Max Adams @CelluloidBlonde to
guest on USA Scriptchat on December 29, 2013, talking Do's and
Don'ts to Get Your Screenplay Read, Sold, and Produced.
Max Adams is an
award-winning screenwriter and author of The New Screenwriter's Survival Guide; Or, Guerrilla MeetingTactics and Other Acts of War.
She has written professionally for Columbia Pictures, Hollywood Pictures,
Touchstone Pictures, Universal Pictures, Walt Disney Studios, and Tri-Star
Pictures. Organizations she has lectured and/or taught at include USC, Austin
Film Festival, Film Arts Foundation, New York Film Academy, Gotham Writers,
University of Utah, and the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences. She
is a former Writers Guild of America West online screenwriting mentor, is the
founder of two international online screenwriting workshops,is a University of
Utah associate instructor and is the founder of the The Academy of Film
Writing. Her produced feature films include Excess Baggage, The Ladykillers,
and One For the Money.
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