Sunday, February 11, 2018

#Scriptchat Transcript: Dwain A Worrell @DwainAWorrell - THE WALL @TheWallMovie via Amazon Studios

Great chat with Dwain A Worrell @DwainAWorrell, screenwriter of THE WALL @TheWallMovie via Amazon Studios. Dwain shared advice on breaking in without an agent, The Black List, taking notes, outlining and more! Enjoy! @jeannevb

Read the transcript below. You can also read it here.

#Scriptchat Transcript: Dwain A Worrell @DwainAWorrell - THE WALL @TheWallMovie via Amazon Studios

#Scriptchat Transcript: Dwain A Worrell @DwainAWorrell - THE WALL @TheWallMovie via Amazon Studios

Great chat with Dwain A Worrell @DwainAWorrell, screenwriter of THE WALL @TheWallMovie via Amazon Studios. Dwain shared advice on breaking in without an agent, The Black List, taking notes, outlining and more! Enjoy! @jeannevb

  1. Good afternoon all, new friends as well as familiar faces! #scriptchat
  2. Tired of wrestling with software when you should be #writing? Trade frustration for fun with SoCreate's new #screenwriting platform. 

Join the Private Beta list to be part of the first platform trials. Space is limited, so SIGN UP TODAY!

    Tired of wrestling with software when you should be #writing? Trade frustration for fun with SoCreate's new #screenwriting platform. Join the Private Beta list to be part of the first platform trials. Space is limited, so SIGN UP TODAY!  #scriptchat
  3. @Jeanne, excited to be here, it's my first time to have a live chat, cherry popped! #scriptchat
  4. @jeanneevb I also have to admit a lack of Twitter and tech knowledge in general #scriptchat
  5. @DwainAWorrell before we get into getting THE WALL done with Amazon Studios, let's chat about getting on The Black List etc #scriptchat
  6. @DwainAWorrell we'll shoot you question & if you chat from this website, it'll autoadd the #scriptchat hashtag so we can see tweets 
  7. The BlackList was exciting, we had a dinner, as well as a networking session with other blacklist writers #scriptchat
  8. @DwainAWorrell How many scripts had you written before you hit BlackList success? #scriptchat
  9. Great thing about being on the blacklist is that agents and managers use it to get meetings, this person is a "blacklist writer" #scriptchat
  10. @DwainAWorrell What was the source material for The Wall? A news article? Personal experience? #scriptchat
  11. the blacklist is voting on by producers and studio execs #scriptchat
  12. So as a writer there is little you can do to be on the blacklist besides write a good script #scriptchat
  13. @john, first thank you. second the script was sort of me thinking about a producable script as well as my love for single locals #scriptchat
  14. @Jeanne, I was repped a few months before getting on the list, I was repped when Amazon bought the script #scriptchat
  15. Interesting thing was Agents & Managers only wanted a piece of me after I was getting paid by Amazon, so they got their cut. #scriptchat
  16. @norma, I've always love thrillers and snipers, its always been swimming around in the back of my head somewhere #scriptchat
  17. @DwainAWorrell @john How do you keep the movie interesting with just a single location? #scriptchat
  18. @DwainAWorrell So you got in the door w/Amazon without help of reps? Can you speak about the hustle of getting your work read? #scriptchat
  19. @norma_perlroth, great question, I wrote it summer of 2014, it was made summer 2016, released summer 2017, #scriptchat
  20. @Colin_Lieberg, I'd say character is #1 for keeping it interesting, keep revealing things about your characters. #scriptchat
  21. I had 3 characters to play with, plenty to keep things interesting. #scriptchat
  22. @jeannevb, ah, the hustle, I played that hustle for 10 years, using inktip, submitting directly to agencies, contests. #scriptchat
  23. Major players won't read without some sort of established relationship AND, the script should also be good #scriptchat
  24. @DwainAWorrell @jeannevb Dwain, do you consider THE WALL to be a war movie, or a thriller that happens to involve soldiers? #scriptchat
  25. #scriptchat @DwainAWorrell How did you submit to agencies if they don't read unsolicted material? 🤔
  26. It seemed like companies were more receptive for scripts in the past. #scriptchat
  27. Now, the writers are expected to jump through hoops just to get to the point that can be allowed to write. #scriptchat
  28. Yes, Norma but from what I've seen around town 2 years isn't bad at all. I know a writer on Black Panther did a 2015 draft #scriptchat
  29. @Al_1701 @norma_perlroth, my agents came to me after I got the Amazon deal, I did submit unsolicited by they ignored all #scriptchat
  30. @Al_1701 it's a catch 22, they're not interested unless your generating business (usually) so get the deal first, then get agent #scriptchat
  31. @DwainAWorrell were you purposely thinking about budget when you wrote THE WALL (ie locations, limited actors, etc.) #scriptchat
  32. @DwainAWorrell Do you live in LA to help with the hustle/networking or somewhere else? #scriptchat
  33. @jeannevb, yes thinking about budget and marketability is important for specs #scriptchat
  34. @wcmartell we're chatting with @DwainAWorrell - former Black Lister & his movie THE WALL was made via Amazon Studios #scriptchat
  35. if you want your spec to be just a sample then it doesn't matter but if you want it made then that's something to consider #scriptchat
  36. @wcmartell I was in China before I got my Amazon deal and agents, but I am here now, though my personality isn't suited to netwo #scriptchat
  37. @norma, sorry, missing questions here and there. Research was interesting. #scriptchat
  38. Beyond the normal reading and wiki-ing, I watched U.S. military documentaries on youtube #scriptchat
  39. While I wrote I had it playing in the back ground to help me find the voice of these characters #scriptchat
  40. #comedy #Hollywood #kevinsmitth #Clerks #acting #movies #scriptchat #writing Enjoy funny shit? Like Hollywood and all the crazy? Check out KEVIN SMITH Spectacular Batman Comics Celebrity Star Wars Clerks Dogma And more  @eBay
  41. a soldier would say something and it would end up in my scipt seconds later. #scriptchat
  42. They wanted to change the major twist of the script and it wasn't until @DougLiman came on that he saved the integrity of it #scriptchat
  43. @FlutterFerret No military background and therefore the research process had to be intense. #scriptchat
  44. Also during the preproduction process, an expert was brought on to assist with accuracy. #scriptchat
  45. @jeannevb, I believe I shouldn't give any because I don't work well with producers and their notes, but... #scriptchat
  46. Communication, don't just say, "uh huh", "yes", "sure", the writer and producers need to be on the same page #scriptchat
  47. Try to find out what their reasoning behind the note is, because many notes strip the script of what makes the wrtier excited... #scriptchat
  48. producers want what's best for the script so they're not 'really' the enemy #scriptchat
  49. @dwain How do you keep communicating with the producers without being confrontational? #scriptchat
  50. so in the very, very, beginning make sure you and the producer have similar visions for the story #scriptchat
  51. Now I try not to be and I definitely back down a lot, but there are certain things worth fighting for. #scriptchat
  52. well... @norma_perlroth, I'm working a television series that I can't talk too much about until we get the green light. #scriptchat
  53. #scriptchat @DwainAWorrell Nice. what screenwriting training and or books have you studied? Anyone you suggest?
  54. @norma_perlroth, well I've read theater books, not screenwriting, though I have read through some of save the cat. #scriptchat
  55. I have friends who swear by screenwriting books and structure, but it's not really for me. #scriptchat
  56. @jeannevb @DwainAWorrell @norma_perlroth I've written shorts but that was very much in college where I majored in theatre #scriptchat
  57. @jeannevb, wow! insightful, I am definitely not an outliner but I'm curious as to how you deciphered that??? #scriptchat
  58. @yesitsdejavu @DwainAWorrell I know that painful process of speaking and no one replying, trust is you'll never really know #scriptchat
  59. @DwainAWorrell I used to be a therapist. haha Kidding. You said structure books weren't for you Reminds me of my writing partner #scriptchat
  60. But truth be told Stephanie, you're doing a lot better than me with 5 scripts out. #scriptchat
  61. @DwainAWorrell my writing partner is @UnkScreenwriter. He's intuitive writer. I'm outliner. He tolerates my insane process haha #scriptchat
  62. @jeannevb @DwainAWorrell interesting, he/she, is probably a lot like me then, I understand the need for structure but... #scriptchat
  63. I don't think about it while I write, I just try to tell an interesting story and it sort of molds itself into structure #scriptchat
  64. NOT recommending this method, we all have what works for us. #scriptchat
  65. F5: SECRETS OF ACTION SCREENWRITING - under $10! How do you write a fight scene? "The best book on the practical nuts-and-bolts mechanics of writing a screenplay I've ever read," Ted Elliott. "Shrek", "Pirates Of The Caribbean"  #scriptchat #amwriting #film
  66. Nobody cares how you wrote the script, they only care that it works. #scriptchat
  67. @DwainAWorrell yup. Whatever process works is what's important. Not to get stuck on "you have to do this..." etc. Just write it #scriptchat
  68. @DwainAWorrell any advice you wish you knew before you started a writing career? #scriptchat
  69. and sometimes my non-outlining runs me into some problems in the second act, so... I've started to accept some outlining #scriptchat
  70. @DwainAWorrell thanks SO much for a great chat! Really appreciate you taking the time out to talk with us! #scriptchat
  71. I appreciate you guy taking the time out to listen! Feel free to shoot any questions on by @DwainAWorrell #scriptchat
  72. Going to grab the transcript. Thanks, all. Have a fabulous week... Ping me with topic/guest ideas!  #scriptchat
  73. @BakerJohnjoyce we post transcripts on  - it'll take me about 10 min to grab it, and I'll tweet it out too #scriptchat

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