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#Scriptchat Transcript: Vincent Vittorio @2v Talks Documentary Filmmaking January 15, 2017
Curious about documentaries? We had a great chat with Vincent Vittorio @2v of Life Is My Movie Entertainment @lifeismymovie. Great tips and insights into making a doc! Enjoy! @jeannevb
- In one hour #scriptchat starts with @2v, the Founder & CEO of @lifeismymovie! Join us for some great tips & tricks about #documentaries.
- #WRAC17 Writers, jump into #scriptchat. Every Sunday at 8pm ET. …
- It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK: Welcome @2v! Let’s talk #documentaries! Chat is here: …
- Time for #scriptchat with guest @2v talking about documentary filmmaking.
- Exclusive 20% Twitter chat discount code for DVD & digital downloads using SCRIPTCHAT. Get to know our films! #scriptchat
- Hi! I am happy to be here. #scriptchat
- Best site to do #scriptchat from is here: … Auto-adds the hashtag! #screenwriting #documentaries
- @2v Thanks for joining us! #scriptchat
- Shoot your questions for @2v on making docs. #scriptchat
- @2v What do you look for in a project to know it’s a great doc idea? #scriptchat
- @2v Q: Do you have any criteria/questions you use to help determine if potential subject matter would make for a good doc? #scriptchat
- .@lifeismymovie fans, please forgive the amount of tweets coming through over the next hour. Our Founder & CEO is on #scriptchat tonight!
- I think the most important thing for developing a project is that you have an audience & unique access to a topic. #scriptchat
- .@2v is the founder & CEO of @lifeismymovie Bookmark and check it out after chat. #scriptchat
- @jessekellestine In case you wanted to join in the #scriptchat about documentaries, it started at the top of the hour. Cheers!
- @2v Q: Is there a certain process you have for developing an idea? #scriptchat
- @2v Q: Or what does the early stage of a project look like? #scriptchat
- Determine what other content is out there that might be similar and what makes your potential story unique. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 For instance I usually get many food doc pitches from various filmmakers and point them to similar films #scriptchat
- @2v I wld think some struggle w/ keeping fr manipulating the story w/ our own view instead of staying organic to the subject? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @2v our company focuses on joining forces with a filmmaker at all stages of the process #scriptchat
- The shaping of reality is a hard thing as a filmmaker and it is a hard line to walk on particular projects more than others #scriptchat
- @2v Q: How do you decide what style/format of documentary would work best for your subject matter? #scriptchat
- I think you should always try and understand the topic and let it take you and not you drive it. #scriptchat
- “In feature films the director is God; in documentary films God is the director.” Alfred Hitchcock #scriptchat
- @2v Does it help if it's a subject you have no pre-conceptions about? Or does that make it too easy to be manipulated #scriptchat
- @blueneumann it does, but eventually the content will bring you to particular place that you cannot avoid. #scriptchat
- @2v Re-enacting or real footage? Pros/cons? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I personally like the observational and poetic documentary most. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I think it is particular to the project and access level. I mean sometimes you have no other options #scriptchat
- Sundays = screenplay rewrites. Glad to have Movie Magic #script software. #screenwriting #indiefilm #scriptchat
- @2v What are some of your fave docs you think are excellent examples of how it's done right? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb One of our recent project @warehoused we used art work to help recreate the story for audiences #scriptchat
- @2v Q: At what point in the process does a script come into play? Is it like a general blueprint? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I think for recreations @errolmorris is a master of brining us into the story. #thinblueline #scriptchat
- Check out the trailer to @warehoused that @2v mentioned #scriptchat #documentary
- @SarahAlexis4 I always think a outline is the first step and will sometimes try and write out blocks of where we would like to.. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 and then try and build a story based on the concept, but that is on more macro topics where when you have a... #scriptchat
- I know a lot of chatters are watching the game. No worries, we'll post a transcript later! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 single character you are documenting you will often find yourself trying to build it from the transcripts #scriptchat
- @2v do you still use classic 3-act story structure once you have all the material to play with? #scriptchat
- @j_cordell Yes, I agree! That was a great example. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Yes, I believe in the three act structure and feel like the process more than often is refined in the edit #scriptchat
- @2v Q: Any pointers on how to first approach and how to get the most out of interview subjects? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I find that you need to spend more time with them than just the interview itself. When you do this you get more... #scriptchat
- @2v have you ever had 2 scrapped entire idea bc u just couldn't get footage or research/shooting didn't reveal what u wanted? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 from them and a more honest approach. I also think that you need to record every interaction you have... #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 many times I have felt like the first interview or conversation was the best and I was never able to get it again. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Yes, there have been a few times we have ended a project because the content was not there or the story was different. #scriptchat
- @2v brutal, I'm sure! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb This is bad, but also part of the excitement of riding the wave of the documentary content itself. #scriptchat
- @2v I've always thought of docs as like writing backwards. Rewriting in editing room. What's biggest challenge? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb that is true with many projects, but not all. The challenge is often getting the right access and characters #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I mean so many times we have had amazing stories and the characters were lacking or access was just not there #scriptchat
- @2v Q: Do you rec those new to docs start w short form doc? Aside from length how is it different from feature doc, if at all? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb This also bring up a unique point about the role of an editor in a project... #scriptchat
- @jeannevb many times the editor is working so closely with a producer or director and others it is simply make it work and... #scriptchat
- @jeannevb as you put it find the story backwards. #scriptchat
- @2v what's YOUR favorite part of the doc process? #scriptchat
- I'm a half hour late... sorry! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I have many of those :( but I try and wait to see if the story might unfold or let it sit there #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I love the impact a story can have on audiences, so when the movies comes out. #scriptchat
- @wcmartell Thanks for joining us :) #scriptchat
- I have an interesting point to bring up with regard to the writer credit in a documentary. What does everyone think? #scriptchat
- @2v must be amazing to watch audience reaction in theatre & seeing them shocked at what they learn. #scriptchat
- This was an interesting article way back when on it: … and I personally believe its differs film by film #scriptchat
- In reality TV the editor is often the "writer". #scriptchat
- @j_cordell thanks, Jonathan! #scriptchat
- @2v Do you think it depends on where in the process the narrative really takes shape? #scriptchat
- @wcmartell very true, but in particular projects I have worked on the editor has had more power than others. #scriptchat
- 20% off all DVD and digital downloads! Discount code: SCRIPTCHAT when you head over to #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 yes, I always like to write out a step outline for characters and then the topic alone #scriptchat
- @2v Q: What equipment would you rec to those starting out on a small budget? I imagine sound quality is quite important. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @2v great question. How about top list of things to have/do to start your first doc project? #scriptchat
- We are in amazing time with technology and the content and access if far superior to that of the format. iphone, or dictaphone #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @SarahAlexis4 1. start with an outline of your topic. Define your thesis/argument/what you hope to reveal and then... #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @SarahAlexis4 2. build a list of characters to help you tell the story or reveal things, then do pre-interviews #scriptchat
- @the_invisible_a Welcome, thanks for joining! #scriptchat
- @2v does @lifeismymove take pitches for docs to develop? If so, can they query directly? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @lifeismymovie has a submission area on our website #scriptchat
- @2v Q: Do you recommend any particular resources (books, websites, sample documents, podcasts) for learning more about doc film? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 watching documentary films is the best way to learn and I would say jumping straight in on a project is key. #scriptchat
- @2v any advice for historical subjects as opposed to current? Does the market have more interest for one over the other? #scriptchat
- @2v Q: Do you have a favorite place to watch/stream docs? I think there's a Sundance doc club subscription? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @IDAorg is a great resource I really enjoy the way that @Radiolab is able to break down various topics. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb It really depends on if you have an audience and or access point. #scriptchat
- Start watching our #documentaries now! Films topics range from #MassIncarceration to #RefugeeCrisis and many more! #scriptchat
- @2v as distributor, can you talk about all the additional outlets for docs now since we have all these streaming services? #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I personally like @netflix and going directly to a filmmaker site to watch a film based on reviews or trailers. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 One of my favorite documentary reviewers is @thefilmcynic this is a great spot to learn about worthy projects. #scriptchat
- Hey tuning in late because I didn't even know #scriptchat existed!
- WRITERS ON BREAKING IN: Mad Max @Uptomyknees by @zackgutin @scriptmag #scriptchat #screenwriting #archives
- @Chris_Colton haha we've been around since 2009 :) Chk out for resources and transcripts. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb having many different spots we can license a film is great, but the direct audience is always best. #scriptchat
- @Chris_Colton Thanks for stopping in, Chris! Glad you could be here #scriptchat
- @2v Q: How is it different creating a TV doc series v feature doc? Need a smaller story/arc for each episode? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I don't want to use persuasion, argument or narrative when making a nonfiction film. Guess that makes it rather uncommercial...
- The @truecostmovie explores the effect of the global clothing industry on people & the planet #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 we are dealing with this now on a few projects where the format has taken us to a doc series space #scriptchat
- If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it... #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I believe strongly that the format will find you. Making a Murderer was a great example of that. #scriptchat
- BALLS OF STEEL: Dear New Screenwriter by @jeannevb @scriptmag #scriptchat #screenwriting
- @2v Q: What do you know now that you really wish you knew on your earlier doc projects? #scriptchat
- @the_invisible_a I agree and as a documentary filmmaker it is your job with how you tackle the topic. Be true to the content #scriptchat
- Writing Motivation When You're Ready To Throw In The Towel by Sammy Montana @scriptmag #amwriting #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 always. I wish more than anything we waited for funding before trying to rush to tell a story. #scriptchat
- @2v that hour went fast! Thanks so much for talking docs with us! #scriptchat
- I'll get a transcript up ASAP! #scriptchat
- @wcmartell which is why I am always walking around the forrest trying to find worthy content. #scriptchat
- Thanks for participating tonight! Use 20% discount code SCRIPTCHAT to check out our films now until midnight on 1/17 #scriptchat
- @2v Thanks so much for sharing your insights! It was great learning more about documentary films. #scriptchat
- Next Sunday writing coach @JennaAvery TOPIC: Designing your writing life & setting goals with @SarahAlexis4 moderating. #scriptchat
- *blows a kiss* Goodnight everybody! #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 night, David! #scriptchat
- @doschaffer heard of #scriptchat?
- Thanks again for having me. I hope everyone has a great night! Also, if you will be @sundancefest ping me :) #scriptchat
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