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#Scriptchat Transcript Tim Schildberger @timschildberger - September 11, 2016
Award-winning screenwriter Tim Schildberger @timschildberger - TOPIC: The power of the live read in the writing process.
- IT’S #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK w/ @timschildberger on power of live table read in writing process. Chat instructions here: …
- Hello! Thanks for inviting me! #scriptchat
- Hi everybody! #scriptchat
- @scriptchat @timschildberger Very timely topic for me. I'm planning one of these for later this month. #scriptchat
- #Filmmaker Richard Linklater discusses #writing and #directing Boyhood. #scriptchat #film
- .@timschildberger wrote a great piece for @scriptmag on table reads. Read it after the chat … #scriptchat
- With friends @JonFour? Or in a larger room? #scriptchat
- Hi everybody! I missed you guys last week! Also thanks for joining us @timschildberger! #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Q: Should you do a table read upon every draft? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger watch for people tweeting out with a "Q" at the front of their tweet. #scriptchat
- Greetings! Happy Sunday! ☀️ #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter Hey Annette! *waves* Welcome! #scriptchat
- It's useful at several stages. Often throwing the first 30 of half an idea up shows you if it's worth pursuing. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Still looking into the cast. Probably some friends and some actors. #scriptchat
- Earlier is better - later - when you think you're close - it can mess with your head a little, or confirm your awesomeness. #scriptchat
- Allo allo #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Q: what's the best way to find actors for the read? #scriptchat
- Chris - too many table reads with the same people muddies the water. People remember old drafts. #scriptchat
- I've never had an opportunity to do a table read, though most people who read my stuff tell me they start reading it out loud. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger I hear you. Totally understand. #scriptchat
- Jeanne - do I try and include people's twitter names, or are first names good enough? :) #scriptchat
- @timschildberger I did do a table read w/my writers' group a while back. Was very, very helpful in my writing. #scriptchat
- Sarah - actors you know are easiest, and don't get to stressed about making sure they're 'perfect'. #scriptchat
- Q: How much prep time do you give actors? I've had cases ranging from 1 week to none, all in the same read. #scriptchat
- Hello all you happy people. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger if you hit the arrow button to the right of the tweet, it'll add the person's name who asked the question. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger but first names are fine #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 Hey David! *waves* Welcome! #scriptchat
- J Gideon - that's entirely up to you. Some actors love a cold read - good practice. Some freak. Prep usually helps. #scriptchat
- @jgsarantinos Hey Gideon! *waves* Welcome! #scriptchat
- Sorry I'm late. I'm still a bit excited over the Lion's game. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Thanks Jeanne! :) #scriptchat
- Personally, I think table reads bring each and every character to life. If not, time to kill some of your darlings... #scriptchat
- hey all, late but here. :P #scriptchat
- @Angie_Lavallee glad you made it. We're talking table reads with @timschildberger as our guest #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter I agree - if a character sucks in a read - it's usually the fault of the words, not the actor! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @Angie_Lavallee @timschildberger sweet. How do we get a table read.. by entering or cold calling? #scriptchat
- Q: Do you read in your own table read? I've never done one, but just finished my first script and would like to try it. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Scene descriptions and dialogue...without question. Too much description kills the vibe. #scriptchat
- Be sure to follow @timschildberger’s other account, @liveReadLA for more live read information #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 If the description confuses an audience, imagine how a reader feels. And bad dialogue is super obvious. #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman Try to avoid reading first time. You want distance, objectivity and perspective. Don't focus on your next line! #scriptchat
- @timschildberger if one doesn't have actor friends, another resource is theatre dept of a local college. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger #scriptchat The read is only as strong as the weakest actor with the least prep.
- @timschildberger Table reads should probably be done when you're close if not at the final draft, yes? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Q: Are there any things that writers can pick up on (if you involve them in a table read), aside from actors? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 This came up earlier. Everyone has their own process. I write what I want down, saves time for me. Others record. #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter I like them earlier in the process - to gauge if you're on the right track...before too many drafts/work! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @timschildberger #scriptchat and local theater companies. most actors jump at any chance to practise their craft
- @timschildberger Q: By that, I mean, if you didn't have access to actors and decided to do it with other writers? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Sorry - some folks like to record. I don't. So it's up to you. #scriptchat
- I definitely feel like I would be listening to a recording over na over again #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @SarahAlexis4 I think it would be useful, especially if actors aren't in the same city #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 You don't need 'actors'. Find friends and family. Better than doing it yourself. It'll all help. #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman #scriptchat I find it better not to, focus on listening for the improvements.
- @blueneumann The problem with that Chris - you can get distracted. Find what resonates in your head after a read... #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Sometimes yes. Especially if you have questions about plot, or a character nuance. Don't be afraid to ask after. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann I have had scenes read by actors and recorded them, esp their comments after. My memory sucks. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Well then you should! I get overwhelmed with comments...I listen to my gut the next day...and check my notes. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I take notes, but I still prefer to hear the words said by other people. More accurate #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Reads typically pick up on clunky dialog. I have a Q&A after to ask audience about story issues.
- @jeannevb @blueneumann When I've had them done, I had my own copy of the script, which I'd try to scribble notes on live. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann @jeannevb @timschildberger Q: Typically, how often (in general) should you have table reads? Maybe once or twice? #scriptchat
- @JonFour @jeannevb @blueneumann Has anyone tried to do a table read on Skype/Google Hangout? #scriptchat
- Q: Is it a good idea to copyright your script before you do this or is that paranoid? #scriptchat
- @jgsarantinos I disagree. Unless the read is horrendous - there's much to be gained regardless of the readers. #scriptchat
- It would be a ton of fun for all of us to get together and read each others' stuff via Skype #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman I register with WGA. But you are being a tad paranoid. :) #scriptchat
- @timschildberger you started @liveReadLA recently. Do the writers get to prep the actors before the read? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger The great thing about table reads are the distinctly different voices around the table... #scriptchat
- Just got that glorious call from @Matt_Dy at @austinfilmfest. My script is in the top 1% of 9100 scripts submitted. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann haha we'll definitely need an open bar for that event! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I've discovered giant story holes, unformed characters, and whether the whole thing is a waste of time! #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter I agree. Actors can show you something you may not have noticed on the page. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @jeannevb @blueneumann I have not... I feel like something would be lost in translation. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter "It looked good on paper." The nightmare phrase of all writers. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @blueneumann @jeannevb I was in a group where I had a script up monthly. Good discipline but can get overused. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger not to mention dialogue is often completely different when delivered via a different source... #scriptchat
- the scriptwriter should be listening with a copy.... listening hard for crap in their story, plot etc. y/n? #scriptchat
- Q: Can one person do multiple small parts or do you need a different person for each character? #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman One person can read multiples. Definitely. I try to limit it to 3 roles. Just not 2 in the same scene! #scriptchat
- @Angie_Lavallee Up to the writer. I put the script away and just listen. See how it all feels. Others follow along making notes. #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman I'd say one person can double up on multiple small characters, especially if space and # of people are concerns. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Cookies help. And water. But most people enjoy the experience without bribes. #scriptchat
- Q: Should I highlight everyone's part for them on the script they'll be reading from? #scriptchat
- @Angie_Lavallee @timschildberger @SamSquamchman Q: From your experience, what's best kind of feedback you get from table reads? #scriptchat
- @JonFour @SamSquamchman Totally agree. Actors do too. Gives them more to do. Who wants 2 lines? #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman I highlight the actor names only when it's a cold read & they're seeing script for 1st time. #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman Highlighting helps enormously. Saves any confusion. #scriptchat
- Do we have any actors here tonight to add their thoughts on table reads? #scriptchat #AGYST
- @jeannevb @SamSquamchman Most of my live read experience is cold. So I'm a highlighting demon. #scriptchat
- How important is to feel particular voices for a read? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Seeing your script read around a table is damn satisfying... Yes, even if your script coach doesn't like it! #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman Best...that the script rules? :) Usually notes on character, and story logic are best for me. #scriptchat
- Q: How long should I expect it to last if my script is 110 pages? #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman Usually around a page = 1 minute. #scriptchat
- May I add after reading many scripts this month - please - tighter scene descriptions. No-one wants to hear endless description. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @Angie_Lavallee @timschildberger @SamSquamchman T/Read once=flop @jeannevb idea, the local theatre or college. :) #scriptchat
- @timschildberger the cool thing that I like is hearing your words - seeing how other people relate to your dialogue... #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @liveReadLA No specifics. Imperfect scripts that will read well, actor friendly, and we can help make better. #scriptchat
- Q: Do you do an intermission or just plow through it in one go? #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter Or don't get that awesome joke you assume is awesome and everyone should laugh. Dose of humility! #scriptchat
- ICYMI My blog post on: Sequelitis and the Cultural Irrelevancy of Feature Films … #scriptchat #boxoffice #hollywood
- @timschildberger Or that... 😂 #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @SamSquamchman Comedy works well. Complex sci-fi is tougher I must confess,but not impossible. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Q: Is it because of the story universe/descriptions/technical jargon in sci-fi? #scriptchat
- @SamSquamchman We're only reading 25 pages - but a full 90-100 page read - may want a short break. Up to you. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @timschildberger @filmwritr4 @SamSquamchman Descriptions, jargon, new worlds - audience can lose focus. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger how about advice to writers about notes received during the read? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @filmwritr4 @SamSquamchman Make the worlds interesting, jargon understandable, and descriptions concise. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger The bottom line is it gives you an idea how GOOD or BAD your dialogue really is... #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter Exactly! If the audience gets confused, they drift off. And it shows your story may be too complex? #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter Definitely. Just an indication. Not Gospel. Others may appreciate the joke. It's just one room. #scriptchat
- (Bob mumbles) stay awake #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @SarahAlexis4 @jeannevb Cold reading takes practice and skill. Shifting characters is fun. Being professional. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter Comedy is definitely subjective. Not everyone finds one kind of joke funny, and so on... #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I write the person's name - and then their notes. If I don't know their name - a quick description. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter And you need to be careful to not make it too ingrained in the current culture. #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter @timschildberger Definitely. It's both an eye opening experience, and something to learn a lot from. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 It's important to remember where the note came from. People have different opinions. I think. :) #scriptchat
- @timschildberger re: notes, tips about how to decide what notes to us, what to toss aside & the art of graciously taking them? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb It's important not to listen to every note. You'll end up with script by committee...yuk. #scriptchat
- Co-host @chasffisher has made it to the semi-finals of @austinfilmfest! #scriptchat …
- @jeannevb So I think about what resonates with me. With what I heard. Try to be open minded, humble, look for patterns too. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter I mean in general. What is funny now can be irritating next year. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @filmwritr4 @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter Definitely agree with that. Even a joke repeated too often is too much. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Great #scriptchat, if I do say so myself, Tim! 😃👍👍
- @Al_1701 @filmwritr4 @AB2screenwriter Cultural references are always dangerous. Dates your script immediately. #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter I'm trying my best! :) #scriptchat
- He said broadly #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @filmwritr4 @AB2screenwriter Why you need to stick with the prove classics and original material for comedy. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 you will ALWAYS get conflicting notes. Unless your script is a disaster. Listen to all - your gut is final vote. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @Al_1701 @AB2screenwriter At this point, my goal is to make it more of a parody/workplace type comedy #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @Al_1701 @AB2screenwriter Where all the hijinks are happening on-camera, and the news becomes an afterthought #scriptchat
- @timschildberger So many smart screenwriters participating tonight! #scriptchat
- If you get into a regular reading group - you can start to experiment with drafts, and directions. #scriptchat
- ICYMI: the article @timschildberger wrote for @scriptmag on live table reads: … #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter And you can keep the news basic. Literally talk about the weather. #scriptchat
- It doesn't have to be a big, special 'performance'. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @timschildberger @AB2screenwriter Yep. News is pretty much secondary to the comedy. #scriptchat
- Sometimes you have half an idea. Nothing wrong with trying 30 pages - see how it flies in a room - then maybe shelve. #scriptchat
- I can't stand having only half an idea #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Q: When you do a table read, how do you know if an idea/script does or doesn't work? #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Worse when it kinda sucks but won't leave you alone right? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Eh, sucks is fine, I can let it sit as a part. GOOD and I can't finish annoys the hell out of me #scriptchat
- @timschildberger I find it interesting that oftentimes whoever might be portraying character during TR is forever dubbed... #scriptchat 😅
- @JimJackson1138 Great to have you here, Jim! *waves* Sorry I didn't welcome you before, but welcome! #scriptchat
- It's important to be humble. If you're the only one laughing at your jokes - it's probably not the room/actor's fault. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Note: Joke sucks. Kill it with fire. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann No argument here. The good ideas are way more stressful. Execution becomes the key! #scriptchat
- @AlexisAdkins jump in! #scriptchat is on this site (it auto-adds the hashtag): …
- @Al_1701 MANY times I've heard writers blame the universe for their crap joke not landing in a read. Gotta have eyes open. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger A shit idea is one you're free to really mess around with. A good idea is one you have to be careful with #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Which can be oddly restraining. We have stupid brains. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger While I mostly agree, I certainly have seen jokes fail because an actor didn't know how to emphasize right. #scriptchat
- I excel at crap jokes :) #scriptchat
- @JonFour Definitely! Definitely! But some apply that to the entire script. #scriptchat
- @JonFour Hey Jonathan! Meant to say hey to you earlier but great to have you here! Hope your table read goes well! *waves* #scriptchat
- @JimJackson1138 Sometimes a crap joke works. However, it needs context to be crap in universe. #scriptchat
- @JimJackson1138 I look forward to reading your next comedy Jim. :) #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Not that that's the actor's fault... hard to avoid with limited reading/rehearsing time. #scriptchat
- @JonFour Only rarely would I ever blame an actor. If they're trying their best...all you can ask. Always grateful. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @blueneumann sometimes the stupid ideas resonate with the smart brains. Just saying... #scriptchat
- @JonFour @timschildberger Indeed. And even if they weren't a good fit, that's still on you. #scriptchat
- @JonFour What they do is at least as tough - being judged on appearance? We'd all probably die. :) #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 @JonFour @timschildberger Q: How can actors/other writers/people tell if a joke or idea doesn't work in the read? #scriptchat
- @AB2screenwriter @timschildberger If you only knew how many stupid ideas I'm sitting on. #scriptchat
- It's okay to miscast someone sometimes...just to see what happens. Can be fun, and revealing. #scriptchat
- Been lurking. Now they're closing the Starbucks on Hwoodvd! #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 I know. That’s what I said. ;) #scriptchat
- I mean - cast an older actor as a younger woman. A strong character should survive. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 Awkward silence instead like someone just made a loud fart. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @Al_1701 @JonFour Lack of laughter, a flat 'vibe' in the room. A comedy not landing 'feels' obvious. #scriptchat
- F5! BOURNE MOVIES book: suspense and paranoid chase thrillers! 279 pages. Only $2.99 until Oct 1st. … #scriptchat
- @timschildberger @Al_1701 @JonFour @wcmartell Welcome Bill! *waves* Great to have you here. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Didn't intend to actor blame. Just sayin, don't necessarily toss a joke you like if it doesn't read right once. #scriptchat
- Anyone play Cards Against Humanity? That's a good practice in comedy. #scriptchat
- How much improvisation/experimentation do you usually allow in a table read? #scriptchat
- @JonFour Totally agree. One read should not define anything. Unless stuff matches your own fears/suspicions. #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 I've never played Cards Against Humanity. #scriptchat
- It's an F5! Batten down the hatches! #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 It's a good way to formulate a joke with a live audience. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger couple min left. Wanna shout out how to submit a script to @liveReadLA? #scriptchat
- @blueneumann ZERO. ZERO. ZERO. You're there to hear how your hard earned words play. Why waste time with random improv? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Q: How do you manage to sort out the good advice from the bad (or questionable?) in a table read? #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @Al_1701 I hate cards against humanity. It all comes down to who has the most shocking card #scriptchat
- @timschildberger (Depending on your perspective, of course) #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 If it makes sense, leads to new ways of thinking...consider. But if it's not the story you want to tell - ignore. #scriptchat
- Oh - submissions open Sep 19 for our Oct reading #scriptchat
- Another great chat! Thanks everyone... especially @timschildberger and as always: @jeannevb! Happy writing everybody! #scriptchat
- And if in LA - come on 9/26 to our reading in West Hollywood! #scriptchat
- @timschildberge Huh. Wonder if I can get my draft done in time. Of course, I'm not in LA, so... #scriptchat
- @clpike_horror @timschildberger @jeannevb Thanks for the great insight/information Tim! Very happy you could join us! #scriptchat
- I do notes too - very reasonable price. #scriptchat
- *blows kiss* Goodnight everybody. #scriptchat
- Fun as always #scriptchat
- @timschildberger That was fun! Thanks, Tim! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 wonderful questions Sarah! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Super valuable sarah. So much to be learned. #scriptchat
- @timschildberger Do you need to be present in LA to be considered? #scriptchat
- @timschildberger thanks so much, Tim! I'll grab a transcript and tag you when it's live. #scriptchat
- We didn't even get into that Sarah! Next time. :) #scriptchat
- #scriptchat thanks timbo. great session
- @jeannevb Thanks Jeanne. I'm grateful #scriptchat
- Great chat, everyone! Cheers! #scriptchat
- @JonFour Yes Jon - we want people to be able to come in person. #scriptchat
- OK - I gotta go feed some children. Have a great night, and thanks to all. I hope it helped! #scriptchat
- As always, thanks to all of you for showing up each week! Love this community. #scriptchat
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