Sunday, January 9, 2011

Subplot Transcript January 9, 2011

#Scriptchat TOPIC: Subplots

Tonight, both EURO and USA chats talked subplots.  In typical scriptchat fashion, some agreed, some disagreed… and some were having totally unrelated chats amongst the main topic.  Yes, we even do subplots while chatting subplots.  At USA chat, a director popped in looking for talent to work with.  Lesson learned: you never know what will happen at scriptchat… so don’t miss one!  Enjoy! @jeannevb

EURO moderator: Mina Zaher @DreamsGrafter
USA moderator: Jeanne Veillette Bowerman @jeannevb


8:00 pm            DreamsGrafter:            #Scriptchat O'Clock ... We're discussing Subpots tonight! Come, join in ... everyone welcome!
8:01 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year break ... ! #scriptchat
8:01 pm            Jonathan_Peace:            Cashed up just in time for #scriptchat but can I also deal with the annoying kids at same time? Ah, a subplot!!
8:01 pm            yeah_write:            And it's Euro #scriptchat o'clock. We are talking subplots. Join us.
8:01 pm            simone257:            howdy scriptchatters :-) #scriptchat
8:01 pm            jeannevb:   #scriptchat RT @writerlane: Listening to @filmcourage this morning with guest Danny Manus. May the awesomeness commence.
8:01 pm            janetvaneeden:            @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat Hello Mina! Lurking in background. 10 pm here and have had long birthday party day but listening and *waving*
8:02 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Jonathan_Peace Haha, tell me about me. Subplot! What probs do you have with yours Jonathan? #scriptchat
8:02 pm            jeannevb:            woohoo @lmcnelly is LIVE on @filmcourage RIGHT NOW to lead in to @DannyManus #scriptchat
8:02 pm            DreamsGrafter:            My biggest issue with subplot is that a lot of the time it starts to overtake the main plot. Doh! #scriptchat
8:03 pm            art1032:            Hello Euro #scriptchat *waves* :)
8:03 pm            SaschaIllyvich:            RT @yeah_write: 9 minutes to Euro chat. We are discussing subplots. #scriptchat
8:03 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @janetvaneeden Omg, is it your birthday today Janet? #scriptchat
8:03 pm            jeannevb:            *waves* hi EURO #scriptchat - happy new year!
8:04 pm            yeah_write:            @DreamsGrafter My problem is that I can never find the subplot. I like just a main story, but I know that not how it ends up. #scriptchat
8:04 pm            Robert296hewitt:            #scriptchat Hey all. So what is everyones thoughts on subplots and how the add to a story?
8:04 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Sometimes the characters in my subplots are more interesting that the ones in the main story. Makes me wonder whose story it is. #scriptchat
8:04 pm            janetvaneeden:            @jeannevb Happy New Year to you too. #scriptchat
8:05 pm            AlexisNiki:            Hello scriptchatters! Happy New Year! #scriptchat
8:05 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Hey there! :) RT @art1032: Hello Euro #scriptchat *waves* :)
8:05 pm            Jonathan_Peace:            @DreamsGrafter problem I have is I tend to overlook them in the initial rush to write the A story #scriptchat
8:05 pm            jeannevb:            @DreamsGrafter I find often we make the supporting cast more interesting than prot bc we're busy protecting prot in early drafts #scriptchat
8:05 pm            yeah_write:            @Jonathan_Peace I'm with you Jonathan. I have to go back a look for it. #scriptchat
8:05 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @DreamsGrafter: Sometimes the characters in my subplots are more interesting that the ones in the main story. Makes me wonder whose story it is. #scriptchat
8:05 pm            jeannevb:            @janetvaneeden HNY and Happy birthday! #doublethefun #scriptchat
8:05 pm            simone257:            how many subplots do you usually put in min/max? (I've read a script with about half a dozen subplots - way too much) #scriptchat
8:05 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @SaschaIllyvich Welcome! ... what's your thoughts on subplot ... are you cool with it or do you struggle? #scriptchat
8:06 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter I find often we make the supporting cast more interesting than prot bc we're busy protecting prot in early drafts #scriptchat
8:06 pm            yeah_write:            Happy Birthday. RT @jeannevb: @janetvaneeden HNY and Happy birthday! #doublethefun #scriptchat
8:06 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Hey! :) RT @jeannevb: *waves* hi EURO #scriptchat - happy new year!
8:06 pm            jeannevb:            tip I found helpful: carry theme into your subplots #scriptchat
8:06 pm            DreamsGrafter:            They help convey the theme? RT @Robert296hewitt: #scriptchat Hey all. So what is everyones thoughts on subplots and how the add to a story?
8:06 pm            Lauraann1061:            RT @jeannevb: tip I found helpful: carry theme into your subplots #scriptchat
8:06 pm            jeannevb:            I'm listening to @DannyManus on @filmcourage while talking subplots w EURO. I feel like Sybil ha #scriptchat
8:07 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @janetvaneeden *puts note in diary* ;) xo #scriptchat
8:07 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @jeannevb tip I found helpful: carry theme into your subplots #scriptchat <--Agree - the subplot must carry main plots themes through too
8:07 pm            AlexisNiki:            I find if you understand the conflicts in your story really well, the subplots evolve organically. #scriptchat
8:07 pm            janetvaneeden:            @DreamsGrafter Ah thanks :) XX #scriptchat
8:07 pm            Jonathan_Peace:            In my new script I'm trying to write a subplot that is the mirror opposite in theme to the main story #scriptchat
8:07 pm            GCGeek:            I was just going to ask if all (A,B,C) should carry theme! RT @jeannevb: tip I found helpful: carry theme into your subplots #scriptchat
8:08 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Jonathan_Peace: In my new script I'm trying to write a subplot that is the mirror opposite in theme to the main story #scriptchat
8:08 pm            GCGeek:            Like that 2 RT @Jonathan_Peace: In my new script Im trying to write a subplot that is mirror opposite in theme to the main story #scriptchat
8:08 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @AlexisNiki: I find if you understand the conflicts in your story really well, the subplots evolve organically. #scriptchat
8:08 pm            lady_di11:            ME TOO! @jeannevb I'm listening to @DannyManus on @filmcourage while talking subplots w EURO. I feel like Sybil ha #scriptchat
8:08 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @yeah_write One way to find the subplot is to look at theme. Re thriller, have you seen Shadow of a Doubt? #scriptchat
8:09 pm            jeannevb:            Dara Marks wrote a great book on theme called Inside Story. Its linked on our blog #scriptchat
8:09 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Jonathan_Peace So do you add the subplot in after the rough draft? #scriptchat
8:09 pm            PrologueWriting:            #scriptchat so subplots is the topic for today?
8:09 pm            janetvaneeden:            @yeah_write @jeannevb Thank you both! :) The one follows close on the other. :) #Scriptchat
8:09 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat thats what I use them for you could use the Robert Bloch use of subplot to throw the audience off like in Psycho.
8:09 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Robert296hewitt: @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat thats what I use them for you could use the Robert Bloch use of subplot to throw the audience off like in Psycho.
8:09 pm            yeah_write:            @DreamsGrafter I have seen it, but I'll watch it again. #scriptchat
8:09 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @jeannevb That so makes sense re protecting protagonists. #scriptchat
8:09 pm            KrisTheScript:            My latest 5 page short film script, option available for any filmmakers at no cost. Enjoy. #scriptchat #screenwriting
8:10 pm            jeannevb:            @lady_di11 I'm also doing my @ScreenwritingU homework... does that mean its a subplot to #scriptchat ? haha
8:10 pm            paper_castle:            RT @AlexisNiki: I find if you understand the conflicts in your story really well, the subplots evolve organically. #scriptchat
8:11 pm            zacsanford2:            Yippy @jeannevb was just pimped on @filmcourage radio. #scriptchat
8:11 pm            Robert296hewitt:            I often struggle with sub plots because they tend to lead to another story that I then want to tell and become their own entity #scriptchat
8:11 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat There isn't a one size fits all answer to the issue of subplots. It's dependent on the nature of the story you are telling
8:11 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @jeannevb: @lady_di11 I'm also doing my @ScreenwritingU homework... does that mean its a subplot to #scriptchat ? haha
8:11 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Robert296hewitt Psycho, that's an interesting one ... what's the subplot for your? Marion's plight? #scriptchat
8:12 pm            twatterer:            @DreamsGrafter my issue with subplots is the popular consensus they should be included regardless of story needs. #Scriptchat
8:12 pm            AlexisNiki:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat There isnt a one size fits all answer to subplots. Its dependent on the nature of the story. #scriptchat
8:12 pm            jeannevb:            heehee :) RT @zacsanford2: Yippy @jeannevb was just pimped on @filmcourage radio. #scriptchat
8:12 pm            Jonathan_Peace:            @DreamsGrafter I can clear more of the fossil in rewrites, and better reveal theme, subplots with each new draft #scriptchat
8:13 pm            zacsanford2:            RT @filmutopia: There isnt a one size fits all answer to the issue of subplots. Its dependent on the story you are telling #scriptchat
8:13 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter yeah. The way she steels the money and her personal conflict I think Hitchcock called it a macguffin. #scriptchat
8:14 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat Of course, I'm fairly certain that the "there isn't a one size fits all answer" could be my only thought for every topic
8:14 pm            yeah_write:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat There isn't a one size fits all answer to the issue of subplots. It's dependent on nature of story u r telling
8:14 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter my issue with subplots is the popular consensus they should be included regardless of story needs. #Scriptchat
8:14 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter my issue with subplots is the popular consensus they should be included regardless of story needs. #Scriptchat
8:15 pm            lady_di11:            RT @jeannevb: heehee :) RT @zacsanford2: Yippy @jeannevb was just pimped on @filmcourage radio. #scriptchat
8:15 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @twatterer *beams* Welcome! #scriptchat
8:15 pm            Robert296hewitt:            I think with subplots there is many different views and i think a lot of the time we write them but don't realise it. #scriptchat
8:15 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat Although, I do believe that thematically driven scripts will tend to develop more subplots than classic arc scripts
8:16 pm            reebotfilms:            Blake Snyder talks usefully about sub-plots in the always helpful #savethecat #scriptchat
8:16 pm            SaschaIllyvich:            @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat It depends on the story really. If the one I work on calls for it then I go with that for spinoff story
8:17 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Jonathan_Peace I like tht approach ...u find yr theme organically. Sometimes we don't know why we're writing a story initially. #scriptchat
8:17 pm            luckwagon:            RT @jokeandbiagio: Listening to @filmcourage show, catch it here: #scriptchat with @dannymanus
8:17 pm            janetvaneeden:            @DreamsGrafter @twatterer Hello! Agree that there are some stories which don't have subplots. I wasn't going to say that but.. #scriptchat
8:17 pm            DreamsGrafter:            #subplot RT @SaschaIllyvich: #scriptchat It depends on the story. If the one I work on calls for it then I go with that for spinoff story
8:18 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @filmutopia @reebotfilms @Robert296hewitt Hey guys, good to see you on here! :) #scriptchat
8:18 pm            yeah_write:            Can you please name some movies with no subplot? #scriptchat
8:18 pm            twatterer:            @DreamsGrafter am doing this on phone from pub, so... as Goldilocks once said, "Bear with me." #scriptchat
8:18 pm            AlexisNiki:            RT @DreamsGrafter: @Jonathan_Peace I like tht approach ...u find yr theme organically. #scriptchat
8:19 pm            GCGeek:            And watching NFL RT @jeannevb: Im listening to @DannyManus on @filmcourage while talking subplots w EURO. I feel like Sybil ha #scriptchat
8:19 pm            filmutopia:            @DreamsGrafter I'm not here. hahhahahahahaha you never saw me, i never said anything #scriptchat
8:19 pm            iamJaymes:            @yeah_write 2012 and Rope #scriptchat
8:19 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @yeah_write: Can you please name some movies with no subplot? #scriptchat
8:19 pm            art1032:            I 2nd that question:) @yeah_write Can you please name some movies with no subplot? #scriptchat
8:19 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @yeah_write: Can you please name some movies with no subplot? #scriptchat
8:20 pm            janetvaneeden:            @yeah_write Can think of a number of plays which don't have subplots but not so much films... Still thinking. #scriptchat
8:20 pm            filmcourage:            RT @GCGeek: And watching NFL RT @jeannevb: Im listening to @DannyManus on @filmcourage while talking subplots w EURO. I feel like Sybil ha #scriptchat
8:20 pm            Bang2write:            @yeah_write how about HARD TARGET and most JCVD films - basically those "plot heavy", action-based films? #scriptchat
8:20 pm            eJamesDevereaux:            Dillinger Is Dead RT @yeah_write: Can you please name some movies with no subplot? #scriptchat
8:20 pm            DreamsGrafter:            So what about structuring subplot? #scriptchat
8:21 pm            jeannevb:            haha u can't hide fr us ;) RT @filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter Im not here. hahhahahahahaha you never saw me, i never said anything #scriptchat
8:21 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Bang2write: @yeah_write how about HARD TARGET and most JCVD films - basically those "plot heavy", action-based films? #scriptchat
8:21 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter its been a while but hoping to get into the #scriptchat scene more.
8:21 pm            twatterer:            @DreamsGrafter my point being that films per se don't *need* subplots, it's just certain stories do. #Scriptchat
8:21 pm            DreamsGrafter:            #nosubplot RT @Bang2write: @yeah_write how abt HARD TARGET & most JCVD films - basically those "plot heavy", action-based films? #scriptchat
8:21 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter the sci-fi horror/action PITCH BLACK has a brilliantly structure sub plot feeding into its main plot IMHO #scriptchat
8:22 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @filmutopia *closes eyes* :) #scriptchat
8:22 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter my point being that films per se don't *need* subplots, it's just certain stories do. #Scriptchat
8:22 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat to be honest I'd be hard pushed to tell the difference between planed subplots and well written minor characters
8:22 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter my point being that films per se don't *need* subplots, it's just certain stories do. #Scriptchat
8:22 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter @yeah_write That's difficult. A film with no sub plot? Some may say they don't exist. #scriptchat
8:23 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter the sci-fi horror/action PITCH BLACK has a brilliantly structure sub plot feeding into its main plot IMHO #scriptchat
8:23 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Bang2write I need to see Pitch Black. #scriptchat
8:23 pm            twatterer:            @DreamsGrafter North By Northwest, one of the finest scripts ever written has no subplot. #Scriptchat
8:23 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat to be honest I'd be hard pushed to tell the difference between planed subplots and well written minor characters
8:23 pm            scott_logie:            @yeah_write "Shoot 'Em Up". (You didn't say "good" movies.) #scriptchat
8:23 pm            Bang2write:            @twatterer agree - there's many times a sub plot is not needed in specs, yet *too much* = KING LEAR draft, w/ 2 main plots #scriptchat
8:23 pm            yeah_write:            RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter North By Northwest, one of the finest scripts ever written has no subplot. #Scriptchat
8:23 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @twatterer They may not need them but would you say a lot of films have them through accident? #scriptchat
8:24 pm            luckwagon:            "Be your script's guardian, not it's mommy." Danny Manus on #filmcourage #scriptchat
8:24 pm            filmutopia:            @jeannevb but how do you know it is me? I like Bob McKee, classical story arcs and hate people who use long words or read books #scriptchat
8:24 pm            DreamsGrafter:            So if a plot doesn't have a subplot ... how do you change the pace of the story (for example)? #scriptchat
8:24 pm            AndieRedwine:            RT @DannyManus: A couple hours until the @filmcourage radio show! Tune in and you can skype questions too...this is gonna be fun/scary. haha #scriptchat
8:24 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter I think a gd subplot is OVER by the resolution - should help bring journey towards it, to really "fit" #scriptchat
8:24 pm            AlexisNiki:            How does everyone define "subplot"? I'm realizing I don't think about subplots anymore--but I write them. Hmm... #scriptchat
8:24 pm            yeah_write:            Very interesting responses to the no subplot question. Thanks. #scriptchat
8:24 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter North By Northwest, one of the finest scripts ever written has no subplot. #Scriptchat
8:25 pm            janetvaneeden:            #Nosubplots RT @scott_logie @yeah_write "Shoot 'Em Up". (You didn't say "good" movies.) #scriptchat <--Yes lots of BAD films with no subplot
8:25 pm            chained:            What are the most interesting subplots of all the #movies you've seen ? #scriptchat
8:25 pm            JoshKEvans:            @Bang2write I prefer Chronicles of Riddick subplots more than those of Pitch Black. #scifi #scriptchat
8:25 pm            Bang2write:            RT @DreamsGrafter: RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter North By Northwest, one of the finest scripts ever written has no subplot. #Scriptchat
8:25 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Agree! RT @Bang2write: I think a gd subplot is OVER by the resolution - should help bring journey towards it, to really "fit" #scriptchat
8:25 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat hi, still in Holland and a litle bit stoned, so no meaningful contribution from me tonight>
8:25 pm            jeannevb:            @filmutopia haha ... *whispers* I still have to read your blog today. Saving it as reward for finishing my homework :) #scriptchat
8:25 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter via secondary characters' POV of/involvement in situation the protagonist is going through #scriptchat
8:26 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @scott_logie I thought it did. It was the romance between the hooker and clive owen. It gave the story more substance. #scriptchat
8:26 pm            filmutopia:            @yingandyang I've enjoyed your contribution the most #scriptchat
8:26 pm            janetvaneeden:            I was thinking of that but thght I must be wrong! RT @twatterer North By Northwest, finest scripts ever written has no subplot. #Scriptchat
8:26 pm            thewritertype:            #scriptchat I don't notice subplot unless the main plot is pants. If the film is good it all just seems part of the story.
8:26 pm            RalphGreco1:            Most 1st time writers need to know that even if they make a sale, they will be re-written by others #filmcourage #scriptchat #filmcourage
8:27 pm            DreamsGrafter:            TY! x RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter via secondary characters' POV of/involvement in situation the protagonist is going through #scriptchat
8:27 pm            filmutopia:            @jeannevb I hope you enjoy it. It think it's an interesting one and I only used the word idiot once! #scriptchat
8:27 pm            chained:            RT @DreamsGrafter: RT @twatterer: @DreamsGrafter North By Northwest, one of the finest scripts ever written has no subplot. #Scriptchat
8:27 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat However, I have incorporated a subplot into my SP, which is threatening to take over the main plot!
8:27 pm            filmutopia:            @thewritertype good point. #scriptchat
8:27 pm            jeannevb:            we have links on #scriptchat blog too RT @TAOXproductions: Lots of scripts are available free online! #filmcourage
8:28 pm            yingandyang:            @filmutopia #scriptchat Clive, you flatter me
8:28 pm            twatterer:            @Robert296hewitt most subplots prob exist either by design or natural story evolution. It's the former we should be wary of #scriptchat
8:28 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat I don't notice subplot unless the main plot is pants. If the film is good it all just seems part of the story.
8:28 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter Pitch Black main plot, "escape monsters"; sub plot - the fight for supremacy over the group btwn Riddick & Johns #scriptchat
8:28 pm            jameskick:            New #FollowedFilm #interview #zombie and #film lovers! We have a great discussion about the #story: #scriptchat
8:28 pm            jeannevb:            RT @thewritertype: I dont notice subplot unless the main plot is pants. If the film is good it all just seems part of the story. #scriptchat
8:28 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @twatterer: @Robert296hewitt most subplots prob exist either by design or natural story evolution. It's the former we should be wary of #scriptchat
8:28 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat I don't notice subplot unless the main plot is pants. If the film is good it all just seems part of the story.
8:29 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter some v lean, genre-busting writing in terms of structure... unfortunately let down by some v poor dialogue IMHO #scriptchat
8:29 pm            Bang2write:            RT @twatterer: @Robert296hewitt most subplots prob exist either by design or natural story evolution. It's the former we should be wary of #scriptchat
8:29 pm            thewritertype:            #scriptchat Also, I don't plan to write subplot, I write minor characters who then create subplot if they fit in well.
8:30 pm            SaschaIllyvich:            @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat it's really a matter of my target market when I write. Take a business approach to my writing, mix with organic
8:30 pm            pattyfantasia:            RT @jeannevb: we have links on #scriptchat blog too RT @TAOXproductions: Lots of scripts are available free online! #filmcourage
8:30 pm            DreamsGrafter:            So excluding the subplot isn't genre dependent - i.e. more likely in action and thriller? It's dependent on story? #scriptchat
8:30 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter I use Pitch Black as an example w/ Bang2writers not 'cos it's best film, but cos it is v clear in its transitions #scriptchat
8:31 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @thewritertype #scriptchat I don't plan to write subplot, I write minor characters who then create subplot if they fit in well. <-Me too
8:31 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat Also, I don't plan to write subplot, I write minor characters who then create subplot if they fit in well.
8:31 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @twatterer yeah because putting something inorganic in your story can change it's natural path would you say? #scriptchat
8:31 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat would now be a good time to mention the practice of writing short stories for minor characters to create subplots for rewrites?
8:31 pm            jameskick:            RT @jeannevb: RT @thewritertype: I dont notice subplot unless the main plot is pants. If the film is good it all just seems part of the story. #scriptchat
8:32 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Bang2write Will definitely watch as a Bang2Writer ;) #scriptchat
8:32 pm            yeah_write:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat wld now B a gd time 2 mention the practice of writing short stories 4 minor char 2 create subplots 4 rewrites?
8:32 pm            jubei_:            RT @Jonathan_Peace: In my new script I'm trying to write a subplot that is the mirror opposite in theme to the main story #scriptchat
8:32 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Bang2write Our local dvd place has closed down. Will join Love Film so I can keep up w/ research. #scriptchat
8:32 pm            twatterer:            @Bang2write Lucy's better placed to comment re mass of scripts she's prob read with subplots wrongly included as story padding #scriptchat
8:32 pm            Bang2write:            Sometimes writers don't realise subplot in movies most often compliments main plot;they write a different story altogether #scriptchat (1/2)
8:32 pm            janetvaneeden:            @DreamsGrafter I think character and story are paramount & if there is a need for a subplot it should evolve from story's needs #scriptchat
8:32 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @SaschaIllyvich What kinda stuff do you write? #scriptchat
8:33 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat would now be a good time to mention the practice of writing short stories for minor characters to create subplots for rewrites?
8:33 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter I think a story needs subplots and text to the story more substance whether we put them in on purpose or not. #scriptchat
8:33 pm            markapritchard:            RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat I don't notice subplot unless the main plot is pants. If the film is good it all just seems part of the story.
8:33 pm            Bang2write:            It means the feature can feel disjointed. Why is a story SO different contrast against main plot? Can wk, but needs GD reason #scriptchat
8:34 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @filmutopia Never even considered that. Good suggestion ... after all, every character is the lead in their own story. #scriptchat
8:34 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter I use Pitch Black as an example w/ Bang2writers not 'cos it's best film, but cos it is v clear in its transitions #scriptchat
8:34 pm            yingandyang:            @filmutopia #scriptchat No it wouldn't
8:34 pm            GCGeek:            @janetvaneeden @DreamsGrafter Agree! Evolve from story & characters. Not to be added/padded #scriptchat
8:35 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Robert296hewitt Can you elaborate? Interesting point. #scriptchat
8:35 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter you can usually buy it cheaply in bargain bins or on eBay #scriptchat
8:35 pm            SaschaIllyvich:            @DreamsGrafter I write erotic romance in a variety of subgenres. #scriptchat #subplot
8:35 pm            Tiemachine:            RT @SaschaIllyvich: @DreamsGrafter I write erotic romance in a variety of subgenres. #scriptchat #subplot
8:36 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat Have spent most of this new year watching Withnail and I and getting drunk/stoned with a very old friend >
8:36 pm            Jonathan_Peace:            Gotta go mop floor (not a euphanism) Hope to catch tail end of #scriptchat
8:36 pm            devt:            500 words a day the charm! All done, & I can join #scriptchat, or the beautiful day outside.
8:36 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @twatterer @Bang2write I think in my thriller feature I used them for padding. Take them away and what do you have left? #scriptchat
8:36 pm            AlexisNiki:            @devt Join us, join us! #scriptchat
8:37 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter like an action film with a love interest. the love interest makes it more appealing to a wider audience but... #scriptchat
8:37 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @GCGeek Evolve from story & character not to be added/padded @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat >---Yes!
8:37 pm            MrSatoshi:            @thewritertype have you seen Half Nelson? Just watched. Good example of success on that front. Great script, I think #scriptchat
8:37 pm            menamartinez:            RT @yingandyang: #scriptchat hi, still in Holland and a litle bit stoned, so no meaningful contribution from me tonight>
8:38 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat BTW, subplot to Withnail and I is all about class 'Free to those who can afford it, very expensive to those who can't'
8:38 pm            thewritertype:            @filmutopia It's good to know what your characters are up to behind your back. Short stories maybe can do that. #scriptchat
8:38 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Robert296hewitt: @DreamsGrafter like an action film with a love interest. the love interest makes it more appealing to a wider audience but... #scriptchat
8:38 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter ...the main plot. A story cant survive on just one straight forward plot. It would be dull. #scriptchat
8:38 pm            Bang2write:            for those interested, an old blog post about what I call "King Lear Drafts"---> The Main Plot & The Sub Plot #scriptchat
8:39 pm            DreamsGrafter:            20 mins. to go ... join us! :) #scriptchat RT @devt: 500 words a day the charm! All done, & I can join #scriptchat, or the beautiful day.
8:39 pm            chained:            Can any #scriptchat user name any subplots that would make a good film On there own ?
8:39 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @janetvaneeden: RT @GCGeek Evolve from story & character not to be added/padded @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat >---Yes!
8:39 pm            jeannevb:            can I link on our blog? RT @Bang2write: blog post "King Lear Drafts"---> The Main Plot & The Sub Plot #scriptchat
8:39 pm            twatterer:            @Robert296hewitt I am just v wary of imposing a generic "a story *must* have a subplot" before we even explore the story's needs #scriptchat
8:40 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Jonathan_Peace Thanks for dropping in Jonathan! #scriptchat
8:40 pm            Bang2write:            @twatterer's right - too often a subplot becomes "story padding". Leaner writin so often more effective, esp in the genre movie #scriptchat
8:40 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Robert296hewitt What do you think about earlier suggestions re North by North West and Pitch Black that don't have subplots? #scriptchat
8:41 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Robert296hewitt I haven't seen Pitch Black ... but just putting it out there ... #scriptchat
8:41 pm            Bang2write:            @jeannevb of course you can! no need to ask, any links I give during #scriptchat always up for grabs : D
8:41 pm            thewritertype:            @MrSatoshi It's on my list of "where's that list of films to watch?" lists. Heard it's interesting. #scriptchat
8:41 pm            tinasteffan:            I have subplot and main story race each other. Because I dare to be bolder with subplot it pushes cowardice main story further. #scriptchat
8:41 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @twatterer: @Robert296hewitt I am just v wary of imposing a generic "a story *must* have a subplot" before we even explore the story's needs #scriptchat
8:41 pm            jeannevb:            @Bang2write sweet... I'm on it :) #blogmistress #scriptchat
8:41 pm            Bang2write:            @DreamsGrafter sorry Mina, Pitch Black does have a sub plot - it's HARD TARGET that doesn't #scriptchat
8:41 pm            jameskick:            @GCGeek I think if you're going to have a good script, there needs to be a message that intertwines as a cohesive unit @jeannevb #scriptchat
8:41 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @twatterer I never put them in but always find myself writing them without realizing ir finding them in my script when I rewrite #scriptchat
8:42 pm            chained:            I think the #movie JFK is 50 subplots rolled into 1 messy #conspiracy film #scriptchat #mobkilledjfk
8:42 pm            Bang2write:            RT @twatterer: @Robert296hewitt I am just v wary of imposing a generic "a story *must* have a subplot" before we even explore the story's needs #scriptchat
8:42 pm            DreamsGrafter:            *takes note* thanks! RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter sorry Mina, Pitch Black does have a sub plot - it's HARD TARGET that doesn't #scriptchat
8:42 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @yingandyang subplot to Withnail and I is abt class& not subplot? Withnail has no subplot IMHO #scriptchat
8:43 pm            filmutopia:            @DreamsGrafter Pitch Black has subplots. It's dense for a sci-fi. I mean Jack's is a GIRL & the aliens are all scientologists #scriptchat
8:43 pm            Bang2write:            As a reader, I don't believe a story *must* have a subplot to be successful - in fact, some *cld* be better without #scriptchat @twatterer
8:43 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat @janetvaneeden Bang to rights! Sorry, my head is becoming a little fuddled.
8:43 pm            lizziside:            RT @Bang2write: As a reader, I don't believe a story *must* have a subplot to be successful - in fact, some *cld* be better without #scriptchat @twatterer
8:43 pm            GCGeek:            @jameskick @GCGeek @jeannevb Cohesion is key. Not added just for another story & more pages. Needs to be intertwined as you say. #scriptchat
8:43 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @jameskick So do you believe that message always has to be in a subplot? Or are there other ways? #scriptchat
8:43 pm            RalphGreco1:            @johnaugust on structure: I?ll say that structure is like your skeleton. But... not every skeleton is the same. #scriptchat #filmcourage
8:44 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter well there may be exceptions but maybe they have just been over looked. Like in pitch black the subplot of... #scriptchat
8:44 pm            Bang2write:            @filmutopia haha, like your take on Pitch Black. Not a great film but some fab in-fighting in group & set pieces. Awful dialogue #scriptchat
8:44 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @filmutopia Haha, really scientology? @Bang2Write just tweeted she meant Hard Target doesn't have a subplot. Need to watch both. #scriptchat
8:44 pm            jameskick:            @DreamsGrafter the message isn't simply in a subplot, the message is found in every creative choice made within a screenplay #scriptchat
8:44 pm            Bang2write:            RT @GCGeek: @jameskick @GCGeek @jeannevb Cohesion is key. Not added just for another story & more pages. Needs to be intertwined as you say. #scriptchat
8:45 pm            devt:            S'times a subplot takes over, as it's trying to do at my place right now. When a character insists on becoming protagonist... #scriptchat
8:45 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter ...the little girl wanting to be like Vin Diesel perhaps she didn't have a father or something like that? #scriptchat
8:45 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Robert296hewitt Ooops, sorry ... it was supposed to be Hard Target that doesn't have a subplot not Pitch Black. #scriptchat
8:45 pm            lizziside:            I don't like subplots as a literary artifice. Either they highlight aspects of the main plot or better without. #scriptchat
8:45 pm            jameskick:            @GCGeek @jeannevb correct, cohesion has nothing to do with the length of the story. I find it better creatively to condense #scriptchat
8:45 pm            janetvaneeden:            @yingandyang #scriptchat No problem! Mine a bit fuddled too after birthday party all day! :) Welcome to club. X
8:46 pm            GCGeek:            @jameskick @DreamsGrafter Cool. Is message synonymous with theme? Or writer's voice? Or is voice found through multiple scripts? #scriptchat
8:46 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @yingandyang: #scriptchat @janetvaneeden Bang to rights! Sorry, my head is becoming a little fuddled.
8:46 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @devt That's what happens to me sometimes. How are you going to deal with that character? #scriptchat
8:46 pm            Bang2write:            @Robert296hewitt More about character motivation than sub plot to me. I'd argue subplot of PB is struggle 4 supremacy over group #scriptchat
8:46 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @jameskick: @DreamsGrafter the message isn't simply in a subplot, the message is found in every creative choice made within a screenplay #scriptchat
8:46 pm            ditty1013:            @Bang2write B-story needs to provide a lesson or catalyst for something in the A-story. Every element needs thematic purpose. #scriptchat
8:46 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Less than 15 mins to go on discussion about Subplot @ Euro #scriptchat!
8:46 pm            jeannevb:            @GCGeek totally agree on cohesion.... it's why I dont drink while plotting my subplots :) #scriptchat
8:46 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @filmutopia Lol. Aliens are scientologists. Don't scientologists believe they are aliens anyway? #scriptchat
8:47 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat my friend Olly is rolling another one - 'I've come on holiday by mistake'
8:47 pm            Bang2write:            RT @ditty1013: @Bang2write B-story needs to provide a lesson or catalyst for something in the A-story. Every element needs thematic purpose. #scriptchat
8:47 pm            jameskick:            @DreamsGrafter while I direct/produce more these days, I work closely with the writers to find the message before shooting #scriptchat
8:47 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @lizziside: I don't like subplots as a literary artifice. Either they highlight aspects of the main plot or better without. #scriptchat
8:47 pm            yeah_write:            Enjoying "listening" in on the subplot topic. #scriptchat
8:47 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @lizziside Hi Liz, good to see you on here. :) #scriptchat
8:47 pm            jeannevb:            psst... except for #scriptchat re: screenwriting groups.... right, @DannyManus :) #filmcourage
8:47 pm            BrowneTom:            As long as you have a major problem that needs to be solved, you will be able to write a first draft. #scriptchat #amwriting
8:47 pm            Writersync:            RT @AlexisNiki: How does everyone define "subplot"? I'm realizing I don't think about subplots anymore--but I write them. Hmm... #scriptchat
8:47 pm            Bang2write:            @filmutopia yes, you even liked the second one, didn't you? Did you know there is another Riddick film coming? #scriptchat
8:47 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @DreamsGrafter Lol. Its cool. I have never seen that one so wouldn't be able to comment. But even the Expendables had a subplot. #scriptchat
8:48 pm            Bang2write:            RT @lizziside: I don't like subplots as a literary artifice. Either they highlight aspects of the main plot or better without. #scriptchat
8:48 pm            LynneRice:            RT @ditty1013: @Bang2write B-story needs to provide a lesson or catalyst for something in the A-story. Every element needs thematic purpose. #scriptchat
8:48 pm            GCGeek:            @jeannevb @GCGeek Drink plotting can be fun! But that's a subplot of its own kind. #scriptchat
8:48 pm            lizziside:            @DreamsGrafter Oh hi. I didn't recognize you in your new "outfit" ;-) #scriptchat
8:48 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat before it all goes haywire - has the subplot and main plot got to 'bump' in a meaningful way?
8:48 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @jameskick ... so it affects production design as well as story, for example? #scriptchat
8:48 pm            devt:            @DreamsGrafter @devt Slap her down! No: just listen carefully, let her run, & think about the story I really want to tell & why. #scriptchat
8:48 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @yingandyang my friend Olly is rolling another one - 'I've come on holiday by mistake' <-Great to meet another Withnail fan! #scriptchat
8:48 pm            thewritertype:            If you clone a potato with an eel you can make your own Vin Diesel. #scriptchat
8:48 pm            jameskick:            @GCGeek @DreamsGrafter voice starts with the writer, but it is found through actors. If your voice isn't clear, they cannot be #scriptchat
8:49 pm            GCGeek:            RT @jameskick: @GCGeek @DreamsGrafter voice starts with the writer, but it is found through actors. If your voice isn't clear, they cannot be #scriptchat
8:50 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Fyi, @AlexisNiki is our guest next week as the writer/producer of @BWTheFilm when we'll be talking Web Series. #scriptchat
8:50 pm            GCGeek:            @jameskick Well put! @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat
8:50 pm            jameskick:            @DreamsGrafter absolutely. While shooting #FollowedFilm last month, we put a Buddha in nearly every scene BECAUSE of the script #scriptchat
8:50 pm            DreamsGrafter:            *twirls* ;) RT @lizziside: @DreamsGrafter Oh hi. I didn't recognize you in your new "outfit" ;-) #scriptchat
8:50 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @DreamsGrafter: Fyi, @AlexisNiki is our guest next week as the writer/producer of @BWTheFilm when we'll be talking Web Series. #scriptchat
8:51 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @Bang2write that could be another subplot. I find the more you watch a film the more you see. #scriptchat
8:51 pm            LynneRice:            RT @Bang2write: Sometimes writers don't realise subplot in movies most often compliments main plot;they write a different story altogether #scriptchat (1/2)
8:51 pm            GCGeek:            Woot! RT @DreamsGrafter: Fyi, @AlexisNiki is guest next week as writer/producer of @BWTheFilm when well be talking Web Series. #scriptchat
8:51 pm            yingandyang:            @janetvaneeden #scriptchat Great to meet you too! I watch Withnail at least once a year, but brought it for my mate who hasn't seen it >
8:51 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @devt Cool ... that's so great when that happens. Character comes to life ... can't control him/her. ;) #scriptchat
8:51 pm            AlexisNiki:            Can't wait! RT @DreamsGrafter: Fyi, @AlexisNiki is our guest next week as writer/producer of @BWTheFilm to talk Web Series #scriptchat
8:51 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat no one has mentioned the importance of the giraffe in subplots!
8:51 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @filmutopia Lol. very good. #scriptchat
8:51 pm            JoshKEvans:            Anyone have an opinion of what the subplots are for Inception, and are they written well? Is there only one subplot? #scriptchat
8:52 pm            jeannevb:            can't wait to post the podcast for #scriptchat RT @Trigonis: Thanks, @DannyManus. Took away some nice tidbits. #FilmCourage
8:52 pm            art1032:            RT @Robert296hewitt: @Bang2write that could be another subplot. I find the more you watch a film the more you see. #scriptchat
8:52 pm            reebotfilms:            Anyone looked at #thekingsspeech as a metaphor for writing? A man with something to say but struggling to find his voice #scriptchat
8:52 pm            chained:            Did #littlemisssunshine have a subplot ? I fell asleep watching it so no idea If it had 1 :) #scriptchat
8:52 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @jameskick Cool. I'm looking for a production designer to guest on Euro #scriptchat if you know anyone on Twitter who'd be interested?
8:52 pm            yingandyang:            < #scriptchat in many years. Rolled about laughing - and drinking and smoking
8:52 pm            devt:            Read Coppola abt having a word to describe project e.g. "loss" so I imagine that if a subplot doesn't fit "loss" it's history. #scriptchat
8:53 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @jameskick We're looking to show the script through different eyes other than the reader and the writer. :) #scriptchat
8:53 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @AlexisNiki: Can't wait! RT @DreamsGrafter: Fyi, @AlexisNiki is our guest next week as writer/producer of @BWTheFilm to talk Web Series #scriptchat
8:53 pm            reebotfilms:            Watching Lean's #GreatExpectations. That Dickens was a pretty handy writer #scriptchat
8:53 pm            AlexisNiki:            @filmutopia: That's because the importance of giraffes is so patently obvious we didn't think we HAD to mention it! #scriptchat
8:53 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Cool stuff! RT @Robert296hewitt: @DreamsGrafter its been a while but hoping to get into the #scriptchat scene more.
8:54 pm            jeannevb:            I'm popping in and out of the chat today. Does that make me a subplot? :) #scriptchat
8:54 pm            jameskick:            @DreamsGrafter hmm, I can't think of any Production Designers I know personally on Twitter, but if you need a director ;) #scriptchat
8:54 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @devt: Read Coppola abt having a word to describe project e.g. "loss" so I imagine that if a subplot doesn't fit "loss" it's history. #scriptchat
8:54 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @reebotfilms I LOVE everything David Lean ... *Swoon* Enjoy! #scriptchat
8:54 pm            devt:            @DreamsGrafter @AlexisNiki @BWTheFilm Great, bet subplots are something else again in webseries! #scriptchat
8:54 pm            Robert296hewitt:            @chained it did but you didn't miss much. It was just dull. #scriptchat
8:55 pm            AuthorDKHinton:            @JoshKEvans Cobb's dealing with his wife's suicide? I thought it was beautifully written. Don't have many qualms abt the filmtho #scriptchat
8:55 pm            reebotfilms:            Which films have better subplots than the main business? #scriptchat
8:55 pm            filmutopia:            @AlexisNiki I'm glad that is the reason. I'd hate to think there were people who don't understand the giraffe subplot protocol #scriptchat
8:55 pm            janetvaneeden:            @yingandyang Ah that's good to hear it's not just me. LOVE that script and REG is personal friend. "Chin chin!" #scriptchat
8:55 pm            GCGeek:            Or a giraffe? RT @jeannevb: Im popping in and out of the chat today. Does that make me a subplot? :) #scriptchat
8:56 pm            zacsanford2:            Me too. Too much going on at the moment. RT @jeannevb: Im popping in and out of the chat today. Does that make me a subplot? :) #scriptchat
8:56 pm            AlexisNiki:            @filmutopia There may well be such people. But not on #scriptchat
8:56 pm            Tiemachine:            @JoshKEvans Re:Inception - Ariadne's investigation of Cobb's psyche? Others are suggested but not finished. They're in a dream. #scriptchat
8:56 pm            jameskick:            Careful, you may become a Deus ex machina RT @jeannevb I'm popping in and out of the chat today. Does that make me a subplot? :) #scriptchat
8:56 pm            ditty1013:            @reebotfilms I think JULIE & JULIA is a good example of B-story outshining A-story. #scriptchat
8:56 pm            filmutopia:            @reebotfilms Magnolia - it's all subplot and no plot (which is why I love it) #scriptchat
8:56 pm            devt:            @reebotfilms Maybe The Godfather? What are the subplots there? Have never been sure-- #scriptchat
8:56 pm            jeannevb:            that's @filmutopia ;) RT @GCGeek: Or giraffe? RT @jeannevb: Im popping in & out of the chat today. Does that make me subplot? #scriptchat
8:57 pm            alli_and_that:            @DreamsGrafter After promising I'd be there, I went by Brick Lane on my way home, found some drunk Aussies I knew + missed #scriptchat. Oops
8:57 pm            reebotfilms:            @filmutopia I haven't had the pleasure but I'll take your word for it! #scriptchat
8:57 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @filmutopia: @reebotfilms Magnolia - it's all subplot and no plot (which is why I love it) #scriptchat
8:57 pm            thewritertype:            The Hunt for Red October was all subplot. Also Das Boot. #scriptchat
8:57 pm            chained:            RT @Robert296hewitt: @chained it did but you didn't miss much. It was just dull. #scriptchat
8:57 pm            devt:            @ditty1013 @reebotfilms YES, re Julie & Julia. #scriptchat
8:57 pm            jeannevb:            @jameskick or just in need of medication :) #scriptchat
8:57 pm            GCGeek:            Good example. RT @ditty1013: @reebotfilms I think JULIE & JULIA is a good example of B-story outshining A-story. #scriptchat
8:58 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @GCGeek: Good example. RT @ditty1013: @reebotfilms I think JULIE & JULIA is a good example of B-story outshining A-story. #scriptchat
8:58 pm            jeannevb:            @alli_and_that it's okay to miss it... for drunk Aussies ;) #scriptchat
8:58 pm            NTMWriter:            RT @Bang2write: Sometimes writers don't realise subplot in movies most often compliments main plot;they write a different story altogether #scriptchat (1/2)
8:58 pm            filmutopia:            @thewritertype You deserve a round of applause for the Das Boot subplot gag.... well done, fella #scriptchat
8:58 pm            reebotfilms:            How about Millers Crossing (my favourite film). The bromance between Byrne and Finney gets me every time #scriptchat
8:59 pm            reebotfilms:            @devt IS there a main plot in the Godfather? #scriptchat
8:59 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @alli_and_that Haha, great to see you earlier! Could you send me that blog when you get a mo. Wld love to read it. ;) #scriptchat
8:59 pm            JoshKEvans:            @AuthorDKHinton The wife's subplot is well done for Inception. Agreed. #scriptchat
8:59 pm            Scatoma:            Strewnfields weekly chapter_ #amwriting #writing #bookbuzzr #scriptchat #fiction #novels #writers #reading #Books
9:00 pm            AlexisNiki:            Ack, nearly forgot: Call for Entries DreamAgo's Screenwriting Workshop in Switzerland. DM for deets #scriptchat
9:00 pm            jameskick:            @jeannevb @writerlane @DannyManus well, for that matter, you need an entire creative team made of Teflon #scriptchat
9:00 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat@janetvaneeden #scriptchat I think I shall 'plagiarise' a toast in your honour!
9:00 pm            LynneRice:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat would now be a good time to mention the practice of writing short stories for minor characters to create subplots for rewrites?
9:00 pm            DreamsGrafter:            So the other end of the spectrum. RT @thewritertype: The Hunt for Red October was all subplot. Also Das Boot. #scriptchat
9:00 pm            reebotfilms:            OK:, serious questions: what major subplot types are there other than ROMANCE? #scriptchat
9:01 pm            devt:            @reebotfilms No idea, that's what I'm wondering about! Followed different strands more intensely on different viewings-- #scriptchat
9:01 pm            omewan:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat no one has mentioned the importance of the giraffe in subplots!
9:01 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Discussion about Subplots continues on with US #Scriptchat! 8pm EST/5pm PST ...
9:01 pm            yingandyang:            #scriptchat Is that it? I was just getting started!
9:01 pm            beingbrad:            I think subplot can be a thematic breathing space to let the audience relax, catch their breath. Palette cleanser b/w courses #scriptchat
9:02 pm            AlexisNiki:            @devt @DreamsGrafter @BWTheFilm Subplots play a role even in web series. #scriptchat
9:02 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Thank you everyone for your great input ... and giving me more films to watch! :) #scriptchat
9:02 pm            JoshKEvans:            @Tiemachine Re: Inception. Subplots that are suggested but not finished is an interesting concept. #scriptchat
9:02 pm            simone257:            @reebotfilms the loser who will grow up b/c of prot's story in main plot #scriptchat
9:02 pm            Bang2write:            @alanhmcdonald @donmcvey @jamiewolpert gr8 stuff fellas - if you add #scriptchat, u will show up in transcript @
9:02 pm            AuthorDKHinton:            @reebotfilms RE: subplot types - Revenge? Or is that just a major motive? Is there a difference? Idk..o.O #scriptchat
9:02 pm            thewritertype:            @filmutopia Thanks. As well as Magnolia some Altman films seem to be all sub and no main - but maybe he's just clever #scriptchat
9:02 pm            reebotfilms:            Good'un RT @simone257: @reebotfilms the loser who will grow up b/c of prot's story in main plot #scriptchat
9:02 pm            DreamsGrafter:            I guess the thing about subplots is that it depends on the story you want to tell. #scriptchat
9:03 pm            jeannevb:            RT @beingbrad: subplot can be thematic breathing space to let audience relax, catch their breath. Palette cleanser b/w courses #scriptchat
9:03 pm            twatterer:            @reebotfilms subplots reflect/reinforce main story/theme so it's dependant on that. #scriptchat
9:03 pm            art1032:            Thanks Mina and #scriptchat very good chat as usual. :)
9:03 pm            GCGeek:            @DreamsGrafter Great discussion, Mina! And great to see so many here today! #scriptchat
9:04 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @yingandyang @janetvaneeden #scriptchat I think I shall 'plagiarise' a toast in your honour!<--Yes "I demand to have some booze!"
9:04 pm            AlexisNiki:            @DreamsGrafter Thanks, Mina. See you next week! #scriptchat
9:04 pm            Bang2write:            @jamiewolpert The script shld have subtext, themes etc. Idea of subplot should be largely meaningless outside of soap and sitcom #scriptchat
9:04 pm            JoshKEvans:            RT @beingbrad: subplot can be thematic breathing space to let audience relax, catch their breath. Palette cleanser b/w courses #scriptchat
9:04 pm            brianspaeth:            I have a subplot in this script where one guy is like chasing another guy with a fork like "gonna get you!" lol #scriptchat
9:05 pm            reebotfilms:            Again, I can't recommend Save the Cat too highly, including what it has to say about subplots #scriptchat
9:05 pm            Bang2write:            @jamiewolpert I totally agree - often what scribes call "subplot" in features are often character motivations, themes or subtext #scriptchat
9:05 pm            devt:            @AlexisNiki @DreamsGrafter @BWTheFilm You have a sense of how subplots different in webseries? Maybe a ? for next week? #scriptchat
9:05 pm            reebotfilms:            McKee's Story, too, obviously #scriptchat
9:05 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @DreamsGrafter: I guess the thing about subplots is that it depends on the story you want to tell. #scriptchat
9:05 pm            Bang2write:            RT @twatterer: @reebotfilms subplots reflect/reinforce main story/theme so it's dependant on that. #scriptchat
9:06 pm            twatterer:            @reebotfilms great example being Rear Window, a thriller about love - every subplot reflects different aspects of relationships #scriptchat
9:06 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @Bang2write: @jamiewolpert I totally agree - often what scribes call "subplot" in features are often character motivations, themes or subtext #scriptchat
9:06 pm            jeannevb:            @jameskick once writers find out I'm a black belt, they tend to not want me in their group haha :) @writerlane @DannyManus #scriptchat
9:06 pm            janetvaneeden:            RT @twatterer: @reebotfilms great example being Rear Window, a thriller about love - every subplot reflects different aspects of relationships #scriptchat
9:07 pm            AuthorDKHinton:            @JoshKEvans RE: Inception I thought it was brilliantly done and made me feel so much for Cobb #scriptchat
9:07 pm            reebotfilms:            @twatterer @devt Godfather: lots of variations on 'family' #scriptchat
9:07 pm            yingandyang:            @janetvaneeden #scriptchat "the finest wines available to humanity!"
9:07 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @janetvaneeden @AlexisNiki @GCGeek Pleasure! Great to see you guys tonight. :) #scriptchat


1:00 am            jeannevb:            It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK .... tonight's topic SUBPLOTS
1:00 am            UncompletedWork:            @beingbrad load up @tweetdeck pronto! #scriptchat
1:00 am            jeannevb:            haha RT @garlandMatt: #scriptchatwidows unite! #scriptchat #treefort @jazkilmister #scriptchat
1:00 am            cryssfox:            @KageyNYC @Rebecca_Pugh @ErinZapcic @chuklz Ice. #scriptchat
1:00 am            yeah_write:            I never #scriptchat from my work computer, but tonight that's where I am, so I will.
1:01 am            WellScripted:            Cool - I'm very well thanks, you joinin in on #ScriptChat? RT @zomaster1: Going good got a new phone and ate some food. How about you?
1:01 am            Chuklz:            <-- Balvenie 12 yro Doublewood Single Malt Whisky #scriptchat
1:01 am            SharkGoddess:            @SPCWrite Get your hiney to #scriptchat!!
1:01 am            jeannevb:            jump on in and give your thoughts on do's, don't, etc... what works for you? #scriptchat
1:01 am            GinyMacGregor:            @beingbrad try going through web site at tweetchat... #scriptchat
1:01 am            Dr0id:            @jeannevb have a great #SCRIPTCHAT! :)
1:01 am            yeah_write:            I will be lurking a bit, as subplot is my weakness. #scriptchat
1:01 am            KageyNYC:            Yes, critical for any good cocktail! RT @cryssfox: @KageyNYC @Rebecca_Pugh @ErinZapcic @chuklz Ice. #scriptchat
1:02 am            yeah_write:            RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK .... tonight's topic SUBPLOTS
1:02 am            KageyNYC:            Hi Jesse! RT @Dr0id: @jeannevb have a great #SCRIPTCHAT! :)
1:02 am            jeannevb:            we will, oh future guest on film editing :) xo RT @Dr0id: @jeannevb have a great #SCRIPTCHAT! :) #scriptchat
1:02 am            GinyMacGregor:            Watching Youth in Revolt while here. #scriptchat
1:02 am            SPCWrite:            @SharkGoddess is here & Im teasing you. :) #scriptchat!
1:02 am            SharkGoddess:            #scriptchat This is going to sound bizarrre. But my scenes come to me, out of sequence So I write out of sequence.
1:02 am            KageyNYC:            RT @yeah_write: RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK .... tonight's topic SUBPLOTS
1:02 am            TheWriteScript:            Sub-plots as in a, b, and c stories...yes? #Scriptchat
1:02 am            zacsanford:            Hey #scriptchat I'll be a little late. Been dealing with plumbers since 2 for a busted water heater where I'm house sitting. Joy!
1:02 am            Chuklz:            Just B & C, because A is the actual plot. RT @TheWriteScript: Sub-plots as in a, b, and c stories...yes? #Scriptchat
1:02 am            beingbrad:            safari it will have to be - chrome is giving me issues. hey my subploters #scriptchat
1:03 am            GinyMacGregor:            @SharkGoddess Do you go by an Outlne #scriptchat
1:03 am            IngridElkner:            Subplot is more organic if it grows out of a lesser character, who somehow mirrors main plot/main protag's problem.. #scriptchat
1:03 am            WellScripted:            Time for my fingers to bleed at #ScriptChat
1:03 am            TheWriteScript:            Lol. Yes. B and C. #Scriptchat
1:04 am            IngridElkner:            My screenwriting friends and I were confused and tried to figure out what strands are vs plots/subplots. #scriptchat
1:04 am            jeannevb:            fyi, @DannyManus was guest on @filmcourage today talking screenwriting from an exec & consultant perspective. Listen on itunes #scriptchat
1:04 am            GCGeek:            Round 2 for Subplot discussion. Ignore the stream if screenwriting ain't your thang, but if it is, joins us for... #scriptchat
1:04 am            SharkGoddess:            @TheWriteScript Hey YOU!!! Howdee! #scriptchat
1:04 am            IngridElkner:            Decided different characters have their own strands, and strands hold several subplots, in TV anyway #scriptchat
1:04 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @zacsanford Nothing's in vain! I think it can work on the big screen! #scriptchat
1:04 am            geceosan:            RT @yeah_write: RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK .... tonight's topic SUBPLOTS
1:04 am            ficwriter:            RT @jeannevb It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK .... tonight's topic SUBPLOTS
1:04 am            tracinell:            I'm a #scriptchat-ter for the next hour, I'm a chatter, ur a chatter, wouldn't you like 2 b a chatter too? ;) #oldschooljingles #scriptchat
1:04 am            KageyNYC:            He's guesting on #scriptchat soon! RT @filmcourage @DannyManus gained 30 followers during @filmcourage radio appearance - u guys are great!
1:05 am            jeannevb:            ALERT: Twitter is being a skank tonight.... keep getting error msgs, so let's do the best we can. Maybe she just needs tequila #scriptchat
1:05 am            PrologueWriting:            #Scriptchat thnk god i always carry pen n paper w/ me wherever i go. And my biz cards. :-)
1:05 am            Chuklz:            @IngridElkner It's pretty simple in the 3 act structure. Less so in the non traditional stories. #scriptchat
1:05 am            beingbrad:            say you're at the football game, subplot is the mascot feud and the guy two rows down who's drinking too much beer. #scriptchat
1:05 am            SharkGoddess:            how do you know when a subplot is too much? It should be obvious, right? But, there's always a fine line, true? #scriptchat
1:06 am            beingbrad:            @jeannevb or Grand Marnier... #scriptchat
1:06 am            yeah_write:            Love it RT @beingbrad: say you're at the football game, subplot is mascot feud and the guy two rows down who's drinking too...#scriptchat
1:06 am            TheWriteScript:            @SharkGoddess Hey! Good to see you here. #Scriptchat
1:06 am            JoshKEvans:            Heh, someone's a big fan of subplots for them to merit a Round 2 after Euro #scriptchat earlier today.
1:06 am            SharkGoddess:            #Supernatural Fan fiction writers, you NEED to be here right now! #scriptchat
1:06 am            jeannevb:            re: subplots, I try to also mirror theme in them #scriptchat
1:06 am            SharkGoddess:            @TheWriteScript Feel sgood to be here, thanks! #scriptchat
1:06 am            cryssfox:            @SharkGoddess I think its too much when it distracts from your narrative line. #scriptchat
1:06 am            jeannevb:            indeed ;) #mywinterdrink RT @beingbrad: @jeannevb or Grand Marnier... #scriptchat
1:07 am            DerisiveDoll:            *running in late* I'm here! Sorry, sorry. *finding a seat in the back* #scriptchat
1:07 am            UncompletedWork:            Romantic sub-plots are most common in action movies, where, well the romance doesn't matter ;-) See: CRANK #scriptchat
1:07 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @cryssfox: @SharkGoddess I think its too much when it distracts from your narrative line. #scriptchat
1:07 am            Chuklz:            Act II is usually where subplots live. They are used to reveal character and support theme. #scriptchat
1:07 am            FurryWolfen:            Have as many subplots as you like. Just keep them relevant to the story. See Heavy Rain or Damages #scriptchat
1:07 am            IngridElkner:            Subplots should usually work to show the theme enacted a different way, with different results to main plot #scriptchat
1:07 am            tracinell:            hi, *waves* fun to see all my #loglinefriday peeps. #scriptchat
1:07 am            SharkGoddess:            @DerisiveDoll Late comers bring the tequila! #scriptchat
1:07 am            covermyscript:            hi #scriptchat!!
1:07 am            KageyNYC:            Exactly, that's what @scripteach says - theme goes in subplot. RT @jeannevb: re: subplots, I try to also mirror theme in them #scriptchat
1:08 am            GinyMacGregor:            @tracinell *waves back* Hi #scriptchat
1:08 am            tracinell:            RT @IngridElkner: Subplots should usually work to show the theme enacted a different way, with different results to main plot #scriptchat
1:08 am            SharkGoddess:            @cryssfox True!! #scriptchat
1:08 am            CoreyCulp:            yeah, Crank is pretty much void of romance, but high on exhibition. :) #scriptchat
1:08 am            GinyMacGregor:            Seinfield TV series, each episode had many sub-plots #scriptchat
1:08 am            TheWriteScript:            @tracinell Hey! #Scriptchat
1:08 am            jeannevb:            well, this is annoying.... nothing but Twitter errors and lack of refreshing for me... #scriptchat
1:09 am            DerisiveDoll:            @SharkGoddess No worries, I brought plenty. And salt and lemons. Totally prepared. :) #scriptchat
1:09 am            UncompletedWork:            That too! RT @CoreyCulp: yeah, Crank is pretty much void of romance, but high on exhibition. :) #scriptchat
1:09 am            SharkGoddess:            @GinyMacGregor George is on twitter and he does reply now and then. #scriptchat
1:09 am            beingbrad:            can we talk examples in feature films? what are some memorable subplots, either for good reasons or bad? #scriptchat
1:09 am            SharkGoddess:            @DerisiveDoll WOO!! #scriptchat
1:09 am            KageyNYC:            @UncompletedWork is all up in the #scriptchat - love it!
1:09 am            JoshKEvans:            @UncompletedWork However, there's some action films with good romance subplots where the romance matters more. #scriptchat
1:09 am            tracinell:            can I sit by you? :) RT @TheWriteScript: @tracinell Hey! #scriptchat
1:09 am            SharkGoddess:            DUNE #scriptchat
1:09 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @jeannevb Drink'll be fine. #scriptchat
1:10 am            snyberg1:            Should subplot be a moment to relax the audience or a chance to make them think nothing serious is happening then BAM! #scriptchat
1:10 am            GinyMacGregor:            @SharkGoddess Did George help write episodes? #scriptchat
1:10 am            DerisiveDoll:            RT @beingbrad: can we talk examples in feature films? what are some memorable subplots, either for good reasons or bad? #scriptchat
1:10 am            covermyscript:            oh the subplot, the ultimately necessary yet most over thought part of screenwriting. #scriptchat
1:10 am            beingbrad:            @SharkGoddess @GinyMacGregor not to me he dain't! @IJasonAlexander #scriptchat
1:10 am            Chuklz:            .@beingbrad Die Hard: A Plot- Stop Terrorists, B Plot- Find out why Al Powel rides a desk. #scriptchat
1:10 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @jeannevb I see it as the B story which is the thread of the theme, imho. #savethecat #scriptchat
1:10 am            JoshKEvans:            @UncompletedWork Such as True Lies. #scriptchat
1:10 am            scripteach:            Right! Don't put theme in main plot ?@KageyNYC: that's what @scripteach says: theme goes in subplot. RT @jeannevb: re: subplots #scriptchat?
1:11 am            ficwriter:            Lurking novice w/ a question: Can a subplot be a screwed-up childhood that haunts a character and ruins a relationship? #scriptchat
1:11 am            AndiWritesAgain:            Who are we hosting? #scriptchat #iknowishouldknow
1:11 am            SharkGoddess:            @GinyMacGregor I'm not sure because I've committed the sin of sins. I've never watched a full episode of Seinfeld #scriptchat
1:11 am            Chuklz:            Die Hard- C Plot: fix marriage with Holly #scriptchat
1:11 am            KageyNYC:            @scripteach Remind me of your excellent Star Wars example of how theme works in subplot, please. :) #scriptchat
1:11 am            GCGeek:            Something we mentioned on the UK chat today: it should evolve from character & story, and not be forced. #scriptchat
1:11 am            AstralVamp:            @SharkGoddess I would like to see #Vampergy on #scriptchat by @CatStarrCarr..thanks
1:11 am            UncompletedWork:            /gang signs/ RT @KageyNYC: @UncompletedWork is all up in the #scriptchat - love it!
1:12 am            GinyMacGregor:            @SharkGoddess How did that happen??? I watch reruns all the time. Great Writing #scriptchat
1:12 am            FurryWolfen:            The Wicker Man A=Seaching for lost daughter. B=Bike jacking and woman punching while in a bear suit. #scriptchat
1:12 am            tracinell:            like this. RT @GCGeek: Something we mentioned on the UK chat today: it should evolve from character & story, and not be forced. #scriptchat
1:12 am            WellScripted:            Break out Tequila! LOL RT @jeannevb: Well, this is annoying.... Nothing but Twitter errors and lack of refreshing for me... (#ScriptChat)
1:12 am            jeannevb:            Hoping #treefort is around bc I'm not having issues w posting on #scriptchat - trying fr phone
1:12 am            beingbrad:            SINNER! RT @SharkGoddess I'm not sure because I've committed the sin of sins. I've never watched a full episode of Seinfeld #scriptchat
1:12 am            SharkGoddess:            @GinyMacGregor Just never got into it. #scriptchat
1:13 am            Chuklz:            @FurryWolfen Yeah but no one actually watched that movie except wig afficianados #scriptchat
1:13 am            IngridElkner:            Subplots: Titanic sinking in Titanic, Donnie's relationship with his gf in Donnie Darko, Jason trying to be a cop in True Blood #scriptchat
1:13 am            covermyscript:            im tired if talking "craft" "theme" and "process." the theme should be evident from the script, and the subplot organic to chars #scriptchat
1:13 am            cryssfox:            @GinyMacGregor @SharkGoddess Larry David is the main writer. My TV show is partially modeled after Seinfeld. #scriptchat
1:13 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @covermyscript: im tired if talking "craft" "theme" and "process." the theme should be evident from the script, and the subplot organic to chars #scriptchat
1:13 am            KageyNYC:            We're here! RT @jeannevb: Hoping #treefort is around bc I'm not having issues w posting on #scriptchat - trying fr phone
1:13 am            UncompletedWork:            RT @covermyscript: im tired if talking "craft" "theme" and "process." the theme should be evident from the script, and the subplot organic to chars #scriptchat
1:13 am            cryssfox:            @SharkGoddess @GinyMacGregor The plots are woven together but I don't know if I'd call any of them sub-plots because of the way #scriptchat
1:14 am            Chuklz:            Honestly I have to disagree. I don't think subplots are terribly organic. They are all recognizable tropes. #scriptchat
1:14 am            beingbrad:            I always envision it as the banter between the main character and the bellhop in the girl/boyfriend's building #scriptchat
1:14 am            cryssfox:            @GinyMacGregor @SharkGoddess ...they connect in the end. Or they are all subplots. #scriptchat
1:14 am            covermyscript:            the subplot is no elusive mystery. it's just whats happening when the main chars are busy doing "a" plot. #scriptchat
1:14 am            lisadabrowski:            @WellScripted #scriptchat what are ya working on tonite, Mate?
1:14 am            jeannevb:            trying this in chrome... hope it works better. So how's the subplot chat going? Did I miss any fist fights? #scriptchat
1:14 am            Dr0id:            @KageyNYC hi Kim! #SCRIPTCHAT!
1:14 am            FurryWolfen:            @ficwriter Welcome. And Yes. You could expand on those themes if they're a big part of the character's development #scriptchat
1:14 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript I'm practicing it being apparent in the Logline! :) #scriptchat
1:14 am            IngridElkner:            Frustrating in screenwriting course; teachers barely teach us what plots & strands are then ask us to identify them in scripts. #scriptchat
1:15 am            SharkGoddess:            @jeannevb I'm afraid of The Chrome..... #scriptchat
1:15 am            GinyMacGregor:            @cryssfox Oh I thought the subplots had to finally connect in some way to the end? No? #scriptchat
1:15 am            Dr0id:            @jeannevb damn straight ;) #scriptchat
1:15 am            KageyNYC:            We must have drinks next time @jeannvb is on town. Must. ;) RT @Dr0id: @KageyNYC hi Kim! #SCRIPTCHAT!
1:15 am            UncompletedWork:            RT @covermyscript: the subplot is no elusive mystery. it's just whats happening when the main chars are busy doing "a" plot. #scriptchat
1:15 am            jeannevb:            @SharkGoddess it's actually working here #scriptchat
1:15 am            TheWriteScript:            @tracinell I always save you a chair! #Scriptchat
1:15 am            snyberg1:            @ShutUpJme you're in on this #scriptchat discussion?
1:15 am            jeannevb:            MUST! RT @KageyNYC: We must have drinks next time @jeannvb is on town. Must. ;) RT @Dr0id: @KageyNYC hi Kim! #SCRIPTCHAT! #scriptchat
1:16 am            beingbrad:            i think subplots are a good reminder to make everything interesting and challenging, don't let your character off the hook #scriptchat
1:16 am            SharkGoddess:            #Supernatural Fanfic writers, we're talking subplots, come join #scriptchat
1:16 am            scripteach:            Need more than 140 characters! But... ?@KageyNYC: Remind me of your excellent Star Wars example #scriptchat?
1:16 am            GCGeek:            @covermyscript Can't it be what's happening with the supporting characters while the main chars are busy? #scriptchat
1:16 am            scripteach:            Main story is destroy Death Star. Subplot is Luke leaning Force & believing in self... ?@KageyNYC: Star Wars example #scriptchat?
1:16 am            scripteach:            In the end, the two come together when Luke turns off computer & uses Force to destroy DS! ?@KageyNYC: Star Wars example #scriptchat?
1:16 am            jeannevb:            @KageyNYC @Dr0id I feel like we're having our own subplot chat here ;) #scriptchat
1:16 am            tracinell:            @TheWriteScript you are the best. #scriptchat
1:16 am            GinyMacGregor:            RT @jeannevb: @KageyNYC @Dr0id I feel like were having our own subplot chat here ;) #scriptchat
1:16 am            beingbrad:            @jeannevb I had to switch to safari. chrome was not helping. #scriptchat
1:16 am            Chuklz:            @GinyMacGregor They connect to the character. The character carries all plots forward Sometimes subplots get resolved there. #scriptchat
1:16 am            covermyscript:            just think about it like this "so while i was fending off the terrorists, judy was staving off some rocket launchers. #scriptchat
1:16 am            snyberg1:            RT @GinyMacGregor: @cryssfox Oh I thought the subplots had to finally connect in some way to the end? No? #scriptchat
1:16 am            tracinell:            RT @beingbrad: i think subplots are a reminder to make everything interesting&challenging, dont let your character off the hook #scriptchat
1:17 am            FurryWolfen:            @covermyscript Amen. Just try and create a world THAT WOULD WORK. Even if Sara Palin is cooking bacon...make it plausible. #scriptchat
1:17 am            rachlanger:            Despite things being better with a natural and organic creation, writers still need to be aware of their ABC plots, no? #scriptchat
1:17 am            cryssfox:            @GinyMacGregor They do. I'm not sure that most episodes had a primary plot line though. They seemed to be more multifaceted plts #scriptchat
1:17 am            jeannevb:            @beingbrad hmm, I had to do the opposite. Fickle cyberspace #scriptchat
1:17 am            tracinell:            RT @covermyscript: just think like this "so while i was fending off the terrorists, judy was staving off some rocket launchers. #scriptchat
1:17 am            beingbrad:            RT @jeannevb: @KageyNYC @Dr0id We're having our own subplot chat here ;) Nice! Plot:"Sub-plot", Sub-Plot:"Browser Issues" #scriptchat
1:17 am            Dr0id:            @KageyNYC Definitely! RT @jeannevb: @KageyNYC @Dr0id I feel like we're having our own subplot chat here ;) #scriptchat
1:17 am            KageyNYC:            @scripteach I just like when you talk Star Wars. It's my favorite kind of nerdy hot. ;) #scriptchat
1:17 am            covermyscript:            the subplot would be what judy's doing whilst im busy saving the world. #scriptchat
1:18 am            tracinell:            RT @rachlanger: things being better with a natural and organic creation, writers still need to be aware of their ABC plots, no? #scriptchat
1:18 am            WellScripted:            In here til 10, then working with you? RT @LisaDabrowski: (#ScriptChat) What are ya working on tonite, Mate?
1:18 am            I_Am_Remote:            Michael Clayton and Hollywoodland have fantastic subplots born out of character and theme. Check them out. #scriptchat #screenwriting
1:19 am            cinemascribe:            Hi #scriptchat peeps!
1:19 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript The subplot, in depth, is how Judy & I are relating to each other to further the theme. No? #scriptchat
1:19 am            GCGeek:            @covermyscript But it should add to the story, maybe them, maybe not, but not just fill time with supporting characters. #scriptchat
1:19 am            beingbrad:            So, how important is subplot? Is subplot always intentional and woven throughout? #scriptchat
1:19 am            beingbrad:            @cinemascribe welcome to the nether-region. #scriptchat
1:19 am            TheStorysmith:            @SharkGoddess and others in #scriptchat ... storytelling advice; re: subplots: read all: Bible(OT/NT), Greeks, Ibsen, Chekhov, Bard, Dickens
1:20 am            GCGeek:            @GCGeek @covermyscript Ooops. That was "maybe theme, maybe not" #scriptchat
1:20 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @TheStorysmith: @SharkGoddess and others in #scriptchat ... storytelling advice; re: subplots: read all: Bible(OT/NT), Greeks, Ibsen, Chekhov, Bard, Dickens
1:20 am            GinyMacGregor:            RT @beingbrad: So, how important is subplot? Is subplot always intentional and woven throughout? #scriptchat
1:20 am            beingbrad:            @ShutUpJme you think so? isn't that central to the plot though? #scriptchat
1:20 am            ficwriter:            @FurryWolfen @covermyscript Thanks for your answers. Edited a play w/ characters battling inner and outer conflicts. Great fun. #scriptchat
1:21 am            IngridElkner:            Bad movie, but look at He's Just Not That Into You. Each subplot plays with the theme of being with a man who doesn't want you. #scriptchat
1:21 am            The_Jodi:            :::waving::: #scriptchat o clock
1:21 am            jeannevb:            @ficwriter sweet... you're in #scriptchat
1:21 am            AndiWritesAgain:            Fail Whale! #scriptchat
1:21 am            scripteach:            But a good subplot highlights & comments on plot ?@covermyscript: subplot is what judy's doing whilst im busy saving world. #scriptchat?
1:22 am            KageyNYC:            Poor baby! I'll be there soon. ;) RT @garlandMatt: #scriptchatwidows unite! #scriptchat #treefort @jazkilmister
1:22 am            Scatoma:            Strewnfields weekly chapter_ #amwriting #writing #bookbuzzr #scriptchat #fiction #novels #writers #reading #Books
1:22 am            nobull408:            Hello all!! Almost forgot it was #scriptchat
1:22 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @scripteach: But a good subplot highlights & comments on plot ?@covermyscript: subplot is what judy's doing whilst im busy saving world. #scriptchat?
1:23 am            beingbrad:            is there a difference b/w subplot & minor story element? Can subplot connect t/ dots in the plot? Like all the Keyser Söze bits? #scriptchat
1:23 am            TheWriteScript:            No @zacsanford tonight?? #Scriptchat
1:23 am            BrowneTom:            For me, subplot should have a beginning, middle and end. And it should also intersect with the main story without taking over. #scriptchat
1:23 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @beingbrad: is there a difference b/w subplot & minor story element? Can subplot connect t/ dots in the plot? Like all the Keyser Söze bits? #scriptchat
1:23 am            Chuklz:            Actually that's a good reminder. Subplots = Exterior conflict, Main plot = Inner conflict of protagonist. Does that sound right? #scriptchat
1:23 am            scripteach:            DId my SW tweets come thur? ?@KageyNYC: @scripteach I just like when you talk Star Wars. #scriptchat?
1:24 am            tracinell:            blasphemy! but we're a forgiving group. ;) RT @nobull408: Hello all!! Almost forgot it was #scriptchat
1:24 am            covermyscript:            the subplot's sole purpose is to heighten the main chars struggle and fill time in between main char biz. yes should all relate. #scriptchat
1:24 am            scripteach:            Yes! ?@BrowneTom: subplot should have beginning, middle and end. And should also intersect w/main story without taking over. #scriptchat?
1:24 am            art1032:            RT @BrowneTom: For me, subplot should have a beginning, middle and end. And it should also intersect with the main story without taking over. #scriptchat
1:24 am            brionykidd:            @ficwriter Depends - that could easily be an A plot. Is it a relationship drama or..? #scriptchat
1:24 am            beingbrad:            @TheWriteScript @zacsanford is fixing his plumbing tonight. (that's code for something dirty I think) #scriptchat
1:24 am            KageyNYC:            Yep! I love that example RT @scripteach DId my SW tweets come thur? ?@KageyNYC: @scripteach I just like when you talk Star Wars #scriptchat?
1:24 am            Kara_DeMaeyer:            @ficwriter I think so, as long as the plot trumps that. Make sure your "subplot" doesn't distract the heart of the story. #scriptchat
1:24 am            jeannevb:            I have been guilty of writing subplots better than main plot bc in draft 1, I tend to protect the protagonist too much #scriptchat
1:24 am            realdaveed:            I think 'subplot' is a misnomer. Plot is fulfilled at film end. 'Subplot' goes on. Theme is eternal. #scriptchat
1:25 am            beingbrad:            So is subplot necessary? #scriptchat
1:25 am            Chuklz:            When the subplot takes over, it should be its own movie, and that movie should be scrapped. #scriptchat
1:25 am            TheStorysmith:            The important thing is stop analyzing, keep observing, save $$, learn business, move to NYC or LA and start actually writing. #scriptchat
1:25 am            nobull408:            @KageyNYC Hey Kim! How ya doin? #scriptchat
1:25 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @beingbrad K...that cracked me up! #scriptchat ...and possible example of subplot.
1:25 am            covermyscript:            @scripteach yeah but my point is dont overthink it. #scriptchat
1:25 am            IngridElkner:            I hate how screenwriting books suggest u manufacture a subplot to be X amount of pages, to start, peak and end here, here, here. #scriptchat
1:25 am            tracinell:            RT @covermyscript subplots purpose heighten the main chars struggle & fill time in between main char biz. yes should all relate. #scriptchat
1:25 am            KageyNYC:            Random aside: So it turns out vodka and coke is a totally respectable drink. #scriptchat
1:26 am            UncompletedWork:            RT @TheStorysmith: The important thing is stop analyzing, keep observing, save $$, learn business, move to NYC or LA and start actually writing. #scriptchat
1:26 am            blankethouse:            @BrowneTom but in some cases does the subplot take over and become the main idea? #scriptchat
1:26 am            ficwriter:            @jeannevb Yey! And I'm too busy learning to type anything. Great chat. :) #scriptchat
1:26 am            FreddoJr:            Subplots are just filler, album tracks that no-one listens to, oddities that are often forgettable but make it whole. #scriptchat
1:26 am            cmhoughton:            RT @scripteach: But a good subplot highlights & comments on plot ?@covermyscript: subplot is what judy's doing whilst im busy saving world. #scriptchat?
1:26 am            WellScripted:            Yup RT @beingbrad: So is subplot necessary? (#ScriptChat)
1:26 am            jeannevb:            pass it over! RT @KageyNYC: Random aside: So it turns out vodka and coke is a totally respectable drink. #scriptchat
1:26 am            IngridElkner:            Never make characters in subplot more interesting, enjoyable and likable than protag in main plot! #scriptchat
1:26 am            JoshKEvans:            "25th Hour" is another exmple. RT @Brownetom @UncompletedWork LIke Casino Royale. Great Bond flick with important romance plot. #scriptchat
1:26 am            SharkGoddess:            @NikkiSixx Would you like to join us for #scriptchat? You're welcome too.
1:26 am            KageyNYC:            Excellent! Working on my film. Script is coming along! RT @nobull408: @KageyNYC Hey Kim! How ya doin? #scriptchat
1:26 am            realdaveed:            #scriptchat Star Wars 'subplot' (Luke learning the Force) extends beyond DS destruction.
1:26 am            scripteach:            "Fill time"-- a dangerous phrase! ?@covermyscript: subplot is to heighten main chars struggle & fill time between main char biz #scriptchat?
1:26 am            cmhoughton:            RT @scripteach: Need more than 140 characters! But... ?@KageyNYC: Remind me of your excellent Star Wars example #scriptchat?
1:26 am            cmhoughton:            RT @scripteach: Main story is destroy Death Star. Subplot is Luke leaning Force & believing in self... ?@KageyNYC: Star Wars example #scriptchat?
1:26 am            Chuklz:            @IngridElkner Analysis of successful movies will lead you to that conclusion. #scriptchat
1:26 am            brionykidd:            @realdaveed Subplots need *some* kind of pay-off though surely....otherwise aren't they just annoying? #scriptchat
1:26 am            EmLaRock:            RT @KageyNYC: Random aside: So it turns out vodka and coke is a totally respectable drink. #scriptchat
1:26 am            cmhoughton:            RT @scripteach: In the end, the two come together when Luke turns off computer & uses Force to destroy DS! ?@KageyNYC: Star Wars example #scriptchat?
1:26 am            jeannevb:            @ficwriter haha I'm too tired to type tonight. I'm sitting back and watching :) #scriptchat
1:27 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @KageyNYC Noted! #scriptchat
1:27 am            covermyscript:            @AndiWritesAgain the theme is what the movie is about. black swan, the them: pain of growing up and achieving your goals. #scriptchat
1:27 am            GCGeek:            I think rules are lovely until it's time to break them. Subplot should not be obvious time filler. Should weave or be left out. #scriptchat
1:27 am            kingisafink:            No patch for that... RT @yeah_write: subplot is my weakness. #scriptchat
1:27 am            UncompletedWork:            @TheStorysmith here here, I like masturbation about stuff too. :-) #scriptchat #towel
1:27 am            beingbrad:            @WellScripted so you're saying a script isn't good without subplot. #scriptchat
1:27 am            DerisiveDoll:            RT @IngridElkner: Never make characters in subplot more interesting, enjoyable and likable than protag in main plot! #scriptchat
1:27 am            realdaveed:            #scriptchat 'Subplot' is theme dramatized.
1:27 am            nobull408:            @tracinell Thanks for forgiving me ;) @KageyNYC Good to hear. #scriptchat
1:27 am            SharkGoddess:            To me the main plot is the skeletal structure, subplot is the muscle, that helps power the story. #scriptchat
1:27 am            dawnjohnston:            Hi, all, checking in late tonight - speeding up eyeballs as we speak #scriptchat
1:27 am            covermyscript:            @AndiWritesAgain the spooky subplot heightens her anxiety. hence supporting the theme. #scriptchat
1:27 am            scripteach:            1st draft yes, but rewrites are a good time to think on it ?@covermyscript: yeah but my point is dont overthink it. #scriptchat?
1:27 am            cryssfox:            When you sit down to write a script, do you think about theme? #scriptchat
1:27 am            beingbrad:            RT @ShutUpJme: @beingbrad I feel as though the sub plot CAN integrate with the main plot. the sub plot enhances the script no matter what. #scriptchat
1:27 am            KageyNYC:            Yay, my buddy @EmLaRock is here for his first #scriptchat - yes, peeps, we've got a virgin! Woot!!!
1:27 am            GCGeek:            Or cut and a better subplot included, IF it's necessary. #scriptchat
1:27 am            pulptone:            Have a good night folks. Going to go relax. Missing #scriptchat again.
1:27 am            laurapauling:            I love when characters in subplots have their own goals. And their goal conflict with the main characters. #scriptchat
1:28 am            gardnergrout:            @jeannevb This is my first #scriptchat. is drinking as integral as I have heard
1:28 am            jeannevb:            @gardnergrout in draft 2, I take the gloves off & push that protagonist over a cliff, but draft 1, I coddle him too much #scriptchat
1:28 am            SharkGoddess:            @laurapauling I do too. And conflict is always good. #scriptchat
1:28 am            dawnjohnston:            Yes! Speaking of *goes to get scotch* RT @gardnergrout: @jeannevb This is my first #scriptchat. is drinking as integral as I have heard
1:28 am            scripteach:            Hey, I copyrighted that! ;-> ?@realdaveed: #scriptchat Star Wars 'subplot' (Luke learning the Force) extends beyond DS destruction.?
1:28 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @scripteach It's funny. After working with Snyder, I can't even discuss subplot so much as a B-story which any great movie has. #scriptchat
1:28 am            GCGeek:            Especially w/tonight's talk :) RT @gardnergrout: @jeannevb This is my first #scriptchat. is drinking as integral as I have heard #scriptchat
1:28 am            UncompletedWork:            @MonaLiNYC wasn't crazy about the second film it was like "hey guys remember when we did this? Let's do more of that" #scriptchat
1:29 am            IngridElkner:            Once you've figured out your theme, then you can construct a subplot that is believable and relevant, that flows. #scriptchat
1:29 am            covermyscript:            no. story is my sole focus. theme emerges later. RT @cryssfox: When you sit down to write a script, do you think about theme? #scriptchat
1:29 am            booksbelow:            It seems to be! RT @gardnergrout: @jeannevb This is my first #scriptchat. is drinking as integral as I have heard #scriptchat
1:29 am            beingbrad:            @gardnergrout @jeannevb Yes. Unless ur an alcoholic, then u have to be high, unless ur recovering, then you have to have issues #scriptchat
1:29 am            KageyNYC:            We're gentle, but you never forget your first time. RT @EmLaRock: @KageyNYC Please be gentle. #scriptchat @jeannevb
1:29 am            BrowneTom:            @blankethouse If subplot becomes stronger than main story then you should flip the main story with your subplot. #scriptchat
1:29 am            jeannevb:            @gardnergrout haha we have a drinking problem reputation? Excellent! ;) It's not required but is a nice end to a Sunday ;) #scriptchat
1:30 am            nobull408:            @laurapauling I like that style of writing too, where subplots conflict with main plot. #scriptchat
1:30 am            jeannevb:            @gardnergrout so happy you're here, welcome! Any subplot thoughts you'd like to share? #scriptchat
1:30 am            EmLaRock:            @KageyNYC oops I mean, #scriptchat, please be gentle.
1:30 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @GCGeek I'm having water but don't tell @jeannevb! #scriptchat
1:30 am            lisadabrowski:            #scriptchat subplots, isn't that like when a main character has a hidden agenda, and it is wove into the story?
1:30 am            covermyscript:            what is all this "theme" bullshit ypu guys? solid story first. then build in the message. this isnt ralphy writing a xmas essay #scriptchat
1:30 am            Molly_Pinkerton:            (( Anyone who writes we're discussing subplots in #scriptchat. Come join or lurk ))
1:30 am            laurapauling:            I keep forgetting to add #scriptchat
1:30 am            booksbelow:            @scripteach @realdaveed Perhaps learning the force is the plot and destruction of DS just a subplot. :-) #scriptchat
1:30 am            beingbrad:            @AndiWritesAgain @scripteach I like the term B-Story better than sub plot. Story makes more sense to me than plot. #scriptchat
1:30 am            brionykidd:            It can feel very phony & redundant to add in a subplot at a later draft when you suddenly realise it's necessary... #scriptchat
1:31 am            jeannevb:            eye spy with my little eye some #scriptchat virgins tonight mwhahaha #scriptchat
1:31 am            nobull408:            My first time, @kageyNYC took my wallet. :( @EmLaRock Please be gentle. #scriptchat @jeannevb
1:31 am            jeannevb:            That is NOT a good subplot! RT @AndiWritesAgain: @GCGeek Im having water but dont tell @jeannevb! #scriptchat
1:31 am            blankethouse:            @SharkGoddess wow ur getting all medical and stuff, that's deep! Lol #scriptchat
1:31 am            covermyscript:            if your story is good, chars are solid and multi-dimensonal, this ever elusie "theme" will emerge. #scriptchat
1:31 am            laurapauling:            As a writer of novels, I'm pretty obsessed with structure right now. This is fun. #scriptchat
1:31 am            scripteach:            My mind just blew up like the DS! ?@booksbelow: @realdaveed Perhaps learning force isthe plot & destruction of DS a subplot. #scriptchat?
1:31 am            GCGeek:            Me too! On the rocks. RT @AndiWritesAgain: @GCGeek Im having water but dont tell @jeannevb! #scriptchat
1:31 am            SharkGoddess:            @blankethouse I am? lol #scriptchat
1:31 am            beingbrad:            pulp fiction had a lot of subplot that turned out to be the plot of another story. #scriptchat
1:32 am            brionykidd:            How to make it feel like it's been part of the story all along...that I'm not vandalising my script, is the question for me. #scriptchat
1:32 am            jeannevb:            @laurapauling if you chat via it auto adds the hashtag #scriptchat
1:32 am            KageyNYC:            Eff you, you just made me laugh so hard. RT @nobull408 My first time, @kageyNYC took my wallet. :( @EmLaRock be gentle #scriptchat @jeannevb
1:32 am            WellScripted:            Me personally, it can both help and hinder IMO RT @beingbrad: So you're saying a script isn't good without subplot. (#ScriptChat)
1:32 am            laurapauling:            @jeannevb I wonder if tweetdeck does the same thing. #scriptchat
1:32 am            beingbrad:            @brionykidd instead of thinking about how to add subplot, think about how to give your tertiary characters a goal they achieve. #scriptchat
1:32 am            Chuklz:            Actually the B Story of Star Wars is 'Save the Princess' Learning about the force is how the DS is destroyed #scriptchat
1:32 am            gardnergrout:            @jeannevb @jeannevb Subplots are like icing between cake. (I just made that up all alone with my head.) #scriptchat
1:32 am            giselle2323:            RT @Molly_Pinkerton: (( Anyone who writes we're discussing subplots in #scriptchat. Come join or lurk ))
1:33 am            jeannevb:            @laurapauling yes, it does #scriptchat
1:33 am            laurapauling:            @jeannevb I'll have to work on that. #scriptchat
1:33 am            gardnergrout:            Wow I suck at this #scriptchat
1:33 am            covermyscript:            next draft is time to rethink everything. RT @scripteach: 1st draft yes, but rewrites are a good time to think on it. #scriptchat?
1:33 am            laurapauling:            I read stories for the B story, first half of Act 2. #scriptchat
1:33 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript LOL! Themes R good. They can B simple. They can lead U on UR path.Ex: Money can buy u love = Theme. Now write it. #scriptchat
1:33 am            jeannevb:            @gardnergrout haha I like smarty pant writers. You need to come back again ;) #scriptchat
1:34 am            ficwriter:            @jeannevb Worth popping in to be called a virgin of anything. It's been a long time. :) #scriptchat
1:34 am            GCGeek:            No you don't! RT @gardnergrout: Wow I suck at this #scriptchat
1:34 am            beingbrad:            @gardnergrout just say random things using the topic of the night, like this. Subplot can be so arduous, but fulfilling too. c? #scriptchat
1:34 am            TAOXproductions:            alright then, lets see what this scriptchat biz is all about;) #scriptchat
1:34 am            jeannevb:            we all have our days. I suck tonight too. I'm brain dead tonight RT @gardnergrout: Wow I suck at this #scriptchat
1:34 am            scripteach:            Not BS. Not first thing you worry about, but good stories have strong themes ?@covermyscript: what's all this "theme" bullshit? #scriptchat?
1:34 am            realdaveed:            #scriptchat 'Subplot' can be what makes your story resonate w/ an audience long after the final shot.
1:34 am            blankethouse:            @SharkGoddess haha, skeleton and muscle, yup that's a check. Now how can I work that in as a subplot for #scriptchat
1:34 am            TheWriteScript:            @gardnergrout hang in there. #Scriptchat
1:34 am            gardnergrout:            If the cake is really good you might not think you need the icing, but it helps. #scriptchat
1:35 am            dawnjohnston:            Truby talks about subplot chars dealing with similar problem to A story, in a different way - contrast #scriptchat
1:35 am            jeannevb:            WOOHOO! RT @TAOXproductions: alright then, lets see what this scriptchat biz is all about;) #scriptchat
1:35 am            SharkGoddess:            @jeannevb Tell your brain to put its feet up. #scriptchat
1:35 am            shericandler:            in case I have screenwriters among my followers, please head over to #scriptchat. The #treefort rules!
1:35 am            jeannevb:            fyi, I see some #filmcourage peeps here tonight, and I want to thank you for joining in our community! *hands u tequila* #scriptchat
1:35 am            brionykidd:            @realdaveed Oh, hint of resolution rather than actual? Perhaps it is the ones that *really* resolve that feel too pat. #scriptchat
1:35 am            gardnergrout:            ?@TheWriteScript: @gardnergrout hang in there. #Scriptchat? Thanks, figuring it out!
1:35 am            KageyNYC:            You know #scriptchat has finally reached #worlddomination when my hubby joins in! Woot, go Kagey hubby @garlandMatt! :))
1:35 am            GCGeek:            Intangibles like theme discussions always blow my mind. You know it's there. You know when it's missing. #scriptchat
1:36 am            IngridElkner:            I'm glad to see many of you pros struggle with subplots like the rest of us mere mortals! #scriptchat
1:36 am            AndiWritesAgain:            I'm off to write! Love to all! #scriptchat
1:36 am            nobull408:            LOL ;) RT Eff you, you just made me laugh so hard. @nobull408 My first time, @kageyNYC took my wallet. :( #scriptchat
1:36 am            TheStorysmith:            If U must dissect: Plot is what Character does. Writer tells story however they see fit... #scriptchat
1:36 am            jeannevb:            u almost made me spit my tequila HA RT @ficwriter: @jeannevb Worth popping in to be called a virgin...It's been a long time. :) #scriptchat
1:36 am            KageyNYC:            And you rule! :) xoxo RT @shericandler: in case I have screenwriters among my followers, pls head over to #scriptchat. The #treefort rules!
1:36 am            zacsanford2:            What an effin' day. Hello all. #scriptchat
1:37 am            gardnergrout:            ?@GCGeek: Intangibles like theme discussions always blow my mind. You know it's there. You know when it's missing.#scriptchat?like obscenity
1:37 am            jeannevb:            @zacsanford2 *waves* there you are! #scriptchat
1:37 am            jeannevb:            @shericandler Thanks, Sheri! xo #scriptchat
1:37 am            covermyscript:            @scripteach never on any scripts ive sold did i start off jerking off about "theme." i started with chars and their stories. #scriptchat
1:37 am            GCGeek:            @KageyNYC @garlandMatt! #scriptchatwidows was hilarious! #scriptchat
1:37 am            FurryWolfen:            @IngridElkner Who said we're mortal? #scriptchat
1:37 am            beingbrad:            Instead of thinking about how to add subplot, think about how to give your tertiary characters a goal they achieve. #scriptchat
1:37 am            brionykidd:            @beingbrad Hmm... or not achieve! I don't know, I don't really care about them much...guess that may be a problem. #scriptchat
1:37 am            zacsanford2:            My brain and mind is mush. I'll try to contribute the best I can tonight. #scriptchat
1:37 am            TheStorysmith:            ee cummings, to Sondheim, to Burton, to King, Ford, Scorsese, Spielberg, Bono, Dali, Klimt, etc... #scriptchat
1:38 am            TAOXproductions:            LoL @talltales08 #scriptchat
1:38 am            scripteach:            But it's resolved in 2nd Act. Climax needs Luke to believe in himself ?@Chuklz: B Story of Star Wars is 'Save the Princess' #scriptchat?
1:38 am            TheWriteScript:            @zacsanford2 Sorry. Glad you could hang out with us. #Scriptchat
1:38 am            covermyscript:            @AndiWritesAgain yeah, but who cares if your story sucks and your chars are lame? #scriptchat
1:38 am            gardnergrout:            tequila drinking is #scriptchat subplot. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes distracting.
1:38 am            blankethouse:            RT @gardnergrout: If the cake is really good you might not think you need the icing, but it helps. #scriptchat
1:38 am            garlandMatt:            There are lots of us out here! All supportive I hope ;) RT @GCGeek: @KageyNYC @garlandMatt! #scriptchatwidows was hilarious! #scriptchat
1:39 am            jeannevb:            @zacsanford2 i'm in the same boat. Maybe it was our #treefort skype tequila shot biz mtg that killed our brain cells :) #scriptchat
1:39 am            TheStorysmith:            All of us are storytellers. Channel the best, maintaining a style that suits the story. It will and should vary. #scriptchat
1:39 am            itsKysis:            Subplots are a rough one! They develop as I write without me realizing it, then I have to untangle the mess! So fun, though. #scriptchat
1:39 am            beingbrad:            @zacsanford2 tell me you're still sporting the stache... #scriptchat
1:39 am            lady_di11:            Hello all! #scriptchat
1:39 am            jeannevb:            @AuthorRussell cool! We're talking subplots tonight. Any thoughts? #scriptchat
1:39 am            jeannevb:            @dianewms *hands you glass* #scriptchat
1:39 am            TAOXproductions:            How tertiary character's goals/subplot connect to main plot - seems to me the important bridge #scriptchat
1:39 am            zacsanford2:            @jeannevb I think it's more to the fact of I came into the house and realized the basement was flooding. #scriptchat
1:40 am            GCGeek:            @garlandMatt @KageyNYC My girlfriend isn't on Twitter. Otherwise, she'd join you! I tag in to the Euro chat too. :-) #scriptchat
1:40 am            Chuklz:            @scripteach That's the A-Plot. ;) #scriptchat
1:40 am            TheStorysmith:            In a classic like "sleuth", the subplot actually IS the plot... it is the telling, not a formula #scriptchat
1:40 am            beingbrad:            @blankethouse @gardnergrout unless it's Angel Food cake. I hate icing on that. So much better al fresco. #scriptchat
1:40 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @TAOXproductions: How tertiary character's goals/subplot connect to main plot - seems to me the important bridge #scriptchat
1:40 am            zacsanford2:            @beingbrad No stache... instead I'm with the whole beard. #scriptchat
1:40 am            nobull408:            @lady_di11 Hey! #scriptchat
1:40 am            scripteach:            I agree--don't start w/it. But why the anger? ?@covermyscript: never on any scripts i sold did i start jerking off about theme #scriptchat?
1:40 am            jeannevb:            @zacsanford2 ugh... but, it's a subplot :) #scriptchat
1:40 am            realdaveed:            @brionykidd Tropic Thunder subplot is about actors letting go of petit ego/flaws. We see 1st steps toward this. #scriptchat
1:40 am            beingbrad:            RT @TAOXproductions: How tertiary characters goals/subplot connect to main plot - seems to me the important bridge #scriptchat
1:40 am            jeffrago:            RT @TheStorysmith: ee cummings, to Sondheim, to Burton, to King, Ford, Scorsese, Spielberg, Bono, Dali, Klimt, etc... #scriptchat
1:40 am            KageyNYC:            You should start a competing chat RT @garlandMatt There's lots of us out here! RT @GCGeek #scriptchatwidows was hilarious! #scriptchat
1:41 am            zacsanford2:            I read too many amateur scripts where it feels like the subplot is there for padding and not to help further the MC's journey. #scriptchat
1:41 am            tracinell:            watching Hitch, good subplot... there, that's my big comment for the night. :) #scriptchat
1:41 am            nobull408:            @TAOXproductions Hey Terry! Nice to follow you on here too! #scriptchat
1:41 am            SharkGoddess:            @jeffrago You're welcome to join us, Jeff. #scriptchat
1:41 am            lady_di11:            @nobull408 Awesome night for a talk about sub plots, eh? #scriptchat
1:41 am            TheStorysmith:            If you want to write a story, then tell one. aloud. To strangers without being paid. If they listen, remember what you did. #scriptchat
1:41 am            covermyscript:            the other thing is people often confuse theme with genre or mood. just write a good story, w/ real chars. then their subplots... #scriptchat
1:41 am            jeannevb:            @JBMovies some is better than none :) #filmcourage #scriptchat
1:41 am            zacsanford2:            I've also seen scripts where it seems the subplot starts to overshadow the main story or where it is the more interesting story. #scriptchat
1:41 am            TAOXproductions:            @itsKysis I think if you spend ALOT of time organizing story elements 1st, subplots are easier to "control";) #scriptchat
1:41 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @covermyscript: the other thing is people often confuse theme with genre or mood. just write a good story, w/ real chars. then their subplots... #scriptchat
1:41 am            booksbelow:            I think sometimes the plot is composed of subplots, and doesn't exist independently. #scriptchat
1:41 am            scripteach:            Uh... THE FIGHTER: you can only win when you stop fighting one another. ?@cmhoughton: Can you give another example..." #ScriptChat
1:42 am            WellScripted:            Certainly RT @zomaster1: if I can make it before its done ill jump on if that's ok? (#ScriptChat)
1:42 am            laurapauling:            @booksbelow Ooh. I like that. #scriptchat and so true.
1:42 am            TheStorysmith:            If they fidgit or cough, adjust until you have them rapt. #scriptchat
1:42 am            realdaveed:            @KageyNYC This is my 1st #scriptchat
1:42 am            TheWriteScript:            @tracinell insightful. Lol. #Scriptchat
1:42 am            yeah_write:            Welcome RT @realdaveed: @KageyNYC This is my 1st #scriptchat
1:42 am            covermyscript:            will emerge from within the chars. look at the fighter. chistian bale's subplot directly related to marky mark enhancing it. #scriptchat
1:42 am            scripteach:            Yes! ?@realdaveed: #scriptchat 'Subplot' can be what makes your story resonate w/ an audience long after the final shot.?
1:42 am            beingbrad:            what if you're writing a short? Sub-plots still? #scriptchat
1:42 am            IngridElkner:            For me, once characters & world are established, knowing theme keeps me on track & gives relevant plot, subplots and resolutions #scriptchat
1:42 am            KayleeT:            RT @gardnergrout: If the cake is really good you might not think you need the icing, but it helps. #scriptchat
1:42 am            TheStorysmith:            Then figure out your own way of getting it onto the page. #scriptchat
1:42 am            blankethouse:            @zacsanford2 I wouldn't say mush and brains in the same sentence, may be zombies lurking! #scriptchat
1:42 am            nobull408:            @lady_di11 You got it. I'm writing a feature length screenplay which there are subplots that mirror the main plot. #scriptchat
1:43 am            jeffrago:            @SharkGoddess Thanks but I have to jump off for a bit. Got all excited when I saw all those great storytellers in a row. #scriptchat
1:43 am            jeannevb:            another virgin! excellent! RT @realdaveed: @KageyNYC This is my 1st #scriptchat
1:43 am            SharkGoddess:            @TheStorysmith When I roleplay I do that alot, make a story on the fly. #scriptchat
1:43 am            brionykidd:            @covermyscript Agree start with story.But theme useful to hone in on what made you excited about the idea initially..& push that #scriptchat
1:43 am            zacsanford2:            @beingbrad shorts and webseries can still have subplots put in there. #scriptchat
1:43 am            covermyscript:            but it stood on its own as its own story. successful subplot. not about theme. about story. and good story at that. #scriptchat
1:43 am            TheStorysmith:            Hitchcock's scripts were unintelligible by the time he made the movies. Scripts are instruction books for storytelling #scriptchat
1:43 am            dianewms:            @zacsanford2 My 1812 privateer captures ships, but worries @ paying his crew cos the ship owner gambles away their prize money! #scriptchat
1:43 am            tracinell:            @TheWriteScript *blushes* thanks, I've been stewing on that comment for 44 minutes now. ;) #scriptchat
1:43 am            beingbrad:            @blankethouse @zacsanford2 speaking of subplots, holy shit did walking dead go off the rails after the first episode. #scriptchat
1:43 am            SharkGoddess:            @jeffrago Quite alright, Love. Every Sunday at 5pm, feel free whenever you like. #scriptchat
1:44 am            gardnergrout:            @lady_di11 I'm writing a feature length screenplay which there are subplots that mirror the main plot. #scriptchat AGREE!
1:44 am            jeannevb:            I'm writing my 1st & craving going deeper than the 10 min allows RT @beingbrad: what if youre writing a short? Sub-plots still? #scriptchat
1:44 am            GCGeek:            Yes RT @gardnergrout: ?@GCGeek: Intangibles like theme..blow my mind. U know it's there/know when it's missing.? like obscenity #scriptchat
1:44 am            beingbrad:            @zacsanford2 but not as necessary? Hard enough getting plot into 5 pages, let alone subplot and quality. Geez. #scriptchat
1:44 am            nobull408:            @covermyscript Exactly.Christian story was one of lost potential. Christian's character arc was falling while Mark's was rising. #scriptchat
1:44 am            zacsanford2:            @beingbrad I've yet to see any eps of Walking Dead since I didn't have AMC HD. Waiting for the Blu-Ray. #scriptchat
1:44 am            jeffrago:            @SharkGoddess Thanks. Good to know. #scriptchat
1:44 am            covermyscript:            @scripteach im tired of talking about process and theme and save the cat. just do the writing. clackety-clack the keys people #scriptchat
1:44 am            dianewms:            @jeannevb #scriptchat Clinks glasses Y*Y
1:45 am            beingbrad:            @jeannevb i'm LOVING writing my shorts. Can focus, try to get a beginning, middle and end. Analyze, learn and move on. #scriptchat
1:45 am            jeannevb:            @JBMovies subplots #scriptchat
1:45 am            zacsanford2:            @beingbrad I wouldn't say it's as necessary in shorts. In webseries I would add it for the overall story arc. #scriptchat
1:45 am            jeannevb:            @beingbrad it feels like a quickie... I'm not sure how I feel about them yet ;) #scriptchat
1:46 am            blankethouse:            @covermyscript haha u called him marky mark! That is His subplot in life #scriptchat
1:46 am            beingbrad:            @zacsanford2 yah, i can see anything serialized really needing b and even c stories. #scriptchat
1:46 am            brionykidd:            @Phobophilia Yes, exactly. I think there is the danger of changing too little, then will be a real Frankenstein's monster! #scriptchat
1:46 am            dawnjohnston:            Me too, great practice for being succinct, to the point RT @beingbrad: @jeannevb i'm LOVING writing my shorts #scriptchat
1:46 am            TheStorysmith:            be creative, be true, and write what you know. Sorry to intrude. Just wanted to save many folks some exhausting cyclical convos #scriptchat
1:46 am            lady_di11:            @gardnergrout awesome! #scriptchat
1:46 am            covermyscript:            its all so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing. but doing the work is what counts. will only get good by doing. #scriptchat
1:46 am            scripteach:            But diff people are at diff places & processes ?@covermyscript: tired of talking about process & theme... just do the writing #scriptchat?
1:46 am            zacsanford2:            Somteimes those are best! RT @jeannevb: @beingbrad it feels like a quickie... Im not sure how I feel about them yet ;) #scriptchat
1:46 am            GinyMacGregor:            Yes RT@beingbrad @blankethouse @zacsanford2 speaking of subplots, holy shit did walking dead go off rails aftere 1st episode. #scriptchat
1:46 am            jeannevb:            @dawnjohnston @beingbrad ok, ok, I'll keep trying ;) #damnshortswontbreakme #scriptchat
1:47 am            dwacon:            Late for #scriptchat -- busy celebrating my good news. Will catch up w/ transcript.
1:47 am            antinmitchfield:            RT @covermyscript: its all so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing. but doing the work is what counts. will only get good by doing. #scriptchat
1:47 am            TheStorysmith:            Just tell the stories well, and KEEP WRITING! #scriptchat
1:47 am            zacsanford2:            @beingbrad Well even episodic stories tend to have b and c stories. #scriptchat
1:47 am            beingbrad:            @antinmitchfield @covermyscript then I'm nearly blind. #scriptchat
1:47 am            dianewms:            #scriptchat Another subplot is my hero courting his soon-2-B wife. Hard to do when most of your time is on a ship & capturing other ships!
1:47 am            KageyNYC:            @covermyscript Talking is how we develop a suppotive community. Writing is how we develop a career. #scriptchat
1:47 am            FreddoJr:            Subplots give secondary characters something to do other than protag suport, but a boring subplot is just vinegar in the wine. #scriptchat
1:47 am            art1032:            RT @covermyscript: its all so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing. but doing the work is what counts. will only get good by doing. #scriptchat
1:47 am            covermyscript:            that, reading and watching other people's work. consume media. see how others did it. learn from example. and have a soft touch #scriptchat
1:47 am            scripteach:            Yes! ?@IngridElkner: Subplots should usually work to show theme enacted a different way, with different results to main plot #scriptchat?
1:47 am            jeannevb:            @zacsanford2 not better than long, slow and lingering #yesIwilldeletethisfromtranscript :) @beingbrad #scriptchat
1:47 am            zacsanford2:            Congrats on Cinescape! RT @dwacon: Late for #scriptchat -- busy celebrating my good news. Will catch up w/ transcript. #scriptchat
1:47 am            ravivora:            Anyone in #scriptchat who has talent and wants to get something made, get ahold of me, I'd love to read some of your work.
1:48 am            beingbrad:            @zacsanford2 sorry, that's what i meant. #scriptchat
1:48 am            tracinell:            RT @covermyscript so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing, doing the work is what counts, only get good by doing. #scriptchat
1:48 am            TheStorysmith:            RT @covermyscript: @scripteach im tired of talking about process and theme and save the cat. just do the writing. clackety-clack the keys people #scriptchat
1:48 am            brionykidd:            @beingbrad Don't think there's usually room for subplots in shorts. Except micro ones. #scriptchat
1:48 am            dawnjohnston:            I'll have to shave my palms tomorrow ;-) RT @covermyscript: its all so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing #scriptchat
1:48 am            zacsanford2:            @dwacon A spec I want to option/develop called DEAD SAND is also a top 10 finalist. #scriptchat
1:48 am            dwacon:            @RaviVora How does one get a hold of you? #scriptchat
1:48 am            jeannevb:            don't forget #scriptchat hashtag ;) RT @AuthorRussell: Sometimes a great subplot can help tie in a plot twist in the main story.@jeannevb
1:49 am            covermyscript:            @brionykidd if youre not excited by the story & chars im not either. theyre youre main focus. always. theme will emerge. honest. #scriptchat
1:49 am            Chuklz:            Study the work of others to understand it, not duplicate it. Observe trends and avoid them. #scriptchat
1:49 am            dianewms:            @GinyMacGregor Hi Giny! #scriptchat
1:49 am            KageyNYC:            RT @RaviVora: Anyone in #scriptchat who has talent and wants to get something made, get ahold of me, I'd love to read some of your work.
1:49 am            beingbrad:            @ravivora welcome to the #scriptchat
1:49 am            dwacon:            @zacsanford2 Kewl -- we will get to hook up at the festival? #scriptchat
1:49 am            itsKysis:            @TAOXproductions With novels, I plan obsessively, but with scripts, I always tend to wing it, which is fun but more difficult. #scriptchat
1:49 am            TAOXproductions:            @covermyscript yes writing IS the important doing, but connecting sharing reading & learning R not unhelpful to the process #scriptchat
1:50 am            covermyscript:            @nobull408 its a mirror subplot. effective if charting a loser chars' growth. #scriptchat
1:50 am            zacsanford2:            @dwacon Yeah, I'm sure the writers will be there. #scriptchat
1:50 am            lady_di11:            Feels good to not be the virgin... I'm all worked in now! #scriptchat
1:50 am            SharkGoddess:            @AstralVamp Every Sunday 5-6pm #scriptchat
1:50 am            beingbrad:            @brionykidd we need a word for that. how about nanoplot? #scriptchat
1:51 am            covermyscript:            hahahaha!! he'll always be in his calvins for me. RT @blankethouse: haha u called him marky mark! That is His subplot in life #scriptchat
1:51 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @TAOXproductions: @covermyscript yes writing IS the important doing, but connecting sharing reading & learning R not unhelpful to the process #scriptchat
1:51 am            ravivora:            @dwacon You can get ahold of me just like this, or email me samples at ravi at ravivora dot com #scriptchat
1:51 am            zacsanford2:            usually for me, I make sure I properly lay in the subplots during the outlining stage. #scriptchat
1:51 am            TAOXproductions:            @itsKysis With Scripts I find planning MORE important because it has to be translated to real world/ realtime production #scriptchat
1:52 am            ficwriter:            @jeannevb Enjoyed the chat. Have fun in New York without me. Must go before tears fry my keyboard. #scriptchat
1:52 am            KageyNYC:            Subplot: New goals: Have @scripteach be my consultant on my next script & co-produce a project w @zacsanford. It could happen! #scriptchat
1:52 am            hopkinscomposer:            @jeannevb #scriptchat What's it called in sitcoms where everything must reset to normal at the end?
1:52 am            zacsanford2:            Sometimes in the outlining stage I then realize I want to tell the subplot story more than the main story and can switch up. #scriptchat
1:52 am            jeannevb:            @tomvaughan yes, def scattered tonight... perhaps we've been jinxed by the topic of subplots :) #scriptchat
1:52 am            covermyscript:            @scripteach dont believe in masturbation at the laptop unless its for porn. learn to write and then keep writing til youre good. #scriptchat
1:52 am            brionykidd:            @beingbrad Yeah, nano indeed sometimes! eg. a look between extras, a hint at a connection/relationship that evolves. #scriptchat
1:52 am            TheStorysmith:            @SharkGoddess best way... former actors, w/discipline, can B great writers. they know what 2 do 2 keep audience interested. #scriptchat
1:52 am            jeannevb:            YES RT @KageyNYC: Subplot: New goals: Have @scripteach be my consultant on my next script & co-produce a project w @zacsanford. #scriptchat
1:52 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Best way to not have that "oh shit" moment later on. Subplot outlining #scriptchat
1:52 am            zacsanford2:            @ficwriter Tears? There's no crying in #scriptchat
1:52 am            IngridElkner:            @tomvaughan It's because there are so many subplots happening in this chat :) And too many people! #scriptchat
1:52 am            scripteach:            Yes! ?@KageyNYC: Subplot: New goals: Have @scripteach be consultant on my next script & co-produce w/@zacsanford. Could happen! #scriptchat?
1:53 am            zacsanford2:            @ficwriter But welcome to #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:53 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 @ficwriter Or baseball! #scriptchat
1:53 am            BigfootandGray:            ?@hopkinscomposer: @jeannevb #scriptchat What's it called in sitcoms where everything must reset to normal at the end?? status quo?
1:53 am            jeannevb:            @ficwriter *boo boo face* @JaneFriedman & I will toast you, I promise! #scriptchat
1:53 am            UncompletedWork:            Sorry #scriptchat had to run out for dinner real quick. Picking up the best BBQ in the valley SMOKE CITY BBQ.
1:53 am            beingbrad:            RT @brionykidd: @beingbrad Yeah, nano indeed sometimes! eg. a look between extras, a hint at a relationship that evolves. #scriptchat
1:53 am            scripteach:            We're exploring & discussing & learning different elements here. RT @covermyscript: im tired of talking about process & theme #scriptchat?
1:53 am            hopkinscomposer:            RT @BigfootandGray: ?@hopkinscomposer: @jeannevb #scriptchat What's it called in sitcoms where everything must reset to normal at the end?? status quo?
1:53 am            ravivora:            @beingbrad Thanks, I'll check it out. Looking for talented writers to work with. #scriptchat
1:53 am            KageyNYC:            Maybe we can get @MysterySW to join one night - and explose him! Ha! #scriptchat
1:53 am            thejulielogan:            @jeannevb @AuthorRussell Sign into TweetChat and it'll add the hashtag automatically :) #scriptchat
1:53 am            beingbrad:            @IngridElkner your picture scares me #scriptchat
1:54 am            FurryWolfen:            @jeannevb Isn't that what subplots are? A diversion from the normal plot? #scriptchat
1:54 am            beingbrad:            @ravivora cool. i'm definitely a writer ;) #scriptchat
1:54 am            dwacon:            @TheStorysmith Or -- take a true story from news or life and adapt it into something even more interesting... #scriptchat
1:54 am            lady_di11:            Love that! RT @zacsanford2: @ficwriter Tears? Theres no crying in #scriptchat
1:54 am            blankethouse:            for the movie Hitch, plot: getting Albert to date Alegra B: Hitch finding love C: the gossip story #scriptchat
1:54 am            dianewms:            @jeannevb @tomvaughan What's wrong with so many sub issues in a chat about subplots? ;-) #scriptchat
1:54 am            zacsanford2:            @UncompletedWork Yum... Enjoy the BBQ without me. And don't forget that amazing Mac n' Cheese. #scriptchat
1:54 am            brionykidd:            @covermyscript I concede that too much thought about theme can lead to labyrinth of ideas that may be..unnecessary. But I enjoy! #scriptchat
1:54 am            rachlanger:            @FurryWolfen @jeannevb I would say more an addition than a diversion, making the main focus seem normal and supported. #scriptchat
1:54 am            GCGeek:            Now there's product placement here? RT @UncompletedWork: ... Picking up the best BBQ in the valley SMOKE CITY BBQ. #scriptchat
1:54 am            covermyscript:            @KageyNYC and its good to talk it thru, i just mean dont get so granular immediately. put down foubdation before curtain hanging.#scriptchat
1:54 am            ficwriter:            @zacsanford2 :-) #scriptchat
1:54 am            KageyNYC:            @UncompletedWork OMG I love BBQ - feed me, Seymour!! #scriptchat
1:55 am            IngridElkner:            @beingbrad @IngridElkner I marry rich old men and dress like this on the honeymoon night. I'm a rich widow 30 seconds later. #scriptchat
1:55 am            dianewms:            RT @zacsanford2: Sometimes in the outlining stage I then realize I want to tell the subplot story more than the main story and can switch up. #scriptchat
1:55 am            covermyscript:            RT @dawnjohnston: I'll have to shave my palms tomorrow ;-) RT @covermyscript: its all so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing #scriptchat
1:55 am            zacsanford2:            @GCGeek If you like Texas style BBQ, next time you're in LA you have to visit. #scriptchat
1:55 am            alli_and_that:            RT @beingbrad: Instead of thinking about how to add subplot, think about how to give your tertiary characters a goal they achieve. #scriptchat
1:55 am            IngridElkner:            @beingbrad Don't tell anyone. Shhhhhhhh. #scriptchat
1:55 am            hopkinscomposer:            @BigfootandGray #scriptchat Most frustrating in episodes that involve great gain, ie. coming into riches.
1:55 am            covermyscript:            @dawnjohnston i'll take you to the eye dr, i promise. ;-p #scriptchat
1:55 am            beingbrad:            @IngridElkner @beingbrad oh. #scriptchat
1:55 am            TAOXproductions:            I think a good Q B4 adding subplot is How does it support or contrast the main plot. If it's incidental do you even need it? #scriptchat
1:55 am            brionykidd:            RT @dawnjohnston: I'll have to shave my palms tomorrow ;-) RT @covermyscript: its all so masturbatory to sit around and talk about writing #scriptchat
1:55 am            scripteach:            Dinosaur BBQ, here I come! ?@KageyNYC: @UncompletedWork OMG I love BBQ - feed me, Seymour!! #scriptchat?
1:56 am            TheStorysmith:            RT @dwacon: @TheStorysmith Or -- take a true story from news or life and adapt it into something even more interesting... #scriptchat
1:56 am            dawnjohnston:            Could be why I get so bogged down outlining RT @covermyscript: @KageyNYC just mean dont get so granular immediately #scriptchat
1:56 am            beingbrad:            @IngridElkner ok? #scriptchat
1:56 am            dwacon:            @RaviVora got it. Will ping you during the week. #scriptchat
1:56 am            zacsanford2:            RT @alli_and_that: Instead of thinking about how to add subplot, think about how to give your tertiary chars a goal they achieve #scriptchat
1:56 am            SharkGoddess:            @TheStorysmith keeps my creative wheels turning. #scriptchat
1:56 am            GCGeek:            I do & I shall! *Clinks Evian* RT @zacsanford2: @GCGeek If you like Texas style BBQ, next time youre in LA you have to visit. #scriptchat
1:56 am            dawnjohnston:            Haha! Promise? RT @covermyscript: @dawnjohnston i'll take you to the eye dr, i promise. ;-p #scriptchat
1:56 am            beingbrad:            as with plot, i think you HAVE to know how your subplot ends before you cleverly begin it. #scriptchat
1:57 am            ravivora:            #scriptchat Just as an FYI I'm a director, sorry to barge into your chat. Hoping to find some great writers to develop some films. I'm in LA
1:57 am            blankethouse:            RT @zacsanford2: Sometimes in the outlining stage I then realize I want to tell the subplot story more than the main story and can switch up. #scriptchat
1:57 am            itsKysis:            @TAOXproductions Very true. I realize I actually did outline the two scripts that have gone to production, others not so much. #scriptchat
1:57 am            zacsanford2:            For people who feel the chat goes too quick, there's always the transcript or the slower paced UK chat at 12 p.m. PST. #scriptchat
1:57 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @RaviVora: @dwacon You can get ahold of me just like this, or email me samples at ravi at ravivora dot com #scriptchat
1:57 am            zacsanford2:            RT @ravivora: FYI I'm a director in LA, sorry to barge into your chat. Hoping to find some great writers to develop some films. #scriptchat
1:57 am            alexanderchee:            @ficwriter It could also just be the plot, for that matter, once it stands up and finds its legs. Don't try to overdetermine it. #scriptchat
1:58 am            dianewms:            @zacsanford2 @ficwriter Tears? There's no crying in #scriptchat -- ROTFLMAO!
1:58 am            covermyscript:            @dawnjohnston @KageyNYC #scriptchat thats what im talking about dawn. get too wrapped up in message and lose your story / chars.
1:58 am            FurryWolfen:            Heading downtown tomorrow to look at the Chicago skyline while I write a little something extra for my film. A subplot maybe? #scriptchat
1:58 am            jeannevb:            "predictable"? :) RT @hopkinscomposer: @jeannevb #scriptchat What's it called in sitcoms where everything must reset to normal at the end?
1:58 am            beingbrad:            @ravivora it's not our chat at all. It's @jeannevb's (and the #treefort) they're usually really mean about it too. #scriptchat
1:58 am            brionykidd:            THE KING'S SPEECH - subplot is Logue's life & struggles? Bit underdeveloped in my view. #scriptchat
1:58 am            jeannevb:            hey @MysterySW you should def check us out one night....we have tons of great guests & topics ea week! #scriptchat
1:59 am            UncompletedWork:            Mmm my car smells like dry rub pork. #scriptchat and well #scriptchar
1:59 am            realdaveed:            One is all you need. RT @JBMovies: sometimes the greatest screenplays are those with fewest subplots used #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:59 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @ravivora: #scriptchat Just as an FYI I'm a director, sorry to barge into your chat. Hoping to find some great writers to develop some films. I'm in LA
1:59 am            rachlanger:            @UncompletedWork No need to brag! *stomach rumbling* #scriptchat
1:59 am            covermyscript:            @brionykidd thats why i called it masturbation. because it feels soooo good. and then its over and you eat a cookie and sleep. #scriptchat
1:59 am            FurryWolfen:            RT @jeannevb: "predictable"? :) RT @hopkinscomposer: @jeannevb #scriptchat What's it called in sitcoms where everything must reset to normal at the end?
1:59 am            dawnjohnston:            I see what you're saying RT @covermyscript: @KageyNYC #scriptchat too wrapped up in message and lose your story / chars.
1:59 am            LIScreenWriter:            Greetings! Sorry I am late. I was watching the premiere of Bob's Big Burgers. #scriptchat
1:59 am            alexanderchee:            @ficwriter The subplot may actually be the plot by the end. Sometimes it's a subplot when we're not ready to make it the plot. #scriptchat
1:59 am            jeannevb:            @RaviVora if there's something specific ur looking for, just let us know & we'll try to connect u #scriptchat
2:00 am            covermyscript:            RT @dawnjohnston: I see what you're saying RT @covermyscript: @KageyNYC #scriptchat too wrapped up in message and lose your story / chars.
2:00 am            blankethouse:            "@tracinell: watching Hitch, good subplot... there, that's my big comment for the night. *Ditto* #scriptchat"
2:00 am            zacsanford2:            I love how there is Mystery everything now: @mysteryactress, @mysteryproducer, @mysteryexec, @mysterysw, @mysteryhelmer, etc. #scriptchat
2:00 am            IngridElkner:            Might go gaffa tape my neighbours' kids mouths shut so I can get some work done. Silence is golden? Gaffa tape is priceless. #scriptchat
2:00 am            FurryWolfen:            @RaviVora And so many of us writers are looking for a job. haha #scriptchat
2:00 am            GCGeek:            All this talk about subs and barbecue has me hungry. #scriptchat
2:00 am            zacsanford2:            @rachlanger I can't believe you actually have a Sunday off. How's the pilot coming along with @dereklanger? #scriptchat
2:01 am            KageyNYC:            Aw crap, I said "explose" - maybe that's hot, yes? RT @KageyNYC Maybe we can get @MysterySW to join one night - and explose him! #scriptchat
2:01 am            beingbrad:            @zacsanford2 it's a meme that's past due. #scriptchat
2:01 am            dawnjohnston:            Me too, that veggie quinoa I had isn't cutting it RT @GCGeek: All this talk about subs and barbecue has me hungry. #scriptchat
2:01 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 @dereklanger Everything was on hiatus while I was sick, but all coming together. One more polish and draft 3 done! #scriptchat
2:01 am            HomeSpaChat:            OMG there are so many GREAT chats tonight I feel like a conductor on tweetdeck #kitchentools #runchat #scriptchat
2:01 am            artofthespa:            OMG there are so many GREAT chats tonight I feel like a conductor on tweetdeck #kitchentools #runchat #scriptchat
2:01 am            blankethouse:            @covermyscript oh boy! Mark Wahlburg is becoming a triple threat in Hollywild! He got the subplot thing #scriptchat
2:01 am            brionykidd:            @covermyscript Heheh. Don't hold back know, tell us what you really think ;-) #scriptchat
2:02 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Nice to have a Sunday night off to join in! Miss you guys every week! #scriptchat
2:02 am            ravivora:            @jeannevb Both original ideas and writers who like taking a concept and running with it. Dramatic short films and features. #scriptchat
2:02 am            UncompletedWork:            Sorry #scriptchat I didn't know you guys hadn't eaten! ;)
2:02 am            zacsanford2:            Well the hour is up... and lots of chatter all over the place (guilty)... but hopefully some good tidbits on the subject. #scriptchat
2:02 am            GCGeek:            The Cape is on. I'm just hoping for a good story. #scriptchat
2:02 am            dianewms:            @brionykidd IMO KING'S SPEECH subplot is Bertie being afraid of being King and not just stammering. Lionel prepares him for both #scriptchat
2:02 am            TyroneHydraulic:   #creative #production #blog #scriptchat
2:02 am            KageyNYC:            I want to be @MysteryKageyNYC and see if you all figure it out. ;) #scriptchat
2:02 am            art1032:            @KageyNYC It was funny, I thought you did it on purpose. lol :) #scriptchat "explose"
2:02 am            dawnjohnston:            Who said that? RT @KageyNYC: I want to be @MysteryKageyNYC and see if you all figure it out. ;) #scriptchat
2:02 am            rachlanger:            @ravivora Are you sticky about your writers being in LA? #scriptchat
2:03 am            zacsanford2:            @ravivora Hit me up sometime on my main account (@zacsanford). I'm a development exec at an indie company. #scriptchat
2:03 am            scripteach:            Thematically speaking, I thought tonight's #ScriptChat plot & subplots tied up nicely!
2:03 am            KageyNYC:            I know, gimme cue! RT @GCGeek: All this talk about subs and barbecue has me hungry. #scriptchat
2:03 am            ravivora:            For writers FYI as a director, I lean toward the genre's you see at the top of the Oscar-lists, rather than horror or comedy. #scriptchat
2:03 am            zacsanford2:            Now it's time to drink to relax before hitting up a bday dinner with @KingJimmyC #scriptchat
2:04 am            TAOXproductions:            Explosing him was the subplot;) RT @art1032: @KageyNYC funny, I thought you did it on purpose. lol :) #scriptchat "explose" #scriptchat
2:04 am            beingbrad:            @ravivora start here then, if it's drama you want #scriptchat
2:04 am            jeannevb:            @RaviVora excellent. We have lots of talent here & writers who love collaboration. We'll send them your way :) #scriptchat
2:04 am            ficwriter:            @alexanderchee Thanks, Alex. :) #scriptchat
2:04 am            WellScripted:            What Rach said... RT @rachlanger: @ravivora Are you sticky about your writers being in LA? (#ScriptChat)
2:05 am            yeah_write:            @RaviVora It would be great if you could join us at our meet up on Jan 19. details: #scriptchat
2:05 am            KageyNYC:            Explose is my new fave word. RT @TAOXproductions: Explosing him was the subplot ;) @art1032 #scriptchat
2:05 am            TAOXproductions:            Me 2 & wife has dinner on! RT @KageyNYC: I know, gimme cue! RT @GCGeek: All this talk about subs and barbecue has me hungry. #scriptchat
2:05 am            jeannevb:            @ravivora u do realize you'll be inundated ;) *hands u tequila* #scriptchat
2:05 am            brionykidd:            RT @realdaveed ...a promise of resolution: could be based on hope, even in a tragedy.It points at a poss future for characters. #scriptchat
2:05 am            beingbrad:            @ravivora I write what I feel, sometimes it's drama, sometimes it's comedy, sometimes it's offensive drivel. #scriptchat
2:05 am            ShortIsBetter:            RT @KageyNYC: Explose is my new fave word. RT @TAOXproductions: Explosing him was the subplot ;) @art1032 #scriptchat
2:05 am            zacsanford2:            I can't wait until we have our first short, webseries and/or feature produced through connections made on #scriptchat
2:05 am            beingbrad:            RT @jeannevb: @ravivora u do realize youll be inundated ;) *hands u tequila* #scriptchat
2:05 am            KageyNYC:            The booze makes us extra hungry RT @UncompletedWork: Sorry #scriptchat I didn't know you guys hadn't eaten! ;)
2:05 am            rachlanger:            @WellScripted Hey you! #scriptchat
2:06 am            rachlanger:            @ShortIsBetter @KageyNYC @TAOXproductions @art1032 Right up there with Awesomesauce! #scriptchat
2:06 am            FurryWolfen:            RT @KageyNYC: Explose is my new fave word. RT @TAOXproductions: Explosing him was the subplot ;) @art1032 #scriptchat
2:06 am            GCGeek:            @TAOXproductions @KageyNYC Well this is embarrassing. I already ate. Need to fight the hunger! #scriptchat
2:06 am            UncompletedWork:            Atkins my friend RT @zacsanford2: @UncompletedWork Yum... Enjoy the BBQ without me. And don't forget that amazing Mac n' Cheese. #scriptchat
2:07 am            FurryWolfen:            @beingbrad You're doing it right. #scriptchat
2:07 am            rachlanger:            @KageyNYC @UncompletedWork and extra whiney about it!! #hungry #scriptchat
2:07 am            jeannevb:            @AuthorRussell you said "Doogie Houser" haha ;) #scriptchat
2:07 am            dawnjohnston:            No, no, keep the furnace stoked, it's my motto! RT @GCGeek: @TAOXproductions @KageyNYC Need to fight the hunger! #scriptchat
2:07 am            WellScripted:            Hey hey you! RT @rachlanger: Hey you! (#ScriptChat)
2:07 am            covermyscript:            i never hold back. makes me best story analyst. 5 of 5 CS mag. RT @brionykidd: Don't hold back now tell us what you really think #scriptchat
2:07 am            jeannevb:            Btw, it's post the end of the hour, so feel free to take ur subplots to another bar... or stay and play #scriptchat
2:07 am            GCGeek:            @JBMovies I like superheros, but I too hope for the next genre and some originality #scriptchat
2:08 am            beingbrad:            @FurryWolfen thanks man. it's the only thing I can do. #scriptchat
2:08 am            BrianTroyFilms:            @RaviVora I don't know. I think that if you have a solid comedy you could set yourself up pretty nicely with the Academy. #scriptchat
2:08 am            zacsanford2:            @UncompletedWork But see, if it was WW, you could have the amazing Mac n' Cheese :) #scriptchat
2:08 am            UncompletedWork:            See today's #scriptchat sub-plot was Merrel's adventure to the BBQ place when he was cut off in line by a cattle rancher from Nebraska
2:08 am            KageyNYC:            Nothing beats awesomesauce RT @rachlanger: @ShortIsBetter @KageyNYC @TAOXproductions @art1032 Right up there with Awesomesauce! #scriptchat
2:08 am            zacsanford2:            I love that we have people from the States, Canada and Australia in this chat. Sorry if I'm missing some other country. #scriptchat
2:08 am            TAOXproductions:            agreed :) RT @GCGeek: @JBMovies I like superheros, but I too hope for the next genre and some originality #scriptchat
2:09 am            shaivman:            I'd steal his spurs. RT @UncompletedWork: See today's #scriptchat sub-plot was Merrel was cut off in line by a cattle rancher from Nebraska
2:09 am            rachlanger:            RT @zacsanford2: I love that we have people from the States, Canada and Australia in this chat. Sorry if Im missing some #scriptchat
2:09 am            KageyNYC:            I ate too. What's your point? :-P RT @GCGeek: @TAOXproductions @KageyNYC I already ate. Need to fight the hunger! #scriptchat
2:09 am            jeannevb:            For those interested in contacting @RaviVora, u can do so here #moderator/pimp #scriptchat
2:09 am            brionykidd:            RT @rachlanger: RT @zacsanford2: I love that we have people from the States, Canada and Australia in this chat. Sorry if Im missing some #scriptchat
2:09 am            realdaveed:            It was over before I knew it, sez the #scriptchat virgin. :)
2:09 am            zacsanford2:            In future chats I'll be giving away scripts for Funny People, Black Swan, 127 Hours and any others laying around the office. #scriptchat
2:10 am            ravivora:            @WellScripted @rachlanger Absolutely not! You can be anywhere, but if you're in LA I'd love to meet and talk with you. #scriptchat
2:10 am            beingbrad:            @jeannevb @RaviVora It's okay. I've already FedEx'd him. #scriptchat
2:10 am            SPCWrite:            Thank God for transcripts sigh, I always seem to get interrupted. #scriptchat.
2:10 am            KageyNYC:            Oh wait, #scriptchat is over? That was quick! #thatswhatshesaid
2:10 am            TAOXproductions:            Bustin Cherry on scriptchat the main plot, Dinner is my subplot now - Explosing just icing on the cake- see ya all:) #scriptchat
2:10 am            beingbrad:            @zacsanford2 hard copies? #scriptchat
2:10 am            TheWriteScript:            Thanks, everyone. #Scriptchat
2:10 am            rachlanger:            @ravivora @WellScripted @rachlanger I'm one of the resident Canadians, so I'm all about the digital meeting. #scriptchat
2:11 am            WaterholeMovie:            My "favorite tweet friends" feed is 90% #scriptchat right now. Sheesh, I can take a hint.
2:11 am            zacsanford2:            Directors looking for material: @shaivman (prefers comedy) and @RaviVora (prefers drama). Hit them up. #scriptchat
2:11 am            ravivora:            @FurryWolfen Well that's great, hopefully we can build a good partnership if our talents and interests align! #scriptchat
2:11 am            jeannevb:            @zacsanford2 I have shooting scripts for Black Swan and 127 Hours too... double giveaways :) #scriptchat
2:11 am            dawnjohnston:            Moi aussi RT @rachlanger: @ravivora @WellScripted @rachlanger I'm one of the resident Canadians, so I'm all about the digital. #scriptchat
2:11 am            zacsanford2:            @beingbrad Yep, hard copies thanks to the WGA. The professional bound copies you can buy in bookstores. #scriptchat
2:11 am            shaivman:            RT @zacsanford2: Directors looking for material: @shaivman (prefers comedy) and @RaviVora (prefers drama). Hit them up. #scriptchat
2:12 am            jeannevb:            as it shld be ;) RT @WaterholeMovie: My "favorite tweet friends" feed is 90% #scriptchat right now. Sheesh, I can take a hint. #scriptchat
2:12 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript I like it. IMHO, theme holds in it the motivation to create great story & awesome characters. #scriptchat #bymydefinition
2:12 am            brionykidd:            @realdaveed @dianewms I'm inclined to think Logue the subplot, with everything re Bertie being the main plot... #scriptchat
2:12 am            ravivora:            AMEN to that. RT @JBMovies @ravivora tired of all the horror movies indies are making #scriptchat
2:12 am            zacsanford2:            Plus if you're bored, tomorrow I'll be posting my 110+ movies I saw in 2010 and ranking them all at #scriptchat
2:12 am            jeannevb:            RT @zacsanford2: Directors looking for material: @shaivman (prefers comedy) and @RaviVora (prefers drama). Hit them up. #scriptchat
2:12 am            realdaveed:            @brionykidd That's one subplot; the other is Bertie coming to terms w/ his family and self. Both help illuminate theme. #scriptchat
2:12 am            brionykidd:            @realdaveed @dianewms They are both coming to terms with their role, I guess that's theme. #scriptchat
2:12 am            art1032:            I've gotten called "Oldsauce" ROFLMAO! @KageyNYC Nothing beats awesomesauce RT @rachlanger: @ShortIsBetter @TAOXproductions #scriptchat
2:12 am            UncompletedWork:            @shaivman I couldn't he had what I call a "nice sarsaparilla mustache" #BBQ #scriptchat
2:12 am            shaivman:            Only req for comedy: must be funny. RT @zacsanford2: Directors looking for material: @shaivman (prefers comedy) #scriptchat
2:12 am            FurryWolfen:            @RaviVora Hey, you can only hope. This is what I'm currently working on. #scriptchat
2:13 am            beingbrad:            RT @zacsanford2: @beingbrad Yep, hard copies thanks to the WGA. The professional bound copies you can buy in bookstores. #scriptchat
2:13 am            luckwagon:            RT @WaterholeMovie: My "favorite tweet friends" feed is 90% #scriptchat right now. Sheesh, I can take a hint.
2:13 am            snyberg1:            #Explose RT @KageyNYC: Explose is my new fave word. RT @TAOXproductions: Explosing him was the subplot ;) @art1032 #scriptchat
2:13 am            shaivman:            Ah yes, the impenetrable sarsparilla. Gotta look out for those. RT @UncompletedWork: he had a "nice sarsaparilla mustache" #BBQ #scriptchat
2:13 am            jeannevb:            Every single Sunday, I'm blown away at how our community brings artists together. Thx for reaching out @ravivora #scriptchat
2:13 am            zacsanford2:            @shaivman I'm writing a comedy webseries that will be shot like TV. Different directors for each ep. Maybe you'll dig it. #scriptchat
2:14 am            beingbrad:            @shaivman @zacsanford2 feature? short? offensive? #scriptchat
2:14 am            AndiWritesAgain:            RT @covermyscript: @AndiWritesAgain yeah, but who cares if your story sucks and your chars are lame? #scriptchat
2:14 am            jeannevb:            @snyberg1 @KageyNYC @TAOXproductions @art1032 "Explose" cld be a writing prompt... after a few more shots ;) #scriptchat
2:14 am            realdaveed:            @brionykidd @dianewms Yes, and the subplots dramatize that. #scriptchat
2:14 am            madySuquet:            I saw Black Swan (2010) - What are your thoughts? #scriptchat
2:14 am            shaivman:            <3 2 Read it. RT @zacsanford2: @shaivman comedy webseries that will be shot like TV. Maybe you'll dig it. #scriptchat
2:14 am            ravivora:            @BrianTroyFilms I have no qualms with comedy. But I like directing the way @juddapatow does comedy over a Zoolander-esque script #scriptchat
2:15 am            rachlanger:            @madySuquet My review of Black Swan #scriptchat
2:15 am            zacsanford2:            @kageynyc So is explose like a mixture of Exposing and losing. So I expose myself to a girl and she laughs, so I lose? Explose? #scriptchat
2:15 am            jeannevb:            I'm thinking we're done with the formal chat now that we're on to pimping each other :) Pulling transcript, but keep partyin' #scriptchat
2:15 am            realdaveed:            @brionykidd @dianewms By film's end, we're confident that Bertie will lead his nation through the trials of WW2 #scriptchat
2:15 am            shaivman:            Offense wins games. #short RT @beingbrad: @shaivman @zacsanford2 feature? short? offensive? #scriptchat
2:15 am            dianewms:            @zacsanford2 Excellent about your 110 scripts. Will look for it. #scriptchat
2:15 am            KageyNYC:            #Scriptchat: Be brave, be bold! Launch local Scriptchat tweetup & we'll help get the word out. NYC tweetup coming soon!
2:15 am            zacsanford2:            @madySuquet I dug Black Swan even though it was campy. I would explain why I dug it but would ruin the ending #scriptchat
2:16 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 @kageynyc I was thinking Expose and Explode. I exposed myself and his head exploded. #scriptchat
2:16 am            shaivman:            Party on! RT @jeannevb: I'm thinking we're done with the formal chat now that we're on to pimping each other. keep partyin' #scriptchat
2:16 am            TheStorysmith:            Apologies... got bumped offline mid tweet... #scriptchat
2:16 am            zacsanford2:            @dianewms Nooooo... 110+ movies watched... not read. Though maybe that's what I should do for this coming year. #scriptchat
2:16 am            FurryWolfen:            RT @covermyscript: @AndiWritesAgain yeah, but who cares if your story sucks and your chars are lame? #scriptchat
2:16 am            KageyNYC:            @zacsanford2 Explose is a combo of expose and explode. So how you do that to a girl is your biz. Perv. #scriptchat
2:16 am            jeannevb:            @ravivora if ur looking for an adaptation of a Pulitzer Prize book about slavery post Civil War w a huge budget, I'm ur girl :) #scriptchat
2:16 am            TAOXproductions:            I'd like 2 see smarter horror, guess I gotta do it;)RT @ravivora:AMEN @JBMovies @ravivora tired of all the horror movies indies #scriptchat
2:17 am            zacsanford2:            @MadySuquet But anyone that is an artist and wants to be a perfectionist should watch it. #scriptchat
2:17 am            ravivora:            @beingbrad @jeannevb Did I give out my address already? Rats. Well, Christmas number 2 for me! #scriptchat
2:17 am            jeannevb:            RT @KageyNYC: Be brave, be bold! Launch local Scriptchat tweetup... NYC tweetup coming soon! #scriptchat
2:17 am            TheStorysmith:            @dwacon Totally! Like the scene in 'The Player' where he goes thru the paper... #scriptchat
2:17 am            zacsanford2:            @KageyNYC I like your definition better. #scriptchat
2:17 am            dianewms:            @zacsanford2 I knew you meant that you saw them. And I'm looking fwd to reading what you have to say about them. I saw a lot 2. #scriptchat
2:18 am            zacsanford2:            Who is coming to the LA meetup this coming Wednesday? @yeah_write and I will be there!! #scriptchat
2:18 am            BrianTroyFilms:            @RaviVora @juddapatow but I think one would have to walk a fine line. Unfortunately it might have to be a dramedy. #scriptchat
2:18 am            MamaBeeComedy:            When I do, I usually end up skidding into rooms. RT @JBMovies: when I think of subplots I keep thinking of Seinfeld. #scriptchat #scriptchat
2:18 am            beingbrad:            @RaviVora @jeannevb haha - if you're still saying that after you've read my shit, then we're gold #scriptchat
2:19 am            KageyNYC:            @zacsanford2 It seems @MysterySW makes me talk dirty. I like him already. (or her?!) #scriptchat
2:19 am            shaivman:            I will be there! RT @zacsanford2: Who is coming to the LA meetup this coming Wednesday? @yeah_write and I will be there!! #scriptchat
2:19 am            LIScreenWriter:            I want to thank all of the scriptchat members who responded to my post about ScreenwritingU's ProSeries. #scriptchat
2:19 am            jeannevb:            @RaviVora then u have hit the jackpot here, sir. We have talent... and we are raw, passionate & hungry :) #scriptchat
2:19 am            KageyNYC:            I wish! RT @zacsanford2 Who's coming to the LA meetup this Wednesday? @yeah_write and I will be there!! #scriptchat
2:20 am            dianewms:            Time for me to fix dinner: Salmon, sweet potato and green beans. G'night all! #scriptchat Go Ravens and Go Terps!
2:20 am            rachlanger:            @jeannevb @RaviVora ...and maybe a little drunk? #scriptchat
2:20 am            zacsanford2:            @KageyNYC @MysterySW has talked about having a wife so I think they're a dude. Unless that's to throw us off their trail. #scriptchat
2:20 am            problembear:            are there any meet-ups planned for missoula montana? #scriptchat
2:20 am            booksbelow:            @KageyNYC I'm having a #scriptchat tweetup of everyone within 100 miles. Oh wait, that's just me :-(
2:20 am            jeannevb:            details, details RT @rachlanger: @jeannevb @RaviVora ...and maybe a little drunk? #scriptchat
2:20 am            beingbrad:            okay, probably good night now. that's enough talking and pimping. i feel dirty and inspired all at the same time. #scriptchat
2:21 am            shaivman:            Thanks to @zacsanford2 and @jeannevb for pimping my script need! If I don't get my fix soon, Jaba may get angry. #scriptchat
2:21 am            jeannevb:            & @smokythehorse ;) RT @booksbelow: @KageyNYC Im having a tweetup of everyone within 100 miles. Oh wait, thats just me :-( #scriptchat
2:21 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript I understand UR definition now. It was fed 2 me differently thr SavetheCat. Yet to see BSwan..too rural an area. #scriptchat
2:21 am            KageyNYC:            @zacsanford2 It's CA, seems any given week... #noh8 #scriptchat
2:21 am            lady_di11:            I hope there's a transcript to follow. I had a hard time keeping up tonight #scriptchat
2:21 am            jeannevb:            as u shld after a night w us ;) RT @beingbrad: ...enough talking and pimping. i feel dirty and inspired all at the same time. #scriptchat
2:22 am            rachlanger:            @lady_di11 It gets easier! #scriptchat
2:22 am            FurryWolfen:            It would be amasing to do a #scriptchat tweetup in Mill. park come springtime. It's beautiful. #chicago
2:22 am            AndiWritesAgain:            I *heart* Netflix! #threewords #scriptchat
2:22 am            jeannevb:            yep, I'm getting it now :) RT @lady_di11: I hope theres a transcript to follow. I had a hard time keeping up tonight #scriptchat
2:22 am            jeannevb:            do it! RT @FurryWolfen: It would be amasing to do a #scriptchat tweetup in Mill. park come springtime. Its beautiful. #chicago #scriptchat
2:22 am            KageyNYC:            If you asked nicely @jeannevb & I would road trip :) RT @jeannevb @booksbelow @KageyNYC having tweetup of everyone within 100 mi #scriptchat
2:22 am            lady_di11:            @jeannevb Thank you! You are amazing! #scriptchat
2:23 am            zacsanford2:            My company may be shooting in NC, FL, MI, LA or PR... if we do and there is interest we could have a meetup in those states/ter. #scriptchat
2:23 am            dawnjohnston:            Night all! And thanks, that was fun and illuminating -- as always #scriptchat
2:24 am            art1032:            @lady_di11 After a #scriptchat or 2 you'll be a pro! :)
2:24 am            luckwagon:            K I need ask how to get the transcripts. I can only scroll back so far! #scriptchat
2:24 am            brionykidd:            I don't think there's enough of us in Tasmania to have a tweetup for #scriptchat (ie. just me?!) ...but thanks for today's fine chatting!
2:24 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Come visit the Great White North. We have good beer! #scriptchat
2:24 am            menamartinez:            Was really looking forward to participating in #scriptchat tonight, but I couldn't. Is it daily at 8pm ET? Subplots was today's topic?
2:25 am            luckwagon:            @zacsanford2 what's PR stand for? #scriptchat
2:25 am            zacsanford2:            @luckwagon transcripts are always posted at #scriptchat
2:25 am            WellScripted:            Night. RT @dawnjohnston: Night all! And thanks, that was fun and illuminating -- as always (#ScriptChat)
2:25 am            zacsanford2:            @rachlanger Know Manitoba is a possibility for one of our projects. Not sure how close that would be as I'm horrible w/geography #scriptchat
2:25 am            FurryWolfen:            Be nice to know what state all my #scriptchat comrades live in #communism
2:25 am            art1032:            @luckwagon go to the actual #scriptchat site. It's there. :)
2:26 am            SPCWrite:            Might have to revise my script doesn't look like Curtis Brown is gonna get back to me. #scriptchat. Oh well.
2:26 am            dianewms:            @luckwagon @zacsanford2 Puerto Rico? #scriptchat
2:26 am            zacsanford2:            Whoops, PR = Puerto Rico. Also a chance for NYC/Canada for our big film. RT @luckwagon: @zacsanford2 whats PR stand for? #scriptchat
2:26 am            shaivman:            I live in a constant state of confusion #badjokes RT @FurryWolfen: Be nice to know what state all my #scriptchat comrades live in #communism
2:26 am            jeannevb:            Got the transcript. Will be posting it in a few min on #scriptchat
2:26 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Its about Seattle to Vegas. :-( #scriptchat
2:27 am            ravivora:            @BrianTroyFilms Right, it would be tough to try to break in even with something like Snatch, which is a style I love. #scriptchat
2:27 am            SPCWrite:            @jeannevb yes, transcript! #scriptchat
2:27 am            zacsanford:            post #scriptchat relaxation. (watching Blue Mountain State S01E04 via @gomiso)
2:27 am            FurryWolfen:            RT @shaivman: I live in a constant state of confusion #badjokes RT @FurryWolfen: Be nice to know what state all my #scriptchat comrades live in #communism
2:28 am            zacsanford2:            @rachlanger Whoa, that's a huge difference. #scriptchat
2:28 am            jeannevb:            Thank you so much for joining in on our subplot topic! Next week, EURO talks webisodes w guest @BWtheFilm #scriptchat
2:28 am            shaivman:            resuming my #djhero2 :) RT @zacsanford: post #scriptchat relaxation. (watching Blue Mountain State S01E04 via @gomiso)
2:28 am            covermyscript:            @AndiWritesAgain learned screenwriting on mean backlot streets of WB. never enough time to waste on theme. script was due. :-D #scriptchat
2:28 am            luckwagon:            @zacsanford2 PDX is lovely this time of year.... #scriptchat
2:28 am            jeannevb:            Next week, USA has GOLDEN GLOBES, so we'll be participating in #glush while we chat :) psst @inkcanada ;) #scriptchat
2:29 am            art1032:            @zacsanford Where might you being going to in NC. I'm in NC and I think Ginny is as well? #scriptchat
2:29 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Unfortunately, yeah. Manitoba is central. come to Vancouver someday though! #scriptchat
2:29 am            shaivman:            Ty4havingus @jeannevb! RT @jeannevb: Thank you! Next week, EURO talks webisodes w guest @BWtheFilm #scriptchat
2:29 am            BrianTroyFilms:            @RaviVora and yes, Snatch is a great style. I love it. #scriptchat
2:29 am            ravivora:            @jeannevb Definitely not opposed to it, that's quite ambitious! #scriptchat
2:30 am            zacsanford2:            @rachlanger Our Director just shot a small little movie in Vancouver. So there's always a chance he'll want to go back. #scriptchat
2:30 am            zacsanford2:            @art1032 Not sure. Just one of the states with a decent filming incentive and has the look we're going for. #scriptchat
2:30 am            WellScripted:            You both should visit Australia - We ride kangaroos LOL RT @rachlanger: @zacsanford2 Come visit the Great White North... (#ScriptChat)
2:30 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Hope he does. I'm a great tour guide. (If that means beer) #scriptchat
2:30 am            covermyscript:            @AndiWritesAgain really enjoyed black swan.<3 tough stories. wanted 2 more scenes. but satisfied even tho left table tad hungry. #scriptchat
2:31 am            zacsanford2:            @luckwagon Our last film was supposed to shoot in Oregon before the financing fell through last minute. #scriptchat
2:31 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript As did Blake. Meaning you both have a great deal to offer! #scriptchat #ripBlakeSnyder
2:31 am            jeannevb:            @RaviVora I am an ambitious pimp. Here's the adaptation: #scriptchat
2:31 am            zacsanford2:            Okay everyone... I'm off so I won't see any more @ replies unless they are sent to @zacsanford instead. :) #scriptchat
2:32 am            jeannevb:            oohh, we have some great GUESTS coming your way! Check out the updated list! #scriptchat
2:33 am            jeannevb:            On that note, I'm off to get the transcript posted for your viewing pleasure. Thanks again, everyone! #yourock #scriptchat
2:33 am            ravivora:            Really impressed with all the feedback from #scriptchat! Perhaps we focus on shorts right now so I can get a feel, and Cannes is coming up.
2:33 am            AndiWritesAgain:            @covermyscript I can't wait to break it down. I've heard mixed reviews. Natalie's a favorite of mine! #scriptchat
2:34 am            ravivora:            Any by feel, I mean of your work and our compatibility. Budgets and timeline are an added bonus! #scriptchat
2:34 am            dwacon:            @zacsanford2 I hate when that happens. Gotta get Bill Gates to adopt me. "Daddy, will you finance my feature?" #scriptchat
2:34 am            jeannevb:            @ravivora feel free to use hashtag any day of the week to find people. We all keep track & talk every day, not just chat time #scriptchat

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