Sunday, July 19, 2015

Eric Koenig #Scriptchat Transcript July 19, 2015

Screenwriter Eric Koenig @EricKoenig123 was our guest tonight to discuss selling his script, MATRIARCH, to Paramount, writing when you work a full-time job, and much more! Enjoy!

Read the transcript below or on the Storify site.

Eric Koenig #Scriptchat Transcript July 19, 2015

Eric Koenig #Scriptchat Transcript July 19, 2015

Screenwriter Eric Koenig @EricKoenig123 was our guest tonight to discuss selling his script, MATRIARCH, to Paramount, writing when you work a full-time job, and much more! Enjoy!

  1. It's #scriptchat o'clock. Please welcome our guest @EricKoenig123, who recently sold MATRIARCH to Paramount.\
  2. @EricKoenig123 Had you had much spec/indie experience prior to getting the STUDIO gig? #scriptchat
  3. @EricKoenig123 If you feel like you miss a question here or there, don't fret. Most will ask once again. :) #scriptchat
  4. No experience prior to MATRIARCH, so trying my hardest not to mess everything up. #scriptchat
  5. @EricKoenig123 Oh, now I feel dumb. So Matriarch was a spec? Q: How much has it changed since being purchased? #scriptchat
  6. @EricKoenig123 Before getting exposure in the LaunchPad screenwriting comp, what were you doing to build your career. #scriptchat
  7. Quite a bit. Initially I was a little reluctant, as it was my baby... #scriptchat
  8. But as soon as I realized that we we're all on the same team, all trying to make a movie... #scriptchat
  9. I was much more accepting of all the notes - and there were many. #scriptchat
  10. @EricKoenig123 Q: When dealing with notes/feedback, do you try to use what you think works best, or try to build on the notes? #scriptchat
  11. @EricKoenig123 How many scripts did you write before you knew Matriarch was the one to submit to comps? #scriptchat
  12. If no one's read MATRIARCH yet, it's a nice little G-rated family film. #scriptchat
  13. @EricKoenig123 By that I mean taking a note and adding your own twist to the suggestion #scriptchat
  14. I had written "several" before MATRIARCH, in different genres, but always felt it was my strongest work. #scriptchat
  15. I can't say enough good things about screenwriting competitions, because that's how I broke in... #scriptchat
  16. Especially The Launch Pad contest at The Tracking Board - those guys are GREAT. #scriptchat
  17. Hi Sarah - thank you. The draft I submitted to the competition was prob #4 or #5? #scriptchat
  18. And it changed drastically from the first draft to the one I submitted…. #scriptchat
  19. @EricKoenig123 Are you still in the Air Force and do you get any jabs from other Airmen about selling the script? #scriptchat
  20. And has continued to change (for the better) since the sale (re-writes). #scriptchat
  21. Yes, it's all about teeth Mon-Fri. Still in the Air Force, which means I can only write evenings and weekends... #scriptchat
  22. But I do a LOT of writing on my evenings and weekends! #scriptchat
  23. @EricKoenig123 Thanks so much for your continued service to our country, Eric. Really appreciated. #scriptchat
  24. Chris, I'm def partial to dark material/stories, so thrillers and horror. #scriptchat
  25. Bob, Rewrite schedule was typical: 8-weeks for initial studio rewrite, then producer passes. #scriptchat
  26. @EricKoenig123 Since this is a feature you wrote, are the rewrites significantly different than what you've worked on before? #scriptchat
  27. @EricKoenig123 Agreed. Competitions are a great way to build a resume & credibility. Plus the feedback never hurts. #scriptchat
  28. @EricKoenig123 Be honest - did you find yourself thinking about the re-writes while you had someone in the chair? #scriptchat
  29. Chris, the re-writes have spanned the spectrum, truly. From minor scene changes, to what I'd call a massive structural overhaul. #scriptchat
  30. @EricKoenig123 Hi Eric. Congrats on breaking through! When your work was picked up, what were 2 things they loved about it? #scriptchat
  31. What's your process? Outline, u don't outline etc... #scriptchat
  32. @EricKoenig123 Did you have reps before you landed in the Launch Pad contest, or did they come knocking afterwards? #scriptchat
  33. Again, I think it's my job (our job!!) as a screenwriter to give my producers and my studio EXACTLY what they want. #scriptchat
  34. Nick, great question! 1) They loved it was a new take on the serial killer genre and 2) That it had a twist or two in it. #scriptchat
  35. @EricKoenig123 I was also a “Wing Nut” — made O-3 (despite Col. sabotaging my OER) — General gave BTZ to O-4 but didn’t pin on… #scriptchat
  36. Bob, I don't handle deal negations at all - I'd jack it up, trust me. That's what my reps do. #scriptchat
  37. @wcmartell Well, @jeannevb did the Flory Dory dance, then I finished with the Peppermint Twist. #scriptchat
  38. @EricKoenig123 How do you go about the outline process/story/character creation? #scriptchat
  39. Sarah, once you have reps, yes, you'll take a lot of meetings and they're a blast. Best advice: just be yourself. #scriptchat
  40. Historically I have not really been an "outliner." But there's an expectation in the business that you do…. #scriptchat
  41. At least so people know what you're thinking, where you're taking a story... #scriptchat
  42. So I've tried to become better at outlining. That said, some of my best scenes/dialogue/twists still come from NOT outlining. #scriptchat
  43. @EricKoenig123 I usually write a story in prose (treatment form) along with character bios #scriptchat
  44. @EricKoenig123 I am having that hammered into my head in the WGA Veterans weekly workshops... #scriptchat
  45. BTW Jeanne, loved your recent interview with Tim Talbott - good stuff and I'm dying to see that movie! #scriptchat
  46. I find that the best scenes come from not outlining. Once the characters start talking, they take over. #scriptchat
  47. Sarah, I'm much in-tune with character arcs. As screenwriters we gotta arc our characters. I always knew that…. #scriptchat
  48. I thoroughly outline but I don't let it stop me from discovering surprises when writing the pages. #scriptchat
  49. But I'd say now I'm more focused on making sure that happens and it's a meaningful arc. #scriptchat
  50. Q Do you let the character arc evolve or is it pretty much set in the outline? #scriptchat
  51. @EricKoenig123 Since there was some heat on your spec, what made you decide to go with Rock and Red Wagon? #scriptchat
  52. oops… Michael, I think every writer needs to follow their own process, but I need to know the arc before I open Final Draft. #scriptchat
  53. @EricKoenig123 Did you play monday morning quarterback after you sent the script out to LaunchPad? #scriptchat
  54. Zac, Rock at Romark and the team over at Red Wagon have been GREAT to work with - couldn't ask for better producers. #scriptchat
  55. When MATRIARCH went out, it wasn't a case of me selecting the producers…. #scriptchat
  56. @ScripTipps exactly. An outline should be a guide. Nothing's set in stone. #scriptchat
  57. They read it and took it to Paramount and then they made me very happy. #scriptchat
  58. @EricKoenig123 Do you find that the story tends to change from the original outline you've written as you're writing the script? #scriptchat
  59. @EricKoenig123 Got it. Wasn't sure if there was multiple ProdCos trying to close the deal where you met with many. #scriptchat
  60. Sarah, #1 lesson I learned is that it's my job to give the producers/studio what they want - so I've learned to say "yes"a lot! #scriptchat
  61. @EricKoenig123 I think that's key. Use the process which works best for you. Personally, I do a character matrix. #scriptchat
  62. @EricKoenig123 tips so valuable!... How long do the producers or studio want the script to be? #scriptchat
  63. Windar, if I new how to quarterback I prob would have tried! No, just submitted and then sat back with my fingers crossed. #scriptchat
  64. @EricKoenig123 What scripts/writers would you recommend aspiring screenwriters read? Movies/TV series you'd recommend #scriptchat
  65. @EricKoenig123 Do you write in coffee shops? Do you listen to music while you write? Or no distractions? #scriptchat
  66. @EricKoenig123 Since you only have limited time to write, what is your process to go into writing mode to get the most done? #scriptchat
  67. Nick, MATRIARCH was 114, current draft t 113. I think it depends on the script, but as well all know, 120's about the max. #scriptchat
  68. @EricKoenig123 I have no problem saying, “yes” or “sì” or “mais oui.” If necessary, I add in “já” and “是的” to boot! #scriptchat
  69. Danny, For me I need absolute silence to write, so I sit at my desk here at home. #scriptchat
  70. @EricKoenig123 How many hours do you spend typically on writing in a given week? #scriptchat
  71. Zac, I'm def limited on my writing time, but aren't we all?! I usually spend the week brainstorming ideas/scenes... #scriptchat
  72. Then I'm really good at writing for like 10-12 hours on Sat and Sun. #scriptchat
  73. @EricKoenig123 I was about to say that I know personally for me that it's hard for me to find time to work on scripts #scriptchat
  74. @EricKoenig123 Since the sale, how much time do you spend on Matriarch rewrites vs. your next project? #scriptchat
  75. @EricKoenig123 Mainly because I do other writing work. I cover web series for an online magazine called @SnobbyRobot #scriptchat
  76. Matthew, the main focus right now is MATRIARCH, hands down. But when I'm not re-writing it…. #scriptchat
  77. Yes, I'm writing other things. Currently writing a pilot, so we'll see. Always gotta be writing, always. #scriptchat
  78. @EricKoenig123 Congrats on the pilot! Best of luck with it and hope to see it produced #scriptchat
  79. "Reading periods" between rewrites can go on forever! Lots of time to work on something new, #scriptchat
  80. Q There's the misconception that a SALE means PAYDAY. We know it comes in steps, how's that been? #scriptchat
  81. Anthony, Entered the Page contest (with a different script) before I entered The Launch Pad. #scriptchat
  82. Only 20 minutes left with our guest @EricKoenig123, so make sure you get those questions in. #scriptchat
  83. Might have painfully cold hands that make it hard to type, but a few hours ago #MickFanning punched a friggin shark. #noexcuses #scriptchat
  84. @EricKoenig123 if offered, would you re/write in a genre you're not comfortable with? #scriptchat
  85. Michael, sooooo true! Yeah, the $$ thing's an entirely different topic. #scriptchat
  86. @EricKoenig123 How do you handle dialogue? What techniques do you use for writing dialogue? #scriptchat
  87. Chris, 1) I love writing dialogue (not that I'm any good at it) and 2) I love writing female protagonists. #scriptchat
  88. @jeannevb do you have the link to the Scriptmag article about @EricKoenig123 selling Matriarch? #scriptchat
  89. Sarah, Gotta have those set-ups and payoffs, yes. Some times I know then in advance... #scriptchat
  90. @EricKoenig123 I'm sure you're good at dialogue. Probably better than me but subtext is something I've struggled with #scriptchat
  91. @EricKoenig123 How do start writing your script? Scenes/beats 1st, dialogue last... #scriptchat
  92. Other times I'll write something on page 78 and the light bulb goes off…. #scriptchat
  93. Hey there, @EricKoenig123! Q for ya: before you signed with your reps did they ask to read anything else after Matriarch? #scriptchat
  94. And I'll go back to page 12 and write something to set it up. #scriptchat
  95. @EricKoenig123 I wrote the first draft of a sitcom pilot and at least I was able to come up with some good setups/punchlines #scriptchat
  96. Ivuoma, In my case, no. I think they read MATRIARCH, thought they could sell it, and took me on as a client. #scriptchat
  97. @EricKoenig123 Did the read from your reps come before or after the Launch Pad success? #scriptchat
  98. But since MATRIARCH, yes, it's a matter of supplying your reps with material for them sell. #scriptchat
  99. @IvuomaOkoro Hey Ivuoma! *waves* Welcome! Great to meet you and see you here #scriptchat
  100. @EricKoenig123 so do you still enter contests or do you now have the opportunity to show your reps 1st? #scriptchat
  101. Zac, My reps got MATRIARCH because of the success it had on The Launch Pad. #scriptchat
  102. @EricKoenig123 when you start to see how the pieces are fitting together the ways to set them up ahead of time start to emerge #scriptchat
  103. @filmwritr4 Hey there Chris! Great to be here! I'm often lurking but wanted to get into the action this go around. Lol #scriptchat
  104. And the contest is open now! RT @EricKoenig123: Zac, My reps got MATRIARCH because of the success it had on The Launch Pad. #scriptchat
  105. Windar, No more contests for me, at least at this point. All new material goes to my reps. #scriptchat
  106. @EricKoenig123 Have you ever considered producing/directing one of your scripts in the future? #scriptchat
  107. @IvuomaOkoro :) totally understand and it's great to have you participate #scriptchat
  108. Chris, For right now it's all about writing. That's all I wanna do. Love it. #scriptchat
  109. @EricKoenig123 In other words, no need to date when you are married. Or, so I am told... #scriptchat
  110. I have to bow out a few minutes early to get to a screening on time, but wanted to thank @EricKoenig123 for rockin' the chat. #scriptchat
  111. @EricKoenig123 Totally get that. I love it too, and it's very rewarding no matter what kind of writing I do (scripts, articles) #scriptchat
  112. Michael, Still have another year left in the military. After that, who knows! #scriptchat
  113. Thank you @EricKoenig123 for taking the time. You give us hope, brother. #scriptchat
  114. @EricKoenig123 What's your approach to the first rewrite of a script after 1st draft is done? #scriptchat
  115. @EricKoenig123 How do you tackle the re-write process? Do you address mainly the critiques or reevaluate the story as a whole? #scriptchat
  116. Harlem, Some notes I tackle straight on, change whatever it is they want. always great when they give you an idea. #scriptchat
  117. Other times I'll get inventive, try to give them something even better than they suggested…. #scriptchat
  118. @EricKoenig123, how often are you submitting new material to your reps these days? #scriptchat
  119. And other times (0.001%) I "recommend" we leave something the way it is. #scriptchat
  120. @EricKoenig123 Thanks so much for taking the time to share your insight and advice with us, Eric! Really appreciate it! #scriptchat
  121. I've had a blast - thank you guys and I wish you all the very best in your writing endeavors! #scriptchat
  122. @EricKoenig123 All the best to you with Matriarch and your writing Eric! Thanks so much for the great advice and encouragement #scriptchat
  123. @EricKoenig123 Thanks for answering. Yes it pays to be flexible and easy to work with. #scriptchat
  124. @EricKoenig123 Thank you for all the insightful answers! Best wishes for the future! #scriptchat
  125. @writeranthonydp Thanks Anthony! So glad you had a great first time at Scriptchat! Great to have you here with us! #scriptchat
  126. @EricKoenig123 Thanks for sharing your insight Eric. & yr discipline is admirable! Key element to yr success. Best wishes mate #scriptchat
  127. "Slow and steady" is not just a saying. It's a fact. Take your time #writing. #writewell #scriptchat #writingtips
  128. Great #scriptchat tonight. If you missed it I'm sure @jeannevb will have a link to the transcript later Ty: @EricKoenig123 @zacsanford
  129. Great chat! See youse next week. You can find me making more movies at  #scriptchat

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