#Scriptchat TOPIC: When u need an honest opinion, hire a prof reader. Find out what you need to get a “recommend” and what’s missing.
We’re excited to offer you a panel of professional readers to learn from. There’s nothing like the opinion of someone who isn’t your mother, so bite the bullet and give one a try. Believe me, these people read through a lot of crap, so don’t be afraid to take the stomach turning feedback of a professional reader to improve your script.
CLICK HERE for full bios on all our panelists @jeannevb
*note #scriptchat does not endorse or promote any of the guests or their services. This chat is for informational purposes only and every writer should do their research before purchasing any services.
EURO moderator: Mina Zaher, @DreamsGrafter
6:59 pm DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK: Welcome @Bang2Write and @HayleyMcKenzie1. Tonight's Pro Script Reader Panel.
6:59 pm DreamsGrafter: Thanks so much @HayleyMcKenzie1 and @Bang2Write for giving #Scriptchat your time.
6:59 pm DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT request: When posting a question to tonight's panel, pls cld you add Q. to the start of your tweet?
6:59 pm jeannevb: multi-tasking... unloading groceries... ignore my excessive tweeting if u dont give a rat's patootie bout screenwriting #scriptchat
7:00 pm DreamsGrafter: @yeah_write Ready to go! ... #scriptchat
7:00 pm jeannevb: @BloodForcTrauma i open up my alumni directory and pick one ha #scriptchat
7:00 pm John_Marlow: @BloodForcTrauma When you live in LA, you begin to realize that a great many film characters are named after streets. #ScriptChat
7:00 pm jeannevb: RT @DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT request: When posting a question to tonights panel, pls cld you add Q. to the start of ur tweet? #scriptchat
7:00 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - Q - what qualities and skills do you think make a good pro-script reader?
7:00 pm DreamsGrafter: @Bang2write Such a great post Lucy. You've identified that sometimes there's a different language between readers and writers. #scriptchat
7:01 pm LisaFromNYC: Pokes head in... #scriptchat
7:01 pm KageyNYC: Euro #scriptchat is on! RT @DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK: Welcome @Bang2Write & @HayleyMcKenzie1. Tonight's Pro Script Reader Panel.
7:01 pm sadknob: @filmutopia #SCRIPTCHAT sounds like you're yelling over a crowd. I say you go for #SCRIPTYELL
7:01 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter you're welcome. always love talking to writers about writing. #Scriptchat
7:02 pm pattyfantasia: RT @KageyNYC: Euro #scriptchat is on! RT @DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK: Welcome @Bang2Write & @HayleyMcKenzie1. Tonight's Pro Script Reader Panel.
7:02 pm DreamsGrafter: @JonathanBart - We've got @Bang2Write and @HayleyMcKenzie on our pro script reader panel tonight. #scriptchat
7:02 pm jeannevb: @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2write thank u so much for being here! xo #scriptchat
7:02 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia being able to identify what writer is trying to say, what their vision for the piece is #scriptchat
7:03 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter what the reader wants is not always what the reader gets -- but that doesn't mean the script is bad #scriptchat
7:03 pm davidpbaker: RT @DreamsGrafter: @JonathanBart - We've got @Bang2Write and @HayleyMcKenzie on our pro script reader panel tonight. #scriptchat
7:03 pm Bang2write: @jeannevb hey, great to be on #scriptchat
7:04 pm BloodForcTrauma: @jeannevb lol.. okay, thanks! #ScriptChat
7:04 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - Why should writers pay for professional feedback if they have screenwriter friends who can read their work for them? #scriptchat
7:04 pm BloodForcTrauma: @John_Marlow Also thanks!! #ScriptChat
7:04 pm Veramark2010: Apologies to my non-scriptwriting followers - will be busy with #scriptchat for the next hour or so.
7:04 pm filmutopia: @HayleyMckenzie1 #scriptchat good answer... so your role is primarily as a script editor, rather than providing coverage?
7:05 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat - Q - what qualities and skills do you think make a good pro-script reader?
7:05 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter you're welcome. always love talking to writers about writing. #Scriptchat
7:05 pm creatitwitty: @filmutopia attention to detail, a good sense of continuity and an open mind #scriptchat
7:05 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter what the reader wants is not always what the reader gets -- but that doesn't mean the script is bad #scriptchat
7:05 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter they shouldn't! I always advise peer review first... but your peers can only get you so far, whoever they are #scriptchat
7:06 pm BloodForcTrauma: I'm writing a script for my friend Kenneth Daisey and he didn't have any character names either. #ScriptChat
7:06 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia I'm an experienced script editor so that's how I approach scripts - identify what's wrong and find ways to fix it. #scriptchat
7:06 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat @DreamsGrafter Pay for pros to read your script and not your friends, unless you want to lose your friends.
7:07 pm Bang2write: @filmutopia - a GOOD script reader/editor does not impose their vision on the script - they need to know it's the writer's #scriptchat
7:07 pm ThatJoEden: True. I hate many people now RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat Pay for pros to read your script, not friends, unless you want to lose friends
7:07 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - After peer review, when is the right time to hand the script over to a pro reader? #Scriptchat
7:07 pm BloodForcTrauma: Hmmm.. I think I've also approached some of my writing ideas as an editor.. though I'm not an editor per-say..#ScriptChat
7:08 pm DreamsGrafter: Ha! RT @thewritertype #scriptchat @DreamsGrafter Pay for pros to read your script and not your friends, unless you want to lose yr friends.
7:08 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: @filmutopia - a GOOD script reader/editor does not impose their vision on the script - they need to know it's the writer's #scriptchat
7:08 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia I'm an experienced script editor so that's how I approach scripts - identify what's wrong and find ways to fix it. #scriptchat
7:08 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter re good time to hand over to pro - when you feel you can't do any more or are stuck. #scriptchat
7:08 pm pattyfantasia: RT @Bang2write: @filmutopia - a GOOD script reader/editor does not impose their vision on the script - they need to know it's the writer's #scriptchat
7:08 pm Trigonis: True that RT thewritertype #scriptchat @DreamsGrafter Pay 4 pros 2 read your script & not your friends unless you want 2 lose your friends.
7:09 pm zacsanford: Helping the boss prepare for his big Seder tomorrow so Sorry I'm missing uk #scriptchat
7:09 pm Bang2write: Some writers want a pro reader from the off; it's how they work. But many more need a few drafts "run up" 1st & use peer review #scriptchat
7:09 pm BloodForcTrauma: I don't think anybody will lose any friends by letting them read the script unless it is about those friends..#ScriptChat
7:09 pm pattyfantasia: RT @Trigonis: True that RT thewritertype #scriptchat @DreamsGrafter Pay 4 pros 2 read your script & not your friends unless you want 2 lose your friends.
7:10 pm DreamsGrafter: @HayleyMckenzie1 How will the pro reader be able to help from this point? What experience can they bring to the table? #scriptchat
7:10 pm Bang2write: It's true that it's easy to fall out w/ friends over scripts - but U don't have to. Know your boundaries #scriptchat
7:10 pm DreamsGrafter: Ha! RT @BloodForcTrauma I don't think any1 will lose friends by letting them read the script unless it is about those friends. #ScriptChat
7:10 pm jeannevb: @zacsanford ur boss really has a broad job description for u! ;) #scriptchat
7:11 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: Some writers want a pro reader from the off; it's how they work. But many more need a few drafts "run up" 1st & use peer review #scriptchat
7:11 pm yeah_write: Q - Do you mind if a beginner sends an early draft just to see if they are doing it right? So different than novel writing. #scriptchat
7:11 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter readin 100s of scripts!!! There are many probs/issues that turn up cos of genre, story, writer's experience, etc #scriptchat
7:11 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter helping to focus and clarify your vision, making sure the script translates what's in your head to those reading. #scriptchat
7:11 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter readin 100s of scripts!!! There are many probs/issues that turn up cos of genre, story, writer's experience, etc #scriptchat
7:12 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - @Bang2write @HayleyMckenzie1 Thanks. I understand now. I generally think of script readers as being a producer's employee
7:12 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - What are the main recurring problems you guys see in scripts by new writers? #scriptchat
7:12 pm jeannevb: This time, I'm sending it to pros early bc i'm on tight deadline. Looking fwd to seeing diff'c fr waiting to send #scriptchat
7:12 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter also, identify which elements need work - might be story, character, etc. #scriptchat
7:12 pm BloodForcTrauma: @DreamsGrafter Q - What was it just funny or is that how most script writers start? #ScriptChat
7:12 pm Bang2write: @yeah_write hi, I don't mind at all - lots of my Bang2writers have done this over the years #scriptchat
7:14 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia script readers 4 companies are there to filter, but that's not what I do at Script Angel. I make scripts better. #scriptchat
7:14 pm Sofluid: #scriptchat If you stand to lose (non-writer) social friends through peer review, try using scriptwriting peers for p3...
7:14 pm Dealfatigue: @filmutopia comprehensive coverage (coverage I can show an investor) with lots of notes. #scriptchat
7:14 pm DreamsGrafter: @BloodForcTrauma Funny re your last tweet that I said Ha! to? ... A lot of writers start off with peer review/friends. #scriptchat
7:14 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - Q How as a reader do you deal with material you find personally distasteful or contrary to your beliefs?
7:15 pm Bang2write: Main issues in ALL scripts seems to be character & structure. For new writers - v static scenes, on-nose-dialogue, cliche #scriptchat
7:15 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat I do script reports; find people have great ideas & vision - it's always character & story that need work.
7:15 pm DreamsGrafter: @BloodForcTrauma But I also thought that was a funny line 'cause it's true. #scriptchat
7:15 pm Veramark2010: Sounds good to me! RT @HayleyMckenzie1 readers 4 companies r there 2 filter, but ... at Script Angel. I make scripts better. #scriptchat
7:15 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter re common probs -stories that don't hang together &characters you don't believe - they just serve plot functions #scriptchat
7:15 pm BloodForcTrauma: @DreamsGrafter Yes my last tweet that you said HI! to.. :) #ScriptChat
7:15 pm DreamsGrafter: @BloodForcTrauma No reason to be offended by feedback if feedback is about script (unless you find yourself in the script). ;) #scriptchat
7:15 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: Main issues in ALL scripts seems to be character & structure. For new writers - v static scenes, on-nose-dialogue, cliche #scriptchat
7:16 pm BloodForcTrauma: @DreamsGrafter Ah.. Funny cause yeah it is true.. and that's probably why it gets rejected most of the time. #ScriptChat
7:16 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter also, identify which elements need work - might be story, character, etc. #scriptchat
7:16 pm filmutopia: @HayleyMckenzie1 #scriptchat - Yes, you're a script editor. I think script editors are brilliant. i can't say enough good things about them
7:16 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia not everything's my cup of tea but that's a pro's job - to see what intended audience want from it. #scriptchat
7:16 pm Bang2write: @filmutopia It's difficult; you have to put ur personal prejudice aside. Not always poss - have bin times where I've had to stop #scriptchat
7:16 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia not everything's my cup of tea but that's a pro's job - to see what intended audience want from it. #scriptchat
7:16 pm BloodForcTrauma: Therefore that is exactly why I didn't wanna write a script that way about any friends, ex-friends #ScriptChat
7:17 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: @filmutopia It's difficult; you have to put ur personal prejudice aside. Not always poss - have bin times where I've had to stop #scriptchat
7:17 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter re common probs -stories that don't hang together &characters you don't believe - they just serve plot functions #scriptchat
7:18 pm BloodForcTrauma: And I have not written any scripts about ex-friends, I blog on myspace or facebook about them unnamed of course. #ScriptChat
7:18 pm HayleyMckenzie1: #scriptchat - script eds who have worked professionally on film/tv productions are practiced at getting scripts good enough to shoot and tx.
7:18 pm Bang2write: It should be what an audience wld want, defo: I'm not in the demo 4 sci-fi or sports movies, doesn't mean I haven't read gr8 1s #scriptchat
7:19 pm yeah_write: Q - Do you try to be blunt in your coverage, or do you sugar coat so you don't hurt any feelings. #scriptchat
7:19 pm davidpbaker: writers, filmmakers, check out #scriptchat
7:20 pm DreamsGrafter: Our Panel's Websites: Script Angel: http://scriptangel.co.uk/default.aspx and Bang2Write: http://www.lucyvee.blogspot.com/ #SCRIPTCHAT
7:20 pm davidpbaker: RT @DreamsGrafter: Our Panel's Websites: Script Angel: http://scriptangel.co.uk/default.aspx and Bang2Write: http://www.lucyvee.blogspot.com/ #SCRIPTCHAT
7:20 pm Veramark2010: Q - do you find that being a reader improves your own writing? How so? #scriptchat
7:20 pm Bang2write: @filmutopia there are unfortunately scripts around that beggar belief... My pet peeve is gratuitous rape scenes #scriptchat
7:20 pm yeah_write: Yes, good advice. :) RT @davidpbaker: writers, filmmakers, check out #scriptchat
7:21 pm DreamsGrafter: We're discussing feedback with @Bang2Write and @HayleyMcKenzie1 - our professional script reader panel. #SCRIPTCHAT
7:21 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia good advice generally - do your homework on the person offering you script feedback in return for payment. #scriptchat
7:21 pm johnrackham: RT @davidpbaker: writers, filmmakers, check out #scriptchat
7:22 pm LisaFromNYC: Q: re fantasy scripts, how much leeway for description? #scriptchat
7:22 pm jameskick: Yo #scriptchat! In the house after presenting #TheCarWash at #gsff -- waiting at the train station to my Newark flight
7:22 pm Bang2write: @yeah_write no I never sugar coat, though I'm always keen to say my notes R not set in stone & writer knows best for own script #scriptchat
7:22 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @Veramark2010 I don't write, but I know others who do both and their writing does benefit. #scriptchat
7:22 pm DreamsGrafter: Good question! RT @Veramark2010 Q - do you find that being a reader improves your own writing? How so? #scriptchat
7:22 pm Bang2write: @Veramark2010 yes, most everything I learnt about writing, I learnt from reading - what works on the page, what doesn't #scriptchat
7:22 pm yeah_write: So true. RT @HayleyMckenzie1:good advice - do your homework on the person offering you script feedback in return for payment. #scriptchat
7:22 pm jameskick: Be critical RT @yeah_write: Q - Do you try to be blunt in your coverage, or do you sugar coat so you don't hurt any feelings. #scriptchat
7:22 pm filmutopia: @Bang2write #scriptchat - I've read a few of those and never in a script where it made sense
7:23 pm Thefirstreel: RT @jeannevb: #scriptchat PRO READERS TODAY @UncompletedWork @covermyscript @scripteach @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2write
7:23 pm scribe_diatribe: @yeah_write as a person who has used @Bang2write I found Lucy's feedback to be 'to the point' but said in a constructive way :) #scriptchat
7:23 pm jeannevb: @jameskick glad u made it out alive ;) #scriptchat
7:23 pm Veramark2010: How does one find a good script reader (apart from asking here or at @TwelvePoint)? #scriptchat
7:23 pm Bang2write: @HayleyMckenzie1 you don't write at all? That's interesting! I didn't realise #scriptchat
7:23 pm yeah_write: @Bang2write I've been the victim of vague notes. And when asked to clarify, the resulting note were even more vague. #scriptchat
7:23 pm davidpbaker: RT @johnrackham: RT @davidpbaker: writers, filmmakers, check out #scriptchat
7:23 pm davidpbaker: RT @yeah_write: Yes, good advice. :) RT @davidpbaker: writers, filmmakers, check out #scriptchat
7:24 pm BloodForcTrauma: When I wrote down my ideas for a Saw movie someone told me to post it where some people could read it,but that leads to... #ScriptChat
7:24 pm jameskick: Me too! For real, #gsff is great submit here @dianegsff RT @jeannevb: @jameskick glad u made it out alive ;) #scriptchat
7:24 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat Ok, let friends read your script but agree you'll take honest feedback as if they weren't friends.
7:24 pm BloodForcTrauma: (cont) leads to someone stealing the ideas since I can NOT copyright any of the ideas since they involve John Kramer #ScriptChat
7:25 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @jeannevb: #scriptchat PRO READERS TODAY @UncompletedWork @covermyscript @scripteach @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2write
7:25 pm jameskick: LinkedIn is a good tool RT @VeraMark2010: How does one find a good script reader (apart from asking here or at @TwelvePoint)? #scriptchat
7:25 pm Bang2write: @yeah_write that's a shame - but I'm never vague! I always offer a selection of ideas for tacklin issues, dependin what they are #scriptchat
7:25 pm BloodForcTrauma: I've talked to a few film people who've said you can't copyright anything that's already been copyrighted by someone else. #ScriptChat
7:26 pm BloodForcTrauma: @TheRealTurbo I'm in #ScriptChat so my replies are limited some what.. :)
7:26 pm Veramark2010: @jameskick Thanks for the tip re LinkedIn #scriptchat
7:26 pm jameskick: #scriptchat I agree with Josh Olson's theory, but not practice. Anyone working in film must be able to take criticism.
7:26 pm yeah_write: Critical is impt. Vague sucks. RT @jameskick: Be critical RT @yeah_write: Q - Do you try to be blunt in your coverage... #scriptchat
7:26 pm rachlanger: @yeah_write Hi script buddy. #scriptchat
7:26 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - Professional feedback can be pricey - how can a screenwriter justify the fees? #scriptchat
7:27 pm Bang2write: @scribe_diatribe thanks for the recommendation, Gavin! #scriptchat
7:27 pm SJ48HFP: RT @agentv: @DreamsGrafter A reader who's "working" can do a better job than friends doing a favor. #scriptchat
7:27 pm yeah_write: Hey girlie, how you doing? RT @rachlanger: @yeah_write Hi script buddy. #scriptchat
7:27 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @jameskick: LinkedIn is a good tool RT @VeraMark2010: How does one find a good script reader (apart from asking here or at @TwelvePoint)? #scriptchat
7:27 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - every script reader I've ever used was from a personal recommendation from either a producer or another writer
7:27 pm scribe_diatribe: @thewritertype I think friends are ALWAYS going to be a bit 'too kind' - and a pro reader can seem to pick up more subtle issues #scriptchat
7:27 pm jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter I have NO prob justifying spending the money when I've researched & trust the pro. No prob at all. #scriptchat
7:27 pm Sofluid: #scriptchat I agree that being a reader helps with writing - I feel much more confident having been trained to write reports :)
7:28 pm Bang2write: Is being "blunt" the same as getting to the heart of the matter? I'm not sure -- but I like to try and do the latter #scriptchat
7:28 pm yeah_write: RT @jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter I have NO prob justifying spending the money when I've researched & trust the pro. No prob at all. #scriptchat
7:28 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @jeannevb: @DreamsGrafter I have NO prob justifying spending the money when I've researched & trust the pro. No prob at all. #scriptchat
7:28 pm scribe_diatribe: @Bang2write no prob... I honestly think you have been a big help in helping my writing develop... #scriptchat
7:28 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @scribe_diatribe: @thewritertype I think friends are ALWAYS going to be a bit 'too kind' - and a pro reader can seem to pick up more subtle issues #scriptchat
7:28 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter you only get one chance to impress and if the script isn't up to industry standard you'll hit a brick wall. #scriptchat
7:29 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter don't forget reader fees are tax deductible. Also, w/o feedback a script can't get better. Can we afford NOT to? #scriptchat
7:29 pm yeah_write: @Bang2write I think blunt is getting to the heart, say what is wrong in a constructive way, but be specific. #scriptchat
7:29 pm scribe_diatribe: Although one of my friends told me he just couldn't even get past page 10 of one script! lol... neither could his boyfriend! lol #scriptchat
7:29 pm jeannevb: I want brutal honesty, no sugar coating. Pro or not, they cant read my mind, so I tell them what I need fr them #scriptchat
7:29 pm 2weddings: @Bang2write this still suprises me when reading produced scripts, main character is in EVERY scene #scriptchat (most scripts)
7:30 pm Bang2write: I enjoy a number of close links w/ my Bang2writers cos they know I go thru the same probs as them as a writer #scriptchat
7:30 pm yeah_write: @DreamsGrafter That's what you pay for, the not being "too kind" You pay for the truth, and if that mean You Suck, so be it. lol #scriptchat
7:31 pm BloodForcTrauma: @jeannevb I think I would too tell them what I need from them. #ScriptChat
7:31 pm jeannevb: Q what is 1 thing u'd want all writers to do before sending their scripts to you? #scriptchat
7:31 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: I enjoy a number of close links w/ my Bang2writers cos they know I go thru the same probs as them as a writer #scriptchat
7:31 pm Bang2write: @yeah_write I like your definition! #scriptchat
7:31 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter don't forget reader fees are tax deductible. Also, w/o feedback a script can't get better. Can we afford NOT to? #scriptchat
7:31 pm yeah_write: @jeannevb When you don't understand notes, go back and ask specific questions. #scriptchat
7:32 pm Bang2write: @2weddings yes, that's the latest way... but hasn't always been so: rmbr Book in WITNESS? Not on for about 15 mins!! #scriptchat
7:32 pm HayleyMckenzie1: Always honest but never forget 2 mention things about script I DID like. No point making writer so despondent they give up. #scriptchat
7:32 pm scribe_diatribe: @jeannevb @julianfreidmann said last week - that it could ve useful to send readers a synopsis so its clear what you want to do #scriptchat
7:32 pm DreamsGrafter: @Bang2write Very true. If you want to be taken seriously as a pro. then you need to get yourself to that level, professionally. #scriptchat
7:32 pm yeah_write: Research before spending money, then research some more. I've wasted my $$ by not researching enough. Live and learn. #scriptchat
7:33 pm Sofluid: #scriptchat Talking from the POV of a script reader who's "starting out" so to speak, recommendations R key. Must build up good reputation!
7:33 pm jeannevb: @BloodForcTrauma it wrks so much better for every1 if they know u can handle the raw truth #ScriptChat
7:33 pm HayleyMckenzie1: Good script feedback/notes should inspire you to make script better not just tell you it's all rubbish #scriptchat
7:33 pm jeannevb: @scribe_diatribe thx. Makes sense. #scriptchat
7:33 pm UncompletedWork: RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat - every script reader I've ever used was from a personal recommendation from either a producer or another writer
7:33 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @yeah_write: Research before spending money, then research some more. I've wasted my $$ by not researching enough. Live and learn. #scriptchat
7:33 pm BloodForcTrauma: @yeah_write I have no intentions of not reaching pros before sending them my scripts.. I've learned from watching movies :) #ScriptChat
7:34 pm Bang2write: @jeannevb know what they want from my involvement! Too many writers want to hand over responsibility for their wk - it's THEIRS #scriptchat
7:34 pm DreamsGrafter: V. true! RT @HayleyMckenzie1 Good script feedback/notes shld inspire you 2 make script better not just tell you it's all rubbish #scriptchat
7:34 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @jeannevb make it best you can on your own. no point paying me to tell you things you already know how to fix! #scriptchat
7:35 pm Bang2write: @HayleyMckenzie1 absolutely, the worst feedback I've received was that my script was "average" - WTF does that mean?? #scriptchat
7:35 pm BloodForcTrauma: @jeannevb Well, if it's about my script then I don't mind, I know it's crap! lol. #ScriptChat
7:35 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @jeannevb make it best you can on your own. no point paying me to tell you things you already know how to fix! #scriptchat
7:35 pm thewritertype: @HayleyMckenzie1 #scriptchat Yes, writer has put their life into the script; even if it doesn't work you have to honor that - and help.
7:35 pm jeannevb: @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2write i bet u get a lot of ppl w glazed expressions not knowing what to do w ur feedback #scriptchat
7:35 pm scribe_diatribe: @HayleyMckenzie1 although sometimes you 'kind of know'... but it's useful to get it confirmed... there's the 'ah of course' mo. #scriptchat
7:36 pm DreamsGrafter: Our Panel's Websites: Bang2Write: http://www.lucyvee.blogspot.com/ and Script Angel: http://scriptangel.co.uk/default.aspx #SCRIPTCHAT
7:36 pm Veramark2010: @scribe_diatribe @julianfriedmann said ... useful 2 send synopsis so its clear what u want 2 do - but isnt that from agents POV? #scriptchat
7:36 pm Bang2write: @HayleyMckenzie1 Agreed, tho there is a certain satisfaction to be had for having various things "confirmed", don't you think? #scriptchat
7:37 pm scribe_diatribe: @Veramark2010 he was talking about script readers also #scriptchat
7:37 pm CriticalTodd: @filmutopia #scriptchat anyone curate a list of reliable well thought of readers?
7:37 pm DreamsGrafter: Ha! RT @Bang2write @HayleyMckenzie1 absolutely,worst feedback I've received was tht my script was "average" WTF does tht mean?? #scriptchat
7:37 pm BloodForcTrauma: @jeannevb That's why I'm picky about what I write,I'll only write if I think it'll be better than something else out there. #ScriptChat
7:37 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @scribe_diatribe v.true. prob is often niggle at back of writers mind but usually not sure how to fix it. that's where I come in #scriptchat
7:37 pm jeannevb: I like using a pro for a fresh set of eyes. Priceless. #scriptchat
7:37 pm Veramark2010: @scribe_diatribe I think that if a script needs a synopsis 2 tell reader what u want 2 do, you're in trouble... #scriptchat
7:38 pm Pale_Jewel: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: Good script feedback/notes should inspire you to make script better not just tell you it's all rubbish #scriptchat
7:38 pm Bang2write: @jeannevb yep!! That's why I launched my classes about feedback & what to do from a WRITER'S POV http://tinyurl.com/scriptreader #scriptchat
7:38 pm agentv: @VeraMark2010 Peer review is vital in my opinion. #scriptchat Friends see too much of author in script, sometimes withhold frank feedback.
7:38 pm Pale_Jewel: Agree RT @HayleyMckenzie1 Good script feedback/notes should inspire you to make script better not just tell you it's all rubbish #scriptchat
7:38 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - Listening to feedback is also a skill. What is your advice to new writers? How should they interpret your feedback? #scriptchat
7:38 pm ashley_augustus: RT @yeah_write: Yes, good advice. :) RT @davidpbaker: writers, filmmakers, check out #scriptchat
7:38 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @Veramark2010 I've never needed synopsis 2 give good advice on script but wld be happy to read it if writer sent it with script. #scriptchat
7:38 pm Bang2write: @scribe_diatribe hahahahaha great minds Gavin @HayleyMcKenzie1 #scriptchat
7:39 pm jameskick: Proper format RT @jeannevb: Q what is 1 thing u'd want all writers to do before sending their scripts to you? #scriptchat
7:39 pm DreamsGrafter: @Bang2write Maybe you should think about expanding your course globally? Online? Skype? #scriptchat
7:39 pm filmutopia: @CriticalTodd #scriptchat - I wouldn't take that job on, because I believe in specific readers for specific projects.
7:40 pm SJ48HFP: RT @agentv: @Veramark2010 To master writing, imperative to be a reader. Early teacher had us read 1 play/week before writing. #scriptchat
7:40 pm Veramark2010: @HayleyMckenzie1 That's good to hear - I've never been sure how about "to synopse or not to synopse". #scriptchat
7:40 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter well that's what my new class is for ; ) http://tinyurl.com/scriptreader Sorry couldn't resist #scriptchat
7:40 pm scribe_diatribe: @Veramark2010 sometimes what you might be wanting to do is not that clear - synopsis could hlep the reader to identify the issue #scriptchat
7:41 pm jazadal: @Bang2write et al. Hi. Love yur show. 1st time caller. How should a writer deal with conflicting reports by different readers? #scriptchat
7:41 pm jeannevb: @CriticalTodd I do have a list of pros on blog, but u shld still research to pick who is right for ur project www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
7:41 pm filmutopia: @HayleyMckenzie1 #scriptchat I don't feel like I've had good notes unless my 1st reaction is to drive over their house with a burning torch
7:41 pm DreamsGrafter: @Bang2write That's great. If a writer doesn't know how to receive feedback then asking for it isn't much help. #scriptchat
7:41 pm yeah_write: @jameskick People send scripts without proper format? When there is so much software out there? #scriptchat
7:41 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter I have had some queries about expanding the course via the web & it's certainly something I'd consider in future #scriptchat
7:41 pm covermyscript: so true! RT @HayleyMckenzie1: script feedback/notes should inspire you to make script better not just tell you it's all rubbish #scriptchat
7:41 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter hopefully feedback makes perfect sense & excites them to roll sleeves up and get on with it! #scriptchat
7:41 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: I like using a pro for a fresh set of eyes. Priceless. #scriptchat
7:42 pm jrea10010: RT @DreamsGrafter: 'Battlefield Earth' Screenwriter Writes Hilarious Open Apology: http://huff.to/cUbcTa #scriptchat
7:42 pm BloodForcTrauma: I've been reading articles on how to write synopsis but its hard to think of how to write one to get an agent's attn. #ScriptChat
7:42 pm JLichtenberg: RT @yeah_write: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: Good script feedback/notes should inspire you to make script better not just tell you it's all rubbish #scriptchat
7:42 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb Have you got Jorrel on that list? She's incredible #scriptchat
7:42 pm DreamsGrafter: How does a writer process feedback? RT @Bang2write ... well that's what my new class is for - http://tinyurl.com/scriptreader #scriptchat
7:42 pm Bang2write: @Veramark2010 @scribe_diatribe yes I prefer to read scripts "cold" w/o synopses too if hired to help DEVELOP the script #scriptchat
7:42 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter hopefully feedback makes perfect sense & excites them to roll sleeves up and get on with it! #scriptchat
7:42 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia No! Plz send me deets! #scriptchat
7:43 pm yeah_write: @covermyscript And we have another gifted script reader chiming in. Hello. #scriptchat
7:43 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia true, then 2nd reaction is to want to buy them a drink, give them a hug and say 'thank you, you're brilliant' ! #scriptchat
7:43 pm Bang2write: @jazadal re: conflictin reports - recall what caused you to WANT to write script - which reader's response was closest to that? #scriptchat
7:43 pm 2weddings: @Bang2write Do'h. Heres to the loooong list of films I haven't seen yet ;) #scriptchat
7:43 pm BloodForcTrauma: I can't think of anything for my story idea of a Saw film to make a synopsis, but the other script I'm writing ain't hard #ScriptChat
7:44 pm JLichtenberg: RT @jeannevb: @CriticalTodd I do have a list of pros on blog, but u shld still research to pick who is right for ur project www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
7:44 pm filmutopia: @jeannevb I'll find out if she's taking new people on and get back to you #scriptchat (she awesome on Euro arthouse movies)
7:44 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter - read the notes, fume, put them away, then read them again when you've calmed down! #scriptchat
7:44 pm yeah_write: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter hopefully feedback makes perfect sense & excites them to roll sleeves up and get on with it #scriptchat
7:44 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter Many writers mistakenly believe they have *bad* notes - when they don't, just not wot they expected #scriptchat
7:44 pm JLichtenberg: RT @DreamsGrafter: Q - Listening to feedback is also a skill. What is your advice to new writers? How should they interpret your feedback? #scriptchat
7:44 pm RockingtheRobin: R @covermyscript: true! R @HayleyMckenzie1 script feedback/notes sld inspire U 2 make script better not just tell U it's rubbish #scriptchat
7:45 pm filmutopia: @HayleyMckenzie1 #scriptchat Of course... well, maybe the drink anyway. A reader needs to see what I can't. That's the benefit of them
7:45 pm covermyscript: hi everyone!!!! just stopped by to say hi and show my #scriptchat pride!! go #scriptchat!!
7:45 pm DreamsGrafter: It's important 2 know how 2 handle feedback. Using pro readers when getting yr script in2 shape will prepare u 4 the real world. #scriptchat
7:45 pm julianfriedmann: Just joined: writers' contracts shd make written notes essential from producers to optimise the development process #scriptchat
7:45 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia i'd love her for mine ;) #scriptchat
7:45 pm Bang2write: @VeraMark2010 if U think it wld help, then why not? It's about you. But I still believe personal recommendation is best #scriptchat
7:45 pm HayleyMckenzie1: agree re conflicting reader reports - whichever identifies things that bring script closer to your vision @Bang2write: @jazadal #scriptchat
7:46 pm 2weddings: I learnt this year the major difference between pitching story, getting good fdback, THEN getting script report that wasn't good #scriptchat
7:46 pm Veramark2010: Hugely useful RT @Bang2write: conflictin reports - what caused you to WANT to write script - which response was closest to that? #scriptchat
7:46 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: agree re conflicting reader reports - whichever identifies things that bring script closer to your vision @Bang2write: @jazadal #scriptchat
7:46 pm Bang2write: Processing feedback takes time - too many writers go for knee jerk reaction & dive bk in to rewrite. Gd ideas need to percolate #scriptchat
7:46 pm julianfriedmann: Second reason for written notes from producers, to track moving the goalposts bec rebrief draft shd be paid for #scriptchat
7:47 pm CriticalTodd: @jeannevb #scriptchat Definitely. Research is a must but a list is a great start, a good baseline from which to begin.
7:47 pm jameskick: You'd be amazed RT @yeah_write: @jameskick People send scripts without proper format? When there is so much software out there? #scriptchat
7:47 pm CriticalTodd: @filmutopia #scriptchat Good point.
7:47 pm jeannevb: RT @Bang2write: Processing feedback takes time - 2 many writers go for knee jerk reaction & rewrite. Gd ideas need to percolate #scriptchat
7:47 pm filmutopia: #scriptchat - I've got to bug out... have fun and thanks @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2write enjoyed your stuff, a lot.
7:47 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter it IS the real world. notes I give my new writers are same as I give v.experienced tv drama writers I work with #scriptchat
7:47 pm Veramark2010: RT @julianfriedmann writers' contracts shd make written notes essential from producers to optimise the development process #scriptchat
7:47 pm jeannevb: @CriticalTodd that's why we put 1 on the blog ;) #scriptchat
7:47 pm julianfriedmann: RT bring script closer to your vision is problematical if your vision was not the best one for the project? #scriptchat
7:47 pm DreamsGrafter: GREAT point! RT @Bang2write Processing feedback takes time. Too many writers dive bk in to rewrite. Gd ideas need to percolate #scriptchat
7:48 pm jeannevb: @filmutopia have a good night, Clive! xo #scriptchat
7:48 pm 2weddings: @julianfriedmann wouldnt most producers rather have choice of using different writer? #scriptchat
7:48 pm BloodForcTrauma: @jeannevb Good night! xo #ScriptChat
7:48 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @filmutopia v. welcome. speak soon. #scriptchat
7:48 pm DreamsGrafter: Priceless. RT @HayleyMckenzie1 - I give my new writers are same as I give v.experienced tv drama writers I work with #scriptchat
7:49 pm BloodForcTrauma: Op.. #ScriptChat I meant to @filmutopia
7:49 pm yeah_write: @jameskick I'm floored. Improper structure maybe, but format, come on. #scriptchat
7:49 pm Sofluid: @BloodForcTrauma Writers should be able to write a synopsis for any type of story/script. It's a summary, blow by blow #scriptchat
7:49 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @Sofluid: @BloodForcTrauma Writers should be able to write a synopsis for any type of story/script. It's a summary, blow by blow #scriptchat
7:49 pm Bang2write: Agree with @HayleyMckenzie1 - whether it's a newbie or experienced writer: feedback should be a level playing field #scriptchat
7:50 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat re: conflicting reports: go with the one that makes you want to start rewriting immediately.
7:50 pm 2weddings: @Bang2write this is where Iam now, Tried redoing draft in one go but its impossible #scriptchat
7:50 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - 10 more mins. to the end of #scriptchat - Are there any crucial pieces of advice writers are not listening to?
7:50 pm yeah_write: @Bang2write I started to have that kneejerk reaction, then moved onto another project to get perspective. #scriptchat
7:50 pm SinsoftheEldest: RT @jeannevb: RT @Bang2write: Processing feedback takes time - 2 many writers go for knee jerk reaction & rewrite. Gd ideas need to percolate #scriptchat
7:51 pm BloodForcTrauma: @Sofluid Well I don't think it even needs one.. just need someone from Saw to read the darn thing.. #ScriptChat
7:51 pm DreamsGrafter: @yeah_write That's a great way of dealing with kneejerk reaction. I'm just learning about all this myself re my writing. #scriptchat
7:51 pm Sofluid: @BloodForcTrauma It's usually easier to write a synopsis after having written the story/script. Can be daunting before #scriptchat
7:51 pm Veramark2010: @yeah_write I had a writing partner who insisted on sharing my Final Draft, then CHANGED all the formatting... we didn't last. #scriptchat
7:51 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @julianfriedmann: Script readers incl notes : article by Ian MacDonald in TwelvePoint (free 10 day membshp now available monica@twelvepoint.com) #scriptchat
7:51 pm rachlanger: Readers: What is your favourite stage to receive a script in, draft wise? #scriptchat
7:51 pm jeannevb: @SinsoftheEldest i'm a big digester of feedback. I need that time for it to simmer... then BAM! The idea of how to fix pops #scriptchat
7:52 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter advice? script should FEEL like the story comes from the characters, even if it didn't start that way. #scriptchat
7:52 pm jeannevb: @yeah_write @Bang2write... I just drink tequila to slow the knee-jerk reflex ;) #scriptchat
7:52 pm DreamsGrafter: @Sofluid @BloodForcTrauma At the same time, writing the synopsis b4 script's completed will tell you if you have a solid story. #scriptchat
7:52 pm Bang2write: @DreamsGrafter I hear constantly it's all about "character & dialogue" - it's about EVERYTHING. Story is king and takes it all #scriptchat
7:52 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter advice? script should FEEL like the story comes from the characters, even if it didn't start that way. #scriptchat
7:52 pm BloodForcTrauma: @Sofluid I have written all my ideas down, but I still can't come up with anything for Saw. Now for the other script ...(cont) #ScriptChat
7:53 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @rachlanger no pref re stage to get involved. love getting in at idea stage, love first draft rawness, love polishing ! #scriptchat
7:53 pm Sofluid: @Bang2write Just trying to explain it so it's easier to understand/get head round is all #scriptchat
7:53 pm DreamsGrafter: @HayleyMckenzie1 Great advice. In which case, Tim Burton's Alice is a guide to 'how not to ... ' ;) #scriptchat
7:53 pm BloodForcTrauma: @Sofluid (cont) I've already thought of the synopsis, but I shouldn't be thinking ahead.. but it is such a great film (cont) #ScriptChat
7:53 pm Bang2write: @rachlanger it can depend on the client if I know them. I suppose - generally - third or fourth draft of the 1st draft? LOL #scriptchat
7:53 pm DreamsGrafter: Q - RT @rachlanger Readers: What is your favourite stage to receive a script in, draft wise? #scriptchat
7:54 pm BloodForcTrauma: @Sofluid (cont) the guy I'm writing it for says he's gonna do a trailer for it this weekend, he's already a filmmaker,so (cont)#ScriptChat
7:54 pm Sofluid: RT @DreamsGrafter: At the same time, writing the synopsis b4 script's completed will tell you if you have a solid story. #scriptchat
7:54 pm BloodForcTrauma: @Sofluid (cont) I don't think he'll get the script approved first,Or I don't know if he will get it approved first. #ScriptChat
7:54 pm jeannevb: @HayleyMckenzie1 @yeah_write @Bang2write *clink* ;) #scriptchat
7:55 pm BloodForcTrauma: @Sofluid @DreamsGrafter - a solid story - awesome!! I've already done that.. neat! #ScriptChat
7:55 pm yeah_write: @VeraMark2010 That would suck. I love my FD, and I wouldn't share. (hugs to chest, "mine") #scriptchat
7:55 pm 2weddings: RT @julianfriedmann: Script readers incl notes : article by Ian MacDonald in TwelvePoint (free 10 day membshp now available monica@twelvepoint.com) #scriptchat
7:55 pm JLichtenberg: RT @DreamsGrafter: Q - 10 more mins. to the end of #scriptchat - Are there any crucial pieces of advice writers are not listening to?
7:55 pm thewritertype: RT @DreamsGrafter: RT @HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter script should FEEL like the story comes from the characters. #scriptchat
7:55 pm authorViviAnna: Q. how many times should your script go to a reader? Until you get a recommend? #scriptchat
7:55 pm Bang2write: @Sofluid I love writing synopses - so much so I just write stacks of them sometimes to avoid the draft! #scriptchat
7:56 pm HayleyMckenzie1: good advice. RT @Sofluid: RT @DreamsGrafter: writing the synopsis b4 script's completed will tell you if you have a solid story. #scriptchat
7:56 pm DreamsGrafter: @BloodForcTrauma Awesome! #scriptchat
7:57 pm rachlanger: @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2Write Thanks! I am always hesitant to send out scripts too early, so that's good to hear. #scriptchat
7:57 pm DreamsGrafter: Ha! RT @Bang2write @Sofluid I love writing synopses - so much so I just write stacks of them sometimes to avoid the draft! #scriptchat
7:57 pm Bang2write: @authorViviAnna I don't do pass, consider, recommend. I give notes on script's issues - some clients come once, others multiple #scriptchat
7:58 pm DreamsGrafter: #SCRIPTCHAT @HayleyMcKenzie1 has to shoot of at 9pm. So I want to say thanks so much to @HayleyMcKenzie1 and @Bang2Write ... #scriptchat
7:59 pm Bang2write: @rachlanger welcome - there's no real *best* time for anyone, it's about what you feel and what you want (oo er) #scriptchat
7:59 pm davidbishop: Lashings of good advice via #scriptchat tonight - thank you @HayleyMckenzie1 and @Band2write
7:59 pm authorViviAnna: @Bang2write so ultimately you leave it up to the writer to decide whether they have a winner or not? #scriptchat
7:59 pm DreamsGrafter: For giving us their time this evening. What with the clocks going forward ... there was even less time in the day. #scriptchat
7:59 pm BloodForcTrauma: Q - Would it be possible for a script writer to play the main character if the name of the actor is written in the script? #ScriptChat
7:59 pm Sofluid: RT @julianfriedmann: Script readers incl notes : article by Ian MacDonald in TwelvePoint (free 10 day membshp now available monica@twelvepoint.com) #scriptchat
8:00 pm Bang2write: thanks for having this #scriptchat, was awesome
8:00 pm scribe_diatribe: Yep thanks @HayleyMcKenzie1 and @Bang2write - back to the re-writing... Lucy you'll be reading it soon! lol #scriptchat
8:00 pm davidbishop: D'uh! I meant Lashings of good advice via #scriptchat tonight - thank you @HayleyMckenzie1 and @Bang2write - teach me to type w/o glasses!
8:00 pm HayleyMckenzie1: @DreamsGrafter thanks guys. see you next week and you can get in touch with me in meantime via Script Angel website #scriptchat
8:00 pm jeannevb: thx for sharing advice! RT @Bang2write: thanks for having this #scriptchat, was awesome #scriptchat
8:00 pm authorViviAnna: @HayleyMckenzie1 thanks Hayley #scriptchat
8:01 pm BloodForcTrauma: @HayleyMckenzie1 Thanks Hayley!! nice chatting with ya! #ScriptChat
8:01 pm yeah_write: @jameskick Are you looking at any short film scripts? #scriptchat
8:01 pm Sofluid: Many thanks @HayleyMcKenzie1 for her time and great input in this week's #scriptchat
8:01 pm jeannevb: Dont forget, we always post transcripts... while u EUROs sleep :) www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
8:01 pm jazadal: Readers - Could you please name a produced script that you wished you would've written? Mine is The Truman Show. Thanks. #scriptchat
8:02 pm yeah_write: @HayleyMckenzie1 @Bang2write Thank you so much for your time and expertise. This was great! #scriptchat
8:02 pm Veramark2010: Thanks @HayleyMckenzie @Bang2write and everyone else - great #scriptchat !
8:02 pm Bang2write: @authorViviAnna it depends solely what their plans are - I'm happy to advise and will give my honest opinion if it's ready #scriptchat
8:02 pm authorViviAnna: @Bang2write thanks for chatting with us #scriptchat
8:02 pm Raindance_Fest: RT @jeannevb: If any EUROs have insomnia, come to USA chat 8pm EST...we drink & talk fast #justsayin #scriptchat
8:02 pm DreamsGrafter: Panel's Websites: @Bang2Write: http://www.lucyvee.blogspot.com/ and @HayleyMcKenzie1: http://scriptangel.co.uk/default.aspx EURO #SCRIPTCHAT
8:02 pm Sofluid: @Bang2write I really enjoy writing synopsis' too :) #scriptchat
8:02 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @jeannevb: Dont forget, we always post transcripts... while u EUROs sleep :) www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
8:03 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @jeannevb: If any EUROs have insomnia, come to USA chat 8pm EST...we drink & talk fast #justsayin #scriptchat
8:03 pm jeannevb: Thx so much to @Bang2write & @HayleyMckenzie1 for guesting on #scriptchat Find their links on http://bit.ly/b7OJdI
8:03 pm DreamsGrafter: RT @jeannevb: Thx so much to @Bang2write & @HayleyMckenzie1 for guesting on #scriptchat Find their links on http://bit.ly/b7OJdI
8:03 pm Bang2write: @jazadal I wish I had written that one! But also Witness, Alien, Sideways, Lantana - list is endless!!! #scriptchat
8:04 pm jeannevb: My new strategy is to write them after outline, b4 1st draft RT @Sofluid: @Bang2write I really enjoy writing synopsis too :) #scriptchat
8:04 pm BloodForcTrauma: Ok, I'm calling it a "night" lol. see you all next week unless I chat with some of you during the week. #ScriptChat xo
8:05 pm thewritertype: #scriptchat Thanks, good readers and advice. Trust the knee-jerk, then drink the tequila until the knees don't jerk .
8:05 pm Bang2write: Thanks everyone, you all rock. If any of you have any further Qs, don't be afraid to tweet me, facebook me or email me via blog! #scriptchat
8:05 pm Sofluid: Thanks @Bang2write for her input and advice this evening :) #scriptchat
8:06 pm Sofluid: RT @jeannevb: My new strategy is to write them after outline, b4 1st draft #scriptchat I might try that! :)
8:06 pm jameskick: Im always looking for new projects RT @yeah_write: @jameskick Are you looking at any short film scripts? #scriptchat
8:06 pm jeannevb: AMEN! RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat Thx, good readers & advice. Trust knee-jerk, then drink tequila until knees dont jerk . #scriptchat
8:07 pm Bang2write: @Sofluid you're welcome Michelle! ; ) #scriptchat
8:07 pm jeannevb: Flaws POP RT @Sofluid: RT @jeannevb: My new strategy is 2 write them after outline, b4 1st draft #scriptchat I might try that!:) #scriptchat
8:08 pm Pale_Jewel: Lol RT @jeannevb If any EUROs have insomnia, come to USA chat 8pm EST...we drink & talk fast #justsayin #scriptchat
8:08 pm yeah_write: @jameskick I'll keep you in mind when I have my short polished. Is dark material okay with you? #scriptchat
8:08 pm JoeBanano: RT @jeannevb: If any EUROs have insomnia, come to USA chat 8pm EST...we drink & talk fast #justsayin #scriptchat
8:09 pm jeannevb: @jameskick I've read some of @yeah_write's work (not the dark short...yet) & she's good. I promise. AND can take feedback ;) #scriptchat
8:10 pm jeannevb: @Pale_Jewel U shld read some of our USA transcripts... we're out of control ha #justsayin #scriptchat
8:11 pm yeah_write: @jeannevb As always, you rock. lol #scriptchat
8:11 pm jeannevb: thanks everyone for joining in! I'm going to try to knock a cple scenes out before the USA #scriptchat
8:11 pm Bang2write: I'm off -- CSI baby! Lovely speaking w/ U all & if U ever need me, just holler -- always happy to help #scriptchat
8:12 pm yeah_write: Is there any really good outlining software out there? Does it really matter. The software, not the outline. #scriptchat
8:14 pm marshbuttrue: only observed #scriptchat tonight but it was great - just coming off of the first draft of my script so particularly pertinent!
8:14 pm rachlanger: @yeah_write I just use a table in word. Works great for me. #scriptchat
8:16 pm yeah_write: Never thought of that. RT @rachlanger: @yeah_write I just use a table in word. Works great for me. #scriptchat
8:17 pm jeannevb: Shld mention we won't have our chat next Sunday bc of Easter... but have a drink w the bunny & think of us ;) #scriptchat
8:17 pm BloodForcTrauma: @scriptdreric you did not join the #scriptchat I was there for one hr and nothing! :) What the heck movie is that script from in ur bg?
8:18 pm scripteach: In anticipation of tonight's #ScriptChat, I just posted a blog entry: "What I Look For In A Script". http://scripteach.com/?page_id=169
8:19 pm DreamsGrafter: Thanks everyone for a great #scriptchat tonight! And thanks again @Bang2write & @HayleyMckenzie1!!
jeannevb: Hey everyone! Welcome to our PRO reader panel! #scriptchat
yeah_write: @jmiewald Hello out there. #scriptchat
12:01 am zacsanford2: For bios on all our special guests, please visit www.scriptchat.com :) #scriptchat
12:01 am jeannevb: @zacsanford2 sorry, bit of a homework crisis w my boy... I'm here #scriptchat
12:01 am zacsanford2: Nevermind, I'll sit back and let @jeannevb take over now. :) #scriptchat
12:01 am staceygarratt: @covermyscript and @uncompletedwork are on the panel for #scriptchat in five minutes. Such a force with which to be reckoned, these two.
12:01 am scriptdreric: RT @zacsanford2: Tonight we have several guests who are Pro Readers. If you have a question, feel free to start the tweet with Q. #scriptchat
12:01 am jeannevb: welcome @covermyscript @UncompletedWork @scripteach @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric ! #scriptchat
12:02 am jeannevb: Before we jump in, please but "Q" in front of your question so it stands out to our guests #scriptchat
12:02 am yeah_write: Give me a sec, I have to let the dogs in. BRB #scriptchat
12:02 am covermyscript: hi everyone!! #scriptchat
12:02 am jmiewald: I am doing #scriptchat from a hand held device. Prepare for mass typos.
12:02 am scripteach: Okay, I'm here ... is there a sign-in sheet? #scriptchat
12:02 am jeannevb: EURO chat had some great questions that will be posted in our transcript later www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
12:02 am jeannevb: @covermyscript hi babe! #scriptchat
12:02 am AdrienneFord: Q: As a Prof Reader what do u look for that sets it apart? #scriptchat
12:02 am yeah_write: Okay, I'm back. #scriptchat
12:03 am NCP4EVA: #scriptchat
12:03 am jeannevb: @scripteach woot! :) #scriptchat
12:03 am zacsanford2: Q: When should a writer go from feedback from friends to a professional script consultant? #scriptchat
12:03 am scriptdreric: @jeannevb Thanks! Looking forward to it. #scriptchat
12:03 am UncompletedWork: Hey #scriptchat weather is nice here today in LA :-)
12:03 am jeannevb: Let me say, as someone who has used pro readers, they are SO worth it. FRESH EYES are priceless. #scriptchat
12:03 am covermyscript: hi!! drank sangria for you this afternoon! RT @jeannevb: hi babe! #scriptchat
12:03 am WriterChanelle: Hi all! #scriptchat First-timer
12:04 am zacsanford2: @UncompletedWork I'm enjoying the chat from my balcony which overlooks Hollywood Blvd. #scriptchat
12:04 am jeannevb: Sad to say, I was so rushed before chat, I have NO drink in front of me! *quiver* #scriptchat
12:04 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle welcome! We dont bite... until later ;) #scriptchat
12:04 am jeannevb: FU #justsayin ;) RT @zacsanford2: @UncompletedWork Im enjoying the chat from my balcony which overlooks Hollywood Blvd. #scriptchat
12:05 am SarahWestNZ: Hello there. This is my first time to #scriptchat :)
12:05 am yeah_write: @UncompletedWork @covermyscript My 2 fave readers and singers. #scriptchat
12:05 am tksandal: Hey everyone...finally home in time for my first scriptchat #scriptchat
12:05 am zacsanford2: And since this is an open discussion, any tweets with "Q" in the beginning can be answered by all Panelists. #scriptchat
12:05 am UncompletedWork: @zacsanford2 I think a wirter should take his script to the 'next level' when they can't get solid notes from friends. #scriptchat
12:05 am jeannevb: RT @AdrienneFord: Q: As a Prof Reader what do u look for that sets it apart? #scriptchat
12:05 am jeannevb: @SarahWestNZ welcome virgin! We'll be gentle ;) #scriptchat
12:05 am covermyscript: <3 u RT @yeah_write: @UncompletedWork @covermyscript My 2 fave readers and singers. #scriptchat
12:05 am scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord The first thing I look for is a standard cover page, and correct format. #scriptchat
12:06 am dawnbierschwal: Hi writers! #scriptchat
12:06 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb Hehe...works for me! #scriptchat
12:06 am scripteach: I got your wine here Jeanne! #scriptchat http://twitpic.com/1bn2cx
12:06 am jeannevb: @tksandal another newbie! YEAH! Welcome! We're talking to a panelist of pro script readers... just ask a quest w a "Q" in front #scriptchat
12:06 am jmiewald: What do big shot writers do? Do some guys have a staff of readers? Or does everyone run it by their friends first? #scriptchat
12:06 am RockingtheRobin: RT @dawnbierschwal: Hi writers! #scriptchat
12:06 am WriterChanelle: RT @jeannevb: RT @AdrienneFord: Q: As a Prof Reader what do u look for that sets it apart? #scriptchat
12:07 am WriterChanelle: RT @scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord The first thing I look for is a standard cover page, and correct format. #scriptchat
12:07 am jeannevb: @scripteach I SOOOOOO need it ;) ... maybe more like a gin day xo #scriptchat
12:07 am UncompletedWork: @zacsanford2 But, you need fresh unbiased eyes and close friends, may be too close to give you objective feedback #scriptchat
12:07 am RockingtheRobin: RT @scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord The first thing I look for is a standard cover page, and correct format. #scriptchat
12:07 am mjodirector: HI!! RT @dawnbierschwal Hi writers! #scriptchat
12:07 am scriptdreric: @zacsanford2 I agree with @UncompletedWork and would add, if your friends only give you positive notes, that may a problem. #scriptchat
12:08 am RockingtheRobin: RT @jeannevb: Sad to say, I was so rushed before chat, I have NO drink in front of me! *quiver* #scriptchat
12:08 am jeannevb: I agree, close friends are not qualified to give the kind of feedback we need to push the script to polished #scriptchat
12:08 am scripteach: RT @AdrienneFord: Q: what do u look for that sets it apart? #scriptchat Sets the script apart? I wrote a blog entry: http://bit.ly/bE4GHs
12:08 am zacsanford2: Q: Should writers do several drafts before handing it over to a Consultant, or on the first or second pass? #scriptchat
12:08 am covermyscript: if i laugh out loud. i'm a good laugher but not when i read. RT @AdrienneFord: Q: what do u look for that sets it apart? #scriptchat
12:08 am AdrienneFord: Q: What's the best way to find a professional reader? Twitter? (lol) #scriptchat
12:08 am RockingtheRobin: RT @zacsanford2: Q: When should a writer go from feedback from friends to a professional script consultant? #scriptchat
12:08 am jmiewald: I should be okay. Most of my friends are a##holes #scriptchat
12:08 am 4D4Films: True. RT @jeannevb: I agree, close friends are not qualified to give the kind of feedback we need to push the script to polished #scriptchat
12:08 am zacsanford2: Agreed. Friends tend to be too nice. RT @scriptdreric: if your friends only give you positive notes, that may a problem. #scriptchat
12:08 am tksandal: Q: Given there's a lot of variables here BUT what's the average time a first draft should take to write once? #scriptchat
12:09 am covermyscript: @AdrienneFord friends, colleagues and the internet. if it's good enough for dating, is good enough for your script. #scriptchat
12:09 am SnarkTheReader: Am I getting through on #scriptchat? Technical difficulties...
12:09 am UncompletedWork: Q: I have a question for fellow readers on the panel #scriptchat What's your #1 No No? --I hate 'real' production companies on title pages
12:09 am AdrienneFord: RT @scripteach:Sets the script apart? I wrote a blog entry:http://bit.ly/bE4GHs #scriptchat
12:09 am jeannevb: @AdrienneFord we have pro readers listed on our blog www.scriptchat.com BUT research urself as well to find right fit #scriptchat
12:09 am thinkStory: Q: How is it so many movies get made, big budget, where it looks like no one even paid attention to the story? #scriptchat.
12:09 am jmiewald: @SnarkTheReader You are getting through #scriptchat
12:09 am karenquah: @SnarkTheReader you got through. :) #scriptchat
12:09 am covermyscript: @tksandal there's no time. i'm fast. can bang out a script in 10 days. some it takes years. work at your pace. #scriptchat
12:10 am scripteach: @AdrienneFord first thing I look for is standard cover page & correct format. #scriptchat 2nd that--tells me how much homework writer's done
12:10 am UncompletedWork: RT @AdrienneFord: Q: best way to find reader? Twitter? #scriptchat {actually, there is quite a bit of industry talent on this panel :-)
12:10 am zacsanford2: RT @scripteach:Sets the script apart? I wrote a blog entry:http://bit.ly/bE4GHs #scriptchat
12:10 am scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord Um, there are a few professional readers right here, ahem. #scriptchat
12:10 am jeannevb: all the panelists links r on our bio page, as well as the EURO panelists: http://bit.ly/cGPFaD #scriptchat
12:10 am jeannevb: @SnarkTheReader yeah! I see you ;) #scriptchat
12:10 am scripteach: ...how serious writer is, how much I have to teach basics as opposed to help take script to next level. #scriptchat
12:10 am UncompletedWork: @scriptdreric @zacsanford2 Same thing goes for excessively negative notes from loved ones -- sometimes they are just bitter ;-) #scriptchat
12:11 am zacsanford2: @snarkthereader - read you loud and clear. You might want to try http://tweetchat.com/room/scriptchat instead of tweetdeck. #scriptchat
12:11 am tksandal: @thinkStory That's a really good question...I find myself scratching my head in confusion to that one! #scriptchat
12:11 am karenquah: RT @jeannevb all the panelists links r on our bio page, as well as the EURO panelists: http://bit.ly/cGPFaD #scriptchat
12:11 am UncompletedWork: I want to share a couple of things that will get me to pass on your script before you can blink #scriptchat
12:11 am jeannevb: I think I have withdrawals... I may need to sneak off for a drink... #scriptchat
12:11 am covermyscript: @thinkStory because people have friends, and those friends have production companies or rich fathers. #scriptchat
12:12 am scripteach: RT @thinkStory: Q: How is it so many movies get made no one even paid attention to the story? #scriptchat TOO many people input to script!
12:12 am UncompletedWork: NO COLORED FONTS! If you think you are being clever and making a statement with the hot pink, think again. (hurts my eyes!!) #scriptchat
12:12 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Thanky! I look for passion, i.e., Can the writer convey such a passionate story I'm swept away.
12:12 am scriptdreric: @UncompletedWork My #1 pet peeve is when a writer says they have written a perfect script. #scriptchat
12:12 am eyamie: Readers, do you think about contests vs. productions? Do you have a bias? #scriptchat
12:12 am zacsanford2: share away RT @UncompletedWork: I want to share a couple of things that will get me to pass on your script before you can blink #scriptchat
12:12 am thinkStory: it's crazy when you're a mega star and I'd presume you'd have someone like yourselves at least vetting the story for the basics. #scriptchat
12:12 am WriterChanelle: RT @scriptdreric: @UncompletedWork My #1 pet peeve is when a writer says they have written a perfect script. #scriptchat
12:12 am jeannevb: GREAT post! RT @scripteach:Sets the script apart? I wrote a blog entry:http://bit.ly/bE4GHs #scriptchat
12:12 am thinkStory: @scripteach ah, the "too many cooks" method of screenwriting. #scriptchat
12:12 am scripteach: RT @thinkStory: Q: How is it so many movies get made... #scriptchat That's a H'wood process--worry bout once UR in. 4 Now, write great!
12:13 am jeannevb: @UncompletedWork do u have the link for the post u wrote prior on readers? I saw a tweet but no link #scriptchat
12:13 am Donna_Carrick: What's the topic, Jeanne? Thanks... RT @jeannevb: #scriptchat
12:13 am WriterChanelle: RT @covermyscript: @tksandal there's no time. i'm fast. can bang out a script in 10 days. some it takes years. work at your pace #scriptchat
12:13 am UncompletedWork: Also, excessive novelization of text is a mistake lots of first times make. Many readers, will skim 'walls of text' #scriptchat
12:13 am AdrienneFord: RT @eyamie: Readers, do you think about contests vs. productions? Do you have a bias? #scriptchat
12:13 am jeannevb: @SnarkTheReader yes! Emotional impact is so important... @scripteach just posted about that today #scriptchat
12:13 am RockingtheRobin: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Thanky! I look for passion, i.e., Can the writer convey such a passionate story I'm swept away.
12:13 am Trigonis: @UncompletedWork People don't actually do that, do they? #scriptchat
12:13 am jameskick: Me too! RT @scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord The first thing I look for is a standard cover page, and correct format. #scriptchat
12:14 am UncompletedWork: @jeannevb Yep, "Script Readin and Analysis: Why?" http://www.merreldavis.com/blog/2009/07/21/script-reading-and-analysis-why/ #scriptchat
12:14 am jeannevb: @Donna_Carrick #scriptchat talking to pro script reader panel
12:14 am covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. the action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i just see a movie. #scriptchat
12:14 am WriterChanelle: RT @UncompletedWork: I want to share a couple of things that will get me to pass on your script before you can blink #scriptchat
12:14 am scriptdreric: @eyamie Regarding contests - the small ones may be wroth it. P.S. I'm having one right now (can we plug things on here?) :) #scriptchat
12:14 am GinySassenach: Hello everyone #scriptchat
12:14 am UncompletedWork: RT @Trigonis: @UncompletedWork People don't actually do that, do they? #scriptchat {Yes, yes they do...]
12:14 am scripteach: RT @zacsanford2 Same thing goes for excessively negative notes from loved ones #scriptchat EVERYONE wants to tell YOUR story their way....
12:14 am 4D4Films: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i just see a movie. #scriptchat
12:14 am Donna_Carrick: Thanks for the info! RT @jeannevb: #scriptchat talking to pro script reader panel
12:14 am AdrienneFord: Can u please elaborate! RT @UncompletedWork: excessive novelization of text is a mistake lots of first times make #scriptchat
12:14 am covermyscript: no, i just think about the work. RT @AdrienneFord: RT @eyamie: do you think about contests vs. productions? Do you have a bias? #scriptchat
12:14 am diannesalerni: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. when a script is good, i just see a movie. #scriptchat
12:14 am jameskick: RT @UncompletedWork: excessive novelization of text is a mistake lots of 1st times make. Many readers, will skim 'walls of text' #scriptchat
12:15 am scriptdreric: @covermyscript Hey, no fair, your screenwriting advice comes via poetic prose. :) #scriptchat
12:15 am jolenejahnke: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i just see a movie. #scriptchat
12:15 am yeah_write: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. the action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i see a movie. #scriptchat
12:15 am AdrienneFord: Wow Scriptchat tonight is INTERESTING!!!!! #scriptchat
12:15 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I've seen "contest winners" in the slush pile.
12:15 am KageyNYC: Hey guys, sorry I'm late! I can't get a connection on my computer, logging in from a remote! #scriptchat
12:15 am jeannevb: thx! RT @UncompletedWork: @jeannevb Yep, "Script Readin and Analysis: Why?" http://bit.ly/1wuXSS #scriptchat
12:15 am zacsanford2: We can't stop any of the readers from pimpin' any of their services. RT @scriptdreric: (can we plug things on here?) :) #scriptchat
12:15 am jtabergas: My #1 petpeeve is when non-writers "do you a favor" by sharing their big ideas with you #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:15 am karenquah: @GinySassenach hey there, good to see you again. #scriptchat
12:15 am thinkStory: @scriptdreric I'll plug it! everyone submit to SDEric's contest! best deal in town! #scriptchat
12:15 am Trigonis: @UncompletedWork Q: What's your stance on vertical writing (very short, one shot-per-line directions)? #scriptchat
12:15 am covermyscript: RT @UncompletedWork: I want to share a couple of things that will get me to pass on your script before you can blink #scriptchat
12:15 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat It's all about story. Good story = Pile #1. Weak story = slush.
12:15 am covermyscript: RT @UncompletedWork: excessive novelization text is a mistake lots of first times make. Many readers, will skim 'walls of text' #scriptchat
12:16 am blankethouse: #scriptchat boy you all are going hot an heavy, sorry I'm a few mins late!
12:16 am zacsanford2: @AdrienneFord A lot of amateur writers tend to write huge action blocks. Try to have no more than 3 lines in a block. my opinion #scriptchat
12:16 am TravisLegge: Seconded! RT @thinkStory @scriptdreric I'll plug it! everyone submit to SDEric's contest! best deal in town! #scriptchat
12:16 am WriterChanelle: RT @UncompletedWork excessive novelization of text is a mistake lots of 1st times make. Many readers, will skim 'walls of text' #scriptchat
12:16 am GinySassenach: @karenquah Thanks. things moving fast I see #scriptchat
12:16 am Trigonis: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i just see a movie. #scriptchat
12:16 am jeannevb: @covermyscript also writing what the char is thinking... #scriptchat
12:17 am UncompletedWork: @AdrienneFord A Script is not a novel. Flowery description has no place is a script, since we are showing something visually #scriptchat
12:17 am tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat
12:17 am zacsanford2: Q: When you are hired for your services, do you give the writers an opinion on the commercial aspects of the script? #scriptchat
12:17 am covermyscript: ;-p RT @scriptdreric: @covermyscript Hey, no fair, your screenwriting advice comes via poetic prose. :) #scriptchat
12:18 am scripteach: RT @Trigonis: @UncompletedWork Q: What's your stance on vertical writing? #scriptchat I like, but not to excess.
12:18 am SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q:I've recently written a short script that I'm quite proud of. How do I know it's a good script?
12:18 am GinySassenach: RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat
12:18 am scriptdreric: @zacsanford2 I'd say 4-5 lines in action/description is acceptable. But over five and you'd better be Hemingway. #scriptchat
12:18 am TravisLegge: Best writing advice ive ever heard: omit needless words... ironically given by Stephen King #scriptchat
12:18 am Donna_Carrick: RT @UncompletedWork: Also, excessive novelization of text is mistake lots of first times make. Many readers skim 'walls of text' #scriptchat
12:18 am karenquah: @GinySassenach yes, speed of light as usual. dizzying stuff... #scriptchat
12:18 am DoubleNW: Hi, #ScriptChat Tweeps...
12:18 am covermyscript: i hate people who don't have inner monologues in life, & esp. in scripts. RT @jeannevb: also writing what the char is thinking. #scriptchat
12:18 am zaffi: What's all this #scriptchat? I feel like I'm missing out on something cool...hmmm
12:18 am yeah_write: RT @zacsanford2: Q: When you are hired for your services, do u give writers an opinion on the commercial aspects of the script? #scriptchat
12:18 am jtabergas: RT @GinySassenach: RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat
12:18 am scripteach: RT @zacsanford2: @AdrienneFord amateur writers tend to write huge action blocks. Try no more than 3 lines in a block. #scriptchat YES!
12:18 am mjodirector: @jeannevb I agree also. Have notice a friend's "body language" when reading something. They don't want 2 hurt your feelings. #scriptchat
12:18 am 4D4Films: Kill the words! RT @TravisLegge: Best writing advice ive ever heard: omit needless words... ironically given by Stephen King #scriptchat
12:19 am jeannevb: @zaffi we talk every Sunday night 8pm EST... haven't u been here before? ;) Tonight is a pro script panel #scriptchat
12:19 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Commercial aspects? Yes & no. I tend to focus on things I've seen in the past.
12:19 am zacsanford2: Feel free to ask the panel any questions you have. Please put a "Q" in the front of your tweet. #scriptchat
12:19 am scripteach: RT @thinkStory: Ah, "too many cooks" method of screenwriting. #scriptchat Yes--execs want to put stamp on it. But 4 specs, must be great!
12:19 am UncompletedWork: @zacsanford2 I give my clients candor. I know what HAS sold, that can be guide #scriptchat
12:20 am covermyscript: @zacsanford2 i do. not always commercial, but client loves it. so i help them make their script great. it's about the writer. #scriptchat
12:20 am jeannevb: @4D4Films @TravisLegge LOVED Stephen King's On Writing. Changed my whole career approach #scriptchat
12:20 am scriptdreric: @UncompletedWork I partially agree - you can be a "little" flowery..some nice action verbs, obscure nouns. Forget the adjs, tho #scriptchat
12:20 am UncompletedWork: RT @SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q:I've recently written a short script that I'm quite proud of. How do I know it's a good script? [Get notes!]
12:20 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat ex. In a thriller, X had an attachment, but it didn't matter to the exec b/c Y was missing. It's missing in your script too
12:20 am zacsanford: Now that things are flowing smoothly on #scriptchat, I'm going to sit back and watch. Things are flowing fast and smooth!
12:20 am covermyscript: goes for dialogue too. RT @zacsanford2: amateur writers tend to write huge action blocks. Try no more than 3 lines in a block. #scriptchat
12:21 am garnerhaines: @jtabergas I had that happen recently. Beighbour had this "great idea" for a movie, but...wanted someone else to write it. #scriptchat
12:21 am Trigonis: @zaffi This is THE place to get quality advice, information, and feedback on all things script-related, bro. #scriptchat
12:21 am jeannevb: panelists r @scripteach @covermyscript @UncompletedWork @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric #scriptchat
12:21 am TravisLegge: A fine book. His best work RT @jeannevb @4D4Films @TravisLegge LOVED Stephen King's On Writing. Changed my whole career approach #scriptchat
12:21 am UncompletedWork: RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat [It began as a ultility of my screenwriting education #scriptchat]
12:21 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I'm a HUGE HUGE fan of vertical reading.
12:21 am DoubleNW: I think the key is being totally honest with what u're reading... #ScriptChat
12:21 am covermyscript: i do focus on if i've seen it 100 times before and if they're going to have trouble with a sale. so in terms of that i do. #scriptchat
12:21 am Donna_Carrick: RT @Trigonis: @zaffi This is THE place to get quality advice, information, and feedback on all things script-related, bro. #scriptchat
12:21 am scripteach: RT @yeah_write: RT @zacsanford2: Q: When hired 4 services, do u give an opinion on commercial aspects? #scriptchat Yes.
12:21 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat If you're doing anything to hinder my vertical reading, I get very cranky.
12:22 am talented_boy: hello good people...just getting into the conversation & i already have a drink in hand, so i think i'm ready to learn something #scriptchat
12:22 am SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat
12:22 am jameskick: Truth RT @Trigonis: @zaffi This is THE place to get quality advice, information, and feedback on all things script-related, bro. #scriptchat
12:22 am scriptdreric: @GinySassenach I started as a reader by working at an agency and reading scripts for free. #scriptchat
12:22 am scripteach: RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat I have so many flip answers, but so little characters... ;->
12:22 am Trigonis: @scriptdreric Bill Lundy drilled that into me. No adjs & advs. Just get 2 the point. He even goes as far as cutting pronouns! #scriptchat
12:22 am AdrienneFord: Q: So best to tell the story thru dialogue & get 2 the point in the action? RT @zacsanford2: amateur writers huge action blocks #scriptchat
12:22 am ttimechitchat: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just c words. the action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i just c a movie. #scriptchat
12:22 am tksandal: Q: Better question would be are most pro readers tied to studios, once part of a studio, or freelance? #scriptchat
12:22 am UncompletedWork: RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat [Reading greatly informs my own scripts as well]
12:22 am zacsanford2: Oh, you! RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat
12:22 am Donna_Carrick: Ppl always trying to tell me what to write. RT @garnerhaines: @jtabergas "great idea" but...wanted someone else to write it. #scriptchat
12:22 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat How do you know if your script is good? You don't ever get 100% certain.
12:22 am yeah_write: hahaha RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat
12:22 am covermyscript: usually 24 - 48 hrs standard for turnaround time. writers are impatient!! RT @yeah_write: Q - follow up after reading? #scriptchat
12:23 am DoubleNW: Every1 has @ least 1 person n their life they know will b totally honest NO MATTER WHAT!!! Everybody has 1. #ScriptChat
12:23 am 4D4Films: Q: Do you consider page count when reviewing scripts? (Range or exact # of pgs) Or does the story dictate that? #scriptchat
12:23 am scripteach: RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat First right a lot, then study a lot, then network a lot.
12:23 am SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q: When reading scripts do you go more for the happy endings, or the darker endings?
12:23 am karenquah: @SnarkTheReader If you're doing anything to hinder my vertical reading, I get very cranky. --i like that :) can totally relate. #scriptchat
12:23 am Inner_Cinema: RT @covermyscript: when i read a bad script i just see words. the action, sluglines, etc. when a script is good, i just see a movie. #scriptchat
12:23 am covermyscript: @yeah_write after we're done, i always check on everyone. i can't leave them hanging. also, my clients are co-dependant. ;-D #scriptchat
12:23 am jtabergas: Q: how do you guys battle writer's block? do you still experience it? #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:23 am DocumentDriven: Suggest when seek someone to edit or to help develop a novel or script, seek someone who specializes in form you're writing in. #scriptchat
12:23 am jeannevb: @SnarkTheReader what's ur biggest pet peeve? #scriptchat
12:24 am UncompletedWork: @scriptdreric there needs to be elegance to action text that draws interest, was referring to overkill that makes us cringe :-) #scriptchat
12:24 am Donna_Carrick: #scriptchat Excellent panel tonight. @Alex_Carrick & I tuning in on the road, just for learning value.
12:24 am covermyscript: i had a degree in screenwriting and a love of reading. when i found out this... Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat
12:24 am jeannevb: @zaffi OMG ur kidding! I am the main pimp & moderator! I thought that's how u found me! here's out blog http://bit.ly/b7OJdI #scriptchat
12:24 am yeah_write: @covermyscript With quick turn around it's fresher for everyone involved. #scriptchat
12:24 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I like happier endings. But have read a script that left me weeping...
12:24 am thinkStory: Q: stupid head question, but what is vertical reading? #scriptchat
12:24 am tksandal: @UncompletedWork I love reading anything script wise simply because it strengthens my own ideas...especially the "bad" ones #scriptchat
12:25 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat And when I pulled myself up off the floor, I went into the exec's office...
12:25 am covermyscript: was a job, i nearly died. i started with a fax and a flier. after 1000 faxes, had three clients. just figured it out from there. #scriptchat
12:25 am GermaineJames: Danse Macbre was good for horror 2@jeannevb LOVED Stephen King's On Writing. Changed my whole career approach #scriptchat
12:25 am ttimechitchat: If you are a #screenwriter consider joining us... RT @AdrienneFord: Wow Scriptchat tonight is INTERESTING!!!!! #scriptchat
12:25 am scriptdreric: @jtabergas That's Jeff Goldsmith's favorite question, lol. #scriptchat
12:25 am dawnbierschwal: Q. Do you give a Pass, Consider or Recommend... like it would get in coverage? #scriptchat
12:25 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat And stated, "This is golden."
12:25 am KageyNYC: If ur not in #scriptchat now (& scripts r ur thing) awesome pro readers panel right now! Check out their bios: http://bit.ly/185tzs Join in!
12:25 am talented_boy: Q: how many scripts do you receive featuring ethnic characters and does that hinder your judging the script's marketability? #scriptchat
12:25 am scripteach: RT @yeah_write: @covermyscript Q -How much follow up do you offer after reading? #scriptchat Unlimited email support. And I TRY to be prompt
12:25 am karenquah: @Donna_Carrick @Alex_Carrick Tuning in for learning value? Nah... You're just sticky beaks. :) Hey there you two! #scriptchat
12:25 am covermyscript: yes, and writers can get back to work. important. RT @yeah_write: With quick turn around it's fresher for everyone involved. #scriptchat
12:25 am UncompletedWork: Re: turnaround @covermyscript's time is top notch. I've used her several times - send a script on a friday, notes on a monday #scriptchat
12:26 am TravisLegge: That tweet shoulda come with a drumroll & rimshot RT @yeah_write hahaha RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat
12:26 am scripteach: RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat Exactly! Especially dangling ones.
12:26 am KageyNYC: RT @zacsanford2: Feel free to ask the panel any questions you have. Please put a "Q" in the front of your tweet. #scriptchat
12:26 am jeannevb: @talented_boy i'd like to know the answer to that! #scriptchat
12:27 am scripteach: RT @SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q: When reading scripts do you go more for the happy endings It's not what I want, it's what the script NEEDS.
12:27 am scriptdreric: @UncompletedWork Agreed. Plus, way too many scripts have long BLOCKS of description. #scriptchat
12:27 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat My biggest pet peeve is having to muck through a script with hip waders...
12:27 am AdrienneFord: Q: What about partial scripts. Will u read a few scenes & give feedback or do u prefer the entire script? #scriptchat
12:27 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Hence vertical reading. In speed reading, you learn to read DOWN the page...
12:27 am jeannevb: Tip for writers: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Let it simmer. Find the value. Dont be defensive. #scriptchat
12:27 am covermyscript: #scriptchat "get in and get out" that's true for all of screenwriting. don't belabor. short action, no directing on the page, realized chars
12:27 am yeah_write: @scripteach Good to know. Feedback is important when you are shelling out money for someone to read your work. #scriptchat
12:27 am Donna_Carrick: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat How do you know if your script is good? You don't ever get 100% certain.
12:27 am RockingtheRobin: RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat / LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She laughed guffawingly...
12:28 am TravisLegge: The opposite of horizontal reading? RT @thinkStory Q: stupid head question, but what is vertical reading? #scriptchat
12:28 am diannesalerni: RT @scripteach: When reading scripts do you go more for the happy endings -Its not what I want, its what the script NEEDS. #scriptchat
12:28 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat My eye literally gathers words one sweep from left to right, then DOWN.
12:28 am AdrienneFord: We soooo need a part 2 of this topic next week :) #scriptchat
12:28 am jeannevb: (cont of last tweet) ppl at EURO discussed value of letting the feedback sit & digest... totally agree #scriptchat
12:28 am covermyscript: @AdrienneFord yeah, sorta. write what needs to be written, but don't get hung up with the language, unless in dialogue. #scriptchat
12:28 am UncompletedWork: Tiny pet peeve: quit it with "Suddenly" every 2 pages in your script. I'm reading it in real time #scriptchat
12:28 am scripteach: RT @jtabergas: Q: how do you guys battle writer's block? do you still experience it? #scriptchat Yes. Usually because I'm not committed...
12:28 am zaffi: #scriptchat Q: Are 10 page samples of a script enough to entice someone? I use 10 page samples on my website http://zaffi.com/writing
12:28 am scriptdreric: Re: turnaround - I do 8-10 days, but am happy to negotiate if you need in in a rush. http://tinyurl.com/screenwritingservices #scriptchat
12:28 am blankethouse: RT @jeannevb: Tip for writers: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Let it simmer. Find the value. Dont be defensive. #scriptchat
12:28 am yeah_write: Q - Does anyone read shorts for a reduced fee? Like 5-25 pages? #scriptchat
12:28 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Anything that causes my eye to backtrack or double back or slow down is BAD.
12:28 am covermyscript: @tksandal there's a reader's union, but most are freelance. #scriptchat
12:28 am GinySassenach: RT @AdrienneFord: We soooo need a part 2 of this topic next week :) #scriptchat
12:29 am solshine7: RT @jeannevb: Tip for writers: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Let it simmer. Find the value. Dont be defensive. #scriptchat
12:29 am jeannevb: that's talent ;) RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat My eye literally gathers words one sweep from left to right, then DOWN. #scriptchat
12:29 am SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q: Do you get tired of the predictible storyline?
12:29 am covermyscript: you can't. is art. always subjective. RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat How ... if your script is good? You don't ever get 100% certain.
12:29 am dsrielly: RT @UncompletedWork: Tiny pet peeve: quit it with "Suddenly" every 2 pages in your script. I'm reading it in real time #scriptchat
12:29 am yeah_write: @blankethouse Defensive is bad. Let it soak and learn. It's supposed to be constructive feedback, so build on it. #scriptchat
12:29 am covermyscript: first page city, sweetheart. by end of page 1 i know if i'm gonna pass. those are the worst. #scriptchat
12:29 am jeannevb: @zaffi easiest to follow in tweetchat http://bit.ly/e5pJS #scriptchat
12:30 am GermaineJames: RT @KageyNYC: If ur not in #scriptchat now (& scripts r ur thing) awesome pro readers panel right now! Check out their bios: http://bit.ly/185tzs Join in!
12:30 am diannesalerni: RT @solshine7: RT @jeannevb: Tip for writers: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Let it simmer. Find the value. #scriptchat
12:30 am jtabergas: Q: do you shy away from scripts relying heavily on other cultures? #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:30 am UncompletedWork: Oops! Got too excited and didn't proof read my tweet #Scriptchat #fail
12:30 am stoner43: @dawnbierschwal looking forward to lunch on Wednesday in (hopefully) sunny L.A. #scriptchat
12:30 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Is 1st 10 pgs enough to tell the pro from the newbie? YES.
12:30 am scripteach: RT @SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q: Do you get tired of the predictable storyline? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Don't do what's already been done.
12:30 am scriptdreric: Agree with @jeannevb - I try to put as many positive as "constructive" comments, but I understand u may take it personally. #scriptchat
12:30 am karenquah: @jeannevb yes agree - let feedback simmer. Give it time to sift thru ego, pride & finally reach common sense re: good of Story. #scriptchat
12:30 am UncompletedWork: @zaffi Let's try that again! I usually can tell within the first page of a script if it is well written #scriptchat
12:31 am covermyscript: @SarahWestNZ i always love a happy ending.. especially the dark ones. they're the best. #scriptchat
12:31 am WriterChanelle: RT @jeannevb: thx! RT @UncompletedWork: @jeannevb Yep, "Script Readin and Analysis: Why?" http://bit.ly/1wuXSS #scriptchat
12:31 am scripteach: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Is 1st 10 pgs enough to tell the pro from the newbie? Oh hell yes -- first TWO!
12:31 am scriptdreric: @SnarkTheReader Yes, 10 pages tell a lot. #scriptchat
12:31 am talented_boy: (1 more time) Q: how many scripts do u receive feat. ethnic characters & does that hinder ur judging the script's marketability? #scriptchat
12:31 am GinySassenach: RT @UncompletedWork: @zaffi Lets try that again! I usually can tell within the first page of a script if it is well written #scriptchat
12:31 am WriterChanelle: LOL RT @jtabergas: My #1 petpeeve is when non-writers "do you a favor" by sharing their big ideas with you #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:31 am Trigonis: Yes!! RT @jeannevb: Tip for writers: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Let it simmer. Find the value. #scriptchat
12:32 am covermyscript: @jtabergas always. i go shopping at thrift stores. i think while i buy some junk.. then the answer will come to me. #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:32 am jeannevb: @jmiewald we have a panel tonight of pro readers/consultants... feel free to ask them a question #scriptchat
12:32 am solshine7: RT @talented_boy: Q: how many scripts do you receive featuring ethnic characters and does that hinder your judging the script's marketability? #scriptchat
12:32 am dawnbierschwal: @stoner43 Me too... rain or shine. #scriptchat
12:32 am DoubleNW: I agree. U can't b on the defense - especially n this business because it's soooo not easy 2 get ur foot n the door. #ScriptChat
12:32 am scripteach: RT @jmiewald: Q - What are your aspirations? Are u all writers? #scriptchat I'm writer/director. http://scripteach.com/?page_id=91
12:32 am Inner_Cinema: RT @covermyscript: first page city, sweetheart. by end of page 1 i know if i'm gonna pass. those are the worst. #scriptchat
12:32 am karenquah: RT @talented_boy Q: how many scripts do u receive feat. ethnic characters & does that hinder judging the script's marketability? #scriptchat
12:32 am WriterChanelle: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat It's all about story. Good story = Pile #1. Weak story = slush.
12:32 am zacsanford2: RT @talented_boy: Q: how many scripts do u receive feat. ethnic characters & does that hinder ur judging script's marketability? #scriptchat
12:32 am covermyscript: @DocumentDriven a good reader, analyst, should be able to help in any genre. #scriptchat
12:32 am CriticalTodd: #scriptchat I dunno if predictability bothers me as much as how it's done since I'd say 99% of films're predictable but I'm not a reader.
12:33 am KageyNYC: @zacsanford But at least I made #scriptchat. There's always an upside. ;)
12:33 am Alex_Carrick: #scriptchat @jeannevb Does approval by a pro scrptreader help gain acceptance by producer?
12:33 am UncompletedWork: Read as many scripts as you can. Even if you don't want to be a reader, READ. #scriptchat Check out Breaking Bad Pilot http://bit.ly/d8uGLC
12:33 am AdrienneFord: RT @talented_boy: Q: how many scripts do u receive feat. ethnic characters & does that hinder judging the scripts marketability #scriptchat
12:33 am John_Marlow: #Scriptchat The toughest transition is novelist to screenwriter?good novels can run long; scripts must say more with less.
12:33 am jeannevb: @inner_cinema most excellent ;) #scriptchat
12:33 am Donna_Carrick: RT @Alex_Carrick: #scriptchat @jeannevb Does approval by a pro scrptreader help gain acceptance by producer?
12:33 am WriterChanelle: RT @UncompletedWork Script is not a novel. Flowery description has no place in a script, since we are showing something visually #scriptchat
12:33 am Trigonis: @covermyscript @DocumentDriven I agree! A story is a story regardless of genre or niche market. #scriptchat
12:33 am covermyscript: @Hollywood_Trey visualize everything. i learned this from animation. you have to see each movement, in order to tell the artists #scriptchat
12:33 am scripteach: RT @jtabergas: Q: do you shy away from scripts relying on other cultures? #scriptchat No! But I make sure writer knows options for scripts.
12:34 am jeannevb: for all our NEW chatters. Dont worry about the speed, we post a transcript after chat on www.scriptchat.com along w TONS of info #scriptchat
12:34 am yath: RT @UncompletedWork: Oops! Got too excited and didn't proof read my tweet #Scriptchat #fail
12:34 am sunspotpictures: Q: Script readers, what's the current trend? Are all or most scripts you see tied to established properties right now? #scriptchat
12:34 am scriptdreric: @jmiewald - I am also a produced screenwriter. :) #scriptchat
12:34 am tksandal: Q: Does anyone here write for TV? Beginning to think the range of creative is stronger in that medium than in film right now #scriptchat
12:34 am NugzyBogues: @talented_boy tell em bro we want more ethnic movies! #scriptchat
12:34 am UncompletedWork: Sorry, I lost track of the Q's coming back now.. :-) #scriptchat
12:34 am covermyscript: @Hollywood_Trey @ in live action, you can't be as wordy or descriptive as animation demands, but you should visualize always. #scriptchat
12:34 am WriterChanelle: That's what I want to know RT @tksandal: Q: How does one become a pro script reader? #scriptchat
12:34 am blankethouse: Q: is it ok to get free advise from a Novel writer, do ur rewrite & then submit to a script pro? or do they not understand #scriptchat
12:34 am authorViviAnna: RT @Donna_Carrick: RT @Alex_Carrick: #scriptchat @jeannevb Does approval by a pro scrptreader help gain acceptance by producer?
12:35 am jeannevb: I'm workin on it ;) RT @NugzyBogues: @talented_boy tell em bro we want more ethnic movies! #scriptchat
12:35 am scripteach: RT @yeah_write: Q - Does anyone read shorts for a reduced fee? Like 5-25 pages? #scriptchat Yes. Rates should be set according to length.
12:35 am yeah_write: @covermyscript Writes for TV. #scriptchat
12:35 am covermyscript: if you're not proficient in every genre, you're no use to anyone. readers should be well read. RT @Trigonis: @DocumentDriven #scriptchat
12:35 am karenquah: @NugzyBogues @talented_boy tell em bro we want more ethnic movies! --HELL YEAH!!! #scriptchat
12:35 am covermyscript: i do!! RT @yeah_write: @covermyscript Writes for TV. #scriptchat
12:35 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat A pro reader's approval just means you've been tuned up. Doesn't mean the car will run for the buyer.
12:35 am talented_boy: @SnarkTheReader but not all family issues are common among ethnic backgrounds...a lot are but some are particular, no? #scriptchat
12:35 am UncompletedWork: Hey @jeannevb Let's talk about what makes a script POP in a good way for readers #Scriptchat
12:35 am DoubleNW: I can't even front. I used 2 hate on singers, rappers, etc... so much because it seemed so easy 4 them 2 become successful. #ScriptChat
12:35 am jtabergas: @tksandal Interested in TV, too. #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:35 am yeah_write: @blankethouse None of my author friends really like reading scripts. #scriptchat
12:35 am sunspotpictures: RT @John_Marlow: #Scriptchat The toughest transition is novelist to screenwriter?good novels can run long; scripts must say more with less.
12:35 am davidspies: Regardless of action block size; the most important aspect of a screenwriting is to ensure that your story is told visually. #scriptchat
12:35 am yeah_write: RT @UncompletedWork: Hey @jeannevb Lets talk about what makes a script POP in a good way for readers #scriptchat
12:36 am scriptdreric: @jtabergas: Q: scripts relying on other cultures? - Non-western cultural intricacies can help a script stand out. #scriptchat
12:36 am zacsanford: For those new to #scriptchat - if you miss something, the transcript will be posted later on www.scriptchat.com
12:36 am scripteach: RT @zaffi: #scriptchat Q: Are 10 page samples of a script enough to entice someone? Sure...10 pages is often ALL you get if script is bad...
12:36 am UncompletedWork: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat A pro reader's approval just means you've been tuned up. Doesn't mean the car will run for the buyer.{agree
12:36 am SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q How much would it cost to read a 22 page script?
12:36 am WriterChanelle: RT @scriptdreric: @zacsanford2 4-5 lines in action/description is acceptable. But over five and you'd better be Hemingway. #scriptchat
12:36 am KayleeT: For those new to #scriptchat - if you miss something, the transcript will be posted later on www.scriptchat.com (via @zacsanford)
12:37 am scripteach: RT @zaffi: #scriptchat Q: Are 10 page samples enough to entice someone? But wouldn't suggest posting; use synopsis to get 'em to read script
12:37 am covermyscript: charge the same for shorts/features. same amount of thinking for me. RT @SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q How much to read a 22 page script?
12:37 am blankethouse: @yeah_write so do you think it maybe a waste of time to ask my mom? lol #scriptchat
12:37 am jeannevb: @SarahWestNZ every pro has own fee structure, just like any biz. Chk out their sites & fee schedules #scriptchat
12:37 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Example of family issues that are common: Mother, a recent S. Korean film. Mother tries to prove son's innocence.
12:37 am UncompletedWork: Sharp involving dialogue is key for me. Don't confuse this with clever/masturbatory dialogue. #scriptchat
12:37 am jtabergas: I am loving this scriptchat! #scriptchat
12:38 am scripteach: RT @AdrienneFord: Q: What about partial scripts #scriptchat I'll work with what you want, but at least an outline of whole script is good.
12:38 am 4D4Films: #scriptchat Q: Do you see many deaf characters in scripts?
12:38 am covermyscript: @talented_boy i used to read for handprint / benny medina, and was mostly "urban" scripts. that's who he repped. #scriptchat
12:38 am jeannevb: Q what makes a script POP to the reader? What is the "OMG" thing ur dying to see? #scriptchat
12:38 am zacsanford2: Q: What is your strongest and weakest genre to give feedback on? #scriptchat
12:38 am thinkStory: @blankethouse no way, always ask ur mom, you gotta have at least one person who loves it! #scriptchat
12:38 am CriticalTodd: +1 RT @UncompletedWork: Sharp involving dialogue is key for me. Don't confuse this with clever/masturbatory dialogue. #scriptchat
12:38 am yeah_write: How honest is your mom.? lol RT @blankethouse: @yeah_write so do you think it maybe a waste of time to ask my mom? lol #scriptchat
12:38 am sunspotpictures: @blankethouse Not unless novel writer has prior script experience, or its basic advice. Novel a different game. #scriptchat
12:38 am AdrienneFord: Will the contact info for all prof readers 2nite be posted on the scriptchat site? @jeannevb #scriptchat
12:38 am AdrienneFord: RT @zacsanford2: Q: What is your strongest and weakest genre to give feedback on? #scriptchat
12:39 am jeannevb: @UncompletedWork u wld be the one to start talking dirty... heehee #scriptchat
12:39 am tksandal: RT @UncompletedWork: Sharp involving dialogue is key for me. Don't confuse this with clever/masturbatory dialogue. #scriptchat
12:39 am KageyNYC: If that's not the best hashtag to represent #scriptchat ... RT @UncompletedWork: @KageyNYC Oh no! We got your back Kim! #communitylove
12:39 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I treat adapted exactly like original...in fact, if it's an adapted, I don't want to read the source material until afterwards
12:39 am talented_boy: @covermyscript did it alter your approach at all? #scriptchat
12:39 am scripteach: RT @talented_boy: Q: how many scripts do you receive featuring ethnic characters #scriptchat I'm in NYC, so I get lots. And I love that...
12:39 am ttimechitchat: So monologues have to be sharp? RT @covermyscript: goes 4 dialogue too. zacsanford2:Try no more than 3 lines in action blocks. #scriptchat
12:39 am scriptdreric: @SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q How much to read a 22 page script? - Depends, but usually I'll give notes and a phone consult for $50 on shorts.
12:39 am karenquah: @GCGeek Not on panel but i personally don't read adaptations differently from originals. It's story & characters that count. #scriptchat
12:39 am Michael_Farese: #Scriptchat Do you all see any specific genres or styles being purchased more than others recently?
12:39 am XanxiuZ: Very frustrated right now. Well, have been for awhile. Working on script that I've been rewriting for years, but, I'm stuck. #scriptchat
12:39 am jeannevb: @AdrienneFord posted in their bio page on blog last wk... here's link: http://bit.ly/cGPFaD #scriptchat
12:39 am dkbrklyn: RT @jeannevb: @zaffi easiest to follow in tweetchat http://bit.ly/e5pJS > #scriptchat = vertical reading deluge - thx! #scriptchat
12:40 am Donna_Carrick: RT @zacsanford: For those new to #scriptchat - if you miss something, the transcript will be posted later on www.scriptchat.com
12:40 am sunspotpictures: RT @UncompletedWork: Sharp involving dialogue is key for me. Don't confuse this with clever/masturbatory dialogue. #scriptchat
12:40 am scripteach: RT @talented_boy: does that hinder your judging the script's marketability? #scriptchat No, it INFORMS my judgment. Have to be honest & real
12:40 am NCP4EVA: RT @jeannevb: Tip for writers: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Let it simmer. Find the value. Dont be defensive. #scriptchat
12:40 am zaffi: @scripteach What about a synopsis/sample combo? Why keep writing samples off the table? #scriptchat
12:40 am WriterChanelle: LOL. Nice RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat
12:40 am covermyscript: whole thing. anyone can write three good pages. whole script tells whole story. RT @AdrienneFord: Q: do u prefer entire script? #scriptchat
12:40 am karenquah: @jeannevb @UncompletedWork Who's talking dirty? yay, finally... #scriptchat
12:40 am talented_boy: @XanxiuZ write something else in another genre...then come back to it later #scriptchat
12:40 am diannesalerni: RT @SnarkTheReader:I treat adapted exactly like original - if its adapted, dont want to read the source material til afterwards #scriptchat
12:40 am scripteach: RT @dawnbierschwal: Q. Do you give a Pass, Consider or Recommend? #scriptchat I don't; each co. is different. But I do use the "box"
12:40 am scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord All my contact info is on my site. :) http://scriptdoctoreric.com #scriptchat #ShamelessSelfPromotionSunday
12:40 am davidspies: The marketability of a script should be determined by screenwriter. If the marketability is not there, move on, different story. #scriptchat
12:40 am zacsanford2: Comedy is big right now in spec marketplace. RT @Michael_Farese: Any specific genres being purchased more than others recently? #scriptchat
12:41 am tksandal: @Michael_Farese #Scriptchat Great question!
12:41 am WriterChanelle: RT @scriptdreric: @GinySassenach I started as a reader by working at an agency and reading scripts for free. #scriptchat
12:41 am GinySassenach: Q That the problem in writing, everything has been done! Everything has been done?Right?Except for Avatar now it's done!:) #scriptchat
12:41 am talented_boy: @scripteach interesting choice of words (informs)...do you mean that you learn something as well? #scriptchat
12:41 am UncompletedWork: @zacsanford2 I'm especially hard on Horror scripts. genre isn't properly elevated, you need good story. Blood/guts not enough #scriptchat
12:41 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I'm strong on drama & comedy, weaker on horror.
12:41 am yeah_write: @AdrienneFord Follow me so I can DM you. #scriptchat
12:41 am jeannevb: Not me... I'm not drinking yet! #grr RT @karenquah: @jeannevb @UncompletedWork Whos talking dirty? yay, finally... #scriptchat
12:41 am covermyscript: super hard on fantasy. mostly because not my taste. that said, if it's good, it's good. then i have no issues. @zacsanford2 #scriptchat
12:41 am tommybertin: So far, I'm content to observe this #scriptchat.
12:41 am RickRapier: Say what!? @jeanneVB RT @WriterChanelle: LOL. Nice RT @SKCOMEDY: Beware adverbs, he advised warningly. #scriptchat
12:41 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat (In response to what scripts I cover strong & less strong)
12:41 am scripteach: RT @thinkStory: Q: stupid head question, but what is vertical reading? #scriptchat Not stupid. Read THE MATRIX for good examples of it.
12:41 am authorViviAnna: Q. do you like your clients to keep coming back to you draft after draft of the same script #scriptchat
12:42 am covermyscript: no same amount of thinking for me. charge same. RT @yeah_write: Q - Does anyone read shorts for a reduced fee? Like 5-25 pages? #scriptchat
12:42 am talented_boy: @GinySassenach i disagree that everything has been done...thinking that will hinder your creative process...IMO #scriptchat
12:42 am RickRapier: Just arrived. What I miss? ;^) #scriptchat
12:42 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I'm weaker on horror, frankly, b/c I'm not sure how to freak people out that hasn't been done.
12:42 am jeannevb: I LOVE our readers r being honest about what genre is their weakest. THAT is honorable & humble. I bow... #scriptchat
12:42 am CriticalTodd: @UncompletedWork Harder on horror than other genres? #scriptchat
12:42 am WriterChanelle: RT @SarahWestNZ: #scriptchat Q: When reading scripts do you go more for the happy endings, or the darker endings?
12:42 am davidspies: RT @MichaelAugust @davidspies Anybody that doesn't realize that film is a visual medium needs to get out of the game immediately #scriptchat
12:42 am jolenejahnke: Q for panel: If you could recommend one script every writer should read, what would it be? #scriptchat
12:42 am tksandal: @ Maybe it's been done but EVERYONE has a new angle so really nothing's been done the same #scriptchat
12:42 am DoubleNW: At this early stage n my writing career I haven't read another writers script. I may never, I'm sure I'd b way 2 critical. #ScriptChat
12:43 am zacsanford2: About 1000 tweets. :) RT @RickRapier: Just arrived. What I miss? ;^) #scriptchat
12:43 am scriptdreric: @zaffi I wouldn't offer synopses, summaries, etc. - try to get the agent/producer to read the entire script instead. #scriptchat
12:43 am blankethouse: @RickRapier only the hottest #scriptchat since the birth of America!! lol
12:43 am WriterChanelle: @SarahWestNZ The one I want to write will not have a happy ending #scriptchat
12:43 am scripteach: RT @zaffi: Why keep writing samples off the table? #scriptchat If you post 10 pages, you give them a chance to reject w/out entire script
12:43 am Inner_Cinema: RT @davidspies: The marketability of a script should be determined by screenwriter. If the marketability is not there, move on, different story. #scriptchat
12:43 am Donna_Carrick: Facsinating panel tonight--well done. Reminds me of workshop by Stuart Kaminski I attended. #scriptchat @jeannevb
12:43 am UncompletedWork: RT @CriticalTodd: @UncompletedWork Harder on horror than other genres? #scriptchat [Horror needs to be held to a higher standard]
12:43 am covermyscript: totally. i do it for a living, and i still get testy. RT @jeannevb: when u get feedback, dont knee-jerk react. Find the value. #scriptchat
12:43 am CriticalTodd: @DoubleNW I think you ought to read all the scripts you can... #scriptchat
12:43 am scriptdreric: @jolenejahnke I wouldn't - everyone should read many, many scripts! :) #scriptchat
12:43 am thinkStory: @RickRapier oh, darn, you missed the secret to selling a screenplay for $2.5M. and they're not putting it in the transcript. :) #scriptchat
12:43 am covermyscript: NETWORK!!! #SCRIPTCHAT everyone should read NETWORK.
12:43 am jeannevb: damn straight! RT @blankethouse: @RickRapier only the hottest #scriptchat since the birth of America!! lol #scriptchat
12:44 am AdrienneFord: RT @jolenejahnke: Q for panel: If you could recommend one script every writer should read, what would it be? #scriptchat
12:44 am scripteach: RT @XanxiuZ:Working on script that I've been rewriting for years, but, I'm stuck. #scriptchat What aspect has stuck you? What's happening?
12:44 am CriticalTodd: @jolenejahnke I suppose the classic answer is Chinatown, amirite? ;) #scriptchat
12:44 am TravisLegge: @GinySassenach Avatar was done before: it was called Pocahontas. There are no original concepts only original presentation #scriptchat
12:44 am UncompletedWork: RT @jolenejahnke: could recommend one script every writer should read, what would it be? #scriptchat [Read Network. Paddy Chayefksy gold]
12:44 am zacsanford2: @DoubleNW If you havent read a friend's script, you should at least read scripts of produced/unproduced films. You'll learn lots #scriptchat
12:44 am AdrienneFord: @yeah_write Done! #scriptchat
12:44 am UncompletedWork: RT @covermyscript: NETWORK!!! #SCRIPTCHAT everyone should read NETWORK. [Get out of my head!]
12:44 am zacsanford2: RT @covermyscript: NETWORK!!! #SCRIPTCHAT everyone should read NETWORK. #scriptchat
12:44 am talented_boy: @WriterChanelle that whole happy ending thing is overrated IMO...do u leave feeling some type of emotion? that's the question #scriptchat
12:44 am scriptdreric: @scripteach Hey, we gave @zaffi the same advice - nice work! :) #scriptchat
12:44 am Michael_Farese: Wondering if there's room for another "handheld" feature (a la "Cloverfield"), or if the audience would automatically reject it. #scriptchat
12:45 am CriticalTodd: RT @covermyscript: NETWORK!!! #SCRIPTCHAT everyone should read NETWORK.
12:45 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat However, one of the freshest voices I've read recently was a psychological horror.
12:45 am Trigonis: Great Q! RT @jolenejahnke: Q for panel: If you could recommend one script every writer should read, what would it be? #scriptchat
12:45 am GinySassenach: @TravisLegge I stand corrected!:)) #scriptchat
12:45 am scripteach: RT @ttimechitchat: So monologues have to be sharp? #scriptchat What's a monologue? ;-> Seriously, they have to REALLY count & really SING!
12:45 am Donna_Carrick: Was a good one, guys! RT @zacsanford2: About 1000 tweets. :) RT @RickRapier: Just arrived. What I miss? ;^) #scriptchat
12:45 am tksandal: Q: Anyone know where to find scripts for shows like Mad Men or The Wire?...some of the most clever writing I've seen lately. #scriptchat
12:45 am jeannevb: @talented_boy @WriterChanelle... emotional impact of ENTIRE film far more imp than happy ending #scriptchat
12:45 am zacsanford2: @Michael_Farese Paranormal was a "handheld" movie, just the camera was put on sticks. #scriptchat
12:45 am scripteach: RT @scriptdreric: @scripteach Hey, we gave @zaffi the same advice - nice work! :) #scriptchat [high five!]
12:45 am blankethouse: @thinkStory oh, your bad! lol #scriptchat
12:45 am RickRapier: IHoo boy! I'll have to read the transcript. RT @blankethouse: @RickRapier only the hottest #scriptchat since the birth of America!! lol
12:46 am Dealfatigue: @covermyscript interesting re knowing by the 1st page. Dfriends back in the day would read 10/10/10 (front/mid/bak pages) 2know #scriptchat
12:46 am scriptdreric: @covermyscript The Matrix is good too, but alright, I'll read NETWORK again, sheesh. :) #scriptchat
12:46 am jeannevb: wow... 45 min gone already... we're hot #justsayin #scriptchat
12:46 am jeannevb: haha RT @scripteach: RT @scriptdreric: @scripteach Hey, we gave @zaffi the same advice - nice work! :) #scriptchat[high five!] #scriptchat
12:46 am UncompletedWork: .@XanxiuZ You may be SPACKLING, Mental Spackle. Script Readers aren't the only way to combat it. http://bit.ly/JyHOE #scriptchat
12:46 am talented_boy: @jeannevb completely agree...won't even get to the ending if the rest has me blah blah-ing all over the place #scriptchat
12:46 am yeah_write: RT @covermyscript: NETWORK!!! #SCRIPTCHAT everyone should read NETWORK.
12:46 am yeah_write: Yup. RT @jeannevb: damn straight! RT @blankethouse: @RickRapier only the hottest #scriptchat since the birth of America!! lol #scriptchat
12:47 am covermyscript: @GCGeek no. it's the same. #scriptchat
12:47 am scripteach: RT @Michael_Farese: Wondering if there's room for another "handheld" feature #scriptchat Sure...if it's great & is more than shakey-cam
12:47 am RickRapier: RT @Trigonis: Great Q! RT @jolenejahnke: Q for panel: If you could recommend1 script every writer should read, what would it be? #scriptchat
12:47 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I know this is common sense, but PLEASE figure out your weak spots.
12:47 am mjodirector: RT @UncompletedWork: RT @covermyscript: NETWORK!!! #SCRIPTCHAT everyone should read NETWORK. [Get out of my head!]
12:47 am DoubleNW: I'm with @SnarktheReader... Horror would def b my weakest - urban romatic dramas / family films being my best, I'm pretty sure. #ScriptChat
12:47 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I covered a script of a new writer recently who had atrocious punctuation.
12:47 am dawnbierschwal: Follow @scriptcollector and @mypdfscripts for LOTS! RT @zacsanford2: you should read scripts of produced/unproduced films. #scriptchat
12:47 am scripteach: RT @zacsanford2: @DoubleNW you should at least read scripts of produced/unproduced films #scriptchat PLEASE do so--this should be MANDATORY!
12:48 am michelelang: RT @Donna_Carrick: RT @zacsanford: For those new to #scriptchat - if you miss something, the transcript will be posted later on www.scriptchat.com
12:48 am UncompletedWork: Want to share my article "Mental Spackle" these are things you should do before & after going to a reader. http://bit.ly/JyHOE #scriptchat
12:48 am covermyscript: @XanxiuZ send it to someone to get some advice. can't hurt. #scriptchat
12:48 am talented_boy: @scripteach i'm in north jersey...might have to 'accidentally' run into you one day lol #scriptchat
12:48 am Michael_Farese: @zacsanford2 Good point. I had an idea, but I thought that whole "real life" thing may be considered gimmicky. #scriptchat
12:48 am zacsanford2: From the development side, I only read the first 25 and back 10 if it's a guaranteed pass. @dealfatigue #scriptchat
12:48 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat There were commas instead of periods. I BEG YOU GET AN EDITOR if you know you're not the best at grammar.
12:48 am jolenejahnke: @scriptdreric Then how about suggesting a few faves? =) #scriptchat
12:48 am UncompletedWork: RT @dawnbierschwal: Follow @scriptcollector and @mypdfscripts for LOTS! RT @zacsanford2: you should read scripts of produced/unproduced films. #scriptchat
12:48 am yeah_write: @tksandal Firefly is great writing too. #scriptchat
12:48 am jeannevb: I just added more sites to download scripts today on blog www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
12:49 am covermyscript: noone will read your synopsis, only script. RT @zaffi: @scripteach synopsis/sample combo? Why keep writing samples off the table #scriptchat
12:49 am CriticalTodd: Gotta have grammar & style down! RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I covered a script of a new writer recently who had atrocious punctuation.
12:49 am jeannevb: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat ... I BEG YOU GET AN EDITOR if you know youre not the best at grammar. #scriptchat
12:49 am RickRapier: Q: How about a more recent script than NETWORK? #scriptchat
12:49 am blankethouse: Q: if I have a great script and Script Reader agrees #scriptchat
12:49 am scriptdreric: @Rick_normal @Trigonis @jolenejahnke - I hesitate to recommend one script, as @scripteach and I have said, read many instead. #scriptchat
12:49 am UncompletedWork: @edrafalko I tried :-) #scriptchat
12:49 am AdrienneFord: Q: whats in demand for specs (ur opinion of course)? Romantic comedies, dramadies? #scriptchat
12:49 am talented_boy: Q: as a reader, do you get more scripts littered with problems the writer can't answer or ones that just need some fine tuning? #scriptchat
12:49 am scripteach: RT @AdrienneFord: RT @jolenejahnke: If you recommend 1 script every writer should read #scriptchat Good Q! I love how THE MATRIX is written.
12:49 am screamtweets: RT @jeannevb: I just added more sites to download scripts today on blog www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:49 am jeannevb: @LaStPeAcEoFmInD i know, and i dont have a drink! Going to fast to get 1 & wrong to ask my kids to bring me one haha #scriptchat
12:49 am covermyscript: i also don't care about other reader's coverage. it doesn't help me. it's supposed to help YOU! #scriptchat
12:50 am tksandal: @yeah_write Firefly? Will have to check that out. Is it a series? #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:50 am sunspotpictures: RT @UncompletedWork: Article "Mental Spackle" : things you should do before & after going to a reader. http://bit.ly/JyHOE #scriptchat
12:50 am covermyscript: @GinySassenach everything is always done. it's how you do it that sets you apart. shakespeare ripped off the greeks. #scriptchat
12:50 am KageyNYC: I think we ALL will! RT @RickRapier I'll have to read transcript. RT @blankethouse: only the hottest #scriptchat since the birth of America!
12:50 am blankethouse: @SnarkTheReader that's where my Author friends come in handy! Editors #scriptchat
12:50 am BellaVidaLetty: I just added more sites to download scripts today on blog www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat #writingtips via @jeannevb
12:50 am talented_boy: @jeannevb you don't have a drink?? wildberry martini over here #dontjudgeme #practicingdrinkmakingfortheladies #scriptchat
12:50 am karenquah: @jolenejahnke i love Chinatown - Robert Towne. I read that over & over for character, subtext, dialogue... everything. #SCRIPTCHAT
12:51 am covermyscript: @talented_boy always. INFORMS would be right here. it's all about learning. @scripteach #scriptchat
12:51 am scriptdreric: Improve your overall writing. Screenwriting is writing! Read Bird by Bird, On Writing (King), and On Writing Well (Zinsser).. #scriptchat
12:51 am zacsanford2: Q: If a writer feels you didn't honor everything provided in your ad for consulting, how do you go about handling that w/writer? #scriptchat
12:51 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat RE: trends. BAH! I say, BAH again! Recently read a fresh vampire script. You read it right VAMPIRE.
12:51 am jeannevb: @covermyscript i wldnt want to tell reader what other coverage was. I'd want unbiased second opinion #scriptchat
12:51 am Donna_Carrick: Do you ever visit #scriptchat Sunday nights? On for 10 more minutes, great pro panel. @RockingtheRobin
12:51 am scripteach: RT @authorViviAnna: Q. do you like clients to keep coming back draft after draft #scriptchat Only if I'm saying new things, not repeating
12:51 am Trigonis: @scriptdreric Reading many scripts makes sense. Every screenwriter has his/her own style after all; best way 2 find your own. #scriptchat
12:51 am jeannevb: @talented_boy I feel naked!!! #dontjudgeme #practicingdrinkmakingfortheladies #scriptchat
12:51 am BunnyRabbitSex: RT @jeannevb: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat ... I BEG YOU GET AN EDITOR if you know youre not the best at grammar. #scriptchat
12:51 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat And I'm very tired of vampire scripts. It had great Oscar winning actor attached for very good reason - fantastic twist.
12:52 am covermyscript: @authorViviAnna i do!! that way i can see their progress and our bond deepens. many clients do 5, 6 reads. co-dependant. ;-D #scriptchat
12:52 am TravisLegge: I've heard The Usual Suspects is a good script to read. #scriptchat
12:52 am RickRapier: Q: Has anyone asked this: What's the strongest thing a wrtr can put in a query? #scriptchat
12:52 am UncompletedWork: @SunspotPictures Thanks for getting the word out. #scriptchat
12:52 am scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord I would write the project you're most passionate about - as long as it has SOME commercial potential. #scriptchat
12:52 am covermyscript: totes yo. you need me fresh. RT @jeannevb: i wldnt want to tell reader what other coverage was. I'd want unbiased second opinion #scriptchat
12:52 am talented_boy: @jeannevb lol you need to clothe yourself with adult beverage goodness #scriptchat
12:52 am CriticalTodd: +1 RT @karenquah: @jolenejahnke i love Chinatown -. I read that over & over for character, subtext, dialogue... everything. #SCRIPTCHAT
12:52 am jeannevb: while ur all on fire here, NEXT SUNDAY is EASTER so no chat. U'll have to drink w the bunny instead #scriptchat
12:52 am KindredE: Guess the Movie Quote http://47zxh.th8.us #scriptchat
12:52 am blankethouse: has anyone read The Scriptwriters Bible? #scriptchat
12:52 am UncompletedWork: One thing I love about my consultations these days is I can opt to use SKYPE to see my client in real time #scriptchat
12:53 am jeannevb: @talented_boy *whimper* Can't reach... #scriptchat
12:53 am covermyscript: we work it out, regardless.RT @zacsanford2: Q: If a writer feels you didn't honor... how do you go about handling that w/writer? #scriptchat
12:53 am GCGeek: Q: Should we be concerned with budgets when writing scenes? A practicality filter? Or is that when you come in? #scriptchat
12:53 am zaffi: @covermyscript Q So if no samples/synopsis...how do u get attn for ure writing? I got a writing gig cuz of samples on my website #scriptchat
12:53 am 4D4Films: Q: Do you see many deaf characters in scripts? #scriptchat
12:53 am WriterChanelle: @jeannevb @talented_boy Very true. Aren't audiences tired of formulaic endings? #scriptchat
12:53 am yeah_write: Fantabulous! RT @TravisLegge: I've heard The Usual Suspects is a good script to read. #scriptchat
12:53 am CTK1: WRITERS join in on the Twitter hashtag/ sharing event known as #ScriptChat it's going down right now!!! Host @jeannevb
12:53 am talented_boy: question for anybody: what's the best script you've read that turned into a mediocre/terrible film? #scriptchat
12:53 am KindredE: Top Ten Baddest Bad Guys http://57dy5.th8.us #scriptchat
12:53 am CriticalTodd: @blankethouse I've heard good things about it but haven't read it. #scriptchat
12:53 am thinkStory: FM, this is all so inspiring. thanks for the energy, everyone! #scriptchat
12:53 am scriptdreric: Before I forget, let me shamelessly promote my screenplay contest - http://tinyurl.com/scriptcontest - Deadline is Wed! :) #scriptchat
12:54 am tksandal: Looking for a script editor? I know a great one and agree, bad grammar is a nightmare to read through. #scriptchat #scriptchat
12:54 am sunspotpictures: @UncompletedWork My pleasure. Good article! #scriptchat
12:54 am jeannevb: y I'm not big rom com fan RT @WriterChanelle: @jeannevb @talented_boy Very true. Arent audiences tired of formulaic endings? #scriptchat
12:54 am scriptdreric: @talented_boy STAY. Great script, film was...wtf? #scriptchat
12:54 am scripteach: RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat covered a script recently who had atrocious punctuation. Have to admit bad p. pissed me off. Feels lazy.
12:54 am UncompletedWork: Though I have to admit, @covermyscript had a great I idea when she did that with @authorViviAnna http://bit.ly/9wIdzD #scriptchat
12:54 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat But usually if the story is faulty, other things are faulty. It's rare that other things will prevent me
12:54 am CTK1: @jeannevb O and M and G... seriously, this sux but as a freelancer I just have no concept of dates and holidays. Easter already? #scriptchat
12:54 am gioclair: @Donna_Carrick I would love visiting #scriptchat, but my head is mush after all the #editing. Next week!
12:54 am covermyscript: my clients love me and i love them. i make myself soo available (co-dependant) that we always work it out. #scriptchat
12:54 am scripteach: RT @talented_boy: @scripteach i'm in north jersey...might have to 'accidentally' run into you one day lol #scriptchat I could happen!
12:54 am talented_boy: @WriterChanelle long as the story feels fulfilled in the audience's mind, i think you just need to be true to the story #scriptchat
12:54 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat from liking a good story
12:54 am DoubleNW: I've written 4 scripts already but I hear all my #ScriptChat Tweeps :) I promise 2 read a few scripts over the summer. Thanks 4 looking out!
12:54 am jeannevb: @CTK1 thx babe... #ScriptChat is on FIRE! Even a margarita wont put it out!
12:55 am TravisLegge: Zombie break RT @jeannevb while ur all on fire here, NEXT SUNDAY is EASTER so no chat. U'll have to drink w the bunny instead #scriptchat
12:55 am ttimechitchat: I had SteelMagnoliasGrave scene in mind RT @scripteach: Whats a monologue?;->Seriously, they have to REALLY count & really SING! #scriptchat
12:55 am WarLordwrites: RT @CTK1: WRITERS join in on the Twitter hashtag/ sharing event known as #ScriptChat it's going down right now!!! Host @jeannevb
12:55 am RickRapier: I thnk readers are, but not audiences. RT @WriterChanelle: Very true. Aren't audiences tired of formulaic endings? #scriptchat
12:55 am covermyscript: @zaffi well, you need a logline that ZINGS!!! #scriptchat
12:55 am zacsanford2: From the Development side - Please use proper script format. If you haven't learned that bit you have no reason to submit yet. #scriptchat
12:55 am CTK1: @jeannevb I do have a bunny named Ringo who hops and plays in my yard though! #scriptchat ...possible movie idea ;-)? heh
12:55 am AdrienneFord: Can anyone recommend good screenwriting software to keep you format on point? #scriptchat
12:55 am jeannevb: @CTK1 yes, the bunny is a comin'... ready or not #scriptchat
12:55 am myafd: RT @KindredE: Top Ten Baddest Bad Guys http://57dy5.th8.us #scriptchat
12:55 am covermyscript: @UncompletedWork and i have an announcement #scriptchat
12:55 am ttimechitchat: @scripteach and thanks for your response. #scriptchat
12:55 am Dealfatigue: @UncompletedWork @RickRapier "Glen Gary Glenn Ross"? #scriptchat
12:55 am TravisLegge: RT @scriptdreric: Before I forget, let me shamelessly promote my screenplay contest - http://tinyurl.com/scriptcontest - Deadline is Wed! :) #scriptchat
12:55 am covermyscript: was so excellent.RT @authorViviAnna: Skype is awesome for script talks I was @covermyscript guinea pig and it totally rocked #scriptchat
12:55 am yeah_write: RT @covermyscript: we work it out, regardless.RT @zacsanford2: Q: If a writer feels you didn't honor... how do u handling? #scriptchat
12:56 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I don't see many deaf characters in scripts. I think in part b/c the narrative has to take over for dialogue so much.
12:56 am zacsanford2: I know @covermyscript answered my Q, but I'll post it again for the other Panelists as this stuff is FLYING BY. #scriptchat
12:56 am GCGeek: Q: Should we be concerned with budgets when writing scenes? A practicality filter? Or is that when you come in? #ScriptChat
12:56 am talented_boy: does a screenwriter's career take a hit if their script turns into a bad movie? #scriptchat
12:56 am TravisLegge: @talented_boy if the internet can be believed, Natural Born Killers. #scriptchat
12:56 am UncompletedWork: Yes, standing by for BIG announcement from @covermyscript #scriptchat
12:56 am CriticalTodd: @AdrienneFord I think Celtx is good and free. #scriptchat
12:56 am covermyscript: we're launching our joint service "Double Feature" 2 readers, same time, it's all about you. #scriptchat http://bit.ly/cC58yd
12:56 am blankethouse: @CriticalTodd I've read about 80% of The Scriptwriter Bible, then lost it on a plane. It was very good. #scriptchat
12:56 am jeannevb: @AdrienneFord resources on blog in right sidebar. Books, pro readers, blogs, software, u name it www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
12:56 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I'd only be concerned with budget if you're targeting a specific audience.
12:56 am 4D4Films: Celtx (it's free!) RT @AdrienneFord: Can anyone recommend good screenwriting software to keep you format on point? #scriptchat
12:56 am authorViviAnna: @AdrienneFord I use Movie Magic, also there is Final Draft #scriptchat
12:56 am DoubleNW: Btw... Teh Biggest Shout-Out 2 David Trottier :) The Screenwriters Bible IS truly my bible!!! Is he on twitter??? #ScriptChat
12:57 am jeannevb: Q: RT @talented_boy: does a screenwriters career take a hit if their script turns into a bad movie? #scriptchat
12:57 am KageyNYC: I like BAH! RT @SnarkTheReader #scriptchat RE: trends. BAH! I say, BAH again! Recently read fresh vampire script. You read it right VAMPIRE.
12:57 am DoubleNW: Btw... The Biggest Shout-Out 2 David Trottier :) The Screenwriters Bible IS truly my bible!!! Is he on twitter??? #ScriptChat
12:57 am scriptdreric: @AdrienneFord Final Draft and Movie Magic dominate the market. #scriptchat
12:57 am talented_boy: @jeannevb =( that saddens me...that's a scriptchat staple #scriptchat
12:57 am UncompletedWork: Me & @covermyscript launching our joint service "Double Feature" 2 readers, same time, it's all about you. #scriptchat http://bit.ly/cC58yd
12:57 am NugzyBogues: @talented_boy I dont think a screenwriter's career takes that big of hit cuz the dudes who did the hangover did rebound #scriptchat
12:57 am zacsanford2: Page count can be up to 10% off in cases I've seen. RT @CriticalTodd: @AdrienneFord I think Celtx is good and free. #scriptchat
12:57 am scripteach: RT @talented_boy: Q: you get more scripts littered w/problems writer can't answer or ones need tuning? #scriptchat I'd say 25/75, BUT...
12:57 am mjodirector: RT @jeannevb: Q: RT @talented_boy: does a screenwriters career take a hit if their script turns into a bad movie? #scriptchat
12:57 am thinkStory: @AdrienneFord I love Movie Magic Screenwriter 6. works better for me than Final Draft. #scriptchat
12:57 am sunspotpictures: @AdrienneFord Final Draft #scriptchat
12:57 am allegrahuston: #scriptchat Billy Mernit's Romcom book is really good
12:57 am CriticalTodd: @covermyscript @UncompletedWork congrats - nice idea. #scriptchat
12:58 am jeannevb: ME TOO! I'm parched! RT @talented_boy: @jeannevb =( that saddens me...thats a scriptchat staple #scriptchat
12:58 am sunspotpictures: RT @blankethouse: @CriticalTodd I've read about 80% of The Scriptwriter Bible, then lost it on a plane. It was very good. #scriptchat
12:58 am covermyscript: you should trust your analyst to have YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. you want someone to help you. #scriptchat
12:58 am authorViviAnna: RT @covermyscript: we're launching our joint service "Double Feature" 2 readers, same time, it's all about you. #scriptchat http://bit.ly/cC58yd
12:58 am jtabergas: Great scriptchat! Looking forward to the next one! #scriptchat
12:58 am talented_boy: @jeannevb i'll drink two, just for you =) #scriptchat
12:58 am jeannevb: @allegrahuston hey babe! Great to see u! We have a pro script reading panel tonight ;) #scriptchat
12:59 am NCP4EVA: RT @jeannevb: I just added more sites to download scripts today on blog www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
12:59 am karenquah: @allegrahuston hey allegra, long time no see. Billy Mernit's Romcom book you say? will check it out. #SCRIPTCHAT
12:59 am UncompletedWork: Any body feel I missed thier question? You may still ask away #scriptchat
12:59 am scriptdreric: If you're starting out in screenwriting, check out Save the Cat and Hauge's Writing Screenplays That Sell. #scriptchat
12:59 am jeannevb: now THAT is pimp support ;) RT @talented_boy: @jeannevb ill drink two, just for you =) #scriptchat
12:59 am scripteach: #scriptchat I mention MATRIX because of clean writing style, compressed action, clear delivery of complex ideas & word not seen before.
12:59 am zacsanford2: RT @covermyscript: were launching our joint service "Double Feature" 2 readers, same time, its all about u. http://bit.ly/cC58yd #scriptchat
12:59 am RickRapier: Luv that. RT @covermyscript: you should trust your analyst to have YOUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. you want someone to help you. #scriptchat
12:59 am John_Marlow: #Scriptchat All professional screenwriters use Final Draft or Movie Magic Screenwriter software. Links at http://bit.ly/SCRsoft
12:59 am jeannevb: RT @covermyscript: were launching joint service "Double Feature" 2 readers, same time, its all about u. http://bit.ly/cC58yd #scriptchat
1:00 am shabanky: Great #scriptchat... every question I had someone beat me 2 it!
1:00 am scripteach: RT @zacsanford2: Q: If a writer feels you didn't honor everything provided in your ad #scriptchat I send @jeannevb to whack 'em! ;->
1:00 am GinySassenach: Bye Bye #scriptchat
1:00 am authorViviAnna: I have to give a plug for @covermyscript , she has really helped me with my script, I highly recommend her #scriptchat
1:00 am somemandy: is joining #scriptchat and this is a disclaimer to all my tweeps if there's a sudden surge of message from me #scriptchat
1:00 am mjodirector: RT @scripteach: #scriptchat I mention MATRIX because of clean writing style, compressed action, clear delivery of complex ideas & word not seen before.
1:00 am yeah_write: @UncompletedWork @covermyscript Is there something you wanted to announce about a new service? #scriptchat
1:00 am TravisLegge: Been looking for that problem in @celtx have yet to find it RT @zacsanford2 Page count can be up to 10% off in cases I've seen. #scriptchat
1:00 am zacsanford2: Q: You said your biggest pet peeve, but what is one thing that you don't see enough of? #scriptchat
1:00 am CriticalTodd: RT @scriptdreric: If you're starting out in screenwriting, check out Save the Cat and Hauge's Writing Screenplays That Sell. #scriptchat
1:00 am covermyscript: @DoubleNW @sdarancette read a script a day for 30 days, made him go from pro to star. try it for yourself. #ScriptChat
1:00 am RickRapier: I was w/a prodco that hired one of the most famous analysts - s/he wanted to change theme; disagreed w/the point. Not good. #scriptchat
1:01 am screamtweets: RT @scriptdreric: If you're starting out in screenwriting, check out Save the Cat and Hauge's Writing Screenplays That Sell. #scriptchat
1:01 am zaffi: Within the 1st pages of a screenplay a reader can judge the skill of the writer simply by noting how they handle exposition #scriptchat
1:01 am jeannevb: psst u shld follow hashtag #SEBlog for screenwriting advice fr @John_Marlow #scriptchat
1:01 am scriptdreric: Good luck! @covermyscript: launching joint service "Double Feature" 2 readers, same time, its all about u. http://bit.ly/cC58yd #scriptchat
1:01 am covermyscript: awww!!! xox RT @authorViviAnna: I have to give a plug for @covermyscript , shereally helped me I highly recommend her #scriptchat
1:01 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat I do not see enough of WOW.
1:01 am AdrienneFord: Great scriptchat tonight. Cant wait for the transcript to see what I missed. Thanks everyone for the great questions and answers #scriptchat
1:01 am KimBergie: RT @TravisLegge: **Ditto** I'm a fan of @celtx as well RT @CriticalTodd @AdrienneFord I think Celtx is good and free. #scriptchat
1:01 am scriptdreric: RT @zacsanford2: Q: If writer feels you didn't honor everything in your ad for consulting #scriptchat - I try to do MUCH MORE than promised.
1:02 am covermyscript: yes! double feature service. http://bit.ly/cC58ydRT @yeah_write: @UncompletedWork @covermyscript a new service? #scriptchat
1:02 am scripteach: RT @RickRapier: Q:What's the strongest thing a wrtr can put in a query? #scriptchat A fantastic logline. ALL writers need to learn this art!
1:02 am NCP4EVA: @AdrienneFord I personally think it's not okay to write to wht is smashin the BoxOffice at the moment. I usually follow my heart #scriptchat
1:02 am Michael_Farese: As long as we're endorsing, I can say that @scriptderic helped me with the opening of my SP. He gave great feedback. #scriptchat
1:02 am jeannevb: at ur service *curtsy* RT @scripteach: #scriptchat I send @jeannevb to whack 'em! ;->
1:02 am UncompletedWork: .@zacsanford2 I want my clients to be satisfied and work with them, but set clear parameters for services rendered #scriptchat
1:02 am MyClientsApp: RT @covermyscript: my clients love me and i love them. i make myself soo available (co-dependant) that we always work it out. #scriptchat
1:02 am TravisLegge: Cause he's smart RT @covermyscript @GCGeek no. woody allen always wrote what he wanted, and then changed it later for the budget #scriptchat
1:02 am zacsanford2: RT @scripteach Honestly, I do ALL I can to address it Q: If writer feels you didnt honor everything in your ad for consulting #scriptchat
1:02 am jeannevb: ok, peeps, it's 9:00 and the formal chat is over, but feel free to keep gabbing. Thx SO MUCH to our panel!!!! #scriptchat
1:02 am DoubleNW: I learned everything I know about correctly writing full length original scripts from The Screenwriters Bible... Very serious. #ScriptChat
1:02 am scriptdreric: Oh no, gotta run to dinner. Thanks so much @jeannevb and everyone! Catch me on http://scriptdoctoreric.com - Write well! #scriptchat
1:02 am blankethouse: @SnarkTheReader do you mean that actual word WOW or the WoW factor! jk #scriptchat
1:03 am BellaVidaLetty: @DoubleNW @sdarancette read a script a day for 30 days go fr pro 2 star. try it for urself. #ScriptChat @covermyscript i like the suggestion
1:03 am scripteach: RT @blankethouse: has anyone read The Scriptwriters Bible? #scriptchat Yep, it's great. (But Mr. Trottier mentions me, so I may be biased.)
1:03 am covermyscript: yes!RT @zacsanford2: Development side - proper script format. If you haven't learned that bit you have no reason to submit yet. #scriptchat
1:03 am jeannevb: can' thank u enough @scripteach @UncompletedWork @covermyscript @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric for GREAT #scriptchat
1:03 am zacsanford: If you have more questions or want to know what services our panel offers, please check out www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
1:03 am GinySassenach: Yes, panel thanks for all your help!:)) #scriptchat
1:03 am scripteach: RT @GCGeek: Q: Should we be concerned with budgets when writing scenes? #scriptchat If it's a spec, no. Indie film, yes.
1:03 am UncompletedWork: .@yeah_write The Double Feature coverage is a Double whammy coverage W/ VIDEO consultation #scriptchat http://bit.ly/cC58yd
1:03 am zacsanford2: @scriptdreric Thanks for joining us! #scriptchat
1:03 am FunWithTwiggs: RT @zaffi: The essence of dramatic form is to let an idea come over people without it being plainly stated. ~Kubrick #scriptchat
1:03 am covermyscript: thanks so much for having me @jeannevb for #scriptchat. was fun!! i got asked a bunch of questions. i'll answer now.
1:03 am RickRapier: Logline trumps wrtr's bio, etc.? RT @scripteach: #scriptchat A fantastic logline. ALL writers need to learn this art!
1:03 am jeannevb: @scriptdreric thanks Eric!!! #scriptchat
1:03 am WriterChanelle: @CriticalTodd @RickRapier @talented_boy @jeannevb If you don't like obvious plot, do you write for yourself or for the audience #scriptchat
1:03 am ozzywood: Doh. Just checked in. Got the time zone wrong. Midday in Sydney! RT @jeannevb: ok, peeps, its 9:00 and the formal chat is over. #scriptchat
1:04 am blankethouse: @jeannevb and You did very well staying on subject tonight, Kodos #scriptchat
1:04 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat WoW = Wow, never seen that before. Wow, you made me cry. Wow, I have to go hug my kids b/c I was so moved
1:04 am covermyscript: RT @UncompletedWork: .@yeah_write Double Feature coverage is Double whammy coverage W/ VIDEO consultation #scriptchat http://bit.ly/cC58yd
1:04 am DoubleNW: The entire panel was Awesome!!! #ScriptChat
1:04 am scripteach: RT @zaffi: @covermyscript got a writing gig cuz of samples on my website #scriptchat Congrats! I'd say that's not the norm though.
1:04 am UncompletedWork: Also, I want to invite everyone to #screenwriterkaraoke a monthly screenwriters network event http://bit.ly/3yA4CX #scriptchat
1:04 am GCGeek: This was lightning fast. I will check out transcript. Without pandering, THANK YOU for the feedback tonight! #scriptchat
1:04 am jeannevb: don't forget @zacsanford2 is really @zacsanford...& the First Dude...he has a multiple personality disorder but we love him xo #scriptchat
1:04 am covermyscript: @AdrienneFord final draft. some people like movie magic. i like final draft. #scriptchat
1:04 am zacsanford2: @TravisLegge Have u copy and pasted from Celtx into the latest version of FD8? I did one 2 months ago and was 6 pgs xtra on 101 #scriptchat
1:04 am tksandal: @sunspotpictures Do you have screenwriters bible? #scriptchat
1:05 am jolenejahnke: Thanks @covermyscript @UncompletedWork @scripteach @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric for all your words of wisdom. Much appreciated! #scriptchat
1:05 am jtabergas: Great chat! Learned a lot. Looking forward to next one. #scriptchat
1:05 am elaineewing: RT @UncompletedWork: Also, I want to invite everyone to #screenwriterkaraoke a monthly screenwriters network event http://bit.ly/3yA4CX #scriptchat
1:05 am scripteach: RT @4D4Films: Q: Do you see many deaf characters in scripts? #scriptchat To be honest, not really. But doesn't mean it's bad to have 'em.
1:05 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat Thanks for having me!
1:05 am jeannevb: @SnarkTheReader i want WOW. #scriptchat
1:05 am blankethouse: @scripteach Yes, I remember his giving you some props! thanks #scriptchat
1:05 am TravisLegge: This is bad. I suck at loglines. @scripteach: #scriptchat A fantastic logline. ALL writers need to learn this art!
1:05 am covermyscript: yes, but i've never heard that either. RT @scripteach: RT @zaffi:got a writing gig cuz of samples on my website #scriptchat
1:05 am dawnbierschwal: Thanks, panelists! Fantasic to just sit back and take in all the great perspectives. #scriptchat
1:05 am zacsanford2: RT @zacsanford: If you have more questions or want to know what services our panel offers, please check out www.scriptchat.com #scriptchat
1:05 am UncompletedWork: @ozzywood Oh missed you! Pimped mental spackle tonight ;-) #scriptchat
1:05 am ozzywood: RT @zacsanford2: @TravisLegge copy and pasted from Celtx into FD8? I did one 2 months ago and was 6 pgs xtra on 101 #scriptchat
1:05 am authorViviAnna: Thanks so much for being open and approachable panel of awesomeness #scriptchat
1:05 am jeannevb: @ozzywood poo.... we miss u #scriptchat
1:05 am KageyNYC: Same thought, excellent group! RT @shabanky: Great #scriptchat... every question I had someone beat me 2 it!
1:05 am CriticalTodd: @WriterChanelle I actually don't MIND obvious plot if done WELL because aren't almost all plots obvious? It's about the ride. #scriptchat
1:05 am UncompletedWork: @SnarkTheReader Nice meeting you! #scriptchat
1:06 am AdrienneFord: RT @UncompletedWork: invite everyone to #screenwriterkaraoke a monthly screenwriters network event http://bit.ly/3yA4CX #scriptchat
1:06 am KageyNYC: RT @authorViviAnna: I have to give a plug for @covermyscript , she has really helped me with my script, I highly recommend her. #scriptchat
1:06 am zacsanford2: No, thank you for participating! Appreciate it so much. RT @SnarkTheReader: Thanks for having me! #scriptchat
1:06 am scripteach: RT @talented_boy: what's best script you've read that turned into a mediocre/terrible film? #scriptchat A PERFECT WORLD -- mediocre movie.
1:06 am covermyscript: cheers! we're very excited. RT @CriticalTodd: @covermyscript @UncompletedWork congrats - nice idea. #scriptchat
1:06 am yeah_write: #scriptchat peeps. Be careful to fully research before spending your money. Ask writers who'
1:06 am CriticalTodd: @SunspotPictures It looks like I need to buy The Scriptwriter's Bible. #scriptchat
1:06 am talented_boy: @DoubleNW i sleep with that book at the edge of my bed...i also like 'your screenplay sucks: 100 ways to make it great' #scriptchat
1:06 am WriterChanelle: RT @talented_boy Q: how many scripts do you receive featuring ethnic characters and does that hinder the script's marketability? #scriptchat
1:06 am RickRapier: For audience 75% RT @WriterChanelle: @RickRapier If you don't like obvious plot, do you write for yourself or for the audience #scriptchat
1:06 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat @jeannevb Aren't you Ms. WoW ? You are to us:)
1:06 am jeannevb: I'll wait a few more min to pull transcript in case u all have anything brilliant to add in ur drunken stupor that is #scriptchat
1:07 am jeannevb: RT @yeah_write: #scriptchat peeps. Be careful to fully research before spending your money. Ask writers who used them before #scriptchat
1:07 am blankethouse: @SnarkTheReader you should read my latest, I cried 3 times writing. #scriptchat
1:07 am zacsanford2: I know someone asked how to find a reader for their script, well we had 5 amazing readers on our panel tonight. #scriptchat
1:07 am ozzywood: Good man! Have u tried site today? Should b fast!RT @UncompletedWork: @ozzywood Oh missed you! Pimped mental spackle tonight ;-) #scriptchat
1:07 am TravisLegge: @zacsanford2 No, because I dont use FD8. Are the font sizes the problem you're seeing? it outputs accurate to .pdf #scriptchat
1:07 am jeannevb: awww... *wipes tear* xo RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat @jeannevb Aren't you Ms. WoW ? You are to us:)
1:07 am tksandal: @ jeannevb Ridiculously informative chat. So glad I logged on. Thanks! #scriptchat
1:07 am sunspotpictures: @CriticalTodd It's very good. Comprehensive book. I'm happy to see it's getting a lot of attention tonight! #scriptchat
1:07 am yeah_write: #scriptchat Be careful to fully research before spending$. Ask writers who've used the reader before. Don't waste $ cuz he's inexpensive.
1:07 am talented_boy: thanks panelists...ya'll are good people...@scriptdreric you'll be getting a comp entry from me soon... #scriptchat
1:07 am CutThroat_Ent: RT @TravisLegge: This is bad. I suck at loglines. @scripteach: #scriptchat A fantastic logline. ALL writers need to learn this art!
1:07 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat @UncompletedWork Nice to meet you too!
1:07 am jeannevb: @blankethouse maybe ur just a pussy... did I say that out loud? heehee xoxo #scriptchat
1:07 am WriterChanelle: Add GOOD ethnic movies RT @jeannevb: I'm workin on it ;) RT @NugzyBogues: @talented_boy tell em bro we want more ethnic movies! #scriptchat
1:08 am zacsanford2: @TravisLegge It may output correctly to PDF, but a ProdCo is going to take the script from FD8 or MMSW into budget/sched progrms #scriptchat
1:08 am covermyscript: i wish i could send @jeannevb @yeah_write @KageyNYC and @zacsanford e-flowers for being so good to me tonight! thanks!!! #scriptchat
1:08 am yeah_write: @scripteach You are great for doing this. Thanks! #scriptchat
1:08 am jeannevb: spreading the love xo RT @SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat @UncompletedWork Nice to meet you too! #scriptchat
1:08 am scripteach: RT @covermyscript: i make myself soo available (co-dependant) #scriptchat I know what you mean. Fear it's an inherent consultant gene thing!
1:08 am RickRapier: RT @CriticalTodd: I actually don't MIND obvious plot if done WELL because aren't almost all plots obvious? It's about the ride. #scriptchat
1:08 am TravisLegge: @zacsanford2 is it a space management issue maybe? What version of Celtx? Try dumping txt from both to Word to test? #scriptchat
1:08 am yeah_write: @covermyscript Thanks for participating. I really enjoyed. #scriptchat
1:08 am AdrienneFord: who's doing ScriptFrenzy in April? #scriptchat
1:08 am ozzywood: So what was the logline for tonight's scriptchat, folks?? ;) #scriptchat
1:08 am 4D4Films: RT @jeannevb: can' thank u enough @scripteach @UncompletedWork @covermyscript @SnarkTheReader @scriptdreric for GREAT #scriptchat <--Agreed!
1:09 am KageyNYC: RT @zacsanford2 Q: If writer feels u didn't honor evrythng in ad 4 consult #scriptchat A: @scripteach Honestly, I do ALL I can to address it
1:09 am yeah_write: @UncompletedWork Thanks so much for your information tonight. #scriptchat
1:09 am JimmyOdoms: Anyoone excited about the iPad, and how it can/will be used wit Final Draft #scriptchat
1:09 am talented_boy: @WriterChanelle more than agree with the addition of 'good'...i honestly think 'precious' will make people take more chances #scriptchat
1:09 am talented_boy: @AdrienneFord i'm thinking about it #scriptchat
1:09 am UncompletedWork: My Mental Spackel Article was picked up by The Story Dept (@ozzywood) http://bit.ly/9zCjCx #scriptchat
1:09 am sunspotpictures: RT @yeah_write:#scriptchat Be careful to research before spending$. Ask writers who used reader before. Don't waste $ cuz hes inexpensive
1:09 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat @blankethouse Excellent! The more you make me cry, the better it is.
1:09 am covermyscript: @scripteach you gotta be there for them. this is their art. nothing is more personal. it's a big level of trust there. #scriptchat
1:09 am yeah_write: @SnarkTheReader Thank you for your information. Really enjoyed. #scriptchat
1:09 am authorViviAnna: RT @zacsanford2: I know someone asked how to find a reader for their script, well we had 5 amazing readers on our panel tonight. #scriptchat
1:09 am NCP4EVA: RT @scriptdreric: If you're starting out in screenwriting, check out Save the Cat and Hauge's Writing Screenplays That Sell. #scriptchat
1:09 am ozzywood: Sydneysiders have a kick-off meeting on Wednesday evening. Should be fun! RT @AdrienneFord: whos doing ScriptFrenzy in April? #scriptchat
1:09 am WriterChanelle: @talented_boy What did you think of Precious? #scriptchat
1:09 am blankethouse: @jeannevb haha! I'm 100% muscle and male...just a dammm good writer! #scriptchat
1:09 am jeannevb: @scripteach @covermyscript...as long as "disease to please" isn't... we want raw honesty... at last I do *hint hint* :) #scriptchat
1:09 am zacsanford2: @TravisLegge Not sure, but the big ProdCos aren't going to spendthe time going to text and then into FD to go into other progrms #scriptchat
1:09 am scripteach: RT @ttimechitchat: I had SteelMagnolias Grave scene #scriptchat Grave scene! AAAH!!!!! Read this please: http://scripteach.com/?page_id=101
1:09 am TravisLegge: @zacsanford2 so you submit to prodcos in FD8 or MMSW and not pdf? (I produce my own scripts, so never done this) #scriptchat
1:10 am CriticalTodd: @SunspotPictures Funny: I almost bought Scriptwriter's Bible on Friday but thought it was too heavy to lug around for the night. #scriptchat
1:10 am jeannevb: @covermyscript awww... not nec... we love u guys xo @yeah_write @KageyNYC @zacsanford #scriptchat
1:10 am talented_boy: @WriterChanelle i think we should have that conversation on regular twitter cuz that could take awhile =) #scriptchat
1:10 am covermyscript: @jeannevb you won't ever get anything less than my raw honesty... and my need for you to make me a #scriptchat -tini
1:10 am RickRapier: Reading is fundamental! (Thx PBS) ;^)#scriptchat
1:11 am jeannevb: phew... i was scared ha RT @blankethouse: @jeannevb haha! I'm 100% muscle and male...just a dammm good writer! #scriptchat
1:11 am UncompletedWork: Hey don't forget to Give @scripteach some love. I'm glad he let me drag him to the 21st century with http://www.scripteach.com #scriptchat
1:11 am SnarkTheReader: #scriptchat @yeah_write Happy to be here! Thanks for the warm welcome.
1:11 am zacsanford2: @TravisLegge No usually submit in PDF, but when they go to breakdown script into MM budgeting/scheduling usually from FD or MMSW #scriptchat
1:11 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle yes GOOD ethnic films r needed, for sure! Cldnt agree more @NugzyBogues @talented_boy #scriptchat
1:11 am talented_boy: @CriticalTodd that book is good...helped me a lot with my layout of my first true ensemble cast script #scriptchat
1:11 am KageyNYC: You make it so easy RT @jeannevb: @covermyscript awww... not nec... we love u guys xo @yeah_write @KageyNYC @zacsanford #scriptchat
1:12 am jeannevb: fyi, I have met both @scripteach & @uncompletedwork in real life. Stand up guys. They'r the real deal...but I was drunk ha #scriptchat
1:12 am UncompletedWork: You guys rock.... brb in a second, my laundry hath dinged #scriptchat
1:12 am jeannevb: kidding on that last tweet... ;) #scriptchat
1:12 am zacsanford2: Not sure if any of our panelists are in the report, but Creative Screenwriting is selling a "Consultant Report" on their site. #scriptchat
1:12 am covermyscript: absolutely. RT @scripteach: RT @RickRapier: Q:What's the strongest thing a wrtr can put in a query? #scriptchat fantastic logline.
1:13 am TravisLegge: @zacsanford2 I didn't think they would, but if they're looking at the .pdf & the .pdf is accurate, i guess i dont get the prob. #scriptchat
1:13 am yeah_write: @covermyscript @SnarkTheReader @scripteach @UncompletedWork @scriptdreric How lucky were we to have these guests tonight? #scriptchat
1:13 am scripteach: RT @jeannevb: @scripteach @covermyscript we want raw honesty... at last I do *hint hint* :) #scriptchat Oh, it's coming! ;->
1:13 am covermyscript: RT @jeannevb: at ur service *curtsy* RT @scripteach: #scriptchat I send @jeannevb to whack 'em! ;->
1:13 am RickRapier: And thanks to all the readers. Looking forward to the transcript. #scriptchat
1:13 am authorViviAnna: night all, great fantastic chat #scriptchat
1:13 am ozzywood: RT @scripteach: RT @RickRapier: Q:Whats the strongest thing a wrtr can put in a query? #scriptchat fantastic logline. #scriptchat
1:13 am talented_boy: @covermyscript i honestly hate writing loglines...haven't figured out a proper attack #scriptchat
1:14 am jeannevb: every time i think i can pull transcript, u guys keep saying great stuff...shut the hell up already ;) #justkidding #keepsharing #scriptchat
1:14 am zacsanford2: @TravisLegge PDF wouldn't be accurate as it is created in the FD/Celtx/MMSW software and if pg count is off, PDF will be off. #scriptchat
1:14 am NCP4EVA: RT @ozzywood: RT @scripteach: RT @RickRapier: Q:Whats the strongest thing a wrtr can put in a query? #scriptchat fantastic logline. #scriptchat
1:14 am scripteach: RT @talented_boy: does career take a hit if script turns into a bad movie? #scriptchat Produced bad movie is better than a great spec. Sigh.
1:14 am jeannevb: yikes RT @scripteach: RT @jeannevb: @scripteach @covermyscript want raw honesty... at last I do *hint hint* :) #scriptchat Oh, it's coming!
1:14 am TravisLegge: @zacsanford2 so after they read pdf & give the greenlight THEN they ask for FD/MMSW? page # no longer a problem at that point? #scriptchat
1:14 am zacsanford2: Yes, I may rally against Celtx to writers, but with any piece of software you do get what you pay for. #scriptchat
1:15 am CriticalTodd: @talented_boy Amazon.com here I come! #scriptchat
1:15 am yeah_write: Regarding readers, inexpensive is expensive if you didn't get the service you were promised in a timely manner. #scriptchat Caveat emptor.
1:15 am UncompletedWork: RT @jeannevb: fyi, I have met both @scripteach & @uncompletedwork in real life. Stand up guys. They'r the real deal...but I was drunk ha #scriptchat
1:15 am ozzywood: Check UNK's article on this. He has a great logline formula. RT @talented_boy: @covermyscript havent figured out a proper attack #scriptchat
1:15 am blankethouse: Thank You all for the new followers. Thanks for the great info! and Good night and good writing #scriptchat
1:15 am covermyscript: keep it short! get to it fast. 1 sentence sums it up. RT @talented_boy: hate writing loglineshaven't figured out a proper attack #scriptchat
1:15 am talented_boy: @scripteach guess that's a sad but true statement :-/ #scriptchat
1:15 am zacsanford2: @TravisLegge If you're greenlit at 100 pages and then it comes in at 105, that could turn off the green light as budgeted to 100 #scriptchat
1:15 am UncompletedWork: RT @zacsanford2: Celtx is GREAT to learn on, but when you're serious about breaking in, you should buy the industry standards. #scriptchat
1:16 am talented_boy: @CriticalTodd one of my favorite online hangouts lol #scriptchat
1:16 am WriterChanelle: RT @jeannevb: @WriterChanelle yes GOOD ethnic films r needed, for sure! Cldnt agree more @NugzyBogues @talented_boy #scriptchat
1:16 am jeannevb: sadly, i had a dry #scriptchat tonight! I wld NOT recommend it ha RT @UncompletedWork: God @jeannevb you crack me up #drinkinhomies
1:16 am covermyscript: @4D4Films re: deaf characters, no, not so much. i did see a doc in sundance tho. but that was a while ago. #scriptchat
1:16 am yeah_write: We have great book links on the web site www.scriptchat.com RT @CriticalTodd: @talented_boy Amazon.com here I come! #scriptchat
1:16 am UncompletedWork: Yes -- I recommend my clients us @finaldraftinc version 7 or higher. I have MMR on stand by. Also take PDF's #scriptchat
1:16 am KageyNYC: Very! RT @yeah_write How lucky to have these guests? @covermyscript @SnarkTheReader @scripteach @UncompletedWork @scriptdreric #scriptchat
1:16 am jeannevb: very sad RT @talented_boy: @scripteach guess thats a sad but true statement :-/ #scriptchat
1:17 am RickRapier: Don't I know it. :( Several sales but no movie. YET! RT @scripteach: #scriptchat Produced bad movie is better than a great spec. Sigh.
1:17 am jeannevb: TONS of books & info on blog! TONS! Add new almost daily! www.scriptchat.com #busylinkingpimp #scriptchat
1:17 am NugzyBogues: @zacsanford2 i have both celtx and final draft 8 and i honestly don't see the huge difference when the product is finished #scriptchat
1:18 am WriterChanelle: RT @UncompletedWork: "Mental Spackle" these are things you should do before & after going to a reader. http://bit.ly/JyHOE #scriptchat
1:18 am NugzyBogues: @zacsanford2 am i missing something? #scriptchat
1:18 am CriticalTodd: G'night everybody! Up In the Air hath begun on the television of plasma! #scriptchat
1:18 am scripteach: RT @zacsanford2: Q: what is one thing you don't see enough of? #scriptchat Excitement Passion Risks Page oozing love for what you're writing
1:18 am ozzywood: RT @NugzyBogues: @zacsanford2 i have both celtx and final draft 8 and i dont see huge difference when the product is finished #scriptchat
1:18 am covermyscript: still catching up. if you guys have anymore questions @ reply me, web: http://bit.ly/1E1TqU or email xandy@covermyscript.com #scriptchat
1:18 am talented_boy: on a side note...i get some contest results for a comp on wednesday...feel free to shoot up a prayer or whatever u do for me =) #scriptchat
1:18 am TravisLegge: @zacsanford2 huh. If i ever get FD8 I'll test it. If I'm ever lucky enough to have that problem, I'll let you know :) #scriptchat
1:18 am covermyscript: RT @UncompletedWork: "Mental Spackle" these are things you should do before & after going to a reader. http://bit.ly/JyHOE #scriptchat
1:18 am UncompletedWork: Thanks #scriptchat #treefort @KageyNYC @yeah_write @zacsanford2 @jeannevb You guys are the best IRL :)
1:18 am Michael_Farese: @UncompletedWork I'm using FD8 right now - I can't imagine working without it, though I curse it daily. :-) #scriptchat
1:18 am sunspotpictures: @CriticalTodd Time consuming but also recommend comparing favorite film against favorite script, line by line #scriptchat
1:19 am zacsanford2: @NugzyBogues have you compared a recent script in Celtx and FD and the page count came out perfect? #scriptchat
1:19 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle @NugzyBogues @talented_boy adapting this right now: http://bit.ly/pV4kc #scriptchat
1:19 am talented_boy: @NugzyBogues FD is the joint...first program i used and the only one i'll continue to use #scriptchat
1:19 am John_Marlow: @RickRapier Don;t be too sure. A badly-produced script can be hell. #scriptchat
1:19 am yeah_write: RT @scripteach: RT @zacsanford2: Q: what is one thing you don't see enough of? #scriptchat Excitement Passion Risks Page oozing love...
1:19 am scripteach: RT @RickRapier: s/he wanted to change theme... #scriptchat Let me just say that not enough scripts create just ONE great, strong theme
1:19 am zaffi: @covermyscript Producers saw film I made on youtube...visited my website...read my sample+hired me to write http://bit.ly/aTBlaS #scriptchat
1:19 am bourbonroad: Damn! I was working--did I miss #scriptchat completely?
1:19 am KathySRW: Once again enjoying all the #scriptchat while having nothing to offer, myself. I don't write scripts!
1:19 am zacsanford2: As always, I'm really @zacsanford and this is just my account for chats. :) #scriptchat
1:20 am UncompletedWork: @WriterChanelle thanks for all those wonderful RTs. Pleased to meed you. #scriptchat
1:20 am jeannevb: since we're off topic now, I'm pulling transcript. Thanks again everyone! Have a great week & remember, no chat nxt wk - EASTER #scriptchat
1:20 am Michael_Farese: @sunspotpictures That's a good exercise, though it can be difficult to get your hands on the final draft of the script. #scriptchat
1:20 am ozzywood: Same here... RT @bourbonroad: Damn! I was working--did I miss #scriptchat completely? #scriptchat
1:20 am pulptone: Unfortunately I'm not attending #scriptchat tonight but I am watching The Pacific.
1:20 am covermyscript: @zaffi that's AWESOME! congrats. but you're the exception, not the rule. good for you tho!!! really! #scriptchat
1:20 am Inner_Cinema: @jeannevb Great #scriptchat session! Very informative and helpful for a novice such as myself. Thanks for hosting!
1:20 am NugzyBogues: @zacsanford2 it fluctuated a page or so, but other than that it all looks the same for the most part #scriptchat
1:20 am yeah_write: There's no accounting for taste. lol RT @pulptone: Unfortunately I'm not attending #scriptchat tonight but I am watching The Pacific.
1:21 am KageyNYC: RT @zacsanford2: Q: what is 1 thing you don't see enough of? #scriptchat @scripteach Excitement, Passion, Risks, love 4 what you're writing
1:21 am UncompletedWork: @GCGeek You're very welcome #scriptchat
1:21 am jeannevb: @UncompletedWork u may be ONLY person whose met us all IRL! @KageyNYC @yeah_write @zacsanford2 #scriptchat #treefort
1:21 am scripteach: RT @jeannevb: it's 9:00 and the formal chat is over, but feel free to keep gabbing. #scriptchat It's over? I'm still at 8:56 posts!
1:21 am bourbonroad: @ozzywood :) Glad I'm not alone! #scriptchat
1:21 am WriterChanelle: @UncompletedWork Thank you for all the wonderful content. Same here! #scriptchat
1:22 am zacsanford2: @NugzyBogues Well in the newer versions of Celtx they must have fixed the major page issue. But glad to see you have FD8 anyway. #scriptchat
1:22 am jeannevb: @inner_cinema so glad u found #scriptchat & enjoyed! U MUST chk the blog for tons of resources & transcripts! http://bit.ly/b7OJdI ;)
1:22 am scripteach: RT @RickRapier: Logline trumps wrtr's bio, etc.? RT @scripteach: #scriptchat Yep. Who cares who you are if you've got a great story?
1:22 am jeannevb: @scripteach u have an email to write, Mister #whack ;) #scriptchat
1:22 am TravisLegge: Time to bid #scriptchat adieu and chill with the kids a bit before bed.
1:22 am WriterChanelle: :( #scriptchat needs to be two hours long. Lol
1:23 am bourbonroad: Question for the group: Is anybody else out there working on a script that takes place outside of the U.S.? #scriptchat
1:23 am sunspotpictures: @Michael_Farese There are some great sites out there. Check out: http://bit.ly/lZxyA and http://bit.ly/lZxyA #scriptchat
1:23 am jeannevb: I. Need. Tequila. This dry chatting is just WRONG #fyi #scriptchat
1:23 am zaffi: @jeannevb Added your blog to my friends section on my website...what a cool fusion of social media and sharing information! #scriptchat
1:23 am UncompletedWork: @SunspotPictures time to time do see a page length change. see it more on earlier ver FD (6 & older) I use FD 8 as the standard #scriptchat
1:23 am zacsanford2: @bourbonroad Part of one of my scripts takes place out of the US... somewhere that has never been filmed before, I think. #scriptchat
1:23 am ozzywood: @bourbonroad The good thing: I'll get more work done today. Provided I sign off here & now. Cheers! ;) #scriptchat
1:23 am WriterChanelle: Oh this looks interesting! RT @jeannevb: @WriterChanelle @NugzyBogues @talented_boy adapting this right now: http://bit.ly/pV4kc #scriptchat
1:24 am TravisLegge: "drychatting" sounds like it chafes RT @jeannevb I. Need. Tequila. This dry chatting is just WRONG #fyi #scriptchat
1:24 am talented_boy: i'm gonna steal @jeannevb's script pimping for a second...@scriptdreric's comp deadline is March 31st...that is all =) #scriptchat
1:24 am bourbonroad: @ozzywood Best of luck! #scriptchat
1:24 am ozzywood: OK. One more quick thing: http://thestorydepartment.com/ moved to US host. Would love to hear feedback on browsing experience. #scriptchat
1:24 am covermyscript: 5 readers compete in a head to head type-off to see whose fingers will bleed first! RT @ozzywood: #scriptchat
1:24 am jeannevb: @zaffi awesome! We started the chat in Oct. Grown so much. We have a EURO chat too at 8pm GMT. Global sharing ;) #scriptchat
1:25 am zacsanford2: RT @covermyscript: 5 readers compete in a head to head type-off to see whose fingers will bleed first! RT @ozzywood: #scriptchat
1:25 am zaffi: @covermyscript thnx! Just want other writers to not be afraid of sharing their writing to perspective viewers/interested parties #scriptchat
1:25 am NugzyBogues: Im off of #scriptchat and back to my pilot wont get any better if I dont practice
1:26 am talented_boy: @NugzyBogues do your thing fam...shoot that joint to me when you're done #scriptchat
1:26 am KageyNYC: #Scriptchat I gotta run but once again, amazing group, amazing advice, amazing support, always a pleasure! And love to the #treefort. Peace!
1:26 am covermyscript: totally. weird stuff happens all the time. it just doesn't get to happen to everyone. you're lucky. @zaffi #scriptchat
1:26 am bourbonroad: @jeannevb I'm with you. I'm going for a beer. #scriptchat
1:26 am jeannevb: @WriterChanelle the documentary will be on PBS this fall but wer're writing dramatic feature @NugzyBogues @talented_boy #scriptchat
1:27 am ozzywood: NICE ONE!! RT @covermyscript: 5 readers compete in a head to head type-off to see whose fingers will bleed first! RT @ozzywood: #scriptchat
1:27 am covermyscript: RT @UncompletedWork:Give @scripteach some love. I'm glad he let me drag him to the 21st century with http://www.scripteach.com #scriptchat
1:27 am sunspotpictures: @Michael_Farese Sorry, here's the second one: http://bit.ly/6Y6kEG #scriptchat
1:27 am zacsanford2: @covermyscript @uncompletedwork When does the "double feature" services go live? #scriptchat
1:27 am talented_boy: @jeannevb be sure to remind me when the doc drops, i'd love to watch it #scriptchat
1:28 am bourbonroad: What are your thoughts about using a song title as a film title? Do you think it will open doors or close them(getting produced)?#scriptchat
1:28 am yeah_write: @covermyscript @UncompletedWork @scripteach Giving the love to all of you. I'd recommend you any day! #scriptchat
1:28 am ozzywood: Glad I joined 30mins of the afterparty. G'night all! #scriptchat
1:28 am covermyscript: right now! we're open for business! RT @zacsanford2: @covermyscript @uncompletedwork When does "double feature" go live? #scriptchat
1:28 am jeannevb: @talented_boy oh, i will be pimpin' it for sure! ;) #scriptchat
1:29 am sunspotpictures: @UncompletedWork Thanks for the info. I'm still on FD 7. I guess I should upgrade... #scriptchat
1:29 am yeah_write: Writers want to know. RT @zacsanford2: @covermyscript @uncompletedwork When does the "double feature" services go live? #scriptchat
1:29 am zacsanford2: @covermyscript Okay, I'll have to submit soon, so your "don't start with voiceover in the past" can be the first note given. :) #scriptchat
1:29 am Michael_Farese: @SunspotPictures Another site I've found a lot on is http://bit.ly/NNJTZ. (#scriptchat)
1:30 am yeah_write: @bourbonroad As long as the song title fits the script, and doesn't infringe via content. #scriptchat
1:30 am zacsanford2: It is now time for #scriptchatafterdark... #scriptchat
1:30 am scripteach: RT @jeannevb: @scripteach u have an email to write, Mister #whack ;) #scriptchat As soon as my fingers cool off from this chat!
1:30 am sunspotpictures: @Michael_Farese Thanks! #scriptchat
1:30 am bourbonroad: @yeah_write Thanks! I was driving today and Pretty In Pink came on the radio--of course, the movie made the song big (I think). #scriptchat
1:31 am UncompletedWork: @SunspotPictures You should be alright on 7. 8 is more fancy, the file type has changed it has XML in it .fdx #scriptchat