Sunday, June 24, 2012

Transcript for Screenplay Contest with Blue Cat Pictures June 24, 2012

#Scriptchat TOPIC:Screenwriting Contests with @BlueCatPictures

Tonight, the EURO had OPEN CHAT due to this thing they call football, while the USA chatted with @vigiledelfuoco of Blue Cat Screenplay Contest. ~Jamie_LD

EURO moderator: Teenie Russell @teenierussell
USA moderators: Zac Sanford @zacsanford Kim Garland @kim_garland Jamie Livingston @jamie_ld


2012-06-24 7:02 pm TaroJ It's #scriptchat o'clock for those of you not watching the football :-)
2012-06-24 7:02 pm Sandy_Nicholson Hello there, probably not very many people. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:03 pm teenierussell RT @TaroJ: Its #scriptchat oclock for those of you not watching the
football :-) #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:03 pm HateTheHate #scriptchat What does everyone do/use re copyrighting? #curious
2012-06-24 7:03 pm EvaKnoet Evening #scriptchat -ers :)
2012-06-24 7:03 pm ijoda07 Hellloooo #scriptchat.
2012-06-24 7:03 pm teenierussell Hi all, tonight we have an Open Topic. Apologies for the last minute
change but who'd have thought England would top the group? #
2012-06-24 7:04 pm teenierussell Hi there @Sandy_Nicholson @HateTheHate @EvaKnoet @ijoda07 #
2012-06-24 7:04 pm TaroJ @HateTheHate copywriting as in writing copy for ads? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:05 pm teenierussell @HateTheHate in which sense? As in clearing rights or protecting
your work? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:05 pm robinbellwriter anyone going to bbc writers festival? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:06 pm TaroJ @TaroJ @hatethehate ah just read that back, sorry too many eps of
Madmen :-) #scriptchat it's not something I really worry about.
2012-06-24 7:06 pm ClaireYeowart Hello #scriptchat - anyone else sending scripts to Coming Up?
2012-06-24 7:07 pm Bang2write #scriptchat Whoa, 940 Bang2writers!! It's an open topic on
ScriptChat tonight, so feel free to ask me anything...
2012-06-24 7:07 pm teenierussell Is that the TV Drama festival? RT: @robinbellwriter anyone going to
bbc writers festival? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:07 pm TaroJ @HateTheHate you can register your scripts with the writers guild but
putting that on your title page can seem unprofessional #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:07 pm ijoda07 @ClaireYeowart No. Didn't know abt it. What is it? #scriptchat. Got a
2012-06-24 7:07 pm teenierussell @ClaireYeowart Hi Claire, what is Coming Up? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:07 pm EvaKnoet #scriptchat So what do you write in a letter to a possible production
company about your screenplay?
2012-06-24 7:08 pm Bang2write Since it's an open topic on #scriptchat tonight, feel free to ask me
anything writing-related you like here or at
2012-06-24 7:08 pm flemska RT @Indust_Scripts: "I only sound intelligent when there's a good
scriptwriter around" - Christian Bale #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:08 pm robinbellwriter @ClaireYeowart yep sending Tuesday #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:09 pm robinbellwriter @teenierussell think so yeah. Leeds 11th and 12th #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:09 pm teenierussell @robinbellwriter just seen it. It's in Leeds and this "Places are limited
to writers w/ a TV broadcast credit or commission" #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:09 pm ijoda07 OK, I have a drawer full of scripts. Now what to do with them? #
2012-06-24 7:09 pm teenierussell @flemska haha, love it #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:11 pm teenierussell RT @Bang2write: Since it's an open topic on #scriptchat tonight, feel
free to ask me anything writing-related you like here or at
2012-06-24 7:11 pm robinbellwriter @teenierussell I haven't got one of those tho and I'm going #
2012-06-24 7:11 pm ijoda07 @robinbellwriter How'd you pull that? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:11 pm ijoda07 @robinbellwriter Sorry - that's Aussie slang for "manage that" #
2012-06-24 7:12 pm teenierussell @EvaKnoet as in a Query letter? At first instance, keep it short and
simple. Let me find some links... #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:12 pm robinbellwriter @ijoda07 just asked #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:12 pm EvaKnoet @teenierussell yes just a letter to say you've written something
awesome they should produce kinda thing :) #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:13 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write Ooo yes I have a question, please. How do theatre and
films vary structurally? Are the rules different? Thank you :) #
2012-06-24 7:13 pm ClaireYeowart @teenierussell #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:13 pm Jamie_LD #NOKfilm is getting some major lovin' in @Trigonis:The Tao of
Crowdfunding Weekly! #
2012-06-24 7:13 pm teenierussell @robinbellwriter @ijoda07 just seen that they might have extra
spaces if you want to go anyway. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:13 pm ClaireYeowart @ijoda07 #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:14 pm ClaireYeowart @robinbellwriter posting mine tomorrow! Good luck to you #
2012-06-24 7:14 pm teenierussell @robinbellwriter that is always the best approach, especially if you
really want something, just make it happen :-) #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:15 pm robinbellwriter @teenierussell @ijoda07 twisted showcase being named top 25 web
show in guardian helped I was told #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:15 pm TaroJ Found this last week about making submissions to sky, lots of good
info #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:15 pm HateTheHate @teenierussell I mean in progress scripts/completed scripts (mainly if
working with others)? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:15 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs hi, wow, massive Q! 3 Acts typical of screen like
stage, tho theatre has others, ie. Shakespearean 5 Acts #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:16 pm robinbellwriter RT @teenierussell: @robinbellwriter that is always the best approach,
especially if you really want something, just make it happen :-) #
2012-06-24 7:16 pm ijoda07 RT @ClaireYeowart: @ijoda07 #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:16 pm teenierussell @ClaireYeowart Thank you for the link! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:16 pm HateTheHate @TaroJ It's more about not having something stolen if your writing
partner dumps you? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:16 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs there are other versions of screen structure too now
like Chris Soth's Mini Movie Method + John Truby's 22 Steps #
2012-06-24 7:17 pm ijoda07 RT @TaroJ: Found this last week about making submissions to sky,
lots of good info #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:17 pm robinbellwriter RT @TaroJ: Found this last week about making submissions to sky,
lots of good info #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:17 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs lots at, structure section of The
Required Reading List, click the label #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:18 pm ClaireYeowart @TaroJ sky don't accept unsolicited anymore though. They did
briefly, but not now. Need to go thru prod co/ agent #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:18 pm TaroJ @HateTheHate ahh I think that has to be an agreement between you,
a contract of sorts perhaps.If its a joint work it's very hard #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:18 pm teenierussell Coming Up 2013 scheme - deadline for applications 2nd July - (via @ClaireYeowart ) #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:18 pm teenierussell RT @TaroJ: Found this last week about making submissions to sky,
lots of good info #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:19 pm SceneHeadings INT. ADVICE ROOM. DAY.... #film #script #screenplay #writersblock
#writenow #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:19 pm Bang2write @BluestormPics I'd recommend going bk to concept/logline and/or
outline - or writing one, if you don't have one! - #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:19 pm ijoda07 @TaroJ Really like that link. Makes them seem approachable and
less scary. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:20 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write thanks - yes I know it's huge, sorry! I've been
Theartre-ing recently and notice, for eg., no inciting inc as such #
2012-06-24 7:20 pm TaroJ @ClaireYeowart once you get past the first page they say which
genres require a production company attached, fingers crossed #
2012-06-24 7:20 pm HateTheHate @TaroJ That's the trouble ... no one wants to see "their" film come
out with another writers name on it. #scriptchat #writingPARTNERS
2012-06-24 7:21 pm Bang2write @BluestormPics sometimes concepts change *as* we write. Decide:
is this now the right destination or is it goin out of control? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:21 pm teenierussell @HateTheHate I think what @TaroJ said. In the UK you own what
you write/ create so no official copyright... #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:21 pm jannagummo RT @scriptsense: RT @GoIntoTheStory Think concepts. Read
scripts. Watch movies. Write pages. #screenwriting #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:22 pm TaroJ @HateTheHate I think if it looks like it could be an issue, it might not
be the best person to be writing with. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:22 pm teenierussell @HateTheHate in the US there's the WGA, so if sending a script to
the US it's an idea to register it. Working with partners... #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:22 pm ClaireYeowart @TaroJ they haven't updated their info.. I got read last year by them
they are lovely but they changed policy, got email to say #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:23 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs yes there are big similarities and big changes ... Can
recommend Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters on Amazon #
2012-06-24 7:23 pm teenierussell @HateTheHate a different ball and unless you know each other
and mostly trust each other then it can be tough. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:23 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs my personal fave is Writing Drama by Yves Lavandier
- good contrast of stage and screen and what "makes" good drama #
2012-06-24 7:24 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write #scriptchat cont. also longer speeches and more
monologues. Interesting subject for me to study...:)
2012-06-24 7:24 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write thankyou I'll check out the links you've sent. I'm
enjoying writing for other mediums too right now (radio, stage) #
2012-06-24 7:25 pm teenierussell @HateTheHate best approach might be to have a written agreement,
or e-mail to prove that this work started as a partnership #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:25 pm Bang2write @BluestormPics sometimes you just have to get it down and then reel
it in via the rewrites. No writing ever wasted! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:26 pm teenierussell Agreed RT: @TaroJ @HateTheHate I think if it looks like it could be
an issue, it might not be the best person to be writing with #
2012-06-24 7:26 pm HateTheHate @teenierussell I'm not sure an email constitutes a binding agreement
(it could be used as evidence though)? #scriptchat #copyright
2012-06-24 7:28 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write #scriptchat Quest 2: how to make character motivation
clear without being 'on the nose'. Always found this tough! Thank u
2012-06-24 7:31 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs a tangible goal really helps, why I love sports movies -
chr wants to win a contest + learns something along the way #
2012-06-24 7:32 pm JerodB Just knocked out another short #horror script. Officially kicking ass at
#writing today. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:32 pm champdailytrack #nosleep STILL GOING #scriptchat @dalencarlson #countdown 2
days! #epic - week ahead.
2012-06-24 7:33 pm HateTheHate @teenierussell @TaroJ I have a riff on this... :) #
2012-06-24 7:34 pm teenierussell @HateTheHate What you might want is a version of this - #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:34 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write #scriptchat yes good point. If the character is complex
and they have contradictory unconscious goals...quite rough to do
2012-06-24 7:36 pm HateTheHate @teenierussell That's the stuff! I think I need a writing partner but I
think I/we should be protected. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:36 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs #scriptchat I encourage writers to break down
motivation into the intangible goal vs the tangible goal when they're
2012-06-24 7:37 pm Sandy_Nicholson @SteveMaggs When I'm stuck I use your best writing bud in the
whole world. CHARTS! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:37 pm Bang2write #scriptchat Character Motivation: the tangible - the THING they want
vs the intangible - what they LEARN and WHY (FYI @SteveMaggs)
2012-06-24 7:38 pm ClaireYeowart @HateTheHate @teenierussell I've just started co-writing with
someone, testing the waters with a short which proved good #
2012-06-24 7:39 pm Sandy_Nicholson @SteveMaggs What A thinks about B, what A thinks B thinks about A
and what A thinks B thinks A thinks about B. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:40 pm rpg3000 Non-US writer under 30? One week left to get your entries in for the
Sir Peter Ustinov Award. Details here: #
2012-06-24 7:40 pm HateTheHate @ClaireYeowart @teenierussell I tend to have whole movies mapped
out ... I don't think it shorts. #goCOMMANDO #scriptchat :P
2012-06-24 7:41 pm ClaireYeowart RT @rpg3000: Non-US writer under 30? One week left to get your
entries in for the Sir Peter Ustinov Award. Details here: #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:41 pm ijoda07 RT @Bang2write: @SteveMaggs #scriptchat I encourage writers to
break down motivation into the intangible goal vs the tangible goal
when they're stuck
2012-06-24 7:42 pm teenierussell @ClaireYeowart @HateTheHate that's a good idea to start with a
short and see if you're a good match #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:44 pm ijoda07 @ClaireYeowart How's it going so far? What have you learned? #
2012-06-24 7:44 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write #scriptchat yes - understood. Within a scene, my
question is about how to make the motivation clear without being on
the nose.
2012-06-24 7:45 pm ClaireYeowart All non-US writes get yours scripts to FREE to
enter so no excuses! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:45 pm teenierussell @EvaKnoet these posts should all have something about query
letters - #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:46 pm Sandy_Nicholson RT @ClaireYeowart: All non-US writes get yours scripts to FREE to enter so no excuses! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:46 pm ijoda07 RT @teenierussell: @EvaKnoet these posts should all have
something about query letters - #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:46 pm EvaKnoet @teenierussell thanks :) I'm just trying to figure out whether it works
the same in Holland... resources are limited and crap :( #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:47 pm teenierussell If anyone is entering the 50 Kisses competition, the deadline is this
coming Friday! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:47 pm ijoda07 RT @teenierussell: If anyone is entering the 50 Kisses competition,
the deadline is this coming Friday! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:47 pm spayne128 RT @rpg3000: Non-US writer under 30? One week left to get your
entries in for the Sir Peter Ustinov Award. Details here: #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:48 pm ClaireYeowart @ijoda07 too much to possibly say in a tweet! lol what about you? #
2012-06-24 7:48 pm Sandy_Nicholson @teenierussell Forgot about that, they're accepting a 2nd entry.
Gonna have to come up with an idea swiftstyle. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:49 pm Bang2write @SteveMaggs ah OK - every scene shld lead towards that bigger
goal - check out the "climbing walls" post at #
2012-06-24 7:49 pm ijoda07 @ClaireYeowart Learning when to listen and when to say "no" is the
hard part. Also depends on who's concept was to start with. #
2012-06-24 7:49 pm TaroJ @Sandy_Nicholson @teenierussell really? Cool #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:49 pm teenierussell @Sandy_Nicholson Really? I've not seen that, sounds great #
2012-06-24 7:50 pm Bang2write RT @teenierussell: If anyone is entering the 50 Kisses competition,
the deadline is this coming Friday! #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:50 pm ijoda07 @ClaireYeowart That said, have only written in groups at uni. Not in
the real world. Have BIG concept rly want help on though. #
2012-06-24 7:51 pm Sandy_Nicholson @teenierussell @TaroJ yeah they've been tweeting about it. #
2012-06-24 7:52 pm ClaireYeowart @ijoda07 yeah everyone has a different opinion. I just go with my gut
unless 3 people or more say same thing #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:52 pm Jamie_LD Hey @ruth_atkinson thanks for all the nice words at the beginning of
the blog. But now I have to live up to them. lol #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:52 pm teenierussell RT: @50Kisses 1 week to go, we've decided to accept more than one
entry per #screenwriter #50kisses #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:53 pm teenierussell @Sandy_Nicholson just seen it, now I'll have to finish that second
idea I was playing around with #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:53 pm ijoda07 RT @teenierussell: RT: @50Kisses 1 week to go, we've decided to
accept more than one entry per #screenwriter #50kisses #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:53 pm SteveMaggs @Bang2write #scriptchat Thanks for the links! And helpful replies.
2012-06-24 7:53 pm SteveMaggs @Sandy_Nicholson #scriptchat thankyou - yes I've used those kind
of tools. Good stuff.
2012-06-24 7:53 pm Bang2write RT @teenierussell: @EvaKnoet these posts should all have
something about query letters - #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:55 pm ijoda07 So cld use 3rd opinion on a 50 kisses script. Wld anyone be kind
enough to read it? #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:55 pm teenierussell @EvaKnoet do you follow @ScriptCoach ? Might be someone to ask,
I'm pretty sure he's Dutch too. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:55 pm EvaKnoet RT @teenierussell: @EvaKnoet these posts should all have
something about query letters - #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:57 pm teenierussell @ijoda07 happy to, I'll DM you my e-mail address. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:58 pm Sandy_Nicholson @ijoda07 Bring it... SHOULD YOU SO CHOOSE... #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:59 pm teenierussell Next week on #scriptchat we have the one and only @ellardent as
our guest. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 7:59 pm ijoda07 @teenierussell @SiUttley @Sandy_Nicholson Awww. You guys are
soooo sweet. Thank you. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:00 pm Jamie_LD RT @teenierussell: Next week on #scriptchat we have the one and
only @ellardent as our guest. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:00 pm Indust_Scripts RT @MarkDarkWriter: BIG THX to @Indust_Scripts for their
tell-it-like-it-is but also positive and encouraging consultancy. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:01 pm teenierussell Thank you everyone for a lovely chat. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:02 pm Sandy_Nicholson AT THE LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT, I hope you're all submitting for
@NotLongNowUK #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:02 pm teatraveler Starting reading Blueprint for Screenwriting by Rachel Ballon -
helpful!. The ball is rolling #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:02 pm ijoda07 RT @Sandy_Nicholson: AT THE LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT, I hope
you're all submitting for @NotLongNowUK #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:03 pm Bang2write Thanks Teenie, scriptchatters and Bang2writers RT @teenierussell:
Thank you everyone for a lovely chat. #scriptchat
2012-06-24 8:03 pm EvaKnoet Thanks for the food for thought #scriptchat always a pleasure :) good
luck writing!


2012-06-25 12:00 am zacsanford2 It's #Sciptchat o'clock. Please welcome our guests @bluecatpictures.
Thanks to all for joining us tonight. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:00 am zacsanford2 @Nate_G_Smith Perfect timing Nate. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:00 am kim_garland RT @zacsanford2: It's #Sciptchat o'clock. Please welcome our
guests @bluecatpictures. Thanks to all for joining us tonight. #
2012-06-25 12:00 am vigiledelfuoco Love to answer any questions you have. n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:00 am SarahAlexis4 It's #scriptchat time!
2012-06-25 12:01 am Silverwingscrpt RT @SarahAlexis4: It's #scriptchat time!
2012-06-25 12:01 am scriptchat RT @kim_garland: RT @zacsanford2: It's #Sciptchat o'clock. Please
welcome our guests @bluecatpictures. Thanks to all for joining us
tonight. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:01 am jeannevb RT @kim_garland: RT @zacsanford2: It's #Sciptchat o'clock. Please
welcome our guests @bluecatpictures. Thanks to all for joining us
tonight. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:01 am Nate_G_Smith Also, in other news… Has @TyroneHydraulic checked out the most
recent activity on our project listed on @Stage32online? #ScriptChat
2012-06-25 12:01 am Jamie_LD It's #scriptchat o'clock Please welcome @bluecatpictures as our
2012-06-25 12:01 am vigiledelfuoco If you wanna ask about our view on screenplay contests, anything at
all. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:02 am kim_garland Hi Gordy! Everyone should direct questions to @vigiledelfuoco not
@bluecatpictures for tonight? Just checking! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:02 am zacsanford2 So please welcome our guest on behalf of @BlueCatPictures --
@vigiledelfuoco. Please send questions their way. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:02 am Nate_G_Smith @zacsanford2 Wonderful to hear… Coffee in hand and fingers at the
ready #ScriptChat
2012-06-25 12:02 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco What is the number one mistake you see writers
making when submitting to contests? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:02 am kim_garland Ah, the answer, thx Zac! RT @zacsanford pls welcome our guest on
behalf of @BlueCatPictures -- @vigiledelfuoco. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:03 am Jamie_LD So I guess @vigiledelfuoco will be fielding the questions tonight. #
2012-06-25 12:03 am vigiledelfuoco @vigiledelfuoco Please direct your questions to my twitter....... #
2012-06-25 12:03 am tlfussell Hey Gordy, I have a question regarding songs in a screenplay. is it
ok to make specific song suggestions?n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:03 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Hello! Q: Do your judges have a set criteria? Can you
share some key factors they're looking for when judging? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:03 am GCGeek Good evening, everyone! Welcome @bluecatpictures! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:04 am IanTopple Hi @bluecatpictures #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:04 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 Losing sight of their expertise on their personal,
emotional history. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:04 am vigiledelfuoco Hello everyone! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:04 am ozzywood TSD Revisited: : The Untouchables - The Mid Point(s) - A movie's Mid
Point... #screenwriting #writing #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:04 am zacsanford2 @SarahAlexis4 Great question. I've judge a couple, but I'll see how
they compare to other contests I've been part of. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:04 am IngridElkner Good afternoon, good morning, good scriptchat o'clock. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:05 am kim_garland For those just joining in, Gordy @vigiledelfuoco. is here from
@BlueCatPictures. Please send questions to @vigiledelfuoco. Thx! #
2012-06-25 12:05 am vigiledelfuoco I hand pick all of our judges. If you trust my judgment, you should feel
confident in our readers. n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:05 am Nate_G_Smith I would like to take a moment to apologise to all those who follow me
and are not part of #ScriptChat… For the next hour, tune out
2012-06-25 12:05 am ozzywood is up and running again. Come and post your
loglines! #scriptchat #amwriting #screenwriting #fb
2012-06-25 12:05 am ozzywood Draw emotions into Black Comedy #botw #
scriptchat #amwriting #screenwriting
2012-06-25 12:05 am zacsanford2 RT @kim_garland: For those just joining in, Gordy @vigiledelfuoco. is
here from @BlueCatPictures. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:06 am vigiledelfuoco And what I respond to in our readers is their ability to see how the
emotional impact of the story is executed. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:06 am sirenstar @vigiledelfuoco What is your opinion of Scriptapalooza? And their
new (I think that's the name of it.) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:07 am vigiledelfuoco AVENGERS was a smash because of emotions, folks. Not special
effects or great battles. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:08 am vigiledelfuoco @sirenstar I don't know what Scriptapalooza is doing, but I wish we
all cooperated instead of tearing into each other. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:08 am IanTopple @vigiledelfuoco Is there a reason why you only accept features and
not short screenplays? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:08 am vigiledelfuoco @sirenstar I love forming partnerships with competitions. We post the
deadlines for the Academy. We should work together. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:09 am zacsanford2 RT @vigiledelfuoco: I dont know what Scriptapalooza is doing, but I
wish we all cooperated instead of tearing into each other. #
2012-06-25 12:09 am vigiledelfuoco @IanTopple We try to keep our focus. I don't write TV. Never have. I
don't teach TV. That's why we don't accept pilots. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:10 am Jamie_LD @vigiledelfuoco It should be like #scriptchat a community of
contests, not a competition.
2012-06-25 12:10 am oz_scriptwriter ...but first I'm going to take advantage of not being at work and hang
out with #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:10 am vigiledelfuoco @IanTopple Shorts could come very soon though, as I do write shorts
and I taught them at USC. So I feel qualified to judge. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:10 am MisterGreggles RT @ozzywood: TSD Revisited: : The Untouchables - The Mid
Point(s) - A movie's Mid Point... #screenwriting
#writing #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:11 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco There's a lot of contests out there. What makes you
stand apart from the rest of the pack? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:11 am vigiledelfuoco @Jamie_LD Please!!! Matt at Austin and BlueCat are friends.
Michelle Satter at Sundance=friend of BlueCat. It should be all. #
2012-06-25 12:11 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco Hi, Gordy. Q: Can you talk about the contest?
Proess, prizes, Fees, type of notes/feedback in the coverage? #
2012-06-25 12:11 am vigiledelfuoco Aren't you sick of seeing competitions take digs at each others? #
2012-06-25 12:11 am IanTopple @vigiledelfuoco Awesome. I'm almost done writing a short which I'm
going to submit into contests. That's why I was asking. n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:11 am sirenstar @vigiledelfuoco I definitely agree with you! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:12 am zacsanford2 Yes. And Pitch Fests too. So sad. RT @vigiledelfuoco: Arent you
sick of seeing competitions take digs at each others? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:12 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 You know who is hiring the readers and you know my
qualifications. You can watch me talk about screenwriting. #
2012-06-25 12:12 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Q: What kind of perks/exposure do finalists and
winners receive? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:12 am IanTopple @vigiledelfuoco I didn't even know competitions take digs at others.
2012-06-25 12:13 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 You absolutely know we read your script. I am an
hysterical writer and I want proof you read it! We give proof. #
2012-06-25 12:13 am BlueCatPictures RT @zacsanford2: RT @kim_garland: For those just joining in, Gordy
@vigiledelfuoco. is here from @BlueCatPictures. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:13 am IanTopple @SarahAlexis4 Good question Sarah #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:13 am BlueCatPictures RT @zacsanford2: So please welcome our guest on behalf of
@BlueCatPictures -- @vigiledelfuoco. Please send questions their
way. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:14 am vigiledelfuoco @IanTopple Not literally, but the way we present ourselves often
suggests one contest is better than another. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:14 am SarahAlexis4 @IanTopple Thank you :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:14 am jeannevb Just peeking in & out of #scriptchat. CRAZED w preprod prep for
#impasse shoot next wknd. Love @BlueCatPictures ! xo
2012-06-25 12:14 am vigiledelfuoco @SarahAlexis4 We have a long line of success in identifying writers
from the unknown and sending them towards their careers. #
2012-06-25 12:15 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco The proof you read the script is great, considering
most contests will never give proof back. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:15 am IanTopple @SarahAlexis4 Your welcome #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:15 am kim_garland Prep, Jeanne, prep! RT @jeannevb peeking in & out of #scriptchat.
CRAZED w preprod prep for #impasse shoot next wknd. Love
2012-06-25 12:16 am IanTopple @vigiledelfuoco That's actually the general vibe I feel when reading
about contests. There are a lot out there. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:16 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 How do you know your script was read, people? That's
my POV. That's why we give feedback twice. n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:16 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco how do you "send them towards their career"? What
do you do to promote winners, finalists, etc.? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:16 am Jamie_LD @vigiledelfuoco How extensive is the feedback? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:17 am SarahAlexis4 @jeannevb Hi! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:17 am zacsanford2 @jeannevb GET OUT OF HERE!!! YOU HAVE WORK TO DO!!! :)
Can't wait to see the final film. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:17 am kim_garland good q RT @zacsanford2: @vigiledelfuoco how do you "send them
towards their career"? What do u do to promote winners, finalists #
2012-06-25 12:17 am vigiledelfuoco @IanTopple I'm sick of it, Ian. I want everyone to be cool to each
other. We help each other and we help the writer. n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:17 am KimBergie Me, too (a little under the weather). RT @jeannevb: Just peeking in &
out of #scriptchat. Happy Scriptchat!
2012-06-25 12:18 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 We acknowledge their talent and give them money for
one, often the first time it happens. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:18 am Nate_G_Smith At the moment just sitting quietly soaking up the goodness of
@vigiledelfuoco and the #ScriptChat community
2012-06-25 12:18 am vigiledelfuoco @kim_garland I sent the winner this year directly to Michelle Satter for
consideration for Summer Lab. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:19 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco Any thoughts on giving specific song suggestions in
a music driven script? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:19 am vigiledelfuoco I handed the 2005 Winner to a producer and it was made by Sony. #
2012-06-25 12:19 am WriteCoachKiki I'm also in and out. Unbelievable traffic jam - just raced in. #
2012-06-25 12:19 am kim_garland There's that! :) RT @vigiledelfuoco: @kim_garland I sent winner this
yr to Michelle Satter for consideration for Summer Lab. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:20 am vigiledelfuoco Our 2007 Winner was starting at UCLA when she won BlueCat. First
thing she won. Google Ana Lily Amirpour. We still help her. #
2012-06-25 12:20 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Q: What are some of the most common notes you
see given by the readers in the script feedback they provide? #
2012-06-25 12:20 am vigiledelfuoco Our 2004 Winner just sold, the producer he founded his company with
found him through BlueCat. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:21 am vigiledelfuoco Ana shoots her first feature this Fall. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:21 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco And the benefits for those that enter but don't win? #
2012-06-25 12:21 am BlueCatPictures RT @Nate_G_Smith: At the moment just sitting quietly soaking up the
goodness of @vigiledelfuoco and the #ScriptChat community
2012-06-25 12:21 am zacsanford2 For those that don't know, Michelle Satter works for the Sundance
Institute... Just so those out there know how it's a big deal. #
2012-06-25 12:22 am elizabethkarr RT @BlueCatPictures: Join @BlueCatPictures on Twitter for this
week's ScriptChat at 5pm PDT / 8pm EDT! Gordy will be today's
2012-06-25 12:22 am vigiledelfuoco @GCGeek We provide 500 words of feedback from two readers to
each entrant. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:22 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco Which genres struggle most in competitions and
why? #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:22 am elizabethkarr RT @zacsanford2: So please welcome our guest on behalf of
@BlueCatPictures -- @vigiledelfuoco. Please send questions their
way. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:22 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: I handed the 2005 Winner to a producer and it
was made by Sony. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:23 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: Our 2007 Winner was starting at UCLA when
she won BlueCat. First thing she won. Google Ana Lily Amirpour. We
still help her. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:23 am vigiledelfuoco I spoke on a panel at IFP in NY and then sat down with Michelle. We
have referred two scripts to her. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:23 am WriteCoachKiki Yes, which? RT @FilmTony: @vigiledelfuoco Q Which genres
struggle most in competitions and why? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:23 am art1032 Q-Roughly how many entries do you get? @vigiledelfuoco
2012-06-25 12:24 am vigiledelfuoco I never send my brother anything but this year's winner was so
special I did. So he's readng. I Iove it so much I gave it to bro #
2012-06-25 12:25 am BlueCatPictures You can follow Ana Lily Armirpour (2007 Winner) here: @Lilyinapad
2012-06-25 12:25 am FilmTony Are there any styles or "borrowed voices" you see that are overused
or simply misused? #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:25 am elizabethkarr Story & Character #win rt @vigiledelfuoco AVENGERS was a smash
because of emotions, folks. Not special effects or great battles. #
2012-06-25 12:25 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell I think it's fine. A serious business person won't be turned
off unless story hinges directly on songs. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:25 am zacsanford2 Great question. RT @FilmTony: @vigiledelfuoco Which genres
struggle most in competitions and why? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:25 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell But a lot of readers will scream!! Haha. I don't. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:26 am BlueCatPictures RT @zacsanford2: For those that don't know, Michelle Satter works
for the Sundance Institute... Just so those out there know how it's a
big deal. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:27 am vigiledelfuoco I'm typing so fast I spelled Lily's name wrong. Ana Lily Amirpour.
She's gonna be huge! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:27 am zacsanford2 Already did... :) RT @matt_janacone: Will anyone be attending
Pitchfest 2011? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:27 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco Can you talk about who reads the script entries, and
who judges the finalists? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:27 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco Thx. I asked some other writers and got differing
opinions. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:27 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony I think period pieces struggle because they don't invest
their personal voices very well and often reads like Wiki. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:28 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony Make creative choices with period/historical pieces and
get your heart into the language of your characters. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:28 am BlueCatPictures Follow Andy Pagana (2004 Winner) here: @AndyPagana #
2012-06-25 12:28 am janetsomerville RT @elizabethkarr: Story & Character #win rt @vigiledelfuoco
AVENGERS was a smash because of emotions, folks. Not special
effects or great battles. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:29 am vigiledelfuoco @GCGeek We have applicants write analysis on a test script. I read
it. This is after we eliminate at resume submission level. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:29 am art1032 @vigiledelfuoco Q_ Roughly how many entries do you get? #
2012-06-25 12:29 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @FilmTony I think period pieces struggle
because they don't invest their personal voices very well and often
reads like Wiki. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:29 am oz_scriptwriter RT @vigiledelfuoco: @FilmTony Make creative choices with
period/historical pieces and get your heart into the language of your
characters. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:29 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @FilmTony Make creative choices with
period/historical pieces and get your heart into the language of your
characters. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:30 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco Thanks! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:31 am vigiledelfuoco @GCGeek Out of 50 test analyses, I hire about a third. I have to see
they give good notes. I judge when it gets close. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:31 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco Some contests don't pay readers in the earlier
rounds... are your readers paid at every level? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:31 am vigiledelfuoco @art1032 Close to 3000. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:31 am BrandiLGulledge @vigiledelfuoco Do beginner's sometimes focus too much on craft &
4get to really have fun w/ their script so the passion shows? #
2012-06-25 12:31 am stacy_chambers Late. Catching up.n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:31 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @GCGeek We have applicants write analysis on
a test script. I read it. This is after we eliminate at resume submission
level. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:32 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 I don't think any competition pays more than minimum
wage to read submissions. Just a guess. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:32 am IanTopple @BrandiLGulledge I have problems with that at times. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:32 am art1032 @vigiledelfuoco Thanks :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:32 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @GCGeek Out of 50 test analyses, I hire about
a third. I have to see they give good notes. I judge when it gets close.
2012-06-25 12:32 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Q:What makes a script stand out to you/readers?
What can be done to show them they're in good hands from pg1? #
2012-06-25 12:32 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 But nobody pays the Cannes Jury or Academy voter
either. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:33 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco If we get analyses back and resubmit, is it best to ask
4 same reviewers or fresh set of eyes? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:33 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 We pay everyone. The point is who is hiring the
readers who cover your script! I hire great readers. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:33 am BrandiLGulledge @IanTopple It's something I struggle with too. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:34 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell I don't know. Sometimes it goes both ways. Readers are
human. Please remember that. But if they suck, tell us. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:34 am IanTopple RT @SarahAlexis4: @vigiledelfuoco Q:What makes a script stand out
to you/readers? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:34 am IanTopple @BrandiLGulledge Good to know I'm not alone #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:35 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco Thanks. As a reader for a couple contests I just was
wondering where your stance is. May have to submit myself #
2012-06-25 12:35 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco Seems sci-fi films w/ opp 2 be great dramas become
creature features. Do u see that in specs or is that studios? #
2012-06-25 12:35 am vigiledelfuoco @BrandiLGulledge YES!! Children tell stories in three acts everybody.
Don't forget what it's like to tell a story you love! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:35 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco And an entry is read by two different reviewers, right?
It does feel better if more than one person reads it :-) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:35 am kim_garland Now there's an endorsement for tonight's chat :) RT @zacsanford2:
@vigiledelfuoco Thanks. May have to submit myself #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:36 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @tlfussell I don't know. Sometimes it goes both
ways. Readers are human. Please remember that. But if they suck,
tell us. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:36 am vigiledelfuoco @GCGeek Yes, it costs us more but I think we were the first to do
that. It's not fair to rely on one reader. But I wish we had 3 #
2012-06-25 12:36 am BlueCatPictures RT @GCGeek: @vigiledelfuoco And an entry is read by two different
reviewers, right? It does feel better if more than one person reads it :-)
2012-06-25 12:36 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco I didn't know if it was better to let it stand on its own
as a fresh piece or let old reader c your progress #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:36 am BlueCatPictures RT @kim_garland: Now there's an endorsement for tonight's chat :)
RT @zacsanford2: @vigiledelfuoco Thanks. May have to submit
myself #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:36 am zacsanford2 @kim_garland ha ha. I meant to submit myself as a reader, not as a
writer. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:36 am sirenstar @vigiledelfuoco Any advice for screenwriters just starting out? #
2012-06-25 12:37 am vigiledelfuoco @sirenstar Life is short. Write what you care about. What hurt you to
death. Write about dreams. Don't waste life on formula #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:37 am kim_garland @zacsanford2 Ha! I took that the wrong way and was very impressed
with the power of our chat. :-D #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:37 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco I like it. Now the $64,000 question: do they read the
entire script? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:37 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 Love to have you. We need the best. Of course, you
will have to do a test analysis first. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:37 am IanTopple @vigiledelfuoco I think it's a great idea that you have two people read
one script. Getting more feedback, the better. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:38 am Jamie_LD And @zacsanford2 is a great reader. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:38 am jolenejahnke RT @vigiledelfuoco: Life is short. Write what you care about. What
hurt you. Write about dreams. Don't waste life on formula #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:38 am oz_scriptwriter RT @vigiledelfuoco: @sirenstar Life is short. Write what you care
about. What hurt you to death. Write about dreams. Don't waste life
on formula #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:38 am BlueCatPictures RT @zacsanford2: @kim_garland ha ha. I meant to submit myself as
a reader, not as a writer. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:38 am GCGeek Word. RT @Jamie_LD: And @zacsanford2 is a great reader. #
2012-06-25 12:39 am vigiledelfuoco @GCGeek Yes they absolutely do. If that's not reflected in the
feedback we send you, send it back. We read your entire script. #
2012-06-25 12:39 am BlueCatPictures RT @IanTopple: @vigiledelfuoco I think it's a great idea that you have
two people read one script. Getting more feedback, the better. #
2012-06-25 12:39 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco I'll send you guys an email this week. Have no
problem doing the test analysis. I'm brutal though. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:39 am rdlln RT @jolenejahnke: RT @vigiledelfuoco: Life is short. Write what you
care about. What hurt you. Write about dreams. Don't waste life on
formula #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:39 am FilmTony What's the criteria you use to select your readers? #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:39 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco You're down to the finalists... what makes that one
script stand out and win from the others? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:39 am IanTopple @vigiledelfuoco @CGGeek Good to know #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:39 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @sirenstar Life is short. Write what you care
about. What hurt you to death. Write about dreams. Don't waste life
on formula #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:40 am FilmTony RT @zacsanford2: @vigiledelfuoco Youre down to the finalists... what
makes that one script stand out and win from the others? #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:40 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford Yeah, welcome aboard. Why do you think people have
problems with BlueCat readers? We give real notes!! :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:40 am Indust_Scripts Industrial Scripts is on #Facebook - connect with us here #scriptchat #writing
2012-06-25 12:40 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco What's Emperor of Wyoming writer doing now? #
2012-06-25 12:40 am elizabethkarr @FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco #Sttory/character driven #SciFi is my
favorite kind, that doesn't rely on #FX. @RFAmovie #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:41 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony See below, they do a test analysis of a script I've read. I
hire them. If you watch my videos, etc and agree... #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:41 am GCGeek @vigiledelfuoco I'm getting excited. I come from the school: the more
who read your script, the better. You never know! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:41 am zacsanford2 Good. RT @vigiledelfuoco: Why do you think people have problems
with BlueCat readers? We give real notes!! :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:41 am kim_garland @zacsanford2 I like your feedback. It makes me keep going until my
writing or my film doesn't suck. :) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:41 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell Waiting on Phil to read. One producer offered 5K option,
but we're waiting. It's maybe our greatest winner ever. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:42 am Jamie_LD That--> RT @kim_garland: @zacsanford2 I like your feedback. It
makes me keep going until my writing or my film doesn't suck. :) #
2012-06-25 12:43 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco I really remembered that title, Emperor...How
important is title? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:43 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony The Finalists are always outstanding, so it boils down to
originality, emotion, honesty. ie AVENGERS! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:44 am zacsanford2 RT @vigiledelfuoco: The Finalists are always outstanding, so it boils
down to originality, emotion, honesty. ie AVENGERS! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:44 am zacsanford2 We only have 15 more minutes with our guest @vigiledelfuoco from
@BlueCatPictures so get those questions in re: Contests. #
2012-06-25 12:44 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Q:What do you suggest writers double check before
submitting? Any common avoidable missteps? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:45 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco What does 5K option mean? 5 thousand? #
2012-06-25 12:45 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco any way for public to read finalists? I assume not.
Would love to see contestwriters make first 25 pgs avail #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:45 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell It's pretty important, but a great script always has a title.
The names of brilliant work always emerge. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:45 am FilmTony RT @SarahAlexis4: @vigiledelfuoco Q:What do you suggest writers
double check before submitting? Any common avoidable missteps? #
2012-06-25 12:45 am vigiledelfuoco @SarahAlexis4 Well I don't care for proofreading or formatting so
much, but check your expectations. Do you think it's ready? #
2012-06-25 12:46 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony Send me an email, we should do that. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:46 am BlueCatPictures RT @FilmTony: @vigiledelfuoco any way for public to read finalists? I
assume not. Would love to see contestwriters make first 25 pgs avail
2012-06-25 12:46 am vigiledelfuoco @SarahAlexis4 What I meant to say is know where your work is. If
you're submitting something not done, then expect BlueCat notes #
2012-06-25 12:47 am kim_garland GREAT idea! RT @FilmTony: @vigiledelfuoco any way for public to
read finalists? Would love to see first 25 pgs avail #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:47 am FilmTony Okay okay, Avengers was fun but lets all still recognize the best
comics-based script in the last 10 years: Dark Knight ;) #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:47 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Yes, very important queston to ask of oneself!
Thanks. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:47 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell It means the producer gives you money to control the rights
to try and produce. It's a good thing. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:47 am elizabethkarr #Writers #filmmakers- tons of good info happening now in #
scriptchat or read transcript later @zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco
2012-06-25 12:48 am vigiledelfuoco @SarahAlexis4 If you know you're submitting for feedback, then your
expectations are in check. Know what you have. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:48 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco That's an awesome thing!:) #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:48 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @tlfussell It means the producer gives you
money to control the rights to try and produce. It's a good thing. #
2012-06-25 12:49 am BlueCatPictures RT @elizabethkarr: #Writers #filmmakers- tons of good info
happening now in #scriptchat or read transcript later @zacsanford2
@vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures
2012-06-25 12:49 am elizabethkarr RT @FilmTony: @vigiledelfuoco any way for public to read finalists? I
assume not. Would love to see contestwriters make first 25 pgs avail
2012-06-25 12:49 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @SarahAlexis4 If you know you're submitting for
feedback, then your expectations are in check. Know what you have.
2012-06-25 12:49 am wcmartell $5k = $5,000 = $5gn #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:49 am elizabethkarr @FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco Great idea. Would love finalist scripts
avail to read if not in entirety, than first 10/25 pages... #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:50 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco You said great work will surface bc the lack of good
stuff in Hollywood? Encouraging #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:50 am vigiledelfuoco Ask me the hardest questions! Ten minutes left. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:50 am BlueCatPictures RT @tlfussell: @vigiledelfuoco You said great work will surface bc the
lack of good stuff in Hollywood? Encouraging #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:50 am IanTopple @elizabethkarr Same here #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:50 am vigiledelfuoco @wcmartell Yes, $5000 dollars for a year. Not bad. But don't buy the
first car you test drive, people. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:50 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco If you could tell those who JUST BARELY missed the
cut one thing, what would it be? #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:51 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: Ask me the hardest questions! Ten minutes left.
2012-06-25 12:51 am zacsanford2 @vigiledelfuoco Why SHOULDN'T someone enter screenplay
contests? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:51 am Angie_Lavallee Is getting a screenwriting certificate beneficial to gain industry
recgonition? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:51 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell There's a bar exam for lawyers but no exam for story in this
industry. That's why we have many crapfests all year. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:51 am NYcanes RT @Angie_Lavallee: Is getting a screenwriting certificate beneficial
to gain industry recgonition? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:52 am FilmTony @elizabethkarr @vigiledelfuoco agreed, since whole scripts might
scare writers or cause problems for buyers. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:52 am Jamie_LD @Angie_Lavallee The proof is in the writing in this industry. Read
scripts and write, get better and better. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:52 am zacsanford2 no... Not even a degree. RT @Angie_Lavallee: Is getting a
screenwriting certificate beneficial to gain industry recgonition? #
2012-06-25 12:52 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco LOL!!!n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:52 am NYcanes RT @vigiledelfuoco: @tlfussell There's a bar exam for lawyers but no
exam for story in this industry. That's why we have many crapfests all
year. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco could there be one? Law is writ in stone. Creativity is
immensely subjective #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am wcmartell @Angie_Lavallee The way to get industry recognition is to write a
series of great screenplays. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am elizabethkarr Yes. rt @FilmTony @elizabethkarr @vigiledelfuoco agreed, since
whole scripts might scare writers or cause problems for buyers. #
2012-06-25 12:53 am BlueCatPictures RT @Jamie_LD: @Angie_Lavallee The proof is in the writing in this
industry. Read scripts and write, get better and better. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am vigiledelfuoco @zacsanford2 If they've placed a million times or don't have $. Use
our deadline to finish a script, you don't have to enter. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am NYcanes Any tips for pacing? Outlining doesn't seem to help #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am zacsanford2 This! RT @wcmartell: @Angie_Lavallee The way to get industry
recognition is to write a series of great screenplays. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am BrandiLGulledge @vigiledelfuoco What is your favorite genre to read?n #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:53 am tlfussell @vigiledelfuoco SHould we always do poor man's copyright when
submitting to contests? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:54 am sirenstar @vigiledelfuoco Do you have any workshops that you are teaching
anytime soon? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:54 am WriteCoachKiki RT @zacsanford2: @vigiledelfuoco Why SHOULDNT someone enter
screenplay contests? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:54 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony I will administer the Bar in Story. HAHA #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:54 am zacsanford2 Pacing comes in rewrites. RT @NYcanes: Any tips for pacing?
Outlining doesnt seem to help #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:54 am BlueCatPictures RT @zacsanford2: no... Not even a degree. RT @Angie_Lavallee: Is
getting a screenwriting certificate beneficial to gain industry
recgonition? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:55 am zacsanford2 @tlfussell poor man's copyright DOES NOT hold up in court. $30 for
lifetime copyright through LOC. #DOIT #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:55 am art1032 RT @zacsanford2: This! RT @wcmartell: @Angie_Lavallee The way
to get industry recognition is to write a series of great screenplays. #
2012-06-25 12:55 am vigiledelfuoco @NYcanes Have a reading. Cut words big time. Cut words. If
someone offered you a million dollars to lose 20 pages, could u? YES
2012-06-25 12:55 am elizabethkarr Says it all. rt @zacsanford2 This! RT @wcmartell: The way to get
industry recognition is to write a series of great screenplays. #
2012-06-25 12:55 am zacsanford2 Last five minutes for your CONTEST related questions to
@vigiledelfuoco. Get 'em in! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:55 am KimBergie Excellent point! RT@zacsanford2: Pacing comes in rewrites. RT
@NYcanes: Any tips for pacing? Outlining doesnt seem to help #
2012-06-25 12:55 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @NYcanes Have a reading. Cut words big time.
Cut words. If someone offered you a million dollars to lose 20 pages,
could u? YES #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:55 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco What's the biggest misstep holding back the scripts
that barely miss the "finalist" cut? #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:55 am vigiledelfuoco @tlfussell Register with WGA please. LOC too. Easy. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:55 am wcmartell "Poor man's copyright" is worthless - your writing is worth an actual
copyright, isn't it? (ps: yes - it is already copyrighted #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:56 am tlfussell @zacsanford2 THx been wondering that.. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:56 am vigiledelfuoco @sirenstar Visit our website for workshop info. Thanks. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:56 am zacsanford2 THIS! Most scripts are overwritten. RT @vigiledelfuoco: If someone
offered you a million dollars to lose 20 pages, could u? YES #
2012-06-25 12:56 am FilmTony RT @vigiledelfuoco Have a reading. Cut words big time. If someone
offered you a million dollars to lose 20 pages, could u? YES #
2012-06-25 12:56 am Nate_G_Smith Apologies to #ScriptChat… Got called up doing #TheSilentSubject
related things…
2012-06-25 12:57 am vigiledelfuoco @FilmTony They avoid the pain of writing authentic emotional
confrontation. AVENGERS. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:57 am johnarusso RT @elizabethkarr: #Writers #filmmakers- tons of good info
happening now in #scriptchat or read transcript later @zacsanford2
@vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures
2012-06-25 12:57 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Q: What are some red flags writers should be aware
of when choosing which contests out there to enter? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:57 am BrandiLGulledge @vigiledelfuoco How important is living in LA for a long term writing
career? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:57 am wcmartell If your script gets close to production, you'll have to cut those 20
pages without getting the million dollars. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:58 am BlueCatPictures @sirenstar Here is the full summer workshop list: #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:58 am FilmTony Biggest writing misstep RT @vigiledelfuoco: @FilmTony They avoid
the pain of writing authentic emotional confrontation. #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:58 am AndyPagana RT @BlueCatPictures: Follow Andy Pagana (2004 Winner) here:
@AndyPagana #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:58 am vigiledelfuoco @SarahAlexis4 Do they read your whole script? What are
qualifications of the judges of the contest? Who hires their readers? #
2012-06-25 12:58 am NYcanes RT @BlueCatPictures: @sirenstar Here is the full summer workshop
list: #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:59 am zacsanford2 @BrandiLGulledge Until you break in, it helps to live in LA, but people
like @jeannevb show you can make it whn you have talent. #
2012-06-25 12:59 am vigiledelfuoco @BrandiLGulledge If you write well, it won't matter, but it does help a
bit. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 12:59 am FilmTony The following tweet is rated R: This is a great fucking #scriptchat #
2012-06-25 12:59 am Jamie_LD Wow, this hour went by fast. Thanks so much to @vigiledelfuoco of
@BlueCatPictures for being our guest. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:00 am BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @sirenstar Visit our website for workshop info.
Thanks. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:00 am elizabethkarr @vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures Does contest accept Stage plays,
too? Or is it strictly #screenplays? #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:00 am BlueCatPictures RT @Jamie_LD: Wow, this hour went by fast. Thanks so much to
@vigiledelfuoco of @BlueCatPictures for being our guest. #
2012-06-25 1:01 am BlueCatPictures RT @FilmTony: The following tweet is rated R: This is a great fucking
#scriptchat #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:01 am kim_garland Great chat @vigiledelfuoco of @BlueCatPictures. Thanks for being
such an informative guest! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:01 am art1032 RT @NYcanes: RT @BlueCatPictures: @sirenstar Here is the full
summer workshop list: #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am NYcanes Thank You! @vigiledelfuoco, moderators and writers #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am vigiledelfuoco Thank you so much everyone. BlueCat does love you guys. You
made me a better writer, too. Thanks!! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am FilmTony RT @kim_garland: Great chat @vigiledelfuoco of @BlueCatPictures.
Thanks for being such an informative guest! #Scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am elizabethkarr @Jamie_LD @vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures @zacsanford Thx for
peek behind the curtain at #screenplay contests. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am GCGeek @BlueCatPictures @vigiledelfuoco I love the countdown clock. Just
sayin #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am KimBergie Thank you for a great #scriptchat @vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures
2012-06-25 1:02 am Angie_Lavallee Landing a job with writers, one must need a crediential. Even if he/she
has many scripts #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am Jamie_LD @zacsanford is talking about writing, etc. on a web series over at
#tvwriterchat in 30 minutes. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am SarahAlexis4 @vigiledelfuoco Thanks for all the great answers and for being our
guest! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:02 am art1032 Thank you @vigiledelfuoco and #scriptchat for all the info. Great as
2012-06-25 1:02 am zacsanford RT @Jamie_LD: Wow, this hour went by fast. Thanks so much to
@vigiledelfuoco of @BlueCatPictures for being our guest. #
2012-06-25 1:03 am NYcanes RT @SarahAlexis4: @vigiledelfuoco Thanks for all the great answers
and for being our guest! #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:03 am GCGeek I'll be there! RT @Jamie_LD: @zacsanford is talking about writing,
etc. on a web series over at #tvwriterchat in 30 minutes. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:03 am zacsanford For those joining us in 30 minutes on #tvwriterchat to discuss
#webseries, check out @wavegoodbye #
2012-06-25 1:04 am art1032 RT @zacsanford: For those joining us in 30 minutes on #tvwriterchat
to discuss #webseries, check out @wavegoodbye #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:04 am BlueCatPictures RT @art1032: Thank you @vigiledelfuoco and #scriptchat for all the
info. Great as usual:)
2012-06-25 1:04 am FilmTony @BlueCatPictures what's the diff btwn full and regular registrations? #
2012-06-25 1:04 am GeoffBreedwell My pearl if wisdom today: "Chaucerism- the act of taking someone
you loathe in reality and immortalizing them in print." #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:04 am Jamie_LD #scriptchat peeps, don't forget to help support your co-founders.
Please consider donating to #NOKfilm written by me.
2012-06-25 1:05 am FilmTony @vigiledelfuoco great chat, man. Thanks for all the responses ;) #
2012-06-25 1:07 am kellyanelons Thank god BONES is over. It was getting harder to keep myself from
buying a Toyota. #cheesycaradswedgedintoplot #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:08 am zacsanford RT @Jamie_LD: @zacsanford is talking about writing, etc. on a web
series over at #tvwriterchat in 30 minutes. #scriptchat
2012-06-25 1:08 am elizabethkarr @zacsanford @Jamie_LD @vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures + TY
JLD+ZS 4 being hall monitors & hosting such gr8 resource 4 writers #
2012-06-25 1:09 am BlueCatPictures RT @Jamie_LD: #scriptchat peeps, don't forget to help support your
co-founders. Please consider donating to #NOKfilm written by me.
2012-06-25 1:09 am Angie_Lavallee My first #scriptchat with @BlueCatPictures @Jamie_LD thanks for
good time @zacsanford

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