We had a great chat tonight on setting our 2016 writing goals and software/apps to help us stay organized and on track. Enjoy and Happy New Year! @jeannevb
Read the transcript below or on the Storify site.
Setting Writing Goals, Tips & Tricks to Stay On Track - #scriptchat Transcript January 3, 2016
We had a great chat tonight on setting our 2016 writing goals and software/apps to help us stay organized and on track. Enjoy! @jeannevb
- It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK: Screenwriting goals & tools, tricks & tips to help each other succeed in them. Chat here: http://tchat.io/rooms/scriptchat …
- Hey followers. It is #scriptchat time for me so you might see a lot on here. Sorry if your TL feels spammed https://twitter.com/jeannevb/status/683774361564655616 …
- hey there #scriptchat! Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year and Hello all! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Happy New Year everyone!
- Thought we'd start the new year w/ helping ea other reach goals. Shoot out your goals so we can all help ea other be accountable #scriptchat
- I could actually use some tips and tricks. What do ya got? #scriptchat
- Apologies to any non-screenwriters in my feed. #scriptchat is on. Mute me for an hour.
- First off, don't beat yourself up for not making your 2015 goals. #scriptchat
- I got two screenplays done in 2015 and hope to do another two in 2016 #scriptchat
- Hey everyone. So glad to be here with you all. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I didn't expect to enter 4 contests last year.
- @megankbickel *applause* #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp contests are a great way to set deadlines to get scripts polished. #scriptchat
- I hit a legal wall with Hasbro. #scriptchat
- As for me, I completed 4 episodes of my web series @LateLateNewsTV, started on a sitcom pilot, and a short film script #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Writing 3 pages a day at a minimum, putting on a new theatre piece, applying to @cfccreates are goals I know so far. #scriptchat
- My best tip is to use contest deadlines as hard and fast deadlines for yourself. Totally helps me keep going. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Exactly what I plan to do @megankbickel
- That was in 2015. In 2016, I hope to write 10 more episodes of @LateLateNewsTV for season 2, plus rewrites of sitcom/short #scriptchat
- Take those big goals & break them down into baby steps so they don't overwhelm you. Pages per day or scenes per day. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb What if you're facing a massive monolith that refuses to be divided? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Then I'm going to film a short I wrote and then film a short my friend is writing.
- #scriptchat six months to write my first screenplay, six months to sell it to a producer...ta-daa
- It also helped me to rewrite anytime I wasn't writing. makes it become a constant exercise even when I'm not feeling creative. #scriptchat
- Goal: Write my next 50 pages. I was going to say finish my first draft, but I'll say 50 pages :)#scriptchat
- @jeannevb @SarahAlexis4 Great idea. I definitely want to prioritize my time for screenwriting, amid all my article writing #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Awesome idea #scriptchat
- I'm a finalist for Industry Insider, so I was on a 90 day schedule to go from idea to final draft. That kicked my butt. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 What I'm hearing you say is run the writing like we'd run a business. That's exactly what we should do! #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 there has to be something about the project that can be done in steps. #scriptchat
- Something I'm working on for accountability/motivation is a gamification system for writing. Ie. achievements for hitting goals. #scriptchat
- @47young1 Hey Jen. I'm in Scriptchat. Would love for you to join me. Hope you're doing great. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 You're welcome! Happy new year #scriptchat
- My first goal this year is to get my butt in the chair and write. I have been badly blocked for quite a while. :( #scriptchat
- Re: accountability, find another writer and do a buddy system where you check in with them once/week with goals/results. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I'm going to start the new year with the athena film festival.
- @jeannevb Projects are one thing. Figuring out studio hoops is another. Go around or through. Either way, not easy to break down #scriptchat
- I know that I will be back to work on my articles for @SnobbyRobot and @FSMOnlineMag, but I will definitely set time for scripts #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Thanks! I'm working on it! #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 ah, studios. That's a whole other beast. #scriptchat
- Another thing I want to do is to read more scripts. I've watched movies, TV and web series and have observed them closely #scriptchat
- @jeannevb That's the biggest thing facing me this year. Well, that and getting a steady day job. #scriptchat
- I've learned a lot from watching those, but I know I definitely need to read more scripts. #scriptchat
- Best way to reach writing goals is to treat it w/ same value as your day job. Get it done. Be your own boss. Take it seriously. #scriptchat
- Another goal of mine is getting out query letters. #scriptchat
- Loving @trello of late for storylining a series w. co-writer. Collaborative, no messy index cards, easy drag & drop. #scriptchat #amwriting
- @filmwritr4 that's always a goal for me - love reading them when I actually make time for it #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Anyone ever go to the great american pitch fest?
- Would like to ask those on #scriptchat if they keep a journal or blog in any way? And if it improves their writing?
- Do any of you have software or other things you use to keep your writing organized? #scriptchat
- Sorry if I am not chatting a lot working on my web series outline and pilot script. #scriptchat
- @nisajaie good for you! #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 What do you like about Scrivener? #scriptchat
- But my goals are to write & shoot my web series, complete online writing & Masterclass w/Kevin Spacey classes & network more. #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp No, are you going? #scriptchat
- I'm actually concentrating on prose right now. Perhaps a chapter every one or two weeks. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I LOVE Scrivener! #scriptchat
- I have planned and plotted last year on what festivals and events I would go to this year. #scriptchat
- I need to get back out there I have been hiding out and working on my day job and that is going well but I want to do film too. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @megankbickel As of today no.
- @notjasonelia haha Hey, whatever works! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Final Draft and Word (for notes/outlines) have always been enough for me. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @megankbickel I definitely want to read at least 1 movie and TV script a week, plus watch them #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Thanks! I'll look into it! It sounds better than constantly shoveling through my MSS trying to find stuff. :) #scriptchat
- I try to space out contests I'm interested in to get a nice range of deadlines. Also helps keep me pumped for results year round #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @notjasonelia @JonFour I use @johnaugust's text to PDF script software on my Mac. It works great. #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp I've been many, many times. GAPF is great. All my tips for navigating it are here: http://www.scriptmag.com/freemium-downloads-confirmation-how-to-sell-your-script/ … #scriptchat
- Does anyone know the best way to get final draft for a MacBook Pro? @jeannevb @briankoppelman #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp I'd be curious about how that is #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Great idea! I'll do that! Thanks! #scriptchat
- Not going to stay up for #scriptchat as I’m off to bed. Its 1:20am here.
- @nicola_prigg thanks for popping in! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @SarahAlexis4 Thanks! I've heard a few people talking about Scrivener lately. It must be wonderful! #scriptchat
- @HamishD10 @jeannevb @briankoppelman I have been using for years on my MBP. Go here: http://www.finaldraft.com/ #scriptchat
- @nisajaie @HamishD10 same. You can download a Mac version of Final Draft on their site. @briankoppelman #scriptchat
- @jeannevb has anyone found speak to text software they like? #scriptchat
- I need a job so I can afford to buy Final Draft. #scriptchat
- Writing day! Finding shadows from previous ideas and drafts. Nice to have perspective after holidays! @antonsays #scriptchat
- @jeannevb That's a great idea. I might have a friend that can do that with me. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb If you have a better way, I'm all ears. #scriptchat
- @KevinTMorales I haven't used any, but there has to be something out there. Anyone know of good dictation software? #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 only like $30 for iPad version - it's all I can afford, but I've written three scripts on it #scriptchat
- Oh, and anyone know anyone look for an entry level accountant in the Detroit area, I'm available for immediate hire. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I got a Passion Planner in October and it's still sitting there collecting dust haha #oops #scriptchat
- @megankbickel Don't have an iPad, and use PC only. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Do you have any experience with the Persona software? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb What writing software do YOU recommend to help keep your writing in line? #scriptchat
- @YoungNStrange nope, never used it. Anyone try Persona? #scriptchat
- I will be attending 2 festivals this year: Louisiana Intl. Film Festival in Baton Rouge, and Fairhope Film Festival in Alabama #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 ah, bummer - it's wicked expensive #scriptchat
- #scriptchat How can you tell if your script is worth sending to a contest or an executive? I lose sense after being so engulfed in it.
- @megankbickel Hence I need a steady job so I can pay for it. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Might as well check out the Bentonville ff in arkansas. @filmwritr4
- @YoungNStrange I use Scrivener for novels & just started using Movie Outline for new script @UnkScreenwriter & I are writing #scriptchat
- @YoungNStrange I usually write scripts on Movie Magic or Final Draft #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 do you have any screenwriting software at all? #scriptchat
- @megankbickel I have Celtx. #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp Never been there, but I attended Fairhope for the first time last year. Great films, and great people #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Geena Davis runs the Bentonville
- @Al_1701 sometimes Writers Store has discount codes. I'll try to ping you when I see next one. @megankbickel #scriptchat
- Late... did I miss the dancing girls? #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp Thanks so much for the festival recommendation. I didn't know Geena Davis ran the Bentonville festival. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 @megankbickel It's a fine program, but apparently not what is used in the circles I wish to work in. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat She started it. @filmwritr4
- (didnt' realize we were on tonight) #scriptchat
- @blueneumann we weren't going to be then we decided to do a goal-setting chat since Golden Globes are next Sunday. #scriptchat
- (Neither did I) #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @YoungNStrange @UnkScreenwriter I love Scrivener since I'm such a lateral thinker. Helps keep track of stray ideas #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 Give Trelby a shot... It works great with a PC: http://www.trelby.org/download @filmwritr4 @megankbickel #scriptchat
- I just did a thing in all my Scriveners where I figured out what stage each project was in and what needed to be done... #scriptchat
- @blueneumann Hey Chris! *waves* Happy new year. Great to see you here #scriptchat
- Sort of a "state of the union" for each concept, the pitfalls I found myself facing, and possible ways to get out of them #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 hey, happy new year Chris #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Love the idea of stacking projects in diff phases. I usually just try to tackle all at once. Brain needs a rest. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 @JonFour I got TONS of notebooks and scrapbooks... too many blank ones, too! #scriptchat
- We now have two film festivals in San Diego area now: Jan is 1st Coronado & Oct is SD so film is getting more love under LA. #scriptchat
- How do you guys approach rewrites? With my short, I'm thinking not just of retooling the characters, but also the story #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 we're going to have a whole rewrite topic coming up, probably February. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann That's an interesting idea. Devoting some time to taking stock of all the ideas you're juggling. #scriptchat
- I am hoping we are going to have a short film festival soon. That would be a great opportunity for writers and filmmakers. #scriptchat
- That being said, it won't be a total overhaul. #scriptchat
- @scriptchat Check out "Fade In." It can read and write all kinds of formats including Final Draft. $50 #scriptchat
- @JonFour and so appropriate for the new year #scriptchat
- I plan WHAT I'm writing each month, then break it down into tasks and pages for each month every month. #scriptchat
- @JonFour @blueneumann I email myself story ideas then keep them in a file in my email so they don't get lost. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat @filmwritr4 I always print out my first drafts.
- @filmwritr4 I haven't found the perfect approach for tackling the actual process, but figuring out what to fix is usually easy #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I'll have to research @UnkScreenwriter. That sounds like a good program. Thank you for the recommendation. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @JonFour @blueneumann Same. Plus I have my iphone that has "Notes" app on the cloud so it great for quick ideas. #scriptchat
- I've never tried "stacking" multiple projects, but I guess this is my first time doing it (between my short and web series) #scriptchat
- Someone suggested I should look at the monomyth (the hero's journey guidelines) for storytelling inspiration. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 Step one massive Caffeine #scriptchat
- @nisajaie @jeannevb @JonFour @blueneumann I don't know how I could manage without Notes and Dropbox on my iPhone. #scriptchat
- @writeranthonydp @nisajaie @jeannevb @JonFour @blueneumann I've got a screenwriting app on my iPhone too. #scriptchat
- I actually use my phone very little... #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Does anyone write poetry to help with their writing?
- @filmwritr4 Step two have motivational photo up near by in my case Betty Page #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I also have my friend read what I wrote.
- So many people do not backup their work. Set an alarm on your phone ea week to remind you to backup. I live by iPhone alerts. #scriptchat
- @indyfilmwis Haha! Not sure about the photo, but I know all about the caffeine! #scriptchat
- @HamishD10 @jeannevb @Angie_Lavallee These days it is easier to dl or upgrade it online. #scriptchat
- Not poetry, but I write hold up notes to help fund my writing. #scriptchat
- @indyfilmwis If you're a Betty Page fan and a writer, might I suggest 'Queen Of The Nile" https://www.darkhorse.com/Books/47-618/Bettie-Page-Queen-of-The-Nile-TPB … #scriptchat
- @notjasonelia @jeannevb When I write something that's supposed to be especially comedic, I always labor over the jokes for sure. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I always backup my story ideas, treatments, script drafts through Dropbox #scriptchat
- @notjasonelia comedy is very hard to write. I'm much more of a dark-subject writer. Sick & twisted is easier for me. #scriptchat
- I draw a lot sometimes when I'm brainstorming and playing with ideas. Anyone else do that? #scriptchat
- Anyone else a member of http://Talentville.com ? It's awesome for getting reviews and making screenwriting friends. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @notjasonelia I'm the sweetest person in the world in person. On paper? My immediate thought is "let's get twisted" #scriptchat
- @LisaGProsek @jeannevb @JonFour @blueneumann Ikr. Lol. Back in the day it was napkins, index cards and my arm. #scriptchat
- Have any of you tried Carbonite? I have it but have no clue if it actually will work if I needed it. #scriptchat
- @JonFour @notjasonelia @jeannevb Comedy, IMO, is THE toughest kind of writing. Seems simple (setups, punchlines), but it's not #scriptchat
- @megankbickel I am but I haven't utilized it much. #scriptchat
- @megankbickel I get Talentville's newsletter, but never did much on the site. Never really heard much discussion about it. #scriptchat
- Writing comedic dialogue and events is kind of easy for me (raised on British comedy), but an actual comedy script? Hard. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb #scriptchat I use Carbonite and have had occasion to use it to restore, which worked. It's also a way to remote-access files.
- @blueneumann I do told to doodles have meaning... #scriptchat
- @amgamble sweet *wipes brow* #scriptchat
- I'd like to think that if I were more productive, I wouldn't need a productivity app #scriptchat
- @jeannevb What's Carbonite? #scriptchat
- @JonFour @notjasonelia @jeannevb Even when I worked on my story ideas for S2 of @LateLateNewsTV, I still ask myself is it funny? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Oh I am neurotic about backing up. I have a backup to my backup. I had an external HD go bad so glad I had cloud also. #scriptchat
- @YoungNStrange it's an online backup that is ongoing in the background. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Han solo tried carbonite. I had too!
- @notjasonelia @jeannevb Harder - characters, plot, structure, dialogue & then make it funny. And it always needs more funny. #scriptchat
- @nisajaie same. I'm totally paranoid haha Have had multiple external hard drives shit the bed so I always have plan B,C,D #scriptchat
- @YoungNStrange @jeannevb I used it before, along with another cloud backup called Crash Plan. Now I use Dropbox exclusively #scriptchat
- I think... a comedy has to work on it's own without its' comedic elements. So you basically write the movie twice #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 yeah, provided you know about them before someone just posts "writing sprint, go!" (posted 15m ago) #scriptchat
- I write how many pages I wrote that day on the calendar above my desk... and guilt trip myself into having few 0s. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 My personal goal for writing a script each day: 1 hour, or 5 pages, whichever comes first. Maybe 2 hours total #scriptchat
- Thank you all for recommending all this interesting software for keeping writing organized. #scriptchat
- @YoungNStrange it also helps to have a "sacrifice" project to learn the programs on #scriptchat
- Check out my TV series project: "Millennium" https://studios.amazon.com/projects/91729?ref_tag=twitter … @Amazon_Studios #screenwriting #screenwriter #scriptchat #space #NASA
- Let's talk about finding time to write. Even 15 min a day keeps your head in your story so you're thinking about it all day. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I take a sandwich and my laptop to work every day. I get an hour of writing in the middle of the day. #scriptchat
- @RockChalkSpence sounds interesting. The idea of time-jumping can help separate it from other "space ark" series. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I think for me, since I'm also a journalist/blogger, finding time to write a script is even more important #scriptchat
- @jcolinholmes Awesome. Lunch-hour writing sprints make all the difference. #scriptchat
- Well if any of you are looking for reviews and are willing to review in return, I'd encourage you to check out Talentville. #scriptchat
- Ten minutes left. #scriptchat
- I think having a designated writing time and sticking to it helps. And if it's 15 minutes before work that's great. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I'm going to get better about using my public transportation time to write (train) or outline on my phone (bus). #scriptchat
- @megankbickel Thanks! I'll take a look at Talentville. #scriptchat
- @JonFour great idea #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Thats interesting, it's not so much finding the time for me as it is finding the motivation. That's wut I struggle w/. #scriptchat
- I have a writing pad in the car, but I barely use it. If I get an idea, I'll just start talking about it in my head #scriptchat
- #scriptchat later on i'll find time to write. And just when the thriller starts to get real good. :)
- @jeannevb @wcmartell Once I finish my work writing (articles), I need to set aside time to do screenwriting, even if it's 1 hour #scriptchat
- @blueneumann That sounds interesting! Something one isn't attached to to test out the programs. I'll keep this in mind. #scriptchat
- I call out #writingsprint sessions often, so follow the hashtag. I try to give out a 30-min warning ahead of time. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 I like this idea a lot! ^_^ #scriptchat
- @47young1 Hey, you doing okay? #Scriptchat was tonight.
- Yes time management is the biggest issue with writing or any other projects for that matter. #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Very true. Both days this weekend, I got a few solid pages done in the morning and felt great the rest of the day. #scriptchat
- So we're all going to kick ass in 2016, yes? No excuses. Sit your asses down & meet your goals. *cracks whip* #scriptchat
- Good organization and workflow isn't a substitute for putting in the time, but it can make the time much more productive #scriptchat
- Since my schedule is getting busier, I will have to use my iCal and Google. #scriptchat
- Just write one page a day and you have 3 rough drafts a year. #scriptchat
- @blueneumann I need to use a writing pad, especially if I get a great idea for a script, or one that can help an existing proje #scriptchat
- @jeannevb On my current first draft I write at least 15 minutes by hand and for my next sprint type that text. #scriptchat
- Final 5 plug: UNSTOPPABLE! The Terminator Movies. All 5 films analyzed. 247 pg under $3! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B018N6S176/secretsofactions … #screenwriting #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I'm going to need to figure some things out first. #scriptchat
- Re: programs & organizing - don't use organization & outlining as a procrastination tool. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 anything you can take with you to write down an idea when you get it... you gotta get it! #scriptchat
- @jeannevb never! it's a tool to make your time more productive! #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 and you will. :) #scriptchat
- No #Scriptchat next week due to Golden Globes. Get your #glush on instead for drinks & award show snark.
- @jeannevb Nice! Golden Globes looks exciting! #scriptchat
- Thanks, everyone! Great chat! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Later all I'm gonna go look up this carbonite.
- I tried writing on an eye pad but it just spread the eye infection... #scriptchat
- Thanks so much @jeannevb for tonight's chat, and all the amazing work you do for us screenwriters! Love you and everyone here! #scriptchat
- You can find 2016 #scriptchat schedule here: http://scriptchat.blogspot.com/p/chat-topic-schedule.html … #bookmark Ping me w/ guest ideas!
- It's been great as always, #scriptchat! Many successes in the coming year for everyone!
- Very invigorating chat, everyone. Glad I got to be active in this one. Happy new year! #scriptchat
- Hope you're all inspired to push outside your comfort zone & get some serious writing done this year. Use ea other for support! #scriptchat
- Happy New Year to you all! May 2016 be the best writing year yet! Enjoyed it, as always! #scriptchat
- A well needed #scriptchat with everyone. Thanks so much. #happywriting! I wish everyone great luck with your goals and projects.
- * New Years Flash Deal! 6 Classic Classes MP3 or Naked Screenwriting MP3: http://www.scriptsecrets.net/products/tweetdeals.htm … #screenwriting #scriptchat #writing
- @nisajaie perfect! #scriptchat
- Now back to watching MAKING A MURDERER... #scriptchat
- Happy New Year, Everyone! Good luck with your writing projects for 2016. Thank you very much, @jeannevb #scriptchat
- Night everybody. #scriptchat
- Okay, I have things I should busy myself with #scriptchat
- Good night! Time to write some more and then watch #DowntonAbbey. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb it's Downton time!! #scriptchat
- Thanks for joining in, all! Happy writing and Happy New Year! I'll post the transcript & tweet it out. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat My one resolution is to figure out how to organize and outline my screenplays
- @megankbickel would you believe I've never watched it? Probably the only person in the world haha #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I hear very good things about Making A Murderer. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat First time participating
- Any advice for approaching known actors about participating in a #crowdfunding campaign? #scriptchat #producing #indiefilm
- @Storifyhelp trying to grab a transcript for #scriptchat and Storify site is tell me no results found. Tried 3 diff't browsers. Ideas?
- Setting Writing Goals, Tips & Tricks to Stay On Track - #scriptchat Transcript January 3, 2015: We... http://bit.ly/1mtM80R #scriptchat
- Setting Writing Goals, Tips & Tricks to Stay On Track - #scriptchat Transcript January 3, 2015... http://bit.ly/1ODYidm via #scriptchat
- Storify site isn’t working, so posting #scriptchat transcript in reverse order tweets but it’s live! http://scriptchat.blogspot.com/2016/01/setting-writing-goals-tips-tricks-to.html …
- Missed #scriptchat for film school. I love my film school classes.
- http://scriptchat.blogspot.com/2016/01/setting-writing-goals-tips-tricks-to.html … Jeanne Veillette Bowerman: Setting Writing Goals, Tips & Tricks to Stay On Track - #scriptchat Transcript January …
- Shooting for four feature drafts and a pilot this year. Hold yourself accountable! #scriptchat
- Examining my #Vegas #Pilot one last time before shipping it off to @maximum_z for notes. #writerslife #scriptchat #amwriting
- Creating Friction With Clashing Personalities http://buff.ly/1JRKLOq #writing #amwriting #scriptchat pic.twitter.com/7KPc8LgcAd
- s4dbb: Examining my #Vegas #Pilot one last time before shipping it off to maximum_z for notes. #writerslife #scriptchat #amwriting
- Storify site isn’t working, so posting #scriptchat transcript in reverse order tweets but it’s live! http://scriptchat.blogspot.com/2016/01/setting-writing-goals-tips-tricks-to.html …
- A little something to help with 2016 #goals. #scriptchat #amwriting #filmmaking https://twitter.com/coreymandell/status/643504142992998400 …
- Submissions accepted via @FilmFreeway for the 2016 #ScriptPipeline writing competitions. More info: https://filmfreeway.com/festival/2016ScriptPipeline … #scriptchat
- The 2016 50 Screenplays Challenge - AFW http://ow.ly/WB54h #scriptnews #afwnews #scriptchat #amwriting
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