter Finished! Was only small. :) #scriptchat
7:18 pm antonsays: @DreamsGrafter I do, need to polish them off first. I'm clingy - just ask my wife. #scriptchat
7:18 pm jeannevb: no human sacrifices... anymore ;) RT @rpg3000: Hello #scriptchat. First time here, be gentle. #scriptchat
7:18 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lupiilu Hey, maybe you could produce my short filom that @DreamsGrafter coerced me into making #scriptchat
7:19 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm Oh wow, that's cool. Are you producing them yourself? #scriptchat Have you got work up on the web now?
7:19 pm momentsoffilm: @Jonathan_Peace Still slowly slaving away at a sci-fi action. Finished outline, starting writing proper. #scriptchat
7:19 pm Sofluid: @Jonathan_Peace It's good to balance activities - get the best out of it all. Have to pretty disciplined 'cos of full time job #scriptchat
7:19 pm antonsays: @rpg3000 my first too! welcome. #scriptchat
7:22 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb What conference are you going to? The Linda Seger session helped me for that reason. #scriptchat
7:22 pm olilewington: @antonsays I'm just some weirdo who'll probably start stalking you now... #scriptchat
7:22 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace it's a small short isn't it. have you decided on a story yet? #scriptchat
7:23 pm DreamsGrafter: Excellent! :) RT @BWtheFilm: @DreamsGrafter I've already downloaded Groundhog Day. Hope to be able to jump in. #scriptchat
7:23 pm JLichtenberg: RT @DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb What conference are you going to? The Linda Seger session helped me for that reason. #scriptchat
7:23 pm booksbelow: @Jonathan_Peace Difficulty has been picking out which slice of a very rich life is self-contained story. #scriptchat
7:23 pm david_haddon: I actually started working on a scifi script for an animation I'm making. Though it's difficult some times to pick between ideas #scriptchat
7:23 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: @momentsoffilm I'm using this intense workshop nxt wk to force me to get it movin ;) #scriptchat
7:24 pm DreamsGrafter: @antonsays Brilliant! What I love about #scriptchat script nights is discovering the different readings of a script. #scriptchat
7:24 pm lupiilu: @olilewington making's fun, all the energy on set, actors are fun, though attention seekers. lol, Love writing though #scriptchat
7:24 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter No.. it gets finished when it's finished. My life doesn't have a schedule so I write when I can. #scriptchat
7:24 pm DreamsGrafter: @antonsays I guess it reflects what each of us as writers focus on with our writing. #scriptchat
7:25 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter Stony Brook Southampton Screenwriters Conf. I'm in a workshop w only 8 screenwriters #gulp #scriptchat
7:25 pm jeannevb: @ChadsWrite thanks ;) #scriptchat
7:25 pm antonsays: #scriptchat if ppl are interested. i'm also reading LM Sunshine, 500 Days of summer, As good as it gets, The Hangover
7:25 pm BWtheFilm: @lupiilu I'm the opposite. I love the solitude of the writing, the prep of pre-production, the editing phase. But the set? Meh. #scriptchat
7:25 pm LisaFromNYC: Sorry I'm late. Had to reboot urgh.... #scriptchat
7:25 pm david_haddon: @momentsoffilm That's the best way to do it though? It'd feel forced otherwise? #scriptchat
7:25 pm momentsoffilm: @jeannevb Yeah, workshops are good for that! #scriptchat
7:25 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm Pls let us know when it launches in Oct so we can pimp the hell out of it. ;) #scriptchat
7:25 pm JLichtenberg: #scriptchat I just had someone ask for a SECOND look at a script he'd lost his copy of. Might be a good thing. Sent rewritten draft
7:26 pm BWtheFilm: @DreamsGrafter You bet! #scriptchat
7:26 pm thewritertype: No. (just teasing...) RT @Jonathan_Peace: @thewritertype Excellent... any snippets you can tease us with? #scriptchat
7:26 pm BWtheFilm: @JLichtenberg Ha, a happy accident perhaps! #scriptchat
7:27 pm Jonathan_Peace: @thewritertype LOL.... why am I not surprised. #scriptchat
7:27 pm LisaFromNYC: @BWtheFilm I love groundhog day. Will d/l script 2day. Should be a fun read. #scriptchat
7:27 pm momentsoffilm: @Jonathan_Peace I hate outlining but it's so much better to sort out structure at that stage than when you've bulk written it! #scriptchat
7:27 pm JLichtenberg: #scriptchat "self-contained story" from "Real Life" - sorting life into a story is the same as sorting a story-idea into a novel.
7:27 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb Oh yes, sorry, my brain has been everywhere recently. That's SO awesome! Such brilliant timing. :D #scriptchat
7:27 pm lupiilu: @olilewington yeah it's brilliant. I do miss it I have to say. But if I had to choose, writing would win hands down. #scriptchat
7:27 pm BWtheFilm: @DreamsGrafter That's true. Never thought of it that way. #scriptchat
7:28 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb And - it's so cool you've chosen an acting session. That'll be a lot of fun and you'll learn so so much. #scriptchat
7:28 pm momentsoffilm: @david_haddon Not necessarilly. I can write to deadlines too but I'm taking life easy and only doing fun things right now! #scriptchat
7:28 pm lupiilu: @BWtheFilm I had great fun with the actors, attentions seeking, amateur, happy to take the punishment, filmed one on a >>> #scriptchat
7:28 pm Jonathan_Peace: @momentsoffilm I never used to do that (outline) which is probably why nothing got finished. Now its a MUST & scripts get done! #scriptchat
7:28 pm antonsays: Outline is very important, focuses your writing from the start. I also try and write a treatment too b4 script #scriptchat
7:29 pm olilewington: @lupiilu It's a close call for me. And ask me at the end of the @LLHFilm shoot & I'll prob say writing!! #scriptchat
7:29 pm david_haddon: @momentsoffilm I wasn't referring to deadlines. There is a difference though between forcing yourself and working under pressure.#scriptchat
7:29 pm lupiilu: @BWtheFilm a steep hill, lots of falling over, lots of out takes, lots of bruises and laughing, loved every minute of it. #scriptchat
7:30 pm LisaFromNYC: @antonsays How long is a treatment? #scriptchat
7:30 pm jeannevb: @Jonathan_Peace @momentsoffilm I outline 2. Great trick is doing a synopsis AFTER outline & before 1st draft. Finds holes #scriptchat
7:30 pm olilewington: Outlining is something I need to improve in my work - I'm too anxious to open Final Draft on my scripts. #scriptchat
7:30 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter i'm terrified of acting... just like #screenwriterkaraoke haha #scriptchat
7:30 pm lupiilu: @olilewington yeah it's hard going, long hours, no appreciation, it's amazing how much energy you find to do it though. #scriptchat
7:31 pm jeannevb: I'm going to clean my office. Yeah, I said it. Don't all fall over. #scriptchat
7:31 pm rpg3000: Outline often first place to spot and fix problems before committing to script pages which are more painful to revise or cut. #scriptchat
7:31 pm olilewington: Fantastic tip! RT @jeannevb Great trick is doing a synopsis AFTER outline & before 1st draft. Finds holes #scriptchat
7:31 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm I can't wait 'til it's finished. Am looking forward to seeing it. :) #scriptchat
7:31 pm antonsays: @LisaFromNYC I'm aiming for one page equals ten script pages. but its starts with a few paragraphs and builds #scriptchat
7:31 pm olilewington: @lupiilu I love the buzz, but it does exhaust you. @LLHFilm is going to be a manic shoot - fun but shattering! #scriptchat
7:31 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter What event? I never have much of a budget and I get my AD to schedule and then make everyone do it quicker! ha! #scriptchat
7:31 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace I'll give you any help I can on it babe. X #scriptchat
7:31 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb @johnrackham said something interesting about acting today. That when you're up there, it's not you. #scriptchat
7:31 pm LisaFromNYC: I do: 1) logline 2) beatsheet/outline 3) draft 4) synopsis (3&4 can alternate) #scriptchat
7:31 pm Jonathan_Peace: So true RT @rpg3000: Outline to spot and fix problems before committing to script pages which are more painful to revise or cut. #scriptchat
7:32 pm david_haddon: I'm strange in I treat writing like sculpting. I build it all up then get rid of what I don't like. #scriptchat
7:32 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @Jonathan_Peace Ok. The project I'm writing is a comedy drama about suicide (to be continued)
7:32 pm lupiilu: @jeannevb shoving everything into draws while drinking tequila doesn't count. ;) #scriptchat
7:32 pm olilewington: @jeannevb I'm adamant that when I move my office is going to become a haven of clean, tidy productivity. #scriptchat
7:33 pm BWtheFilm: @david_haddon I do that too. I also outline. Each at different points in the process. #scriptchat
7:33 pm JLichtenberg: RT @antonsays: Outline is very important, focuses your writing from the start. I also try and write a treatment too b4 script #scriptchat
7:33 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm It was @BAFTA. Part of the Soho Rushes. @johnrackham won a freebie. #scriptchat
7:33 pm antonsays: @thewritertype suicide bombers? #scriptchat
7:33 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lupiilu Thanks hun. Trying not to go overboard wth it though. its just supposed to be fun. LOL keep me on track with E69 #scriptchat
7:34 pm david_haddon: @BWtheFilm Another way I could put it is I write everything I think of. Then decide what is actually bad after it's written. #scriptchat
7:34 pm BWtheFilm: I have that fantasy too RT@olilewington @jeannevb When I move my office is going to become a haven of clean, tidy productivity. #scriptchat
7:34 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm The guy leading the discussion talked a lot about the 1st AD's role and script/schedule/budget as legal docs. #scriptchat
7:34 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @Jonathan_Peace But it's not about people killing themselves, it's about people trying to live together.
7:34 pm JLichtenberg: @antonsays #scriptchat being able to outline, write ttment & pitch first is a sign of a professional - being able to work w/o such is also!
7:35 pm DreamsGrafter: @david_haddon Hi! On behalf of #scriptchat #treefort ... welcome! :)
7:35 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter Oh if it's the feature you're talking about it will probably never get made! Too big budget for a nobody like me. #scriptchat
7:35 pm BWtheFilm: @david_haddon YES! Can't generate ideas and edit at the same time. It's deadly. #scriptchat
7:35 pm JLichtenberg: RT @LisaFromNYC: I do: 1) logline 2) beatsheet/outline 3) draft 4) synopsis (3&4 can alternate) #scriptchat
7:35 pm david_haddon: @DreamsGrafter Thanks very much :) #scriptchat
7:36 pm Jonathan_Peace: @thewritertype I like it. So many different ways we all kill ourselves in small ways every day. #scriptchat
7:36 pm olilewington: Damn. RT @BWtheFilm: I have that fantasy too RT@olilewington @jeannevb my office is going to become a haven of productivity. #scriptchat
7:36 pm britmic: RT @DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb @johnrackham said something interesting about acting today. That when you're up there, it's not you. #scriptchat
7:36 pm deanlines: Would you ever let someone read an older, longer draft of a scripts after they've already read and liked a shorter, newer draft? #scriptchat
7:36 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm Oh no, I was talking about the short. But never say never. Hollywood needs new big ideas. #scriptchat
7:36 pm JLichtenberg: RT @momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter Oh if it's the feature you're talking about it will probably never get made! Too big budget for a nobody like me. #scriptchat
7:37 pm david_haddon: @BWtheFilm I fell into that trap in my 2nd Year of Uni. People in my film group were shooting ideas down before it a chance. #scriptchat
7:37 pm LisaFromNYC: @momentsoffilm I'm taking a fantasy idea I have & writing a novel (not script). Budget won't matter then as I am a newbie too. #scriptchat
7:37 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon yeah, I hate all my writing, I don't believe people that tell me it's good. They care about me, ergo they lie lol #scriptchat
7:37 pm DreamsGrafter: @deanlines Is that someone someone who can give you work? #scriptchat
7:37 pm JLichtenberg: RT @david_haddon: @BWtheFilm I fell into that trap in my 2nd Year of Uni. People in my film group were shooting ideas down before it a chance. #scriptchat
7:38 pm olilewington: @lupiilu That's why you should let me read some! I don't care about you... ;-) #scriptchat
7:38 pm booksbelow: RT @jeannevb: I outline 2. Great trick is doing a synopsis AFTER outline & before 1st draft. Finds holes #scriptchat
7:39 pm david_haddon: @lupiilu I know exactly what you mean! I am always sure I can improve but no one I know will criticise me well. #scriptchat
7:39 pm DreamsGrafter: @JLichtenberg Haha, that's brilliant! (re sending a revised draft) ... #scriptchat
7:39 pm BWtheFilm: @david_haddon Uni can suck that way. #scriptchat
7:39 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lupiilu Your writing is good hun but overwritten. 6 words used when one would work. *damn!* you don't love me now, right? LOL #scriptchat
7:39 pm lupiilu: @olilewington pmsl, you got it, I'll send you Just Impediments after my re-write, by the end of the week. #scriptchat
7:40 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter We'll see. Early days. I just want to write more screenplays, don't care what happens to them at this point. #scriptchat
7:40 pm olilewington: @lupiilu Cool. (Can you also tell me what "pmsl" means...?) #scriptchat
7:40 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter The short will be #lgm and will go straight up online. #scriptchat
7:40 pm JLichtenberg: @deanlines #scriptchat I wld not show a "looser" longer version to 1 who likes a shorter version. If asked for longer, build frm shorter
7:40 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon @Jonathan_Peace tells me the truth, one of the many reasons I love him. #scriptchat
7:41 pm momentsoffilm: @LisaFromNYC I find I don't switch writing style that well. This started out as a comic but I couldn't get it to work. #scriptchat
7:41 pm david_haddon: I think the biggest problem I face though isn't the writing itself, but is the initial pitch. I hate having to sell myself. #scriptchat
7:41 pm lupiilu: @olilewington pmsl? really. Pi**ing MySelf Laughing hun. lol #scriptchat
7:41 pm olilewington: That's exciting! RT @momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter The short will be #lgm and will go straight up online. #scriptchat
7:41 pm LisaFromNYC: I find doing snyder's beats b4 hand helps to fill & keep ACT 2 on course. #scriptchat
7:42 pm olilewington: @lupiilu And "lol"...? (just kidding...) #scriptchat
7:42 pm lisamarks: @jeannevb I had 2 month hiatus between finishing draft 5 of one movie & starting draft 2 of new.Sometimes the brain needs a rest #scriptchat
7:42 pm momentsoffilm: @LisaFromNYC I can adapt almost anything into screenplay though. I just seem to flow better in that visual mode. #scriptchat
7:42 pm eatsleepjordan: @deanlines to be honest no. If they like the story as it is I feel reading a longer version will just feel bloated and unneeded #scriptchat
7:42 pm JLichtenberg: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat I'm glad I didn't "follow up" for an opinion on older draft, but tightened and polished, had new 1 ready!
7:42 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon great thing about being on here, a load of writers all happy to give you thought out constructive advise. #scriptchat
7:42 pm DreamsGrafter: Yes! RT @olilewington That's exciting! RT @momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter The short will be #lgm & will go straight up online. #scriptchat
7:43 pm lupiilu: @olilewington har har. ;) #scriptchat
7:43 pm JLichtenberg: RT @LisaFromNYC: I find doing snyder's beats b4 hand helps to fill & keep ACT 2 on course. #scriptchat
7:44 pm Jonathan_Peace: RT @lupiilu: @david_haddon great thing about #scriptchat a load of writers all happy to give you thoughtful constructive advice. #scriptchat
7:44 pm LisaFromNYC: @momentsoffilm Same 4 me. Script is easier than novel. I'm taking it slow. Outlining now & will do the #scriptchat
7:44 pm olilewington: Absolutely RT @lupiilu: @david_haddon great thing about here, lots of writers happy to give you thought out constructive advice. #scriptchat
7:44 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @david_haddon I've just been writing for a graphic novel. It's like writing a screenplay made of storyboards.
7:44 pm JLichtenberg: @LisaFromNYC #scriptchat I now use Blake Snyder's SAVE THE CAT software -- if I can get to it b4 concept fleshes itself out
7:44 pm rpg3000: Anyone else feel pressure to make rewrites seem more than just tweaks, even if that's all that's needed / asked for? #scriptchat
7:45 pm DreamsGrafter: @JLichtenberg I'm kinda doing the same thing right now. Have submitted a script but am rewriting it and making it tighter. #scriptchat
7:45 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon something I have to work on, spelling apparently. lol, and punctuation, oh lord! I'm a terrible writer! lol #scriptchat
7:45 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon oddly I'm better at longer words than short! lol #scriptchat
7:45 pm chained: RT @booksbelow: RT @jeannevb: I outline 2. Great trick is doing a synopsis AFTER outline & before 1st draft. Finds holes #scriptchat
7:45 pm JLichtenberg: @lupiilu @david_haddon #scriptchat not giving "thought out" advice -- but advice that's been POUNDED IN!
7:45 pm DreamsGrafter: @LisaFromNYC @momentsoffilm Me too. I'm planning to do nanowrimo! :) Will start outlining next month. #scriptchat
7:46 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lupiilu I am so not getting drawn. #scriptchat
7:46 pm LisaFromNYC: @JLichtenberg How is STC software. I haven't used it. I have his beats in my excel sheet. #scriptchat
7:46 pm momentsoffilm: @david_haddon That sounds cool. How long? Feature or short? #scriptchat
7:46 pm BWtheFilm: @rpg3000 Do you mean a paid rewrite assignment? Or a rewrite on your own script? #scriptchat
7:46 pm JLichtenberg: RT @booksbelow: RT @jeannevb: I outline 2. Great trick is doing a synopsis AFTER outline & before 1st draft. Finds holes #scriptchat
7:46 pm david_haddon: How do you guys share your scripts to give that advice? #scriptchat
7:46 pm DreamsGrafter: @LisaFromNYC And in the meantime, I'll be writing more articles and short stories to develop craft. #scriptchat
7:47 pm LisaFromNYC: @DreamsGrafter Yeah! I have some one 2 do nanwrimo with!!! #scriptchat
7:47 pm lupiilu: @rpg3000 yeah, loads of times, over re-writing is always a danger, hard to judge for yourself sometimes #scriptchat
7:47 pm DreamsGrafter: Good tip. RT @booksbelow RT @jeannevb: I outline 2. Gr8 trick is doing a synopsis AFTER outline & before 1st draft. Finds holes #scriptchat
7:47 pm david_haddon: @momentsoffilm My #animation? Right now I am going to go for short. Though the story may evolve to be longer than I realise. #scriptchat
7:48 pm jeannevb: @olilewington @booksbelow when submitting to Sundance Lab. Required synopsis, so I had to stop writing & do it. THANKFUL #scriptchat
7:48 pm BWtheFilm: @DreamsGrafter Do you write essays too? I'm looking for contributions to an ebook. #scriptchat
7:48 pm rpg3000: @BWtheFilm Unpaid, but with industry collaborators, so not just solo. #scriptchat
7:49 pm BWtheFilm: @rpg3000 But on your own script or somebody else's? #scriptchat
7:49 pm lupiilu: @olilewington @jonathan_Peace, I love that I got spell checked before retweeted. pmsl... Writers!!! #scriptchat
7:49 pm antonsays: @JLichtenberg #scriptchat i replace finished with abandoned
7:49 pm momentsoffilm: @rpg3000 Totally. I couldn't agree more! #scriptchat
7:49 pm Jonathan_Peace: I made & ate peanut butter crispies coated with chocolate spread and now feel vaguely sick. #scriptchat
7:49 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm Yes, sometimes. I was doing a DPhil a few years bk. Gave it up to do MA in Screenwriting. #scriptchat
7:49 pm jeannevb: @lisamarks i'm afraid if I stop writing, I'll become a Twitter cat hoarder ha #scriptchat
7:50 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm Only the other day I was thinking I shld try to find my chapters and see if I can publish them. #scriptchat
7:50 pm rpg3000: @BWtheFilm Sorry, yes on own script, not assigned rewrite of another scribe. #scriptchat
7:50 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lupiilu You're welcome. X #scriptchat
7:50 pm jeannevb: @olilewington @BWtheFilm my office and desk are legendary for their clutter ;) #scriptchat
7:50 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm The DPhil was in Film and Psychoananlysis so Zizek and Hollywood stuff. #scriptchat
7:50 pm jeannevb: HAHA RT @lupiilu: @jeannevb shoving everything into draws while drinking tequila doesn't count. ;) #scriptchat
7:50 pm david_haddon: Do you guys do any exercises to stay in practice between ideas? #scriptchat
7:50 pm lupiilu: Absolutely! RT @antonsays: @JLichtenberg #scriptchat i replace finished with abandoned #scriptchat
7:51 pm olilewington: @BWtheFilm What's the eBook about? #scriptchat
7:51 pm antonsays: my 3 month old boy is now 'reading' #scriptchat
7:51 pm momentsoffilm: @deanlines No.. in fact I destroy old drafts. Whatever doesn't survive, doesn't survive! #scriptchat
7:51 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm I'd love to contribute whether it's one of these chapters or something new. :) #scriptchat
7:51 pm JLichtenberg: #scriptchat any screenwriters here ever write narrative style stories based on favorite TV shows?
7:51 pm BWtheFilm: @rpg3000 If it's your script then it's harder to have distance. Perhaps it needs more than tweaking. #scriptchat
7:52 pm olilewington: @antonsays What's his feedback like? #scriptchat
7:52 pm deanlines: As a writer working for free on low/now budget short films, it fair to ask for a (exec)producer credit? Is said credit useful? #scriptchat
7:52 pm BWtheFilm: @rpg3000 If you're only being asked to tweak, then absolutely no reason to feel you should do more. #scriptchat
7:53 pm antonsays: @olilewington not good, he's just woken up. #scriptchat
7:53 pm JLichtenberg: @david_haddon #scriptchat Yes, like pianists, all writers need to do "scales" Watching the News, glimpsing billboard, ppl watching in Mall
7:53 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon eeek, I have 6 or 7 rounded out ideas, and a few not so rounded that may/may not evolve, so nothing. #scriptchat
7:53 pm olilewington: @deanlines I don't think you'll get Exec Prod credit, but you can always ask. Most Prods would balk, tho, I think #scriptchat
7:53 pm lizziside: Ouch! RT @momentsoffilm: @deanlines No.. in fact I destroy old drafts. Whatever doesnt survive, doesnt survive! #scriptchat
7:54 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm Re just wanting to write. Sounds like you have a few stories bursting to get out. #scriptchat
7:54 pm olilewington: @antonsays Yeah, they're always a bit tetchy and monosyllabic when they wake. Or all the time at that age, come to think of it #scriptchat
7:54 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter Ha! Nanowrimo is crazy stuff! Have fun! #scriptchat
7:54 pm momentsoffilm: @david_haddon Cool. Nice to be able to make your own writing sometimes. Worth doing! #animation #scriptchat
7:54 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @rpg3000 If asked for a rewrite, that mean changes. If they want 'tweaks' they'll ask for a polish.
7:54 pm JLichtenberg: RT @momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter Ha! Nanowrimo is crazy stuff! Have fun! #scriptchat
7:55 pm Jonathan_Peace: RT @JLichtenberg: @david_haddon All writers need to do "scales" Watching the News, glimpsing billboard, ppl watching in Mall #scriptchat
7:55 pm DreamsGrafter: @momentsoffilm Haha, thanks! #scriptchat
7:55 pm jeannevb: I keep old drafts. In latest rewrite, we switched scenes around & were able to use GREAT scene we had to kill in earlier draft #scriptchat
7:55 pm BWtheFilm: @rpg3000 If it's someone else's script, I understand feeling conflicted if your opinion differs from the producer's. Tough one. #scriptchat
7:55 pm antonsays: i have a word doc with over 40 loglines for films. trouble picking which ones to work on. #scriptchat
7:55 pm LisaFromNYC: RT @deanlines a writer working 4 free on low/now budget short films, it fair 2 ask 4 a (exec)producer credit? Is credit useful? #scriptchat
7:56 pm lizziside: May I ask abt copyright? What's best? #scriptchat
7:56 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter are you doing nano? I wld LOVE to do that! Hoping to be able to this year ;) #scriptchat
7:56 pm The_Jodi: @momentsoffilm That is so brave! I have too many drafts clogging up space. #scriptchat
7:56 pm JLichtenberg: RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat @rpg3000 If asked for a rewrite, that mean changes. If they want 'tweaks' they'll ask for a polish.
7:56 pm thewritertype: Consult @jeannevb tequila clinic. RT @david_haddon: Do you do exercises to stay in practice between ideas? #scriptchat
7:57 pm olilewington: @lizziside If you're seriously worried, print a copy out, post it to yourself & leave it unopened. Cheap, easy & pretty secure. #scriptchat
7:57 pm Jonathan_Peace: @antonsays I've ideas for 3 films per year for ten years. It's the order they get written in that changes. E69 was set for 2017 #scriptchat
7:57 pm LisaFromNYC: @antonsays I have a bunch of loglines too in my excel. lol #scriptchat
7:57 pm olilewington: @jeannevb @DreamsGrafter @Momentsoffilm What is Nano? #scriptchat
7:57 pm JLichtenberg: RT @antonsays: i have a word doc with over 40 loglines for films. trouble picking which ones to work on. #scriptchat
7:57 pm BWtheFilm: @olilewington The ebook is a collection of personal essays on mothers, daughters, sisters. It's tied to my web series. #scriptchat
7:57 pm antonsays: @thewritertype I read that if you get notes you don't have to incorporate them all? #scriptchat
7:58 pm rpg3000: @thewritertype Yeah, language of notes important. Communication the key I suppose. #scriptchat
7:58 pm momentsoffilm: @olilewington National novel writing month #scriptchat
7:58 pm jeannevb: *hands application* RT @thewritertype: Consult @jeannevb tequila clinic RT @david_haddon: do exerc 2 stay in pract btwn ideas? #scriptchat
7:59 pm olilewington: @momentsoffilm Ah, I see. Not sure I could do a novel! #scriptchat
7:59 pm jeannevb: @olilewington u write a novel (50,000 words) in the month of November @DreamsGrafter @Momentsoffilm #scriptchat
7:59 pm JLichtenberg: RT @antonsays: @thewritertype I read that if you get notes you don't have to incorporate them all? #scriptchat
7:59 pm JLichtenberg: RT @rpg3000: @thewritertype Yeah, language of notes important. Communication the key I suppose. #scriptchat
7:59 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb Yeah, do it! Really wanted to do it last year but had my MA and different jobs to juggle. #scriptchat
7:59 pm lizziside: @olilewington Thx, I guess that goes for EU, but is that enough for the US? #scriptchat
7:59 pm olilewington: @antonsays Tony Jordan says re:notes that he's disappointed if a writer doesn't at least try to challenge him on them. #scriptchat
7:59 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat. BTW, re: acting. If you do comedy and you die on stage, that's you dying. No one else. You. Dead.
8:00 pm rpg3000: @BWtheFilm Good points! Best not to overthink it and go with gut usually I reckon. #scriptchat
8:00 pm jeannevb: #indie #scriptchat peeps, our local film festival is accepting applications! 2 hrs north of NYC LOTS of foreign films 2
8:00 pm JLichtenberg: #scriptchat to my followers "notes" in script parlance is what book editors scribble in your margins
8:00 pm olilewington: @lizziside It's cheapest in the US. Otherwise it's getting a lawyer or registering with Writers Guild, I believe. #scriptchat
8:00 pm mLori71: @Jonathan_Peace Hello! What's #scriptchat ?
8:00 pm jeannevb: #scriptchat #indie and submissions for SHORT films too! #filmcolumbia
8:01 pm DreamsGrafter: Before everyone shoots off, just a reminder that nxt wk we'll be discussing Groundhog Day the screenplay: #scriptchat
8:01 pm DreamsGrafter: Week after (8th August), we'll be discussing writing comedy w/ comedy writer @thewritertype! #scriptchat
8:01 pm olilewington: @DreamsGrafter And speaking of shooting off, it's about time I did. I've neglected my girlf long enough this evening! #scriptchat
8:01 pm lupiilu: @DreamsGrafter ooo, better read that then! lol #scriptchat
8:01 pm lizziside: @olilewington Ok, cheers. Sounds pretty straight forward. #scriptchat
8:02 pm momentsoffilm: No longer legally valid though. RT @olilewington: @lizziside ... print a copy out, post it to yourself & leave it unopened. #scriptchat
8:02 pm Jonathan_Peace: @mLori71 Hey there. It's a weekly gathering of screenwriters to throw ideas back and forth and help each other out. Great fun! #scriptchat
8:02 pm lizziside: RT @JLichtenberg: #scriptchat to my followers "notes" in script parlance is what book editors scribble in your margins #scriptchat
8:02 pm olilewington: Thanks for the chat tonight, people. Am off to check out Sherlock. Chat soon! #scriptchat
8:02 pm david_haddon: @DreamsGrafter Groundhog Day had a screenplay? I thought Murray only improvised! My world is shattered! #scriptchat
8:02 pm BWtheFilm: @rpg3000 Not to mention the script will continue evolving in pre-production. You'll have more chances, LOL! #scriptchat
8:02 pm momentsoffilm: @olilewington It's not about quality. It's a novel built on quantity... hence crazy stuff #scriptchat
8:03 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter definitely! #nano #scriptchat
8:03 pm lupiilu: @olilewington see you soon hun. x #scriptchat
8:03 pm Jonathan_Peace: @DreamsGrafter Make a note for that one as I'm attacking my first bromantic comedy. #scriptchat
8:03 pm lizziside: How's that...RT @momentsoffilm: No longer legally valid though. RT @olilewington: #scriptchat
8:03 pm BWtheFilm: @olilewington #scriptchat
8:03 pm lupiilu: lol RT @david_haddon: @DreamsGrafter Groundhog Day had a screenplay? I thought Murray only improvised! My world is shattered! #scriptchat
8:03 pm BWtheFilm: @olilewington And good night! #scriptchat
8:03 pm momentsoffilm: Sorry for wacky out of sync posting but I'm struggling to keep up and read and reply today! #scriptchat
8:03 pm DreamsGrafter: @mLori71 #SCRIPTCHAT happens at 8pm BST for Europe and 8pm EDT for US. But of course, everyone's welcome to both. :)
8:03 pm lizziside: @olilewington Bye there and thx again #scriptchat
8:04 pm thewritertype: @DreamsGrafter and all, thanks for a cool #scriptchat. And this Chablis is pretty decent, too.
8:04 pm Jonathan_Peace: @olilewington Its had great reviews. Enjoy. Good chatting with you. #scriptchat
8:04 pm lupiilu: @lizziside it's not legally acceptable/valid as a form of evidence. #scriptchat
8:04 pm rpg3000: @BWtheFilm Oh yeah, it never ends! #scriptchat
8:04 pm BWtheFilm: @DreamsGrafter DM me with an email and I'll send you the details. #scriptchat
8:04 pm jeannevb: fyi, I want to put a list of recommended #indie films on our blog. Plz @ me with your recommendations #scriptchat
8:04 pm JLichtenberg: RT @olilewington: @antonsays Tony Jordan says re:notes that he's disappointed if a writer doesn't at least try to challenge him on them. #scriptchat
8:04 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: #indie #scriptchat peeps, our local film festival is accepting applications! 2 hrs north of NYC LOTS of foreign films 2
8:04 pm momentsoffilm: @lizziside It doesn't prove anything and too easy to tamper with. I either use WGAW online upload or I don't bother at all. #scriptchat
8:04 pm DreamsGrafter: @david_haddon Haha! Let us help you piece it back together next week. ;) #scriptchat
8:05 pm david_haddon: @olilewington It was nice chatting, see you again! :) #scriptchat
8:05 pm BWtheFilm: @momentsoffilm I know! It's a brave new world of hand-eye-brain coordination. #scriptchat
8:05 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: #scriptchat #indie and submissions for SHORT films too! #filmcolumbia
8:05 pm DreamsGrafter: @BWtheFilm Great, will do. Thanks! #scriptchat
8:05 pm antonsays: @Jonathan_Peace #scriptchat it helps having so many options to procrastinate
8:05 pm david_haddon: @DreamsGrafter so #scriptchat is every sunday yes? :) It's been a lot of fun.
8:05 pm JLichtenberg: RT @DreamsGrafter: Before everyone shoots off, just a reminder that nxt wk we'll be discussing Groundhog Day the screenplay: #scriptchat
8:05 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lizziside I always thought about posting to oneself, but really, WGA registration is the professional thing to do. #scriptchat
8:05 pm JLichtenberg: RT @DreamsGrafter: Week after (8th August), we'll be discussing writing comedy w/ comedy writer @thewritertype! #scriptchat
8:06 pm JLichtenberg: RT @momentsoffilm: No longer legally valid though. RT @olilewington: @lizziside ... print a copy out, post it to yourself & leave it unopened. #scriptchat
8:06 pm jeannevb: yes. Chk our blog RT @david_haddon: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat is every sunday yes? :) Its been a lot of fun. #scriptchat
8:06 pm The_Jodi: @LisaFromNYC I'm impressed by anyone who can finegle excel! Bad things have happened to me :) #scriptchat
8:07 pm Jonathan_Peace: @antonsays LOL to a point. Actually keeps me focused (and I get to add ideas to each idea over time with a longer plan) #scriptchat
8:07 pm lizziside: @momentsoffilm Even for the US? #scriptchat
8:07 pm rpg3000: Thanks @dreamsgrafter and all for the #scriptchat
8:07 pm LisaFromNYC: RT @DreamsGrafter: Just a reminder that nxt wk we'll be discussing Groundhog Day the screenplay: #scriptchat
8:07 pm Indust_Scripts: Do screenwriters scrutinise film/TV ideas well enough before leaping into the writing process? #scriptchat
8:08 pm jeannevb: @lizziside we have resources on the blog for protecting ur work #scriptchat
8:08 pm deanlines: @KevinLehane that's what I thought. Some disagree "It also isn't a reward for putting money/time into the project" via @montimer #scriptchat
8:08 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon US will be here tonight at 1am if you haven't had enough today, though US is faster paced. lol #scriptchat
8:08 pm DreamsGrafter: @david_haddon Every Sunday indeed. :) It's great having you on board. Glad you enjoyed! #scriptchat
8:08 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: yes. Chk our blog RT @david_haddon: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat is every sunday yes? :) Its been a lot of fun. #scriptchat
8:08 pm momentsoffilm: @DreamsGrafter Just wanting to write is more about honing the way I write, becoming a better writer by practice. #scriptchat
8:08 pm lizziside: RT @Jonathan_Peace: I always thought about posting to oneself, but really, WGA registration is the professional thing to do. #scriptchat
8:08 pm LisaFromNYC: @The_Jodi lol I love excel. I can program in it as well. #scriptchat
8:08 pm Indust_Scripts: Not in our experience, but our Project Screening Service has been designed to help... #scriptchat
8:08 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @olilewington Challenge script notes if you really care about the issue - that's how you find out if you do.
8:08 pm Jonathan_Peace: @lupiilu with more alcohol #scriptchat
8:09 pm momentsoffilm: @The_Jodi Well I'm not sure it's a good thing but it's what I do! Haha! #scriptchat
8:09 pm david_haddon: @lupiilu US? Sorry? #scriptchat
8:09 pm BWtheFilm: Thanks for the chat. Signing off and see you next week! #scriptchat
8:10 pm momentsoffilm: @lizziside I think in the US they like WGAW registration. It can be done online, lasts 5 yrs and doesn't cost much. #scriptchat
8:10 pm DreamsGrafter: @rpg3000 Hello and thank you! Here's more deets about #scriptchat: ... I love your avatar.
8:10 pm lizziside: @jeannevb Thx Jeanne, I'll go and check. Moreover, in US they specifically ask that your work be protected b4 submission #scriptchat
8:10 pm jeannevb: United States chat. I moderate that 1 @ 8pm ET, w LOTS of tequila ;) RT @david_haddon: @lupiilu US? Sorry? #scriptchat
8:10 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace @jeannevb oh yes, more alcohol. lol @david_haddon US, sorry USA scriptchat, 1am. :D #scriptchat
8:10 pm momentsoffilm: @lizziside Plus.. you don't have to print it off so its GREEN! :D #scriptchat
8:10 pm Jonathan_Peace: Not sure I'll be able to make it to US chat as I've an early start in the morning. Thanks Mina for another great chat X #scriptchat
8:10 pm jeannevb: @lizziside yep. We register w WGA. Link on the blog ;) #scriptchat
8:11 pm momentsoffilm: @olilewington Good night! Have a loveleee evening! :) #scriptchat
8:11 pm lizziside: @momentsoffilm Yeah, that' what Jonathan was saying :-) #scriptchat
8:11 pm rpg3000: @DreamsGrafter Hello and many thanks! Will check that out. Cheers. #scriptchat
8:11 pm lupiilu: @Jonathan_Peace Yes you do Mr. Peace. ;) #scriptchat
8:11 pm david_haddon: Although I am English I am in the US until August, so I can probably muster being on for the US #scriptchat :) It sounds like fun!
8:11 pm lizziside: RT @jeannevb: yep. We register w WGA. Link on the blog ;) #scriptchat
8:12 pm DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace Thanking you mr! Have a wicked time hanging out w/ @lupiilu ... #scriptchat
8:12 pm lizziside: That's a plus :D RT @momentsoffilm: @lizziside Plus.. you dont have to print it off so its GREEN! :D #scriptchat
8:12 pm momentsoffilm: Righty oh.. I'm signing of #scriptchat for now. Have a great evening all! Nice to chat again!
8:13 pm Jonathan_Peace: @DreamsGrafter If I haven't resurfaced next week, come looking..... #scriptchat
8:13 pm The_Jodi: @LisaFromNYC Wow! Now that's really impressive!! #scriptchat
8:13 pm antonsays: 1st #scriptchat flew by. Lots of fun.
8:13 pm lizziside: yeah guys :-)) RT @DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace Thanking you mr! Have a wicked time hanging out w/ @lupiilu ... #scriptchat
8:13 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon it is, I try to get early nights so don't make it much, when I do I stare in shock @ speed of conversation! lol #scriptchat
8:13 pm Jonathan_Peace: @antonsays Hope to see you again! #scriptchat
8:13 pm DreamsGrafter: Hey guys, I'm going to shoot off now. Please keep chatting & I'll see y'all in the morn. Thank u so much for a gr8 #scriptchat this evening!
8:14 pm DreamsGrafter: US #scriptchat continues w/ Open Topic: 8pm EDT/5pm PDT
8:14 pm lupiilu: @DreamsGrafter see you later Mina. X #scriptchat
8:14 pm DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace Haha! #scriptchat
8:14 pm DreamsGrafter: Cool! RT @antonsays: 1st #scriptchat flew by. Lots of fun.
8:14 pm lizziside: @DreamsGrafter Have a nice evening - xo #scriptchat
8:15 pm david_haddon: @lupiilu Well I will try to be there. Anyway I am heading off now guys. Thanks for my first #scriptchat it was great! See ya all soon!
8:15 pm DreamsGrafter: @lupiilu Laters lovely ... xo #scriptchat
8:15 pm antonsays: @Jonathan_Peace #scriptchat I hope the lil'one lets me on next week for Groundhog day. have a good one
8:15 pm lupiilu: @david_haddon *waves* #scriptchat
8:15 pm lizziside: Btw, hi to all the new nicks I see here tonite - welcome to this room of crazy sweet ppl #scriptchat
8:16 pm Jonathan_Peace: @antonsays Try. It's great talking about an actual produced script. See ya! #scriptchat
8:16 pm momentsoffilm: Ditto! RT @lizziside: Btw, hi to all the new nicks I see here tonite - welcome to this room of crazy sweet ppl #scriptchat
8:16 pm jeannevb: if u still need to download GROUNDHOG DAY, do it here: #scriptchat
8:16 pm lupiilu: Agree RT @lizziside: Btw, hi to all the new nicks I see here tonite - welcome to this room of crazy sweet ppl #scriptchat
8:17 pm DreamsGrafter: Oh and if you're new to #scriptchat @jeannevb is one of the members of #scriptchat #treefort!
8:17 pm lizziside: RT @jeannevb: if u still need to download GROUNDHOG DAY, do it here: #scriptchat
8:17 pm DreamsGrafter: Great to see new faces! RT @lizziside: Btw, hi to all the new nicks I see here tonite - welcome to this room of crazy sweet ppl #scriptchat
8:17 pm jeannevb: Nice to be able to pop in EURO chat. Summer months keeps me at the lake. Rain was welcome today :) #scriptchat
8:17 pm lupiilu: thank you RT @lizziside @DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace Thanking you mr! Have a wicked time hanging out w/ @lupiilu ... #scriptchat
8:18 pm jeannevb: *curtsy* RT @DreamsGrafter: Oh and if youre new to #scriptchat @jeannevb is one of the members of #scriptchat #treefort! #scriptchat
8:18 pm DreamsGrafter: @lizziside You too babe. Have a great start to the week! #scriptchat
8:18 pm LisaFromNYC: @The_Jodi Thanx. I'm an engineer who's programmed... turned writer. Writing is more fun (when ideas flow!) #scriptchat
8:18 pm DreamsGrafter: Laters guys! xo #scriptchat
8:19 pm Jonathan_Peace: The one with the tequila RT @jeannevb: *curtsy* RT @DreamsGrafter: Oh and if youre new @jeannevb is one of the members of #scriptchat
12:01 am jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK (coined by @DreamsGrafter).... Tonight, OPEN TOPIC! Let it fly
12:01 am Thefirstreel: @jeannevb Well, stop cleaning and join the "Taking a Break" crowd! #scriptchat
12:02 am GinySassenach: Hello everyone #scriptchat
12:02 am jeannevb: Is anyone even here tonight? #yikes #scriptchat
12:03 am GinySassenach: I'm here #scriptchat
12:03 am GCGeek: I'm here for Open Topic. Hello! #scriptchat
12:03 am Thefirstreel: No, just us trolls. #scriptchat
12:03 am jeannevb: @GinySassenach @Thefirstreel I think we're the lone 3 amigos of #scriptchat tonight.... is Comic Con killing our crowd?
12:03 am booksbelow: I'm here lurking :-) #scriptchat
12:03 am GinySassenach: Is everyone at SDCC? #scriptchat
12:04 am jeannevb: @GCGeek a fourth musketeer WOOT #scriptchat
12:04 am dkbrklyn: no #scriptchat
12:04 am Thefirstreel: I think it should be renamed Pop-Culture Con! #scriptchat
12:04 am jeannevb: use the #scriptchat hashtag so u show up in the chat room or go to RT @AmyRohde: @jeannevb I'm here-
12:04 am TheWriteScript: Hey all. #scriptchat
12:04 am cinematicshot: I'm back from SDCC minus the BO. #scriptchat
12:05 am chipstreet: heyo - first #scriptchat in a while! #scriptchat
12:05 am TheWriteScript: @Thefirstreel LOL I agree. So little connection to comics these days. #scriptchat
12:05 am jeannevb: so we have an open topic tonight. What do y'all want to get off ur chests? #scriptchat
12:05 am jeannevb: so we have an open topic tonight. What do y'all want to get off ur chests? #scriptchat
12:05 am GinySassenach: Wow the gate has opened! :-) #scriptchat
12:05 am jeannevb: WOOT! RT @cinematicshot: Im back from SDCC minus the BO. #scriptchat
12:05 am GCGeek: 'Tis I, d'Artagnan. ;-) #scriptchat
12:05 am GinySassenach: Loglines #scriptchat
12:05 am KageyNYC: Hey scriptchatters, it's open topic night! #scriptchat
12:05 am booksbelow: Want to hear @jeannevb's take on Inception, she has been unusually reticent on it so far! #scriptchat
12:06 am jeannevb: I hope it wasn't one of our chatters who got stabbed at #sdcc. If so, I'll have to go as their body guard nxt yr #scriptchat
12:06 am jeannevb: @HigherFrequency @WriterChanelle yeah :) #scriptchat
12:06 am GCGeek: Minus spoilers. :) RT @booksbelow: Want to hear @jeannevbs take on Inception, she has been unusually reticent on it so far! #scriptchat
12:06 am GinySassenach: @jeannevb Have tequila will travel... #scriptchat
12:06 am TheWriteScript: NO...please no Inception yet. Haven't been. #scriptchat
12:06 am david_haddon: Maybe you guys will know, if how can you get the right to use a song for something you're making? #scriptchat
12:06 am jeannevb: @booksbelow I have indeed been quiet about INCEPTION. Digesting it. I really think I need to see it twice. So much happening #scriptchat
12:06 am WriterChanelle: I've been so busy with my blog I haven't touched my script in months :-( #scriptchat
12:06 am dkbrklyn: thx for avoiding inception spoilers #scriptchat
12:06 am writeononline: @jeannevb Hope you had an awesome birthday! #scriptchat
12:07 am jeannevb: @GCGeek no spoilers allowed :) #scriptchat
12:07 am AmyRohde: @jeannevb Thanks! I seem to have made it in one piece! #scriptchat
12:07 am blankethouse: @jeannevb #scriptchat How long does it take everyone to write a first draft script?
12:07 am jeannevb: @TheWriteScript *zip* on INCEPTION ;) #scriptchat
12:07 am Story_Craft: Though #storycraft can continue as long as people want, a reminder for the script-inclined that #scriptchat is starting now. Have fun, all!
12:07 am chipstreet: Inception: Still haven't seen it! #scriptchat
12:07 am jeannevb: @writeononline yes, i did! Birthday was FABULOUS! ;) #scriptchat
12:07 am GCGeek: Yes!!!! RT @writeononline: @jeannevb Hope you had an awesome birthday! #scriptchat
12:07 am The_Jodi: I have serious #SDCC envy! #scriptchat
12:07 am jeannevb: a virgin! WOOT :) RT @AmyRohde: @jeannevb Thanks! I seem to have made it in one piece! #scriptchat
12:08 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb You know what I'd really like to know? First steps to becoming a script reader. #scriptchat
12:08 am jeannevb: w outline, took us 8 INTENSE wks RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb How long does it take everyone to write a first draft script? #scriptchat
12:08 am WriterSchilf: As fast as possible RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb #scriptchatHow long does it take everyone to write a first draft script? #scriptchat
12:08 am david_haddon: @jeannevb Some one got stabbed at #SDCC ? I will have to Cosplay as Judge Dredd next time then! #scriptchat
12:09 am writeononline: Can I quick pimp my new contest? #scriptchat
12:09 am jeannevb: @blankethouse 5 1/2 months from start of script to submission to prod co's.... with NO days off. Constant writing. #scriptchat
12:09 am jeannevb: @david_haddon ha... we'll have to ask @UnCompletedwork for a full stabbing report #scriptchat
12:09 am jeannevb: YES RT @writeononline: Can I quick pimp my new contest? #scriptchat
12:09 am WriterSchilf: @blankethouse The first draft needs to be rocket fast. Because the good stuff is all in the rewriting #scriptchat
12:10 am The_Jodi: @blankethouse If you count actual endings it takes me WAY TOO LONG to finish! #scriptchat
12:10 am jeannevb: psst @kageynyc RT @WriterChanelle: @jeannevb You know what Id really like to know? First steps to becoming a script reader. #scriptchat
12:10 am readerproof: Get suckered into it, lol RT @WriterChanelle: You know what Id really like to know? First steps to becoming a script reader. #scriptchat
12:10 am GCGeek: Was chatting w/@yeah_write. I'm attending @SKCOMEDY's LA Comedy Intensive 12/4-5 #scriptchat Tweetup & #screenwriterkaraoke ?? #scriptchat
12:10 am writeononline: Write a fictional "How I Spent My Summer Vacay" #scriptchat
12:10 am TheWriteScript: I juggle grad writing time is squeezed around other projects. #scriptchat
12:10 am chipstreet: @blankethouse my fastest 1st draft was about 11 weeks p/t concept 2 fadeout. Calender days. real hours, mebbe 12 days for 2 ppl. #scriptchat
12:10 am jeannevb: @GCGeek Congrats! That shld be amazing! #scriptchat
12:11 am david_haddon: @jeannevb The problem with us and gossip - we're writers so naturally it will augment as time goes by. #scriptchat
12:11 am JustinWHedges: Am I still allowed to attend #scriptchat after the Elf Monologue incident? Not sure where you stand on garden gnome kidnapping.
12:11 am blankethouse: @jeannevb @WriterSchilf My average is 3 days. #scriptchat
12:11 am TheWriteScript: Of current TV pilot, first draft only took a few nights. Five drafts later...hmm. A few months anyway. #scriptchat
12:11 am jeannevb: RT @writeononline: Write a fictional "How I Spent My Summer Vacay" #writer #scriptchat
12:11 am AmyRohde: @TheWriteScript It's tough, isn't it? I have three kids at home and there never seems to be enough time. #scriptchat
12:11 am TheWriteScript: That's a 30 min pilot. #scriptchat
12:12 am WriterSchilf: Intern for free at a production company. RT @WriterChanelle: @jeannevb First steps to becoming a script reader? #scriptchat
12:12 am jeannevb: u like quickies... I like to linger ;) RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb @WriterSchilf My average is 3 days.#scriptchat #scriptchat
12:12 am WriterChanelle: @readerproof make it sound like a bad thing #scriptchat
12:12 am Donna_Carrick: Did you have a b-day recently, Jeanne? Happy belated... RT @jeannevb: @writeononline yes, i did! Birthday was FABULOUS! ;) #scriptchat
12:12 am booksbelow: @JustinWHedges Thought that was great, though I feel really bad for the poor gnome. #scriptchat
12:12 am jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick thanks, Donna. Bday was yesterday :) #scriptchat
12:12 am chipstreet: Am reading for a contest as we chat. O the pain. #scriptchat
12:12 am WriterSchilf: If you want it bad enough, you make time. RT @AmyRohde: @TheWriteScript There never seems to be enough time. #scriptchat
12:12 am GinySassenach: Tuesday is my b'day. #scriptchat
12:13 am JustinWHedges: @booksbelow the gnome deserves it. :) #scriptchat
12:13 am TheWriteScript: Apparently it FEELS like a few months. It's been five weeks for five drafts and about done now. #scriptchat
12:13 am jeannevb: HAPPY BDAY! RT @GinySassenach: Tuesday is my bday. #scriptchat
12:17 am WriterSchilf: 20 words or less RT @GinySassenach: How to best describe a script, how many words? As few as possible? #scriptchat
12:17 am mindofbryan: @booksbelow Seems like you can stray quite a bit for dramatic purposes. #scriptchat
12:18 am blankethouse: RT @WriterSchilf: Writing is no diet so you can fit in a dress for a reunion. Writing is a lifestyle. You just do it - everyday #scriptchat
12:18 am GinySassenach: @WriterSchilf Thanks #scriptchat
12:18 am jeannevb: @blankethouse @WriterSchilf I'm same way. Script is now done & out to prod co's but I'm in zone, so starting next right away #scriptchat
12:18 am WriterSchilf: Truth! RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb @WriterSchilf I stop writing for more than a day, I lose flow. better to blast it!#scriptchat
12:18 am david_haddon: Sorry in advance by the by. I am working on my #animation and may not respond straight away. Anyone ever tried adapting a comic? #scriptchat
12:18 am JustinWHedges: RT @WriterSchilf: 20 words or less RT @GinySassenach: How to best describe a script, how many words? As few as possible? #scriptchat
12:19 am GinySassenach: I feel script writing is so much more interesting then writing a story. You can go really outside the box with script writing #scriptchat
12:19 am chipstreet: @ginysassenach logline=protagonist, antagonist, conflict. Minimum words. #scriptchat
12:19 am jeannevb: @david_haddon no, but i wld think it wld be cool to do #scriptchat
12:19 am readerproof: Good advice. Very hard to do, but good advice. RT @WriterSchilf: 20 words or less #scriptchat
12:20 am jeannevb: @HigherFrequency I tweeted out the link to 40 Days of Screenplays just a bit ago. Still need it? #scriptchat
12:20 am GinySassenach: @chipstreet Thanks #scriptchat
12:20 am WriterSchilf: @jeannevb Yes. Always be working on something. Too many writers focus on making ONE PROJECT PERFECT. Big Mistake! #scriptchat
12:20 am booksbelow: @mindofbryan I fell okay to add some characters if stick to real events, but a lot of gray areas! #scriptchat
12:20 am blankethouse: @jeannevb @WriterSchilf Oh, I got kids as well! What about the Font for a query letter? Courier as well? #scriptchat
12:20 am The_Jodi: @WriterChanelle Well, as a NYer I can vouch for the city's awesomeness. #scriptchat
12:20 am tylerweaver: Loglines = the greatest tweet you've ever written. A one-two punch of hook & upper cut. #scriptchat
12:20 am WriterSchilf: If you want to be a successful screenwriter, you must have a lot of ideas. If you covet just one, you're in trouble. #scriptchat
12:20 am WriterChanelle:'s trying to pull me in RT @The_Jodi: @WriterChanelle Well, as a NYer I can vouch for the city's awesomeness. #scriptchat
12:20 am TheWriteScript: Loglines: @scriptdreric's #loglinefriday is good practice. I submit weekly just to play with ideas I'm not going to write. #scriptchat
12:21 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf or focus too much on selling the 1 they finished & dont write the next. I want a MOUNTAIN of scripts #scriptchat
12:21 am readerproof: RT @tylerweaver: Loglines = the greatest tweet youve ever written. A one-two punch of hook & upper cut. #scriptchat
12:21 am GinySassenach: @tylerweaver Very well said #scriptchat
12:21 am chipstreet: @GinySassenach np good exercise=try to fit it in a tweet :) #scriptchat
12:21 am mindofbryan: @booksbelow Well, you have to fit a life, or a significant part of one into two hours. Things will get condensed and changed. #scriptchat
12:21 am booksbelow: RT @WriterSchilf: @jeannevb Yes-Always be working on something-Too many writers focus on making 1 PROJECT PERFECT. Big Mistake! #scriptchat
12:21 am david_haddon: @jeannevb Heard there is a new #JudgeDredd being filmed, which is why I wondered. In theory Comics start out as scripts anyway! #scriptchat
12:21 am WriterChanelle: @KageyNYC Well, if it's a matter of applying to production companies, I will have to leave this area. #scriptchat
12:21 am LisaFromNYC: RT @WriterSchilf @jeannevb Yes. Always b working on something. 2 many writers focus on making ONE PROJECT PERFECT. Big Mistake! #scriptchat
12:21 am DamoneWilliams: RT @WriterSchilf: If you want to be a successful screenwriter, you must have a lot of ideas. If you covet just one, you're in trouble. #scriptchat
12:21 am jeannevb: AMEN RT @WriterSchilf: If u want to be a successful screenwriter, u must have a lot of ideas. If u covet just 1, ur in trouble. #scriptchat
12:22 am JustinWHedges: Absolutely, the more the merrier. RT @jeannevb: @WriterSchilf ...I want a MOUNTAIN of scripts. #scriptchat
12:22 am TheWriteScript: @WriterSchilf I agree! I was a journalist long enough to realize you just get it done best you can and move on. #scriptchat
12:22 am thatwritingchic: RT @WriterSchilf: If u want to be a successful screenwriter, u must have a lot of ideas. If u covet just 1, ur in trouble. #scriptchat
12:22 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle there are some online sites u might be able to read for. U'll prob need to do sample coverage to prove urself #scriptchat
12:22 am DamoneWilliams: RT @WriterSchilf: Writing is no diet so you can fit in a dress for a reunion. Writing is a lifestyle. You just do it - everyday #scriptchat
12:22 am brionykidd: RT @tylerweaver: Loglines = the greatest tweet you've ever written. A one-two punch of hook & upper cut. #scriptchat
12:22 am readerproof: @david_haddon A new #JudgeDredd? Their just going to remake everything. #scriptchat
12:23 am JustinWHedges: @david_haddon the #JudgeDredd possibility is gaining momentum. @GeekTyrant reported Karl Urban is in consideration. #scriptchat
12:23 am dianewms: Blake Snyder on what makes a great logline: #scriptchat
12:23 am thatwritingchic: RT @tylerweaver: Loglines = the greatest tweet you've ever written. A one-two punch of hook & upper cut. #scriptchat
12:23 am jeannevb: @brionykidd @tylerweaver u need a logline heavy bag ;) #scriptchat
12:23 am mindofbryan: @readerproof Eventually they'll run out of ideas to remake. #scriptchat
12:23 am GinySassenach: I'm tired of remakes...something INCEPTION #scriptchat
12:23 am readerproof: RT @dianewms: Blake Snyder on what makes a great logline: #scriptchat
12:23 am JustinWHedges: Pre-branded property, unfortunately. RT @readerproof: @david_haddon A new #JudgeDredd? Their just going to remake everything. #scriptchat
12:23 am thatwritingchic: RT @WriterSchilf: @jeannevb Yes. Always b working on something. 2 many writers focus on making 1 PROJECT PERFECT. Big Mistake! #scriptchat
12:24 am GinySassenach: @dianewms Thanks #scriptchat
12:24 am jeannevb: I'll put these logline links on the blog later #scriptchat
12:24 am WriterSchilf: Yes. Until it they start losing $ on remakes RT @readerproof: @david_haddonTheir just going to remake everything. #scriptchat
12:24 am KageyNYC: @WriterChanelle You can rd remotely but you're less likely to get a higher level job remotely, but read remotely to get started. #scriptchat
12:24 am blankethouse: @jeannevb @WriterSchilf My problem is that I have so many ideas & I have 4 completed scripts, but need time to rewrite & edit. #scriptchat
12:24 am readerproof: That's what I'm hoping for. RT @mindofbryan: @readerproof Eventually theyll run out of ideas to remake. #scriptchat
12:24 am JustinWHedges: There's momentum that direction as reboots/remakes aren't doing well RT @GinySassenach: Im tired of remakes...something new.... #scriptchat
12:24 am WriterSchilf: Hollywood is a business based on FEAR. RT @GinySassenach: Im tired of remakes...something INCEPTION #scriptchat
12:24 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb do I know they're reputable? I see stuff on Craigslist, but it seems so shady. #scriptchat
12:25 am readerproof: Inception is #1 for the second time this week. That's good for all of us. #scriptchat
12:25 am jeannevb: @blankethouse pick the most commercial or best hook & start w that one #scriptchat
12:25 am WriterSchilf: Remakes r gonna be around for a while - until it makes financial sense otherwise. Remember 7 out of 10 movies lose $ #scriptchat
12:25 am GinySassenach: @WriterSchilf Based on fear, then I have the script for them! LOL #scriptchat
12:25 am chipstreet: Everyone has lots of ideas. GREAT ideas that you love to write and others love to read, not so much. #scriptchat
12:26 am davidspies: RT @tylerweaver: Loglines = the greatest tweet you've ever written. A one-two punch of hook & upper cut. #scriptchat
12:26 am booksbelow: They'll probably remake Citizen Kane #scriptchat
12:26 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle not Craigslist! Look on our blog resources & see if we have any... or maybe query some script consultants #scriptchat
12:26 am LisaFromNYC: They're remaking "Angel Heart" :'( *dies slowly* #scriptchat
12:26 am WriterChanelle: Wow. RT @jeannevb: 5 1/2 months from start of script to submission to prod co's.... with NO days off. Constant writing. #scriptchat
12:26 am jeannevb: NOOOOOO!!!!!! #remakehell RT @booksbelow: Theyll probably remake Citizen Kane #scriptchat
12:27 am readerproof: RT @jeannevb: not Craigslist! Look on our blog resources & see if we have any... or maybe query some script consultants #scriptchat
12:27 am TheWriteScript: @chipstreet Great is subjective. All that matters is that the guy with the power/money thinks my ideas are great. #scriptchat
12:27 am Thefirstreel: They are afraid to remake the AFI classics! #scriptchat
12:27 am mindofbryan: @jeannevb They'll probably get somebody like Owen Wilson to play Kane, too. #scriptchat
12:27 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle I wrote 12 hr days for months. Never worked so hard in my life. But it came out great ;) #scriptchat
12:27 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb Awesome! I'll do that. Thank you :) #scriptchat
12:28 am WriterSchilf: Yes and No. Inception was made due to Nolan's past success. RT @readerproof: Inception is #1 good for all of us. #scriptchat
12:28 am GinySassenach: @Thefirstreel They should be the calibur of acting and actors were so different then today #scriptchat
12:28 am jeannevb: @mindofbryan no doubt! #scriptchat
12:28 am brionykidd: Anyone in Oz needing a script reader? #scriptchat
12:28 am booksbelow: It did! RT @jeannevb: @WriterChanelle I wrote 12 hr days for months. Never worked so hard in my life. But it came out great ;) #scriptchat
12:28 am david_haddon: @JustinWHedges I heard and felt slightly saddened at the rumour of Urban :( #scriptchat
12:29 am jeannevb: RT @brionykidd: Anyone in Oz needing a script reader? #scriptchat
12:29 am chipstreet: @TheWriteScript What matters most is my opinion. I will do my best work on ideas that I think are great. #scriptchat
12:29 am dianewms: A great logline has protagonist, antagonist, conflict, open-ended question, irony/hook, mental image, audience, killer title! #scriptchat
12:29 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb Sheezus. I need that kind of dedication. I'm sure it's wonderful. The premise is so....heart-wrenching #scriptchat
12:29 am WriterSchilf: @WriterChanelle You don't have to write 12 hour days - just everyday. 2 hrs a day = 15 pgs wk = script in 2 mon #scriptchat
12:29 am readerproof: That's very true. But now HWood will try to copy Inception RT @WriterSchilf: Inception was made due to Nolans past success. #scriptchat
12:29 am jeannevb: @booksbelow awww *curtsy* Btw, @WriterChanelle Rog read 3 diff't drafts haha #thatslove #scriptchat
12:29 am brionykidd: My thoughts on scriptwriting currently: be Barton Fink, don't worry about the politics, just write what you have to write. #scriptchat
12:29 am brionykidd: Of course Barton Fink is perhaps crazy. #scriptchat
12:30 am TheWriteScript: @chipstreet That's what I'm saying. I do my stories and wait until someone else sees my vision. No one else matters. #scriptchat
12:30 am JustinWHedges: The Ah-Ha motive, w/out it no passion. RT @chipstreet: @TheWriteScript What matters most is my opinion. I will do my best wor... #scriptchat
12:30 am chipstreet: RT @brionykidd: be Barton Fink, dont worry about the politics, just write what you have to write. #scriptchat
12:30 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf this script required total dedication & focus. Adapted this: #scriptchat
12:30 am brionykidd: RT @dianewms: A great logline has protagonist, antagonist, conflict, open-ended question, irony/hook, mental image, audience, killer title! #scriptchat
12:30 am blankethouse: @jeannevb @booksbelow I'd love to see a remake of Its A Wonderful Life, but that's me #scriptchat
12:30 am chipstreet: @TheWriteScript Right on. #scriptchat
12:31 am WriterSchilf: @dianewms But a great Pitch can be even simpler than a 20 word logline. Alien was sold on 3 words: Jaws in Space #scriptchat
12:31 am DamoneWilliams: RT @WriterSchilf: Hollywood is a business based on FEAR. RT @GinySassenach: Im tired of remakes...something INCEPTION #scriptchat
12:31 am Thefirstreel: @blankethouse I'm for a remake of Arsenic and Old Lace! #scriptchat
12:31 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle it was def the story itself that gauged my 12 hr days, but the next is a comedy. Wont need that kind of focus #scriptchat
12:31 am blankethouse: @jeannevb Ah, hello! Mine are all commercial! Lol #scriptchat
12:32 am booksbelow: What-Sacrilege! RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb @booksbelow Id love to see a remake of Its A Wonderful Life, but thats me#scriptchat #scriptchat
12:32 am david_haddon: Inception isn't really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron. #scriptchat
12:32 am GinySassenach: @Thefirstreel Didn't Steve Martin do a remake of Arsenic and Old lace? #scriptchat
12:32 am jeannevb: yes RT @HigherFrequency: my 1st #scriptchat ~ is there a transcript of it on @scriptchat website, I forgot to look?
12:32 am readerproof: RT @WriterSchilf: But a great Pitch can be even simpler than a 20 word logline. Alien was sold on 3 words: Jaws in Space #scriptchat
12:32 am chipstreet: Family Man? *shudders* RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb @booksbelow Id love to see a remake of Its A Wonderful Life, but thats me #scriptchat
12:32 am jeannevb: RT @david_haddon: Inception isnt really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron. #scriptchat
12:33 am tylerweaver: Wow - thanks for the RTs of my #scriptchat wisdom of the night. My wisdom keg is tapped out now. One-hit wonder.
12:33 am The_Jodi: @Thefirstreel I nominate George Clooney to play all Cary Grant roles! #scriptchat (Except Philadelphia Story--no one touches that.)
12:33 am WriterSchilf: How many hrs a day, all that... is variable. But the key is routine and schedule. #scriptchat
12:33 am JustinWHedges: Yep. Anyone remember Dreamscape? RT @david_haddon: Inception isnt really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell #scriptchat
12:33 am jeannevb: omg I have to shank u ha RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb @booksbelow love to see remake of Its A Wonderful Life #scriptchat
12:33 am LisaFromNYC: the same but diff :) RT @david_haddon Inception isn't really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron #scriptchat
12:33 am scriptdreric: @david_haddon And see that one episode of Start Trek, Next Generation, where Picard has that 50 yr dream. :) #scriptchat
12:34 am GCGeek: Agree. It's like exercise. RT @WriterSchilf: How many hrs a day, all that... is variable. But the key is routine and schedule. #scriptchat
12:34 am WriterChanelle: @WriterSchilf That makes sense. I think that's what I'll do for the last script I was working on. I just got too close to it. #scriptchat
12:34 am mindofbryan: @GinySassenach There was a time where I'd see any Steve Martin remake, then the Pink Panther ruined that. #scriptchat
12:34 am DamoneWilliams: RT @WriterSchilf How many hrs a day, all that... is variable. But the key is routine and schedule. #scriptchat
12:34 am LisaFromNYC: @JustinWHedges I liked dreamscape. That was on a couple of weeks ago #scriptchat
12:34 am david_haddon: @LisaFromNYC It isn't a new -idea- though ;) @scriptdreric yea totally nearly forgot that one! #scriptchat
12:34 am WriterChanelle: @WriterSchilf Had to stop and take my life out of it. #scriptchat
12:34 am readerproof: Tired of remakes? I'm hoping for a backlash #scriptchat
12:34 am Thefirstreel: @david_haddon It was different in how it tackled the topic! I would say Matrix was more like Tron. #scriptchat
12:34 am booksbelow: He does have that Cary Grant thing going! RT @The_Jodi: @Thefirstreel I nominate George Clooney to play all Cary Grant roles! #scriptchat
12:34 am JustinWHedges: A Top 5 fave ep. RT @scriptdreric: @david_haddon That 1 ep of Start Trek, Next Generation, where Picard has that 50 yr dream. :) #scriptchat
12:34 am robertiwataki: RT @jeannevb: RT @david_haddon: Inception isnt really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron. #scriptchat
12:35 am WriterSchilf: @jeannevb True. Inception rooted from other stories but wearing a new costume. Avatar even better e.g. #scriptchat
12:35 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb That is love. I'm sure it was great to read them, though. My favorite thing to do is read along with a movie #scriptchat
12:35 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf dont get me started on Avatar haha #ugh #scriptchat
12:35 am SKCOMEDY: @mindofbryan I bailed before Pink Panther--Father of the Bride did it for me. #scriptchat
12:35 am blankethouse: @jeannevb @booksbelow I know its crazy, but I've been thinking of that for Years. Sorry, shank away. Its wnderful #scriptchat
12:35 am WriterSchilf: @WriterChanelle explain #scriptchat
12:35 am Thefirstreel: @JustinWHedges yes, and that was my first thought. They might remake Dreamscape now after Inception popularity. #scriptchat
12:36 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle esp if u get an earlier draft! Fun to see the changes on screen #scriptchat
12:36 am david_haddon: @Thefirstreel I didn't say they were the same film, they were def the same basic idea though. #scriptchat
12:36 am DoubleNW: What's going on #scriptchat??
12:36 am GinySassenach: RT @WriterSchilf @jeannevb Yes don't get me started on Avator! #scriptchat
12:36 am Thefirstreel: @The_Jodi Agree on Clooney for Grant! #scriptchat
12:36 am jeannevb: open topic... hop in :) *pours tequila* RT @DoubleNW: Whats going on #scriptchat?? #scriptchat
12:37 am WriterSchilf: @jeannevb not saying you have to like Avatar. But clearly it works. Avatar = dances with wolves in space. #scriptchat
12:37 am chipstreet: & Dream a Little Dream RT @david_haddon Inception isnt really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron #scriptchat
12:37 am GinySassenach: @Thefirstreel NOOOO I'm sorry, anyone but Clooney...Michael Fassbender maybe #scriptchat
12:37 am WriterChanelle: @WriterSchilf Instead of the telling the story that I intended to tell, I started venting on the page. #scriptchat
12:37 am JustinWHedges: Liked it. Just sayin. RT @GinySassenach: RT @WriterSchilf @jeannevb Yes dont get me started on Avator! #scriptchat
12:38 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf yes, it's a given HW is addicted to repetition. I get that the biz man wants safety. But as a viewer, I hate it #scriptchat
12:38 am The_Jodi: RT Did you like or not like? @WriterSchilf: @jeannevb Yes don't get me started on Avator! #scriptchat"
12:38 am SKCOMEDY: @WriterSchilf I always thought that Avatar was Pocahontas in Space. #scriptchat
12:38 am chipstreet: Avatar workd ok. Just not very challenging. RT @WriterSchilf @jeannevb Yes dont get me started on Avator! #scriptchat
12:38 am WriterSchilf: @WriterChanelle Oh, dangerous. That's what a journal is for. Venting reads like venting and hurts the story #scriptchat
12:39 am jeannevb: when I go to see/write a film: I. Want. Originality. Period. #yesIamsmartenuftokonwexecutivesdont #scriptchat
12:39 am GinySassenach: @The_Jodi Didn't see it won't go see it. a cartoon pretending to be a movie #justsayin #scriptchat
12:39 am david_haddon: Avtar was more about the spectacle than anything else. #scriptchat
12:39 am jeannevb: me too! *yawn* RT @SKCOMEDY: @WriterSchilf I always thought that Avatar was Pocahontas in Space. #scriptchat
12:40 am busichic: @Qangaroo hey trouble, how you going w that script of yours? RT @brionykidd: Anyone in Oz needing a script reader? #scriptchat
12:40 am readerproof: Is anyone excited for that Facebook movie? #scriptchat
12:40 am DaveBartlett1: @david_haddon Nothing much in movies is original in terms of story. Avatar was basically Ferngully... #scriptchat
12:40 am WriterSchilf: @SKCOMEDY Dances w/Wolves is Pocahontas on western frontier. Avatar is Dances w/Wolves in Space. All R Romeo&Juliet #scriptchat
12:40 am busichic: RT @brionykidd: My thoughts on scriptwriting currently: be Barton Fink, don't worry about the politics, just write what you have to write. #scriptchat
12:40 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb I can understand that. It's such a heavy topic. #scriptchat
12:40 am jeannevb: @HigherFrequency yw ;) #scriptchat
12:40 am Thefirstreel: Does anyone go to a James Cameron film for the story? I just went for entertainment! #scriptchat
12:40 am The_Jodi: @GinySassenach Took my non-sci-fi-enjoying husband. Will NEVER make that mistake again! #blueisboring #scriptchat
12:41 am scripteach: True, but neither is boy meets girl @david_haddon Inception isnt really new idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron #scriptchat
12:41 am SKCOMEDY: @DaveBartlett1 Ferngully in Space! Now there's a logline! #scriptchat
12:41 am WriterChanelle: Anyone ever written/pitched a sitcom? How did that go? #scriptchat
12:41 am booksbelow: There's room for all kinds of films, Avatar included. People see films for different reasons. Few films are good in all aspects. #scriptchat
12:41 am jeannevb: @jpuopolo IMO, witty dialogue is what got JUNO noticed. Diablo kicked it #Screenplay #scriptchat
12:41 am david_haddon: @WriterSchilf Pocahontas was a real person so it's hard to say that was R&J really.. #scriptchat
12:41 am scriptdreric: @jeannevb Hey now, Avatar's not THAT bad. Have you seen a Michael Bay movie? :) #scriptchat
12:41 am WriterChanelle: @WriterSchilf Exactly! There's already a diary of a mad black woman #scriptchat
12:42 am JustinWHedges: RT @booksbelow: Theres room for all kinds of films, Avatar included. People see films for different reasons. #scriptchat
12:42 am GCGeek: Nope. Rather see an unauthorized Steve Jobs exposé RT @readerproof: Is anyone excited for that Facebook movie? #scriptchat
12:42 am booksbelow: I reallly can see that one! (ref. Avatar) RT @SKCOMEDY: @DaveBartlett1 Ferngully in Space! Now theres a logline! #scriptchat
12:42 am WriterSchilf: As a screenwriter, u should take a successful & commercial story & paint your own canvas-original worlds & characters #scriptchat
12:42 am scriptdreric: @scripteach You changed your pic - where's the monkey? #scriptchat
12:42 am david_haddon: @Thefirstreel The Terminator was a pretty cool story. #scriptchat
12:42 am jeannevb: HAHA! xo RT @scriptdreric: @jeannevb Hey now, Avatars not THAT bad. Have you seen a Michael Bay movie? :) #scriptchat
12:42 am jeannevb: totally agree RT @booksbelow: Theres room for all kinds of films, Avatar included. People see films for different reasons. #scriptchat
12:42 am WriterChanelle: @WriterSchilf And, that was far from the story I intended to tell #scriptchat
12:43 am mindofbryan: @david_haddon which was a remake of an outer limits story (or ripoff if you trust Harlan Ellison). #scriptchat
12:43 am The_Jodi: Hee! @jeannevb: me too! *yawn* RT @SKCOMEDY: @WriterSchilf I always thought that Avatar was Pocahontas in Space. #scriptchat"
12:43 am scripteach: But BF was a fool who was full of himself @brionykidd: be Barton Fink, don't worry about politics, just write what you have to #scriptchat
12:43 am TheWriteScript: @WriterChanelle Do you start with an outline? #scriptchat
12:43 am WriterSchilf: Personally, I appreciate Cameron's skill. Take a story that has proven successful and tell it in new way. #scriptchat
12:43 am brionykidd: Wondering if over-reliance on adaptions is stifling potential of original screenwriting.Unrealistic expectations for timeframes? #scriptchat
12:44 am JustinWHedges: Michael Bay. James Cameron. The common thread: people go to see their movies. Period. Audience opinion matters most. #scriptchat
12:44 am thedaisyharris: HAHA! RT @The_Jodi @jeannevb: T @SKCOMEDY: @WriterSchilf I always thought that Avatar was Pocahontas in Space. #scriptchat" #scriptchat
12:44 am WriterSchilf: As writers, we should rip off great stories and make them our own with unforgettable characters and new worlds. #scriptchat
12:44 am WriterChanelle: After a scolding from @jeannevb YES. RT @TheWriteScript: @WriterChanelle Do you start with an outline? #scriptchat
12:44 am readerproof: @GCGeek Me too. If the facebook movie does good, I wonder if they'll make a Twitter movie: "The 140 story" #scriptchat
12:44 am mindofbryan: @WriterSchilf As I said when I saw it, you have to hand it to Cameron, he really knows how to polish a turd. #scriptchat
12:44 am david_haddon: @mindofbryan Yea but was still a cool story =P better than Avatar at least! #scriptchat
12:44 am The_Jodi: I have a serious case of Diablo Envy! #scriptchat
12:44 am DoubleNW: @readerproof There's going 2b a film about facebook? Ha, I'm not even on facebook. #scriptchat
12:45 am booksbelow: RT @WriterSchilf: As writers, we should rip off great stories & make them our own with unforgettable characters and new worlds. #scriptchat
12:45 am blankethouse: RT @david_haddon: @Thefirstreel The Terminator was a pretty cool story. #scriptchat
12:45 am GinySassenach: Don't you think movies are appealing to a certain type of person's moods. Trying to find a movie that is everything 4 everyone #scriptchat
12:45 am DoubleNW: @readerproof There's going 2b a film about facebook? Ha, still don't have a facebook. #scriptchat
12:45 am WriterSchilf: It's not like a Rom-Com is expected to be Oscar worthy original, but amazing characters in an old situation works. #scriptchat
12:45 am JustinWHedges: Watch the Social Network trailers and clips, actually looks good. No walk in the park for those boys. #scriptchat
12:46 am david_haddon: @brionykidd Adaptation is often because A film, with a book, with a comic, with a toy makes better $$ than a film on it's own. #scriptchat
12:46 am jeannevb: So much originality in indie films. They don't have deep pockets to rely on like Avatar. #scriptchat
12:46 am DaveBartlett1: @david_haddon @SKCOMEDY ...and "I Robot" follows the storyline of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" almost to the letter! #scriptchat
12:46 am ttimechitchat: RT @WriterSchilf: As writers, we should rip off great stories & make them our own with unforgettable characters and new worlds. #scriptchat
12:46 am scriptdreric: @WriterSchilf I'm not sure "rip off" is the best term. Be inspired by? Borrow from? :) #scriptchat
12:46 am readerproof: @DoubleNW I think it's a David Fincher movie too. "First rule about Facebook, you don't talk about Facebook" #scriptchat
12:46 am FuglyCharlie: RT @WriterSchilf: Personally, I appreciate Cameron's skill. Take a story that has proven successful and tell it in new way. #scriptchat
12:46 am Thefirstreel: @WriterChanelle use an outline to get a thread for your story, otherwise page 40 turns to Lost in Space territory! #scriptchat
12:46 am brionykidd: @scripteach Aren't we all? No, seriously - he was naive but he had what they wanted, ie. talent, ideas... #scriptchat
12:46 am GinySassenach: Has anyone here seen Fish Tank...a most unusual story.l #scriptchat
12:46 am DamoneWilliams: RT @WriterSchilf: As writers, we should rip off great stories and make them our own with unforgettable characters and new worlds. #scriptchat
12:46 am dklon: @WriterSchilf - Good artists copy. Great artists steal #scriptchat
12:46 am jeannevb: @jpuopolo us the #scriptchat hashtag so ppl can see u in the chat ;) #Dialouge #Writing
12:47 am GCGeek: @readerproof I'm sure they will. :-) Maybe a prequel of MySpace the early years. #scriptchat
12:47 am SKCOMEDY: Only, b sure to call it homage! RT@WriterSchilf we should rip off great stories & make them our own w/ unforgettable characters #scriptchat
12:47 am david_haddon: @DaveBartlett1 I thought Asimov wrote that one... before Roger Rabbit was out... #scriptchat
12:47 am JustinWHedges: Unfortunately, too many are just boring. RT @jeannevb: So much originality in indie films. They dont have deep pockets to rel... #scriptchat
12:47 am TheJudalina: RT @WriterSchilf: It's not like a Rom-Com is expected to be Oscar worthy orig, but amazing characters in an old situation works. #scriptchat
12:47 am blankethouse: @WriterSchilf A good director can turn a so-so script into magic, but then again they wouldn't take a so-so script! #scriptchat
12:47 am WriterSchilf: doesn't work that way. Genre Specific. RT @GinySassenach: Trying to find movie that is everything 4 everyone #scriptchat
12:47 am scriptdreric: In case any followers are wondering, #scriptchat is a weekly Twitter group-chat on screenwriting...
12:47 am scripteach: Tru dat!! RT @brionykidd: Aren't we all? #scriptchat
12:48 am The_Jodi: I do promise to lay off Avatar but I think it's a good "less is more" lesson. Don't give me time to snicker at your plot holes! #scriptchat
12:48 am jpuopolo: @jeannevb thanks, yeah still gotta get this #Script done - I have about 60 pages without polished #dialouge or stage directs #scriptchat
12:48 am DaveBartlett1: @david_haddon Asimov wrote the book. The film bore little resemblance to the book. #scriptchat
12:48 am GCGeek: @readerproof Better yet: Twitter World of Avatars. Why not bank on Cameron? #scriptchat
12:48 am TheWriteScript: @SKCOMEDY LOL homage. #scriptchat
12:48 am LisaFromNYC: would luv 2 c "foundation" RT @david_haddon @DaveBartlett1 I thought Asimov wrote that one... before Roger Rabbit was out. #scriptchat
12:48 am jeannevb: @JustinWHedges I've seen some amazing ones at festivals. They took lots of risks that its hard for studios to take. #scriptchat
12:48 am booksbelow: @david_haddon @DaveBartlett1 Had almost nothing to do with Asimov stories of robotics. Just the title. #scriptchat
12:48 am ttimechitchat: RT @scriptdreric: @WriterSchilf Im not sure "rip off" is the best term. Be inspired by? Borrow from? :) #scriptchat
12:48 am brionykidd: @david_haddon No doubt...A bit soulless after a while though. #scriptchat
12:49 am readerproof: @GCGeek Now you're just giving them ideas, lol #scriptchat
12:49 am WriterSchilf: U must know ur audience. Rom-com, horror, romance, action-comedy, etc all must deliver specific expectations #scriptchat
12:49 am SKCOMEDY: @blankethouse William Goldman: You can make a bad movie from a good script, but you can't make a good movie from a bad script. #scriptchat
12:49 am jeannevb: @JustinWHedges but I agree, some are boring & not done well, but if u go to festivals, there's a gatekeeper to keep crap out #scriptchat
12:49 am mindofbryan: @booksbelow Alex Proyas hadn't even read story before he began writing I, Robot, soebody put him onto it later. #scriptchat
12:50 am booksbelow: @LisaFromNYC Foundation would be great, it's a trilogy, too! #scriptchat
12:50 am jeannevb: Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #doubledogdareyou #rememberIamablackbelt #scriptchat
12:50 am scripteach: Your point of writing what you want is good but have to know if you want it made, you'll have to deal w/politics RT @brionykidd: #scriptchat
12:50 am david_haddon: @brionykidd Do I need to say Twilight? #scriptchat
12:50 am WriterSchilf: @ttimechitchat that's semantics. But screenwriting is a business. And good writers rip-off, borrow, r inspired... #scriptchat
12:50 am jeannevb: @jpuopolo you'll get it done. Focus. One page at a time. ;) #Script #dialouge #scriptchat
12:50 am dklon: @booksbelow There's even more in the Foundation series now, post-Asimov #scriptchat
12:50 am scripteach: Still on my back! Just invisible. RT @scriptdreric: You changed your pic - where's the monkey? #scriptchat
12:50 am david_haddon: @jeannevb I'll do it for you, gimme a sec. #scriptchat
12:51 am yeah_write: I'm way late, but I"m here. #scriptchat
12:51 am scripteach: The sign of true success!! RT @jeannevb: Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #scriptchat
12:51 am jeannevb: @david_haddon ha *puts on gi* :) #scriptchat
12:51 am GCGeek: Yay. Avatar: love it? hate it? jk RT @yeah_write: Im way late, but I"m here. #scriptchat
12:51 am LisaFromNYC: 2 remake/reboot it lol RT@jeannevb Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #scriptchat
12:51 am jeannevb: damn straight ;) RT @scripteach: The sign of true success!!RT @jeannevb: Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #scriptchat
12:51 am booksbelow: @yeah_write Ok, you have 9 minutes to catch up! #scriptchat
12:51 am WriterChanelle: RT @WriterSchilf: Remakes r gonna be around until it makes financial sense otherwise. Remember 7 out of 10 movies lose $ #scriptchat
12:51 am brionykidd: @david_haddon Indeed....Some very talented people selling out as fast as they can there. #scriptchat
12:52 am WriterSchilf: That's truth! RT @scripteach: The sign of true success!!RT @jeannevb: Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #scriptchat
12:52 am yeah_write: Agreed. RT @scripteach: The sign of true success!!RT @jeannevb: Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #scriptchat
12:52 am AmyRohde: @jeannevb Oh no! I'm sure you're writing about that guy who does that thing in the place too. #scriptchat
12:52 am dklon: @scripteach Is that same as Weird Al parodying your music? #scriptchat
12:52 am DoubleNW: #scriptchat Avatar is the best movie film as far as the special effects I've seen n my life but every1 don't have that vision.
12:52 am readerproof: Never say Twilight, lol RT @david_haddon: @brionykidd Do I need to say Twilight? #scriptchat
12:52 am yeah_write: @booksbelow Crap. #scriptchat
12:52 am GCGeek: @yeah_write Previously on #scriptchat ... #scriptchat
12:52 am JustinWHedges: @jeannevb I can't stand how many of them try to say "Real life is exciting." I want to escape reality @ the movies. #scriptchat
12:52 am GinySassenach: Was it Blake that said, if you think some1 will steal your idea, then you are not a script writer. #scriptchat
12:53 am WriterSchilf: @dklon he didn't parody music bombs, did he #scriptchat
12:53 am yeah_write: @JustinWHedges My life sucks, that's why I write and go to movies. #scriptchat
12:53 am readerproof: RT @GinySassenach: Was it Blake that said, if you think some1 will steal your idea, then you are not a script writer. #scriptchat
12:53 am jeannevb: @AmyRohde haha... u are too!? haha #scriptchat
12:53 am GinySassenach: @JustinWHedges I can't stand reality TV, give me fiction!!! That's why so many people loved INCEPTION #scriptchat
12:53 am booksbelow: @yeah_write loglines, avatar, George Clooney as Cary Grant, ripping off ideas #scriptchat
12:53 am WriterChanelle: Yup RT @readerproof: HWood will try to copy Inception RT @WriterSchilf: Inception was made due to Nolans past success. #scriptchat
12:54 am brionykidd: @scripteach Agreed, but at the moment, personally at least, need to stay in a bubble & get some scripts written. Just for a time.#scriptchat
12:54 am Donna_Carrick: Hope it was spectacular! Wishes from @Alex_Carrick & me, RT @jeannevb: thanks, Donna. Bday was yesterday :) #scriptchat
12:54 am dklon: @WriterSchilf Which is a good analog for screenwriters #scriptchat
12:54 am jeannevb: I love open topic night. We need to do this more often. #scriptchat
12:54 am WriterChanelle: hmm RT @david_haddon: Inception isn't really that new of an idea. Shared Dream? See Matrix, The Cell, even Tron. #scriptchat
12:54 am yeah_write: @booksbelow I wish I was a good enough writer to rip off someone's idea and make it work. #scriptchat
12:54 am WriterSchilf: @JustinWHedges Exactly. People don't go to a Rom-Com to see reality. They go to see fantasy. to pretend. to escape #scriptchat
12:54 am AmyRohde: @jeannevb It's eerie, isn't it? You're a black belt and Im not, so back to the drawing board for me. #scriptchat
12:54 am jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick @Alex_Carrick yes, it ws a great bday :) Family day #scriptchat
12:55 am jeannevb: @JustinWHedges "real life is exciting" .... if u aren't a writer ha #scriptchat
12:55 am PS3Girlie86: RT @jeannevb - I'll put these logline links on the blog later #scriptchat
12:55 am jpuopolo: @jeannevb thanks for the inspiration back to the #Screenplay #scriptchat
12:55 am blankethouse: @yeah_write Hey, you've been quiet tonight! #scriptchat
12:55 am booksbelow: I can't wait to see Inception, waiting for my kids to get back this weekend. #scriptchat
12:55 am scriptdreric: Post on the best written movies of 2009 coming this week on Any nominations? #scriptchat #shamelessplugsunday
12:55 am dklon: @WriterSchilf Don't we, as an audience, also go to participate as that means of escape? #scriptchat
12:55 am WriterChanelle: RT @Thefirstreel: @JustinWHedges yes, and that was my first thought. They might remake Dreamscape now after Inception popularity #scriptchat
12:56 am jeannevb: OMG... MAD MEN is on tonight! sorry, I'm just getting excited :) #scriptchat
12:56 am david_haddon: Ok guys I'm gonna have to head off. For dinners for one. Also am struggling to concentrate on animating and chatting. (cont.) #scriptchat
12:56 am WriterSchilf: @yeah_write Start by trying to rip-off shakespeare. Romeo&Juliet as stuffed animals in an underwater Atlantic City #scriptchat
12:56 am david_haddon: It was fun, talk to you all later!! #scriptchat
12:56 am DoubleNW: I've written 4 scripts. 1 on the market now/I wish I could come up with a concept like Avatar. Just don't have that eye. #scriptchat
12:56 am booksbelow: Really looking forward to Groundhog Day chat next week! #scriptchat
12:56 am yeah_write: @blankethouse I've been makeover shopping with one of my employees. #scriptchat
12:56 am jeannevb: Fyi, I've gotten requests to post a list of GREAT #indie films on the blog. If u have any suggestions, @ me later #scriptchat
12:57 am WriterChanelle: Thanks for the reminder RT @jeannevb: OMG... MAD MEN is on tonight! sorry, I'm just getting excited :) #scriptchat
12:57 am scripteach: Oh yeah! I'll even give him the charts to make it easier for him. RT @dklon: Is that same as Weird Al parodying your music? #scriptchat
12:57 am TheWriteScript: @jeannevb Yes! But still like the script talks too. Groundhog Day will be fun. #scriptchat
12:57 am yeah_write: Ha RT @WriterSchilf: @yeah_write Start by trying 2 rip-off shakespeare Romeo&Juliet as stuffed animals in an underwater Atl City #scriptchat
12:57 am JustinWHedges: What's this? Details? RT @booksbelow: Really looking forward to Groundhog Day chat next week! #scriptchat
12:57 am readerproof: they better not remake Groundhog Day! #scriptchat
12:57 am ttimechitchat: Agreed, few ideas r original. Just b more creative.RT @WriterSchilf: thats semantics..good writers rip-off, borrow, r inspired.. #scriptchat
12:57 am jeannevb: If u need to download GROUNDHOG DAY script for nxt week, click here: #scriptchat
12:57 am WriterChanelle: Excited? Eh. Intrigued...sure RT @readerproof: Is anyone excited for that Facebook movie? #scriptchat
12:57 am Thefirstreel: @jeannevb yeah, yeah, yeah John Hamm is sooooo dreamy! Especially with hooks for hands as Liz Lemon's ex! #scriptchat
12:57 am blankethouse: @JustinWHedges @yeah_write I just went to an audition that the script seemed like my life, haha. #scriptchat
12:57 am scripteach: Me too! First season watching it "live". RT @jeannevb: OMG... MAD MEN is on tonight! sorry, I'm just getting excited :) #scriptchat
12:57 am jeannevb: REmember AUGUST 8th @SKCOMEDY is guesting on #scriptchat
12:58 am booksbelow: @JustinWHedges Reading Groundhog day script and then discussing next #scriptchat
12:58 am SKCOMEDY: @scriptdreric Best Screenplay? Up. #scriptchat
12:58 am tylerweaver: @WriterSchilf @JustinWHedges If I want reality, I'll go make a documentary. When I do narrative, I like to escape reality. #scriptchat
12:58 am ttimechitchat: RT @jeannevb: damn straight RT @scripteach: The sign of true success!!RT @jeannevb: Goal:for someone to rip off my script ideas #scriptchat
12:58 am yeah_write: Weird. :-) RT @blankethouse: @JustinWHedges @yeah_write I just went to an audition that the script seemed like my life, haha.#scriptchat
12:58 am jeannevb: @scripteach what I love is most of the writers on MAD MEN are WOMEN. I find that fascinating... and hopeful #scriptchat
12:59 am JustinWHedges: Gotcha, thanks! RT @booksbelow: @JustinWHedges Reading Groundhog day script and then discussing next #scriptchat
12:59 am JustinWHedges: RT @SKCOMEDY: @scriptdreric Best Screenplay? Up. #scriptchat
12:59 am SKCOMEDY: @scriptdreric And Up in the Air. #scriptchat
12:59 am yeah_write: Chat meet up on Dec. 4-5 in Los Angeles. RT @SKCOMEDY: @scriptdreric Best Screenplay? Up. #scriptchat
12:59 am WriterChanelle: I know Sudoku ;-) RT @jeannevb: Writer Goal: for someone to rip off my script ideas :) #doubledogdareyou #rememberIamablackbelt #scriptchat
1:00 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle HA #scriptchat
1:00 am blankethouse: @readerproof They better not remake Ground hogs day! #scriptchat
1:00 am GinySassenach: @JustinWHedges @scriptdreric could UP be made with people instead of cartoon??? #scriptchat
1:00 am GCGeek: Yes! And karaoke :) RT @yeah_write: Chat meet up on Dec. 4-5 in Los Angeles. RT @SKCOMEDY: @scriptdreric Best Screenplay? Up. #scriptchat
1:00 am jeannevb: that was one fun hour #scriptchat
1:00 am brionykidd: A lot of Hollywood films, especially rom coms, suffer from escaping reality to the point that the set-ups are not credible. #scriptchat
1:00 am JustinWHedges: Crap, gotta go. Needed by the wifey and someone's gotta feed that damn gnome tied up in my basement. See ya. #scriptchat
1:00 am WriterChanelle: Here here! RT @yeah_write: @JustinWHedges My life sucks, that's why I write and go to movies. #scriptchat
1:00 am ttimechitchat: So much info...I'm gonna have to read the transcript! RT @jeannevb: I love open topic night. We need to do this more often. #scriptchat
1:00 am SKCOMEDY: RT @jeannevb: REmember AUGUST 8th @SKCOMEDY is guesting on #scriptchat
1:00 am yeah_write: @HigherFrequency I'm exhausted and have a headache. Do I really work with teens 30+ hours a week? #scriptchat
1:00 am CitizenDK: RT @Thefirstreel: I think it should be renamed Pop-Culture Con! #scriptchat
1:01 am blankethouse: @jeannevb Wow! That went FAST and Furious! #scriptchat
1:01 am yeah_write: @brionykidd I agree on the romcoms. #scriptchat
1:01 am dklon: @jeannevb Over already? :( #scriptchat
1:01 am GCGeek: Open forum was great. Really looking forward to Groundhoug Day and @SKCOMEDY too! #scriptchat
1:01 am jeannevb: @ttimechitchat @blankethouse @dklon it FLEW tonight! #scriptchat
1:01 am GinySassenach: RT @WriterChanelle: Here here! RT @yeah_write: @JustinWHedges My life sucks, thats why I write and go to movies. #scriptchat
1:01 am brionykidd: Got to make it all as real as possible, details, tone...then only in the plotting of third act are you perhaps giving us fantasy.#scriptchat
1:02 am GCGeek: @jeannevb Indy scripts will be great. I need to read something I have seen and then check out the film. :-) #scriptchat
1:02 am jeannevb: dont forget to check out the EURO transcript too, esp since it's OPEN TOPIC. Always fun to see what they discuss #scriptchat
1:02 am GCGeek: @jeannevb Oops. Something I have not seen. #scriptchat
1:02 am ttimechitchat: RT @jeannevb: REmember AUGUST 8th @SKCOMEDY is guesting on #scriptchat
1:02 am GinySassenach: Another wonderful scriptchat thanks @jeannevb See everyone next Sun for Groundhog Day #scriptchat
1:02 am yeah_write: RT @jeannevb: dont forget to check out the EURO transcript too, esp since it's OPEN TOPIC. Always fun to see what they discuss #scriptchat
1:03 am multihyphenate: RT @jeannevb: dont forget to check out the EURO transcript too, esp since it's OPEN TOPIC. Always fun to see what they discuss #scriptchat
1:03 am tylerweaver: RT @jeannevb: dont forget to check out the EURO transcript too, esp since it's OPEN TOPIC. Always fun to see what they discuss #scriptchat
1:03 am SKCOMEDY: @GCGeek Where are you doing karaoke that weekend? #scriptchat
1:03 am TheWriteScript: Thanks everyone. This was the break I needed. Back to script. See you next week. #scriptchat
1:03 am DoubleNW: Groundhog Day is a cool movie #scriptchat
1:03 am WriterSchilf: @brionykidd Real? It all depends on the genre. In a Rom-com people do NOT really behave that way. And that's okay. #scriptchat
1:04 am jeannevb: I'm going to Stony Brook Southampton Screenwriting Workshop next wk, so I might be late Sunday. #treefort backup to launch #scriptchat
1:04 am ttimechitchat: RT @scriptdreric: Post on the best written movies of 2009 coming this week on Any nominations? #scriptchat
1:04 am jeannevb: @GinySassenach THanks! Glad u made it #scriptchat
1:04 am blankethouse: RT @jeannevb: dont forget to check out the EURO transcript too, esp since its OPEN TOPIC. #scriptchat {I find it hard to read their accents}
1:04 am dklon: Interesting chat tonight, now back to the heat. #scriptchat
1:04 am WriterSchilf: Good luck, all. Keep writing - everyday. You'll be surprised what you accomplish. Fortitude is your best friend. #scriptchat
1:04 am Thefirstreel: Fantastic thoughts everyone! One page of vomit draft left! Thanks to our hostess @jeannevb! #scriptchat
1:04 am yeah_write: We'll set it up if we have to! RT @SKCOMEDY: @GCGeek Where are you doing karaoke that weekend? #scriptchat
1:04 am Scatoma: Strewnfields weekly chapter_ #amwriting #writing #bookbuzzr #scriptchat #fiction #readcast #writers #novels #Books
1:04 am brionykidd: @WriterSchilf I don't agree. Best ones are with believable characters. Say THREE OF A KIND ... #scriptchat
1:04 am ttimechitchat: RT @jeannevb: dont forget to check out the EURO transcript too, esp since its OPEN TOPIC. Always fun to see what they discuss #scriptchat
1:05 am GCGeek: Hoping @UncompletedWork will host his #ScreenwriterKaraoke! RT @SKCOMEDY: @GCGeek Where are you doing karaoke that weekend? #scriptchat
1:05 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf thanks so much for the great input! :) #scriptchat
1:05 am brionykidd: @WriterSchilf Most of them now have characters who behave like morons.#scriptchat
1:05 am jeannevb: stick ur finger down ur throat & get it over w! ;)RT @Thefirstreel: Fantastic thoughts everyone! One page of vomit draft left! #scriptchat
1:05 am yeah_write: @jeannevb I'll be here on time next Sunday. I promise! #treefort #scriptchat
1:06 am GCGeek: :-D Troopers! RT @yeah_write: Well set it up if we have to! RT @SKCOMEDY: @GCGeek Where are you doing karaoke that weekend? #scriptchat
1:06 am KageyNYC: #Treefort backup secured! RT @jeannevb going to Stony Brook Southampton Screenwriting Wrkshp - #treefort backup to launch #scriptchat
1:06 am Thefirstreel: @jeannevb doing it now! Will be done within the hour! #scriptchat
1:06 am ttimechitchat: Great #scriptchat!!! Have a good week everyone, see you next Sunday!! #scriptchat
1:06 am DaveBartlett1: Idea for a teenage urban fantasy script: in a school full of pretzel style snacks, a young female pretzel falls for the dark... #scriptchat
1:06 am SKCOMEDY: @WriterSchilf That's y so many romcoms don't work. Better premise is unbelievable, but within that characters act believably. #scriptchat
1:06 am jeannevb: thank you! RT @yeah_write: @jeannevb Ill be here on time next Sunday. I promise! #treefort #scriptchat
1:07 am WriterSchilf: @brionykidd That's a matter of taste. Personally, I agree with you, but NOT ALL the audience r us. #scriptchat
1:07 am jeannevb: @KageyNYC *smooch* Not sure if I'm taking train or driving yet #scriptchat
1:07 am WriterSchilf: Pleasure. RT @jeannevb: @WriterSchilf thanks so much for the great input! :) #scriptchat
1:07 am scriptdreric: Thanks for the suggestions! Look for my post the week, and see you next Sunday on #scriptchat :)
1:07 am DaveBartlett1: ...stiff, straight kid but she discovers he's part of a cult of undead pretzel type snacks. I thought I'd call it 'Twiglet' #scriptchat
1:08 am WriterSchilf: And if the film makes $, expect more if it. RT @brionykidd: @WriterSchilf Most characters behave like morons.#scriptchat #scriptchat
1:08 am DaveBartlett1: #scriptchat - you may have to be from the UK to understand that one!
1:08 am jeannevb: praying transcript pulls w/o my having to kick its ass #scriptchat
1:08 am MyBrainHurts: Random Q: If a writer creates great script, but the director changes it and movie tanks, is the writer still marketable? #scriptchat
1:08 am brionykidd: @WriterSchilf Sorry I meant THREE OF HEARTS. Oh okay, well, I can probably only write what I think is a good idea #scriptchat
1:09 am GCGeek: You're a black belt. I have total faith in you. RT @jeannevb: praying transcript pulls w/o my having to kick its ass #scriptchat
1:09 am PIBarrington: RT @WriteOnOnline: Can I quick pimp my new contest? #scriptchat PIMP AWAY!
1:09 am MyBrainHurts: Poop. Too late? Rocking the kid early tonight. #scriptchat.
1:09 am SheenaIgnatia: @DaveBartlett1 Twiglet sounds AMAZING! #scriptchat
1:09 am WriterSchilf: Guys, as far as the RomComs, I agree. We need better characters, more believable situations, but we r not the studios #scriptchat
1:10 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf ? RT @MyBrainHurts: Q: If writer creates great script, but dir changes it & movie tanks, is writer marketable? #scriptchat
1:10 am WriterSchilf: Screenwriting is a trade, and if you want to make $ sometimes you have to compromise yourself. #scriptchat
1:10 am jeannevb: @scripteach ? RT @MyBrainHurts: Q: If writer creates great script, but dir changes it & movie tanks, is writer marketable? #scriptchat
1:11 am brionykidd: RT @WriterSchilf And if the film makes $, expect more if it. RT @brionykidd: @WriterSchilf Most characters behave like morons.#scriptchat
1:11 am WriterSchilf: when on assignment, u r often writing - making the script worse - because the MORONS r the ones paying you. #scriptchat
1:11 am yeah_write: It's the founders of he chat. Me, Jeanne, Kim, Zac, and Mina. RT @HigherFrequency: @yeah_write What is the #treefort ? ~ #scriptchat ~
1:12 am DaveBartlett1: @SheenaIgnatia Thanks. I thought so, (and they already sparkle in strong light too!) #scriptchat
1:12 am jeannevb: Random idea: any of u want to try #nano w me? In month of Nov, write a 50,000 word novel #challenge #scriptchat
1:12 am WriterSchilf: I love creative aspects of screenwriting, but u will struggle if you fail to accept screenwriting is a business. #scriptchat
1:13 am davincidiva: RT @SKCOMEDY: @WriterSchilf That's y so many romcoms don't work. Better premise is unbelievable, but characters act believably. #scriptchat
1:13 am yeah_write: Not so much. RT @jeannevb: Random idea: any of u want to try #nano w me? In month of Nov, write a 50,000 word novel #challenge #scriptchat
1:14 am yeah_write: RT @WriterSchilf: I love creative aspects of screenwriting, but u will struggle if u fail 2 accept screenwriting is a business. #scriptchat
1:14 am The_Jodi: @jpuopolo #scriptchat! Hello there :)
1:14 am jeannevb: @WriterSchilf agree w u about it being a biz. But nice we can vent our frustrations to ea other here & understand frustrations #scriptchat
1:14 am PNW_Reagan: RT @dianewms: Blake Snyder on what makes a great logline: #scriptchat
1:14 am jeannevb: @yeah_write pussy haha #scriptchat
1:15 am davincidiva: DRAT!! I missed #scriptchat ! @jeannevb where do I find the transcript? thanks. Saw the tail end and it looked like a good one
1:15 am yeah_write: Ha, yup! Too close to Christmas rush. RT @jeannevb: @yeah_write pussy haha #scriptchat
1:15 am yeah_write: @HigherFrequency Thanks, you too. #scriptchat
1:15 am brionykidd: @yeah_write @WriterSchilf Point taken, but is there any point if you can't do what you feel? Might as well go into advertising. #scriptchat
1:17 am SheenaIgnatia: @DaveBartlett1 Genius- I'd like to help you with the sequel- "Choc fingers & pickled onions on the same plate" #foodofthegods #scriptchat
1:17 am jeannevb: @davincidiva I'm pulling it now & will post in a couple of min on blog #scriptchat
1:17 am WriterSchilf: Final advice: Learn by writing stories you love, but if u want to become working writer, try to see biz from dif POVs #scriptchat
1:17 am AmyRohde: @jeannevb I was thinking about it #scriptchat
1:18 am GinySassenach: RT @WriterSchilf: Final advice: Learn by writing stories you love, but if u want to become working writer, try to see biz from dif POVs #scriptchat
1:18 am DoubleNW: @WriterSchilf Mos def!! U gotta know the biz if u want 2b a success. Especially n this biz b/c it's so slow/unfair. #scriptchat
1:18 am jeannevb: but always good to be reminded it IS a biz, not just art RT @WriterSchilf: @jeannevb Well said. Completely understandable. #scriptchat
1:18 am brionykidd: @jeannevb I might do #Nano this year. Have tried to a coupla times before....#scriptchat
1:19 am jeannevb: @AmyRohde let me know if u do #nano & we'll cry on ea other's shoulders ha #scriptchat
1:19 am yeah_write: @brionykidd You can write whatever pleases you, but it you want to sell, then know it's a business, Big $$$ business. #scriptchat
1:20 am jeannevb: Thanks everyone for joining in on OPEN TOPIC night! Hope you had fun. We'll try to do one of these a month in future ;) #scriptchat
1:20 am yeah_write: When it comes down to it, being a screenwriter is the least solitary vocation after you sell your script. #scriptchat
1:20 am brionykidd: @yeah_write Fair enough. I am never going to be mainstream ;-) #scriptchat
1:20 am jeannevb: @brionykidd I might try too. Hard right before holiday, esp w kids, but its my goal #nano #scriptchat
1:21 am jeannevb: nor am I... unless the price is right ;) RT @brionykidd: @yeah_write Fair enough. I am never going to be mainstream ;-) #scriptchat
1:22 am yeah_write: Perfect! We all write for our own reasons. RT @brionykidd: @yeah_write Fair enough. I am never going to be mainstream ;-) #scriptchat
1:23 am jeannevb: OK, going to post the transcript.... thanks again, everyone! Your dedication to #scriptchat is amazing. #Treefort appreciates it!