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#Scriptchat Transcript with @TheBechdelGroup #womeininfilm October 30, 2016
We talked with The Bechdel Group tonight about putting your script through The Bechdel Test, creating compelling female characters and more. Enjoy!
- It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK with guest @TheBechdelGroup. Best site to chat from is here: …
- *lurks in a dark #scriptchat corner & randomly throws Halloween candies at everybody*
- @simone257 Hehehe ;) #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 FUN SIZE! :-)) #scriptchat
- @simone257 Aww thanks Simone! *grabs some candy* #scriptchat
- Let's get the #womeninfilm conversation started! #scriptchat
- How is everyone? #scriptchat
- HEllo all you happy people. #scriptchat
- Best site to participate is here: … #scriptchat
- Time for the weekly #scriptchat! Follow the hashtag, join the conversation! #filmmaking #writers #supportindiefilm …
- @simone257 I'm stealing all the candy. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 Q: And what can male writers learn by writing female characters? #scriptchat
- bottle of wine, open to #scriptchat and ready to answer questions @TheBechdelGroup
- We are so excited to talk scripts with all of you! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Ha, good luck with that! I turn into an actual monster when people steal my candy!!! #scriptchat
- Wow, looks like I figured out the time zone change correctly. Hey guys! #scriptchat
- we're thinking... #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup let's refresh people's memory as to what The Bechdel Test is. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely Hey Kriss! *waves* #scriptchat
- @moneymakermj Hey M.J.! *waves* #scriptchat
- Such great questions! #scriptchat
- Helped co-host a panel too. #scriptchat
- Really busy birthday for me. Shocked it's just about over already. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 Happy Birthday David! Hope you're having an amazing one, and it's not over yet! #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 Hey mate! #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 You've definitely had a busy day! #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely Hey Kriss! Great to see you here, as always! #scriptchat
- @filmwriter4 interesting question. Our male writers run the gamut from amazing to mother/daughter porn stars. #scriptchat
- Hey #scriptchat folks! Happy Sunday!
- @TheBechdelGroup Wow. Very interesting. #scriptchat
- The best advice is to think about how the women in your life talk. #scriptchat
- Bechdel Test: Somewhere in the script … 1. two female characters 2. who have names 3. speak to each other... #scriptchat
- I think I'm going to have to play Devil's Advocate tonight, because I'm a bit of a Bechdel-skeptic. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel Hey Megan! *waves* #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @TheBechdelGroup here's some of what we've learned from submissions... … #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 Hapoy birthday! #scriptchat
- ... 4. about something other than their romantic relationships 5. for the entirety of at least a complete scene/conversation #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Rememba when women had great roles? (Silence of the lambs, Gloria, All about eve) Yeah I rememba...
- Women are deeper than trying to get men. In any room that has two of us, we are likely to be talking to each other... #scriptchat
- Well that's just about every story I've written. #scriptchat
- ...unless the cameras are rolling. #scriptchat
- We've been talking a lot lately about what it means to write someone else's experience. #scriptchat
- Of course many men write great female characters, but the first step is to stop thinking of them as female characters. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup That's been #scriptchat
- No joke - hearing about the Bechdel test was one of the things that motivated me to start writing screenplays #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup Introing female characters (the sexist, patronizing way done many times) is something I strive not to do #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely We'd love to hear more about your thoughts #scriptchat
- @megankbickel that's great! #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 *throws you an extra load of candies for fighting the good fight* #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup I keep in mind never to describe what they wear, their hair, outer features, etc. Just actions in the scene #scriptchat
- @simone257 Thanks Simone! :) #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 we get so many genres, but the biggest thing we see, both passing and not, is stories of abuse #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup I'm actually not against the principle of the test, I'm just against the test itself... (1/2) #scriptchat
- Which might be a factor of women trying to reclaim their voices #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @simone257 And I seriously want there to be more female writers for my web series. It would definitely help. #scriptchat
- Think of a character past their gender. Are they an introvert or an extrovert? A brain, a bruiser, a dreamer, a doer? #scriptchat
- Lots of time the abuse comes from a position of power. Therapists, parents, husbands. #scriptchat
- Basically, the same process for any character. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup ...because it's yet another HORRIBLE screenwriting formula that people will cling to like STC. (2/2) #scriptchat
- The craziest script we've received was a story of a lesbian serial killer who killed her dates with pie. Seriously. #scriptchat
- In the female-driven action-comedy I just finished (finally!), I was focused on BT through the process. #scriptchat …
- @TheBechdelGroup I don't pay attention to gender in my writing, mainly due to my poor writing and social skills #scriptchat
- I'm not sure it's a formula #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup I heard a story on NPR about it and I thought "if that has to be a thing, there's a problem - I should write" #scriptchat
- A good writer should be passing the Bechdel Test without having to think about it. Failing is the first sign you aren't ready. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely the bechdel test wasn't ever meant to be a test. It came from a comic strip in the 1980s #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely That is true. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb ...even in the baseball screenplay I wrote last year, I thought about that a lot. It should be more the norm. #scriptchat
- You should be able to pass the test without trying to pass the test. #scriptchat
- As a theoretical exercise, I've tried coming up with a movie that passes the BT in letter but not spirit #scriptchat
- Two women going to the movies and one says to the other that she only sees movie with 2 fem chars who both have names and have #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup I'm well aware of the origin, I just feel like it's become too big and misused in the film world. #scriptchat
- a conversation not about a man. The date says that's hard. And she says, "yes, the last movie I saw was Alien." #scriptchat
- Like, if you can't figure out how women speak and think, you really have no business being a writer of fiction. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup That test is something I also need to keep in mind during my writing. #scriptchat
- Get those series written folks... Netflix is going to be buying... :) #tvwriterchat #scriptchat #ukscriptwriters
- @emissary666 we get scripts all the time that pass in letter but not spirit. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely As I said. You should be able to pass the test without passing the test. #scriptchat
- @Storygeeks good to know, thanks Jeff. I was working on a pitch for them. #scriptchat
- It is flooring though how many movies produced do not pass the test. #scriptchat
- Trying to pass the test I mean. #scriptchat
- @moneymakermj That's just sad. #scriptchat
- I always thought it was 2 female characters talking about something OTHER than men/romantic relationships/boyfriends/husbands #scriptchat …
- @Secretoriginz Exactly. I don’t mention fashion, hair, body, etc. when I introduce characters. #scriptchat
- How hard is it to have two named women with interests outside of men? #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 exactly. I genuinely believe that the best use of the test is that if you can't pass, you aren't ready. #scriptchat
- Update: 2016 Award Season Screenplay Downloads - 5 new scripts, 19 total! #screenwriting #scriptchat
- Porn - a script about a mother and daughter porn star team. The characters are flat and vapid and caricatures of women. #scriptchat
- And lets remember that tons of movies make huge profits without passing the test. #scriptchat
- Almost everything I write has a female lead, and I'm always astounded when people find it weird that they aren't chasing men... #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup Related: Anything you don't wanna read when it comes to sexually (very) active fem characters? #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup Tons of movies make huge profits with terrible scripts about worthless characters. Bay's Transformers anyone? #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 No I mean the female characters discussing it. Its inherently superficial. #scriptchat
- It's not a formula for making money or selling scripts, it's a formula for making sure women are considered as human beings #scriptchat
- Though, movies that pass do statistically tend to bring a higher rate of return to investors #scriptchat
- @Secretoriginz Speaking of which, that's making me reconsider this latest script I'm writing... #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup Which should be a basic capability of even a beginning writers. #scriptchat
- Women like watching real women on screen. And we buy at least half of the movie tickets in the world. #scriptchat
- If you're in NYC, @TheBechdelGroup does script readings w/ local actors … #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @TheBechdelGroup Profit is just a matter of how much it cost and how well they dragged in viewer #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup How can TV series/web/streaming series benefit from implementing the test? #scriptchat
- We tell our writers that it's okay not to pass, we just want you to think about why you aren't passing and have a good reason. #scriptchat
- I have no issue with applying the Bechdel Test to what I write. It's one of many valuable tools used during rewrite. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup as I said, I consider it a test of how good a writer you are. If you can't pass easily, you can't write. Period #scriptchat
- Could that smaller doctor role be played by a woman instead of a man? #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup And how can they apply the standards of the test when developing the show's concept/characters? #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup and I think the more we write, the more the market gets flooded w/ scripts that pass, it becomes a norm #scriptchat
- #HacksawRidge probably doesn't pass, but it's still going to be an interesting story. And it's important to make a decision... #scriptchat
- #scriptchat What's the test when the woman is home crying and she's talking to her husband/boyfriend who drives the story forward
- @filmwritr4 ironically, something I meant to ask you about! #scriptchat
- ...instead of just not considering the women at all. #scriptchat
- @GCGeek where have you been?! Welcome back! #scriptchat
- Amen! I might account for 1/3 of all ticket sales alone...#scriptchat …
- I'm curious about everyone's opinion of the Mako Mori test … #scriptchat
- .@femscriptintros demonstrates how thin/reductive female characters can be in just a log line. Focus on sexuality/attractiveness #scriptchat
- @emissary666 I love how the actual test isn't included on that page #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 the most interesting and tough conversations are about why characters are male instead of female and... #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Cheers, Jeanne! It's been a long, long sidetrip with stories of their own. But I'm back. :-) #scriptchat
- @GCGeek @femscriptintros <---- That's why I never write female character intros that way. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 This is a personal pet peeve for me. Why specify gender unnecessarily? No name, no gender, Simple #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Actually, it is, under the big bold "Proper Noun". If you want, I could link a much longer article #scriptchat
- ...what are we allowed to write? We had a cisgender woman write a piece about a transgender woman and the convo was fascinating #scriptchat
- Totally fascinating part of writing - this choice #scriptchat …
- @GCGeek I need to do the same. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 This can backfire though -- no name/gender --> default is male. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 No, I think I look enough like an idiot for not seeing something right in my face, thank you #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 Agreed. And same with race. If it doesn't matter, why lock something in? #scriptchat
- @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 that all comes down to who's casting it. And attitudes are changing fast. #scriptchat
- @simone257 @chasinglamely @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 We're fighting against the default! #scriptchat
- @simone257 @chasinglamely @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 I feel like that happens with race too - you don't say = white #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 Yeah, optimist in me thinks that too, but pessimist thinks better safe than sorry. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 absolutely. If the character is "Florist#7" I just want the person who can sell roses the best. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 check out @GDIGM has stats on women in TV / film... the See Jane PSA … #scriptchat
- @anicat Awesome Kristin! *hugs* Great to see you here, and glad you're at the party! #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @simone257 @chasinglamely @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 Even saying can still result in white. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 the mako mori test is also a good one. I like when every main char has their own unique arc. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 but if you do, you're just continuing an outdated standard. #scriptchat
- @GCGeek would love to see some of the old #scriptchat gang come back for a reunion one night.
- But scripts have enough trouble passing the bechdel test. #scriptchat
- If you can't get your female lead female friends, how are you going to get her an arc of her own? #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @simone257 @chasinglamely having women as major drivers is fighting the default? we're 50% of the population #scriptchat
- @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 Personal opinion? A pessimistic writer is an unsuccessful one. We're in the hope biz. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 meaning, if we write in gender/race we are perpetuating the standard? #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely A pessimist in your writing is different than a pessimist about your writing. About=no success, In=interesting #scriptchat
- Fun story: I once wrote a screenplay where I specified no genders and races. All names were gender neutral. People weren't lost. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @chasinglamely @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 There's a difference. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely Well, minorities have been hoping for representation for a long time. Sometimes, you need to act. @SarahAlexis4 #scriptchat
- #scriptchat .... i have always thought that a womens place is in the house and in the senate!
- A female protagonist can have a different perspective from a male one. She often does. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 in a sense yes. You don't see act breaks very often anymore, do you? #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup Why does a female need female friends for her own arc? #scriptchat
- And it goes past sexual interest. #scriptchat
- What's your favorite movie to watch on #Halloween? (Tweet us if it's not listed here!) #screenwriting #scriptchat
- @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup Why does a female need female friends for her own arc? #scriptchat they can be enemies... but not over man.
- @simone257 @SarahAlexis4 sometimes. But sometimes you need to stop acting and quietly tidy your own house. Others will follow. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 Sorry for the confusion.They don't have to be friends...just commenting on if you can't get her into a conversation #scriptchat
- @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup I wrote a story of almost all female protagonists and antagonists. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 Scream passes the Bechdel Test #scriptchat
- It had nothing to do with love. It had to do with control over ancient technology. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 but did that happen b/c H'wood stopped or writers did? Chicken/egg #scriptchat
- @ScriptAnatomy What's your favorite movie to watch on #Halloween? #screenwriting #scriptchat Hocus Pocus … #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @simone257 @TheBechdelGroup @SarahAlexis4 Hollywood can't do anything without us. We're the essential elements. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup Again, why would a female need other females (friends or foe) for her own arc? #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup Me too. Was told no one would buy b/c of it.Sigh. Keep writing them though. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup Because people are scared to death of being labeled a Smurfette writer. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @Al_1701 @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup This was a guilty pleasure MLP fanfiction. Used G2 ch #scriptchat
- @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup @megankbickel How would a female-centered action film do w/o male love interest? #scriptchat
- characters. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 She doesn't need other females for an arc. The point is that adding other females is fairly easy, arcs are hard. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup @megankbickel Fine. Look at Aliens. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup @megankbickel Not as well as you'd hope. Look at Salt. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup @megankbickel I should check that out. #scriptchat
- Characters need something. Needing someone else is a pretty easy go-to #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @moneymakermj @emissary666 @TheBechdelGroup @megankbickel great question... start writing! ;-) #scriptchat
- Plus it's understandably validating, having someone love you back. But it leads to "trophy" characters, which I don't like #scriptchat
- @blueneumann that's something I hate. Romance as a crutch. Chase a dream, not a person. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely One script I'm working on is literally about that. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @blueneumann Needing someone doesn't necessarily have to be romance, though it is the easiest way to write it #scriptchat
- @blueneumann yes, but there are tons of interesting movies without classic love interests. Reservoir Dogs. Usual Suspects. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann for me, 99% of scripts should be about that. Chase the dream first. If you get the girl along the way, it's B story #scriptchat
- Why does it work with all men, but not with all women? #scriptchat
- Here's an interesting test. Have a female protagonist with a romantic subplot that doesn't take over the story. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @chasinglamely I gotta finish it. Lots of little working parts in it, lots of characters and plots. #scriptchat
- Value of #bechdeltest is so obvious to me that debating it feels a little like 1987 Women'sStudies. But I'm in a bad mood. #scriptchat
- @emissary666 @blueneumann the easiest way is almost always the worst way. If you want an easy path, get a McJob. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @emissary666 I'm not advocating it, I'm just saying why writers depend on it. I can never do the "easy" thing #scriptchat
- data sets from @GDIGM "The Invisible Woman: Female Characters Not Seen or Heard" … @TheBechdelGroup #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 The Smurfette trope is a single female character surrounded by almost exclusively male characters. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely I will. I should probably bounce some thoughts off @filmwritr4 at some point #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup In theory, it does work with all women, given a good script. #scriptchat
- She's just there to be "the girl." #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @Al_1701 @emissary666 You know how Smurfette was the only female Smurf, but did all the childcare and cleaning? #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 That's another thing I need to think about when writing my series. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @Al_1701 The Smurfette Principle is essentially the token female … #scriptchat
- @RLSoo I totally agree. Why do we are still need this conversation? I had a friend say to me, "but then what would women say?" #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 There should be more female characters, not just a token female. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 It's easy to make a character asexual. Keeping romance as a subplot is a challenge. #scriptchat
- G.I. Jane - "Suck my dick" passes #theBechdelTest … #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 It would be great to do a series/film without a romantic subplot or male "mentor" char #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @filmwritr4 @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 disagree. I've never seen a good asexual character. Clearly it's a challenge. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @emissary666 So interesting. As I kid I totally wanted to be Smurfette, which is why this is important and dangerous. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @Al_1701 @TheBechdelGroup @emissary666 The only thing stopping you is your imagination, Chris... #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 writing one right now, woohoo! :-) #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup @RLSoo I have been repeatedly stunned by need for this sort of thing. Seems like it shouldn't be needed.#scriptchat
- It goes back to what messages are we putting out with our writing. If you became a screenwriter because you have something to/ #scriptchat
- I've said it before, something I'd love to see: all women gangster movie. Scorcese style, very trope-y, all women. #scriptchat
- @simone257 while you're tweeting, I'm eating all your candy. #scriptchat
- One challenge I did bump up against was that im@so tired of certain themes being written from false woman-voice @TheBechdelGroup #ScriptChat
- @blueneumann I'm working on one still. It's going ot happen if I have to shoot it myself. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb *unleashes THE MONSTER* #scriptchat
- @RLSoo @TheBechdelGroup I don't even understand what 'woman-voice' is. Have you guys got a secret language you're hiding? #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely I'd LOVE to read it. #scriptchat
- F5: Blue Book Prices Going Up November 1st! Get them today while they're cheap! … #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @RLSoo @TheBechdelGroup It's more of a series of distinct smells and burps #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Remember Bad Girls with Drew Barrymore and Madeline Stowe? #scriptchat
- That I wanted to write from honest woman-voice, including sex/love/parenting but very act can be construed @TheBechdelGroup #scriptchat
- @blueneumann as soon as it's done, you're my first eyes :) #scriptchat
- As less urgent/feminist @TheBechdelGroup #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @TheBechdelGroup Bad Girls is western … - #scriptchat
- That I wanted to write from honest woman-voice, including sex/love/parenting but very act can be construed TheBechdelGroup #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Wind Whistler from G1 My Little Pony. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Basically every character that Gillian Anderson played... #scriptchat
- @RLSoo @TheBechdelGroup call me a misogynist, but I actually think feminism can be bad in film. Especially third-wave ideals. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 The women from OITNB are all different, interesting and compelling. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Jane Doe (Blindspot), Annalise Keating (How To Get Away With Murder), Alex Parrish (Quantico) #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @RLSoo @TheBechdelGroup The point is equal treatment. Not revenge and resentment. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely Interesting, why so? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Toni Collette: United States of Tara. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Thirteen in House. One of the best-rounded characters ever on TV, male or female. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @chasinglamely @RLSoo Yes, bringing it back to center is more important than swinging the pendulum. #scriptchat
- I like Strange Empire and Wynonna Earp & … on #netflix Canadian series #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely @SarahAlexis4 Been so long since I've seen House, but I need to revisit Thirteen #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Tatiana Maslany in all of her characters on Orphan Black. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I'm going with the classic: Ellen Ripley. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Kimberly Joyce in Pretty Persuasion. If you haven't seen it, WATCH IT! #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup because seeking to make women more equally represented by force will turn people away. #scriptchat
- Lorelai and Rory Gilmore were also two of the very best characters ever written. Gilmore Girls was awesome in every way. #scriptchat
- Laura from LittleHousePrairie/ OneDayAtATime, Melissa-30Something, girl in OdeToBillyJoe,younger sister/Transparent SarahAlexis4 #scriptchat
- Not sure what our topic is next week yet. @authorJamie is moderating. Stay tuned! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 One more! Mireille Enos as Sarah Linden in The Killing. #scriptchat
- *blows a kiss* Good night everybody. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @TheBechdelTest @SarahAlexis4 Thanks for being with us, and thanks for answering all of our questions! :) #scriptchat
- Pretty Persuasion is a great flick, every character is interesting and entertaining to watch. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @TheBechdelTest @SarahAlexis4 Really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us! #scriptchat
- Learn how to make a web series and why creating a web series will advance your career. #scriptchat #screenwriting...
- @Al_1701 *blows a kiss back* Good night! #scriptchat
- I'll get the transcript up as soon as I can. Thanks, everyone! #scriptchat
- (It's Evan Rachel Wood too, for you Westworld fans) #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @SarahAlexis4 you really do. The fact that he reduces her to a number from the start is excellent foreshadowing. #scriptchat
- This was so much fun! Thank you for having us!!! #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup You're very welcome! Really enjoyed it! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Having an embarrassingly hard time w/ this ? Because I'm a scifi/fantasy person...Hermione? Rei? Yikes... #scriptchat
- @jeannevb *hands you some candies for moderating* #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 25 days to go. I've already booked it off work. Actually, I called in sick. My boss understood immediately. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @SarahAlexis4 Oh my god, raised on SF. The idea that women aren't equal in other dramas was mind blowing. #scriptchat
- @TheBechdelGroup thanks for being here. Sorry for being the Devil's Advocate! #scriptchat
- @megankbickel @SarahAlexis4 Why is it so hard to get Hermione and Ron's little sister in a conversation? #scriptchat
- Good night all you fabulous #scriptchat people! Great discussion! Thank you @TheBechdelGroup !!
- @chasinglamely we need a devils advocate to keep us on point. Thank you! #scriptchat
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