Check out Gary's G+ Hangout show as well as his Master Course on Breaking Into Hollywood!
Note: The transcript site wasn't working, so I pulled the transcript from the thcat site. Therefore, you'll have to read it backwards. Scroll down to the bottom to start! My apologies, but it's better than nothing! @jeannevb
- Oblivious Muse @ObliviousMuse
Thank you @garywgoldstein for making my first #scriptchat a insightful one. -
Jo Buckman @ijoda07
U know @garywgoldstein has v good point. How abt LA #scriptchat in person? Can all talk in 140 char bits & wear pjs if easier… -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@ijoda07 @garywgoldstein The transcript on will definitely be worth reading. #scriptchat -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@ijoda07 @garywgoldstein It is like swimming. U know the H2O is going to be cold but u have to dive in or nothing will happen. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
again, much gratitude for spending your time here with me. #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@authorJamie I reckon the tweet-up should be in LA sometime between 12th - 20th Nov, before Thanksgiving steals ppl away. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Enjoy your Sunday evenings and feel free to take a peek at #scriptchat -
Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
@CydM @jeannevb @IngridElkner I CRAVE honest input & criticism. Even if it's related to a piece I'm already proud of. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein you rocked it, Gary! #scriptchatRetweeted by Dwayne Conyers -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
these are the very questions & reasons & ideas that encouraged me to create Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course... #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein you rocked it, Gary! #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
careers are made, opportunities come more predictably when people know, like & trust you... period. #scriptchatRetweeted by Anita Vora -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@authorJamie @garywgoldstein It's definitely worked for me (writing, working, networking, making MY OWN LUCK) #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Goodnight from LA and thanks to ScriptMag and Jeanne Bowerman for inviting me to this incredible group #scriptchat -
Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
.@SarahAlexis4 I highly recommend Conquering Hollywood by @Garywgoldstein. I have a digital Kickstarter copy #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@filmwritr4 @authorJamie @IngridElkner @jeannevb Everyone says "sometime," I say "propose a date!" #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein So just keep networking, writing, and making our own luck! It's worked for me so far. Thanks. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Janelle B @JazzBeeP
@garywgoldstein thank you so much for your advice and thank you @jeannevb for having him here tonight #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@garywgoldstein Thank you for the wisdom exchange. Look forward to seeing you again. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
please check it out if you're serious about your career (as much as about your craft) #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein So just keep networking, writing, and making our own luck! It's worked for me so far. Thanks. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
these are the very questions & reasons & ideas that encouraged me to create Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course... #scriptchatRetweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchatRetweeted by Curtis James -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@authorJamie @IngridElkner @blueneumann @jeannevb We really should do a Skype/Google hangout Scriptchat sometime! #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@authorJamie Mystery conference? Do they blindfold and take you there, or do you cover all things mysterious? #scriptchat -
Jo Buckman @ijoda07
Even shorter as only caught last 10 mins. But thank u @garywgoldstein . Pleasure as always. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
these are the very questions & reasons & ideas that encouraged me to create Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course... #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
I'll be posting the transcript... right after I finish making the apple-pie moonshine... #staytuned #scriptchat -
Nick Triandafyllou @NickTtw
@garywgoldstein Thank you for your time and sharing your valued advice! #scriptchat -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
Now I must go deal with producer notes... Happy Indigenous Peoples Day to all! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Wow, this was the shortest hour in history. Thank you for your time and all these amazing questions... #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@IngridElkner We have to meet up. I'll be there for a mystery conference and a wedding Nov 12-20 #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Knowing how to meet people, how to construct those conversations, who to target, how not to waste time or be random #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
yes, it's awkward at first & requires patience, practice & being willing to be uncomfortable, fail & hate it even tip you don't #scriptchatRetweeted by Jo Buckman -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein Thanks for the words, Gary. Big take away is write from who you are, write for practical budget, write. #scriptchat -
Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
@byChrisPhillips @IngridElkner @jeannevb That's the thing! He's VERY novice, wrote a short story, & I was nothing but positive! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchatRetweeted by Ch Ch Ch Ch Ha Ha Ha -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchatRetweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Thanks so much for your time, advice and great insight @garywgoldstein #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchatRetweeted by Melanie McDonald -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Knowing how to meet people, how to construct those conversations, who to target, how not to waste time or be random #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchatRetweeted by BoolyCragSkullyard -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchatRetweeted by Alejandro G S -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
careers are made, opportunities come more predictably when people know, like & trust you... period. #scriptchatRetweeted by Amy Senger -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@garywgoldstein Thank you for your time and advice. I took lots of notes. #scriptchat -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Thanks everyone! Enjoyed being here with you guys tonight, and every week! :) #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
As always @garywgoldstein, it was a pleasure to hear your advice. We can't thank you enough! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Thank you for taking the time to share your insights. Looking forward to reading Conquering Hollywood. #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@byChrisPhillips @wcmartell Hey Chris! Hey Bill! *waves* So glad to have you here too! :) #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk @garywgoldstein’s G+ show… & his Master Course #scriptchatRetweeted by Dwayne Conyers -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@authorJamie I fly in next week, there until start of December. LA WILL BE MY BITCH. I can already taste the Mendocino Farms. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Does for me. RT @blueneumann: I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchatRetweeted by Jo Buckman -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Thank you for taking the time to share your insights. Looking forward to reading Conquering Hollywood. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Does for me. RT @blueneumann: I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
I can tell I need to read tonight's transcripts, knew it'd be a great chat! #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk @garywgoldstein’s G+ show… & his Master Course #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
yes, it's awkward at first & requires patience, practice & being willing to be uncomfortable, fail & hate it even tip you don't #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchatRetweeted by Eileen Grubba -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchatRetweeted by Tracie Jules -
Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
@wcmartell I always thought you were good at networking... #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
relying on craft, much as i love brilliant craft and storytelling as much as anyone, does your career trajectory a disservice #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
relying on craft, much as i love brilliant craft and storytelling as much as anyone, does your career trajectory a disservice #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchatRetweeted by Lisa Kothari -
Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
@blueneumann I do think the definition of networking has taken on a whole new meaning via social media.#scriptchat -
Jo Buckman @ijoda07
@blueneumann... @IngridElkner IS. YAY. All for it. Be nice to officially meet rather than just waving at u between RMIT classes #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk @garywgoldstein’s G+ show… & his Master Course #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Thanks for the link to your book. And thanks for being our guest on #scriptchat We really appreciate it.Retweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchatRetweeted by Andrea Havens -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Thanks also to @jeannevb for having him on tonight! I know everyone here (myself included) learned so much from him tonight! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
relying on craft, much as i love brilliant craft and storytelling as much as anyone, does your career trajectory a disservice #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Thanks for the link to your book. And thanks for being our guest on #scriptchat We really appreciate it. -
Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
@pettigrew66 @IngridElkner @jeannevb I've run into that issue before, and I give a positive spin on all notes. #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@blueneumann Speaking of networking! I demand a tweet-up in LA in November! I will be totally offended if any of you don't come. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
careers are made, opportunities come more predictably when people know, like & trust you... period. #scriptchat -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Sorry I was gone, the power went out. Back now, but just wanted to say thanks again to @garywgoldstein for his great advice! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
anyone can write big locations, but the winner writes characters & storyline that are catnip to actors & filmmakers & audience #scriptchatRetweeted by cmontoya -
Jo Buckman @ijoda07
Added bonus: I'm already in my PJs. RT @blueneumann: We all say we're bad at networking... but we're all a network already! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchatRetweeted by cmontoya -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
@garywgoldstein No strategy... accidents. I just let the scripts open the doors for me. So far it has worked okay. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
One of the big reasons I want to do a Skype #Scriptchat ... so we start to realize that. -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
Final Five Plug: “The Black Larry David” curbs his enthusiasm at #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
We all say we're bad at networking... but we're all a network already! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course ( sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchatRetweeted by #scriptchat -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Q: Thoughts on how to approach/achieve being vulnerable on the page to add authenticity to the writing? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchatRetweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchatRetweeted by Mary Pettigrew -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchatRetweeted by Joe DeAngelo -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchatRetweeted by cmontoya -
Jo Buckman @ijoda07
@garywgoldstein @nisajaie U make that sound really easy! #scriptchat I struggle w/ networking/building rapport. -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course ( sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchatRetweeted by Forrest Rawls -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein If someone had told me writing the novels was the easy part, not sure I'd have believed them. I know now. #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Lucy Hay -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchatRetweeted by Jo Buckman -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@wcmartell I've never been wise enough to discern a strategy that works the odds in my favor to win the "craft lottery"... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
anyone can write big locations, but the winner writes characters & storyline that are catnip to actors & filmmakers & audience #scriptchatRetweeted by Amy Senger -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course ( sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein If someone had told me writing the novels was the easy part, not sure I'd have believed them. I know now. #scriptchat -
Jo Buckman @ijoda07
@CydM @pettigrew66 @jeannevb @IngridElkner IDK. That's what separates u from amateurs. Those serious abt it will take ur notes. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchatRetweeted by Amy Senger -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
anyone can write big locations, but the winner writes characters & storyline that are catnip to actors & filmmakers & audience #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Cyd Madsen @CydM
RT @wcmartell: I'm terrible at networking, so I live for the "craft lottery", that's something I can win. #scriptchat me bt we're doing it -
Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
@IngridElkner @jeannevb Besides no manners, my defensive "friend" ignored me for months. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Ah, navigating and progressing is the most difficult part. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
So @garywgoldstein, you have carpel tunnel yet? :) #scriptchatRetweeted by Penny BroJacquie -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
I'm terrible at networking, so I live for the "craft lottery", that's something I can win. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@thefilterguy many big budget studio films shoot around the world as you know... #scriptchat -
Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
@jeannevb @IngridElkner I've experienced that w/ a friend. He ASKED me to critique. I did. He never even thanked me for my time. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
if you want an enduring career as a writer, you need to learn the strategies that sustain you and bring opportunity to you #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@authorJamie newer writers want to do the work, want to stay the course, but don't know how to navigate & create real progress #scriptchatRetweeted by Jo Buckman -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course ( sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchatRetweeted by Shelley Fritz -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein Q: Do you find that most writers struggle with structure? Do you advise them of resources or films to look at? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
if you want an enduring career as a writer, you need to learn the strategies that sustain you and bring opportunity to you #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@jeannevb @garywgoldstein I had Holland Tunnel once. But then, I pulled over for a great sammich in Brooklyn. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
if it's just about craft, you're in the business of hoping to win the lottery #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
if it's just about craft, you're in the business of hoping to win the lottery #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Neumann -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
Final Five plug: STORY BLUE BOOK: over 250 pages, undder $4.… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchatRetweeted by Mike Fr. -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@authorJamie @CydM @GaryGoldstein Awesome! If you are in SoCal shooting. I would be glad to help. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@authorJamie newer writers want to do the work, want to stay the course, but don't know how to navigate & create real progress #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@dwacon Yeah, I edited a friend's script recently, he said a lot was riding on it. He turned into a dick after I gave it to him. #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@CydM @GaryGoldstein Me too. I need more time behind the camera. I'm directing my own short in 2015. #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@jeannevb I often give back a script covered in notes, they half-mast their eyelids, make out I'm an amateur whose notes'll suck #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
but generally, a healthy foundation is to move up the ladder (option > sell > be produced) then move into the director chair #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
but generally, a healthy foundation is to move up the ladder (option > sell > be produced) then move into the director chair #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Q: Is there a constant that you find missing in scripts you read? That causes rejection. #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@garywgoldstein Statistically, successful YouTube product is short (<5 min for comedy)… serialized… and more grass roots. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@IngridElkner *headdesk* or get really defensive when you're just trying to help. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
it low budget and/or your talent and financing pre-approve you to direct, that's fine... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@agsfilmmaker i encourage writers not to attach to their 1st or 2nd script, unless they've spent a lot of time behind the camera #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@jeannevb You know what drives me nuts? Friends ask me to read a script, then say they won't pay much attention to my notes :| #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchatRetweeted by Michael C Yebba -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
You can Google screenplays and find some sites. I just did. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat -
Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
@AnotherEitan it's why the ADR business is so lucrative but doesn't explain how poor sound recordists get on set ;) #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Colleen R Costello -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@garywgoldstein But that core requirements (strong characters, unexpected journey) still apply #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Do you find that new writers today don't seem to want to do the work? Or stay the course? Or the opposite? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
not sure about macro trends, other than we'll make different content for youtube than the big screen #scriptchat -
Janelle B @JazzBeeP
Q: Can anyone suggest a good website where I could find and read scripts in full? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
stories that move us, that take us on an unexpected journey, that intro characters we care about is what matters #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Genres stand up over time. Successful story adheres to rules & yet begs for you to break them at the same time… #scriptchatRetweeted by the Creative State -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i knew he'd write a poignant version of his personal experience & if need be we could shoot as a low-budget indie (1 hotel room) #scriptchat -
Creepy Eitan @AnotherEitan
A poorly shot, well written film is more watchable than a well shot, poorly written film. #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
“@garywgoldstein: '3000' that became 'Pretty Woman' was the result.... #scriptchat” Interesting turn. -
Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
@AnotherEitan just like a poorly shot/great sounding is miles better than a well shot/shit sound #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
before i would agree to work with JF, having read his film school scripts, i insisted he write a classic 2-hander romance... #scriptchat -
Julian Tyler @JulianTyler
@garywgoldstein could not agree more! #scriptchat Creativity and passion is the most engaging. A great concept with no passion is empty. -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@AnotherEitan Unless the acting's bad. Then all bets are off. #scriptchat -
Cyd Madsen @CydM
@garygoldstein It's sometimes very dark places I don't want to go but have a curiosity about, like Gone Girl #scriptchat -
Kendall Castor-Perry @TheFilterGuy
Q: Is it a real #script acceptability problem if plot and characters are rooted in non-US setting (e.g. London)? #scriptchat -
Creepy Eitan @AnotherEitan
A poorly shot, well written film is more watchable than a well shot, poorly written film. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Filmmakers who created worlds I could get lost in; whose characters, dialogue & storylines took me places I’d never imagined. #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein Q: Do you see a tide turning in storytelling? Aside from onscreen gender shift, where are we heading? #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@Leytonrocks @jeannevb Like they've never read a screenplay. You must read screenplays, lots of them, to write one. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Filmmakers who created worlds I could get lost in; whose characters, dialogue & storylines took me places I’d never imagined. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
All the films of Sergio Leone, David Lean, early Coppola; The Third Man, The Quiet Man, Key Largo – so many early classics… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
what inspired me to move to LA & get in the business ? #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Caffeinated Geek -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@authorJamie @jeannevb I read dozens of scripts on Zoetrope that broke every rule of screenwriting… #scriptchat -
Rebecca Gray @LeadCharacter
.@garywgoldstein find a story & character whose quest u simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Not sure if @garywgoldstein mentioned this already but he used to be a lit manager too. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
even online festivals and contests are followed and noticed by many in hollywood, including agencies and studios #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Genres stand up over time. Successful story adheres to rules & yet begs for you to break them at the same time… #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests!… #scriptchatRetweeted by Screenwriters' Fest -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Screenwriters' Fest -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
“@garywgoldstein: a produced short film that wins festival notice and awards is extremely helpful... #scriptchat” Whew! -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
even online festivals and contests are followed and noticed by many in hollywood, including agencies and studios #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the more visible the fest (e.g. sundance, telluride, toronto, berlin, cannes, slamdance, on and on) the better #scriptchatRetweeted by Michael Denison -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@dwacon "How will we ever find land?" "Follow your nose, boys!" #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the original (not 'Pretty Woman' but '3000') was a dark tale, later tailored to be lighter and more properly a rom comedy #scriptchatRetweeted by Stuart Wright -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Creepy Eitan -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
even online festivals and contests are followed and noticed by many in hollywood, including agencies and studios #scriptchat -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein I had read that the original story was not so light and happy. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchatRetweeted by Lemonhead -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@blueneumann Like “Life of PIE” featuring Kevin Hart adrift at sea on a small boat with Tony the Tiger. A Gr-r-r-r-reat script? #scriptchat -
Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
@authorJamie @jeannevb 1st half loose action and the 2nd half dialogue heavy to explain it - like they've never watched a film #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
a produced short film that wins festival notice and awards is extremely helpful... #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the more visible the fest (e.g. sundance, telluride, toronto, berlin, cannes, slamdance, on and on) the better #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein And did JF pitch it to you as a dark, gritty tale? What was his pitch like? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
a produced short film that wins festival notice and awards is extremely helpful... #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@dwacon (now I'm trying to remember what all Braga did... been a while since I've watched Voyager) #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests!… #scriptchatRetweeted by TheJuanisaJ -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@garywgoldstein I remember hearing about this... how did the writer react to the change? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
treatment not a good idea. better they read your actual craft (dialogue, narrative etc) and you don't offer prose. #scriptchatRetweeted by Nick Triandafyllou -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the original (not 'Pretty Woman' but '3000') was a dark tale, later tailored to be lighter and more properly a rom comedy #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@nickttw log line great. short (not full page) synopsis, great. 2-4 page outline won't get read. brilliant script, certainly... #scriptchatRetweeted by Nick Triandafyllou -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests!… #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchatRetweeted by R.D. -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests!… #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
all drug dealers, working girls, pimps, homeless, police etc... he was raw and vulnerable and wrote this world he know so well #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchatRetweeted by Adryenn Ashley -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@jeannevb Amazing how many scripts I've read for people who don't even understand the basic structure and format. #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@jeannevb Don’t want you to read. Want you to cook. Remind me not to join script chat before having lunch... #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
Part of the trick is finding SO MANY stories you MUST write #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
and JF also wrote visually a world he witnessed daily living in one of the worst parts of hollywood back then #scriptchat -
Cyd Madsen @CydM
@garywgoldstein #scriptchat "adheres to rules & yet begs you to break them" Gold advice!Retweeted by Chris Hadley -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests!… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchatRetweeted by Caitlin McCarthy -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@ingridelkner JF wrote from a deeply emotional place based on a past relationship (albeit not with a hooker)... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchatRetweeted by Caitlin McCarthy -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Q: Things that entice a producer in a query or attract them to a project? What gets you excited about a project? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Cyd Madsen @CydM
@garywgoldstein #scriptchat "adheres to rules & yet begs you to break them" Gold advice! -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
“@garywgoldstein: the script, any script, adaptation or not, needs be the very best it can be... always. #scriptchat” Amen! -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchatRetweeted by Eboni D. -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@nisajaie Mine comes in handy for the “Star Trek Voyager meets 12 Years a Slave” spec I did for Amazon Studios... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Genres stand up over time. Successful story adheres to rules & yet begs for you to break them at the same time… #scriptchat -
Mark Sanderson @scriptcat
How many #screenplays will it take? Maybe two—maybe ten? Write each one as if you’ll never write again: #scriptchatRetweeted by Strange Tea -
Mark Sanderson @scriptcat
How many #screenplays will it take? Maybe two—maybe ten? Write each one as if you’ll never write again: #scriptchatRetweeted by Stuart Wright -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
For me it's a numbers game: keep querying new scripts and eventually they get to know you. #scriptchatRetweeted by Stuart Wright -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Q: does having a short film produced (small festival awards) help writer in any way? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchatRetweeted by Stuart Wright -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
The prob with lo/no budget movies is you trade being 1 in 30k selling the script to the prod being 1 in 30k selling the movie. #scriptchatRetweeted by Stuart Wright -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Q: @garywgoldstein When pitching to Netflix/Hulu, does it depend on what production company produces the show? #scriptchatRetweeted by demon of words -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the script, any script, adaptation or not, needs be the very best it can be... always. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchatRetweeted by Stuart Wright -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@blueneumann Aww, I'm sure you can think of a good question for Gary, otherwise enjoy his knowledge! #scriptchat -
Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
@jeannevb always reflects a lack of actual reading that ppl think others are queuing up to read their stuff #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the script, any script, adaptation or not, needs be the very best it can be... always. #scriptchat -
Alejandro G S @AGSfilmmaker
Q: Any advice if you want to be writer+director? Should you attach yourself to the project right from the beginning? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
also, what genre if you're a newer filmmaker or writer (e.g. young adult is super good) #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Claire -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@TheFilterGuy yep, you'll find @garywgoldstein's transcript on after I post it. #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@garywgoldstein I keep a digital reporter @ bedside to record those ideas that slip thu the subconscious. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Rebecca Gray @LeadCharacter
Right .@garywgoldstein: see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat”Retweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@authorjamie doesn't need be a best seller but helps if there's a sizable following (also if that author's been produced before) #scriptchat -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@jeannevb Plus, once you know the person more, you know the project that's right to send them and the way they can help! #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
Rebecca Gray @LeadCharacter
Right .@garywgoldstein: see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat” -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@TheFilterGuy yep, you'll find @garywgoldstein's transcript on after I post it. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchatRetweeted by John Ward -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Ignore the constant rejection, embrace the word ‘no’ as a conversation starter; remember it’s not just because you’re a woman. #scriptchatRetweeted by Rebecca Gray -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… pick writers open to receiving quality feedback & committed to rewriting to turn a story into a shooting script. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@garywgoldstein That is good to know. I have always harbored a fear that I have to hid my gender & ethnicity to get accepted. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…you’re judged more by the actors & directors you attract, than by the # of explosions in a film or the size of your budgets. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchatRetweeted by Alejandro G S -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Early on, pick stories that are fresh and authentic, with roles actors & filmmakers will seek out… #scriptchat -
Laura Yntema @laurayntema
So many prod co's seem to have their imprint on films. Each have diff functions-which co's should the screenwriter target? Thx. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
i got a great question earlier about one piece of advice i'd give future filmmakers... #scriptchat -
Kendall Castor-Perry @TheFilterGuy
@jeannevb remind me, can we download chat log? @garywgoldstein comments golden but too many to read real time. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
@garywgoldstein Q: if you're adapting a novel, does it need to be bestseller to garner interest? Or just be well written script?#scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchatRetweeted by R.D. -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Ignore the constant rejection, embrace the word ‘no’ as a conversation starter; remember it’s not just because you’re a woman. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchat -
Janelle B @JazzBeeP
Q @garywgoldstein any advice on how to pitch a one hour drama for TV? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchatRetweeted by Stephanie G Spence -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
gender: a unique pov with nuances of narrative, character, dialogue, storytelling -- Vachon, Ellison, Rhimes. #scriptchat -
GHenryWrites @ghenrywrites
Qreat questions and info being tossed around today for #scriptchat with @garywgoldstein #screenwritingRetweeted by R.D. -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@TheFilterGuy Hey Kendall! :) Welcome! *waves* Great to have you here! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
treatment not a good idea. better they read your actual craft (dialogue, narrative etc) and you don't offer prose. #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
treatment not a good idea. better they read your actual craft (dialogue, narrative etc) and you don't offer prose. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@nickttw log line great. short (not full page) synopsis, great. 2-4 page outline won't get read. brilliant script, certainly... #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@nickttw log line great. short (not full page) synopsis, great. 2-4 page outline won't get read. brilliant script, certainly... #scriptchat -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Q: @garywgoldstein When pitching to Netflix/Hulu, does it depend on what production company produces the show? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Amy Senger @sengseng
@GaryWGoldstein Does gender matter? What advice can you offer first-time female writer/ producers? #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein Did JF Lawton give a compelling connection to the Pretty Woman story? #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@garywgoldstein Heard similar advice @ CBS yesterday. If it has no personal nexus, they lose interest. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@sarahalexis4 the ass't is your equal, you help each other, e.g. you intro them to the young dev exec you met recently... #scriptchatRetweeted by Sharif Yelverton -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchatRetweeted by Sharif Yelverton -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
“@garywgoldstein: @nisajaie how you reach out to new hollywood (e.g. netflix, amazon etc) is no different... #scriptchat” good to know -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchatRetweeted by Stephanie G Spence -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchat -
Hayley McKenzie @HayleyMckenzie1
#screenwriting: harnessing your inner critic:… #scriptchat #writingtips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchatRetweeted by Dawn Piercy -
Cyd Madsen @CydM
@garygoldstein How important are trends? Write what you know and love, or consider what's getting attention? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchatRetweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchatRetweeted by Sharif Yelverton -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
research them so you really know who you're writing to... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchat -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Q Any recommended resources/ways to research those associated with similar films to target beyond trades & Imdb? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@nisajaie how you reach out to new hollywood (e.g. netflix, amazon etc) is no different... #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
GHenryWrites @ghenrywrites
Qreat questions and info being tossed around today for #scriptchat with @garywgoldstein #screenwriting -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@nisajaie how you reach out to new hollywood (e.g. netflix, amazon etc) is no different... #scriptchat -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@garywgoldstein This is great advice Gary! Thanks so much for sharing it. Really helps us. #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein I went in for 2nd pitch, turned exec thought 2nd meet was a general. He was happy to hang out, see how I'm going #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchatRetweeted by Eboni D. -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
You can have a presence virtually & create rapport, get to know via phone, skype, email, social media from anywhere… #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@garywgoldstein Is there a different method for querying cable and/or internet (Netflix, etc.) companies? #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
Q @garywgoldstein With the big China movie fund (…) is it wise to direct approach players in China? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Can get a mobile # with an LA prefix so you feel-appear local & it helps if you can come to LA at least 2x year for meetings… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
You can have a presence virtually & create rapport, get to know via phone, skype, email, social media from anywhere… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
For me it's a numbers game: keep querying new scripts and eventually they get to know you. #scriptchatRetweeted by J. J. Hillard -
✧T.J. Westerfield✧ @TJWesterfield
@garywgoldstein Thanks for sharing such great screenwriting info, Gary.#scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchat -
Alejandro G S @AGSfilmmaker
@garywgoldstein Q: Is it different to pitch to a major than to an indie? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
you share articles or blogs about something you know is of great interest to them #scriptchat -
Amy Senger @sengseng
@GaryWGoldstein How much does geography matter? Do I need to physically be in LA to work in #Hollywood as a screenwriter? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@sarahalexis4 the ass't is your equal, you help each other, e.g. you intro them to the young dev exec you met recently... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchatRetweeted by J. J. Hillard -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Searching for Sugarman (?) won best docu @ Cannes after director ran out of $ & finished shooting film on his phone. #scriptchatRetweeted by Jamie Lee Scott -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@CydM @blueneumann @nisajaie Yea, I had to do the mass update. Lol I just haven't had time to review all the changes. #scriptchat -
Debra Eckerling @WriteOnOnline
How'd everyone do on their goals this week? #writeon #scriptchat #smcla @GuidedGoals -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@jazzbeep a minimum of one brilliant, market-tested screenplay, another either complete or in progress & several refined pitches #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
The prob with lo/no budget movies is you trade being 1 in 30k selling the script to the prod being 1 in 30k selling the movie. #scriptchat -
Nick Triandafyllou @NickTtw
@garywgoldstein ready to query = strong logline, 1p synopsis, 2-4p outline, great 95-110p script... Do we need a treatment? #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
I'm producing my own content with my web series (streaming episodic content), and writing for others #scriptchatRetweeted by demon of words -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Q: @garywgoldstein What would be the best prodcos/studios to query? #scriptchatRetweeted by demon of words -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
Time for #scriptchat with guest @garywgoldstein giving tips on querying a producer!Retweeted by demon of words -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
@garywgoldstein Re: approaching similar films/TV series - how would you do that if they don't look at unsolicited scripts? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@jazzbeep a minimum of one brilliant, market-tested screenplay, another either complete or in progress & several refined pitches #scriptchat -
Nick Triandafyllou @NickTtw
@garywgoldstein ready to query = strong logline, 1p synopsis, 2-4p outline, great 95-110p script... Do we need a treatment? #scriptchat -
Cyd Madsen @CydM
@nisajaie @byChrisPhillips #scriptchat No love for Premier...Adobe all the way with the new release this week -
Chris Neumann @blueneumann
@nisajaie I heard that Adobe oversimplified FCP in a recent release... less pro, more consumer. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Mimicking box office success or big-budget commercial fare rather than that one unique story only you could write so well… #scriptchatRetweeted by Debra Kayn -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Searching for Sugarman (?) won best docu @ Cannes after director ran out of $ & finished shooting film on his phone. #scriptchat -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Q: Thoughts on how to be of use/be helpful in order to give back in the relationships one builds w/ an asst? #scriptchat -
Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
I guess social media is probably a good place to keep in touch with asst's. #scriptchat -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
Some don't realize that the person who answers the phone at a prodco is connected to everyone there. They take mssgs. POWER! #scriptchat -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@byChrisPhillips @CydM I love Premiere! But I am an Adobe girl (design & film). Any love for Final Cut Pro? I want to learn it. #scriptchat -
Janelle B @JazzBeeP
Q @garywgoldstein what should I have in my writing portfolio before I look for a producer? #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@garywgoldstein Had great relationship with WB exec who went to the pre-Disney ABC and then fell off the grid. C’est le guerre… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the ass't stays your contact at new gig AND intros you to replacement at old job. systemize your growing network. #scriptchatRetweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
@garywgoldstein I find it crazy that ppl advise to be friendly with assistants. I can't see a reason to be anything different! #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@filmwriter4 target films similar to yours, the prodcos, directors, everyone associated with those films & target them #scriptchat -
Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
@CydM Really? Interesting. I met someone that does trailers she said Avid is slowly fading, know Premiere... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
the ass't stays your contact at new gig AND intros you to replacement at old job. systemize your growing network. #scriptchat -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
I'm producing my own content with my web series (streaming episodic content), and writing for others #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
yes, I think it’s more difficult if your goal is to be produced at a studio; but there are more ways to get in the game today… #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
@dwacon great Q as well. when ass't switches jobs, you double your rolodex ! #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@wcmartell Just so long as the query doesn’t trigger release of the hounds... #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…lower cost tech & equip & post-prod; more avail talent; our ability to target audience socially in advance, even crowdsourcing. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
yes, I think it’s more difficult if your goal is to be produced at a studio; but there are more ways to get in the game today… #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…lower cost tech & equip & post-prod; more avail talent; our ability to target audience socially in advance, even crowdsourcing. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
yes, I think it’s more difficult if your goal is to be produced at a studio; but there are more ways to get in the game today… #scriptchat -
Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
@garywgoldstein Great advice, but what to do when the asst’s change jobs to a boss working in a different genre/market ? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchatRetweeted by Eboni D. -
Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
Q: @garywgoldstein What would be the best prodcos/studios to query? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Konrad Stief @KonradStief
@garywgoldstein Doesn't matter if your previous scripts are unproduced? Ass't wouldn't be concerned of practical experience? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchatRetweeted by Eboni D. -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchatRetweeted by Chris Hadley -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
@garywgoldstein Q: Any tips on the first contact, how to break ice & politely initiate to then continue w/ what you described? #scriptchat -
Amy Senger @sengseng
@GaryWGoldstein Do you think it's more or less difficult to break into #Hollywood now than say 20 years ago? #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat -
William C. Martell @wcmartell
For me it's a numbers game: keep querying new scripts and eventually they get to know you. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… write the story that will stand out, get you noticed & can be produced on an ‘indie’ budget’ if need be… #scriptchat -
The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
Good morning, script loonies! Welcome, @garywgoldstein #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Mimicking box office success or big-budget commercial fare rather than that one unique story only you could write so well… #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
FYI @garywgoldstein has @scriptmag column. His latest here on "No" is Just a Conversation Starter… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…let the ass’t get to know you (you = the writer, artist, creator) --ask their advice, ask smart questions, engage them… #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchatRetweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…even 3 minutes on the phone once a week for 3-4 weeks & you’ll develop rapport that separates you from your competition… #scriptchatRetweeted by Sharif Yelverton -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchatRetweeted by GHenryWrites -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Looking forward to my maiden voyage on #scriptchat. Thanks for the invite. #scriptchatRetweeted by Catherine Shefski -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… soon they’ll ask to read your work. Invest in people & relationships. Let people know & like you. The rest happens naturally. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…even 3 minutes on the phone once a week for 3-4 weeks & you’ll develop rapport that separates you from your competition… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchatRetweeted by Sharif Yelverton -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
…let the ass’t get to know you (you = the writer, artist, creator) --ask their advice, ask smart questions, engage them… #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchatRetweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
… Initiate short , thoughtful calls & emails –- don’t ask big favors right away (e.g. asking a stranger to read your script)... #scriptchat -
TheJuanisaJ @nisajaie
@garywgoldstein Thanks for joining! And congrats to the upcoming anniversary. #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat -
Amy Senger @sengseng
@GaryWGoldstein What's the most common mistake you see aspiring screenwriters making? #scriptchat -
Conservative Warrior @GOP_Warrior
@jeannevb Oh how I've missed #ScriptChat ... I'll be back after December. :-) -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
@garywgoldstein so let's get started.... love your advice on querying execs. Shoot some thoughts out on the best approach #scriptchat -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Hard to imagine but March '15 marks the 25th anniv of that film's release. #scriptchat -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
Time for #scriptchat with guest @garywgoldstein giving tips on querying a producer!Retweeted by Cyd Madsen -
Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
Time for #scriptchat with guest @garywgoldstein giving tips on querying a producer! -
Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
Looking forward to my maiden voyage on #scriptchat. Thanks for the invite. #scriptchat -
Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
And Pretty Woman was on TV last night... Great timing. #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
Let the games begin... fyi, I have apple pie moonshine simmering on the stove #howweroll #scriptchat -
Marian Evans @devt
Women's Resolution from World Conf of Screenwriters, Irish research & @femmesetcinema… #womeninfilm #scriptchat -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK! @garywgoldstein (prod of PRETTY WOMAN) gives tips on querying…Retweeted by Christopher Phillips -
Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK! @garywgoldstein (prod of PRETTY WOMAN) gives tips on querying…
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