Tuesday, October 14, 2014

@NoMystery_CE Guests on Scriptchat October 19th - How to Get Discovered by Execs

Creative Executive @NoMystery_CE is very proactive about finding writers online. Her search started after growing tired of agents claiming their clients' scripts are “great” when they were only lackluster, at best. But as she started trying to discover screenwriters on her own, she’s become frustrated with how hard writers make it for execs to find them.

As she says, "Help me, help you.”

On Scriptchat Sunday October 19, 2014 at 5pm PT, @NoMystery_CE will be our guest to discuss how to improve your odds of being discovered.

The best place to chat is via tchat.io site. 
Instructions on how to chat are here.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Transcript Gary W. Goldstein - October 12, 2014

Great chat tonight with Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein, producer of PRETTY WOMAN, discussing advice on querying executives and getting your career going.

Check out Gary's G+ Hangout show as well as his Master Course on Breaking Into Hollywood!

Note: The transcript site wasn't working, so I pulled the transcript from the thcat site. Therefore, you'll have to read it backwards. Scroll down to the bottom to start! My apologies, but it's better than nothing! @jeannevb
  1. Oblivious Muse @ObliviousMuse
    Thank you @garywgoldstein for making my first #scriptchat a insightful one.
  2. Jo Buckman @ijoda07
    U know @garywgoldstein has v good point. How abt LA #scriptchat in person? Can all talk in 140 char bits & wear pjs if easier…
  3. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Peek. Got it bookmarked on my shortcuts bar! :-) #scriptchat
  4. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @ijoda07 @garywgoldstein It is like swimming. U know the H2O is going to be cold but u have to dive in or nothing will happen. #scriptchat
  5. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    again, much gratitude for spending your time here with me. #scriptchat
  6. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @authorJamie I reckon the tweet-up should be in LA sometime between 12th - 20th Nov, before Thanksgiving steals ppl away. #scriptchat
  7. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Enjoy your Sunday evenings and feel free to take a peek at breakingintohollywood.com... #scriptchat
  8. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    @CydM @jeannevb @IngridElkner I CRAVE honest input & criticism. Even if it's related to a piece I'm already proud of. #scriptchat
  9. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    these are the very questions & reasons & ideas that encouraged me to create Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  10. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    careers are made, opportunities come more predictably when people know, like & trust you... period. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Anita Vora
  11. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @authorJamie @garywgoldstein It's definitely worked for me (writing, working, networking, making MY OWN LUCK) #scriptchat
  12. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @authorJamie @nisajaie I am in Hollywood, so let me know when youse are in town. #scriptchat
  13. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Goodnight from LA and thanks to ScriptMag and Jeanne Bowerman for inviting me to this incredible group #scriptchat
  14. Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
    .@SarahAlexis4 I highly recommend Conquering Hollywood by @Garywgoldstein. I have a digital Kickstarter copy #scriptchat
  15. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein So just keep networking, writing, and making our own luck! It's worked for me so far. Thanks. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  16. Janelle B @JazzBeeP
    @garywgoldstein thank you so much for your advice and thank you @jeannevb for having him here tonight #scriptchat
  17. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Thank you for the wisdom exchange. Look forward to seeing you again. #scriptchat
  18. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    please check it out if you're serious about your career (as much as about your craft) #scriptchat
  19. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein So just keep networking, writing, and making our own luck! It's worked for me so far. Thanks. #scriptchat
  20. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    these are the very questions & reasons & ideas that encouraged me to create Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman
  21. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Curtis James
  22. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @authorJamie @IngridElkner @blueneumann @jeannevb We really should do a Skype/Google hangout Scriptchat sometime! #scriptchat
  23. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @authorJamie Mystery conference? Do they blindfold and take you there, or do you cover all things mysterious? #scriptchat
  24. Jo Buckman @ijoda07
    Even shorter as only caught last 10 mins. But thank u @garywgoldstein . Pleasure as always. #scriptchat
  25. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    these are the very questions & reasons & ideas that encouraged me to create Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course... #scriptchat
  26. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    I'll be posting the transcript... right after I finish making the apple-pie moonshine... #staytuned #scriptchat
  27. Nick Triandafyllou @NickTtw
    @garywgoldstein Thank you for your time and sharing your valued advice! #scriptchat
  28. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    Now I must go deal with producer notes... Happy Indigenous Peoples Day to all! #scriptchat
  29. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Wow, this was the shortest hour in history. Thank you for your time and all these amazing questions... #scriptchat
  30. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @IngridElkner We have to meet up. I'll be there for a mystery conference and a wedding Nov 12-20 #scriptchat
  31. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Knowing how to meet people, how to construct those conversations, who to target, how not to waste time or be random #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  32. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    yes, it's awkward at first & requires patience, practice & being willing to be uncomfortable, fail & hate it even tip you don't #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jo Buckman
  33. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein Thanks for the words, Gary. Big take away is write from who you are, write for practical budget, write. #scriptchat
  34. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    @byChrisPhillips @IngridElkner @jeannevb That's the thing! He's VERY novice, wrote a short story, & I was nothing but positive! #scriptchat
  35. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Ch Ch Ch Ch Ha Ha Ha
  36. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  37. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  38. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman
  39. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Thanks so much for your time, advice and great insight @garywgoldstein #scriptchat
  40. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Melanie McDonald
  41. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Knowing how to meet people, how to construct those conversations, who to target, how not to waste time or be random #scriptchat
  42. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by BoolyCragSkullyard
  43. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Alejandro G S
  44. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    careers are made, opportunities come more predictably when people know, like & trust you... period. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Amy Senger
  45. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  46. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @garywgoldstein Thank you for your time and advice. I took lots of notes. #scriptchat
  47. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Thanks everyone! Enjoyed being here with you guys tonight, and every week! :) #scriptchat
  48. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    As always @garywgoldstein, it was a pleasure to hear your advice. We can't thank you enough! #scriptchat
  49. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i believe it's just a matter of time before a talented person breaks into the industry IF we make our own luck... #scriptchat
  50. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Thank you for taking the time to share your insights. Looking forward to reading Conquering Hollywood. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  51. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @byChrisPhillips @wcmartell Hey Chris! Hey Bill! *waves* So glad to have you here too! :) #scriptchat
  52. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @authorJamie I fly in next week, there until start of December. LA WILL BE MY BITCH. I can already taste the Mendocino Farms. #scriptchat
  53. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Does for me. RT @blueneumann: I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jo Buckman
  54. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Thank you for taking the time to share your insights. Looking forward to reading Conquering Hollywood. #scriptchat
  55. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Does for me. RT @blueneumann: I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchat
  56. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  57. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    Thank you so very, very much @garygoldstein .So grateful #scriptchat
  58. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    I can tell I need to read tonight's transcripts, knew it'd be a great chat! #scriptchat
  59. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    yes, it's awkward at first & requires patience, practice & being willing to be uncomfortable, fail & hate it even tip you don't #scriptchat
  60. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  61. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Eileen Grubba
  62. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Tracie Jules
  63. Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
    @wcmartell I always thought you were good at networking... #scriptchat
  64. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    I also think having a talented network makes you want to impress each other. #scriptchat
  65. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  66. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    I am in San Diego. Who on here is in LA? And in San Diego? #scriptchat
  67. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    relying on craft, much as i love brilliant craft and storytelling as much as anyone, does your career trajectory a disservice #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  68. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    relying on craft, much as i love brilliant craft and storytelling as much as anyone, does your career trajectory a disservice #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  69. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    don't cheat yourself out of human relations with the very people who want to know you, know your talent & support you #scriptchat
  70. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Lisa Kothari
  71. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    @blueneumann I do think the definition of networking has taken on a whole new meaning via social media.#scriptchat
  72. Jo Buckman @ijoda07
    @blueneumann... @IngridElkner IS. YAY. All for it. Be nice to officially meet rather than just waving at u between RMIT classes #scriptchat
  73. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @garywgoldstein Thanks also for the link to your book! :) #scriptchat
  74. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Thanks for the link to your book. And thanks for being our guest on #scriptchat We really appreciate it.
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  75. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Andrea Havens
  76. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Thanks also to @jeannevb for having him on tonight! I know everyone here (myself included) learned so much from him tonight! #scriptchat
  77. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    relying on craft, much as i love brilliant craft and storytelling as much as anyone, does your career trajectory a disservice #scriptchat
  78. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Thanks for the link to your book. And thanks for being our guest on #scriptchat We really appreciate it.
  79. Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
    @pettigrew66 @IngridElkner @jeannevb I've run into that issue before, and I give a positive spin on all notes. #scriptchat
  80. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @blueneumann Speaking of networking! I demand a tweet-up in LA in November! I will be totally offended if any of you don't come. #scriptchat
  81. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    careers are made, opportunities come more predictably when people know, like & trust you... period. #scriptchat
  82. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Sorry I was gone, the power went out. Back now, but just wanted to say thanks again to @garywgoldstein for his great advice! #scriptchat
  83. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    anyone can write big locations, but the winner writes characters & storyline that are catnip to actors & filmmakers & audience #scriptchat
    Retweeted by cmontoya
  84. Jo Buckman @ijoda07
    Added bonus: I'm already in my PJs. RT @blueneumann: We all say we're bad at networking... but we're all a network already! #scriptchat
  85. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchat
    Retweeted by cmontoya
  86. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    @garywgoldstein No strategy... accidents. I just let the scripts open the doors for me. So far it has worked okay. #scriptchat
  87. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  88. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    One of the big reasons I want to do a Skype #Scriptchat ... so we start to realize that.
  89. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  90. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    Final Five Plug: “The Black Larry David” curbs his enthusiasm at youtube.com/dwacon #scriptchat
  91. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    We all say we're bad at networking... but we're all a network already! #scriptchat
  92. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course (breakingintohollywood.com)... sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by #scriptchat
  93. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Q: Thoughts on how to approach/achieve being vulnerable on the page to add authenticity to the writing? #scriptchat
  94. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman
  95. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Mary Pettigrew
  96. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    as a lit manager & producer, I got lots of careers launched & films made for emerging writers because i took a diff approach #scriptchat
  97. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Joe DeAngelo
  98. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat
    Retweeted by cmontoya
  99. Jo Buckman @ijoda07
    @garywgoldstein @nisajaie U make that sound really easy! #scriptchat I struggle w/ networking/building rapport.
  100. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Nxt wk @NoMystery_CE guests on how to get noticed by execs, esp online. Can’t give away identity but trust me, be there. #scriptchat
  101. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course (breakingintohollywood.com)... sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Forrest Rawls
  102. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein If someone had told me writing the novels was the easy part, not sure I'd have believed them. I know now. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  103. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @CydM Need a networking wing-man? My rates are reasonable. #scriptchat
  104. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Lucy Hay
  105. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jo Buckman
  106. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @wcmartell I've never been wise enough to discern a strategy that works the odds in my favor to win the "craft lottery"... #scriptchat
  107. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    anyone can write big locations, but the winner writes characters & storyline that are catnip to actors & filmmakers & audience #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Amy Senger
  108. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course (breakingintohollywood.com)... sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  109. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  110. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein If someone had told me writing the novels was the easy part, not sure I'd have believed them. I know now. #scriptchat
  111. Jo Buckman @ijoda07
    @CydM @pettigrew66 @jeannevb @IngridElkner IDK. That's what separates u from amateurs. Those serious abt it will take ur notes. #scriptchat
  112. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Self promotion is welcome and encouraged. #scriptchat
  113. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Amy Senger
  114. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    anyone can write big locations, but the winner writes characters & storyline that are catnip to actors & filmmakers & audience #scriptchat
  115. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  116. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    RT @wcmartell: I'm terrible at networking, so I live for the "craft lottery", that's something I can win. #scriptchat me bt we're doing it
  117. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    @IngridElkner @jeannevb Besides no manners, my defensive "friend" ignored me for months. #scriptchat
  118. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i'd counsel a newer writer not to invite more obstacle, but to write character & story that will drive actors into a frenzy #scriptchat
  119. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @authorJamie @nisajaie K. I will DM you my cell and gmail to keep in touch. #scriptchat
  120. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Ah, navigating and progressing is the most difficult part. #scriptchat
  121. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @pettigrew66 @jeannevb @IngridElkner Often "critique" is code for "praise me profusely" #scriptchat
  122. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    I'm terrible at networking, so I live for the "craft lottery", that's something I can win. #scriptchat
  123. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @thefilterguy many big budget studio films shoot around the world as you know... #scriptchat
  124. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    @jeannevb @IngridElkner I've experienced that w/ a friend. He ASKED me to critique. I did. He never even thanked me for my time. #scriptchat
  125. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    if you want an enduring career as a writer, you need to learn the strategies that sustain you and bring opportunity to you #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  126. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @authorJamie newer writers want to do the work, want to stay the course, but don't know how to navigate & create real progress #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jo Buckman
  127. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    that's why i created Breaking Into Hollywood: The Master Course (breakingintohollywood.com)... sorry to self-promote but... #scriptchat
  128. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Shelley Fritz
  129. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    Alas, many do see writing a script akin to buying a lottery ticket #scriptchat
  130. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @nisajaie I'll let you know. It will be late in the year. #scriptchat
  131. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein Q: Do you find that most writers struggle with structure? Do you advise them of resources or films to look at? #scriptchat
  132. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    if you want an enduring career as a writer, you need to learn the strategies that sustain you and bring opportunity to you #scriptchat
  133. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @jeannevb @garywgoldstein I had Holland Tunnel once. But then, I pulled over for a great sammich in Brooklyn. #scriptchat
  134. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    if it's just about craft, you're in the business of hoping to win the lottery #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  135. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    if it's just about craft, you're in the business of hoping to win the lottery #scriptchat
  136. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Neumann
  137. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the discipline of writing is so different than the discipline of getting known, creating relationships, marketing yourself #scriptchat
  138. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    Final Five plug: STORY BLUE BOOK: over 250 pages, undder $4. amazon.com/Secrets-Of-Sto… #scriptchat
  139. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Mike Fr.
  140. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @authorJamie @CydM @GaryGoldstein Awesome! If you are in SoCal shooting. I would be glad to help. #scriptchat
  141. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @authorJamie newer writers want to do the work, want to stay the course, but don't know how to navigate & create real progress #scriptchat
  142. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @dwacon Yeah, I edited a friend's script recently, he said a lot was riding on it. He turned into a dick after I gave it to him. #scriptchat
  143. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @CydM @GaryGoldstein Me too. I need more time behind the camera. I'm directing my own short in 2015. #scriptchat
  144. Mary Pettigrew @pettigrew66
    I just got home! At least I get 15 min of this #scriptchat! Yay!!
  145. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @jeannevb I often give back a script covered in notes, they half-mast their eyelids, make out I'm an amateur whose notes'll suck #scriptchat
  146. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @IngridElkner @jeannevb Or, they get angry and try some petty revenge... #scriptchat
  147. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    but generally, a healthy foundation is to move up the ladder (option > sell > be produced) then move into the director chair #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  148. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    but generally, a healthy foundation is to move up the ladder (option > sell > be produced) then move into the director chair #scriptchat
  149. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Q: Is there a constant that you find missing in scripts you read? That causes rejection. #scriptchat
  150. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Statistically, successful YouTube product is short (<5 min for comedy)… serialized… and more grass roots. #scriptchat
  151. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @IngridElkner *headdesk* or get really defensive when you're just trying to help. #scriptchat
  152. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    it low budget and/or your talent and financing pre-approve you to direct, that's fine... #scriptchat
  153. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  154. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @agsfilmmaker i encourage writers not to attach to their 1st or 2nd script, unless they've spent a lot of time behind the camera #scriptchat
  155. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @jeannevb You know what drives me nuts? Friends ask me to read a script, then say they won't pay much attention to my notes :| #scriptchat
  156. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Michael C Yebba
  157. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    You can Google screenplays and find some sites. I just did. #scriptchat
  158. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  159. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    authenticity, writing the story that only you could possibly tell so well, that's true for all time with all forms of art #scriptchat
  160. Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
    @AnotherEitan it's why the ADR business is so lucrative but doesn't explain how poor sound recordists get on set ;) #scriptchat
  161. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Colleen R Costello
  162. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @garywgoldstein But that core requirements (strong characters, unexpected journey) still apply #scriptchat
  163. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Do you find that new writers today don't seem to want to do the work? Or stay the course? Or the opposite? #scriptchat
  164. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    not sure about macro trends, other than we'll make different content for youtube than the big screen #scriptchat
  165. Janelle B @JazzBeeP
    Q: Can anyone suggest a good website where I could find and read scripts in full? #scriptchat
  166. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    stories that move us, that take us on an unexpected journey, that intro characters we care about is what matters #scriptchat
  167. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Genres stand up over time. Successful story adheres to rules & yet begs for you to break them at the same time… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by the Creative State
  168. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i knew he'd write a poignant version of his personal experience & if need be we could shoot as a low-budget indie (1 hotel room) #scriptchat
  169. Creepy Eitan @AnotherEitan
    A poorly shot, well written film is more watchable than a well shot, poorly written film. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  170. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein: '3000' that became 'Pretty Woman' was the result.... #scriptchat” Interesting turn.
  171. Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
    @AnotherEitan just like a poorly shot/great sounding is miles better than a well shot/shit sound #scriptchat
  172. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    '3000' that became 'Pretty Woman' was the result.... #scriptchat
  173. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    before i would agree to work with JF, having read his film school scripts, i insisted he write a classic 2-hander romance... #scriptchat
  174. Julian Tyler @JulianTyler
    @garywgoldstein could not agree more! #scriptchat Creativity and passion is the most engaging. A great concept with no passion is empty.
  175. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @AnotherEitan Unless the acting's bad. Then all bets are off. #scriptchat
  176. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @garygoldstein It's sometimes very dark places I don't want to go but have a curiosity about, like Gone Girl #scriptchat
  177. Kendall Castor-Perry @TheFilterGuy
    Q: Is it a real #script acceptability problem if plot and characters are rooted in non-US setting (e.g. London)? #scriptchat
  178. Creepy Eitan @AnotherEitan
    A poorly shot, well written film is more watchable than a well shot, poorly written film. #scriptchat
  179. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Filmmakers who created worlds I could get lost in; whose characters, dialogue & storylines took me places I’d never imagined. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  180. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein Q: Do you see a tide turning in storytelling? Aside from onscreen gender shift, where are we heading? #scriptchat
  181. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @Leytonrocks @jeannevb Like they've never read a screenplay. You must read screenplays, lots of them, to write one. #scriptchat
  182. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Filmmakers who created worlds I could get lost in; whose characters, dialogue & storylines took me places I’d never imagined. #scriptchat
  183. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    All the films of Sergio Leone, David Lean, early Coppola; The Third Man, The Quiet Man, Key Largo – so many early classics… #scriptchat
  184. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    what inspired me to move to LA & get in the business ? #scriptchat
  185. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Caffeinated Geek
  186. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @authorJamie @jeannevb I read dozens of scripts on Zoetrope that broke every rule of screenwriting… #scriptchat
  187. Rebecca Gray @LeadCharacter
    .@garywgoldstein find a story & character whose quest u simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat
  188. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Not sure if @garywgoldstein mentioned this already but he used to be a lit manager too. #scriptchat
  189. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    even online festivals and contests are followed and noticed by many in hollywood, including agencies and studios #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  190. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Genres stand up over time. Successful story adheres to rules & yet begs for you to break them at the same time… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  191. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Screenwriters' Fest
  192. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein: a produced short film that wins festival notice and awards is extremely helpful... #scriptchat” Whew!
  193. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    even online festivals and contests are followed and noticed by many in hollywood, including agencies and studios #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  194. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the more visible the fest (e.g. sundance, telluride, toronto, berlin, cannes, slamdance, on and on) the better #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Michael Denison
  195. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @dwacon "How will we ever find land?" "Follow your nose, boys!" #scriptchat
  196. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the original (not 'Pretty Woman' but '3000') was a dark tale, later tailored to be lighter and more properly a rom comedy #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stuart Wright
  197. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Creepy Eitan
  198. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    even online festivals and contests are followed and noticed by many in hollywood, including agencies and studios #scriptchat
  199. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein I had read that the original story was not so light and happy. #scriptchat
  200. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Lemonhead
  201. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @blueneumann Like “Life of PIE” featuring Kevin Hart adrift at sea on a small boat with Tony the Tiger. A Gr-r-r-r-reat script? #scriptchat
  202. Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
    @authorJamie @jeannevb 1st half loose action and the 2nd half dialogue heavy to explain it - like they've never watched a film #scriptchat
  203. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    a produced short film that wins festival notice and awards is extremely helpful... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  204. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the more visible the fest (e.g. sundance, telluride, toronto, berlin, cannes, slamdance, on and on) the better #scriptchat
  205. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein And did JF pitch it to you as a dark, gritty tale? What was his pitch like? #scriptchat
  206. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    a produced short film that wins festival notice and awards is extremely helpful... #scriptchat
  207. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @dwacon (now I'm trying to remember what all Braga did... been a while since I've watched Voyager) #scriptchat
  208. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests! youtube.com/channel/UCEAlT… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by TheJuanisaJ 
  209. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @garywgoldstein I remember hearing about this... how did the writer react to the change? #scriptchat
  210. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    treatment not a good idea. better they read your actual craft (dialogue, narrative etc) and you don't offer prose. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Nick Triandafyllou
  211. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the original (not 'Pretty Woman' but '3000') was a dark tale, later tailored to be lighter and more properly a rom comedy #scriptchat
  212. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @nickttw log line great. short (not full page) synopsis, great. 2-4 page outline won't get read. brilliant script, certainly... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Nick Triandafyllou
  213. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests! youtube.com/channel/UCEAlT… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  214. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by R.D.
  215. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Make sure to chk out @garywgoldstein's G+ Hangout show... FANTASTIC guests! youtube.com/channel/UCEAlT… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  216. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    all drug dealers, working girls, pimps, homeless, police etc... he was raw and vulnerable and wrote this world he know so well #scriptchat
  217. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Adryenn Ashley
  218. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @jeannevb Amazing how many scripts I've read for people who don't even understand the basic structure and format. #scriptchat
  219. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @jeannevb Don’t want you to read. Want you to cook. Remind me not to join script chat before having lunch... #scriptchat
  220. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    Part of the trick is finding SO MANY stories you MUST write #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  221. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    and JF also wrote visually a world he witnessed daily living in one of the worst parts of hollywood back then #scriptchat
  222. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @garywgoldstein #scriptchat "adheres to rules & yet begs you to break them" Gold advice!
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  223. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Caitlin McCarthy
  224. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @ingridelkner JF wrote from a deeply emotional place based on a past relationship (albeit not with a hooker)... #scriptchat
  225. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @dwacon Slave ship on the other side of the galaxy? #scriptchat
  226. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Caitlin McCarthy
  227. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Q: Things that entice a producer in a query or attract them to a project? What gets you excited about a project? #scriptchat
  228. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  229. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @garywgoldstein #scriptchat "adheres to rules & yet begs you to break them" Gold advice!
  230. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    Part of the trick is finding SO MANY stories you MUST write #scriptchat
  231. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein: the script, any script, adaptation or not, needs be the very best it can be... always. #scriptchat” Amen!
  232. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Eboni D.
  233. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @nisajaie Mine comes in handy for the “Star Trek Voyager meets 12 Years a Slave” spec I did for Amazon Studios... #scriptchat
  234. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  235. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …Better to find a story & character whose quest you simply must write. Passion & creativity win over concept every time. #scriptchat
  236. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Genres stand up over time. Successful story adheres to rules & yet begs for you to break them at the same time… #scriptchat
  237. Mark Sanderson @scriptcat
    How many #screenplays will it take? Maybe two—maybe ten? Write each one as if you’ll never write again: bit.ly/1ovYu6x #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Strange Tea
  238. Mark Sanderson @scriptcat
    How many #screenplays will it take? Maybe two—maybe ten? Write each one as if you’ll never write again: bit.ly/1ovYu6x #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stuart Wright
  239. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    For me it's a numbers game: keep querying new scripts and eventually they get to know you. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stuart Wright
  240. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Q: does having a short film produced (small festival awards) help writer in any way? #scriptchat
  241. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stuart Wright
  242. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    The prob with lo/no budget movies is you trade being 1 in 30k selling the script to the prod being 1 in 30k selling the movie. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stuart Wright
  243. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Q: @garywgoldstein When pitching to Netflix/Hulu, does it depend on what production company produces the show? #scriptchat
    Retweeted by demon of words
  244. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the script, any script, adaptation or not, needs be the very best it can be... always. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  245. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stuart Wright
  246. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @blueneumann Aww, I'm sure you can think of a good question for Gary, otherwise enjoy his knowledge! #scriptchat
  247. Stuart Wright @Leytonrocks
    @jeannevb always reflects a lack of actual reading that ppl think others are queuing up to read their stuff #scriptchat
  248. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the script, any script, adaptation or not, needs be the very best it can be... always. #scriptchat
  249. Alejandro G S @AGSfilmmaker
    Q: Any advice if you want to be writer+director? Should you attach yourself to the project right from the beginning? #scriptchat
  250. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @dwacon @garywgoldstein blank book on this side, but the idea's the same #scriptchat
  251. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    also, what genre if you're a newer filmmaker or writer (e.g. young adult is super good) #scriptchat
  252. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  253. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Claire
  254. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein I keep a digital reporter @ bedside to record those ideas that slip thu the subconscious. #scriptchat
  255. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  256. Rebecca Gray @LeadCharacter
    Right .@garywgoldstein: see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  257. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @authorjamie doesn't need be a best seller but helps if there's a sizable following (also if that author's been produced before) #scriptchat
  258. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @jeannevb Plus, once you know the person more, you know the project that's right to send them and the way they can help! #scriptchat
  259. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  260. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  261. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  262. Rebecca Gray @LeadCharacter
    Right .@garywgoldstein: see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat
  263. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  264. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  265. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
    Retweeted by John Ward
  266. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Ignore the constant rejection, embrace the word ‘no’ as a conversation starter; remember it’s not just because you’re a woman. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Rebecca Gray
  267. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  268. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … pick writers open to receiving quality feedback & committed to rewriting to turn a story into a shooting script. #scriptchat
  269. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Chiming in bc ppl are constantly asking me to read their scripts. Build a RELATIONSHIP w someone first b4 you ask for their time #scriptchat
  270. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @garywgoldstein That is good to know. I have always harbored a fear that I have to hid my gender & ethnicity to get accepted. #scriptchat
  271. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …you’re judged more by the actors & directors you attract, than by the # of explosions in a film or the size of your budgets. #scriptchat
  272. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Alejandro G S
  273. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Early on, pick stories that are fresh and authentic, with roles actors & filmmakers will seek out… #scriptchat
  274. Laura Yntema @laurayntema
    So many prod co's seem to have their imprint on films. Each have diff functions-which co's should the screenwriter target? Thx. #scriptchat
  275. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Choose projects that keep you awake at night, so you never give up despite countless rejections & years invested… #scriptchat
  276. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    i got a great question earlier about one piece of advice i'd give future filmmakers... #scriptchat
  277. Kendall Castor-Perry @TheFilterGuy
    @jeannevb remind me, can we download chat log? @garywgoldstein comments golden but too many to read real time. #scriptchat
  278. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  279. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  280. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein Q: if you're adapting a novel, does it need to be bestseller to garner interest? Or just be well written script?#scriptchat
  281. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchat
    Retweeted by R.D.
  282. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    Another week whee I wish I had a good question to ask #scriptchat
  283. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  284. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Ignore the constant rejection, embrace the word ‘no’ as a conversation starter; remember it’s not just because you’re a woman. #scriptchat
  285. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Find women mentors to emulate, learn from, help expand your network with people who respect talent & character above all else. #scriptchat
  286. Janelle B @JazzBeeP
    Q @garywgoldstein any advice on how to pitch a one hour drama for TV? #scriptchat
  287. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stephanie G Spence
  288. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    gender: a unique pov with nuances of narrative, character, dialogue, storytelling -- Vachon, Ellison, Rhimes. #scriptchat
  289. GHenryWrites @ghenrywrites
    Qreat questions and info being tossed around today for #scriptchat with @garywgoldstein #screenwriting
    Retweeted by R.D.
  290. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    see gender as an advantage rather than a hindrance. #scriptchat
  291. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @TheFilterGuy Hey Kendall! :) Welcome! *waves* Great to have you here! #scriptchat
  292. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    treatment not a good idea. better they read your actual craft (dialogue, narrative etc) and you don't offer prose. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  293. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    treatment not a good idea. better they read your actual craft (dialogue, narrative etc) and you don't offer prose. #scriptchat
  294. Kendall Castor-Perry @TheFilterGuy
    Sorry I'm late (not that anyone will have noticed) #scriptchat
  295. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @nickttw log line great. short (not full page) synopsis, great. 2-4 page outline won't get read. brilliant script, certainly... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  296. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @nickttw log line great. short (not full page) synopsis, great. 2-4 page outline won't get read. brilliant script, certainly... #scriptchat
  297. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Q: @garywgoldstein When pitching to Netflix/Hulu, does it depend on what production company produces the show? #scriptchat
  298. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  299. Amy Senger @sengseng
    @GaryWGoldstein Does gender matter? What advice can you offer first-time female writer/ producers? #scriptchat
  300. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein Did JF Lawton give a compelling connection to the Pretty Woman story? #scriptchat
  301. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Heard similar advice @ CBS yesterday. If it has no personal nexus, they lose interest. #scriptchat
  302. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @sarahalexis4 the ass't is your equal, you help each other, e.g. you intro them to the young dev exec you met recently... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Sharif Yelverton
  303. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Sharif Yelverton
  304. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  305. Jamie Lee Scott @authorJamie
    @garywgoldstein: @nisajaie how you reach out to new hollywood (e.g. netflix, amazon etc) is no different... #scriptchat” good to know
  306. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Stephanie G Spence
  307. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    be vulnerable and transparent by letting them know something about you or why you chose this story (emotional relevance) #scriptchat
  308. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Dawn Piercy
  309. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @garygoldstein How important are trends? Write what you know and love, or consider what's getting attention? #scriptchat
  310. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman
  311. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Sharif Yelverton
  312. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  313. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    research them so you really know who you're writing to... #scriptchat
  314. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    just remember these are people & you should make it personal... #scriptchat
  315. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Q Any recommended resources/ways to research those associated with similar films to target beyond trades & Imdb? #scriptchat
  316. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @nisajaie how you reach out to new hollywood (e.g. netflix, amazon etc) is no different... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  317. GHenryWrites @ghenrywrites
    Qreat questions and info being tossed around today for #scriptchat with @garywgoldstein #screenwriting
  318. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  319. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @nisajaie how you reach out to new hollywood (e.g. netflix, amazon etc) is no different... #scriptchat
  320. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @garywgoldstein This is great advice Gary! Thanks so much for sharing it. Really helps us. #scriptchat
  321. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein I went in for 2nd pitch, turned exec thought 2nd meet was a general. He was happy to hang out, see how I'm going #scriptchat
  322. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Eboni D.
  323. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @nisajaie Thanks so much! :) Nice to meet you too! #scriptchat
  324. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  325. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  326. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  327. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    You can have a presence virtually & create rapport, get to know via phone, skype, email, social media from anywhere… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  328. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    At film festivals or LA meetings, it’s good to meet in person to create deeper rapport, but move here only if you’re ready. #scriptchat
  329. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  330. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @garywgoldstein Is there a different method for querying cable and/or internet (Netflix, etc.) companies? #scriptchat
  331. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    Q @garywgoldstein With the big China movie fund (hollywoodreporter.com/news/chinas-wa…) is it wise to direct approach players in China? #scriptchat
  332. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Can get a mobile # with an LA prefix so you feel-appear local & it helps if you can come to LA at least 2x year for meetings… #scriptchat
  333. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    You can have a presence virtually & create rapport, get to know via phone, skype, email, social media from anywhere… #scriptchat
  334. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  335. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    no, you don't need to physically be in hollywood to work as a screenwriter... #scriptchat
  336. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  337. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    For me it's a numbers game: keep querying new scripts and eventually they get to know you. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by J. J. Hillard
  338. ✧T.J. Westerfield✧ @TJWesterfield
    @garywgoldstein Thanks for sharing such great screenwriting info, Gary.#scriptchat
  339. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    make it about them as much as about you, up to & including opening & sharing your contacts, always keeping them as your mentor #scriptchat
  340. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @garywgoldstein @SarahAlexis4 I've also asked ass'ts what they're looking for & found scripts of my friends to submit. #payitfwd #scriptchat
  341. Alejandro G S @AGSfilmmaker
    @garywgoldstein Q: Is it different to pitch to a major than to an indie? #scriptchat
  342. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    you share articles or blogs about something you know is of great interest to them #scriptchat
  343. Amy Senger @sengseng
    @GaryWGoldstein How much does geography matter? Do I need to physically be in LA to work in #Hollywood as a screenwriter? #scriptchat
  344. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @sarahalexis4 the ass't is your equal, you help each other, e.g. you intro them to the young dev exec you met recently... #scriptchat
  345. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by J. J. Hillard
  346. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Searching for Sugarman (?) won best docu @ Cannes after director ran out of $ & finished shooting film on his phone. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jamie Lee Scott
  347. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @CydM @blueneumann @nisajaie Yea, I had to do the mass update. Lol I just haven't had time to review all the changes. #scriptchat
  348. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @wcmartell AND you barely have enough money to do it right. #scriptchat
  349. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @jazzbeep a minimum of one brilliant, market-tested screenplay, another either complete or in progress & several refined pitches #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  350. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    The prob with lo/no budget movies is you trade being 1 in 30k selling the script to the prod being 1 in 30k selling the movie. #scriptchat
  351. Nick Triandafyllou @NickTtw
    @garywgoldstein ready to query = strong logline, 1p synopsis, 2-4p outline, great 95-110p script... Do we need a treatment? #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  352. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    I'm producing my own content with my web series (streaming episodic content), and writing for others #scriptchat
    Retweeted by demon of words
  353. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Q: @garywgoldstein What would be the best prodcos/studios to query? #scriptchat
    Retweeted by demon of words
  354. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    Time for #scriptchat with guest @garywgoldstein giving tips on querying a producer!
    Retweeted by demon of words
  355. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @blueneumann @nisajaie #scriptchat Not what I saw at Adobe Max this week! Amazing stuff.
  356. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    @garywgoldstein Re: approaching similar films/TV series - how would you do that if they don't look at unsolicited scripts? #scriptchat
  357. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @jazzbeep a minimum of one brilliant, market-tested screenplay, another either complete or in progress & several refined pitches #scriptchat
  358. Nick Triandafyllou @NickTtw
    @garywgoldstein ready to query = strong logline, 1p synopsis, 2-4p outline, great 95-110p script... Do we need a treatment? #scriptchat
  359. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @nisajaie @byChrisPhillips #scriptchat No love for Premier...Adobe all the way with the new release this week
  360. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @nisajaie I heard that Adobe oversimplified FCP in a recent release... less pro, more consumer. #scriptchat
  361. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Mimicking box office success or big-budget commercial fare rather than that one unique story only you could write so well… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Debra Kayn
  362. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Searching for Sugarman (?) won best docu @ Cannes after director ran out of $ & finished shooting film on his phone. #scriptchat
  363. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Q: Thoughts on how to be of use/be helpful in order to give back in the relationships one builds w/ an asst? #scriptchat
  364. Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
    I guess social media is probably a good place to keep in touch with asst's. #scriptchat
  365. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    Some don't realize that the person who answers the phone at a prodco is connected to everyone there. They take mssgs. POWER! #scriptchat
  366. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @byChrisPhillips @CydM I love Premiere! But I am an Adobe girl (design & film). Any love for Final Cut Pro? I want to learn it. #scriptchat
  367. Janelle B @JazzBeeP
    Q @garywgoldstein what should I have in my writing portfolio before I look for a producer? #scriptchat
  368. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Had great relationship with WB exec who went to the pre-Disney ABC and then fell off the grid. C’est le guerre… #scriptchat
  369. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    @garywgoldstein any other suggestions for building our network? #scriptchat
  370. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the ass't stays your contact at new gig AND intros you to replacement at old job. systemize your growing network. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Jeanne V Bowerman
  371. The THINGrid Elkner @IngridElkner
    @garywgoldstein I find it crazy that ppl advise to be friendly with assistants. I can't see a reason to be anything different! #scriptchat
  372. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @filmwriter4 target films similar to yours, the prodcos, directors, everyone associated with those films & target them #scriptchat
  373. Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
    @CydM Really? Interesting. I met someone that does trailers she said Avid is slowly fading, know Premiere... #scriptchat
  374. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    the ass't stays your contact at new gig AND intros you to replacement at old job. systemize your growing network. #scriptchat
  375. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @jeannevb I will tell Sally Struthers do do a commercial... #scriptchat
  376. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    I'm producing my own content with my web series (streaming episodic content), and writing for others #scriptchat
  377. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    yes, I think it’s more difficult if your goal is to be produced at a studio; but there are more ways to get in the game today… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  378. Cyd Madsen @CydM
    #scriptchat Gone Girl fully done in Adobe Premier, very affordable
  379. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    @dwacon great Q as well. when ass't switches jobs, you double your rolodex ! #scriptchat
  380. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @wcmartell Just so long as the query doesn’t trigger release of the hounds... #scriptchat
  381. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …lower cost tech & equip & post-prod; more avail talent; our ability to target audience socially in advance, even crowdsourcing. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  382. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    yes, I think it’s more difficult if your goal is to be produced at a studio; but there are more ways to get in the game today… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  383. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …lower cost tech & equip & post-prod; more avail talent; our ability to target audience socially in advance, even crowdsourcing. #scriptchat
  384. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    yes, I think it’s more difficult if your goal is to be produced at a studio; but there are more ways to get in the game today… #scriptchat
  385. Dwayne Conyers @dwacon
    @garywgoldstein Great advice, but what to do when the asst’s change jobs to a boss working in a different genre/market ? #scriptchat
  386. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Eboni D.
  387. Chris Hadley @filmwritr4
    Q: @garywgoldstein What would be the best prodcos/studios to query? #scriptchat
  388. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  389. Konrad Stief @KonradStief
    @garywgoldstein Doesn't matter if your previous scripts are unproduced? Ass't wouldn't be concerned of practical experience? #scriptchat
  390. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @dwacon haha wait till you see the Thanksgiving tweets :) #scriptchat
  391. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Eboni D.
  392. Chris Neumann @blueneumann
    @wcmartell "it's that guy who keeps sending us scripts." #scriptchat
  393. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Chris Hadley
  394. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    @garywgoldstein Q: Any tips on the first contact, how to break ice & politely initiate to then continue w/ what you described? #scriptchat
  395. Amy Senger @sengseng
    @GaryWGoldstein Do you think it's more or less difficult to break into #Hollywood now than say 20 years ago? #scriptchat
  396. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Your spec may not get optioned or sold, but it can create momentum & be your best calling card to the industry. #scriptchat
  397. William C. Martell @wcmartell
    For me it's a numbers game: keep querying new scripts and eventually they get to know you. #scriptchat
  398. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … write the story that will stand out, get you noticed & can be produced on an ‘indie’ budget’ if need be… #scriptchat
  399. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Mimicking box office success or big-budget commercial fare rather than that one unique story only you could write so well… #scriptchat
  400. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    FYI @garywgoldstein has @scriptmag column. His latest here on "No" is Just a Conversation Starter scriptmag.com/features/break… #scriptchat
  401. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …let the ass’t get to know you (you = the writer, artist, creator) --ask their advice, ask smart questions, engage them… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  402. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Christopher Phillips
  403. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …even 3 minutes on the phone once a week for 3-4 weeks & you’ll develop rapport that separates you from your competition… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Sharif Yelverton
  404. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by GHenryWrites
  405. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Looking forward to my maiden voyage on #scriptchat. Thanks for the invite. #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Catherine Shefski
  406. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … soon they’ll ask to read your work. Invest in people & relationships. Let people know & like you. The rest happens naturally. #scriptchat
  407. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …even 3 minutes on the phone once a week for 3-4 weeks & you’ll develop rapport that separates you from your competition… #scriptchat
  408. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Sharif Yelverton
  409. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    …let the ass’t get to know you (you = the writer, artist, creator) --ask their advice, ask smart questions, engage them… #scriptchat
  410. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  411. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    … Initiate short , thoughtful calls & emails –- don’t ask big favors right away (e.g. asking a stranger to read your script)... #scriptchat
  412. TheJuanisaJ  @nisajaie
    @garywgoldstein Thanks for joining! And congrats to the upcoming anniversary. #scriptchat
  413. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    A standard query is impersonal & results are random; target people you admire & consistently build rapport with their ass’t’s… #scriptchat
  414. Amy Senger @sengseng
    @GaryWGoldstein What's the most common mistake you see aspiring screenwriters making? #scriptchat
  415. Conservative Warrior @GOP_Warrior
    @jeannevb Oh how I've missed #ScriptChat ... I'll be back after December. :-)
  416. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    @garywgoldstein so let's get started.... love your advice on querying execs. Shoot some thoughts out on the best approach #scriptchat
  417. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Hard to imagine but March '15 marks the 25th anniv of that film's release. #scriptchat
  418. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    Time for #scriptchat with guest @garywgoldstein giving tips on querying a producer!
    Retweeted by Cyd Madsen
  419. Sarah A Newman @SarahAlexis4
    Time for #scriptchat with guest @garywgoldstein giving tips on querying a producer!
  420. Gary W. Goldstein @garywgoldstein
    Looking forward to my maiden voyage on #scriptchat. Thanks for the invite. #scriptchat
  421. Christopher Phillips @byChrisPhillips
    And Pretty Woman was on TV last night... Great timing. #scriptchat
  422. Jeanne V Bowerman @jeannevb
    Let the games begin... fyi, I have apple pie moonshine simmering on the stove #howweroll #scriptchat