#SCRIPTCHAT TOPIC: char dev & how it relates to plotting. Read @filmutopia post SUNDAY AM: http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p
Tonight, we tried something new: we linked our topic to @filmutopia’s Sunday Morning Movie Blog post. We’re happy to say, it was a great success. Seasoned and aspiring screenwriters all walked away with more than a nugget of learning. We saw many regular faces and some new ones as well. Better yet… drumroll… wthashtag actually grabbed us a forward reading transcript! Read and enjoy! @jeannevb
EURO Moderator 8pm GMT: @DreamsGrafter, Mina Zaher
American Moderator 8pm EST: @jeannevb, Jeanne Veillette Bowerman
EURO chat:
8:00 pm DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK! TOPIC: character development and how it relates to plotting.
8:00 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat is just about to start... let me apologise in advance for the number of tweets. It's only once a week! Join ...
8:01 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Yes! I was really interested in your method re character development. #scriptchat
8:02 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia loved your post, Clive. Thank you again for launching our topic #scriptchat
8:02 pm Sofluid: #scriptchat is starting now if anyone wants to join in!
8:02 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Recently, I've been using the John Truby web of conflicts chart. Have you seen that one? #scriptchat
8:02 pm jeannevb: EURO #scriptchat is on... going to sneak in for a bit
8:02 pm filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - well I developed that because of a flaw in my early writing - I often couldn't identify the protagonist
8:02 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia What I enjoyed most about your video is the idea of developing story events from the characters' conflicts. #scriptchat
8:03 pm jeannevb: not familiar RT @DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Recently, Ive been using John Truby web of conflicts chart. Have you seen that one? #scriptchat
8:03 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia What you also said about having a passive protagonist at the start also makes sense. #scriptchat
8:04 pm PennyAsh: I think without well developed characters you have no plot, script or book #scriptchat
8:04 pm chained: #scriptchat do pro #screenwriters have abilty to create characters in #finaldraft 8 & not #excel as in the 9min #video u told us to watch ?
8:04 pm Sofluid: @DreamsGrafter Where can we find more info on the John Truby chart? #scriptchat
8:04 pm jeannevb: I hope you all got a chance to read/watch @filmutopia's blog post http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p #scriptchat
8:04 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat I don't know Truby's method... you know my feelings about script guru's! Ha! I shall have a look though
8:04 pm DreamsGrafter: .@filmutopia's spreadsheet and Truby's characters' conflict web is a great way of defining the protagonist re antagonists. #scriptchat
8:05 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia ha - i'm always curious about writer's methods. Can't/won't adopt all but cant hurt to see ;) #scriptchat
8:05 pm filmutopia: @chained #scriptchat - I've never used final Draft for development, but I guess it's possible. Scrivener is very good for plotting
8:05 pm watersbay: @PennyAsh: I think without well developed characters you have no plot, script or book #scriptchat
8:05 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia tho u know I wont be satisfied until Ive sucked ur brain dry mwahaha #scriptchat
8:05 pm SteferstheGreat: RT @PennyAsh: I think without well developed characters you have no plot, script or book #scriptchat (Agreed!)
8:06 pm DreamsGrafter: @Sofluid The Anatomy of Story. Chapter on Character is brilliant re building the protagonist in relation to his/her conflicts. #scriptchat
8:06 pm DreamsGrafter: @shadymint You gonna delve into #scriptchat for a bit? ;) We're talking character development in relation to plotting. :)
8:06 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat The connections between the characters and the conflicting desire, motivations and hang-ups are what create 3D characters for me
8:06 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia actually I don't think FD is very good for character dev. It's notes functions are very limited i find #scriptchat
8:07 pm jeannevb: well-thought char dev & growth makes the diff btwn decent story & great story #scriptchat
8:07 pm DreamsGrafter: Agreed. Character is Story: RT @PennyAsh I think without well developed characters you have no plot, script or book #scriptchat
8:07 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Never hurts to lok at how others do things :) #scriptchat
8:07 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: well-thought char dev & growth makes the diff btwn decent story & great story #scriptchat
8:07 pm filmutopia: @scribe_diatribe #scriptchat - I only use it for formatting and rewrites... but don't get me started on software! I'm a hoarder.
8:08 pm Ludovicaa: RT @jeannevb: well-thought char dev & growth makes the diff btwn decent story & great story #scriptchat
8:08 pm scribe_diatribe: @DreamsGrafter agreed - although the two should interact - a good plot will push the characters to test their limits #scriptchat
8:08 pm jeannevb: @PennyAsh to wear or not wear spurs, that is the question ;) #scriptchat
8:08 pm JLichtenberg: RT @PennyAsh: I think without well developed characters you have no plot, script or book #scriptchat
8:08 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia There's one thing I don't do anymore. Cast the characters w/ established actors. #scriptchat
8:08 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: EURO #scriptchat is on... going to sneak in for a bit
8:09 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb ALWAYS wear spurs if you can get away with it lol #scriptchat
8:09 pm jeannevb: 1st thing I do is flush out char details, wounds, both inner & outer motivations to find natural plot pts for conflict #scriptchat
8:09 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Yep followed by how big should the spurs be #scriptchat
8:09 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Used to. But found out I was writing the role w/ actor in mind. #scriptchat
8:09 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat for me plotting and character development are intertwined, one feeds off the other. I hate the terms plot or character driven
8:09 pm jeannevb: & a Stetson hee (@pennyash) RT @scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb ALWAYS wear spurs if you can get away with it lol #scriptchat
8:10 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia So decided to stop doing that to help me getting deeper into the character - to give the character its own identity. #scriptchat
8:10 pm chained: @filmutopia thanks but what's scrievener ? Do u have a link to it ? Thanks #scriptchat
8:10 pm jenlinmcclin: Reading the great Tweet convo today convinces me even more I'd better get my Tweetbutt into #scriptchat tonight! PBS can be DVR'd! @jeannevb
8:10 pm alonelily: Reading the great Tweet convo today convinces me even more I'd better get my Tweetbutt into #scriptchat tonight! PBS can be DVR'd! @jeannevb
8:10 pm shadymint: @DreamsGrafter Charles Dickens. Genius. 'nuff said. ;) #scriptchat
8:10 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter @filmutopia I do "pick" an actor when writing w a partner to be sure we're both imagining the same type of char #scriptchat
8:10 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb LOL We forgot the chaps too #scriptchat
8:11 pm scribe_diatribe: The main point that I look at exploring is the 'fault' within the character him/herself that they need to overcome - drives plot #scriptchat
8:11 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter @filmutopia but as char dev's, he takes on life of his own & I no longer think of that specific actor #scriptchat
8:11 pm filmutopia: @chained http://tinyurl.com/nd5fd #scriptchat Scrivener
8:11 pm matthewgibbs: Agree with RT @PennyAsh I think without well developed characters you have no plot, script or book. #scriptchat
8:11 pm PennyAsh: @filmutopia Conflict is important it's what motivates a character and moves the action #scriptchat
8:11 pm jeannevb: @chained I might have a link to it on the scriptchat blog... I'll check #scriptchat
8:12 pm DreamsGrafter: Characters are defined by their actions. #scriptchat
8:12 pm jeannevb: @jenlinmcclin yeah! ;) #scriptchat
8:12 pm filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - yeap, but because I tend to write with the intention to produce, I think in terms of product and attaching
8:12 pm jeannevb: oh boy *melts* RT @PennyAsh: @jeannevb LOL We forgot the chaps too #scriptchat
8:12 pm DreamsGrafter: So it's important to create the right kind of conflict that will push the characters to reveal who they truly are. #scriptchat
8:12 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh Yes - and if the conflict has an internal 'force' that makes it even more powerful #scriptchat
8:12 pm matthewgibbs: Firmly believe that character, story and structure are inseparable; one feeds and supports the other two. #scriptchat
8:13 pm filmutopia: @PennyAsh #scriptchat.. yes, I agree, but without a level of connection the conflict becomes cold and meaningless
8:13 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Yep, my Fae MC wants to be human, it causes all sorts of trouble #scriptchat
8:14 pm jeannevb: @chained here's the scrivener link: http://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.html #scriptchat
8:14 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia on that video the writer says something interesting -make the antagonist a 'darker' version of the protagonist #scriptchat
8:15 pm johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter I tend to write some characters for people that I know and their particular strengths. #scriptchat
8:15 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia then the connection is emphasised... interesting I thought #scriptchat
8:15 pm PennyAsh: @filmutopia That's where the "what if" comes in, a character is conflicted what if he's confronted with something aggravating it #scriptchat
8:15 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia diff't topic but when u write scene, do u think $$? In church today kept thinking "man,this wld cost a lot" ha #scriptchat
8:15 pm DreamsGrafter: @scribe_diatribe Yes, I like the fault/flaw aspect of the character. That's what interests me the most in the character. #scriptchat
8:15 pm PennyAsh: @filmutopia The we have to let the reader/viewer care about why the MC is having this conflict #scriptchat
8:15 pm DreamsGrafter: @scribe_diatribe Makes them human. #scriptchat
8:16 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe @filmutopia I always find my ant is a refl of the prot... 1 dark, 1 light #scriptchat
8:16 pm filmutopia: @johnrackham #scriptchat Yes, I did that with my second feature, wrote for actors I knew, who wanted to work with me
8:16 pm scribe_diatribe: @DreamsGrafter I guess it's what human stories are about - overcoming our weaknesses and the difficulty in doing that #scriptchat
8:17 pm jeannevb: when hit a wall in script, I go back to my char dev sheets (also bc my memory sucks) & see where I can add more conflict/plot #scriptchat
8:17 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Doesn't that limit your scope w/ casting? an actor might want to break out of the role they're so used to doing. #scriptchat
8:17 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat No, I rarely write to a budget, these days. It's a different skill set. I can do it, but I try not to.
8:18 pm jeannevb: @CalebHolyfield #scriptchat at 8pm tonight. DId u watch/read @filmutopia's blog post? Its the topic of chat http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p
8:18 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe My MC's conflict is internal, he wants to be human, which makes conflict with authority inevitable #scriptchat
8:18 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb Yes... I must think about this more - it's easy to go for the 'opposite' but then that can be a bit 'empty' #scriptchat
8:18 pm DreamsGrafter: Yes. RT @scribe_diatribe I guess it's what human stories are about - overcoming our weaknesses and the difficulty in doing that #scriptchat
8:18 pm filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - No, because I almost never cast the person I used to give me a way into the character. Except on Smoke!
8:18 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia 1 of my scripts is a very inexpensive film so I think I can sneak that one exp church scene in ;) #scriptchat
8:19 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb LOL and boots, gotta have boots #scriptchat
8:19 pm DreamsGrafter: @scribe_diatribe Also gives the dramatic climax/resolution a stronger meaning/impact. Catharthis can be very powerful. #scriptchat
8:19 pm johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter I'm writing a lot of action so I'm writing some roles to specific martial arts skills. #scriptchat
8:19 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb lol... I have a church scene in one of mine - let's share the costs! #scriptchat
8:19 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe working on script now where ant/prot SEEM opposite yet when u look closer, they're the same. Gives me chills #scriptchat
8:20 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh err... jockstraps... or is that me just going too far? #scriptchat
8:20 pm PennyAsh: @CalebHolyfield Far as I know, 8pm est #scriptchat
8:20 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat - My rule is "write as if you can get the budget - rewrite to make the numbers word" seems to work
8:21 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia That makes sense re entry point into character. And very cool re Smoke. Nice one. #scriptchat
8:21 pm jeannevb: recently had major prob wrapping my brain around my prot. Cldnt pull script together until I cld. Now its so much richer #scriptchat
8:21 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia yes and I think directors/producers are clever in shooting some scenes in creative ways to save ££s #scriptchat
8:21 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb @scribe_diatribe #scriptchat Yes, that's exactly what I meant by "dark mirror" between protag and antag
8:21 pm Sofluid: @filmutopia @DreamsGrafter For free story planning software I recommend Storybook: http://bit.ly/4uudtd #scriptchat
8:21 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe ROFL just sprayed diet pepsi all over the screen. That'll work :D #scriptchat
8:21 pm jeannevb: it is essential to take the time to fully dev and KNOW ur chars, not only for plot but for dialogue #scriptchat
8:22 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Absolutely. I even hear my character's voices and accents #scriptchat
8:22 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh lol... I almost said something about the pepsi... but I'm holding back :) #scriptchat
8:22 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - So does everyone here use a character arc structure to evolve their character through the story?
8:23 pm DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham What about the internal workings of the character? Thinking Kurosawa. His characters are quite torn generally. #scriptchat
8:23 pm PennyAsh: And even if all the info on a character doesn't make it into the story you need to know it #scriptchat
8:23 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia oh it was YOU on the vid? Ahh... nice... yes I liked the dark mirror thing! #scriptchat
8:23 pm filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - it was cool, he was the second guy we attached and he loved it... it was written for him.
8:23 pm jeannevb: absolutely RT @filmutopia: So does everyone here use a character arc structure to evolve their character through the story? #scriptchat
8:23 pm DreamsGrafter: Thank you! RT @Sofluid: @filmutopia @DreamsGrafter For free story planning software I recommend Storybook: http://bit.ly/4uudtd #scriptchat
8:24 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe LOLOL #scriptchat
8:24 pm jeannevb: I love @filmutopia's grid. I just do 1 Word doc per char but will now try spreadsheet #scriptchat
8:24 pm Sofluid: @DreamsGrafter @filmutopia Scrivener looks absolutely marvelous though :) Do you recommend it highly? #scriptchat
8:24 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia Yes... I read 'The Transformational Arc' - it was very interesting... hinged on the internal flaw plotline #scriptchat
8:24 pm jeannevb: will add to blog RT @Sofluid: @filmutopia @DreamsGrafter free story planning software recommend Storybook: http://bit.ly/4uudtd #scriptchat
8:25 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb yep I'm 'borrowing it too' :) Hope he doesn't sue for copywrite! #scriptchat
8:26 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Wow, that's a dream come true. You totally knew what you were doing with that character then. That's brilliant. #scriptchat
8:26 pm PennyAsh: @filmutopia I do in my books, the MC has to grow it's also part of the romance formula #scriptchat
8:26 pm matthewgibbs: Recommend the The Writer's Guide to Character Traits by Linda Edelstein, for a psychological look at character motivations. #scriptchat
8:26 pm filmutopia: apologies to my non- script followers - this volume of tweets for #scriptchat only goes on for another half an hour - sorry folks
8:27 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe heehee #scriptchat
8:28 pm DreamsGrafter: @Sofluid I've never used story planning software before. Looking forward to taking a look at Storybook though. #scriptchat
8:28 pm jeannevb: Just added Scrivener and Storybook links to blog www.scriptchat.blogspot.com #scriptchat
8:28 pm johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter My 1st feature was all about characters' reactions to an extreme situation. This one is much more action based. #scriptchat
8:28 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - I do think the evolution of the protagonist through the story is almost mandatory - the writing has to be stunning to avoid it
8:29 pm jeannevb: RT @matthewgibbs: Recommend The Writers Guide to Character Traits by Linda Edelstein 4 psychological look character motivations #scriptchat
8:29 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Ooo love free programs #scriptchat
8:29 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia For me, Valkyrie totally failed bc Tom Cruise's char didnt change 1 bit fr beg to end #scriptchat
8:29 pm chained: #scriptchat do schizophrenics have advantage when creating characters ? With split personalities I mean how 2 have different voices
8:29 pm iscamedia: Chars aren't just people; they're locations eg Bladerunner. All the conventional chars in it were void without the location #scriptchat
8:29 pm DreamsGrafter: I recommend Linda Seger's 'Creating Unforgettable Characters'. #scriptchat
8:30 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - One mistake I see, a lot, is a compulsive need for the writer to disclose the entire backstory... cue "exposition!" Yikes
8:30 pm DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham I've never written an action story. But there's generally a minimum character arc is action films. #scriptchat
8:31 pm DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham But I guess the main question would then be why is your main character interesting? So we can stick w/ him. #scriptchat
8:31 pm scribe_diatribe: @johnrackham Does the action/conflict provide the impetus for character transformation? #scriptchat
8:31 pm jeannevb: Writers Guide to Char Traits by Linda Edelstein http://bit.ly/7DuN4c #scriptchat
8:31 pm PennyAsh: @filmutopia I agree, you don't have to give the whole bio, just what the story needs #scriptchat
8:32 pm scribe_diatribe: @johnrackham I think that's were a lot of action films fail - it's action just for the sake of thrills with no substance #scriptchat
8:32 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia agree & there r so many subtle ways to show SO much of char history/wounds #scriptchat
8:32 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia Yes... I have done this sometimes and it's sooo boring! Show not tell.... #scriptchat
8:32 pm johnrackham: @DreamsGrafter I'm talking mainly about the supporting characters there. #scriptchat
8:33 pm DreamsGrafter: I do. RT @filmutopia #scriptchat - So does everyone here use a character arc structure to evolve their character through the story?
8:33 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Yep, show it don't tell it, let the actions and reactions give the backstory #scriptchat
8:34 pm johnrackham: Uh-oh! Several big questions all at once! #scriptchat
8:34 pm pulptone: RT @jeannevb: @filmutopia For me, Valkyrie totally failed bc Tom Cruise's char didnt change 1 bit fr beg to end #scriptchat (I agree!)
8:34 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh sometimes though I worry that the audience just won't 'get it'.... and they'll be confused... but I'm trying to learn #scriptchat
8:34 pm HowDidUGetThere: RT @jeannevb @matthewgibbs The Writers Guide to Character Traits by Linda Edelstein 4 psychological look character motivations (#scriptchat)
8:34 pm Veramark2010: @filmutopia #scriptchat "protag evolution almost mandatory" - I agree but struggle with revenge story - protag changes to avenger & then...?
8:35 pm chained: #scriptchat screenwriting books I use are on www.beingahuman.blogspot.com photos of books on www.flickr.com/photos/beingahuman
8:35 pm DreamsGrafter: @scribe_diatribe @johrackham Guess that's why Die Hard and first Rambo worked. Both great protagonists. #scriptchat
8:35 pm scribe_diatribe: @pulptone Yes... I've written something recently where the character was too perfect - took a scriptreader to point this out! #scriptchat
8:36 pm scribe_diatribe: @pulptone I can be so thick sometimes! :) #scriptchat
8:36 pm filmutopia: @VeraMark2010 #scriptchat Different writers take a different moral stance - I think revenge stories are tricky.
8:36 pm DreamsGrafter: @scribe_diatribe @filmutopia @jeannevb Also best to reveal character as stoy develops and stakes rise. Straight away is boring. #scriptchat
8:36 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe That's where certain common reactions to things can signal backstory #scriptchat
8:36 pm jeannevb: @Veramark2010 great op in revenge stories to show a real dark side of ur prot #scriptchat
8:37 pm scribe_diatribe: @chained Holy Shit - Being Human is great! Good character arcs and ears #scriptchat
8:37 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe perfect = yaaaaaawn I've made that mistake myself trying to make her likable, made her boring #scriptchat
8:38 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter @scribe_diatribe @filmutopia yes, peel the layers away slowly like an onion #scriptchat
8:38 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb yeah like you think they are doing things for the best - but really it's kinda baaad :) #scriptchat
8:38 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe We call that a Mary Sue / Gary Stu in romance, the character who is totally perfect and annoying :) #scriptchat
8:38 pm DreamsGrafter: @pulptone @jeannevb: @filmutopia My fave Tom Cruise film is Collateral. Great antagonist. #scriptchat
8:38 pm jeannevb: in and out of chat bc I'm organizing our blog resources #scriptchat
8:39 pm johnrackham: @filmutopia I put a backstory conversation into my 1st script, then was saved from putting into the final cut by tech problems. #scriptchat
8:39 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe Haven't seen many but I loved what I saw of Being Human, fantastic characters #scriptchat
8:39 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh Yeah... and then with no transformation the plot just 'sags' #scriptchat
8:40 pm johnrackham: Worried that I've given the impression my current script is just mindless action. #scriptchat
8:40 pm chained: #scriptchat backstory to katebekinsale character in #whiteout was rubbish , her cop partner took bribe etc
8:40 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh It's on tonight BBC3 at 9.00pm #scriptchat
8:40 pm filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - which why I focus on dilemmas - revealing the character by the hard choices they make
8:40 pm jeannevb: I love finding 1 flaw my prot shares w antagonist. Makes for richer story when hero sees his weakness in person he hates #scriptchat
8:40 pm emmatreasure: Veramark2010 Law Abiding Citizen was a good recent example of the protagonist and antagonist switching places half way thru #scriptchat
8:40 pm scribe_diatribe: @johnrackham lol.... sure it's not! :) All that running gives you time to think up great characters! #scriptchat
8:40 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Yes, I love seeing the dark side of a good guy #scriptchat
8:41 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia McKee says a char is defined by choices he makes under pressure. True in real life too #scriptchat
8:41 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb yeah the whole 'dark glass' thing again #scriptchat
8:41 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe I'll have to see if I get that channel I loved the ghost stuck in the house always making tea #scriptchat
8:41 pm DreamsGrafter: I love Hitchcock's films. Character arcs in Birds, Vertigo, Rear Window for example are great motivation for each story. #scriptchat
8:41 pm scribe_diatribe: @emmatreasure ooh that sounds dangerous... does it work well? #scriptchat
8:42 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat - Yeap, keep getting me to agree with McKee... and see how I react to that! Ha! x
8:42 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe i love flaws ;) #scriptchat
8:42 pm DreamsGrafter: Very true! RT @jeannevb: @filmutopia McKee says a char is defined by choices he makes under pressure. True in real life too #scriptchat
8:42 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh Or watch on iplayer - has all the recent episodes on it #scriptchat
8:42 pm thebeachwife: Character who is likable & draws you in to their flaws & vulnerability. The audience roots for & relates to the Protagonist. #scriptchat
8:43 pm emmatreasure: @Veramark2010 Law Abiding Citizen was a good recent example of the protagonist and antagonist switching places half way thru #scriptchat
8:43 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb Yeah if a script were a house it would have lots of flaws not many ceilings - maybe only one! #scriptchat
8:43 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe What you do is make them look perfect then show a totally evil side or something, surprise the reader/viewer #scriptchat
8:43 pm johnrackham: @scribe_diatribe My protagonist is a quiet academic dragged into helping rescue a girl from terrifying supernatural beings. #scriptchat
8:43 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia HAHA went to his 3 day seminar a few yrs back. What an ass. Yelled at us the whole time #scriptchat
8:43 pm DreamsGrafter: I LOVE tough char dilemmas. RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat which why I focus on dilemmas-revealing the character by the hard choices they make
8:44 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe Cool, iplayer I can do :) #scriptchat
8:44 pm scribe_diatribe: @thebeachwife Although sometimes it's nice to have an anti-hero - Homer in the Simpsons or the guy that Clooney plays in 'Air' #scriptchat
8:44 pm Veramark2010: @jeannevb "likeable prot" - Dara Marks (in Inside Story) calls this "the single most destructive force in modern cinema" #scriptchat
8:44 pm jeannevb: creating the chars & finding their wounds is by far my FAVE part of writing #scriptchat
8:44 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat Did he read his book out for three days! Ha! Sorry, don't get me started on that one, for goodness sake!
8:44 pm thebeachwife: Flawed Characters are Golden, exposing the raw essence of the character evokes loyalty from the audience. #scriptchat
8:45 pm DreamsGrafter: Watched 'A Prophet' and the character dilemma at the start was palpable. Fr. that point, I was w/ the character all the way. #scriptchat
8:45 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia haha pretty much, except he swore all the way thru it! He's prob 1 person who uses the F bomb more than me ;) #scriptchat
8:45 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb @scribe_diatribe Flaws are what make a character resonate with an audience, they see themselves #scriptchat
8:46 pm DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham That sounds cool John. You can see the character arc from that one tweet. #scriptchat
8:46 pm matthewgibbs: @DreamsGrafter @jeannevb @filmutopia Think it's important characters are faced with a choice and never carried along by events. #scriptchat
8:46 pm jeannevb: @VeraMark2010 Dara Mark's book was great on imp of theme #scriptchat
8:46 pm thebeachwife: The Protagonist should be the nemesis & yet have enough charisma to lure you into his/her web of deceit. #scriptchat
8:46 pm johnrackham: @scribe_diatribe Surrounded by people who are experienced fighters, she has to step up and show the greatest courage. #scriptchat
8:47 pm PennyAsh: Yep, finding what makes them tick :) RT @jeannevb: creating the chars & finding their wounds is by far my FAVE part of writing #scriptchat
8:47 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat - I think I can probably out swear the pair of you... I use the F-bomb as punctuation!
8:47 pm scribe_diatribe: @PennyAsh Yes... probably even more than the 'good' character traits... because it invokes more empathy #scriptchat
8:47 pm DreamsGrafter: When I plan a story, I think of my protagonist's final image which gives me his/her first image. The complete opposite. #scriptchat
8:47 pm thebeachwife: What do I know? Still trying to sell my drama show....ask me when I sell it! LOL #scriptchat
8:48 pm scribe_diatribe: @johnrackham Yep sounds good as long as it's a real struggle for her to 'step up' #scriptchat
8:48 pm rabbitandcrow: Great tip! RT @jeannevb: I love finding 1 flaw my prot shares w antagonist... #scriptchat
8:48 pm PennyAsh: @scribe_diatribe And everybody has a secret side they don't want anyone to know about #scriptchat
8:49 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat However... character and plot all down down to the greater need of making the story cinematic! (sorry to do this!) sits back!
8:49 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia my brother-in-law used to call me up just to hear me say F'er haha #scriptchat
8:50 pm PennyAsh: I want my audience to like the antagonist almost as much as the protagonist #scriptchat
8:50 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe @PennyAsh yes, the secret side! when that comes to light, its pure beauty #scriptchat
8:50 pm DreamsGrafter: @filmutopia Just saw Lethal Weapon tweet. Agree. Also remembered Rambo. These are what make classic action films I guess. #scriptchat
8:50 pm jeannevb: *curtsy* RT @rabbitandcrow: Great tip! RT @jeannevb: I love finding 1 flaw my prot shares w antagonist... #scriptchat
8:50 pm thebeachwife: Exactly, well said...@jeannevb creating the chars & finding their wounds is by far my FAVE part of writing #scriptchat
8:50 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia what do you mean 'cinematic'? Explain....? :) #scriptchat
8:51 pm Veramark2010: Characters should make choices driven by their motivation and those choices should drive the events. #scriptchat
8:51 pm jeannevb: have a really dark ant in script but found great way to show glimmer of humanity in him. Give ur ant layers. #scriptchat
8:52 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb Agree! Re flaw. Makes final battle more interesting if protagonist/antagonist different sides of same coin. #scriptchat
8:52 pm scribe_diatribe: @Veramark2010 OR the events make the characters question their choices! :) that's a goody too! #scriptchat
8:52 pm filmutopia: @scribe_diatribe #scriptchat - that when a movie becomes embroiled in the inner life of the characters, it can get a bit talky...
8:52 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Yes :) Have an MC like that now, all sorts of issues he keeps hidden #scriptchat
8:53 pm jeannevb: Like Goetz (Nazi commander) in Schindler's List. His attraction to female Jewish servant allowed us to see his human side #scriptchat
8:53 pm Veramark2010: @scribe_diatribe yep - but then they have to make new choices... #scriptchat
8:53 pm DreamsGrafter: @matthewgibbs In other words, they drive their own story through their choices? Agreed. #scriptchat
8:53 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia ah ha... I get it... yes... one that I have fallen foul of I'm afraid to admit! :( #scriptchat
8:53 pm tinyblob: Great tip! RT @jeannevb: I love finding 1 flaw my prot shares w antagonist... #scriptchat (via @rabbitandcrow)
8:53 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb Absoluetly, if the viewer likes the ant it makes the conflict hit harder #scriptchat
8:53 pm thebeachwife: @scribe_diatribe Agreed...that's why anti hero need to have his saving grace human side as well. #scriptchat
8:54 pm jeannevb: By finding those things we want to reveal in our prot/ant, so much potential for plot points. Dont miss the opporunity #scriptchat
8:54 pm scribe_diatribe: @Veramark2010 which can lead to even further conflict! Bingo! :) #scriptchat
8:54 pm DreamsGrafter: Yes! RT @Veramark2010 Characters should make choices driven by their motivation and those choices should drive the events. #scriptchat
8:54 pm filmutopia: @scribe_diatribe #scriptchat - it's a common problem, partly caused by the restrictions placed on writers by the industry
8:55 pm jeannevb: The worst thing a writer can do is miss opportunities to show conflict or char dev. Details ppl... its in the details #scriptchat
8:55 pm scribe_diatribe: @thebeachwife Yes... agreed... because we need to also feel a connection in some way with the antagonist... #scriptchat
8:55 pm scribe_diatribe: @filmutopia Yes - always trying to make things 'clear' :( #scriptchat
8:55 pm filmutopia: @emmatreasure #scriptchat - I haven't seen it yet. It's on the list, just have to wait for it to hit Italy.
8:55 pm jeannevb: watched DEFIANCE last night. Great premise but so many missed opp's that wld have made it so much richer #scriptchat
8:56 pm DreamsGrafter: When structuring a story, I make the turning points about the characters' growth. #scriptchat
8:56 pm DreamsGrafter: The conflict will push the character transformation at the end. #scriptchat
8:57 pm jeannevb: re DEFIANCE, if writer had just turned to chars, better conflict cld have been shown #scriptchat
8:57 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat - Nah, the worst thing a writer can be is boring... or a maniac... or both at the same time, in a confined space
8:57 pm matthewgibbs: @filmutopia True, being without choice occurs in real life. There's a risk of character being just swept along - unsatisfying. #scriptchat
8:57 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter I have 2 bullet pts w each turning pt: 1. plot 2. char dev. They go hand in hand #scriptchat
8:58 pm PennyAsh: @jeannevb same with The Code, they could have made it better with more development #scriptchat
8:58 pm jeannevb: Think of plot points as inner journey (growth) AND outer journey (what r u rooting for) #scriptchat
8:59 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia ha ok, there's a whole LIST of crappy things then. Missed ops just make me want to shake them. Diff btwn good & gr #scriptchat
8:59 pm matthewgibbs: @DreamsGrafter Yes, choices drive the story and insight into character. So having no choice makes a less interesting character. #scriptchat
8:59 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb I agree. The character drives the story events. #scriptchat
8:59 pm PennyAsh: RT @jeannevb: Think of plot points as inner journey (growth) AND outer journey (what r u rooting for) #scriptchat
8:59 pm DreamsGrafter: @jeannevb I don't like seeing turning points that bear no significance to what's going on w/ the char. These scripts don't work. #scriptchat
9:00 pm AllInky: #scriptchat Ant/Pro needn't be opposites though. Kramer vs Kramer. Two good people. The better good vs good, the more inherent drama.
9:00 pm jamesnewton: #scriptchat wow you guys have been busy. Going to take a while for me to catch up!
9:00 pm DreamsGrafter: Agreed. RT @jeannevb Think of plot points as inner journey (growth) AND outer journey (what r u rooting for) #scriptchat
9:01 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat - just yanking your chain...you know I have worries about how writers get too absorbed in the inner life of characters
9:01 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter totally agree #scriptchat
9:01 pm DreamsGrafter: @matthewgibbs @filmutopia But film isn't real life. It's drama. It's those dramatic events in life that shakes everything up. #scriptchat
9:03 pm matthewgibbs: @filmutopia Not seen Lost Weekend, will check it out. #scriptchat
9:03 pm DreamsGrafter: @matthewgibbs Saying that protagonist in History of Violence avoids making a decision for a while. He's still interesting. #scriptchat
9:03 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia yank away, big guy, I can take it ;) Better to be 2 absorbed than not pay attn at all 2 wounds. Bal is best for sure #scriptchat
9:03 pm filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat - Yes, a movie is different... but, there is more flexibility than people imagine. Good cinema is more than arcs
9:04 pm matthewgibbs: @filmutopia People like to see how others react to a situation. Without choice films tend to be very bleak. #scriptchat
9:04 pm jeannevb: Bottom-line: its about making ur viewers FEEL something. Watching a char dev, makes them feel. No dev, no investment, no feeling #scriptchat
9:04 pm DreamsGrafter: Character choices makes a character active. #scriptchat
9:05 pm jeannevb: @matthewgibbs @filmutopia Ppl also like to put themselves in char place. What wld THEY choose? That evokes emotion as well #scriptchat
9:05 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - thanks folks... great chat, as ever
9:05 pm jeannevb: love that ;) RT @DreamsGrafter: Character choices makes a character active. #scriptchat
9:05 pm matthewgibbs: @DreamsGrafter True. Emphasis should be on choice to create that drama. Even in worst situation you have a choice. #scriptchat
9:06 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia thank YOU, Clive. Now stay awake for our American chat haha #scriptchat
9:06 pm thebeachwife: Drawing Emotion out of the viewer is what they want...they want to feel & forget the real world. Do that & U have success.#scriptchat
9:06 pm Veramark2010: RT @DreamsGrafter: Character choices makes a character active. #scriptchat
9:06 pm scribe_diatribe: Arrrghhh gotta go... Being Human is on! :) Thanks guys was good! #scriptchat
9:07 pm johnrackham: I wish I had as clear an idea of what I'm doing as most people on #scriptchat seem to have.
9:07 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb #scriptchat I wish I could do that... chances are between slim and none mind you
9:07 pm matthewgibbs: @DreamsGrafter In History of Violence he is still choosing to put off the choice. Semantics I know but still... #scriptchat
9:07 pm DreamsGrafter: @matthewgibbs Yes and the tougher the choice the more you'll engage the audience. Tough dilemmas make great drama. #scriptchat
9:08 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe thanks for joining in! #scriptchat
9:08 pm DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham It's so much easier to talk about things than to apply the theory to your own story. #scriptchat
9:08 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia heehee. I'll copy some of ur tweets & RT them for u ;) xo #scriptchat
9:09 pm jeannevb: amen! ;) RT @DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham Its so much easier to talk about things than to apply the theory to your own story. #scriptchat
9:09 pm Alex_Carrick: RT @thebeachwife < If you can make people laugh or you can make them cry, then you're off to the races #scriptchat
9:09 pm rachlanger: @johnrackham "seem" is the operative word in that sentence. There's always a HUGE crapshoot element. #scriptchat
9:09 pm thebeachwife: A book U can't put down a storyline that's hypnotizing the viewer N2 believing it's actually happening. Bravo...works 4 me #scriptchat
9:10 pm crintzs: Hey everyone. What's today's topic? #scriptchat
9:10 pm DreamsGrafter: @matthewgibbs He is. Meanwhile, his son is making all the choices to keep the action going. Love that film. #scriptchat
9:10 pm thebeachwife: YES! RT @Alex_Carrick RT @thebeachwife < If you can make people laugh or you can make them cry, then you're off to the races #scriptchat
9:11 pm Veramark2010: So true! RT @DreamsGrafter: @johnrackham It's so much easier to talk about things than to apply the theory to your own story #scriptchat
9:11 pm jeannevb: I'm pulling up transcript... see anyone whose still up at 8pm EST for American chat. #scriptchat
9:11 pm PennyAsh: And back to the rewrite :) work work work #scriptchat
9:11 pm DreamsGrafter: Guys, I have to shoot off. The b.f. nursed me throughout my hangover today & has been sitting patiently as I've been tweeting. #scriptchat
9:11 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter great job, Mina ;) xo #scriptchat
9:12 pm ambigfoot: I find that awkward juxtapositions of the word cunt usually make my script more difficult to sell to the moguls, #scriptchat
9:12 pm johnrackham: I seem to have to work mostly by trial and error despite having read all the books. #scriptchat
9:13 pm Veramark2010: My first scriptchat - great stuff, thanks but must admit I'm exhausted ;-). Look fwd 2 next week. #scriptchat
9:13 pm jeannevb: @ambigfoot I think I'll leave that off the transcript, Charlie haha #scriptchat
9:13 pm matthewgibbs: @DreamsGrafter Agree, fantastic movie. Another great film illustrating character, choices, and family is Once Were Warriors. #scriptchat
9:13 pm DreamsGrafter: Thanks so much to @filmutopia for giving us great food for thought and another screenwriting tool. Thanks Clive! #scriptchat
9:13 pm jeannevb: @Veramark2010 welcome!!!! I'll add u to the scriptchat list. Also, follow @scriptchat. I post info via that as well ;) #scriptchat
9:14 pm jeannevb: @Veramark2010 just listed u. U can find a bunch of scriptchat ppl on the list. Enjoy! #scriptchat
9:14 pm julianfriedmann: @Veramark2010 Applying theoryq uestionable bec storytellers shd understand s-telling; theory-guided writers =painting by numbers #scriptchat
9:15 pm crintzs: seems I'm a little late - can anyone gimme the weekly hours for the #scriptchat and suggest some other screenwriting relates chats, please?
9:15 pm Veramark2010: @jeannevb Thanks :) !!! #scriptchat
9:15 pm DreamsGrafter: Really enjoyed tonight's #scriptchat! Have a great night everyone! And for those joining US #scriptchat (8PM EST/5PM PST). ENJOY!!
1:01 am jeannevb: #SCRIPTCHAT TOPIC: char dev & how it relates to plotting. Read @filmutopia post SUNDAY AM: http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p #scriptchat
1:01 am jeannevb: Clive did a wonderful job on his post this morning & EURO chat con't the lively discussion. Plz read transcript later #scriptchat
1:02 am jeannevb: Clive uses a great excel spreadsheet. Nice for people to see. I'd recommend watching the video on his post if you haven't yet #scriptchat
1:02 am mpstack: howdy all! first timer to #scriptchat
1:02 am KageyNYC: What she said... RT @yeah_write Dear followers, it's #scriptchat night. For the next hour I will be tweeting about character dev't.
1:02 am jmiewald: Going into #scriptchat, my droogans, so prepare to have your brains warbled
1:03 am pulptone: Been holding off on a script the pat couple of days and this kicked me back into it. #scriptchat
1:03 am jeannevb: When I start script, very 1st thing I do is detailed char descriptions. Wounds. Goals. Fears. What I need to know to evolve them #scriptchat
1:03 am yeah_write: Thanks for joining us, don't be shy. RT @mpstack: howdy all! first timer to #scriptchat
1:03 am Daleylife: Followers- lots of tweets coming about writing. In a chat :) #scriptchat
1:03 am PennyAsh: Love that lol RT @jmiewald: Going into #scriptchat, my droogans, so prepare to have your brains warbled
1:04 am GoldenAgeofGeek: I'm here #scriptchat
1:04 am jeannevb: @mpstack welcome virgin scriptchatter... jump in w tequila in hand #scriptchat
1:04 am jeannevb: For those new to our chat, there is only ONE rule: BYOB but leave ur ego behind #scriptchat
1:04 am KageyNYC: Follow hashtag to join in RT @jeannevb: #SCRIPTCHAT TOPIC: char dev & how it relates to plotting. #scriptchat
1:04 am yeah_write: Hey there. RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: Im here #scriptchat
1:05 am pig_pen: Good evening everyone #scriptchat
1:05 am LisaFromNYC: ditto RT @yeah_write Dear followers, it's #scriptchat night. For the next hour I will be tweeting about character dev't.
1:05 am pulptone: For those that don't know I don't write screenplays. I write comics/graphic novels. My own work. I approach it cinematically. #scriptchat
1:05 am jeannevb: Did u all see @filmutopia's char dev spread sheet? #scriptchat
1:05 am booksbelow: Is there quiz? RT @jeannevb: #SCRIPTCHAT TOPIC char dev & how it relates to plotting-Read @filmutopia post: http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p #scriptchat
1:05 am kimnunley: @jeannevb with your char descriptions, do you look back at them while writing, or just hope that it's conveyed in story? #scriptchat
1:05 am scriptedtwit: I'm here #scriptchat. But I'm not sure if I'm doing this right
1:05 am jeannevb: @pulptone story is story is story. Most of our topics apply to all writers #YAlitchat #writechat #scriptchat
1:05 am KageyNYC: Wounds, that's good. RT @jeannevb: When I start script, very 1st thing I do is detailed char descriptions. Wounds. Goals. Fears. #scriptchat
1:06 am yeah_write: @pulptone It all works the same in so many ways. #scriptchat
1:06 am jeannevb: @booksbelow heehee, no quiz :) #scriptchat
1:06 am Daleylife: Yes @jeannevb. I've never, ever written down anything like that b4. #scriptchat
1:06 am garnerhaines: @jeannevb Scripts where I know the characters well before I start page 1 go very smoothly. #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:06 am pulptone: I thought the post by @filmutopia was fantastic. The equivalent to a storyboard. #scriptchat
1:06 am jeannevb: @scriptedtwit we can see ur tweets. Ur doing it right :) Just jump in. Talking char dev in regard to plot points #scriptchat
1:06 am KageyNYC: Bingo! RT @jeannevb: For those new to our chat, there is only ONE rule: BYOB but leave ur ego behind #scriptchat
1:06 am pulptone: Exactly! #scriptchat
1:06 am yeah_write: @scriptedtwit Welcome. #scriptchat
1:06 am PennyAsh: @pulptone Nice :) I write trashy romances but I'm trying to reform and write a script #scriptchat
1:07 am jmiewald: I always thought plot's intent was to reveal character #scriptchat
1:07 am garnerhaines: ...but I've only written it out once or twice. Most of the time, I know the characters in my head before starting... #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:07 am GoldenAgeofGeek: It was an excellent post. Excellent way to line up your characters #scriptchat
1:07 am booksbelow: Agreed, great post! RT @pulptone: I thought the post by @filmutopia was fantastic. The equivalent to a storyboard. #scriptchat
1:07 am jeannevb: At each script turning pt, I have TWO goals 1. move story fwd 2. move char fwd. Not a turning pt for me unless BOTH happen #scriptchat
1:07 am garnerhaines: ...and that's where the story usually begins, with the characters and their problems, wants, needs, goals. #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:07 am yeah_write: @PennyAsh I'm writing trashy romantic comedy. hehehe #scriptchat
1:08 am scripteach: #SCRIPTCHAT: char dev & plotting. Who is the story about? What do they want? What stands in their way? What are they gonna do about it?
1:08 am pulptone: @PennyAsh LOL! I try to take elements of a screenplay and put it in. Even camera angles. Always progress story in some form! #scriptchat
1:08 am jeannevb: Other reason u need to know ur char inside & out is not just plot pts but dialogue #scriptchat
1:08 am PennyAsh: @yeah_write That'll work :D #scriptchat
1:08 am jeannevb: @scripteach thanks for joining in! This is ur kind of topic ;) #scriptchat
1:08 am SuperPennie: Hello #scriptchat - Time to catch up with the conversation.
1:08 am pulptone: RT @jeannevb: Other reason u need to know ur char inside & out is not just plot pts but dialogue #scriptchat
1:09 am PennyAsh: @pulptone Helps that I see my scenes like movies in my head too #scriptchat
1:09 am garnerhaines: @jeannevb Yes, each having a distinct voice. #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:09 am GoldenAgeofGeek: True! RT @jeannevb: Other reason u need to know ur char inside & out is not just plot pts but dialogue #scriptchat
1:09 am jmiewald: Hm. I would say more "Who is your story about?" How can the story be in perfect conflict with him/her? #scriptchat
1:09 am yeah_write: It's great. RT @pig_pen: @filmutopias spreadsheet - so simple, so smart. Im going to start using that as a tool #scriptchat
1:09 am GoldenAgeofGeek: Characters aren't real to me unless I can really hear them "talk" #scriptchat
1:09 am jeannevb: I like @filmutopia's chart bc the more detailed u can get in knowing ur char, the better ur story will be #scriptchat
1:10 am Daleylife: My characters start off sounding a lot like me at first. #scriptchat
1:10 am jolenejahnke: Signing in to #scriptchat!
1:10 am PennyAsh: brb off to see the ISS #scriptchat
1:10 am jeannevb: Great pt Clive makes is when rewriting, 1st thing he does is go back to char sheet & see if he missed opportunity for plot #scriptchat
1:10 am garnerhaines: Oops. Just realized tags were automatic. #scriptchat
1:10 am pulptone: I love writing dialogue, who a character is, having them show who they really are through their actions. #scriptchat
1:11 am jeannevb: me too RT @pulptone: I love writing dialogue, who a character is, having them show who they really are through their actions. #scriptchat
1:11 am SuperPennie: #scriptchat I think you've always got to be careful with the dialogue to make sure it doesn't feel forced or like you're spelling things out
1:11 am yeah_write: @jolenejahnke Hi girlie girl. #scriptchat
1:12 am pulptone: @jeannevb Going back over is crucial. My story is ongoing and I run the risk of repeating dialogue or, yes even wardrobe. #scriptchat
1:12 am jeannevb: Someone in EURO chat tweeted a great book on char dev Writer's Guide to Character Traits by Linda Edelstein #scriptchat
1:12 am kimnunley: Me too. I have to go back and spend a bunch of time RT @Daleylife: My characters start off sounding a lot like me at first. #scriptchat
1:12 am Daleylife: This is why I have others read my scripts... to get their opinion on dialogue. #scriptchat
1:12 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @SuperPennie yeah but it's good to have a lot of choices so you can cut. Easier to cut rather than add #scriptchat
1:12 am jeannevb: @pulptone that sounds tricky #scriptchat
1:12 am yeah_write: The best thing about char dev for script is not having to know what color hair your char has. You get to delve into the inside. #scriptchat
1:13 am jeannevb: Another adv to having char on a spreadsheet is to directly compare ur prot w ur ant. Often, their wounds mirror ea other. #scriptchat
1:13 am jeannevb: where is @dawnbierschwal? #scriptchat
1:13 am garnerhaines: @GoldenAgeofGeek Exactly. My first drafts tend to be on the long side, but through the edits I can pare it down to what I need #scriptchat
1:13 am yeah_write: Linda Goodmans' Sun Signs is good for traits. Pick a birthdate and work those traits. Crazy, but it works. #scriptchat
1:14 am pulptone: @jeannevb Characters are a given. It's mostly progression of story and dialogue. I also work in two time periods. #scriptchat
1:14 am moviequill: I give my characters a secret, sometimes we (the reader/viewer) know it, sometimes don't and sometimes its just for me #scriptchat
1:14 am pulptone: So the spreadsheet helps. I was going to make a bible soon anyway and this just pushed me to do it. #scriptchat
1:14 am jeannevb: cool RT @yeah_write: Linda Goodmans Sun Signs is good for traits. Pick a birthdate and work those traits. Crazy, but it works. #scriptchat
1:14 am GoldenAgeofGeek: Real interesting part about his spreadsheet is the Quintessential part. W/ that it can be used on high or low concept projects #scriptchat
1:15 am SuperPennie: @GoldenAgeofGeek This is true. I remember watching a Pamala Anderson movie that just spoke for the sake of it which was v.bad! #scriptchat.
1:15 am yeah_write: Oh, @dawnbierschwal where are you my dear? #scriptchat
1:15 am jeannevb: In adapting an historical nonfiction, we had to define char by their real life actions. Bring them to life. SO fun! #scriptchat
1:15 am Daleylife: I'm worried... I rarely write things down... I get an idea and just write whatever comes to mind... #scriptchat
1:15 am garnerhaines: @yeah_write Funny, at some point in the feature writing process, I will start musing about what signs the characters are. #scriptchat
1:15 am jeannevb: @GoldenAgeofGeek I loved the quintessential part too. Must be a European thing haha #scriptchat
1:15 am SuperPennie: @moviequill That is a really good idea. I like that! #scriptchat.
1:15 am pulptone: What I always do, and is in the sheet, is who the character is based on. #scriptchat
1:16 am jeannevb: @garnerhaines @yeah_write I have a great astrology book but never thought of using it for char dev. Thanks, Jamie ;) #scriptchat
1:16 am booksbelow: I thought where @filmutopia talked about drawing plot points from conflicting fields in characters spreadsheets was great. #scriptchat
1:16 am pulptone: If you use let's say Bogart you get that inflection and nuance from him in all aspects. #scriptchat
1:16 am JasonDalBianco: That's 2 rules. RT @jeannevb For those new to our chat, there is only ONE rule: BYOB but leave ur ego behind #scriptchat
1:16 am garnerhaines: The only times I've written character sheets/bios is when the char started off as a PC in a RPG I was going to play/run. #scriptchat
1:16 am KageyNYC: I like that! RT @moviequill: I give my characters a secret, sometimes we know it, sometimes don't & sometimes it's just for me #scriptchat
1:16 am yeah_write: @garnerhaines I got the idea from a NYT bestselling author. It really made sense. But the book is out of print. #scriptchat
1:16 am pig_pen: @Daleylife That tends to be my problem, too. Leads to forcing a story along or hitting walls. #scriptchat
1:17 am CheekyWench: @chadrullman hey #scriptchat is going on right now.. good stuff
1:17 am SuperPennie: @Daleylife I wouldn't be worried, if it works for you go with it! Sometimes if you plan it out in adv it might lose the spark #scriptchat
1:17 am moviequill: RT @yeah_write Sun Signs is good for traits. Pick a birthdate and work those traits. Crazy, but it works. #scriptchat {awesome idea!}
1:17 am jeannevb: @booksbelow me too, Rog. And seeing it right there in a spreadsheet makes it pop out. I normally do 1 Word doc for ea char #scriptchat
1:17 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @jeannevb actually that part can be used by Hwood studios as well. #scriptchat
1:17 am GoldenAgeofGeek: Depending on what goal, diff parts of spreadsheet can be emphasized #scriptchat
1:17 am Nickers669: I prefer to become my characters, I sit alone, close my eyes and live their life ... most of my characters are murderers though #scriptchat
1:17 am garnerhaines: @pulptone I cast inside my head too. I gave that as a suggestion to a playwright who complained all his char sounded like him. #scriptchat
1:17 am dawnbierschwal: Here I am... a little computer glitch I had to take care of. RT @yeah_write: Oh, @dawnbierschwal where are you my dear? #scriptchat
1:17 am jeannevb: @JasonDalBianco true ha #scriptchat
1:18 am Jennyablue: @yeah_write I'm a little turned on by the topic. LOL re: character development #scriptchat
1:18 am garnerhaines: @yeah_write Linda's Sun Signs? We have it in the bookstore (Day Job). Books come in and out of print. Keep checking. #scriptchat
1:18 am jeannevb: @dawnbierschwal finally! Spreadsheets r ur area, woman :) #scriptchat
1:18 am pulptone: Here's a question though when getting inside a character's head. Let's say they are a murderer. Is it harder to get them right? #scriptchat
1:18 am yeah_write: @Jennyablue Join us. #scriptchat
1:19 am SuperPennie: @Nickers669 Haha well it's more fun when you get to be something you can't be in your everyday life #scriptchat.
1:19 am mpstack: subtext is a nice benefit to fully devoted char dev. #scriptchat
1:19 am KageyNYC: Thought it was interesting @filmutopia incl Hero's Journey. Haven't seen discussed yet on #scriptchat but it's another tool for char dev't.
1:19 am kimnunley: With pre-character work that everybody does, what do you do as you're writing to convey flaws/secrets/etc? Sheet laid out? #scriptchat
1:19 am pulptone: Or any kind of criminal/antagonist. So vastly different from ourselves. #scriptchat
1:19 am jeannevb: @CalebHolyfield historical fiction is indeed a genre #scriptchat
1:19 am yeah_write: @garnerhaines I used to have a copy. I'll look for it again. #scriptchat
1:19 am Daleylife: @pulptone My problem is getting my villians to be "good people with bad intentions"... #scriptchat
1:19 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @pulptone can lead to some interesting motivations #scriptchat
1:20 am jmiewald: @pulptone If you're a murderer, getting into someone's head is easy. Use an axe. #scriptchat
1:20 am garnerhaines: My RPG experience has helped me with the character and story development process, expecially re: antagonists. #scriptchat
1:20 am jeannevb: I love it when I find that 1 quality my prot & ant share. Scares the sh*t out of the prot to have something in common w enemy #scriptchat
1:20 am LisaFromNYC: RT @mpstack subtext is a nice benefit to fully devoted char dev. #scriptchat
1:20 am garnerhaines: @Daleylife Every villain is the hero of their own story. #scriptchat
1:20 am dawnbierschwal: Yep... one we did had turning pts by character as well. RT @jeannevb: @dawnbierschwal finally! Spreadsheets r ur area, woman :) #scriptchat
1:20 am jeannevb: ha RT @jmiewald: @pulptone If youre a murderer, getting into someones head is easy. Use an axe. #scriptchat
1:20 am jmiewald: RT @garnerhaines My RPG experience has helped me with the character and story development process, expecially re: antagonists. #scriptchat
1:20 am SuperPennie: RT @jmiewald: @pulptone If you're a murderer, getting into someone's head is easy. Use an axe. #scriptchat
1:21 am pulptone: Or in preproduction do you need to get into their heads? Is it safe to say they're just evil? Do we need to know why? #scriptchat
1:21 am scripteach: Here's a Character Questionnaire for students to get better sense of their characters & plot: http://files.me.com/wmrpace/kt1nml #ScriptChat
1:21 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @garnerhaines yeah, somebody tweeted that every antagonist thinks he's really the protagonist #scriptchat
1:21 am pulptone: Not what they want or do but is it okay to say you don't know? #scriptchat
1:21 am yeah_write: @jeannevb The common trait thing is great in Rom Com. #scriptchat
1:21 am Timsn: RT @garnerhaines: @Daleylife Every villain is the hero of their own story. #scriptchat
1:21 am jolenejahnke: RT @garnerhaines: @Daleylife Every villain is the hero of their own story. #scriptchat
1:21 am garnerhaines: @Daleylife Even serial killers. They could be on a vendetta to purify the human race, one morally-challenged victim at a time. #scriptchat
1:21 am jeannevb: The best part of creating a villian is finding that thread of humanity in him. Think Goetz in Schindler's list (commander) #scriptchat
1:21 am yeah_write: @scripteach Cool, thanks. #scriptchat
1:22 am garnerhaines: @pulptone You need to know their plans and motivations at least. #scriptchat
1:22 am booksbelow: Was trying to say something similar, good phrase! RT @garnerhaines: @Daleylife Every villain is the hero of their own story. #scriptchat
1:22 am jeannevb: @yeah_write also in darker stories. Lots of superhero villians have common traits w the hero #scriptchat
1:22 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @garnerhaines Crime and Punishment. perfect example #scriptchat
1:22 am jmiewald: I've always preferred the villains. They are more interesting. #scriptchat
1:22 am pulptone: @jeannevb Or finding the dark side of a "hero" and finding out how far he'll go. #scriptchat
1:22 am Daleylife: I struggle with that. My villians have no good in them. And thats not how real life is. #scriptchat
1:22 am jeannevb: @scripteach cool! I'll have to add it to the blog :) #scriptchat
1:23 am GoldenAgeofGeek: There are times when you just need the shark from Jaws. Some Personality but mostly a lot of menace #scriptchat
1:23 am jolenejahnke: @yeah_write 20 minutes in and I'm already falling behind. *waves* Hi Jamie! #scriptchat
1:23 am yeah_write: @garnerhaines Back in print. Yippee. #scriptchat
1:23 am Jennyablue: RT @jeannevb: For those new to our chat, there is only ONE rule: BYOB but leave ur ego behind #scriptchat / Do bring your id. ;)
1:23 am Daleylife: I like the "hero of their own story". #scriptchat
1:23 am jmiewald: I think it's much harder to write someone who is heroic. What does that even mean today? #scriptchat
1:23 am jeannevb: I'd like to RT some of @filmutopia's posts since he's sound asleep :) #scriptchat
1:23 am garnerhaines: @booksbelow It's not mine, but the most fitting. Running an RPG, I have to be all the villains, so I've done it a lot. #scriptchat
1:23 am jeannevb: ooh... drool over that RT @pulptone: @jeannevb Or finding the dark side of a "hero" and finding out how far hell go. #scriptchat
1:24 am scripteach: Plot & character are intertwined when protag has strong goal & pursues no matter what. Action happens BECAUSE of them, not to. #ScriptChat
1:24 am Nickers669: @Daleylife every villian has something good in them, even if it's a tiny thing like growing plants. #scriptchat
1:24 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia I developed spreadsheet because of a flaw in my early writing - I often couldn't identify the protagonist #scriptchat
1:24 am UncompletedWork: Hey #scriptchat just popping in for a second. New York #ScreenwriterKaraoke is NEXT THURSDAY 28TH http://bit.ly/3yA4CX
1:24 am garnerhaines: @jmiewald It would be interesting to start with the villain and reverse engineer the hero. #scriptchat
1:25 am yeah_write: @garnerhaines I'll have to hit you up for RPG info. I'm rewriting a novel with vampire RPG. #scriptchat
1:25 am pulptone: One part of the sheet could be how other's perceive the hero/lead (not sure if it's on there). #scriptchat
1:25 am KageyNYC: Thanks teach! Speaking of, I start again w/LPC tmrw night. RT @scripteach: Character Questionnaire: http://bit.ly/53rzT0 #ScriptChat
1:25 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia:connections btwn characters & the conflicting desire, motivations & hang-ups r what create 3D characters for me #scriptchat
1:25 am pulptone: @Nickers669 I think it's because we all come from the same beginning. We're all human. We're all flawed. #scriptchat
1:25 am jmiewald: @garnerhaines "reverse engineer the hero" That's a great thought. #scriptchat
1:26 am garnerhaines: @KageyNYC Thanks! #scriptchat
1:26 am Daleylife: Of what I'm working on now... Villian 1 is all bad. Trying to fix it. I agree with you, @Nickers669 #scriptchat
1:26 am UncompletedWork: Spent most of my day staring at website stuff. On the upside it was screenwriting related. #scriptchat
1:26 am dawnbierschwal: Yes, and conflict in plot provides opportunity for growth of characters. RT @scripteach: Plot & character are intertwined.. #scriptchat
1:26 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia: plotting & character development r intertwined, one feeds off the other. I hate terms plot or character driven #scriptchat
1:26 am PennyAsh: back, I usually write evil psycho SOBs, even the heroes, "Good" guys are boring #scriptchat
1:27 am dawnbierschwal: Like that. RT @pulptone: One part of the sheet could be how others perceive the hero/lead (not sure if its on there). #scriptchat
1:27 am Daleylife: I think the answer to the issue is... make a spreadsheet! LOL. #scriptchat
1:27 am jmiewald: I believe Hitchcock said "The more successful the villain, the more successful the picture." #scriptchat
1:27 am jeannevb: A program @filmutopia uses for story dev is Scrivener (for Macs) http://tinyurl.com/nd5fd #scriptchat
1:27 am yeah_write: @jeannevb I agree with Clive, the plot and char work off each other. #scriptchat
1:27 am Nickinson: Ok this is my first time attending #scriptchat whats the topic?
1:27 am writerjoel: my first scriptchat! what's the big question here? #scriptchat
1:27 am jmiewald: In my favorite movies, the bad guys win #scriptchat
1:28 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write Oh dear, how much #scriptchat have I missed?
1:28 am garnerhaines: @yeah_write I'd be glad to help, but it depends on the game/genre. I've had minimal Exp with the World of Darkness RPGs. #scriptchat
1:28 am yeah_write: Til you're ready to get married. RT @PennyAsh: back, I usually write evil psycho SOBs, even the heroes, "Good" guys are boring #scriptchat
1:28 am booksbelow: @PennyAsh I think "Good" guys are good despite flaws, "Bad" guys bad because of inability to overcome flaws. #scriptchat
1:28 am PennyAsh: @yeah_write LOL depends on what they're good at :D #scriptchat
1:28 am jeannevb: @yeah_write I feel like @filmutopia's evil Sybil twin tonight mwhahaha #scriptchat
1:28 am yeah_write: @iamJaymes Hey you! You're up late. We are talking character development #scriptchat
1:28 am pulptone: RT @yeah_write: @jeannevb I agree with Clive, the plot and char work off each other. #scriptchat
1:29 am PennyAsh: @chadrullman Hi and welcome :) #scriptchat
1:29 am jeannevb: @Nickinson @writerjoe welcome! We're talking char dev & how it relates to plot points #scriptchat
1:29 am Daleylife: What if you have two chars that serve the same purpose. How do you make them different? #scriptchat
1:29 am garnerhaines: @booksbelow "There but for the grace of God go I" #scriptchat
1:29 am yeah_write: @garnerhaines Not so much the games as the characters who play the games. #scriptchat
1:29 am JasonDalBianco: I began 1st script with sequences I wanted to see happen and am now enriching characters. Guess I went backwords, but seems ok. #scriptchat
1:29 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write Hey! Yeah I'm actually around to catch this chat (about time!) ooo interesting topic, may be a fly on the wall 1st #scriptchat
1:29 am covermyscript: hey #scriptchat ers! woke up from creative nap. sorry for the late hello!
1:30 am Nickinson: @jeannevb Ok, thanks. I guess I'll just jump in then #scriptchat
1:30 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia: I do think evolution of the protagonist through story is almost mandatory - writing has 2 be stunning 2 avoid it #scriptchat
1:30 am PennyAsh: @booksbelow Depends on the character, my assassin is bad despite all his efforts to be good #scriptchat
1:30 am pig_pen: I always wanted to write where the bad guy wins, goes home, 2 sleep, wakes up the next morning, to the store, gets hit by a bus. #scriptchat
1:30 am yeah_write: Welcome @iamJaymes He is joining from the UK. #scriptchat
1:30 am booksbelow: You're a @filmutopia bot! RT @jeannevb: @yeah_write I feel like @filmutopias evil Sybil twin tonight mwhahaha #scriptchat
1:30 am garnerhaines: @yeah_write You mean like the "Gamers" movies? #scriptchat
1:30 am KageyNYC: @Nickinson @writerjoel @iamJaymes We're talking char dev't in terms of plotting, jump in! #scriptchat
1:30 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia: 1 mistake I see a lot is a compulsive need for writer to disclose entire backstory... cue "exposition!" Yikes #scriptchat
1:30 am kimnunley: Yes, but then what do you do w/ the spreadsheet? RT @Daleylife: I think the answer to the issue is... make a spreadsheet! LOL. #scriptchat
1:31 am PennyAsh: @SuperPennie Absolutely, I want some major flaws in my characters #scriptchat
1:31 am jeannevb: @booksbelow hahaha #scriptchat
1:31 am pulptone: Who a character is plays a huge part in setting a scene. I come at it from who they are. Not who I a or what I would do. #scriptchat
1:31 am yeah_write: @garnerhaines I'll DM you after the chat. Too long for here. #scriptchat
1:31 am jeannevb: 1 of my faves RT @filmutopia: which why I focus on dilemmas - revealing the character by the hard choices they make #scriptchat
1:31 am dawnbierschwal: Protagonists usually achieve goal at end because they were able to grow... often villians are defeated because they were not #scriptchat
1:31 am ParkerXL: @jeannevb I feel that the best stories have all their characters develop, not just the protag. #scriptchat
1:32 am LisaFromNYC: lol love it RT @pig_pen I always wanted to write where the bad guy wins, ........ gets hit by a bus #scriptchat
1:32 am booksbelow: @PennyAsh Yes, but why is he still bad, inability to overcome faults despite intentions to? #scriptchat
1:32 am jeannevb: Robert McKee reminds us char is defined by the choices he/she makes under pressure. So true! #scriptchat
1:32 am yeah_write: @jeannevb A bot. That's sort scary funny. lol #scriptchat
1:32 am iamJaymes: PERSONALLY I find that you need to work on plot & character together, one can't move forward without the other. #scriptchat
1:32 am moviequill: RT @Daleylife have two chars that serve same purpose. How do you make them different? #scriptchat {habits, fears, quirks, way they talk...}
1:32 am pulptone: @jeannevb @filmutopia funny thing is I'm doing just that in my current story. Very intense. #scriptchat
1:32 am karenquah: @mariblaser hey Mari, had to run. Let's just say rewrite thing is going for now. Thanks for asking. Will keep u posted.See u at #scriptchat?
1:32 am jeannevb: at lst most imp chars RT @ParkerXL: @jeannevb I feel that the best stories have all their characters develop, not just protag. #scriptchat
1:33 am jeannevb: yes! RT @iamJaymes: PERSONALLY I find that you need to work on plot & char together, one cant move forward without the other #scriptchat
1:33 am Nickers669: getting character development right is hard work, if something feels off then scrap it and restart #scriptchat
1:33 am mpstack: RT @Daleylife: What if you have two chars that serve the same purpose. How do you make them different? #scriptchat
1:33 am garnerhaines: RT @ParkerXL: @jeannevb I feel that the best stories have all their characters develop, not just the protag. #scriptchat
1:33 am journalwriter7: RT @jeannevb: Robert McKee reminds us char is defined by the choices he/she makes under pressure. So true! #scriptchat
1:33 am booksbelow: RT @ParkerXL: @jeannevb I feel that the best stories have all their characters develop, not just the protag. #scriptchat
1:33 am pulptone: RT @Nickers669: getting character development right is hard work, if something feels off then scrap it and restart #scriptchat
1:34 am JasonDalBianco: I feel weird/guilty when liking the bad guy. Example: THE SHIELD tv show. RT @jmiewald In my favorite movies, the bad guys win #scriptchat
1:34 am jeannevb: RT @filmutopia: However... character and plot all down down to the greater need of making the story cinematic! #scriptchat
1:34 am mpstack: RT @jeannevb: Robert McKee reminds us char is defined by the choices he/she makes under pressure. So true! #scriptchat
1:34 am yeah_write: Spreadsheet are the best tool I've found when working on a story. I used to just sit and write. No more. #scriptchat
1:34 am Nickinson: @iamJaymes Yeah I believe that too. Because based one the plot is how a Character acts and behaves. #scriptchat
1:34 am garnerhaines: @mpstack Do you need the two characters? Could you give one character the traits of both and trim one character from the script? #scriptchat
1:34 am PennyAsh: @booksbelow He's still bad because his old life keeps coming back forcing him into "bad" decisions #scriptchat
1:34 am dawnbierschwal: I would ask why both needed? RT @Daleylife: What if you have two chars that serve tsame purpose. How do you make them different? #scriptchat
1:34 am moviequill: I put protag at a crossroads or a damned if I do damned if I don't dilemma to show his character #scriptchat
1:34 am iamJaymes: If you have an interesting character, u can't throw them into ANY plot, u need the perfect 1 that moves like clockwork with them #scriptchat
1:35 am jeannevb: If u have quest on @filmutopia's "cinematic" tweet,u'll have to read transcript. I'm done being his bitch ha -- love u, Clive xo #scriptchat
1:35 am GoldenAgeofGeek: RT @jeannevb: RT @filmutopia: However... character and plot all down down to the greater need of making the story cinematic! #scriptchat
1:35 am ParkerXL: I seem to have fallen accidenly into #Scriptchat, hello everyone.
1:35 am Nickinson: Are we talking about plot and Charactors in books or movies? or both? #scriptchat
1:35 am PennyAsh: @iamJaymes I agree one drives the other #scriptchat
1:35 am jeannevb: excellent RT @moviequill: I put protag at a crossroads or a damned if I do damned if I dont dilemma to show his character #scriptchat
1:35 am SuperPennie: #scriptchat from this I have concluded to always go at it with a spreadsheet!
1:35 am karenquah: HaHa! RT @pig_pen I always wanted to write where the bad guy wins, goes home 2 sleep, wakes up next morning... gets hit by bus #scriptchat
1:35 am iamJaymes: @Nickinson exactly, they need to both be relevant to the other, otherwise it'll never work or it'll be dull and get rejected. #scriptchat
1:35 am pulptone: I think I may even add a flowchart to the spreadsheet. Sort of a timeline progression. #scriptchat
1:35 am crintzs: I LOVE when I LIKE the BAD guy! - it means everything is going well. #scriptchat
1:35 am jeannevb: @ParkerXL there are no accidents here... unless u spill my tequila! #whack #scriptchat
1:35 am CheekyWench: yay! RT @chadrullman: My friend @CheekyWench just turned me on to #scriptchat Greetings all!
1:36 am moviequill: Hans Gruber in Die Hard. Your protag is only as good as your antag is evil #scriptchat
1:36 am BellaVidaLetty: Im writing a coming of age story and I like to keep the character arc visible when Im writing. #scriptchat bullet points 4 each Act
1:36 am yeah_write: @Nickinson Mostly movies since this is for screenwriting, but they apply to books too. #scriptchat
1:36 am dawnbierschwal: Adding each character's goal for each act to the spreadsheet has been helpful to me... helps to identify conflict opportunities. #scriptchat
1:36 am writerjoel: A great way to navigate the protagonist through act2: At the midpoint he/she stops just reacting and says, "I have a plan". #scriptchat
1:36 am jolenejahnke: @mpstack Achieving that goal could mean two very different things to both of your characters. Play off of that. @Daleylife #scriptchat
1:36 am Timsn: Plot and character -- you can have the best plot in the world but w/o good chars. forget it! #scriptchat
1:37 am jeannevb: RT @Timsn: Plot and character -- you can have the best plot in the world but w/o good chars. forget it! #scriptchat
1:37 am JasonDalBianco: In my 2nd script, I'm creating characters 1st, putting them in a situation, & sort of seeing what they'd do. Different for me. #scriptchat
1:37 am PennyAsh: @JasonDalBianco Weirdest I ever felt was reading Dexter, felt creepy for liking him #scriptchat
1:37 am jeannevb: Don't know if u saw Valkyrie but was a fail for me bc Tom Cruise's char is exactly same in end as in beg #scriptchat
1:37 am garnerhaines: @crintzs Liking the antagonist is good, but if the audience isrooting for them over the hero, then your heroes suck. #scriptchat
1:37 am melenmelenmelen: @moviequill Ditto on Hans: the quintessential villain! #scriptchat
1:37 am Divacat60: @iamJaymes What a fascinating concept. Drop an interesting character into different plots. Can't wait to try it. #scriptchat
1:37 am yeah_write: RT @writerjoel: A great way to navigate the protagonist through act2: At the midpt he/she stops reacting & says, "I have a plan" #scriptchat
1:37 am Donna_Carrick: Good thanks and you? Just tuning in to #scriptchat RT @mariblaser: @Donna_Carrick Hi Donna! How are you? :)
1:37 am iamJaymes: I find that disliking a character helps me develop them, they end up as some1 better, who I can relate to. If that makes sense. #scriptchat
1:37 am Nickinson: @iamJaymes Exactly! Haha I like the way you think @iamJaymes It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm @Nickinson #scriptchat
1:38 am jeannevb: The Heros Two Journey's by Micheal Hauge & Chris Volger is GREAT at showing how to comb char dev w plot #scriptchat
1:38 am scriptedtwit: @garnerhaines Unless they really like being the villain. then they're probably the villain of their own story. #scriptchat
1:38 am karenquah: --or eat the salt! RT @jeannevb @ParkerXL there are no accidents here... unless u spill my tequila! #whack #scriptchat
1:38 am Nickinson: @yeah_write Ok, well I'll see what I can say. Thanks, #scriptchat
1:38 am KageyNYC: @writerjoel I love the midpoint shift. Nail the midpoint and so much of act II falls into place! #scriptchat
1:38 am pulptone: @jeannevb you and I feel the exact same way about that movie. It was all plot. NO character. At all. No emotion even. #scriptchat
1:38 am crintzs: @garnerhaines true. But who says that the BAD guy cannot be the protagonist? #scriptchat
1:38 am iamJaymes: @Divacat60 half the time it won't work, but you never know you may find a diamond in the rough using that method #scriptchat
1:38 am PennyAsh: @ParkerXL Hi and welcome :) #Scriptchat
1:38 am Timsn: Agree! RT @jeannevb: Don't know if u saw Valkyrie but was a fail for me bc Tom Cruise's char is exactly same in end as in beg #scriptchat
1:38 am jeannevb: @karenquah xoxoxo how's that rewrite? ;) #scriptchat
1:39 am KageyNYC: @JasonDalBianco Second script? I want deets! #scriptchat
1:39 am yeah_write: Excellent! RT @jeannevb: The Heros Two Journeys by Micheal Hauge & Chris Volger is GREAT at showing how to comb char dev w plot #scriptchat
1:39 am ParkerXL: #scriptchat thing about it is, some plots are forgotten, but good characters are never forgotten, even down to the colour of their eyes
1:39 am garnerhaines: @melenmelenmelen A good example of a flawed hero to root for, and an engaging, memorable villain to face him. #scriptchat
1:39 am pulptone: @PennyAsh Love when I come out of a movie and feel that way. Or you ask...what would I do if I had to A,B,C...? #scriptchat
1:39 am scriptdreric: Big screenwriting chat going on for next 20 min at #scriptchat - Check it out; learn from other writers
1:39 am jeannevb: @pulptone totally fell flat #scriptchat
1:39 am Donna_Carrick: Like char growth... RT @jeannevb: Valkyrie but was a fail for me bc Tom Cruise's char is exactly same in end as in beg #scriptchat
1:39 am jenlinmcclin: @jeannevb I agree. Characters who have no internal movement, no arc, go thru no changes, are boring. I want to see growth. #scriptchat
1:39 am PennyAsh: @pulptone Me too, that's what got me writing #scriptchat
1:39 am jeannevb: @pulptone now Band of Brothers is fantastic #scriptchat
1:39 am Nickers669: @PennyAsh Now there is a lovable killer, Dexter. He has his bad side as well as a brilliant good side, conflict is the way #scriptchat
1:39 am yeah_write: @Nickinson It's amazing how screenwriting and novel writing have the same bones. #scriptchat
1:39 am pulptone: I also think when genre movies fall flat it hurts chances for others, better ones, to get made. #scriptchat
1:39 am Donna_Carrick: Great #writechat today, now tuning into #scriptchat so "pardon my tweeting" - ha!
1:40 am melenmelenmelen: Valkyrie felt like a play-by-play documentary. #scriptchat
1:40 am karenquah: @jeannevb oh, it's okay... still searching for A-HA moment. #scriptchat
1:40 am pulptone: In Valkyrie it's assumed we know them so nothing is brought to the screen. History is not the same as character or emotion. #scriptchat
1:40 am alonelily: Hi Twitter friends, will be on #scriptchat for the next 1/2 hour or so. Please forgive the mass tweets!
1:40 am jeannevb: I said this in EURO chat but it bears repeating.... #scriptchat
1:41 am Daleylife: Thanks @ jolenejahnke #scriptchat
1:41 am pulptone: @jeannevb Band of Brothers is what I always have crawling in the back of my head. All about characters through history. #scriptchat
1:41 am jeannevb: Bottom-line: its about making ur viewers FEEL somethng. Watching a char dev, makes them feel. No dev, no investment, no feeling #scriptchat
1:41 am karenquah: @Donna_Carrick Great #writechat today, now tuning into #scriptchat so "pardon my tweeting" - ha! --you are pardoned! #scriptchat
1:41 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write they're of the same beast, they just develop in different directions. #scriptchat
1:41 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Hi, @jeannevb great topic! I think writers reach readers when they pay attn to both char and plot. That's the aim...
1:41 am Nickinson: For example in the movie 2012 I dont believe the charac were fully developed for me to have an attachment.The scenes and plot.. #scriptchat
1:41 am garnerhaines: @crintzs There are plenty of examples of it being done well. If you can pull it off, great. #scriptchat
1:41 am pulptone: For me I want to know the little nuances of a character. Not exposition. More like what is brought to the story through them. #scriptchat
1:41 am jeannevb: if any #writechat or #YALitchat ppl r lurking, jump in! psst @georgia_mcbride #scriptchat
1:41 am crintzs: @ParkerXL well, in this case - the eyes colors - you're talking/thinking/remembering the actor, right? #scriptchat
1:42 am jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick hey, babe. Where's that husband of urs? #scriptchat
1:42 am yeah_write: @iamJaymes But so many people think there is a difference when developing the story. They are the same beast. #scriptchat
1:42 am Timsn: Studying acting can help you develop characters too. Also can help you see what works and what doesn't. #scriptchat
1:42 am jenlinmcclin: "Happy Go Lucky" was another film with no char growth. She was HGL at the beginning and HGL at the end. Nothing fazed her. #scriptchat
1:42 am JasonDalBianco: .@PennyAsh Yes! Dexter is ex of character it's odd to like, but he makes it easier when he's killing people who ought to die. #scriptchat
1:42 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @mariblaser I'm not into screenwriting so far, but one day, maybe. Meanwhile, I learn a lot from these folks, esp about...
1:43 am iamJaymes: @Nickinson 2012 didn't have character xD They had moving bodies avoiding falling debris, pretty much it really. #scriptchat
1:43 am jeannevb: @pulptone nuances, yes. It's all in the details. The choices they make. The movements. The quirks. #scriptchat
1:43 am Alex_Carrick: Valkyrie was flat as a pancake to me. No emotional involvement whatsoever #scriptchat
1:43 am Divacat60: @iamJaymes I have an interesting main character in my script who might work. #scriptchat
1:43 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @mariblaser ...about action and visualising scenes, scriptwriters tend to do this very well. It serves for novels, too.
1:43 am jeannevb: @JasonDalBianco Dexter is great example! #scriptchat
1:43 am pulptone: I also think character can be brought out in a look or the drag of a cigarette or in a walk. #scriptchat
1:43 am Nickinson: @yeah_write lol yeah i know. I think i will Google a little more for Screenwriting I have a good idea of what it is #scriptchat
1:43 am karenquah: @Timsn Agree. Acting is GREAT way to find character. #scriptchat
1:43 am jmiewald: Actually, acting is a great way to understand villains. To play a villain convincingly you have to see him/her as the hero. #scriptchat
1:44 am yeah_write: @jenlinmcclin I agree. I felt robbed at the end of Happy Go Lucky. #scriptchat
1:44 am Daleylife: What if Dexter killed good people? #scriptchat
1:44 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat A tweet just flew by mentioning @iamjames -- haven't seen you in ages! How are you?
1:44 am pig_pen: I have to run. Gotta take care of the critter. Good night all! Great chat! #scriptchat
1:44 am iamJaymes: @Divacat60 you never know! Best of luck though :) #scriptchat
1:44 am Alex_Carrick: A great old movie that had a terrific villain was Day of the Jackal (and I don't mean the remake) #scriptchat
1:44 am KageyNYC: @Timsn I agree! Working on comedy script and seriously considering UCB improv class over the summer - BE the characters ;) #scriptchat
1:44 am Donna_Carrick: He just tuned in - don't look now! ha ha RT @jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick hey, babe. Where's that husband of urs? #scriptchat
1:44 am jenlinmcclin: @pulptone Yes, but how much of that should be brought out in script. So much left to director/actor interpretation. #scriptchat
1:44 am moviequill: Character is defined by their actions not how they look. Forget hair & eye color concentrate on kick the dog or save the cat... #scriptchat
1:44 am yeah_write: @pig_pen Kiss the baby for us. #scriptchat
1:45 am Donna_Carrick: I think because the character didn't grow or learn anything.
1:45 am ParkerXL: @Crintzs eye colour is easily changed on screen. am more of a writer myself so im skewed 2wards writing more than film. #scriptchat
1:45 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write probably because of where they end up, books, tv, film and theatre. They're hard to align mentally ...#scriptchat
1:45 am BellaVidaLetty: i feel the emotional history of the character requires more thought than hair/eye color #scriptchat we react based on past experiences
1:45 am mariblaser: Ah, I'm sure you do! Great ppl there! ;-) RT @Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @mariblaser Meanwhile, I learn a lot from these folks,
1:45 am jenlinmcclin: @yeah_write Exactly. I felt cheated. I wanted to see SOMETHING from her. Even tho it may have been the point, but it rang flat. #scriptchat
1:45 am jolenejahnke: Love when audience thinks they have char figured out, but in end everything they thought they knew is wrong. ie: Keyser Söze #scriptchat
1:45 am Nickinson: @iamJaymes Haha yeah, thats really what it was. I believed it had potential and could have been better if charac had morelife #scriptchat
1:45 am Alex_Carrick: Of course it helped that Charles DeGaulle wasn't particularly sympathetic character. Love the scene where bad guy shot pumpkin. #scriptchat
1:45 am pulptone: @jenlinmcclin I write comics so I'm essentially everything to the artist. So I don't know. Great question. #scriptchat
1:45 am jeannevb: @LaStPeAcEoFmInD so glad u've found it useful :) #scriptchat
1:46 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write especially when one is very visually orientated and one is very focused on mental stimulation #scriptchat
1:46 am JasonDalBianco: .@PennyAsh In THE SHIELD, cops murder a good cop in the first episode(s). Never forgot it as writers made me like the bad guys. #scriptchat
1:46 am garnerhaines: @Donna_Carrick Do any of the others around him? #scriptchat
1:46 am pulptone: RT @jenlinmcclin: Yes, but how much of that should be brought out in script. So much left to director/actor interpretation. #scriptchat
1:46 am dawnbierschwal: RT @moviequill: Character defined by actions not how they look. Concentrate on kick the dog or save the cat... #scriptchat
1:46 am writerjoel: It's revelatory to deconstruct a great "complex" character, and find they were driven in every scene by the same SIMPLE want #scriptchat
1:46 am moviequill: RT @Daleylife What if Dexter killed good people? #scriptchat {SPOILER, he did this season & is dealing with it, great characterization}
1:46 am karenquah: @jolenejahnke Keyser Soze - great example. #scriptchat
1:46 am jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick haha Why hello @Alex_Carrick #scriptchat
1:46 am jenlinmcclin: @BellaVidaLetty Exactly. It's a char's REACTIONS to anothers' actions that show characters. Even the smallest quirks. #scriptchat
1:47 am ParkerXL: @Donna_Carrick i dont have much script experience, but when writing a cript, should you really worry abt actors involved? #scriptchat
1:47 am Alex_Carrick: Movies often work best when villain changes & reconciles with hero & then they work together vs "really" bad guy #scriptchat
1:47 am garnerhaines: @jolenejahnke Actually, I hate endings which make me feel the last two hours have been a lie. #scriptchat
1:47 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @BellaVidaLetty I agree,eyes,hair,are only tags that help reader identify,not true character. Useful, but not the whole picture.
1:47 am iamJaymes: @Nickinson Same, but was never pitched as a character story. It was a "see how many landmarks we can destroy in a movie" pitch. #scriptchat
1:47 am jenlinmcclin: @pulptone As screenwriter, I can talk about a char smoking, but not give deets necessarily on how many times, how holds cig. #scriptchat
1:47 am yeah_write: @iamJaymes I agree. #scriptchat
1:47 am Timsn: Little character quirks help. Person is obsessively neat, etc. #scriptchat
1:47 am karenquah: @purelychica calling chica. are you there chica? #scriptchat
1:47 am jeannevb: @chrisilluminati well u cld join us at #scriptchat... going on now. Talking char dev & how it relates to plot ;)
1:47 am jenlinmcclin: RT @garnerhaines: @jolenejahnke Actually, I hate endings which make me feel the last two hours have been a lie. #scriptchat
1:47 am jolenejahnke: @garnerhaines I love the twist. #scriptchat
1:47 am garnerhaines: @Alex_Carrick the Little Bad and Big Bad archetype. #scriptchat
1:48 am jeannevb: While I have u all here, do ppl want to skip chat on Super Bowl Sunday??? #scriptchat
1:48 am Nickinson: @BellaVidaLetty I believe that too. Through time Characters grow. We need to make are Character change as the plot does #scriptchat
1:48 am garnerhaines: @iamJaymes Yeah, I wouldn't expect much from that one. So much so that I didn't see it at all. #scriptchat
1:48 am KageyNYC: @JasonDalBianco Just added THE SHIELD to Netflix queue. This is long overdue. #scriptchat
1:48 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write ha, sorry I did sort of throw a bucket load of words at you. xD #scriptchat
1:48 am pulptone: @jenlinmcclin I suggest points but always work with the artist like a cameraman right down to the lighting. #scriptchat
1:48 am Donna_Carrick: Gr8t question, any scrptwriters out there able to answer? RT @ParkerXL: when writing script, shld you worry abt actors involved? #scriptchat
1:48 am yeah_write: @jeannevb I don't even know who is playing in the Super Bowl #scriptchat
1:48 am garnerhaines: @jeannevb Oh? When is that? #scriptchat
1:49 am Alex_Carrick: British actors make the best villains. They have an inherent sense of irony. They also sneer better. #scriptchat.
1:49 am melenmelenmelen: My favorite villains are always the subtle ones. Case in point: Bela Lugosi's Dracula. He makes us interested/repulsed. #scriptchat
1:49 am Donna_Carrick: Sorry, Garner, I think I missed something? < RT @garnerhaines: @Donna_Carrick Do any of the others around him? #scriptchat
1:49 am karenquah: @jolenejahnke I love the twist. @garnerhaines --me too, as long as it's consistent w. character which it was in Usual Suspects. #scriptchat
1:49 am iamJaymes: If you want to see bad character development, watch Ugly Betty. Plot slowly develops but the characters? Never. Frozen in time. #scriptchat
1:49 am jeannevb: @KageyNYC @jasondalbiance Walton Goggins is 1 of my friends. Did u guys see The Evening Sun? Fantastic! #scriptchat
1:49 am yeah_write: @iamJaymes that's okay. The chat goes really fast. Hard to keep up. #scriptchat
1:49 am moviequill: RT @ParkerXL when writing script, should you worry abt actors involved? #scriptchat {ok to use as a guide, voice etc. I use Angelina heh}
1:49 am Donna_Carrick: True... RT @Alex_Carrick: British actors make the best villains. They have an inherent sense of irony. They also sneer better. #scriptchat.
1:50 am jeannevb: @yeah_write today's games determine who plays in Super Bowl but lots of non football fans go to parties #scriptchat
1:50 am garnerhaines: @Donna_Carrick Change. If the main character didn't change, did any of the supporting ones change instead? #scriptchat
1:50 am jeannevb: @garnerhaines 2 wks is Super Bowl #scriptchat
1:50 am andreacoventry: RT @Alex_Carrick: British actors make the best villains. They have an inherent sense of irony. They also sneer better. #scriptchat.
1:50 am crintzs: @ParkerXL ok, change the color of your actor's eyes, if that makes you happy. But that DOES NOT make a character unforgettable. #scriptchat
1:50 am JasonDalBianco: Seems non-chick flicks rarely have good female characters. Do men dislike writing em? I LOVE me the ladies & I LOVE writing em! #scriptchat
1:51 am Nickinson: @iamJaymes lol yah.The graphics were great,but I want to see movies that connect to me.Thats why I felt avatar had alot of chara #scriptchat
1:51 am Divacat60: @iamJaymes When I need a character like that, I use someone from my life whom I dislike. #scriptchat
1:51 am yeah_write: @jeannevb I'm a football fan, but not much into pro football the last 14 years as I work on Sunday. #scriptchat
1:51 am PennyAsh: @JasonDalBianco It's a good writer who can make you like a truly evil character #scriptchat
1:51 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @garnerhaines Ah, I get it. Honestly, I don't remember, the Cruise char was so central. He was s'posed to carry it.
1:51 am Alex_Carrick: Somebody should write a script for the Super Bowl. No wait, that's probably illegal. #scriptchat
1:51 am KageyNYC: I will def be eating chili & wings and not home to chat, others? RT @jeannevb: do ppl want to skip chat on Super Bowl Sunday??? #scriptchat
1:51 am ParkerXL: #scriptchat i would just concentrate on writing best chartacter i can and leave it up to someone else to find fitting actor.
1:52 am Daleylife: @ParkerXL I write for fun... i use the same actors... so yeah, I am always worried about my actors. LOL. #scriptchat
1:52 am Donna_Carrick: Very true. < RT @PennyAsh: @JasonDalBianco It's a good writer who can make you like a truly evil character #scriptchat
1:52 am iamJaymes: Another tip I picked up was to imagine each of your characters as a specific trait or sin then align them to your plot events. #scriptchat
1:52 am karenquah: Haha! Alan Rickman & Jeremy Irons come to mind RT @Alex_Carrick British actors make the best villains...They also sneer better. #scriptchat
1:52 am booksbelow: @jeannevb Sounds like you want the day off! :-) (Superbowl) #scriptchat
1:52 am jeannevb: @iamJaymes I cant stand Grey's Anatomy. ALL the chars sound the same. I cldnt even make it thru 1 season #scriptchat
1:52 am jenlinmcclin: @pulptone Screenwriting less collaborative. We hand our work off to directors, then get called for rewrites. They handle it all. #scriptchat
1:52 am melenmelenmelen: @JasonDalBianco Lotsa chick flicks don't have great female characters, either, LOL! #scriptchat Uptight work-obsessed businesswoman, anyone?
1:52 am GoldenAgeofGeek: I'm back. Was taking a phone call #scriptchat
1:52 am iamJaymes: @Nickinson watch Lovely Bones, that movie blew my ****ing mind in terms of creative visuals, plot, pacing and character. #scriptchat
1:52 am Donna_Carrick: Shhh, not s'posed to tell.. ha RT @Divacat60: @iamJaymes When need a char like that, I use someone from my life whom I dislike. #scriptchat
1:52 am PennyAsh: @Nickers669 Yep, have you read the books? He's totally different, far more evil #scriptchat
1:52 am jeannevb: @xjaeva use the #scriptchat hashtag... talking char dev & how it relates to plot.. or at least that what we started with ha #writechat
1:52 am linc0lnpark: RT @Alex_Carrick: British actors make the best villains. They have an inherent sense of irony. They also sneer better. #scriptchat.
1:52 am Daleylife: @jeannevb no interest in football. But if the masses want to skip chat, then so be it. #scriptchat
1:53 am KageyNYC: I know nothing of fooseball but my mom makes killer chili, so I'm there! RT @jeannevb: do ppl want 2 skip chat Super Bowl Sunday #scriptchat
1:53 am LisaFromNYC: true chicks seem 2 b just eye candy RT @JasonDalBianco Seems non-chick flicks rarely have good female characters #scriptchat
1:53 am CDominiqueG: goodevening #scriptchat what's the topic???
1:53 am jeannevb: that transparent, huh? ha RT @booksbelow: @jeannevb Sounds like you want the day off! :-) (Superbowl) #scriptchat
1:53 am melenmelenmelen: @GoldenAgeofGeek Thanks for introducing me to #scriptchat!
1:53 am PennyAsh: Nobody out evils John Lithgow #Scriptchat
1:53 am iamJaymes: @jeannevb I can see that, another case where the characters develop slowly. But GA's dialogue kept me in, I love it's sharp wit. #scriptchat
1:53 am karenquah: yes, i was getting that idea too -- RT @booksbelow @jeannevb Sounds like you want the day off! :-) (Superbowl) #scriptchat
1:53 am jenlinmcclin: @iamJaymes Yes, but he missed the point of STORY in Lovely Bones. Completely left out major (darker) plot point from book. #scriptchat
1:53 am Nickinson: @iamJaymes Haha I think I will. And read the book. There is a book right? #scriptchat
1:53 am Daleylife: Well, guys I need to go! Talk to you all again soon. #scriptchat
1:54 am garnerhaines: @PennyAsh Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy! #buckaroobanzai #scriptchat
1:54 am jenlinmcclin: @PennyAsh I don't know. Malkovich is another good baddie! #scriptchat
1:54 am jeannevb: @CDominiqueG char dev & how it relates to plot #scriptchat
1:54 am CDominiqueG: RT @PennyAsh: Nobody out evils John Lithgow #Scriptchat /// AGreed, he brings something sinister to DEXTER
1:54 am xjaeva: @jeannevb oh okay, confusing #scriptchat when I first saw char dev i thought it had something to do with a burning devil
1:54 am CDominiqueG: @jeannevb awesome, how are you lady??? #scriptchat
1:54 am GoldenAgeofGeek: :) RT @garnerhaines: @PennyAsh Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy! #buckaroobanzai #scriptchat
1:54 am iamJaymes: @jenlinmcclin I haven't read the book, I plan to so I guess I'll comment on it when I have. #scriptchat
1:54 am KageyNYC: I thought the same of The West Wing RT @jeannevb: @iamJaymes I cant stand Grey's Anatomy. ALL the chars sound the same. #scriptchat
1:55 am yeah_write: @ParkerXL I agree, I remember many more characters than the movie itself. #scriptchat
1:55 am PennyAsh: @garnerhaines Whatsa matter don'ta you watch TV? #buckaroobanzai #scriptchat
1:55 am iamJaymes: @jenlinmcclin BUT it's an adaptation, so it won't bother me hugely. People who expect perfect adaptations are not realists. #scriptchat
1:55 am PennyAsh: @garnerhaines I love that movie #buckaroobanzai #scriptchat
1:55 am Donna_Carrick: HA! RT @xjaeva: @jeannevb oh okay, confusing #scriptchat when I first saw char dev i thought it had something to do with a burning devil
1:55 am authorViviAnna: some of my fave female characters have been written by Diablo Cody #scriptchat, love Juno, and Jennifer and especially Tara
1:55 am pulptone: @jenlinmcclin I love being a part of the process. I know what u mean though. #scriptchat
1:55 am jeannevb: that's after more tequila ha RT @xjaeva: @jeannevb when I saw char dev i thought it had something to do with a burning devil #scriptchat
1:55 am iamJaymes: @CDominiqueG Hey honey! #scriptchat
1:55 am beingbrad: I've been tucking kids into bed all evening - how'd #scriptchat go?
1:55 am jeannevb: @CDominiqueG great, babe and u? #scriptchat
1:56 am Donna_Carrick: Oooh, I hate Malkovich!
1:56 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @KageyNYC My fav dialogue comes from Joss Whedon #scriptchat
1:56 am xjaeva: If we're talking about characters in shows I really love House #writechat #scriptchat
1:56 am melenmelenmelen: I feel like you can put a brilliant character in any dire situation and the story will write itself. #scriptchat
1:56 am PennyAsh: @jenlinmcclin He's good but Lithgow makes you relax until he kills someone #scriptchat
1:56 am booksbelow: @KageyNYC Hey, the West Wing is sacred! (Disagree about characters sounding the same after first year) #scriptchat
1:56 am Alex_Carrick: RT @jeannevb < Good to be here. Hard to fit everything I want to do in during weekend, especially since I "must" write a story #scriptchat
1:56 am karenquah: @iamJaymes @Nickinson Can't wait to watch that movie #thelovelybones #scriptchat
1:56 am Divacat60: Oh boy. Big Love is about to start. These scripts keep me engaged. #scriptchat
1:56 am greyfoxgrandma: Oh boy. Big Love is about to start. These scripts keep me engaged. #scriptchat
1:56 am iamJaymes: @Nickinson Yes, but I haven't read the book it's on my list of to read. #scriptchat
1:56 am jeannevb: @beingbrad we're still flappin our gums. Talking char dev & how it relates to plot. Did u see @filmutopia's post today? #scriptchat
1:56 am garnerhaines: RT @jenlinmcclin BUT its an adaptation, so it wont bother me hugely. People who expect perfect adaptations are not realists. #scriptchat
1:56 am xjaeva: @Donna_Carrick you see it now too don't you? LOL #scriptchat
1:56 am dwacon: The writers behind Showtime's #Dexter have created some awesome character arcs... get the 3 DVD's and study... #scriptchat
1:56 am jenlinmcclin: @pulptone There's reason many film credits read "A film by." It's director's medium. Some more open to collab than others. Rare. #scriptchat
1:56 am SuperPennie: @GoldenAgeofGeek Hell yeah! Joss Whedon is a god. #scriptchat
1:56 am BellaVidaLetty: I luv him. did u see Dangerous Liaisons? @jenlinmcclin @PennyAsh Malkovich is another good baddie! #scriptchat
1:57 am iamJaymes: @karenquah I really loved it, I rarely use the word masterpiece but to me it is. #scriptchat
1:57 am PennyAsh: @CDominiqueG Saw a movie where he played a killer, forgot who else was in it, remember him :) #Scriptchat
1:57 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @melenmelenmelen yvw :) #scriptchat
1:57 am jenlinmcclin: @PennyAsh Haven't seen Dexter. Need to jump on that bandwagon. #scriptchat
1:57 am dawnbierschwal: I agree! RT @booksbelow: @KageyNYC Hey, the West Wing is sacred! (Disagree about characters sounding the same after first year) #scriptchat
1:57 am karenquah: @booksbelow @KageyNYC Hey, the West Wing is sacred! --Absofrigginlutely! #scriptchat
1:57 am jenlinmcclin: @BellaVidaLetty Multiple times. #scriptchat
1:57 am Nickinson: #scriptchat It's kind of hard to do #scriptchat while eating nachos. Thats why its taking me so long to tweet.
1:57 am ParkerXL: #scriptchat also beleive that a great cast of characters that work well with each other, makes a great plot/scriot easier to write
1:57 am garnerhaines: @GoldenAgeofGeek ...and his team, like Jane Espenson. #buffy #angel #firefly #scriptchat
1:57 am karenquah: @iamJaymes all right, you've twisted my arm. gonna go see. #scriptchat
1:57 am yeah_write: @iamJaymes The Lovely Bones. I loved the book, but haven't heard much about the movie. #scriptchat
1:57 am CDominiqueG: @jeannevb im goodie #scriptchat hey sweetie @iamJaymes ... how did the essay go???
1:58 am Alex_Carrick: One of my favourite all-time TV shows was I, Claudius. The writing was phenomenal. Each show started slow & built momentum #scriptchat
1:58 am jeannevb: @greyfoxgrandma Big Love-I dont mind multiple wives, but if I'm sharing a man, 1 of wives better be cooking & cleaning 4 me! ha #scriptchat
1:58 am beingbrad: @jeannevb I've missed everything, even the drinking! #scriptchat
1:58 am garnerhaines: @PennyAsh Seen it over 60 times. #teambanzai #scriptchat
1:58 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @xjaeva Yes, let's have some charred devil for dessert! ha
1:58 am pulptone: @garnerhaines @jenlinmcclin I don't think adaptations should ever be perfect. At least the better ones aren't. Diff mediums. #scriptchat
1:58 am jenlinmcclin: Since we're bringing up specific actors, does writing with a certain actor in mind help with char dev., knowing their talents? #scriptchat
1:58 am Nickinson: @karenquah haha yeah me too! #scriptchat
1:58 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @SuperPennie hope he makes a deal w/ FX and does a killer cable show. He could finally have a "hit" #scriptchat
1:58 am authorViviAnna: Joss Whedon creates fabo characters, so does Ron Moore of BSG fame #scriptchat
1:58 am yeah_write: lol RT @Nickinson: #scriptchat Its kind of hard to do #scriptchat while eating nachos. Thats why its taking me so long to tweet. #scriptchat
1:58 am jeannevb: @Nickinson try putting peanut butter on a banana! #stickyfingers #scriptchat
1:58 am JasonDalBianco: As much of a boob and vagina pig as I am, I truely hunger to write roles that actresses will find rich and gratifying to play. #scriptchat
1:58 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @garnerhaines Joss has nutured mucho talent both acting and writing #scriptchat
1:58 am iamJaymes: @CDominiqueG it erm hasn't ... yet. >.< #scriptchat
1:58 am KageyNYC: @booksbelow Clearly, I didn't make it that far. I guess I'm not a walk-and-talk kind of gal ;) #scriptchat (@dawnbierschwal @karenquah)
1:58 am xjaeva: @SuperPennie I always hear how pple worship JOss Whedon and I've no clue who he is #scriptchat
1:59 am writerjoel: I love REFUSALS and REVERSALS: the richest characters do the things they earlier said explicitly they would not do. #scriptchat
1:59 am Alex_Carrick: The hero in I, Claudius, was as unlikely as humanly possible. Everyone else thought he was an idiot. Stuttered. But he prevailed #scriptchat
1:59 am jenlinmcclin: @pulptone They are diff mediums and should be different in the details. But major plot integral to story should be left. #scriptchat
1:59 am jeannevb: @beingbrad jump on board, man! Here's Clive's post: watch/read it after http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p #scriptchat
1:59 am garnerhaines: Got to get back to that spec that's kicking my ass. Take care, Scripties! #scriptchat
1:59 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat -- Must go tuck youngsters into bed, with thoughts of Dexter in their heads? Hope not. heh heh Night, @jeannevb
1:59 am Nickinson: Theres alot of thing that make a good character but thing a charac needs the most I believe is emotions,other charac,and action. #scriptchat
1:59 am GoldenAgeofGeek: @xjaeva Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse #scriptchat
2:00 am garnerhaines: @xjaeva Creator of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse #scriptchat
2:00 am jeannevb: @KageyNYC Grey's Anat dialogue makes me throw up in my mouth. I know ppl love that show but they ALL sound the same! #scriptchat
2:00 am Nickinson: There's more on my list but its to much to tweet. I think I'll blog it sometime soon #scriptchat
2:00 am jeannevb: @garnerhaines happy writing #scriptchat
2:00 am moviequill: RT @JasonDalBianco I truey hunger to write roles that actresses will find rich and gratifying to play. #scriptchat {me too, a niche needed}
2:00 am jenlinmcclin: @writerjoel Can't remember his name, but dir/writer of Duplicity said good scrnwriting all about reversals. That film flopped. #scriptchat
2:00 am SuperPennie: @xjaeva Writer/Director of Buffy and Firefly and Dollyhouse and other stuff. You should look him up! He is worth it =] #scriptchat
2:00 am GoldenAgeofGeek: Need to bolt. More work. Great chat as always :) #scriptchat
2:00 am pulptone: @jenlinmcclin I very much agree. That's what I was thinking. #scriptchat
2:00 am LisaFromNYC: RT @writerjoel I love REFUSALS and REVERSALS the richest characters do the things they earlier said explicitly they would not do #scriptchat
2:01 am Alex_Carrick: RT @xjaeva: @SuperPennie JOss Whedon #scriptchat < The creative force behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2:01 am iamJaymes: To all the Whedon fans, am I the only one who thought Dollhouse deserved to get canned from it's bad season 1 plot pacing? #scriptchat
2:01 am jeannevb: @GoldenAgeofGeek night, Mike :) #scriptchat
2:01 am yeah_write: The hour is up. So if you want to discuss things other than char dev and plot now is the time. #scriptchat
2:01 am xjaeva: @SuperPennie Maybe. Never a fan of buffy and don't know what firefly or dollhouse is. I hear a lot about them though! #scriptchat
2:01 am Nickinson: @karenquah Nuh uh, you're trying to chop chicken right now? #scriptchat
2:02 am pulptone: @iamJaymes Season 2 of dollhouse was much better. Characterization. NOT doll of the week scenarios. Most liked that. I didn't. #scriptchat
2:02 am BellaVidaLetty: actor is the vessel 4 ur creation @jenlinmcclin does writing with a certain actor in mind help char dev. knowing their talents? #scriptchat
2:02 am PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick Lithgow will always be my favorite, he can make me laugh then scre me silly #scriptchat
2:02 am jeannevb: @karenquah chicken chopping during a chat says a lot about ur char, missy haha #stickyfingers #scriptchat
2:02 am PennyAsh: @BellaVidaLetty Haven't seen that, it's in the theaters isn't it #scriptchat
2:02 am xjaeva: @SuperPennie & I go to school. work. have 2 small children.write nights & mornings. workout at some pt. Time is always an issue! #scriptchat
2:03 am iamJaymes: @pulptone I hated doll of the week, got tiresome. S2 was SO much better but alas damage had already been done. #scriptchat
2:03 am scripteach: Sorry, bouncing in & out. Not the multi=tasker @jeannevb is; can't #CookDIner & #ScriptChat smoothly!
2:03 am pulptone: @BellaVidaLetty That's how I start but then the character progresses into their own and writes themselves. They just talk! #scriptchat
2:03 am Timsn: @Alex_Carrick I claudius was amazing! Caligula -- now there was an amazing character! #scriptchat
2:03 am iamJaymes: @pulptone I still think cancellation was deserved though, I stopped watching a few times during season 1 because it was too slow #scriptchat
2:03 am scripteach: @karenquah chicken chopping during a chat says a lot about ur char, missy haha #stickyfingers #scriptchat (via @jeannevb) See what I mean!?
2:03 am Donna_Carrick: Night, Garner. RT @garnerhaines: Got to get back to that spec that's kicking my ass. Take care, Scripties! #scriptchat
2:03 am mpstack: which comes first? theme, plot, characters? #scriptchat
2:03 am ParkerXL: thanks for having me in my short stay in #scriptchat, guys :) its been interesting, going to read the previous tweets.
2:03 am dawnbierschwal: Off to bake cookies for the kiddies. Lots to digest from tonight's #scriptchat
2:03 am CDominiqueG: @PennyAsh I know what you're talking about, my mum and I just talked about it #scriptchat its called "Ricochet" with Denzel Washington
2:03 am karenquah: @jeannevb chicken chopping during a chat says a lot about ur char, missy haha -yes, it says i can chop chicken & chat *grin* #scriptchat
2:04 am jeannevb: @scripteach I'm running on steam tonight, man. Not multitasking well #scriptchat
2:04 am beingbrad: I think I'll go catch up on @filmutopia's post - then maybe yearn for the transcript from today #scriptchat
2:04 am pulptone: @iamJaymes I'm DVRing now. A "few" left turned into almost 10. Just overall bad marketing/promotion. It got better. #scriptchat
2:04 am Nickinson: @jeannevb Haha thats the coolest thing ever! i might try thats, lol. #scriptchat
2:04 am xjaeva: @SuperPennie damn! I hate to look into a cancelled show :( esp w/ all the good things I hear about it #scriptchat
2:04 am writerjoel: @jenlinmcclin Tony Gilroy! He's amazing. Michael Clayton rocks. Oh, and shout out to Whedon! Oh and Brit-Whedon: Steven Moffat #scriptchat
2:04 am jeannevb: for me, the hook comes 1st, then chars RT @mpstack: which comes first? theme, plot, characters? #scriptchat
2:04 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @PennyAsh Just loved 3rd Rock -- we'd roar over that one.
2:04 am scripteach: does writing with a certain actor in mind help char dev.? #scriptchat (via @BellaVidaLetty) I know lots of people who use this method...
2:04 am CDominiqueG: @iamJaymes its late there... which means the essay should be starting soon ???? #scriptchat
2:04 am Donna_Carrick: Night, Michael. RT @GoldenAgeofGeek: Need to bolt. More work. Great chat as always :) #scriptchat
2:05 am danish_novelist: @pulptone Characters always write themselves if we keep our ears open and our plans in check #scriptchat
2:05 am jenlinmcclin: @mpstack Yikes. I'd say story concept/theme. Chars come in to make it all work. Develop characters on what u want them to do. #scriptchat
2:05 am jeannevb: I'll have it up later RT @beingbrad: Ill go catch up on @filmutopias post - then maybe yearn for the transcript from today #scriptchat
2:05 am iamJaymes: @mpstack Idealistically character, because they're the one you have to deal with day in day out. But depends on the writer. #scriptchat
2:05 am Alex_Carrick: Sometimes when a good-guy actor plays against character as a villain, he/she can be really creepy #scriptchat
2:05 am iamJaymes: @CDominiqueG in theory? *hides* #scriptchat
2:05 am jenlinmcclin: @scripteach For me, it depends on what I'm writing. Sometimes it's clear who I see in role. Other times, not so much. #scriptchat
2:05 am xjaeva: I love participating in the #writechat & #scriptchat. Always find a ton of new and cool writerly ppl to follow
2:06 am moviequill: Remember ur writing for the first reader (agent or intern studio reader) and not Scorsese/Spielberg so need them to move it on #scriptchat
2:06 am melenmelenmelen: Today was my first #scriptchat. Learned a lot from all of you! When are you guys usually on for this?
2:06 am yeah_write: Good night my fellow writers. It's been a great chat. "See" you next week. #scriptchat
2:06 am Alex_Carrick: RT @danish_novelist: @pulptone Characters always write themselves if we keep our ears open and our plans in check #scriptchat
2:06 am jenlinmcclin: EXACTLY!! RT @danish_novelist: @pulptone Characters always write themselves if we keep our ears open and our plans in check #scriptchat
2:06 am CDominiqueG: @Donna_Carrick my fav character on 3rd Rock from the sun was the male alien stuck in the chicks body... #scriptchat
2:06 am pulptone: .@danish_novelist I actually enjoy when I write a scene, the character does their thing, and it ends up going differently. #scriptchat
2:06 am Donna_Carrick: Add location&you've got the A-Team.(Er, not the show, the concept.)
2:06 am jeannevb: As we wind down, think about ur fave films. My bet is the chars ALL developed well, not just the plot #scriptchat
2:06 am yeah_write: @iamJaymes Thanks for stopping in. I hope you enjoyed the chat. #scriptchat
2:06 am KageyNYC: Goodnight #scriptchat friends, real life calls (and it's saying it has to go pee).
2:06 am Timsn: Are you writing for an actor or a character they played? #scriptchat
2:06 am karenquah: @scripteach does writing with a certain actor in mind help char dev.? (via @BellaVidaLetty) -i cast Cusack in everything-ha! #scriptchat
2:06 am CDominiqueG: @iamJaymes *git on and get that essay a writin* #scriptchat
2:06 am pulptone: 9 times out of 10 the scene was better for it! #scriptchat
2:07 am jeannevb: When I finish an outline, I look bk at char dev pages & ask "did I do them justice.. did I miss an opportunity?" #scriptchat
2:07 am Alex_Carrick: Sorry I haven't been here longer, but it's been fun. Must go & see who the Colts will be playing. Thanks @jeannevb #scriptchat
2:07 am Donna_Carrick: It's helping me with my current novel. < RT @scripteach: certain actor in mind help char dev.? #scriptchat (via @BellaVidaLetty)
2:07 am iamJaymes: @yeah_write I did, will try to make it next week. Can't promise though, bit late. :) #scriptchat
2:07 am Donna_Carrick: She 'rocked'! RT @CDominiqueG: fav character on 3rd Rock from the sun was the male alien stuck in the chicks body... #scriptchat
2:07 am markezrastokes: Aw man, missed #scriptchat again! If only twitter had an interactive tivo.
2:07 am karenquah: @jeannevb i'm thinking Michael Corleone -The Godfather & Nicholson's character in Chinatown #favemovies #scriptchat
2:07 am pulptone: Great chat tonight. My first time here. The hour flew by. Learned alot and much was reinforced. Thank you! #scriptchat
2:08 am jeannevb: @Alex_Carrick night.. give @Donna_Carrick a peck for me ;) #scriptchat
2:08 am Timsn: I need to go. Loved #scriptchat tonight. Let us know about next week! #scriptchat
2:08 am JasonDalBianco: I friggin loved A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, but my heart won't let me give 100% because of the evil main character. I feel guilt. :( #scriptchat
2:08 am pulptone: @jeannevb thank you for moderating and everything else! #scriptchat
2:08 am CDominiqueG: @pulptone thats always good, you end up with better, more original characters that way rather than confining them to a blueprint #scriptchat
2:08 am jeannevb: AMEN! RT @karenquah: @jeannevb im thinking Michael Corleone -The Godfather & Nicholsons character in Chinatown #favemovies #scriptchat
2:08 am Nickers669: @mpstack For me characters come 1st if you dont have a storyline for them you can easily pop them in a drawer til they want out #scriptchat
2:08 am jolenejahnke: @melenmelenmelen Glad you could join in. We're here everyday Sunday 8pm EST. #scriptchat
2:08 am yeah_write: @pulptone Join us every Sunday. Thanks for your input. #scriptchat
2:08 am BellaVidaLetty: lol i watch all his movies ;) @karenquah @scripteach doeswriting actor in mind help dev.? -i cast Cusack in everything-ha! #scriptchat
2:09 am Donna_Carrick: LOL for real! < RT @KageyNYC: Goodnight #scriptchat friends, real life calls (and it's saying it has to go pee).
2:09 am Nickinson: Ok, I'm going to attend the next #scriptchat doing to much right now. But it was a pleasure talking and being here with you all. Night(:
2:09 am melenmelenmelen: Certain actors: I usually write with a few voices/faces in mind. I like hearing their voices for dialogue. #scriptchat
2:09 am jeannevb: @pulptone it's been WONDERFUL having u here! U need to stop by more often. Hoping to get u addicted to us. #scriptchat
2:09 am pulptone: @yeah_write I will try! Thank you! #scriptchat
2:09 am jeannevb: @pulptone besides I need another WWII movie fan to join me :) #scriptchat
2:09 am xjaeva: #scriptchat My evil character right now is dull and cliche. I'm hoping revisions will make him pop
2:09 am PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick I almost always have an actor in mind for a character :) #scriptchat
2:09 am Donna_Carrick: RT @Alex_Carrick: RT @danish_novelist: @pulptone Chars always write themselves if we keep our ears open and our plans in check #scriptchat
2:09 am melenmelenmelen: @jolenejahnke Sweet! Thanks! I plan to be here often! #scriptchat
2:10 am pulptone: @jeannevb It might be hard to get rid of me. Really. So much reinforcement. Very positive feedback. #scriptchat
2:10 am JasonDalBianco: @LisaFromNYC I love me some eye candy, but I'm old enough to know the deeper the flavor the better the candy! #scriptchat
2:10 am karenquah: @BellaVidaLetty lol i watch all his movies --then you won't think me mad if i tell you i cast joan in everything too-haha. #scriptchat
2:10 am pulptone: @jeannevb oh I'd talk WWII for hours. That entire period. I'm the guy that wrote an issue around a USO benefit! #scriptchat
2:10 am danish_novelist: @pulptone That's exactly why I can't write outlines for scripts and novels. There are too many things I don't know #scriptchat
2:10 am xjaeva: @SuperPennie haha...that's a way of looking at it. I consider everything research now! #scriptchat
2:11 am jeannevb: @xjaeva my ant is pure evil, yet found a way to show a human side. Brought out so many layers & role will attract actor #scriptchat
2:11 am PennyAsh: @jenlinmcclin It's about the only series I make sure I watch :) Read the books too, 2 different yet the same Dexters #scriptchat
2:11 am Donna_Carrick: Sometimes a real persona, too. < RT @PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick I almost always have an actor in mind for a character :) #scriptchat
2:11 am jeannevb: @pulptone cool beans. I LOVE war/historical films #scriptchat
2:11 am iamJaymes: anyone from #scriptchat who are now following me, please tweet me if I don't automatically follow back :) #scriptchat
2:12 am writerjoel: @xjaeva does your villain have a want? or does he/she just like "eviling"? #scriptchat
2:12 am iamJaymes: @xjaeva Why are they evil? #scriptchat
2:12 am karenquah: @danish_novelist @pulptone outlines i can only do (4 ppl who insist on having them) once i've written the damn thing. #scriptchat
2:12 am jeannevb: that's our plan :)RT @pulptone: @jeannevb It might be hard to get rid of me. So much reinforcement. Very positive feedback. #scriptchat
2:13 am authorViviAnna: and remember evil characters don't think they are evil #scriptchat they are the heroes of their own stories
2:13 am xjaeva: @iamJaymes @writerjoel revenge on a family that vanquished his powers now is using them to bring him back to power #scriptchat
2:13 am jeannevb: @xjaeva look back into his/her childhood & see if u can find some backstory that wld add layers to lose the cliche #scriptchat
2:13 am yeah_write: Great #scriptchat tonight. Now I have to get some writing done. Can't aspire to WGA without writing.
2:13 am BellaVidaLetty: its interesting 2C how others get their stories done @Donna_Carrick It's helping me with my current novel. certainActorhelp dev? #scriptchat
2:13 am jenlinmcclin: RT @authorViviAnna: and remember evil characters dont think they are evil #scriptchat they are the heroes of their own stories #scriptchat
2:13 am writerjoel: #scriptchat has been fun! My first "attendance". I recommend it to writers everywhere #scriptchat
2:13 am jeannevb: Hard for me to keep up w my @'s during chat, so plz forgive me if I missed ur tweets #scriptchat
2:14 am melenmelenmelen: @Donna_Carrick I have one of my childhood friends as a protagonist in my spec. She's going against an A-lister! #scriptchat
2:14 am ThoughtfulPen: RT @authorViviAnna: and remember evil characters don't think they are evil #scriptchat they are the heroes of their own stories
2:14 am PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick Oh yeah, and sometimes I mix them together to make a character #scriptchat
2:14 am jeannevb: *curtsy* so glad u found us RT @writerjoel: #scriptchat has been fun! My first "attendance" I recommend it to writers everywhere #scriptchat
2:14 am karenquah: @iamJaymes am following you because you are "a therapist's wet dream" - haha #scriptchat
2:14 am jeannevb: @writerjoel we have a blog & post all transcripts: www.scriptchat.blogspot.com #scriptchat
2:14 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat BTW got my 2nd installment of "Two Good Hands" posted, "Bad Habits": http://bit.ly/2T181v myster series.
2:14 am jeannevb: NEW CHATTERS: dont forget to follow @scriptchat as well for deets #scriptchat
2:14 am mpstack: For me, if I already have a plot and a theme, characters grow organically. Character is last but I spend the most time on it. #scriptchat
2:15 am iamJaymes: @xjaeva hm, give him a hobby or a loved one he wants to protect from everyone. Villain weaknesses can be character strengths. #scriptchat
2:15 am Donna_Carrick: I've done that too! < RT @PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick Oh yeah, and sometimes I mix them together to make a character #scriptchat
2:15 am jenlinmcclin: Best villains carry us on a knife's edge of humanity. Whitaker as Amin, Waltz in Basterds. You don't know what's in their mind. #scriptchat
2:15 am mpstack: I've even gone so far as to interview my antagonist. #scriptchat
2:15 am BellaVidaLetty: signing off now #scriptchat Have a great night. i really enjoyed today's topic.
2:16 am PennyAsh: @garnerhaines LOL I'm probably close to that :) #teambanzai #scriptchat
2:16 am Nickers669: @PennyAsh I've just started reading the 2nd one, the tv series has left so much out! #scriptchat
2:16 am jenlinmcclin: RT @mpstack: If I already have a plot/theme, characters grow organically. Character is last but spend the most time on it. #scriptchat
2:16 am iamJaymes: @xjaeva Happy to help xD #scriptchat
2:16 am Donna_Carrick: When you 'cast' a friend, your love for char comes thru. RT @melenmelenmelen: one of my friends as a protagonist in my spec. #scriptchat
2:16 am JasonDalBianco: I got tacos and other fixins need cookin. Later! If you smelled a fart in the room, IT WAS ME! #scriptchat
2:16 am karenquah: @BellaVidaLetty nice chatting with you. have a great night! #scriptchat
2:16 am purelycarrie: @karenquah I most often do outline after ... but I finc myself in new waters for class. Am adjusting outline first, then rewrite.#scriptchat
2:16 am writerjoel: @xjaeva respect your villain's want and make his every move with that goal. He doesn't drown a puppy unless it gets him his want #scriptchat
2:16 am jeannevb: Our hour is up, but I want to thank all of our regulars & welcome the newbies! Transcript l8r at www.scriptchat.blogspot.com #scriptchat
2:17 am PennyAsh: @CDominiqueG Yep that's it, Lithgow plays a great psycho #scriptchat
2:17 am jeannevb: If u didnt get a chance to read @filmutopia's blog (inspiration for tonight's chat), plz do: http://bit.ly/8Yqo6p #scriptchat
2:17 am CheekyWench: RT @jeannevb: NEW CHATTERS: dont forget to follow @scriptchat as well for deets #scriptchat
2:17 am davincidiva: I'm thinking of going for a week to Sedona alone 2 finally finish my screenplay, Jan 29-Feb 5. Problem: then I'd have 2 DO it. #scriptchat
2:17 am authorViviAnna: as always great chat , great info sharing #scriptchat
2:18 am Donna_Carrick: I'd never openly cast someone I dislike as villian, too malicious. #scriptchat But I've done it privately -helps to loathe him/her!
2:18 am PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick LOL yeah and Harry and the Hendersons too, he's a great actor #scriptchat
2:18 am jeannevb: @CheekyWench u brought someone to us tonight, didn't u? THought I saw that fly by the screen ;) #scriptchat
2:19 am davincidiva: RT @mpstack: I've even gone so far as to interview my antagonist. #scriptchat ->great idea for an exercise.
2:19 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat And it often helps to humanize the villian, too, by casting an acquaintance or actor.
2:19 am karenquah: Thanks Jeanne & co. xoxo RT @jeannevb Our hour is up, but I want to thank all of our regulars & welcome the newbies! #scriptchat
2:19 am PennyAsh: @Donna_Carrick My latest is based on a friend and an actor since I don't know what the friend looks like lol #scriptchat
2:19 am xjaeva: @writerjoel why are bad ppl so goal oriented? lol #scriptchat
2:19 am purelycarrie: I am late to #scriptchat I'm in trouble. Can I extend it for an HOUR? Schedule thrown off today because of community service ...
2:19 am melenmelenmelen: @Donna_Carrick LOL at villain casting! My villains tend to be parts about myself that I don't like, amplified and in human form. #scriptchat
2:19 am karenquah: @purelycarrie hate hate hate outlines. #scriptchat
2:19 am mpstack: Note to se;f...learn to speed read for next #scriptchat
2:20 am jeannevb: @karenquah it is this pimp's pleasure to serve our chat community *tips fedora* #scriptchat
2:20 am RockingtheRobin: R @Donna_Carrick: I'd never openly cast someone I dislike as villian, 2 malicious #scriptchat But I've done it privately -helps 2 loathe him
2:20 am Donna_Carrick: A great mix! < RT @PennyAsh: My latest is based on a friend and an actor since I don't know what the friend looks like lol #scriptchat
2:20 am yeah_write: If you missed any part of Euro or US #scriptchat you can read the transcript at www.scriptchat.blogspot.com
2:20 am PennyAsh: @karenquah Me too, sucks all the life out of a story #scriptchat
2:20 am danish_novelist: @karenquah Me, too. That's exactly why I didn't continue writing scripts. Everybody wanted outlines. Shit! :-) #scriptchat
2:21 am jeannevb: Thanks again for ur loyal participation. The scriptchat treefort team of myself, @yeah_write, @zacsanford & @kagynyc thk u #scriptchat
2:21 am melenmelenmelen: @xjaeva Re: bad people being goal oriented. Wow, you're right. Villains always know exactly what they want. #scriptchat
2:21 am PennyAsh: @Nickers669 Yes. I love the books more than the series really, it's truer to reality #scriptchat
2:21 am Wookiesgirl: RT @yeah_write: If you missed any part of Euro or US #scriptchat you can read the transcript at www.scriptchat.blogspot.com
2:21 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat @PennyAsh Of all things, I have a persona from a reality TV show in mind as I write my MC. Really like him!
2:21 am purelycarrie: @PennyAsh Friend and actor mix has got to best combination for a character #scriptchat
2:21 am yeah_write: It really goes fast. But you can read the transcript. RT @mpstack: Note to se;f...learn to speed read for next #scriptchat
2:21 am jeannevb: oops... that's @KageyNYC.. .left out the "e" #scriptchat
2:22 am Donna_Carrick: RT @yeah_write: It really goes fast. But you can read the transcript. RT @mpstack: Note to se;f...learn to speed read for next #scriptchat
2:22 am mpstack: outlines -I use a template with all the scenes and plot points marked. Then I just fill it in. Helps with structure and pace. #scriptchat
2:22 am melenmelenmelen: @karenquah I used to hate outlines, but I write detailed ones for scripts now. Can't proceed without 'em! #scriptchat
2:23 am jeannevb: Pulling transcript now. Let's hope wthashtag comes through *crosses fingers* #scriptchat
2:23 am Donna_Carrick: Thanks to you all! < RT @jeannevb: Thanks again for ur loyal participation. , @yeah_write, @zacsanford & @kagynyc thk u #scriptchat
2:23 am karenquah: @danish_novelist I know. Sux bad. Especially in TV - everyone wants outlines, treatments first -WTF. Creativity down the toilet! #scriptchat
2:23 am jeannevb: Btw, the EURO chat today was GREAT! I highly recommend u all read EURO's transcripts on our blog too. http://bit.ly/4dvyXH #scriptchat
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