Thursday, June 14, 2018

Pitching & Pitchfest Tips #Scriptchat Transcript June 14, 2018

Whitney Davis @wdavisliterary and Jeanne Veillette Bowerman @jeannevb give tips on how to navigate a pitching event from prep to followup!

Don't miss Scriptfest's Great American Pitchfest on Sunday, June 23rd in L.A. with 100 executives all in one room to pitch! Deets here

If you're a novelist or interested in learning more about writing one, check out Writer's Digest Conference and Pitch Slam in NYC, August 10-12th.

Scroll through the transcript below or on the Wakelet site.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

#Scriptchat Transcript: Tim Schildberger @timschildberger on making the first 10 pages shine. June 10, 2018

Tim Schildberger @timschildberger of @LiveReadLA shared helpful thoughts and advice about making the first 10 pages of your script shine.

Moderated by @SarahAlexis4.

Read the transcript below or here

Monday, June 4, 2018

#Scriptchat Transcript: Open Topic June 3, 2018

Check out tweets from last night's chat where we talked screenwriting books, writing partners, getting feedback and more!