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William Martell @wcmartell #Scriptchat Transcript - November 22, 2015
Tonight William Martell discussed the business side of screenwriting. Zac Sanford @zacsanford moderating.
- @wcmartell Always love it when the guest arrives early. #scriptchat
- I'm a native Californian - we're always early or on time. Damned transplants give the state a bad name with their tardiness! #scriptchat
- It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK w guest @wcmartell on biz side of screenwriting. @zacsanford moderating. Chat here …
- @wcmartell My boss is notoriously late... It annoys the hell out of me. Then again, I'm also a native Californian. #scriptchat
- It's ScriptChat o'clock. Please welcome our guest @wcmartell, talking the business side of screenwriting. #scriptchat
- Best site to take part of #scriptchat is here: …
- So before we dig in, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself @wcmartell. #scriptchat
- Hello everyone - usually I'm sitting in the back of the room making fun of the guest, so it's only fair to be on stage! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Welcome, @wcmartell!
- I have had 19 films carelessly slapped onto celluloid, done a bunch of assignments that have yet to be made, 25 years in the biz #scriptchat
- Scriptchat baby! #scriptchat
- @wcmartell And, coming soon... fried lobster at H.SALT #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Your books have been so helpful! Thank you for them! #scriptchat
- Q @wcmartell -- How did you get your first break into the industry? #scriptchat
- Yes - my new Blue Book is on Breaking Into the biz and staying in. Assignments, meetings, selling, etc - stuff we'll talk about. #scriptchat
- Here's the thing, you are *always* breaking in. You sell a script and everyone wants to meet with you. Later they forget you. #scriptchat
- Hey #scriptchat folks!
- My *first* time breaking in was rewriting a screenplay for a drive in kung fu movie, NINJA BUSTERS for a friend. Led to nada! #scriptchat
- Hey Bill - Where do you think writers should concentrate most of our effort? What's your best selling book and what should be? #scriptchat
- Second time was a sale to a company with a deal @ Paramount. Script floated around town & landed there. #scriptchat
- Gonna let everyone else ask the good questions #scriptchat
- @blueneumann But you always have great questions... #scriptchat
- Focus on writing great screenplays that show you can write commercial material or showcase your amazing writing skills. #scriptchat
- Anyone following along, feel free to jump in with your questions for @wcmartell #scriptchat
- The wacky thing about that 2nd time breaking in was that the script found its own way to the buyer, because people loved it. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @wcmartell That's inspiring! Your 2nd script excited people, and they responded.
- Proactive: So many things! Easy stuff: know what sold, know what was successful, know who buyers are. Read the trades (etc). #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Selective amnesia... #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Tracking Board is also a good one to subscribe to. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell What are your thoughts on writers who don't live near SoCal? Is moving a must? #scriptchat
- Proactive: Also make connections, whether you are in Hollywood or your hometown. #scriptchat
- Go to places where you might make a connection: Film fests, etc. Ages ago I went to San Fran Film Fest and met Robert Evans. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Q: You mentioned a script "Floating around" and being found by a buyer. How do you get a script to "Float around?" #scriptchat
- I love watching when a script has some heat. When people all across the industry start spreading it around w/"you gotta read it" #scriptchat
- I did not have a script with me when I met Evans, a friend of mine did - and he read her screenplay! (well, had it covered) #scriptchat
- Heat: That's probably really how a script sells (or writer gets assignments) - the screenplay is a "must read". Not easy. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @wcmartell Do you feel safe that your scripts won't be stolen, once copyrighted? Or do you know of cases where ideas were taken?
- @wcmartell Readers read A LOT... it's tough to write a script that becomes hot. I'd say less than 1% now of the specs. #scriptchat
- Floating around: I gave the screenplay to a local actress who moved to Hollywood. She got a job on a low budget film. (1) #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 A lot has to do with reps floating scripts or "going wide"... But some contests have cache in the biz. #scriptchat
- A little late for #scriptchat. Can't wait to hear what @wcmartell has to say.
- Floating around: She gave the script to a crew member. Crew member read it and said: Better than this crappy film I'm working on #scriptchat
- @wcmartell The larger one’s network… the better! #scriptchat
- Floating around: Script was passed around town - each person trying to earn points by passing it up. Landed at a studio producer #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Great Hitchcock picture. @wcmartell
- @SarahAlexis4 A great voice, an interesting take/spin on the familiar, great characters, doesn't necessarily need to be comm. #scriptchat
- Scripts that float around are the kind of stuff people want to see made. That's the best I can do on that question. #scriptchat
- Complete me: "A play isn't written, it is ______." #theatre #scriptchat #stage #hint #playwright #production #drama #dramatist
- Hello all you happy people, sorry for being late. #scriptchat
- Right: Your reps take a script out wide and everyone reads it, and it's a hit or not. This leads to meetings and assignments. #scriptchat
- @MarcBreindel You can't copyright an idea. Specific dialog yes, but not most plot ideas. #scriptchat
- What Zac said! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @wcmartell What do you think about amazon studios accepting drama scripts?
- Has Amazon studios ever made anything from a submission? Producers produce. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell YES, Gortimer Gibbons Life On Normal Street was a submission. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell With Ted Hope over at Amazon, at least they're starting to make things, but not necessarily from submissions. #scriptchat
- Hope at Amazon is basically getting funding for the films he would make anyway (well, he said he quit once). #scriptchat
- #scriptchat They got spike's Chi-Raq. @wcmartell
- I think people like the idea of Amazon's open submissions, and I know people who have made money there. But they are the fluke. #scriptchat
- Q @wcmartell What do you feel is more important: talent or who you know? I know you need both, but... #scriptchat
- One thing we should all consider is having a TV pilot or two on hand, since that is the currently expanding market. #scriptchat
- Talent or who you know: I think talent will get people to know you. But there is no "vs." in screenwriting - it's everything. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Some are a fluke. Others are a f... #scriptchat
- #scriptchat just saw man in the high castle on amazon. big investment on their behalf
- If you stick your screenplays in a drawer, no one will ever discover them. You have to get them out there. #scriptchat
- @jgsarantinos Yes, they really gambled on unknown talent like Philip K Dick and Ridley Scott. They came outta nowhere! #scriptchat
- THIS! RT @wcmartell: If you stick your screenplays in a drawer, no one will ever discover them. You have to get them out there. #scriptchat
- But if you get a bland script out there, nothing is going to happen. #scriptchat
- Q: Have you done any TV work? Wasn't sure. #scriptchat
- Work for Talent Campus submitted to mentor :) Biggest thing learned? How uncomplicated scripts / story can be. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @jgsarantinos Man in the High Castle has been in development for YEARS in many different forms. Still need to watch #scriptchat
- Here's the thing with Amazon - they are more likely to buy from a producer than for you or me. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell #scriptchat Hollywood is a full-contact sport! Guess we just play to win, and take our lumps.
- I have not done TV work (except MOWS) - but have pitched projects (through producers) that didn't get picked up. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat also saw Casual on Hulu. the line between cable and streamers is blurring
- @wcmartell i think they also want a package #scriptchat
- @wcmartell but if we've produced our own work - better chances? #scriptchat
- @wcmartell I'm surprised given all these actions shows everywhere. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell What made you want to write Secrets of Selling? #scriptchat
- W/O reps: query emails, networking, try to find someone to read the damned thing. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell What if one has PGA credentials? #scriptchat
- @wcmartell thank you! This gives me an excuse to write a TV pilot. Have one in mind. :) #scriptchat
- I was at a Final Draft managers panel a few days ago - one manager said he regularly reads equeries. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat and perserverence.
- @wcmartell His complete contact information please. lol ;) #scriptchat
- Some of the managers said they read the Blacklist 2.0's hot screenplays list, looking for interesting stuff. #scriptchat
- I want to get on the Blacklist just so I can READ the other stuff on the Black List. #scriptchat
- Equerying costs nothing - so don't worry about that one manager's contact info, just equery everyone! It's all a shot in dark! #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Is it you want to read the stuff from the actual list or the scripts that are submitted by people breaking in? #scriptchat
- @zacsanford2 the scripts #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Gotcha... I'm in there, but honestly, 99% of the stuff doesn't grab me. Even the higher rated stuff. #scriptchat
- Actual list is Blacklist 1.0, people trying to break in is the "how can we make $?", 2.0. And not all 2.0 are newbies. #scriptchat
- If you do go the equery route, just know you might receive some nasty emails, mainly be ignored, but might get some bites. #scriptchat
- Queries are a numbers game. And you need new scripts so you can keep querying. #scriptchat
- RT @wcmartell: Queries are a numbers game. And you need new scripts so you can keep querying. #scriptchat
- I think of queries as billboards - when you see a Coca-Cola billboard, you don't instantly buy a Coke. But you remember it. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @wcmartell In general, yes. But I must chose between spec script or pilot. So much to write, so little time. #scriptchat
- Q @wcmartell So once you've broken in or made that first connection, how do you stay relevant? New Assts daily. New writers. etc #scriptchat
- If they keep seeing new screenplays from you in queries, they know you are a writer, not just 1 screenplay. #scriptchat
- To stay relevant - have new material. When your heat dies, write new screenplays and get it back! #scriptchat
- You want to have enough material that someone can ask "What else you got?" and you have something. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell That's a great way of looking at queries. #scriptchat
- Also you want to have a "master plan" for your career - not just "If I can just sell this one script". #scriptchat
- @wcmartell I can't tell you how many writers I've asked "what else do you have" and they have NOTHING. :( #scriptchat
- Where do you want to be *after* you sell that script or land that assignment? What is the big plan? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @wcmartell How much value in focusing on particular genres or subjects? Can wide range appeal to producers?
- Good in the room: People want to work with people they enjoy hanging out with. As writers we are often nervous, shy, etc. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat If your goal is to sell just one script, then that is pretty BORING.
- Relax! Start with small talk (and this will give you clues to who that exec is) and when meeting is over, jot down clues! #scriptchat
- A meeting is not about a goal, it's about a relationship. #scriptchat
- If you take "this meeting can make or break my career" off the table, you are better in the room. #scriptchat
- Relationships are key in the biz. RT @wcmartell: A meeting is not about a goal, it's about a relationship. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Helps to research the folks one is meeting with beforehand... #scriptchat
- Why you are in the room: A general meeting is just to get to know you, and for you to get to know them. But can lead to work. #scriptchat
- @dwacon But don't over research... Don't want to seem like a stalker. #scriptchat
- What Dwayne said: Know who you are meeting with and know the company and what they've done. Research! #scriptchat
- I think you don't want to be that crazed fan - that Chris Farley character from SNL "Remember that time you..." #scriptchat
- Just like when writing a screenplay, just because you've researched doesn't mean you have to use all of it in the meeting. #scriptchat
- By the way - once got an assignment because the writer they met with before me had not bathed and seemed hung over. So bathe. #scriptchat
- Q: Do you think budget when writing? Or potential producer/company slate? #scriptchat
- 12 minutes left with @wcmartell -- Talking about the business side of screenwriting. Get those questions in! #scriptchat
- One of the things I look at in the book is doing a drive by before the meeting to figure out parking, etc. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Clean and Sober just got a new meeting. Thanks, Bill! #scriptchat
- Budget: A spec is usually a job application for an assignment, so it doesn't matter as much... but: (part 2) #scriptchat
- (part 2) If you can write a blockbuster script than can be shot inexpensively, that shows an understanding of the biz. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Did that once. The next day… LA traffic was TANGO UNIFORM. I 2 hours early and arrived 90 minutes late. D-OHH! #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Is it true that the executives at the meetings are always late? #scriptchat
- Once we get to production, it's all about the most bang for the producer's buck. If you can deliver a big movie on budget... #scriptchat
- You will be cooling your heels in the waiting room for maybe a half hour! But if you arrive ten minutes late? They were ready. #scriptchat
- For assignments, you want to make sure you can write good material on a deadline. I always leave a couple days for a rewrite. #scriptchat
- To see all of @wcmartell's books, make sure you check out: … #scriptchat
- Next Q? #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Has Skype become a bigger tool for pitching or quick meetings? #scriptchat
- C'mon and step up to the plate. RT @wcmartell: Next Q? #scriptchat
- I don't know about Skype, since I live here. But I have friends out of town who use it for meetings on assignments. #scriptchat
- @byChrisPhillips @wcmartell Using it more and more for meetings, but usually first meeting is preferred to be face-to-face. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Would you say there is a constant desire for new writers? #scriptchat
- I think technology is a great thing for us - we can now interact with people online that would never return our phone calls. #scriptchat
- New writers are less expensive that experienced ones. "The rates have gone up." #scriptchat
- @wcmartell yeah, but you pay for that experience #scriptchat
- Had one Skype meeting which seemed pretty much a planned blow-off. In person meetings bear much fruit! #scriptchat
- All the time. @wcmartell nailed why. RT @supergloss: @wcmartell Would you say there is a constant desire for new writers? #scriptchat
- Night Everybody. #scriptchat
- Pitching your take: I try to find the most interesting version of the story, which still fits what I want to write. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @wcmartell Thank you for sharing your experience & wisdom!
- Just FYI, there will be no chat next week so everyone can spend time with their families for the U.S. Holiday. #scriptchat
- @dwacon plus, in-room meetings might have actual fruit. #scriptchat
- No #scriptchat next week while we digest our turkey feast. Happy Thanksgiving!
- In the book I have some big name writer's weekly rate as an example of why they want new writers. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Does rewriting ever get easier? #scriptchat
- On December 6th we'll be talkingThe ReWrite (Where the hell do I even start?) with @jeannevb moderating #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Shane Black? #scriptchat
- NEVER! Well, at least for me. RT @jcolinholmes: @wcmartell Does rewriting ever get easier? #scriptchat #scriptchat
- Books: When Hollywood buys a book (or other IP) they are buying the IP's audience (and recognition value). #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Did you put Tina Fey's in the book? Her quote is astronomical! (from what I've heard). #scriptchat
- I don't know if rewriting gets easier, but there's more of it. #scriptchat
- Thanks to @wcmartell for coming in and being a great guest this week. Make sure to give him a follow if you don't already. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Any time. Hope you and the fam have a wonderful Thanksgiving. #scriptchat
- I think it was Simon Kinberg - $300,000 a week (times 52 is...) #scriptchat
- Thanks everyone - that breezed by! #scriptchat
- @wcmartell assuming he works 52 weeks a year writing #scriptchat
- @wcmartell thank you, William! Great info, as always! #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @wcmartell Probably doesn't work too many rewriting, but also makes big money producing. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Great answers and insights, Bill. Thank you for taking the time to chat. :) #scriptchat