Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28 Transcript - Breaking In

Great chat about Breaking into the Business
Moderated by Jamie and Zac.


2011-08-29 12:00 am Jamie_LD @LIScreenWriter We are talking about breaking in without resorting to
suing the top agencies. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:00 am apoeticanomaly Yay for scriptchat!! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:01 am tracinell Hi everybody, lurking tonight, but brought junior mints anyway!
*tosses junior delights* #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:01 am KonradStief @lisamondello Had to state that because it misleads people thinking
it starts later than no #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:01 am Jamie_LD Hello followers, it's #scriptchat o'clock, so please mute my tweets if
you aren't interested in Screenwriting.
2011-08-29 12:01 am zacsanford2 @apoeticanomaly I was just getting ready to send you a message. #
2011-08-29 12:01 am mattmdavid My very first #scriptchat! So excited!
2011-08-29 12:01 am apoeticanomaly @zacsanford2 Oh, I've been ready for the last 30 minutes. Ha. #
2011-08-29 12:02 am Jamie_LD First and foremost, you mush have a FINISHED script that is
interesting and well written. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:02 am caramumfordfilm Hello scriptchat peeps... hope everyone is having a good weekend! #
2011-08-29 12:02 am tracinell Yay! A virgin!!!! ;) welcome! RT @mattmdavid: My very first #
scriptchat! So excited! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:02 am zacsanford2 @mattmdavid Welcome to the fray... We're a nice bunch. Feel free to
jump in whenever... #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:02 am CindyPCarroll It's #scriptchat time followers! Ignore my tweets for the next hour if
you're not into screenwriting. I MIGHT be tweeting a lot.
2011-08-29 12:02 am Jamie_LD Thanks for joining us. Hope you enjoy. RT @mattmdavid: My very first
#scriptchat! So excited!
2011-08-29 12:02 am zacsanford2 My net connection is being a little wonky tonight. I'll do my best to
stay on top of everything. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:03 am MonaLiNYC Hola #scriptchat-ers...need to get head into a writerly space. I
brought storm supply Pringles. #helpyourselves
2011-08-29 12:03 am Dark_Emergence @Jamie_LD Do we need more than one script? More than one
genre? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:03 am kellyanelons Welcome @mattmdavid! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:03 am Jamie_LD @MonaLiNYC Love Pringles. #scriptchat #helpyourselves
2011-08-29 12:03 am jeannevb Trying to #scriptchat off my cell. No internet bc of #irene. Hi all!
2011-08-29 12:03 am nate_winslow Hey all! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:03 am heroesAREboring For the next hour, I'll be lurking around #scriptchat. Fair warning to
non-#screenwriting followers.
2011-08-29 12:03 am tracinell :) RT @MonaLiNYC: Hola #scriptchat-ers, need to get head into a
writerly space. I brought storm supply Pringles. #helpyourselves #
2011-08-29 12:04 am zacsanford2 I would add onto @jamie_LD's "you must have a completed script" to:
you should have THREE completed scripts (esp to get rep) #
2011-08-29 12:04 am Jamie_LD @Dark_Emergence If you submit your work, and they like it, the first
question is "What else do you have?" Be prepared. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:04 am kellyanelons @Jamie_LD It's amazing how many writers jump that 1st
step...having a primo script ready & tested for market. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:04 am zacsanford2 The reason why I say three... Anyone can write one good script... but
to write multiple good scripts you must have talent. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:04 am unclesean @jeannevb what's the topic? Disaster movies? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am lisamondello @zacsanford2 @jamie_LD Question: Same genre?n #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am nate_winslow RT @zacsanford2: I would add onto @jamie_LDs "you must have a
completed script" to: you should have THREE completed scripts #
2011-08-29 12:05 am zacsanford2 @unclesean We're talking about how to break into the industry...
without suing someone. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am tracinell *tosses mints* to @LIScreenWriter just for you! :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am kim_garland Stabilized the homestead enough to pop into #scriptchat - hey all!
2011-08-29 12:05 am KonradStief @zacsanford2 Make sure they are "great" scripts since good is not
enough. Subjective I know and hard to discern. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am apoeticanomaly Should you have three good scripts in different genres? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am mattmdavid @zacsanford2 *sigh* One down, two to go. #scriptchat.
2011-08-29 12:05 am zacsanford2 So for any of those with us who are produced or have representation
or even been optioned. How did you break in? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:05 am Jamie_LD Personally, I think suing the agencies is the death mark for a writing
career. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:06 am tracinell RT @KonradStief: @zacsanford2 Make sure they are "great" scripts...
good is not enough. Subjective I know and hard to discern. #
2011-08-29 12:06 am andrealmcneill Hey everyone. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:06 am unclesean @zacsanford2 I was planning on using an axe. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:06 am caramumfordfilm @jeannevb hope the internet is your only Irene casualty! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:06 am Jamie_LD @mattmdavid And 3 also shows that you are not a one trick pony. #
2011-08-29 12:06 am zacsanford2 @lisamondello From a representation stand point... three scripts in
ONE genre, but can be different sub genres. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:06 am heroesAREboring It's been recommended to also have some treatments and TV
episodes ready. Sounds right. I'd want to be a flexible client. #
2011-08-29 12:06 am nate_winslow @kim_garland Hi Kim! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:06 am kellyanelons @LIScreenWriter @Jamie_LD You can't open a store w/out supply of
desired products already on the shelf...why do writers do so? #
2011-08-29 12:07 am zacsanford2 @mattmdavid No need to sigh as you only have one. You will get
better with each script. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am Jamie_LD @LIScreenWriter A script that has been read by people who know
what a good script looks like, not your friends/family. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am apoeticanomaly @Jamie_LD @mattmdavid But I like ponies. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am zacsanford2 I have six completed scripts under my belt and the last two were
finally good enough to go for reps. Now just need one more. #
2011-08-29 12:07 am Jamie_LD @apoeticanomaly Smart ass! That's why I love you. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am Jamie_LD @AndreaLMcNeill *smooch* #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am KonradStief @Jamie_LD @LIScreenWriter Agreed since so many people neglect
that aspect. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am jeannevb Wrote this wk's #ballsofsteel about the lawsuit Your Character, Your
Career #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:07 am caramumfordfilm @zacsanford2 So if my first script is a drama, my next ones should be
some sub genre of drama? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:08 am mattmdavid @Jamie_LD I thought in the U.S. suing someone is just another way
to say "hello." #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:31 am jeannevb RT @LisaFromNYC: link? RT
@caramumfordfilm: @jeannevb wrote great Balls of Steel on that
topic #ScriptChat
2011-08-29 12:31 am GinyMacGregor @Mindy_Crump Oh you're in trouble with @zacsanford2 #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:31 am kellyanelons Always true! RT @Jamie_LD: If you can't pitch your script in 60
seconds, you don't know your story well enough. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:31 am zacsanford2 Sorry if I've missed any questions. Will try to catch up later. :) #
2011-08-29 12:31 am lisamondello Thanks RT zacsanford2 @lisamondello Agent is more of a
salesperson than a Manager. A Manager is more of guide for your
career. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:31 am AndiWritesAgain @AndiWritesAgain @jeannevb @caramumfordfilm Could be them
just wanting to get out of chores! :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:31 am Jamie_LD @caramumfordfilm I can give my logline in 15 seconds. 60 seconds is
just the start, you are hoping they are still interested. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:31 am jeannevb @AndreaLMcNeill you too, babe! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:32 am zacsanford2 @GinyMacGregor @Mindy_Crump But I'm giving out a good
punishment... forcing people to write for being late! :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:32 am lisamondello Thanks! RT @malber Managers help the entirety of your career.
Choosing ideas, etc. Agents are usually just there to make deals. #
2011-08-29 12:32 am madskiadrai RT @Jamie_LD: If you can't pitch your script in 60 seconds, you don't
know your story well enough. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:32 am MeganDrapalski @GinyMacGregor @Mindy_Crump @zacsanford2 shhh... i was
luring her in with kindness #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:32 am Mindy_Crump @GinyMacGregor uh oh....should I run to my corner and hide then
from @zacsandford2 #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:32 am joda07 @kellyanelons Lol. Always worried. I'm too close to my work to be
able to tell it's merit. Struggle with that. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:32 am karlabry Right! Otherwise... :-/ RT @authorViviAnna: @Jamie_LD
@lisamondello agreed, you still have to have a kick-ass script to show
2011-08-29 12:32 am lisamondello @heroesAREboring @lisamondello Thanks for explaining!n #
2011-08-29 12:32 am authorViviAnna @Jamie_LD @LyleHogue a friend of mine has gotten like at least 5
writing jobs from inktip, and sold 3 more #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:33 am GinyMacGregor @Mindy_Crump too late, he has seen you! LOL @zacsandford2 #
2011-08-29 12:33 am zacsanford2 Networking - Face-to-face is best... But if you need to create the
connection another way first. Twitter/VPF/Fade In online PF. #
2011-08-29 12:33 am kellyanelons Have writers had success getting repped at conferences? I hear
stories about contacts, but no contracts. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:33 am Jamie_LD @authorViviAnna First I've ever heard of anyone getting work from a
paid query service. Nice to know. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:33 am joda07 @zacsanford2 Pardon my ignorance, but what's Inktip? Haven't heard
of it before. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am LisaFromNYC do u know what genres? RT @authorViviAnna a friend of mine has
gotten like at least 5 writing jobs from inktip, and sold 3 more #
2011-08-29 12:34 am GinyMacGregor Loglines Should they be short to get them hooked then elaborate?n #
2011-08-29 12:34 am heroesAREboring I'd like to know this too. Heading to @austinfilmfest. RT
@kellyanelons: Have writers had success getting repped at
conferences? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am SarahAlexis4 And even after you "break in" it's still just as important to keep writing
new material, network, improve your craft, etc... :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am KonradStief I didn't see any mention of presenting scripts that are relevant to
Hollywood's interests. Offering sci-fi, action, Box Office. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am nate_winslow @joda07 #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am zacsanford2 @Jamie_LD Well InkTip isn't a query service but a place to post your
query letters. Doesn't blast out queries like other cos. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am caramumfordfilm @AndiWritesAgain I'm in Canada so #grants work differently, but I
know there are some in U.S. for science-based scripts (Sloan) #
2011-08-29 12:34 am authorViviAnna @LisaFromNYC thrillers mostly #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:34 am Mindy_Crump @zacsanford2 @GinyMacGregor haha well I can't argue with that
kind of punishment then #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:35 am MeganDrapalski RT @SarahAlexis4: After you "break in" its just as important to keep
writing new material, network, improve ur craft, etc... :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:35 am joda07 @nate_winslow Awesome. Thanks. Is it just for USA residents
though? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:35 am Jamie_LD I'm going to stay away from questions about services like Inktip and
others because my views are not the same as others. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:35 am kellyanelons @joda07 Keep trying! If you can't sell yourself, no one else can either.
2011-08-29 12:35 am Dark_Emergence @GinyMacGregor Two Adverbs has a great article on loglines. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:35 am zacsanford2 @KonradStief Everything is relevant to Hollywood's interest.
Especially if it is a remake or adaptation. :-/ #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:35 am lisamondello Yes!RT @SarahAlexis4 &even after u "break in" its just as important
to keep writing new material, network, improve your craft, #
2011-08-29 12:35 am zacsanford2 @KonradStief Original Sci-Fi is a tough sale because of costs unless
contained like Moon and Source Code. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am Mindy_Crump @caramumfordfilm trying 2 find info about the grants here in Canada
is like a needle in a haystack on the government's site #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am joda07 Sound advice for all career paths! RT @kellyanelons: @joda07 Keep
trying! If you can't sell yourself, no one else can either. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am authorViviAnna @zacsanford2 do you think contests have any merit? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am Jamie_LD When you do meet others in the industry, don't immediately start into
your pitch. Start a friendship, which is most important. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am GinyMacGregor Do we still have LogLine Friday? havenot seen that in a while. #
2011-08-29 12:36 am zacsanford2 But if you can't make it out to Hollywood to meet face-to-face, try for contacts. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am KonradStief @zacsanford2 Commercial ability I meant to emphasize. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am AndiWritesAgain @caramumfordfilm It'll be interesting to check it out. #scriptchat I've
a friend that is a whiz at writing them. Could be kismet! Ha...
2011-08-29 12:36 am Jamie_LD RT @zacsanford2: But if you can't make it out to Hollywood to meet
face-to-face, try for contacts. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am kellyanelons @Jamie_LD We may be in the same boat there. I love Inktip for small
indies, shorts or student projects, but #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am joda07 RT @Jamie_LD: When you do meet others in the industry, don't
immediately start into your pitch. Start a friendship, which is most
important. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am zacsanford2 The Hollywood Creative Directory will list the employees, credits and
if they are open to unsolicited queries. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:36 am heroesAREboring Would also like to know. RT @authorViviAnna: @zacsanford2 do you
think contests have any merit? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am MeganDrapalski Are internships worth pursuing to make contacts or is it better to just
start working somewhere as a PA or something? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am karlabry like 2 know 2 RT @kellyanelons Have writers had success getting
repped at conferences?stories about contacts,but no contracts. #
2011-08-29 12:37 am Jamie_LD Not all contests have merit. There are some that have GREAT merit.
2011-08-29 12:37 am caramumfordfilm @AndiWritesAgain Tribeca might be good place to check out: #funding #grants #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am zacsanford2 @KonradStief No script should ever be written if a writer doesn't know
how they would sell it/make it commercial. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am FilmTony If Irene were a script, it'd make for an awful 3rd act. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am GinyMacGregor Q: What about contest that you have to pay entry fee? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am karlabry RT @Jamie_LD: RT @zacsanford2: But if you can't make it out to
Hollywood to meet face-to-face, try for contacts.
2011-08-29 12:37 am mr_kiyongkim @MeganDrapalski an intern at nick just got hired as script
coordinator. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am nate_winslow @joda07 I actually don't know the answer to that. I'd assume no, but
don't take my word for it. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:37 am zacsanford2 @authorViviAnna Contests with merit: Anything with "fellowship" in
their name. All others are just there to make money. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:38 am heroesAREboring I don't think free ones exist? RT @GinyMacGregor: Q: What about
contest that you have to pay entry fee? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:38 am authorViviAnna @kellyanelons @joda07 totally agree! even though I have a manager
I'm still out there selling myself and my scripts #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:38 am joshuastecker You #scriptchat folks should listen to the @nerdist podcast with
@thomaslennon and Ben Garant. Insight from REAL pros.
2011-08-29 12:38 am Jamie_LD @mr_kiyongkim How did agent meetings go? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:38 am MeganDrapalski @mr_kiyongkim That definitely answers that question :) Thank you! #
2011-08-29 12:38 am AndiWritesAgain @caramumfordfilm <--- Exhibit A: Why I love #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:38 am beingbrad Is there a difference between being known and having sold? #
2011-08-29 12:38 am zacsanford2 Currently @itsonthegrid is offering a special discount. Site has spec,
sales, company info, contact info, rep info, etc. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:39 am GinyMacGregor Don't know if he was being serious but Dana was looking for a new
assistant. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:39 am kellyanelons @heroesAREboring @authorViviAnna @zacsanford2 FD's no
Cinderella story but gave me some of the credibility you're looking for.
2011-08-29 12:39 am MeganDrapalski RT @Jamie_LD: @mr_kiyongkim How did agent meetings go? #
2011-08-29 12:39 am authorViviAnna RT @Jamie_LD: When you do meet others in the industry, don't
immediately start into your pitch. Start a friendship, which is most
important. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:39 am zacsanford2 For the @itsonthegrid discount... $19.99 per month, enter discount
code "August"... I think. It's like HCD + #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:39 am caramumfordfilm :) RT @AndiWritesAgain: @caramumfordfilm <--- Exhibit A: Why I
love #scriptchat #grantwriting #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:40 am heroesAREboring @kellyanelons I got lost in the chat... FD what? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:40 am zacsanford2 Being Produced is best. But known/sold makes no dif. RT
@beingbrad: Is there a difference between being known and having
sold? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:40 am kellyanelons @joshuastecker @nerdist @thomaslennon Just bought their book.
Love it! No BS insight into script sales. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:40 am KonradStief @heroesAREboring @kellyanelons Final Draft Big Break contest #
2011-08-29 12:40 am DaveMcGlone1 Hi guys, just got home, what's the topic tonight?n #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:40 am zacsanford2 RT @Jamie_LD: When you meet others, don't immediately start into
your pitch. Start a friendship, which is most important. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am Jamie_LD @DaveMcGlone1 Breaking in. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am heroesAREboring @KonradStief Thank you sir. Haven't tried that one yet.
#screenwriting #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am MeganDrapalski @DaveMcGlone1 Breaking in and/or hiding from @zacsanford2 #
2011-08-29 12:41 am mr_kiyongkim @Jamie_LD agent meetings are happening after labor day. hope they
go well! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am apoeticanomaly @zacsanford2 @beingbrad What does being 'produced" really mean?
2011-08-29 12:41 am DaveMcGlone1 @Jamie_LD thanks, any insights yet? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am kellyanelons @heroesAREboring Final Draft. I was 5th overall...which meant...I
didn't get an all expenses paid trip to LA but I got contacts. #
2011-08-29 12:41 am GinyMacGregor @DaveMcGlone1 Oh no are you in trouble with @zacsanford2. Zac
he should have to write 10 pages! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am zacsanford2 Very few other contests hold weight. Exceptions being: CS Expo,
Final Draft Big Break, Fade In and Scriptapalooza. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am MeganDrapalski @mr_kiyongkim @Jamie_LD Good luck :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:41 am AndiWritesAgain Night #scriptchat. Gotta prep. I've quite the character installing tile in
my laundryroom tomorrow. #thestoriesthatoldfellatells #research
2011-08-29 12:42 am ruminski #scriptchat Breaking into the business? Number one thing you can
do is get involved - work as crew on a short, do an internship.
2011-08-29 12:42 am zacsanford2 @apoeticanomaly @beingbrad Somebody else put money up as they
believe in your writing. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:42 am beingbrad @zacsanford2 being what? I'm not familiar with that word. #
2011-08-29 12:42 am elizabethkarr @apoeticanomaly @zacsanford2 @beingbrad That you've received $
for your screenplay and they shot the picture. #beingproduced #
2011-08-29 12:42 am nate_winslow @apoeticanomaly @zacsanford2 @beingbrad Someone has actually
made a script of yours into a movie/tv show. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am joda07 RT @mr_kiyongkim: this should be obvious to everyone, but just in
case - never send anyone a script unless they ask for it. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am elizabethkarr YES RT @jeannevb: Re: networking, I introduce ppl I think can help
ea other ALL the time. Pay it forward. Theyll remember you #
2011-08-29 12:53 am jtabergas @joda07 oh crap, you meant, shooting feature within 8 days! thought
ur shooting 8 days from now. yowza! lots of luck! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am MeganDrapalski @GinyMacGregor I will be :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am karlabry RT @elizabethkarr: Get comfortable with scary phone calls. Of
course, when your project is ready - but force yourself to dial and say,
'Hello... #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am CindyPCarroll @GinyMacGregor I will be. Need to finish a novel this year. #
2011-08-29 12:53 am Jamie_LD In just 37 minutes #tvwriterchat will be continuing this "breaking in"
conversation with writer @mattmaclennan #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am kellyanelons @jeannevb has paid herself forward into the next millenium! :) #
2011-08-29 12:53 am mattmdavid Wish I was participating more, but I'm too busy soaking up
knowledge. #scriptchat #lurker
2011-08-29 12:53 am zacsanford2 If you cold call a company & they say "we don't take unsolicited
queries" please do not be rude to them. Thank them & hang up. #
2011-08-29 12:53 am unclesean RT @jeannevb: Re: networking, I introduce ppl I think can help ea
other ALL the time. Pay it forward. They'll remember you #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am andrealmcneill The bottom line is you have to have a great story written to industry
standards and until you do, "Hone the craft". #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:53 am MeganDrapalski RT @kellyanelons: @jeannevb has paid herself forward into the next
millenium! :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:54 am leannekimsmith RT @ruminski: #scriptchat Breaking into the business? Number one
thing you can do is get involved - work as crew on a short, do an
internship. Anything.
2011-08-29 12:54 am caramumfordfilm So true! RT @kellyanelons: @jeannevb has paid herself forward into
the next millenium! :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:54 am kellyanelons @Jamie_LD Can you tell us something about @mattmaclennan? #
2011-08-29 12:54 am LyleHogue @jeannevb Pay it forward! Smashing. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:54 am kim_garland @nobull408 Honestly, after crewing & now directing, if I sold script &
wasn't directing, not sure I'd even *want* to be on set #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:54 am DaveMcGlone1 RT If you cold call a company & they say "we dont take unsolicited
queries" please do not be rude to them. Thank them & hang up. #
2011-08-29 12:54 am Jamie_LD Just BEWARE of people who say they are your friend, then cut you
down in front of others. Screenwriting can be cutthroat. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:54 am zacsanford2 But you know who sometimes takes unsolicited queries even though
the company doesn't? Assistants! The gatekeepers to the town. #
2011-08-29 12:54 am GinyMacGregor RT @LyleHogue: @jeannevb Pay it forward! Smashing. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:54 am apoeticanomaly My only problem with taking on additional jobs on a set is becoming a
Jack of all trades, master of none. Does that make sense? #
2011-08-29 12:55 am GinyMacGregor RT @Jamie_LD: Just BEWARE of people who say they are your
friend, then cut you down in front of others. Screenwriting can be
cutthroat. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:55 am kim_garland @nobull408 Maybe a one day set visit would be fun. :) But otherwise,
I think it would suck on set as the writer not the director #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:55 am jtabergas @zacsanford2 do all companies publicly announce if they
accept/don't accept unsolicited queries? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:55 am MeganDrapalski RT Great advice :) @zacsanford2: But u know who sometimes takes
unsolicited queries? Assistants! The gatekeepers to the town. #
2011-08-29 12:55 am Jamie_LD @kellyanelons @mattmaclennan IMDB #
2011-08-29 12:55 am jeannevb Sigh #irene is still dicking with my power. Out again. Have a great rest
of #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:55 am DaveMcGlone1 I think a lot of writers need to learn about the business too, learn how
much that cool car chase will cost to shoot etc #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:55 am nate_winslow RT @zacsanford2: But you know who sometimes takes unsolicited
queries when the company doesnt? Assistants! The gatekeepers. #
2011-08-29 12:55 am joda07 @jtabergas Yeah. It's a challenge. Lucky I like challenges. Either that
or I'm rly stupid. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:55 am apoeticanomaly @Jamie_LD That's why I'm going to start bringing cookies where ever
I go. Noone can be mean to you, if you give him/her a cookie #
2011-08-29 12:56 am kim_garland @apoeticanomaly I wouldn't worry about that. You'll be a master of
screenwriting but actually have strong film connections too #
2011-08-29 12:56 am authorViviAnna @Jamie_LD if someoen did that to you...I'd cut them #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:56 am zacsanford2 @jamie_ld it isn't just screenwriting... but this whole industry that is
filled with cutthroat people. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:56 am kellyanelons @heroesAREboring Send me an email about what you write.
www.kellyanelons. Maybe we can find someone. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:56 am elizabethkarr Keys to the kingdom #gatekeepers #benice RT @zacsanford2:
...unsolicited queries... Assistants! The gatekeepers to the town. #
2011-08-29 12:56 am joda07 RT @elizabethkarr: Keys to the kingdom #gatekeepers #benice RT
@zacsanford2: ...unsolicited queries... Assistants! The gatekeepers
to the town. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:56 am SidKali RT @zacsanford2: @jamie_ld it isn't just screenwriting... but this
whole industry that is filled with cutthroat people. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:56 am zacsanford2 @jtabergas Rule of thumb: If not stated they DON'T accept
unsolicited queries. HCDonline usually has it listed. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:56 am Mindy_Crump @apoeticanomaly great idea with the cookies...Cookies always
makes a person happy #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:57 am joda07 @jtabergas Good luck with yours though. What's the genre? #
2011-08-29 12:57 am jtabergas @zacsanford2 awesome, thanks for the info. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:57 am nancyjolyn RT @jeannevb: Re: networking, I introduce ppl I think can help ea
other ALL the time. Pay it forward. They'll remember you #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:57 am heroesAREboring @kellyanelons I was just going to ask if I could do that. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:57 am kellyanelons @Jamie_LD @mattmaclennan Oh he had me at Nero Wolfe! And
he's hunky. (Don't say that in a meeting, kids.) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:57 am elizabethkarr Like @zacsanford2 says, most want submission thru agent, mgr,
lawyer. Doesn't mean that you can't chat them up & intrigue them. #
2011-08-29 12:58 am nobull408 @kim_garland Agreed. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:58 am LisaGProsek Great #scriptchat tonight! Thanks for all the great ideas and info! #
2011-08-29 12:58 am jtabergas @joda07 romance drama, not as ambitious though, we're shooting in
a course of 8 wknds, max. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:58 am GCGeek @GinyMacGregor I will be doing NaNoWriMo again. Made it to 10K
words last year. Hoping to quintuple that this year. :-) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:58 am apoeticanomaly How do you pay it forward, if you don't know if you can? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:58 am zacsanford2 So as we're talking about breaking in I guess I'm going to be nice
tonight. I'm going to allow unsolicited queries to Suntaur. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:58 am NailahCarter "Life and writing" #amblogging #amreading
#amwriting #write #writegoal #writenow #writersblock #writetip #
2011-08-29 12:59 am TVWriterChat In just 30 minutes #tvwriterchat will be continuing this "breaking in"
conversation with writer @mattmaclennan #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:59 am caramumfordfilm Going to my first networking with Women in Film & TV - Toronto this
week, so this topic is good timing! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:59 am peterharveyfilm Same RT @jeannevb: Re: networking, I introduce ppl I think can help
ea other ALL the time. Pay it forward. They'll remember you #
2011-08-29 12:59 am joda07 Awesome #scriptchat this morning! Always good to realize ur not
alone. Feel energized now. Ok back to scene breakdowns.
2011-08-29 12:59 am Mindy_Crump I was only here for 30 minutes and I already learned so much! Can't
wait to read the transcript in full #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:59 am kim_garland Boom! RT @zacsanford2 So as we're talking about breaking in I'm
going to be nice tonight... allow unsolicited queries to Suntaur #
2011-08-29 12:59 am zacsanford2 Send your query letter addressed to me with "#scriptchat" in the
subject line. Send it to zac at scriptchat dot com. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:59 am kellyanelons @elizabethkarr How can I find actors generous enough to read & give
me their POV on the script? Is there a magic word? :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 12:59 am LeeABrian and just how do you guys plan on getting your scripts to the
assistants? boxes of fake chocolates? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am heroesAREboring Bowing out of #scriptchat. Good one tonight. Tweets about owls,
booze, Def Comedy Jam, and the like to now resume.
2011-08-29 1:00 am nate_winslow SHAZAAM says Zac. RT @zacsanford2: So Im going to be nice
tonight. Im going to allow unsolicited queries to Suntaur. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am LyleHogue @Jamie_LD @zacsanford2 What about Facebook. You will find more
and more producers there? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am zacsanford2 Please put the query letter in the body of the email as any email with
attachments will be deleted. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am joda07 @jtabergas Noice. We expect regular on-set twitter updates. :) #
2011-08-29 1:00 am DaveMcGlone1 I've had companies say "no unsolicited..." but then tell me to send
over the script after a one sentence pitch... #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am Evenstephen2000 And their book is a good read. RT @jeannevb: @joshuastecker
thanks, Josh! @nerdist @thomaslennon #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am caramumfordfilm @zacsanford2 Very generous!!! But should we wait until we've got
three scripts? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am GCGeek Can't wait for @malber's Death Valley premiering on MTV tomorrow
night! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:00 am Sherree_W @jeannevb I was lurking #scriptchat tonight. Wow, learned alot!
2011-08-29 1:00 am Jamie_LD Did you hear that? #scriptchat @zacsanford will be accepting
unsolicited queries for a limited time.
2011-08-29 1:00 am jtabergas Definitely never alone! RT @joda07: Always good to realize ur not
alone. Feel energized now. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am Leemanrhymes Round up - Have 3 great scripts ready, network, work on film sets,
assistants are your friends, have cookies! Anything else? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am joda07 @DaveMcGlone1 It's like anything I guess. When looking for any kind
of job, I always ring first to find out who to speak to. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am nate_winslow @kellyanelons I have answers but it depends on where you live. #
2011-08-29 1:01 am zacsanford2 A great book regarding networking: Never Eat Alone by Keith
Farrazzi. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am jtabergas Definitely. I love Twitter! RT @joda07: @jtabergas Noice. We expect
regular on-set twitter updates. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am nobull408 @caramumfordfilm You'll have a blast! Toronto is a great film town.
#Toronto #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am authorViviAnna @zacsanford2 Wheeeeeee! zac is awesomesauce!! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am lisamondello @zacsanford So cool! Thanks for the great chat tonight. I learned
so much. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am Mindy_Crump @zacsanford2 any deadline for this awesome offer Mr. Sanford? #
2011-08-29 1:01 am karlabry @authorViviAnna Yes. That would happen only one time.
@Jamie_LD #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am elizabethkarr @kellyanelons Magic word: relationship. Actors love to act, so if they
know you, like your work, they'll help you out. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am joda07 @DaveMcGlone1 Plus if they know it's coming, less likely to end up in
Spam folder. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:01 am CindyPCarroll @zacsanford2 Very generous of you Zac! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:02 am Jamie_LD Okay, I have to pull the transcript now so I can be done before
#tvwiterchat starts #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:02 am zacsanford2 @caramumfordfilm The three script rule doesn't apply for this open
submission period unless you'd also like representation. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:02 am jtabergas Great #scriptchat tonight! Grabbing me some wine before
#tvwriterchat! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:02 am kim_garland RT @zacsanford2 Send ur query letter addressed to me w "#
scriptchat" in the subject line. Send it to zac at scriptchat dot com.
2011-08-29 1:02 am LisaFromNYC @zacsanford2 How do you feel about comedies? #ScriptChat
2011-08-29 1:02 am caramumfordfilm Cool! RT @zacsanford2: The three script rule doesnt apply for this
open submission period unless youd also like representation. #
2011-08-29 1:02 am nobull408 @caramumfordfilm Remember what Dov Simens phrase, "I have
various projects in different phases of development." ;) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:02 am zacsanford2 Query letters should be to zac at scriptchat dot com by EOB on
Friday. @mindy_crump #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:02 am ruminski @zacsanford2 @jamie_ld Absolutely. A good bullshit detector is
probably your #1 ESSENTIAL survival tool beyond a good work ethic
2011-08-29 1:02 am zacsanford2 @LisaFromNYC comedies are my favorite, but also the genre that I'm
toughest on. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:03 am LisaFromNYC RT @zacsanford2: Query letters should be to zac at scriptchat dot
com by EOB on Friday. @mindy_crump #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:03 am joda07 RT @elizabethkarr: @kellyanelons Magic word: relationship. Actors
love to act, so if they know you, like your work, they'll help you out. #
2011-08-29 1:03 am zacsanford2 @kellyanelons email me (zac at scriptchat dot com) with "#
scriptchat" in the subject line by Friday. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:03 am LisaFromNYC yeah and ugh RT @zacsanford2: @LisaFromNYC comedies are my
favorite, but also the genre that Im toughest on. #ScriptChat
2011-08-29 1:04 am elizabethkarr This will make you smile. 'Networking' with Joan Rivers this afternoon.
Struck up #convo at theatre. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:04 am DaveMcGlone1 thanks for the great chat everyone, have a great night... tomorrow I'll
see if I'm brave enough to query @zacsanford2! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:04 am LyleHogue @zacsanford2 @LisaFromNYC Yup passed on one of mine :( #
2011-08-29 1:04 am kellyanelons @elizabethkarr And if they aren't familiar with me? I'm in Mass so I'm
not sure where to meet actors. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:04 am MeganDrapalski Thanks everyone :)n #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:05 am Leemanrhymes Round up - Have 3 great scripts ready, network, work on film sets,
assistants are your friends, have cookies! Anything else? #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:05 am caramumfordfilm Another whirlwind and informative chat... Have a great week
everyone! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:05 am zacsanford2 @LyleHogue Doesn't mean you can't query me again. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:05 am Mindy_Crump @zacsanford2 any specific genres you're looking for? I'm making sure
my writing fits #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:05 am apoeticanomaly @zacsanford2 Ignore my direct message. Ha. You literally answered
my question two seconds later. Ha. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:06 am zacsanford2 @Leemanrhymes gluten free, sugar free, vegan cookies. Too many
people are picky in LA. :) #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:06 am joda07 @Leemanrhymes Don't get too drunk at networking events. Easy to
do when have free drinks. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:06 am LyleHogue @zacsanford2 True I was so green then!!! #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:06 am elizabethkarr Attend local theatres, community, college RT @kellyanelons:
@elizabethkarr ..not sure where to meet actors. #scriptchat
2011-08-29 1:06 am zacsanford2 @Mindy_Crump Mainly lower budget. Prefer Comedy, Family or
Horror. But open to almost anything at the moment. #scriptchat

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