Sunday, January 31, 2010

ScriptChat 1.31.2010 - Are There Rules to Writing

#SCRIPTCHAT TOPIC: R there hard & fast rules of writing? Read RULE of 3 by @wcmartell:

We had a blast discussing rules and breaking them.  Jamie Livingston, @yeah_write, stepped in to moderate the EURO chat, giving our Mina Zaher a much-deserved break.  

EURO moderator: Jamie Livingston, @yeah_write
American moderator: Jeanne Veillette Bowerman, @jeannevb

8:01 pm                yeah_write:                Hello #scriptchat folks. Today's topic: Are there really rules for writing? In scripts, etc. #scriptchat
8:01 pm             filmutopia:             My dear tweeps... #scriptchat approaches. a weekly hashtag conversation for writers. I apologise for the number and oddness of my tweets
8:01 pm             Georgia_McBride:             @jeannevb Must you be European to join now? May not be around later. #scriptchat
8:02 pm             Sofluid:             @jeannevb @filmutopia #scriptchat BRAINS.
8:02 pm             jeannevb:             nope. Lots of Americans join now ;) RT @Georgia_McBride: @jeannevb Must you be European to join now? May not be around later. #scriptchat
8:02 pm             yeah_write:             @Georgia_McBride Absolutely not. Everyone is welcome. This is just a better time for Euro #scriptchat
8:02 pm             jeannevb:             EURO #scriptchat is beginning #scriptchat
8:02 pm             Bang2write:             The one major rule for scriptwriting? DON'T BE BORING #scriptchat
8:03 pm             yeah_write:             Has every/anyone read William Martell's Rule of 3 blog? #scriptchat
8:03 pm             Georgia_McBride:             @jeannevb Goody. Count me in. #scriptchat
8:03 pm             jeannevb:             I need a brain jumpercable today ha RT @Sofluid: @jeannevb @filmutopia #scriptchat BRAINS.
8:03 pm             yeah_write:             Easier said than done. lol RT @Bang2write: The one major rule for scriptwriting? DONT BE BORING #scriptchat
8:03 pm             yeah_write:             We are discussing rules. #scriptchat
8:03 pm             Sofluid:             #scriptchat starts now, folks. Topic: Are there really rules to writing?
8:04 pm             jeannevb:             I do follow certain "rules" of writing but I also believe in the rule of breaking the rules. Originality trumps certain rules. #scriptchat
8:04 pm             iamJaymes:             I don't think writing has rules, there are guidelines but good writers can do anything. Bad writers can't pull off everything. #scriptchat
8:04 pm             Bang2write:             Much as we say there aren't, let's not pretend: we all fall foul of what *other* ppl think are the *rules* #scriptchat
8:04 pm             EisleyJacobs:             @MarkDaverGerson would say, NO! There are no rules to writing. (Voice of the Muse) #scriptchat
8:05 pm             jeannevb:             #SCRIPTCHAT TOPIC: R there hard & fast rules of writing? ie. the RULE of 3 by @wcmartell:
8:05 pm             yeah_write:             @jeannevb But don't you think, until you're established, there are certain rules not to break? #scriptchat
8:05 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat I love Bill. He's so often write about technique... but this one's a pup. It's based on an old advertising fallacy. Sorry
8:05 pm             Veramark2010:             breaking rules is okay but only once you've mastered them... #scriptchat
8:05 pm             Bang2write:             RT @iamJaymes: I don't think writing has rules, there are guidelines but good writers can do anything. Bad writers can't pull off everything. #scriptchat
8:05 pm             yeah_write:             RT @Veramark2010: breaking rules is okay but only once youve mastered them... #scriptchat
8:06 pm             jeannevb:             @yeah_write I think it depends on if ur looking to write commercial films or independent films. #scriptchat
8:06 pm             iamJaymes:             Are there rules to grammar and prose? Yes. In terms of story, its your creation no one has the right to dictate that to you. #scriptchat
8:06 pm             jeannevb:             @EisleyJacobs so nice to see u here ;) #scriptchat
8:06 pm             iamJaymes:             But some writers need to accept not all stories are meant to be published. #scriptchat
8:07 pm             CDominiqueG:             @iamJaymes i agree, bad writers can't pass off much #scriptchat
8:07 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat Oh, please... can we not have "there are rules, aren't rules" conversation.. it always leads to fights LOL
8:07 pm             Bang2write:             @smalltincup Hello gorgeous, are you joining in #scriptchat? We cld do w/ the POV of some1 who has to live with a writer ; )
8:07 pm             jeannevb:             yes indeed RT @iamJaymes: But some writers need to accept not all stories are meant to be published. #scriptchat
8:08 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia haha #scriptchat
8:08 pm             jeannevb:             my #1 rule is have a great hook #scriptchat
8:08 pm             EisleyJacobs:             @jeannevb *waves* just peeking in after seeing the topic #scriptchat
8:08 pm             Bang2write:             I *wish* some writers realised some stories didn't need telling... there is some really filth in the spec pile #scriptchat
8:08 pm             jeannevb:             perhaps we shld instead not discuss IF there rules, but what r YOUR rules u write by #scriptchat
8:09 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat There is some merits to the idea of setting a device up and then referencing and developing it through the story.
8:09 pm             jeannevb:             @EisleyJacobs stay, stay! We love lurkers. Makes us feel special ;) #scriptchat
8:09 pm             yeah_write:             I find that I write what I want, then go back &see if the rules fit. Most times the rules make it a better story, but not always #scriptchat
8:09 pm             tkpleslie:             If UR into film/screenwriting, my friend in Italy, @filmutopia, is holding a TW #scriptchat right now.
8:09 pm             yeah_write:             Amen. RT @jeannevb: my #1 rule is have a great hook #scriptchat
8:09 pm             EisleyJacobs:             @jeannevb I am here ;) #scriptchat
8:10 pm             iamJaymes:             This. RT @jeannevb perhaps we shld instead not discuss IF there rules, but what r YOUR rules u write by #scriptchat
8:10 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat There are also some merits to getting plurals right... FFS I'm tired tonight! Ha!
8:10 pm             yeah_write:             @filmutopia The device is good to help viewer/reader see the character change. #scriptchat
8:10 pm             EisleyJacobs:             @jeannevb So what is the difference then between a RULE and a FACT of script writing? I say the HOOK is a fact. You need it. #scriptchat
8:11 pm             jeannevb:             @Bang2write or realized some have been told so many times, its time to move on #scriptchat
8:11 pm             jeannevb:             @iamJaymes so what r ur rules, man? #scriptchat
8:11 pm             Georgia_McBride:             @jeannevb Don't be afraid to throw it all away and start over. What seemed like a great idea yesterday may be utter crap today. #scriptchat
8:11 pm             Veramark2010:             @jeannevb: Newbies tend 2 overwrite rather than HOOK people w/ a mystery (Andrew Marlowe, "Air Force One") #scriptchat
8:11 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb I generally don't have any. I just repeatedly refine my story and characters until it works smoothly like a machine. #scriptchat
8:11 pm             rikup:             "Story is about principles, not rules." -Robert McKee #scriptchat
8:12 pm             jeannevb:             @EisleyJacobs yep. The hook is the foundation. U need a good one to get anyone to even want to read it, good writing or not #scriptchat
8:12 pm             filmutopia:             @yeah_write #scriptchat - that's one usage. I've also used it to link protagonists and antagonists, o to set up a reveal or twist
8:12 pm             cotterj99:             @Sofluid Yes. It doesn't matter how good you are as a writer you must get a script editor to look at your script #scriptchat
8:12 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb I think it's more of a plug and play with writing until you get the right mix. #scriptchat
8:12 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia i'm exhausted too & I still have Am chat to do! *ugh* #scriptchat
8:12 pm             Bang2write:             @jeannevb No, there's always a *new* way to tell an *old* story - some genres rely on it. But so few writers can differentiate #scriptchat
8:13 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb if there were concrete rules, everybody would be writing books :p #scriptchat
8:13 pm             jeannevb:             RT @rikup: "Story is about principles, not rules." -Robert McKee (cc @filmutopia heeehee) #scriptchat
8:13 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb that said, one thing I always stand by is everything should add to the story in some way, nothing should be just there #scriptchat
8:13 pm             thekeithbruce:             @rikup "Story is about principles, not rules." -Robert McKee #scriptchat-- Couldn't have said it better.
8:13 pm             jeannevb:             @Bang2write that's my point. Most writers dont know how to find the unique way to twist an old story & make it fresh #scriptchat
8:13 pm             Bang2write:             Uh oh, did someone mention McKee???? lol #scriptchat
8:13 pm             Georgia_McBride:             @jeannevb Indeed. You need a great hook. But a hook is the hanger on which you must build your story. A hook is not a story. #scriptchat
8:14 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat - it really helps to think of "rules" as tools... things you can use in the project if it helps. Not every script is IKEA built
8:14 pm             blackrugger:             @yeah_write @filmutopia device?? #scriptchat
8:14 pm             yeah_write:             I like this. RT @filmutopia: thats one usage. Ive also used it to link protagonists & antagonists, o to set up a reveal or twist #scriptchat
8:14 pm             Bang2write:             @jeannevb The biggest offender I'm seeing at the mo? ZOMBIE MOVIES #scriptchat
8:14 pm             yeah_write:             The rule of 3.RT @blackrugger: @yeah_write @filmutopia device?? #scriptchat
8:14 pm             jeannevb:             haha RT @Bang2write: Uh oh, did someone mention McKee???? lol #scriptchat
8:14 pm             filmutopia:             @jeannevb #scriptchat You are really pushing your luck, young lady... I dare you to Mckee me one more time! I double dare you!
8:15 pm             yeah_write:             The rule of 3: 1. establish 2. confirm 3. break pattern. Just so everyone knows. #scriptchat
8:15 pm             Bang2write:             When a writer follows *the rules* to a tee - it's v boring. I call it "tick the boxes" screenwriting #scriptchat
8:15 pm             iamJaymes:             Trying to think of rules for writing. The only one I can really think of is try to change it up and do it your own way. *shrug* #scriptchat
8:15 pm             jeannevb:             @Bang2write i just threw up in my mouth haha... that and vampires #scriptchat
8:15 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia HAHAHAHA! I'm going to subscribe you to his emailing list HAHAHA #scriptchat
8:15 pm             Georgia_McBride:             @filmutopia I wish they did sell script in a box at IKEA. #scriptchat
8:15 pm             Veramark2010:             Back to Bill Martell - planting & paying off surely is *one* rule that can help create a good script?! #scriptchat
8:16 pm             yeah_write:             Another "rule" Find a unique idea. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but unique ones are harder to come by. #scriptchat
8:16 pm             filmutopia:             @jeannevb I'd rather you subcribed him to mine! #scriptchat
8:16 pm             jeannevb:             @iamJaymes I like what u said b4 about making everything written relevant. #scriptchat
8:17 pm             Bang2write:             @jeannevb Don't get me started... tho at least vampires are not ALL exactly same as zombie movies: infection, attack, run! YAWN #scriptchat
8:17 pm             jeannevb:             When I reread a 1st draft, I ask "is this scene advancing the story?" If it isnt, it gets cut #scriptchat
8:17 pm             Veramark2010:             @filmutopia: I like the skip from "rule" to "tool" :) #scriptchat
8:17 pm             Bang2write:             @yeah_write mmmm, originality is overrated; most producers don't know what to do w/ it. "Same... but different" #scriptchat
8:18 pm             jeannevb:             ohhh... ur pimp is on it, man! ;) RT @filmutopia: @jeannevb Id rather you subcribed him to mine! #scriptchat
8:18 pm             yeah_write:             @Veramark2010 I think planting and payoff, when done right leaves the movie goer with good thoughts when the movie is over. #scriptchat
8:18 pm             thekeithbruce:             Fact: No matter what profession you choose to undertake, IKEA will always be referenced somehow. #scriptchat
8:18 pm             Georgia_McBride:             @jeannevb Yes. A revision warrior with sharp swords is needed. I'm a Ginsu master. #scriptchat
8:18 pm             jeannevb:             ha RT @thekeithbruce: Fact: No matter what profession you choose to undertake, IKEA will always be referenced somehow. #scriptchat
8:18 pm             yeah_write:             @Bang2write Just need a new twist on an old story. Not as easy as one would think. #scriptchat
8:19 pm             jeannevb:             @Georgia_McBride woohoo! Love the ninja editing skills #scriptchat
8:20 pm             Veramark2010:             Good article about planting & paying off by JKelly on Members only - worth joining! #scriptchat
8:20 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb when it isn't relevant or adding, it distracts and draws focus away from your story for no reason, amateur writing imo #scriptchat
8:21 pm             jeannevb:             RT @Veramark2010: Gd article bout planting & paying off by JKelly Memb only, worth joining! #scriptchat
8:22 pm             jeannevb:             @iamJaymes and slows story waaay down. I also look at ea scene & ask "have I added conflict for my chars/story?" #scriptchat
8:22 pm             kamloopsPaul:             Good comments, another lurker checking in. #scriptchat
8:22 pm             jeannevb:             @iamJaymes bc its not JUST about fwd motion, its about adding INTERST & evoking emotion/obstacles #scriptchat
8:22 pm             jeannevb:             @kamloopsPaul welcome stalker... oh, I mean lurker ;) Talking what ur rules for writing are #scriptchat
8:23 pm             Bang2write:             @iamJaymes I call it "scene focus" - gotta stay on track, make each scene count towards overarching narrative. So many don't. #scriptchat
8:23 pm             Sofluid:             #scriptchat There are different genres of rules... Rules that help improve style, rules that help structure & do/don't rules regarding plot
8:23 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb I look at each chapter and scene and check that its either building character, a subplot or the main plot #scriptchat
8:23 pm             yeah_write:             Welcome, join in. RT @kamloopsPaul: Good comments, another lurker checking in. #scriptchat
8:24 pm             yeah_write:             I do find myself going over certain "rules" to keep myself on track. Saves from having to completely rewrite from the top. #scriptchat
8:24 pm             yeah_write:             Great! RT @iamJaymes I look at each chapter and scene and check that its either building character, a subplot or the main plot #scriptchat
8:24 pm             jeannevb:             @iamJaymes being able to ask those questions of ur own work is easier after letting it ferment before rereading it #scriptchat
8:24 pm             Sofluid:             #scriptchat I think rules that help style and structure are pretty standard, it's the rules for plot (story/characters) that are most argued
8:25 pm             Veramark2010:             Capt. Barbossa re the Pirates' Code of Conduct: "...the code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual RULES." #scriptchat
8:25 pm             yeah_write:             Any specific RULES anyone wants to bash about? #scriptchat
8:25 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb I plan all of these things in the outline, this is why I'm curious about people who don't outline xD #scriptchat
8:25 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat - sorry... going to do it again. for me the guiding principles are: is it cinematic? Is it entertaining?
8:26 pm             jeannevb:             RT @filmutopia: sorry... going to do it again. for me the guiding principles are: is it cinematic? Is it entertaining? #scriptchat
8:26 pm             yeah_write:             I like checking my scenes in outline form, before I write. Things change, but structure is better for me. #scriptchat
8:26 pm             Bang2write:             @Sofluid y'see, I'd say those are CONVENTIONS, not rules #scriptchat
8:26 pm             iamJaymes:             @jeannevb for me, if I didn't plan these and just wrote freefalling, then it'd take up more time than if I outlined. #scriptchat
8:26 pm             thekeithbruce:             #scriptchat - sorry... going to do it again. for me the guiding principles are: is it cinematic? Is it entertaining? (via @filmutopia)
8:26 pm             jeannevb:             @iamJaymes me too! I cant imagine being focused enough not to outline. Fascinates me writers can do w/o one. #scriptchat
8:27 pm             Bang2write:             @filmutopia @jeannevb Entertainment is a must, agreed. But what does "cinematic" *really* mean? #scriptchat
8:27 pm             iamJaymes:             There is a really good quote from a book, trying to find it to quote in this chat. #scriptchat
8:27 pm             yeah_write:             RT @filmutopia: - sorry... going to do it again. for me the guiding principles are: is it cinematic? Is it entertaining? #scriptchat
8:28 pm             yeah_write:             Emotion, emotion, emotion is another great rule of thumb. Wow, I'm full of cliches today. #scriptchat
8:28 pm             scripteach:             #Scriptchat: R there really rules to writing? I'd go with Aristotle's: "Anticipated action that is believable, reassures us...
8:28 pm             scripteach:             ...Unanticipated action that is believable, delights us." Unanticipated action that is unbelievable, confuses us... #Scriptchat
8:28 pm             scripteach:             ...Anticipated action that is unbelievable, disgusts us, and is the worst possible plot flaw possible." #Scriptchat
8:28 pm             filmutopia:             @Bang2write for me it means, has this been written to be visually engaging and with a particular visual theme for the movie? #scriptchat
8:29 pm             jeannevb:             @scripteach now that's great advice #scriptchat
8:29 pm             Bang2write:             @filmutopia nice, me too. But some execs use this as a get-out-jail-free card, esp over *small* movies like dramas #scriptchat
8:29 pm             filmutopia:             @Bang2write #scriptchat it's the difference between writing for a huge screen and writing for a small one... different skill set #scriptchat
8:30 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia @Bang2write I find since I'm not a director, I focus more on emotionally engaging viewer & hope dir does their job #scriptchat
8:30 pm             yeah_write:             @filmutopia Visual writing is hard, because you see it in your head and you think you're writing it that way, but not. #scriptchat
8:30 pm             thekeithbruce:             @scripteach Great Stuff. WWAD. What Would Aristotle Do. #scriptchat
8:30 pm             scripteach:             Fascinates me writers can do w/o [outling] #scriptchat /via @jeannevb They usually end up having to write an outline in my rewrite class!
8:30 pm             iamJaymes:             "Envision your characters as emotions, compassion, fear etc. build your characters around that core." I think that is great #scriptchat
8:31 pm             Bang2write:             @scripteach Amen to that, Aristotle rocks. Screenwriters unfamiliar w/ his Poetics, no excuse - now a version for screenwriters! #scriptchat
8:31 pm             filmutopia:             @Bang2write #scriptchat - I'm not sure I understand, but I'm hell on toast in script meetings
8:31 pm             scripteach:             WWAD. What Would Aristotle Do. #scriptchat (via @thekeithbruce) I like that!!
8:31 pm             jeannevb:             @scripteach I can see why! I tried 1 w/o an outline. Only got 5 pages & stopped. #scriptchat
8:32 pm             filmutopia:             @yeah_write #scriptchat - it's the part of the job I do best... mainly because of directing and editing experience
8:32 pm             Bang2write:             @filmutopia yet some ppl insist the likes of Loach etc are not cinematic, what do you think? #scriptchat
8:32 pm             micahstephens:             #scriptchat @filmutopia Is there any subject that would be considered uncinematic?
8:32 pm             jeannevb:             I ask What Wld Cpt Kirk do? ha RT @scripteach: WWAD. What Would Aristotle Do. #scriptchat (via @thekeithbruce)I like that!! #scriptchat
8:32 pm             yeah_write:             Makes sense. RT @filmutopia: @yeah_write its the part of the job I do best... mainly because of directing and editing experience #scriptchat
8:33 pm             Bang2write:             @Sofluid difference btwn a convention and a rule - rules are set in stone, conventions are expected, but not definite? #scriptchat
8:33 pm             thekeithbruce:             @scripteach @jeannevb I went a few years without an appreciation for the outline. Most unproductive years of my life. #scriptchat
8:33 pm             Bang2write:             @filmutopia me too, I had a full on slanging match the other day with one director, hah #scriptchat
8:33 pm             yeah_write:             So true. RT @thekeithbruce:I went a few years without an appreciation for the outline. Most unproductive years of my life. #scriptchat
8:34 pm             jeannevb:             sorry, I'm tired ha. Cldnt resist @scripteach @thekeithbruce #scriptchat
8:34 pm             Veramark2010:             @iamJaymes That's building the story from the inside out, with character motivation as driving factor, isn't it? #scriptchat
8:34 pm             jamesnewton:             outlines - we all need a plan. Even for life. (not ref to Vogler) #scriptchat
8:34 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia I wish I cld spend more time on sets to see thru a director's eye. I'm visual by nature but always more to learn #scriptchat
8:35 pm             filmutopia:             @micahstephens #scriptchat - I don't think so. It's more to do with focus of writing as opposed to subject matter
8:35 pm             scripteach:             I ask What Wld Cpt Kirk do? ha RT #scriptchat (via @jeannevb) Better yet, what would William Shatner do!?
8:36 pm             iamJaymes:             @VeraMark2010 yes, I'm using that late on in development. Really helps me to understand characters minds and what they'd say #scriptchat
8:36 pm             yeah_write:             @jeannevb Time on a set would benefit a lot of writers. Better understand their craft in the aftermath of the writing. #scriptchat
8:36 pm             Veramark2010:             outline - I had a writing partnership & friendship go bust because partner refused to outline #scriptchat
8:36 pm             filmutopia:             @jeannevb #scriptchat don't get me started on why every scriptwriter should make at least one movie from their own script, I'm too tired
8:36 pm             iamJaymes:             @VeraMark2010 but that's useful for me because I can plot an amazing story, write good action but fail at dialogue. #scriptchat
8:37 pm             yeah_write:             Is it bad that my script writing goal is Sundance, and not the blockbuster? #scriptchat
8:37 pm             yeah_write:             @Veramark2010 I'd think you HAVE to have an outline when writing with a partner. #scriptchat
8:38 pm             Veramark2010:             @jeannevb more time on sets: thats why I today I joined a local film group offering to be camera-caddie if necessary... #scriptchat
8:38 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia we'll have to make that a separate topic one night when we're both more awake. ;) #scriptchat
8:38 pm             yeah_write:             In the sense of Sundance, I think rules can be turned on their side and still work. #scriptchat
8:38 pm             jeannevb:             @VeraMark2010 AWESOME! #scriptchat
8:39 pm             Veramark2010:             @yeah_write but again, you need to understand the rules so turning them sideways or upside down is not just some random action #scriptchat
8:39 pm             jeannevb:             @yeah_write there's simply more of an appreciation for the unique w indy films #scriptchat
8:40 pm             yeah_write:             @iamJaymes If I could I'd write an entire novel in dialogue and let someone else fill in the rest. Just ask my critique partner #scriptchat
8:40 pm             jeannevb:             @yeah_write its why i watch more indies than commercial films. Most box office hits r formulaic for my taste #scriptchat
8:40 pm             Sofluid:             @Bang2write Makes sense... But then some people are so dead set on certain conventions that they may as well be rules #scriptchat
8:40 pm             Veramark2010:             here's a rule for rewrites: get actors to read your dialogue to see if it rolls trippingly off the tongue or not #scriptchat
8:40 pm             jeannevb:             @Veramark2010 @yeah_write. Totally agree. Know the rules before you break them. #scriptchat
8:41 pm             Sofluid:             @Bang2write Hence there seems a fine line between some conventions/tips/rules, depending on who is dictating them #scriptchat
8:41 pm             iamJaymes:             @yeah_write ha, if I had that talent my book would be finished and with an editor by now xD #scriptchat
8:42 pm             yeah_write:             @Veramark2010 And if you don't have actors handy, do it yourself. Amazing what you can find reading aloud. #scriptchat
8:42 pm             jeannevb:             where are our regular EUROs today? Psst @johnrackham #scriptchat
8:43 pm             Veramark2010:             What about the good old "show don't tell"?! #scriptchat
8:43 pm             jeannevb:             classic I abide by RT @Veramark2010: What about the good old "show dont tell"?! #scriptchat
8:44 pm             yeah_write:             Now that's easier said...I see it a lot in reading 4 contests RT @Veramark2010: What about the good old "show dont tell"?! #scriptchat
8:44 pm             Sofluid:             #scriptchat I like "If you put too many words in an actor's mouth, you're actually stopping them from doing their job" - Bill Lyons
8:44 pm             filmutopia:             @yeah_write It seems to me that the gig is seeing personal weaknesses in my writing and then finding tools to overcome them #scriptchat
8:44 pm             MatchesMalone:             RT @jeannevb: I ask What Wld Cpt Kirk do? ha RT @scripteach: WWAD. What Would Aristotle Do. #scriptchat (via @thekeithbruce)I like that!! #scriptchat
8:45 pm             jeannevb:             @MatchesMalone heehee #scriptchat
8:45 pm             yeah_write:             @filmutopia Seeing personal weaknesses takes a lot of work. Looking at your work from the right perspective. #scriptchat
8:46 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia @yeah_write finding my personal weaknesses is why I value finding writers I respect to read my work #scriptchat
8:46 pm             filmutopia:             @yeah_write #scriptchat - that's what professional script editors are for - to see for me
8:47 pm             Veramark2010:             I tend to "tell" too much in early drafts but use rewrites to check where I can "show" through action instead. #scriptchat
8:47 pm             yeah_write:             I need one. RT @filmutopia: @yeah_write - thats what professional script editors are for - to see for me #scriptchat
8:48 pm             kamloopsPaul:             Definitely a fan of the show me don't tell me. Also implying instead of "telling" works #scriptchat
8:48 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat - I exhausted... I'm stepping out for the night. Have fun. I need to drink tea and watch bad TV for an hour
8:48 pm             yeah_write:             @jeannevb: @filmutopia I'd rather give script to a stranger, so I don't let my friends know how bad I am. lol #scriptchat
8:48 pm             jeannevb:             yes! Subtle writing RT @kamloopsPaul: Definitely a fan of the show me dont tell me. Also implying instead of "telling" works #scriptchat
8:49 pm             indpnt1:             @Veramark2010 I'm just the opposite :) My dialog always starts out vague. Always have to flesh out more without going OTN. #scriptchat
8:49 pm             Saffy:             Hmmm trying to follow #writechat and #scriptchat and do some writing here - fail?
8:49 pm             yeah_write:             @Veramark2010 I tell too much too. but i have a bad habit of trying to fix right away. Then the rest doesn't get written. #scriptchat
8:50 pm             jeannevb:             @yeah_write haha. Sometimes it IS hard to give honest review to friends, but I'm a brutal bitch & still do #scriptchat
8:50 pm             yeah_write:             @Saffy Dump the writing. The chats are such good motivation for later. lol #scriptchat
8:51 pm             Veramark2010:             @yeah_write so you're a first-draft perfectionist too? ;-) #scriptchat
8:51 pm             indpnt1:             I don't show enough in first drafts. I guess that makes a prude LOL #scriptchat
8:51 pm             yeah_write:             @jeannevb I don't care about brutal feedback. I just don't want to embarrass myself. #scriptchat
8:51 pm             cmhoughton:             @jeannevb I tried writing w/o an outline once too, I think I got to about page 8... #scriptchat
8:51 pm             Bang2write:             @Sofluid any1 who says conventions are dead set is nuts #scriptchat
8:51 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat I've never understood people having a problem writing dialogue. Which is why I can't share anything useful about it.
8:52 pm             yeah_write:             @Veramark2010 I'm trying really hard not to be. I'm really working on getting to the end without looking back. #scriptchat
8:52 pm             jeannevb:             Aristotle Poetic's for screenwriters #scriptchat
8:52 pm             yeah_write:             RT @filmutopia Ive never understood people having a problem writing dialogue. Which is why I cant share anything useful about it #scriptchat
8:52 pm             jeannevb:             @amiestuart we're discussing what rules u use as a writer #Scriptchat
8:53 pm             kamloopsPaul:             I'm learning that a good outline should have good character bios... this would help stay motivated with writing? #scriptchat
8:53 pm             Saffy:             @cmhoughton @yeah_write outlines have to be flexible - you should go back and update the outlines - or is this just me? #scriptchat
8:53 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia if u spend time observing ppl, writing dialogue is a hell of a lot easier. U have to be a good LISTENER #scriptchat
8:53 pm             Bang2write:             If you have problems writing dialogue, you need to go places where ppl speak *different* to you as an intro #scriptchat
8:54 pm             Veramark2010:             here's another rule I find very valuable: make your villain the hero of his own story #scriptchat
8:54 pm             Saffy:             @yeah_write heh! but I love all the chats on twitter I would never get any writing done! #scriptchat
8:54 pm             Donna_Carrick:             Same topic at 8, Jeanne? RT @jeannevb: @amiestuart we're discussing what rules u use as a writer #Scriptchat #writechat
8:54 pm             jeannevb:             @kamloopsPaul b4 starting outline, I always do very detailed char background, find wounds, etc so I know where char needs to go #scriptchat
8:54 pm             yeah_write:             @Saffy Outline is just a roadmap. You definitely have to take a few detours. Flexibility is key. #scriptchat
8:54 pm             Bang2write:             Fast food places often have foreign students workin in them - see how they use English words & syntax #scriptchat
8:54 pm             yeah_write:             Ha, me too.RT @Saffy: @yeah_write heh! but I love all the chats on twitter I would never get any writing done! #scriptchat
8:54 pm             jeannevb:             @Donna_Carrick yep. What is #writechat topic today? #scriptchat
8:55 pm             Bang2write:             Then look at different accents, dialects etc - work your way down to the different nuances #scriptchat
8:55 pm             yeah_write:             I like this. RT @Veramark2010: heres another rule I find very valuable: make your villain the hero of his own story #scriptchat
8:55 pm             Veramark2010:             @kamloopsPaul I tend to get stuck in character biogs... too much detail distracts me from story. But the motivation must be firm #scriptchat
8:55 pm             filmutopia:             @jeannevb The gift of the dyslexia, is an increased facility for hearing patterns in speech. 13 years in radio helps as well #scriptchat
8:56 pm             Saffy:             @kamloopsPaul I have started doing character bios and draw pictures of them to get the right feel - even do like mini stories #scriptchat
8:56 pm             Donna_Carrick:             Today @WritingSpirit asked us how we connect w our readers.
8:56 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia ; ) I'm going to have to write a story w u as the main char haha #scriptchat
8:57 pm             Veramark2010:             Great tip! RT @Bang2write: Fast food places often have foreign students workin - see how they use English words & syntax #scriptchat
8:57 pm             kamloopsPaul:             Unt zen ze scripts vill unfold yah? @Bang2write #scriptchat
8:57 pm             thekeithbruce:             I preach this all the time! @Veramark2010 here's another rule I find very valuable: make your villain the hero of his own story #scriptchat
8:58 pm             jeannevb:             @karenquah as soon as we're done here at #scriptchat, I'm going to encourage ppl to go to #writechat . I miss it
8:59 pm             Veramark2010:             @thekeithbruce the risk is that the villain becomes more interesting than the hero... has happened in my (own) favourite script #scriptchat
8:59 pm             karenquah:             @jeannevb Just discovered it, learned so much. Might be a little late to #scriptchat #writechat
8:59 pm             scripteach:             @kamloopsPaul I tend to get stuck in bios... too much detail distracts from story #scriptchat /via @Veramark2010 True--gotta find balance.
8:59 pm             Bang2write:             @kamloopspaul Obviously stereotype should be avoided in dialogue! #scriptchat
8:59 pm             thekeithbruce:             Already done. I think it was called "Adaptation". :p @jeannevb @filmutopia #scriptchat
8:59 pm             filmutopia:             @jeannevb #scriptchat I was also a stand-up comedian, which is great for understand timing and precision of language. hard to teach that
9:00 pm             kamloopsPaul:             @Satty It just seems to make sense to me to know your characters as to how they will respond and talk #scriptchat
9:01 pm             yeah_write:             @filmutopia Timing is very important. You can learn by watching stand-up comedians. #scriptchat
9:01 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia u r SO going to be in a story of mine. A F'd up comedian copywriter and frustrated media hobo! #BESTcharEVER ha #scriptchat
9:01 pm             yeah_write:             Okay my fellow tweeters, the hour is up, so chat about anything your little heart desires. See some of you tonight. #scriptchat
9:02 pm             jeannevb:             HAHAHA RT @thekeithbruce: Already done. I think it was called "Adaptation". :p @jeannevb @filmutopia #scriptchat
9:02 pm             muffin_the_mule:             #scriptchat - this is my 1st time here. Been told by people I ought to be writing scripts so keen to learn anything from experienced folk
9:02 pm             yeah_write:             It's been a pleasure moderating Euro chat today. Thanks. #scriptchat
9:02 pm             filmutopia:             @yeah_write Not as well as you can by getting up there and doing it. That's the absolute dog's nuts of learning experiences #scriptchat
9:03 pm             yeah_write:             @muffin_the_mule We chat again at 8 pm EST tonight. You are welcome to join in. #scriptchat
9:03 pm             muffin_the_mule:             @filmutopia @jeannevb #scriptchat I had a stint as a stand-up too - that's where my 1st & only script came from.
9:03 pm             jeannevb:             Thanks everyone for joining in on tonight's EURO #scriptchat
9:03 pm             yeah_write:             @filmutopia That would be a great and terrifying experience. #scriptchat
9:03 pm             jeannevb:             Hope u all learned at least one new angle of how to look at ur writing #scriptchat
9:04 pm             filmutopia:             @jeannevb I'm nothing like Charlie Kaufman's character in "Adaptation;" he didn't even own a parka! #scriptchat
9:04 pm             jeannevb:             amen, sista! RT @amiestuart: character, character, character.... if you ain't got it, u ain't got jack. @jeannevb #scriptchat
9:04 pm             kamloopsPaul:             Thanks @yeah_write #scriptchat
9:04 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia or moon boots! hee #scriptchat
9:04 pm             jeannevb:             Before u all go... #scriptchat
9:04 pm             Veramark2010:             Great fun again - am beginning 2 get the hang of this. See you all again next week w/ Julian Friedman, I believe? #scriptchat
9:04 pm             muffin_the_mule:             Oh dear - failed 1st rule of comedy - timing! LOL #scriptchat
9:05 pm             yeah_write:             lol RT @muffin_the_mule: Oh dear - failed 1st rule of comedy - timing! LOL #scriptchat
9:05 pm             jeannevb:             NEXT EURO chat has guest AGENT @julianfriedmann. Look at our blog & leave a question for him. The tougher, the better! #scriptchat
9:06 pm             yeah_write:             @Veramark2010 Yes! Julian Friedman will be joining us for next week's chat! #scriptchat
9:06 pm             muffin_the_mule:             @yeah_write #scriptchat just working out when that is in my time - oo sorry that's 3 am for me. I'll try again next week. :)
9:06 pm             jeannevb:             POST ur question for Julian here: #scriptchat
9:06 pm             yeah_write:             Go to and leave questions for Julain Friedmann to answer #scriptchat
9:07 pm             filmutopia:             thanks tweeps - for surviving another week of #scriptchat - I shall now return to random tweets about knobs and weird links. ta
9:07 pm             jeannevb:             And follow @scriptchat too. I post info via that name as well #scriptchat
9:07 pm             karenquah:             @Donna_Carrick Thanks Donna, afraid i can't stay long (off to work!) Luckily #scriptchat falls during lunch hour - ha. #writechat
9:07 pm             jeannevb:             @filmutopia thanks for hangin in tonight, Clive. ; ) #scriptchat
9:07 pm             Donna_Carrick:             HA RT @filmutopia: thanks for surviving another week of #scriptchat - I shall now return to random tweets about knobs and weird links. ta
9:08 pm             yeah_write:             @muffin_the_mule Next week will be a don't miss chat. Hope to see you there. #scriptchat
9:08 pm             Donna_Carrick:             CU There! RT @karenquah: Thanks Donna, afraid i can't stay long (off to work!) Luckily #scriptchat falls during lunch hour - ha. #writechat
9:09 pm             yeah_write:             Thanks everyone for joining us. Now I'm off to the store since it's only 3 pm here. #scriptchat
9:09 pm             jeannevb:             For any EURO insomniacs, feel free to join our next chat at 8pm EST. Same topic. Night all and thank u again for sharing! #scriptchat

1:01 am                jeannevb:                WELCOME #scriptchat peeps! We're talking writing rules. Do u have any u'd die by? Or do u break the rules?
1:01 am             talented_boy:             @jeannevb no drink? i got a frozen concoction next to me now...quite tasty #scriptchat
1:02 am             jeannevb:             @zacsanford2 so glad ur here! Tea sounds perfect xo #scriptchat
1:02 am             jmiewald:             Yeah, writing rules! Whooo! #scriptchat
1:02 am             zacsanford2:             RT @jeannevb: WELCOME #scriptchat peeps! Were talking writing rules. Do u have any ud die by? Or do u break the rules? #scriptchat
1:02 am             jeannevb:             Our EURO chat was fun with @yeah_write moderating today! Thanks! Lots of fun thoughts flying about rules #scriptchat
1:03 am             Ludovicaa:             @zacsanford On my way #scriptchat
1:03 am             KageyNYC:             Topic: RT @jeannevb: WELCOME #scriptchat peeps! We're talking writing rules. Do u have any u'd die by? Or do u break the rules?
1:03 am             pulptone:             Looking forward to this one. #scriptchat
1:03 am             karenquah:             @jeannevb i only have 1 rule. There are to be NO RULES! Once u learn 'em u break 'em & that's that. #scriptchat
1:03 am             jeannevb:             @garnerhaines send ur maid out for more ;) #scriptchat
1:03 am             garnerhaines:             Rules... every script, no matter how fantastic the subject matter, must have its own consistent internal logic. #scriptchat
1:03 am             zacsanford2:             I believe if you're writing a script for the spec market, there are several rules that you should follow, but talkin' formatting #scriptchat
1:03 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             I'm here #scriptchat
1:03 am             jeannevb:             Here's my #1 rule: move my reader #scriptchat
1:04 am             karenquah:             @GoldenAgeofGeek hey mike. good to see ya. #scriptchat
1:04 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             The main rule is don't suck. Underneath that main rule are several smaller rules #scriptchat
1:04 am             talented_boy:             #1 rule: listen to the knows more than I do #scriptchat
1:04 am             zacsanford2:             I hate when I read a script and then I look to do anything other than read it. RT @jeannevb: Heres my #1 rule: move my reader #scriptchat
1:05 am             jeannevb:             sounds like #nano ha RT @karenquah: @jeannevb i only have 1 rule. There r 2 be NO RULES! Once u learn em u break em & thats that #scriptchat
1:05 am             dawnbierschwal:             Let's hear 'em! RT @zacsanford2: If you're writing a script for the spec market, there are several rules that you should follow #scriptchat
1:05 am             SinsoftheEldest:             @jeannevb My writing is so visual that I relate to your #scriptchat quite a bit. Tweet on!
1:05 am             garnerhaines:             @karenquah Argh! One of my all-time hated cliche lines "There's only one rule: there are no rules". STUPID and cliche. #scriptchat
1:05 am             jmiewald:             I have tons of rules and stick to them all. I like the idea of playing by the rules but being clever about it. #scriptchat
1:05 am             jeannevb:             that goes for ppl too ha RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: The main rule is dont suck. Underneath that main rule are several smaller rules #scriptchat
1:05 am             CheekyWench:             #2 have tequila. RT @jeannevb: Here's my #1 rule: move my reader #scriptchat
1:05 am             tylerweaver:             Rule one: You've got to know the rules before you can break them. Rule 2: Thou shalt not bore. That's about it. #scriptchat
1:05 am             CheekyWench:             (just kidding @jeannevb <3 ) #scriptchat
1:05 am             jmiewald:             If you are not playing by the rules, you are not a good player. #scriptchat
1:06 am             zacsanford2:             As a rule, do not write in a passive voice. "Mike is running. Mike is eating." instead - "Mike runs. Mike eats." #scriptchat
1:06 am             KageyNYC:             True. RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: The main rule is don't suck. Underneath that main rule are several smaller rules #scriptchat
1:06 am             jeannevb:             @SinsoftheEldest excellent! I love it when novelists & nonfiction writers join in. Story is story is story #scriptchat
1:06 am             SKCOMEDY:             Well said, sir! RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: The main rule is dont suck. Underneath that main rule are several smaller rules #scriptchat
1:06 am             garnerhaines:             1. Be entertaining. #scriptchat
1:06 am             talented_boy:             sometimes i feel like too many bad scripts get made into movies for there to be any real rules...IMO #scriptchat
1:06 am             dawnbierschwal:             RT @tylerweaver: You've got to know the rules before you can break them. #scriptchat
1:07 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             Okay Bill Martell's post is a very good example of a rule rule. In that if you want to payoff something u set it up first #scriptchat
1:07 am             zacsanford2:             So considering the early topic mentioned the "rule of threes"... what does @SKComedy have to say about that? #scriptchat
1:07 am             jeannevb:             Heres a RULE: NO EGO in the chat room. Be tolerant of other writers' styles #scriptchat
1:07 am             SKCOMEDY:             Know what the rules r, and why they're there--what's important about them. Then feel free to break them if and when you need to. #scriptchat
1:07 am             talented_boy:             RT @jeannevb: Heres a RULE: NO EGO in the chat room. Be tolerant of other writers styles <<< quite true #scriptchat
1:07 am             zacsanford2:             Yes mom. :) RT @jeannevb: Heres a RULE: NO EGO in the chat room. Be tolerant of other writers styles #scriptchat
1:07 am             jeannevb:             @CheekyWench oh that's a rule, baby. I was going to say that but thought it might be too soon in the night ha #scriptchat
1:08 am             garnerhaines:             @talented_boy Many start off as good scripts, but get lost in translation. #scriptchat
1:08 am             yeah_write:             My #1 rule of writing: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later. #scriptchat
1:08 am             jmiewald:             RT @yeah_write: My #1 rule of writing: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later. #scriptchat
1:08 am             pulptone:             One of the things that bothers me about some scripts is how characters are forced. They're not allowed to grow in their roles. #scriptchat
1:08 am             garnerhaines:             Yes, know the rules, know when to break them, but have a very good reason to do so when you do. #scriptchat
1:08 am             jeannevb:             @zacsanford2 heehee #scriptchat
1:08 am             talented_boy:             @garnerhaines plenty turn out sooo bad, that it's start couldn't have been too far from it...imo #scriptchat
1:08 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @zacsanford2 the rule of 3 makes sense. If u can successfully pay off something w/out that set up good #scriptchat
1:08 am             pulptone:             RT @yeah_write: My #1 rule of writing: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later. #scriptchat
1:09 am             ThoughtfulPen:             @yeah_write Amen to that! #scriptchat Should be the motto for us all!
1:09 am             jmiewald:             @yeah_write And getting your butt in the chair day in and out is a discipline. A job. #scriptchat
1:09 am             garnerhaines:             Never edit while writing a first draft. #scriptchat
1:09 am             karenquah:             Woo Hoo! RT @jeannevb Here's a RULE: NO EGO in the chat room. Be tolerant of other writers' styles #scriptchat
1:09 am             talented_boy:             RT @garnerhaines: Never edit while writing a first draft. <<< i can't help but do it... #scriptchat
1:10 am             Iwhodareswins:             RT @yeah_write: My #1 rule of writing: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later. #scriptchat
1:10 am             jeannevb:             agree. Leave ur vomit to clean up later RT @garnerhaines: Never edit while writing a first draft. #scriptchat
1:10 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             I don't know if there are so much rules as there are tricks of the trade. Grammar, that's a rule #scriptchat
1:10 am             garnerhaines:             @talented_boy Well, yes, "No good movie was ever made from a bad script" #scriptchat
1:10 am             jeannevb:             @karenquah I dont want to have to slap ppl's hands, but I WILL ;) #noego #scriptchat
1:10 am             SKCOMEDY:             Re: "Rule of Three"--like jazz, comedy is rhythmical. Sometimes you need three; sometimes more. #scriptchat
1:10 am             karenquah:             Now here's a rule i can go with @pulptone @yeah_write: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later. #scriptchat
1:10 am             talented_boy:             @garnerhaines agreed good sir #scriptchat
1:11 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             Setting up your plot points to pay them off later, trick of the trade that has worked before #scriptchat
1:11 am             Timsn:             My rule #1 -- write what I call a "vomit draft" then edit later!!! #scriptchat
1:11 am             jeannevb:             @Iwhodareswins so glad to see u here tonight! #scriptchat
1:11 am             dawnbierschwal:             Sometimes I do it to get back in groove before writing new stuff. RT @garnerhaines: Never edit while writing a first draft. #scriptchat
1:11 am             jmiewald:             @garnerhaines Well, yes, "No good movie was ever made from a bad script" (cough) Avatar (cough) #scriptchat
1:11 am             yeah_write:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: Setting up your plot points to pay them off later, trick of the trade that has worked before #scriptchat
1:11 am             LucidGlow:             No, you DON*T need to know the rules of anything before breaking them. You just simply disregard them. #scriptchat
1:11 am             SKCOMEDY:             Beyond the Fringe and Monty Python almost always avoided grouping jokes into 3's, e.g. "The Parrot Sketch." #scriptchat
1:12 am             jeannevb:             HAHA RT @jmiewald: @garnerhaines Well, yes, "No good movie was ever made from a bad script" (cough) Avatar (cough) #scriptchat
1:12 am             lisamaccoll:             RT @Iwhodareswins: RT @yeah_write: My #1 rule of writing: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later. #scriptchat
1:12 am             chipstreet:             RT garnerhaines Yes, know the rules, know when to break them, but have a very good reason to do so when you do. #scriptchat
1:12 am             zacsanford2:             @SKComedy in a script of mine I need one more instance of a Rosie O'Donnell joke to hit hte rule of threes. #scriptchat
1:12 am             zacsanford2:             Word! RT @jmiewald: @garnerhaines Well, yes, "No good movie was ever made from a bad script" (cough) Avatar (cough) #scriptchat
1:12 am             jeannevb:             Another rule for me: a scene has to move story fwd AND add conflict for the char or its cut #scriptchat
1:13 am             garnerhaines:             @LucidGlow You may know the rules w/o being able to quote them explicitly. Anyone who has seen TV, film or read fiction knows #scriptchat
1:13 am             tylerweaver:             Oh! Rule 3 - (more of a mantra): Thou shalt accept that draft 1 will be shit. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. #scriptchat.
1:13 am             karenquah:             haha #scarypimp @jeannevb I dont want to have to slap ppl's hands, but I WILL ;) #scriptchat
1:13 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             Amen RT @jeannevb: Another rule for me: a scene has to move story fwd AND add conflict for the char or its cut #scriptchat
1:14 am             garnerhaines:             @jeannevb That's my editing rule. Murder your darlings. It may be an awesome scene, but if it doesn't move the story forward XXX #scriptchat
1:14 am             chipstreet:             @LucidGlow That's not breaking rules, that's not knowing rules. Same thing? NIMHO. #scriptchat
1:14 am             fletch125:             RT @tylerweaver: Oh! Rule 3 - (more of a mantra): Thou shalt accept that draft 1 will be shit. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. #scriptchat.
1:14 am             NugzyBogues:             #scriptchat in each scene there should be purpose!
1:14 am             karenquah:             YES!!! @tylerweaver Thou shalt accept that draft 1 will be shit. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. #scriptchat
1:14 am             SKCOMEDY:             @zacsanford2 Isn't the mere mention of Rosie enough? #scriptchat
1:14 am             talented_boy:             RT @jeannevb: a scene has 2 move story fwd AND add conflict 4 the char or its cut << she does this when she reads your stuff =) #scriptchat
1:14 am             KageyNYC:             Good rule RT @jeannevb: Another rule for me: a scene has to move story fwd AND add conflict for the char or its cut #scriptchat
1:14 am             LucidGlow:             Rules are stupid no matter what you do, and dangerous to free thought and action. #scriptchat
1:14 am             pulptone:             @tylerweaver I have proven that with many a first draft comic script. Sometimes quite a bit gets scrapped. #scriptchat
1:14 am             Timsn:             In a scene -- get in late and leave early #scriptchat
1:14 am             garnerhaines:             RT @tylerweaver: Thou shalt accept that draft 1 will be shit. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. #scriptchat. #scriptchat
1:14 am             zacsanford2:             A rule I like to break often is having a physical protagonist. Sometimes it is the MC against himself or an idea in society. #scriptchat
1:14 am             jmiewald:             I make it a point / rule to get feedback from certain people that I know will tell me how it really is and heed their advice. #scriptchat
1:15 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             I don't think of them as "rules" I think of them as tactics and strategy #scriptchat
1:15 am             jeannevb:             @tylerweaver you shld write a MH post on the 10 commandments of writing ;) #scriptchat
1:15 am             zacsanford2:             @SKCOMEDY Well there is also a scene for Rosie, but I know we could never get her to be in the damn thing. But it's a hoot. #scriptchat
1:15 am             Jordanrosenfeld:             After my own heart! RT @jeannevb: a scene has to move story fwd AND add conflict for the char or its cut #scriptchat
1:15 am             jeannevb:             RT @Timsn: In a scene -- get in late and leave early #scriptchat
1:15 am             Timsn:             My prob. I worried too much about the rules at first and then had to overcome block #scriptchat
1:15 am             jmiewald:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: I dont think of them as "rules" I think of them as tactics and strategy - Exactly #scriptchat
1:15 am             pulptone:             RT @jeannevb: @tylerweaver you shld write a MH post on the 10 commandments of writing ;) (Yes he should) #scriptchat
1:15 am             NugzyBogues:             #scriptchat rewriting is more than changing dialogue & setting Rewriting is experimenting and re-evaluating read the first draft of hangover
1:15 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             You're free to adopt your own strategy but just be aware that certain strategies have worked well for others in the past #scriptchat
1:16 am             talented_boy:             RT @jeannevb: RT @Timsn: In a scene -- get in late and leave early << still learning this one #scriptchat
1:16 am             zacsanford2:             Not really a rule, but advice: Start your scene as late as possible and get out as early as possible. #scriptchat
1:16 am             jeannevb:             @jmiewald I only ask ppl to read my work who I KNOW will piss on it if need be #scriptchat
1:16 am             Timsn:             RT @garnerhaines: RT @tylerweaver: Thou shalt accept that draft 1 will be shit. Then rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. #scriptchat. #scriptchat
1:16 am             tylerweaver:             @jeannevb Well, OK. I'll churn it out tomorrow. Thank you for figuring out tomorrow's MH post! #scriptchat
1:16 am             pulptone:             A reader/viewer doesn't need every single detail of the process or journey. Just the parts that relate to the story. #scriptchat
1:16 am             jmiewald:             Do we all at least follow the three act structure or is that even in debate? #scriptchat
1:16 am             zacsanford2:             wow... how did I miss @Timsn's post about scenes. Shoot. Sorry for the repeat. #scriptchat
1:16 am             SinsoftheEldest:             @jeannevb Alas (or awesome! depending) I am off to watch the #Grammys. :) :-) =) Have a good #scriptchat ~Dina #TheMovieLovers
1:16 am             karenquah:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek I don't think of them as "rules" I think of them as tactics and strategy #scriptchat
1:16 am             LucidGlow:             Saying that all of us need to know the rules is simply a sneaky & dishonest way of making everybody adhere to them. #scriptchat
1:17 am             talented_boy:             i have people who tell me the truth...and people who lie to me...the latter just so i don't give up #scriptchat
1:17 am             garnerhaines:             @karenquah I like for each scene to have a porpoise too. Since Flipper went off the air, they've been hard up for work. #scriptchat
1:17 am             chipstreet:             Picasso cubism grew from classical draftsmanship He knew rules 2 break my kids drawings may look like Picassos but they're not #scriptchat
1:17 am             jeannevb:             @garnerhaines I save my WHACKED scenes in a file so I dont feel sad about killin em off ;) #scriptchat
1:17 am             yeah_write:             @Timsn Me too. Now I'm into write it, get it on paper & worry about the rest laterThere can't be later if nothing is on the page #scriptchat
1:17 am             jeannevb:             @tylerweaver ; ) Does that now make me a MH pimp too? ;) #scriptchat
1:17 am             LucidGlow:             Rules & laws have destroyed so much in human society, and keep doing so. #scriptchat
1:17 am             zacsanford2:             @jmiewald Three Act structure is a must... especially for unproduced writers working on spec. #scriptchat
1:18 am             zacsanford2:             I do too and may use them in a diff script.RT @jeannevb: @garnerhaines I save my WHACKED scenes in a file. #scriptchat
1:18 am             chipstreet:             Don't be so in love with the script that you can't let it go or see its flaws. It's not actually a baby. #scriptchat
1:18 am             garnerhaines:             @talented_boy Hear hear! Yes, some days I just need a sugar fix, then I can face the lemons. #scriptchat
1:18 am             karenquah:             RT @LucidGlow Saying that all of us need to know the rules is simply a sneaky&dishonest way of making everybody adhere to them. #scriptchat
1:18 am             Timsn:             Hardest part is letting go of scenes I like because they don't work #scriptchat
1:19 am             yeah_write:             RT @chipstreet: Dont be so in love with the script that you cant let it go or see its flaws. Its not actually a baby. #scriptchat
1:19 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             Good one RT @chipstreet: Dont be so in love with the script that you cant let it go or see its flaws. Its not actually a baby. #scriptchat
1:19 am             jmiewald:             RT @LucidGlow: "... a sneaky way of making everybody adhere." We are all here to crush your spirit. You didn't know? #scriptchat
1:19 am             dawnbierschwal:             The protagonist must take an active role in his/her own destiny. #scriptchat
1:19 am             jeannevb:             @chipstreet and sometimes the baby is just plain ugly #scriptchat
1:19 am             garnerhaines:             @chipstreet Spending some time away from it helps. You can reread it with fresh eyes and perspective. #scriptchat
1:19 am             chipstreet:             XLNT RT @jeannevb I save my WHACKED scenes in a file so I dont feel sad about killin em off ;) #scriptchat
1:19 am             NugzyBogues:             RT @dawnbierschwal: The protagonist must take an active role in his/her own destiny. #scriptchat
1:19 am             zacsanford2:             yes, no one wants to watch a passive MC. RT @dawnbierschwal: The protagonist must take an active role in his/her own destiny. #scriptchat
1:19 am             karenquah:             @chipstreet Don't be so in love with the script that you can't let it go or see its flaws. --agree. have to be ruthless. #scriptchat
1:19 am             jeannevb:             RT @dawnbierschwal: The protagonist must take an active role in his/her own destiny. #scriptchat
1:20 am             yeah_write:             But no one wants to hear that. RT @jeannevb: @chipstreet and sometimes the baby is just plain ugly #scriptchat
1:20 am             LucidGlow:             @garnerhaines You're correct. It is difficult to discard them completely, but we should do our best. #scriptchat
1:20 am             jeannevb:             @SinsoftheEldest have fun! #Grammys #scriptchat #TheMovieLovers
1:20 am             garnerhaines:             @chipstreet Me too. I euphemistically call the folder "DVD Special Features". #scriptchat
1:21 am             zacsanford2:             What is everyone's rule they always seem to break? #scriptchat
1:21 am             yeah_write:             @dawnbierschwal I found when I reread my latest, that protag was letting others do things for him. Major rewrite ensued. #scriptchat
1:21 am             eyamie:             More than - choices must affect all characters RT @dawnbierschwal: protagonist must take an active role in his/her own destiny. #scriptchat
1:21 am             karenquah:             @chipstreet it's actually not a baby @jeannevb and sometimes the baby is just plain ugly --HAHA, yes! #manyuglybabies #scriptchat
1:21 am             chipstreet:             My baby was born w an extra subplot :) @jeannevb @chipstreet and sometimes the baby is just plain ugly #scriptchat
1:21 am             dawnbierschwal:             After recently reading a script with "And now we realize..." on about every page, I was wishing for a rule against THAT! #scriptchat
1:22 am             jeannevb:             Think about the choices ur char make. Does it help the plot AND their char dev? #scriptchat
1:22 am             eyamie:             @zacsanford2 I'm a parenthetical junkie. Usually must delete 30-40 or risk directing the actors #scriptchat
1:22 am             garnerhaines:             @LucidGlow There are plenty of good examples in film and TV where it was done. Sometimes it forms new rules b/c it works so well #scriptchat
1:22 am             SKCOMEDY:             Even "Don't drive on the railroad tracks"? RT @LucidGlow Rules & laws have destroyed much in human society, and keep doing so. #scriptchat
1:22 am             markezrastokes:             Ooh-ooh! Are we talking rewrites tonight? #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:22 am             LucidGlow:             @IQXS Thank you, yes, diversion and nonsense, smoke & mirrors. Current society is filled with it. #scriptchat
1:22 am             pulptone:             RT @jeannevb: Think about the choices ur char make. Does it help the plot AND their char dev? #scriptchat
1:23 am             jeannevb:             & subtext ;) RT @chipstreet: My baby was born w an extra subplot :) @jeannevb @chipstreet and sometime baby is just plain ugly #scriptchat
1:23 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @zacsanford2 my favorite rule to break is the protagonist must be super duper likable. I try to go for interesting first #scriptchat
1:23 am             chipstreet:             know what your characters are really thinking, and don't let them say it. #scriptchat
1:23 am             yeah_write:             I don't know enough to break the rules yet. RT @zacsanford2: What is everyones rule they always seem to break? #scriptchat
1:23 am             karenquah:             @LucidGlow Rules & laws have destroyed so much in human society, and keep doing so. --agree #scriptchat
1:23 am             zacsanford2:             RT @eyamie: @zacsanford2 Im a parenthetical junkie. Usually must delete 30-40 or risk directing the actors #scriptchat
1:23 am             HANNAHMORGAN1:             RT @jeannevb: Think about the choices ur char make. Does it help the plot AND their char dev? #scriptchat
1:23 am             NugzyBogues:             your protagonist doesn't have to start with a journey to undergo...sometimes he/she falls into it #scriptchat
1:23 am             jeannevb:             @markezrastokes we're talking rules. Do u have some u swear by? Or do u write wild, buck naked? #scriptchat
1:23 am             zacsanford2:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: my favorite rule to break is the protagonist must be super duper likable. I try to go for interesting first #scriptchat
1:23 am             yeah_write:             @markezrastokes We are talking rules #scriptchat
1:24 am             LucidGlow:             @chipstreet It is related. If you have learned the rules you are, at least, in part corrupted by them #scriptchat
1:24 am             zacsanford2:             Then what rule do you hate writing to? RT @yeah_write: I dont know enough to break the rules yet. #scriptchat
1:24 am             dawnbierschwal:             @zacsanford2 I tend to break same "rule" as you. My protagonists are often societial issues or the protagonists themselves. #scriptchat
1:24 am             chipstreet:             @zacsanford2 I want to have characters say less, but struggle with it as I am chatty. Silence IS dialogue. #scriptchat
1:24 am             LucidGlow:             @jmiewald I do know #scriptchat
1:24 am             scriptcollector:             The moment the protagonist is thrust into the main plot should be the most thrilling moment in the script. #scriptchat
1:24 am             jeannevb:             Dont know if its breaking a rule, but I like to make my antagonist's humanity show through so he isnt just a badass, he's human #scriptchat
1:25 am             Timsn:             For screenwriting -- show it don't tell it. Don't give too much exposition #scriptchat
1:25 am             dawnbierschwal:             Yep. RT @NugzyBogues: your protagonist doesnt have to start with a journey to undergo...sometimes he/she falls into it #scriptchat
1:25 am             zacsanford2:             Remeber to show, not tell. RT @chipstreet: @zacsanford2 I want to have characters say less, but struggle with it as I am chatty. #scriptchat
1:25 am             pulptone:             @LucidGlow It also prevents writing the obvious, what is expected. #scriptchat
1:25 am             KageyNYC:             great! RT @chipstreet: know what your characters are really thinking, and don't let them say it. #scriptchat
1:25 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             I like edgier heroes. Han shot first! Damn it! #scriptchat
1:25 am             jeannevb:             @scriptcollector hey! So glad ur here! xo #scriptchat
1:25 am             Timsn:             RT @scriptcollector: The moment the protagonist is thrust into the main plot should be the most thrilling moment in the script. #scriptchat
1:26 am             zacsanford2:             too much exposition kills me as a reader. RT @Timsn: For screenwriting -- show it dont tell it. Dont give too much exposition #scriptchat
1:26 am             garnerhaines:             @jeannevb Oh, never naked. My writing room's too cold for that. Literally, not figuratively. Way drafty. #scriptchat
1:26 am             pulptone:             @jeannevb I do that through inner dialogue/narration/etc! #scriptchat
1:26 am             markezrastokes:             @jeannevb My writing attire is none of ur business!Big proponent of obsessively following the rules & breaking when u understand #scriptchat
1:26 am             scriptdreric:             The protag doesn't have to be "likable" but there's gotta be a reason we want to watch them for 90+ min. @GoldenAgeofGeek #scriptchat
1:26 am             MonicaEmme:             @jeannevb I would think that should be a rule, otherwise people won't feel anything for him. #scriptchat
1:26 am             dawnbierschwal:             Exposition at the latest possible moment it's needed. #scriptchat
1:26 am             Alex_Carrick:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: @zacsanford2 favorite rule 2 break protagonist must be likable - try to go for interesting 1st #scriptchat< makes sense
1:26 am             zacsanford2:             Man, is @Timsn going to be ahead of me in advice on almost every single point :) #scriptchat
1:26 am             jmiewald:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: "I like edgier heroes. Han shot first! Damn it!" #scriptchat
1:26 am             jeannevb:             @chipstreet I learn my chars in & out before ever writing a word. 1st thing I do is detailed bkgrnd so I know how they'd behave #scriptchat
1:27 am             KageyNYC:             If those are the choices... RT @jeannevb: @markezrastokes Do u have rules u swear by? Or do u write wild, buck naked? #scriptchat
1:27 am             LucidGlow:             @SKCOMEDY Nothing inherently wrong with driving on railway tracks. Didn't you see Groundhog Day? #scriptchat
1:27 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @jeannevb Hi, we're talking about rules we write by, right? I try to write freely, but there are a few I loosely stick to.
1:27 am             garnerhaines:             @zacsanford2 "show, don't tell" is one I find hard, and my characters are chatty too. Also "enter late, leave early" #insecure #scriptchat
1:27 am             zacsanford2:             And please... please.... please.... please don't use voiceover as crutch to get the characters thoughts out. #scriptchat
1:27 am             chipstreet:             Get into the scene late and out early. Is that too obvious? It's one I try to live by. #scriptchat
1:27 am             jeannevb:             @MonicaEmme i hate seeing the villian as flat & just "bad." Happens a lot #scriptchat
1:27 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat I have to like my characters. I won't write anyone just because they seem topical.
1:27 am             dawnbierschwal:             I'm ok if my reader wants to beat the shit out of the protagonist... it means he/she is engaged. #scriptchat
1:28 am             jmiewald:             RT @dawnbierschwal: "Exposition at the latest possible moment its needed." - Interesting. So u don't get it out of the way early #scriptchat
1:28 am             zacsanford2:             @garnerhaines In 1st drafts it's okay to be chatty or extend scenes. That's what rewriting is for. #scriptchat
1:28 am             karenquah:             @LucidGlow If you have learned the rules you are, at least, in part corrupted by them --having worked 4 n/papers i agree totally #scriptchat
1:28 am             yeah_write:             Absolutely right. RT @chipstreet: Get into the scene late and out early. Is that too obvious? Its one I try to live by. #scriptchat
1:28 am             garnerhaines:             @GoldenAgeofGeek Damn straight. It made his redemptive moment, saving Luke from Darth's gunsights meaningful. #scriptchat
1:28 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @dawnbierschwal just as long as you DO beat the shit out of the protagonist by the end! #scriptchat
1:28 am             tressam2:             RT @scriptcollector: The moment the protagonist is thrust into the main plot should be the most thrilling moment in the script. #scriptchat
1:28 am             jeannevb:             @garnerhaines @markezrastokes @KageyNYC dont knock writing naked unless u've tried it kiddos #scriptchat
1:28 am             markezrastokes:             The "rules" I try to obsess over are NOT necessarily the latest formula. Aristotle & Campbell, plus what works for me. #scriptchat
1:28 am             chipstreet:             @jeannevb I need to do that more. I have it in my head but writing it out would be helpful Im sure. #scriptchat
1:28 am             Timor_rmx:             writing a script is easy, making it GOOD is the hard part #scriptchat
1:29 am             pulptone:             Find humanity in the antagonist. Make the reader like them and question what they see or read. #scriptchat
1:29 am             dawnbierschwal:             It's ok to write on the nose in first draft... then find more interesting ways later. #scriptchat
1:29 am             DavidGriffin10:             RT @Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat I have to like my characters. I won't write anyone just because they seem topical.
1:29 am             dawnbierschwal:             Absolutely! RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: @dawnbierschwal just as long as you DO beat the shit out of the protagonist by the end! #scriptchat
1:29 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @Timor_rmx making it GOOD and SELL-ABLE harder still #scriptchat
1:30 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat My fave rule to break is convention of genre. for crime - love to write real people in a situation, instead of cardboard heroes.
1:30 am             markezrastokes:             @jeannevb I've got a toddler to avoid scarring. Pants off after bedtime. #scriptchat
1:30 am             SKCOMEDY:             In comedy, main characters should be responsible for the predicament they're in. #scriptchat
1:30 am             jmiewald:             One key rule for me is at least some of the time people must say the opposite of what they mean. #scriptchat
1:30 am             MonicaEmme:             @jeannevb Yeah if you can't identify or at least empathize with them you'll just hate them and that is boring. #scriptchat
1:30 am             zacsanford2:             and finding someone to buy/make it is even harder. RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: @Timor_rmx making it GOOD and SELL-ABLE harder still #scriptchat
1:30 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat As a writer, I may be unpredicatable, so may my characters.
1:30 am             karenquah:             Hear! Hear! RT @jeannevb don't knock writing naked unless u've tried it kiddos #scriptchat
1:30 am             scriptdreric:             RT @dawnbierschwal - It's ok to write on the nose in first draft... then find more interesting ways later. #scriptchat
1:30 am             talented_boy:             this is a real question (seriously): why does the lead character have to be likeable? (no, seriously) #scriptchat
1:30 am             dawnbierschwal:             RT @SKCOMEDY: In comedy, main characters should be responsible for the predicament theyre in. #scriptchat
1:31 am             tylerweaver:             The antagonist always believes they're right. It's their inability to change that makes them antagonists. #scriptchat
1:31 am             SKCOMEDY:             @LucidGlow Dude, it was a joke. #scriptchat
1:31 am             Timsn:             Also prob. I think like a filmmaker and it's hell not to put in camera angles #scriptchat
1:31 am             MonicaEmme:             RT @karenquah: Hear! Hear! RT @jeannevb dont knock writing naked unless uve tried it kiddos #scriptchat
1:31 am             CTK1:             RT @scriptcollector: The moment the protagonist is thrust into the main plot should be the most thrilling moment in the script. #scriptchat
1:31 am             karenquah:             @Donna_Carrick As a writer, I may be unpredicatable, so may my characters. --absolutely, always #scriptchat
1:31 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @DavidGriffin10 Hi, David - thanks for RT! How are you tonight?
1:31 am             talented_boy:             it's @scriptdreric ladies and gentlemen...gonna use him one day when i have some money lol #scriptchat
1:31 am             jeannevb:             @chipstreet last wk we did a great chat on char dev & how it relates to plot. U HAVE to read @filmutopia blog. I'll get link #scriptchat
1:31 am             zacsanford2:             I had a MC that was unlikable and I tried to do a "Save the Cat" moment. It felt forced. His wit is why people liked him. #scriptchat
1:31 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @MonicaEmme We meet again, Monica! How are you?
1:32 am             pulptone:             RT @Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat My fave rule to break is convention of genre. #scriptchat
1:32 am             jeannevb:             ha RT @markezrastokes: @jeannevb I've got a toddler to avoid scarring. Pants off after bedtime. #scriptchat
1:32 am             yeah_write:             @zacsanford2 Re: rules. I'm a nerd. I want to do it right, until I learn the right way to do it wrong. Does that make sense? #scriptchat
1:32 am             NugzyBogues:             @talented_boy the lead character doesn't have to be likeable!!! #scriptchat
1:32 am             garnerhaines:             @talented_boy Because as a viewer/reader, if I don't like the protagonist, I don't care what happens to him/her. #scriptchat
1:32 am             dawnbierschwal:             Don't have to be. But we have to want to watch them. RT @talented_boy: why does the lead character have to be likeable? #scriptchat
1:32 am             CriticalTodd:             RT @scriptcollector: The moment the protagonist is thrust into the main plot should be the most thrilling moment in the script. #scriptchat
1:32 am             CTK1:             @SKCOMEDY Ha... no way Jose, funny ;-) Although that's often good as well. #scriptchat
1:32 am             MonicaEmme:             @Donna_Carrick I am good. Added over 4k to wip this weekend. And it feel good. #scriptchat
1:32 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @karenquah As a working mom/wife, I have to work at being unpredictable ! Hah! That's the fun of writing.
1:33 am             zacsanford2:             @yeah_write Totally makes sense. And I believe most, not all, rules should be followed until you break into the industry. #scriptchat
1:33 am             dawnbierschwal:             I think the MC has to be relatable, not necessarily likeable. #scriptchat
1:33 am             LucidGlow:             @SKCOMEDY It is dudess, yes, mine, too, at least partly. #scriptchat
1:33 am             BJMuntain:             RT @Jordanrosenfeld After my own heart! RT @jeannevb: a scene has to move story fwd AND add conflict for the char or its cut #scriptchat
1:33 am             SKCOMEDY:             Not a rule, just my belief: character determines plot, rather than the other way around. #scriptchat
1:33 am             markezrastokes:             @Donna_Carrick I'm with you on genre rules. So exciting to build something new off of audience's preconceived notions. #scriptchat
1:33 am             yeah_write:             With MC it's not so much likability, but empathy. #scriptchat
1:33 am             dawnbierschwal:             Seeing our own faults in protagonist can help us empathize. #scriptchat
1:33 am             garnerhaines:             ..and if I don't care what happens to them, I'm not invested in the story. And if I'm not invested in the story...CLICK. #scriptchat
1:34 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @ZintaAistars Sometimes I like the ones I hate the best! Either way, have to like them.
1:34 am             CTK1:             Miss @jeannevb is wrangling in the writers Right Now for hash tag #SCRIPTCHAT -join in...
1:34 am             garnerhaines:             RT @dawnbierschwal: Seeing our own faults in protagonist can help us empathize. #scriptchat
1:34 am             zacsanford2:             what about in fish out of h2o? RT @SKCOMEDY: just my belief: character determines plot, rather than the other way around. #scriptchat
1:34 am             talented_boy:             @garnerhaines but if nobody has attempted to do it, who is to say that it isn't possible? it's not a fact among viewers #scriptchat
1:34 am             yeah_write:             @dawnbierschwal But what if you have no faults? lol #scriptchat
1:34 am             NugzyBogues:             RT @dawnbierschwal: I think the MC has to be relatable, not necessarily likeable. #scriptchat (I completely agree!!!)
1:34 am             TinaGerow:             RT @Iwhodareswins: RT @yeah_write: My #1 rule of writing: Get your ass in the chair and start typing. Worry about the rest later #scriptchat
1:34 am             SKCOMEDY:             @LucidGlow Madam, I stand corrected. A pleasure to meet you. #scriptchat
1:35 am             CriticalTodd:             @jeannevb the "save the cat" moment per the late Blake Snyder. #scriptchat
1:35 am             LisaFromNYC:             me 2. saving my breaking rule script for l8r RT @yeah_write I want to do it right, until I learn the right way to do it wrong #scriptchat
1:35 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @MonicaEmme That's fabulous, Monica!
1:35 am             talented_boy:             RT @NugzyBogues: RT @dawnbierschwal: I think the MC has to be relatable, not necessarily likeable. (I completely agree!!!) #scriptchat
1:35 am             jeannevb:             @chipstreet here's the link to last wks transcript: GREAT chart for char dev! #scriptchat
1:36 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @markezrastokes Yes, taking apart those conventions, trying for a new way to look at stories.
1:36 am             jeannevb:             @CTK1 *smooch* #SCRIPTCHAT
1:36 am             MonicaEmme:             Sometimes the best antagonists are the ones who make you not sure you want the good guy to win. #scriptchat
1:36 am             jeannevb:             sorry, had to get the link... afraid to see all I missed #scriptchat
1:36 am             karenquah:             @Donna_Carrick ha, that's one thing i don't have to work on. which is good since there r million other things i need to work on #scriptchat
1:36 am             MonicaEmme:             @Donna_Carrick Yeah it feels like it has been forever since I was in a good writing groove. Finally! #scriptchat
1:36 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             I think adhering to the 120 page and under for a spec is good rule to follow until you're established #scriptchat
1:36 am             MatchesMalone:             @CTK1 But I've only got another 20 minutes before I have to take off for #168Project Mixer.... #SCRIPTCHAT
1:36 am             zacsanford2:             RT @MonicaEmme: Sometimes the best antagonists are the ones who make you not sure you want the good guy to win. #scriptchat
1:36 am             Donna_Carrick:             @DavidGriffin10 Egads, David! Thank goodness it's only 8:32 here. Alex & I are watching Grammies and joining #scriptchat NA
1:37 am             markezrastokes:             @Donna_Carrick Got any favorite examples of that? #scriptchat
1:37 am             jmiewald:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: I think adhering to the 120 page and under for a spec is good rule to follow until youre established #scriptchat
1:37 am             jeannevb:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: I think adhering to the 120 page and under for a spec is good rule to follow until youre established #scriptchat
1:37 am             yeah_write:             @MonicaEmme Or you are wondering, OMG if this was real life, would I be rooting for him? #scriptchat
1:37 am             zacsanford2:             Per @GoldenAgeofGeek and the 120 page rule... keep it under 110. Under 100 in certain genres. #scriptchat
1:37 am             writerjoel:             ooh, writer friends, search #scriptchat and join in
1:37 am             jeannevb:             I like writing for the antagonist so much more than the hero. This must be why I've been in therapy for yrs ha #scriptchat
1:37 am             Alex_Carrick:             The rules I follow come from own inner voice. Great thing re. living 2day is structure is so loose. Rules relate more to taste #scriptchat
1:37 am             dawnbierschwal:             Then you must be the antagonist. : ) RT @yeah_write: @dawnbierschwal But what if you have no faults? lol #scriptchat
1:37 am             MonicaEmme:             @yeah_write exactly #scriptchat
1:38 am             scripteach:             I like to make my antagonist's humanity show through #scriptchat /via @jeannevb BOOK OF ELI; Oldman washing Beal's hair was humanizing touch
1:38 am             Timsn:             RT @zacsanford2: RT @MonicaEmme: Sometimes the best antagonists are the ones who make you not sure you want the good guy to win. #scriptchat
1:38 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @markezrastokes Yes, mystery is my genre, but I like to explore culture, art, music, rather than plant&follow clues.
1:38 am             zacsanford2:             Or go to and enter the hash. RT @writerjoel: ooh, writer friends, search #scriptchat and join in #scriptchat
1:38 am             jeannevb:             or just lurk mwhaha RT @writerjoel: ooh, writer friends, search #scriptchat and join in #scriptchat
1:38 am             SKCOMEDY:             MC's personality--made him blunder into it, or makes it worse once he's there. RT @zacsanford2 what about in fish out of h2o? #scriptchat
1:38 am             MonicaEmme:             @jeannevb lol #scriptchat
1:38 am             scriptcollector:             The protagonist must be leading an active life and not just waiting for the plot to kick in (eg. slashers) #scriptchat
1:38 am             Alex_Carrick:             Can go backwards & forwards in time. Can do anything with respect to special effects. Baseball players coming out of corn field. #scriptchat
1:38 am             yeah_write:             @dawnbierschwal That rules me out as antagonist. :) #scriptchat
1:38 am             lukerpher:             A good bad guy should not realize that he is the bad guy. #scriptchat
1:39 am             jeannevb:             @scripteach yes! Wait until u read our antagonist... you'll love him. So will Phillip Seymour Hoffman ;) #scriptchat
1:39 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @markezrastokes EG: how would this char act or react to situation given cult, age, experience etc. Why certain crimes may seem
1:39 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @zacsanford2 have a friend who writes Action thrillers, he keeps his down to under 90 pages #scriptchat
1:39 am             garnerhaines:             @talented_boy No, but it's my feeling. I've watched films where I hope the villain wins so everyone will die and I can leave. #scriptchat
1:39 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @markezrastokes ...acceptable to some people, and not to others.
1:39 am             markezrastokes:             How about STYLISTIC rules? What's your standard? Trottier's THE SCREENWRITER'S BIBLE seems to be the most comprehensive. #scriptchat
1:39 am             zacsanford2:             Good advice. Helps me out. Thanks. RT @SKCOMEDY: MCs personality--made him blunder into it, or makes it worse once hes there. #scriptchat
1:39 am             MonicaEmme:             @lukerpher well said #scriptchat
1:39 am             jeannevb:             @MonicaEmme knew u'd see that one ;) #scriptchat
1:39 am             Alex_Carrick:             What Avatar has done is to confirm that if you can think it, it can be represented on screen. Liberating #scriptchat.
1:39 am             LisaFromNYC:             joined late. not sure if this was said. try 2 keep action 4 or < lines. white space is good. #scriptchat
1:39 am             yeah_write:             I know a woman like that. ha! RT @lukerpher: A good bad guy should not realize that he is the bad guy. #scriptchat
1:39 am             dawnbierschwal:             Good one! RT @lukerpher: A good bad guy should not realize that he is the bad guy. #scriptchat
1:39 am             scripteach:             RT @dawnbierschwal: The protagonist must take an active role in his/her own destiny. #scriptchat (via @jeannevb) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!
1:39 am             scripteach:             (you'd be amazed - & saddened - by number of times I see passive protagonists that do not drive the story or engage audience) #scriptchat
1:40 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @markezrastokes My denouement usually involves some revelation about char, rather than just "whodunnit"
1:40 am             pulptone:             RT @yeah_write: I know a woman like that. ha! RT @lukerpher: A good bad guy should not realize that he is the bad guy. #scriptchat
1:40 am             jmiewald:             @GoldenAgeofGeek Isn't 90 pages too short even for action adventure? #scriptchat
1:40 am             KageyNYC:             Nice :) RT @jeannevb: yes! Wait until u read our antagonist... you'll love him. So will Phillip Seymour Hoffman ;) #scriptchat
1:40 am             zacsanford2:             @scripteach I read scripts all the time with passive protags where shit just happens to them and they barely react for 100 pages #scriptchat
1:41 am             scripteach:             yes! Wait until u read our antagonist... you'll love him. So will Phillip Seymour Hoffman ;) #scriptchat (via @jeannevb) Can't wait!
1:41 am             MatchesMalone:             RT @LisaFromNYC: joined late. not sure if this was said. try 2 keep action 4 or < lines. white space is good. #scriptchat
1:41 am             markezrastokes:             @Donna_Carrick I'm ALL about that! I like movies that teach from varied textbooks & varied subjects. #scriptchat
1:41 am             authorViviAnna:             #scriptchat the antagonist is the hero of his own story, they in no way think they are the villain
1:41 am             writerjoel:             what's the main topic? protags? antags? #scriptchat
1:41 am             scriptdreric:             @talented_boy - Thanks for the nod, man. May be featured in a future #scriptchat doling out free advice. Stay tuned! :)
1:41 am             zintaaistars:             @Donna_Carrick #scriptchat Agreed, passion in the positive or negative, but I must care deeply about that character.
1:41 am             zacsanford2:             In action somtimes a min equals less than page RT @jmiewald: @GoldenAgeofGeek Isnt 90 pages too short even for action adventure? #scriptchat
1:41 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @jmiewald his management company isn't complaining #scriptchat
1:41 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @karenquah Ah, we all have our crosses, our areas to grow as writers... ha ha
1:41 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @DavidGriffin10 Yes it's on now.
1:41 am             garnerhaines:             RT @Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @karenquah Ah, we all have our crosses, our areas to grow as writers... ha ha #scriptchat
1:42 am             karenquah:             @dawnbierschwal yes, all characters - esp. protagonist - must have goal, must act. nothing worse than "slice of life" scripts #scriptchat
1:42 am             pulptone:             RT @authorViviAnna: #scriptchat the antagonist is the hero of his own story, they in no way think they are the villain #scriptchat
1:42 am             jeannevb:             @writerjoel we're actually talking rules. Do u have rules u adhere by in writing? #scriptchat
1:42 am             zacsanford2:             If you want to read a good example of Antagonists as the MC, check out the graphic novel Justice by Jim Krueger. #scriptchat
1:42 am             chipstreet:             @jeannevb thanks! will check it out! #scriptchat
1:42 am             jeannevb:             @KageyNYC @scripteach xoxoxo #scriptchat
1:42 am             LisaFromNYC:             Avatar has a 1-dimensional antagonist #scriptchat
1:43 am             zacsanford2:             Wow, soooooo much chatting that I'm missing a lot of convos. Trying to keep up. Sorry if I repeat anything. #scriptchat
1:43 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @LisaFromNYC Avatar has 1 dimensional everything except visuals :) #scriptchat
1:43 am             garnerhaines:             @LisaFromNYC I'm going to be generous and say, 2 dimensional. #scriptchat
1:43 am             zacsanford2:             As does Titanic. Oh wait, all characters are flat in JC's later work. RT @LisaFromNYC: Avatar has a 1-dimensional antagonist #scriptchat
1:43 am             talented_boy:             @NugzyBogues i hated that movie lol...but good example #scriptchat
1:43 am             jmiewald:             @LisaFromNYC "Avatar has a 1-dimensional antagonist" Um, all the characters were in 3D #scriptchat
1:43 am             MatchesMalone:             @markezrastokes I just use whatever Final Draft defaults to :) Oh, you meant the script itself.... #scriptchat
1:43 am             dawnbierschwal:             Oh no, don't get Zac started. : ) RT @LisaFromNYC: Avatar has a 1-dimensional antagonist #scriptchat
1:43 am             dwacon:             @zacsanford2 Just enjoying the read here... #scriptchat
1:43 am             yeah_write:             Crazy fast tonight. RT @zacsanford2: Wow, soooooo much chatting that Im missing a lot of convos. Trying to keep up. #scriptchat
1:43 am             MonicaEmme:             @LisaFromNYC But it has a hot giant blue guy. Can't go wrong there #scriptchat
1:43 am             markezrastokes:             @zacsanford2 My thoughts exactly. Just told my wife I wasn't allowed to look away right now. #scriptchat
1:43 am             karenquah:             @LisaFromNYC Avatar has 1-dimensional everything except visuals. #scriptchat
1:44 am             LucidGlow:             @LisaFromNYC Avatar is such a bad movie, in so many ways. #scriptchat
1:44 am             dawnbierschwal:             Too late! #scriptchat
1:44 am             jeannevb:             @chipstreet one more link I'm looking up now.... hold on #scriptchat
1:44 am             chipstreet:             I personally speak in ways that I would hate to hear characters talk. #scriptchat
1:44 am             MatchesMalone:             @LisaFromNYC And was a story that was told at least three times before..... #scriptchat
1:44 am             pulptone:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: @LisaFromNYC Avatar has 1 dimensional everything except visuals :) (which is why I won't see it) #scriptchat
1:44 am             zacsanford2:             @joshsbr Do not be discouraged by how many screenwriters are out there. 90% of what makes it into Hollywood still sucks :) #scriptchat
1:44 am             dwacon:             @jmiewald I got pinged for an Action Adventure that was under 110 pages. Still got good notes -- but the length was a neg #scriptchat
1:44 am             LisaFromNYC:             lol sam is a cutie RT @MonicaEmme @LisaFromNYC But it has a hot giant blue guy. Can't go wrong there #scriptchat
1:44 am             karenquah:             @GoldenAgeofGeek ah, you read my thoughts - or vise versa (re:avatar) #scriptchat
1:45 am             MonicaEmme:             @LisaFromNYC Yeah he is #scriptchat
1:45 am             yeah_write:             Thank Jeanne there is a transcript for this chat. This is crazy fast tonight. #scriptchat
1:45 am             zacsanford2:             @joshsbr Also remember, #scriptchat is here to help make you a better screenwriter and to network. #scriptchat
1:45 am             jolenejahnke:             @joshsbr Think community, not competition. #scriptchat
1:45 am             markezrastokes:             @MatchesMalone Yeah, but even Final Draft has room for variation. #scriptchat
1:45 am             pulptone:             @joshsbr But everyone is writing something different. I write comics. Some of us write books, etc. etc. #scriptchat
1:45 am             talented_boy:             @joshsbr but everyone writes a different genre, for different audiences so it's not like everyone is in your way lol #scriptchat
1:45 am             joshsbr:             #scriptchat is kind of discouragin because it shows how many aspiring scriptwriters there are out there lol
1:46 am             jeannevb:             @yeah_write very diff't than EURO, right? #scriptchat
1:46 am             mindofbryan:             @pulptone Just put up a post about some nit-picky Avatar script details at #scriptchat
1:46 am             MonicaEmme:             @joshsbr You don't have to worry about me. I wrote novels. #scriptchat
1:46 am             markezrastokes:             I often obsess about communicating in JUST the right way, which is hard since formatting rules change with culture. #scriptchat
1:46 am             MatchesMalone:             @chipstreet Well, that's good for one character, but how 'bout the rest? #scriptchat
1:46 am             yeah_write:             @jeannevb Very different. We are a chatty bunch. #scriptchat
1:46 am             jeannevb:             @joshsbr haha There certainly are a lot of us. Misery loves company ;) #scriptchat
1:46 am             scripteach:             I read scripts all the time w/passive protags & shit just happens to them... #scriptchat (via @zacsanford2) [driving nails into my eyes!]
1:46 am             zacsanford2:             Here is a rule NEVER to break. NEVER EVER CHANGE YOUR line or margins in FD or MMSW. NEVER DO THIS! #scriptchat
1:46 am             pulptone:             RT @jolenejahnke: @joshsbr Think community, not competition. (Exactly!) #scriptchat
1:47 am             mindofbryan:             Sorry to join late. Been working on some new stuff in the shop. Plus just finished a first draft feature length. What's topic. #scriptchat
1:47 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @joshsbr dude this is nothing. This wouldn't even cover the first round of the smallest screenplay contest #scriptchat
1:47 am             LisaFromNYC:             What's the rule? Action is closer to 120? comedy 90's? drama early 100's? #scriptchat
1:47 am             MatchesMalone:             @markezrastokes Of course, I'm simply stating that for the look of the script, it's a standard.... #scriptchat
1:47 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             RT @zacsanford2: Here is a rule NEVER to break. NEVER EVER CHANGE YOUR line or margins in FD or MMSW. NEVER DO THIS! #scriptchat
1:47 am             joshsbr:             RT @jeannevb: @joshsbr haha There certainly are a lot of us. Misery loves company ;) #scriptchat
1:47 am             dwacon:             @joshsbr Lots of aspiring writers -- but what percentage are cream versus milk versus what we Texans call ?bull jack? ?? #scriptchat
1:47 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             Format is the rule you don't break. Ever #scriptchat
1:47 am             talented_boy:             RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: @joshsbr dude this is nothing. This wouldnt even cover the first round of the smallest screenplay contest #scriptchat
1:47 am             robertcarroll:             Howdy #scriptchat ;)
1:47 am             chipstreet:             @karenquah Apparently you only get 3 dimensions. If you use all three on the screen, you lose one from the story. :) #scriptchat
1:47 am             WritersQuotes:             RT @pulptone: @joshsbr But everyone is writing something different. I write comics. Some of us write books, etc. etc. #scriptchat
1:47 am             zacsanford2:             If anyone puts their script on "tight" or "very tight" or adjust the margins... readers can tell and will toss ya in the trash. #scriptchat
1:48 am             MatchesMalone:             RT @pulptone: RT @jolenejahnke: @joshsbr Think community, not competition. (Exactly!) #scriptchat
1:48 am             karenquah:             @scripteach I read scripts all the time w/passive protags & shit just happens to them...-- me too, drives me mental. #scriptchat
1:48 am             markezrastokes:             Yes! RT @zacsanford2: Here is a rule NEVER to break. NEVER EVER CHANGE YOUR line or margins in FD or MMSW. NEVER DO THIS! #scriptchat
1:48 am             dwacon:             @LisaFromNYC I try to get everything at 110. Your mileage may vary. #scriptchat
1:48 am             jeannevb:             @mindofbryan we're talking rules. Do you have some u adhere to? What rule do u usually break? #scriptchat
1:48 am             dawnbierschwal:             Hey, Zac.... any rules for cover pages? #scriptchat
1:48 am             zacsanford2:             Welcome. RT @robertcarroll: Howdy #scriptchat ;) #scriptchat
1:48 am             garnerhaines:             @LisaFromNYC Action & drama 120, comedy 90, although there are exceptions. If the dialogue is done quickly, pg length higher. #scriptchat
1:48 am             jeannevb:             RT @zacsanford2: If u puts ur script on "tight" or "very tight" or adjust margins, readers can tell & will toss ya in the trash. #scriptchat
1:48 am             MatchesMalone:             @LisaFromNYC The rules are, there are no rules... :) Some yahoo is going to come in and say too long/too short anyway.... #scriptchat
1:49 am             NugzyBogues:             scripts can work with passive protagonists where things just happen to them...i.e. Clerks 1 & 2 #scriptchat
1:49 am             garnerhaines:             RT @zacsanford2: Here is a rule NEVER to break. NEVER EVER CHANGE YOUR line or margins in FD or MMSW. NEVER DO THIS! #scriptchat
1:49 am             Timsn:             Holy crap trying to follow this while watching Grammys is impossible! #scriptchat
1:49 am             mindofbryan:             @jeannevb Well, in Walter, we ran the credits 20 mins before the end. I think that broke a rule or two. But it fit the story. #scriptchat
1:49 am             SKCOMEDY:             LOL! @chipstreet Apparently you only get 3 dimensions. If you use all three on the screen, you lose one from the story. :) #scriptchat
1:49 am             zacsanford2:             Title, By, contact info & nothing more. RT @dawnbierschwal: Hey, Zac.... any rules for cover pages? #scriptchat
1:49 am             writerjoel:             If you don't have a refusal of the call in act 1, I won't know the movie's kicked in at the start of act 2 #scriptchat
1:49 am             yeah_write:             @zacsanford2 I write too tight. Don't need the adjustments. #scriptchat
1:49 am             karenquah:             @chipstreet Apparently you only get 3 dimensions. If you use all three on the screen, you lose one from the story. --*chuckles* #scriptchat
1:49 am             robertcarroll:             Mmm, 110 or less RT @zacsanford2: Per @GoldenAgeofGeek and the 120 page rule... keep it under 110. Under 100 in certain genres. #scriptchat
1:49 am             jmiewald:             What about quotes at the beginning of your script? I read the Last Boyscout today with some Genesis quote at the start...:-/ #scriptchat
1:49 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @dawnbierschwal nice thing about being repped is u don't have to worry about that. They take care of the physical script #scriptchat
1:49 am             MatchesMalone:             RT @karenquah: @chipstreet Apparently you only get 3 dimensions. If you use all three on the screen, you lose one from the story. --*chuckles* #scriptchat
1:49 am             jeannevb:             @mindofbryan haha , havent seen any1 say that yet! #scriptchat
1:50 am             markezrastokes:             Guess I'm taking more about the nuances of formatting: Caps this, don't caps that, dual dialogue here, no parantheticals here... #scriptchat
1:50 am             jmiewald:             Genesis, the band. Not the Biblical book. #scriptchat
1:50 am             zacsanford2:             @jmiewald Last Boy Scout was by an established writer. Quotes can sometimes work in tyro spec scripts. #scriptchat
1:50 am             LisaFromNYC:             lol RT @MatchesMalone The rules are, there are no rules... :) Some yahoo is going to come in and say too long/too short anyway.. #scriptchat
1:50 am             garnerhaines:             I remember an audio comm on Big Trouble, Dir. said the p count was 120, although movie r.time 80 minutes, b/c dialogue said fast #scriptchat
1:50 am             MatchesMalone:             @NugzyBogues Contact as well.... #scriptchat
1:50 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @garnerhaines Hi, Garner! How are you?
1:51 am             jameskick:             RT @markezrastokes: Yes! RT @zacsanford2: Here is a rule NEVER to break. NEVER EVER CHANGE YOUR line or margins in FD or MMSW. NEVER DO THIS! #scriptchat
1:51 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @markezrastokes can always check websites for the latest in script formatting rules #scriptchat
1:51 am             dawnbierschwal:             @GoldenAgeofGeek Not worried. : ) #scriptchat
1:51 am             talented_boy:             i get all my screenwriting formatting from what FD does automatically and the screenwriter's bible then i move on #scriptchat
1:51 am             garnerhaines:             @GoldenAgeofGeek It's mostly done electronically these days, so my agent says. #scriptchat
1:51 am             mindofbryan:             @jeannevb Not kidding about that one. I think it's my Kaufman influence. #scriptchat
1:51 am             MatchesMalone:             @markezrastokes Then tell your story the way you think it needs to be told.... #scriptchat
1:51 am             garnerhaines:             @Donna_Carrick Hey, Donna, S'up? #scriptchat
1:52 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat Was told recently if I used certainly language (you may be familiar with) then some people would reject my books.
1:52 am             dwacon:             @LisaFromNYC If that yahoo is at a studio and has greenlight power, then... #scriptchat
1:52 am             jeannevb:             Also @scriptmag has Dr. Format section by David Trottier. He also has a book w all the articles from the mag #scriptchat
1:52 am             MonicaEmme:             Been nice chatting with all you scripty types... gotta go check on laundry now. :) Night. #scriptchat
1:52 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @garnerhaines heard the same from my peeps #scriptchat
1:52 am             markezrastokes:             @GoldenAgeofGeek Yeah, but which would you consider the latest and most comprehensive site? Lots of old crap out there. #scriptchat
1:52 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat To which I replied...... Thank you for the input. Ha ha, what did you think I replied?
1:52 am             jmiewald:             Oh, another rule: no adverbs. Ever. #scriptchat
1:52 am             jeannevb:             @MonicaEmme night babe! #scriptchat
1:52 am             MatchesMalone:             Braveheart was 124 pages, but ran 177 minutes.... #SCRIPTCHAT
1:52 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             RT @jeannevb: Also @scriptmag has Dr. Format section by David Trottier. He also has a book w all the articles from the mag #scriptchat
1:53 am             jeannevb:             @mindofbryan I love Kauffman ;) #scriptchat
1:53 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat @garnerhaines Perfect evening, grammies, #scriptchat . Wish Sunday could last all week.
1:53 am             markezrastokes:             @talented_boy Tends to be my habit, too. Thnx. #scriptchat
1:53 am             garnerhaines:             RT @MatchesMalone: @markezrastokes Then tell your story the way you think it needs to be told.... #scriptchat
1:53 am             robertcarroll:             RT @jeannevb: Also @scriptmag has Dr. Format section by David Trottier. He also has a book w all the articles from the mag #scriptchat
1:53 am             jeannevb:             that rule is a changin RT @jmiewald: Oh, another rule: no adverbs. Ever. #scriptchat
1:53 am             MatchesMalone:             @dwacon My point exactly #scriptchat
1:53 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @MatchesMalone specs. We're talking specs. Not produced scripts by pros #scriptchat
1:53 am             talented_boy:             @MatchesMalone wasn't lord of the rings like 100 pages and ran 3 hours? #scriptchat
1:54 am             mindofbryan:             @jeannevb My uncle was Andy's writer and cohort. #scriptchat
1:54 am             MatchesMalone:             @talented_boy Did not know that.... #scriptchat
1:54 am             robertcarroll:             Love Trottier's book. First I ever bought and one I go back to most. #scriptchat
1:54 am             zacsanford2:             Eh... sort of changing. RT @jeannevb: that rule is a changin RT @jmiewald: Oh, another rule: no adverbs. Ever. #scriptchat
1:54 am             Donna_Carrick:             @MonicaEmme #scriptchat Night, Monica, I must go now, too. Night, @jeannevb . Tweet you soon!
1:54 am             pulptone:             @jeannevb If it's how a character talks or it sounds natural I think adverbs are fine. #scriptchat
1:55 am             garnerhaines:             @GoldenAgeofGeek The rules are always different on the inside. Sometimes I think it's like that Eddie Murphy white man sketch. #scriptchat
1:55 am             markezrastokes:             Thnx! RT @jeannevb: Also @scriptmag has Dr. Format section by David Trottier. He also has a book w all the articles from the mag #scriptchat
1:55 am             zacsanford2:             In a spec script, please do not direct the director, even if you want to be the director. Do not call camera directions. #scriptchat
1:55 am             Donna_Carrick:             #scriptchat Will end with my only fixed rule: Always write what is inside of me. Never anything else.
1:55 am             chipstreet:             This darn "#scriptchat" is using up valuable characters! #scriptchat
1:55 am             jeannevb:             @mindofbryan i remember u telling me that before. LUCKY nephew, you! :) #scriptchat
1:55 am             MatchesMalone:             @GoldenAgeofGeek I tuned in late.... sorry. However, spec scripts are still written by pros, therefore.... #scriptchat
1:55 am             talented_boy:             @MatchesMalone lots of walking lol #scriptchat
1:55 am             mindofbryan:             @jmiewald Not 100% on the adverb ban. Sometimes you just want to get on with the action, and long description gets in the way. #scriptchat
1:55 am             jeannevb:             same here RT @robertcarroll: Love Trottiers book. First I ever bought and one I go back to most. #scriptchat
1:55 am             Timsn:             RT @jeannevb: that rule is a changin RT @jmiewald: Oh, another rule: no adverbs. Ever. #scriptchat
1:56 am             jeannevb:             @markezrastokes I'll get a link for Trottier's book & post it in our scriptchat blog resource section :) #scriptchat
1:56 am             karenquah:             @chipstreet This darn "#scriptchat" is using up valuable characters! --thanks 4 cracking me up. u should pop in more often #scriptchat
1:56 am             markezrastokes:             LAST I bought.Went thru a lot of junk 1st RT @robertcarroll: Love Trottiers book. First I ever bought and one I go back to most. #scriptchat
1:56 am             garnerhaines:             @Donna_Carrick Yes. Write what you want to write, not what you think others want you to write. #scriptchat
1:57 am             writerjoel:             start scenes late, end them early. #scriptchat
1:57 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @MatchesMalone specs by unknowns are a different animal from specs by established pros #scriptchat
1:57 am             chipstreet:             @jeannevb @zacsanford2 re direction: Yes! Never! Thank you and goodnight. #scriptchat
1:57 am             jeannevb:             write what u can be passionate about. If u aren't it'll show #scriptchat
1:57 am             jeannevb:             @chipstreet so glad u joined us! Night #scriptchat
1:58 am             markezrastokes:             Thnx. Lots of product placement for him 2nite! RT @jeannevb: Ill get a link for Trottiers book... #scriptchat
1:58 am             PennyAsh:             @jeannevb Meh, got sidetracked writing and missed #scriptchat
1:58 am             jeannevb:             Wanted to make sure u all come to chat next week at EURO TIME 3pm EST, NOON PST. NO chat at this time bc of Super Bowl #scriptchat
1:58 am             zacsanford2:             Not really a rule, but read as many scripts as you can. Not the shooting scripts, but early drafts. Your writing will improve. #scriptchat
1:58 am             garnerhaines:             @LucidGlow The problem with teaching everyone to write like everybody else is, we already HAVE everybody else. #scriptchat
1:58 am             pulptone:             Have a great night folks. I need to do some reading and maybe some writing. Another great #scriptchat
1:58 am             jeannevb:             welcome to screenwriting ;) RT @joshsbr: #scriptchat ftw #scriptchat
1:58 am             zacsanford2:             missed ya. Book is being sent this week. Need to go p/u a new 1. RT @PennyAsh: @jeannevb Meh, got sidetracked writing and missed #scriptchat
1:59 am             talented_boy:             i won't know my characters as well if i strayed too far out of what i know... #scriptchat
1:59 am             jeannevb:             @markezrastokes haha He can pay me commission to be his pimp ;) #scriptchat
1:59 am             zacsanford2:             Reminder: due to Super Bowl, only the UK chat will happen at 12 p.m. PST. Of course, all nations are welcome! #scriptchat
1:59 am             markezrastokes:             RT @zacsanford2: ...Read as many scripts as you can. Not the shooting scripts, but early drafts. Your writing will improve. #scriptchat
1:59 am             garnerhaines:             @zacsanford2 Yes. I read a lot of shooting scripts in the beginning and it threw me off for years. #scriptchat
1:59 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @garnerhaines but write what u love that pple will buy. #scriptchat
1:59 am             jeannevb:             NEXT SUNDAY EURO chat 3pm EST @julianfriedmann AGENT is LIVE guest! DONT MISS #scriptchat
1:59 am             yeah_write:             Reminder Next week is Super Bowl. Chat will be at 3 pm EST same time as Euro chat. No 8 pm EST chat #scriptchat
2:00 am             mindofbryan:             @zacsanford2 I do often find reading something that is imperfect helps. It's easier to see and learn from the mistakes. #scriptchat
2:00 am             zacsanford2:             For those who don't know me, you can follow me at @zacsanford as this is my backup and chat account. #scriptchat
2:00 am             robertcarroll:             @markezrastokes Yeah, there's a lot of junk. It can be frightening. #scriptchat
2:00 am             karenquah:             RT @jeannevb NEXT SUNDAY EURO chat 3pm EST @julianfriedmann AGENT is LIVE guest! DONT MISS #scriptchat
2:00 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             @jeannevb But I'll miss hours of Super Bowl hype :( #scriptchat
2:00 am             NugzyBogues:             @talented_boy write what you know #scriptchat i think thats the most important rule and if u dont know research it so u do know it
2:00 am             jeannevb:             Post ur question for @julianfriedmann on our blog this wk: #scriptchat
2:00 am             markezrastokes:             Priorities! Theory over application! ;-) RT @PennyAsh: @jeannevb Meh, got sidetracked writing and missed #scriptchat
2:00 am             PennyAsh:             @zacsanford2 Missed you guys too :) Woot, looking forward to reading it & getting ruthless with my script #scriptchat
2:00 am             zacsanford2:             Also with sites like @MyPDFScripts you can find multiple drafts on the same project and see the development process. #scriptchat
2:00 am             dawnbierschwal:             I try to read scripts BEFORE seeing movie... before I know how actor will deliver lines and such. #scriptchat
2:01 am             SKCOMEDY:             I would have to agree with @jmiewald. Avoid adverbs in stage directions that prop up action and dialogue. #scriptchat
2:01 am             KageyNYC:             RT @jeannevb: All come to chat next week at EURO TIME 3pm EST, NOON PST. NO chat at this time bc of Super Bowl #scriptchat
2:01 am             jmiewald:             When is the Puppy Bowl? #scriptchat
2:01 am             talented_boy:             @NugzyBogues yo, i'm following you now...i think we'd have some interesting POVs on this writing thing #scriptchat
2:01 am             zacsanford2:             I dunno, ask Michael Vick? Too soon? RT @jmiewald: When is the Puppy Bowl? #scriptchat
2:01 am             PennyAsh:             @markezrastokes LOL or in my case smut sells but only if you finish the book #scriptchat
2:01 am             shabanky:             Hate that I have 2 sneak and read #scriptchat every week but once again I was not let down...great chat!
2:02 am             jeannevb:             If any1 is not a Super Bowl fan or party junkie, have open topic night instead w our hashtag #scriptchat
2:02 am             yeah_write:             I love reading spec and then shooting script. Huge differences sometimes. #scriptchat
2:02 am             jeannevb:             @shabanky glad some1 is reading the transcripts ;) #scriptchat
2:02 am             joshsbr:             RT @zacsanford2: In a spec script, please do not direct the director, even if you want to be the director. #scriptchat
2:03 am             jeannevb:             NEXT WK I'll post the EURO agent chat (3pm EST) before our regular chat time if u want to read it & not miss us so much ;) #scriptchat
2:03 am             dawnbierschwal:             Good to do! RT @yeah_write: I love reading spec and then shooting script. Huge differences sometimes. #scriptchat
2:03 am             zacsanford2:             So now that our hour is up, feel free to discuss anything. #scriptchat
2:03 am             yeah_write:             #2 Rule: You can't sell it if you don't finish it. #scriptchat
2:03 am             markezrastokes:             @robertcarroll Taking classes frm diffrnt schools of thought led me thru the fright. Rule: Many rules r subjective.Know thyself. #scriptchat
2:04 am             GoldenAgeofGeek:             I'm out. Got more work #scriptchat
2:04 am             jeannevb:             OK chatters, our hour is up. Good night to any1 who needs to leave & thank u for joining in. Hope u all learned something #scriptchat
2:04 am             garnerhaines:             Yes! RT @yeah_write: #2 Rule: You cant sell it if you dont finish it. #scriptchat
2:04 am             zacsanford2:             My writing partner brought up the idea of changing who the main character was. Best decision we've ever made on the story. #scriptchat
2:04 am             zacsanford2:             But I'm never finished... or so it seems. RT @yeah_write: #2 Rule: You cant sell it if you dont finish it. #scriptchat
2:04 am             LisaFromNYC:             gold ? RT @yeah_write #2 Rule: You can't sell it if you don't finish it #scriptchat
2:04 am             robertcarroll:             ...and be amazed by grammar in pro scripts. We can't get away with that. #scriptchat
2:05 am             talented_boy:             free-for-all time? welp, finished the first draft of a script I started on Dec. 1 after a tweet to @jeannevb about her bad day #scriptchat
2:05 am             mpstack:             when writing action you mostly use ful sentences or sentence fragments? #scriptchat
2:05 am             yeah_write:             This hour always flies by. #scriptchat
2:05 am             jeannevb:             FYI: I've been adding lots of resources to our blog. Chk them out #scriptchat
2:05 am             dawnbierschwal:             OK, promised kids just the hour tonight. Great dialogue tonight! Thanks to the #scriptchat team. #scriptchat
2:05 am             mindofbryan:             RT @yeah_write: #2 Rule: You cant sell it if you dont finish it. Can I smack my co-writers over the head with this? #scriptchat
2:05 am             jeannevb:             @talented_boy so glad my ftw life gave u inspiration ;) #scriptchat
2:05 am             zacsanford2:             Exactly!!! RT @robertcarroll: ...and be amazed by grammar in pro scripts. We cant get away with that. #scriptchat
2:05 am             talented_boy:             @mpstack lots of fragments my friend...kind of freeing #scriptchat
2:06 am             zacsanford2:             And coming soon... the site will actually be -- soon. #scriptchat
2:06 am             jeannevb:             @Dennymayo Im not THAT dumb haha I'm talking about NEXT sunday's #scriptchat haha
2:06 am             zacsanford2:             @talented_boy Congrats on finishing the draft. #scriptchat
2:06 am             jeannevb:             PRESSSSSURE heehee RT @zacsanford2: And coming soon... the site will actually be -- soon. #scriptchat
2:06 am             Timsn:             And if you finish it you need to get up the nerve to get it out there:) #scriptchat
2:07 am             NugzyBogues:             done with #scriptchat for the night because no one is dropping knowledge anymore
2:07 am             markezrastokes:             #Screenwriters: RT @jeannevb: FYI: Ive been adding lots of resources to our blog. Chk them out #scriptchat
2:07 am             zacsanford2:             Maybe one of these days @ThatKevinSmith will bake and tweet with us during #scriptchat
2:07 am             yeah_write:             That can be scary. RT @Timsn: And if you finish it you need to get up the nerve to get it out there:) #scriptchat
2:07 am             robertcarroll:             @zacsanford2 the script for the hangover stunned me the most. A battlefield of improper format. #scriptchat
2:07 am             thebeachwife:             RT @yeah_write #2 Rule: You can't sell it if you don't finish it. #scriptchat
2:07 am             zacsanford2:             @jeannevb I could honestly do it in 5 minutes for the switch. Just need login info. #scriptchat
2:07 am             jeannevb:             u need to have balls to write, not just a pen RT @Timsn: & if you finish it you need to get up the nerve to get it out there:) #scriptchat
2:07 am             mindofbryan:             @talented_boy I have a somewhat academic aversion to sentence fragments. Makes it hard to do in a serious bit of writing. #scriptchat
2:08 am             PennyAsh:             @Timsn The worst part of subbing something is waiting to hear back #scriptchat
2:08 am             zacsanford2:             @robertcarroll Which draft? The one that sold or the rewrite by the director? #scriptchat
2:08 am             garnerhaines:             Got to go. It's been a slice, folks. TTYL! #scriptchat
2:08 am             Timsn:             I need to go. WIll read the transcripts. Thanks to the powers that be for the #scriptchat
2:08 am             PennyAsh:             @jeannevb A thick skin helps too #scriptchat
2:09 am             markezrastokes:             @NugzyBogues 1+1=2, Don't drink n drive, hugs not drugs... Got any specific knowledge ur looking 4? #scriptchat
2:09 am             jeannevb:             like leather, baby... or chaps ;) RT @PennyAsh: @jeannevb A thick skin helps too #scriptchat
2:09 am             zacsanford2:             Very much so. RT @PennyAsh: @jeannevb A thick skin helps too #scriptchat
2:09 am             LisaFromNYC:             will nipples do :) RT @jeannevb u need to have balls to write, not just a pen #scriptchat
2:09 am             yeah_write:             Better now than in snail mail days. RT @PennyAsh: @Timsn The worst part of subbing something is waiting to hear back #scriptchat
2:09 am             naultpullar:             I was confused about the time and thought #scriptchat started now instead of an hour ago. Oops! #scriptchat
2:10 am             mindofbryan:             The Ice Storm is on. Hell of a cast. How did I miss this? #scriptchat
2:10 am             DavidGriffin10:             RT @Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Will end with my only fixed rule: Always write what is inside of me. Never anything else.
2:10 am             PennyAsh:             @jeannevb Yep definitely and that Stetson #scriptchat
2:10 am             talented_boy:             @mindofbryan i come from poetry so my speech patterns vary #scriptchat
2:10 am             ruinedXfinery:             ( bdsm chat going on in #scriptchat
2:10 am             jeannevb:             Thx to our treefort team @zacsanford, @yeah_write, @KageyNYC for all their help! I cldnt do it w/o u guys! XOXOXOXO #scriptchat
2:10 am             zacsanford2:             @yeah_write I'm horrible, I've been taking 4 to 6 weeks to get back to people. now that I have interns that should change. #scriptchat
2:10 am             jeannevb:             haha RT @LisaFromNYC: will nipples do :) RT @jeannevb u need to have balls to write, not just a pen #scriptchat
2:10 am             joshsbr:             #scriptchat anyone know where to get a hold of as many sopranos scripts as possible?
2:11 am             JHMerchant:             RT @jeannevb: u need to have balls to write, not just a pen RT @Timsn: & if you finish it you need to get up the nerve to get it out there:) #scriptchat
2:11 am             yeah_write:             @LisaFromNYC We have balls too, they are just on the inside. lol #scriptchat
2:11 am             talented_boy:             @zacsanford2 thank you kind sir...i'm excited...just trying to get better with each one #scriptchat
2:11 am             mpstack:             i avoid sentence fragments...concerned only I will be able to connect the dots the way I invision it. short concise sentences. #scriptchat
2:11 am             jeannevb:             @joshsbr check out @scriptcollector and @myPDFscripts #scriptchat
2:11 am             Timsn:             RT @yeah_write: @LisaFromNYC We have balls too, they are just on the inside. lol #scriptchat True!
2:11 am             PennyAsh:             @zacsanford2 The right combo of thick skin and ego & you have it made, then it's just perseverence #scriptchat
2:11 am             ruinedXfinery:             (they're talking about nipples and didn't invite me in #scriptchat) ~ pout ~
2:12 am             yeah_write:             @naultpullar You can always read the transcript at #scriptchat
2:12 am             zacsanford2:             @joshsbr Have u tried or Scriptshack (which sells scripts). Just make sure it is script & not transcript #scriptchat
2:12 am             mindofbryan:             @mpstack But doesn't twitter encourage fragments? This could be habit forming. #scriptchat
2:12 am             PennyAsh:             @yeah_write Yep my longest wait was 6 weeks, shortest was 12 hours :) #scriptchat
2:12 am             HouseEros:             @ruinedXfinery What is this wonderful #scriptchat you speak of? :)
2:12 am             jeannevb:             was wondering if u'd see that hee RT @ruinedXfinery: (theyre talking about nipples and didnt invite me in #scriptchat) ~ pout ~ #scriptchat
2:12 am             naultpullar:             @yeah_write thanks! #scriptchat
2:13 am             thebeachwife:             No our balls just sit on our chests 4 the world 2 C RT @yeah_write @LisaFromNYC We have balls 2, theyre just on the inside. lol #scriptchat
2:13 am             jeannevb:             @HouseEros we r crazy, tequila-drinkin screenwriters who chat on Sundays at 8pm EST #scriptchat
2:13 am             yeah_write:             @PennyAsh My shortest was Nathan Bransford. About 4 or five hours. #scriptchat
2:13 am             thebeachwife:             RT @yeah_write: @naultpullar You can always read the transcript at #scriptchat
2:14 am             markezrastokes:             Fragments work when they emulate th natural flow of speech. Read 'em out loud & make sure they don't sound like Frankenspeak. #scriptchat
2:14 am             jeannevb:             my head is splitting tonight. Going to pray the transcript pulls up easily #scriptchat
2:14 am             mindofbryan:             Gotta go check on the trilobite in the oven. #scriptchat
2:14 am             karenquah:             as long as they're erect @LisaFromNYC: will nipples do :) RT @jeannevb u need to have balls to write, not just a pen #scriptchat
2:14 am                naultpullar:                @thebeachwife thanks! I'll check it out! #scriptchat
2:14 am             yeah_write:             @thebeachwife Then I have huge balls. lol #scriptchat
2:14 am             zacsanford2:             Whoa... too much nipple talk. *blushes* #scriptchat
2:15 am             thebeachwife:             LMAO! RT @yeah_write @thebeachwife Then I have huge balls. lol #scriptchat
2:15 am             markezrastokes:             Okay, I think we're officially going to have to add "Balls" to the topic list. Kids these days n their dirty convos... ;-) #scriptchat
2:15 am             yeah_write:             Whatever. lol RT @zacsanford2: Whoa... too much nipple talk. *blushes* #scriptchat
2:15 am             jeannevb:             @zacsanford2 @yeah_write we are so going down the naughty trail ha #scriptchat
2:15 am             LisaFromNYC:             It got hot in here #scriptchat
2:15 am             thebeachwife:             RT @jeannevb: @HouseEros we r crazy, tequila-drinkin screenwriters who chat on Sundays at 8pm EST #scriptchat
2:16 am             PennyAsh:             @yeah_write Love those quick replies :) I have no patience for waiting #scriptchat
2:16 am             zacsanford2:             Okay y'all... it seems to have died down around here and I have some beating to do... Nope, not the woman, but my story. #scriptchat
2:16 am             karenquah:             @jeannevb my head is splitting tonight. Going to pray the transcript pulls up easily --*hugs* *hands aspirin* #scriptchat
2:16 am             jeannevb:             i think this pimp is even blushing! RT @LisaFromNYC: It got hot in here #scriptchat
2:16 am             yeah_write:             @PennyAsh I'd love them more if they wanted the full. #scriptchat
2:16 am             talented_boy:             i'm gonna try to slip a serious question in here somewhere...anybody mess with #scriptchat
2:17 am             markezrastokes:             Yeah, way to clear the room! #scriptchat
2:17 am             karenquah:             @zacsanford2 Whoa... too much nipple talk. *blushes* --hee hee #scriptchat
2:17 am             yeah_write:             @zacsanford2 Good night Zac. #scriptchat
2:17 am             robertcarroll:             #scriptchat after dark. Hawt.
2:17 am             NugzyBogues:             @markezrastokes just wanted more rules people think should be applied to screenwriting #scriptchat
2:18 am             LisaFromNYC:             I'm gonna get to writing. too bad my script isn't an erotic thriller #scriptchat
2:18 am             jeannevb:             YEAH! The transcript actually worked tonight! Not sure if I shld delete all the nipple/ball talk though ha #scriptchat
2:18 am             zacsanford2:             @talented_boy I've read some of their winners in the past. Been some great things out of the contest. #scriptchat
2:18 am             jeannevb:             @LisaFromNYC haha #scriptchat
2:18 am             thebeachwife:             ?(-???-?)?The Best place 4 Screenwriters to Chat on Sundays at 8pm EST #scriptchat
2:18 am             mpstack:             night all...good chat again...must read transcript. enjoy meeting new screenwriters #scriptchat
2:18 am             talented_boy:             RT @zacsanford2: @talented_boy Ive read some of their winners in the past. Been some great things out of the contest. << cool #scriptchat
2:18 am             yeah_write:             lol RT @LisaFromNYC: Im gonna get to writing. too bad my script isnt an erotic thriller #scriptchat
2:18 am             zacsanford2:             I think this chat turned into #scriptimax after hours. #scriptchat
2:18 am             jeannevb:             @NugzyBogues I'll be posting the transcripts tonight. Check out the chat from EURO time slot. Talked lots of rules #scriptchat
2:19 am             CarePathways:             RT @thebeachwife: ?(-???-?)?The Best place 4 Screenwriters to Chat on Sundays at 8pm EST #scriptchat
2:19 am             naultpullar:             OK! I'll get back to my paper since I missed the main conversation. I'll try to be on time next week. Take care. #scriptchat
2:19 am             PennyAsh:             @yeah_write That does help :) I've been very lucky so far, publishers have taken my work 9 times out of 10 #scriptchat
2:19 am             jeannevb:             @NugzyBogues #scriptchat
2:19 am             markezrastokes:             @jeannevb Put a disclaimer on it! That'll get more hits. #scriptchat
2:19 am             NugzyBogues:             @jeannevb ok i'm looking forward to that!!!! #scriptchat
2:19 am             jeannevb:             Since u all have dirty minds, I'm closing this baby out & leaving u to ur own "rules" Thanks again everyone! #scriptchat
2:19 am             zacsanford2:             @naultpullar next week we'll be chatting at 3 p.m. EST because of the Super Bowl. #scriptchat
2:19 am             karenquah:             @jeannevb Not sure if I shld delete all the nipple/ball talk though ha -- haha, #scriptchat Uncensored #scriptchat
2:19 am             jeannevb:             @markezrastokes haha #scriptchat
2:20 am             markezrastokes:             @NugzyBogues Yeah LOTS of help in the transcript. N take the time to look thru @jeannevb 's links. Good stuff! #scriptchat
2:20 am             jeannevb:             DONT FORGET next wk come to EURO chat & we'll all be one big happy family 3pm EST (noon PST) AGENT @julianfriedmann LIVE #scriptchat
2:21 am             yeah_write:             @PennyAsh I'm about 90% on queries, 10% on fulls. #scriptchat
2:21 am             markezrastokes:             Enjoyed the chat. On to writing! #scriptchat
2:21 am             jeannevb:             @markezrastokes *curtsy* *wipes sweat from pimp brow* @NugzyBogues #scriptchat

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