Friday, December 25, 2009

Holiday GIVEAWAY 1.3.2010

#SCRIPTCHAT GIVEAWAY: Perfect your query letter w/ the help of @scriptdreric: Join 1/3/10 chat to win!

ScriptChat welcomes Script Doctor Eric, @scriptdreric, to #scriptchat!  
At a random point during the January 3rd, 2010 chat, we'll be picking one lucky participant to win his expert query advice!

So don't miss our first #scriptchat of the year!


  1. Qs for 03Jan10 chat:

    1- Is anyone reading unsolicited material-- or do we have to sing and dance on utube in order to get a readers/producers attention nowadays?

    2- What is the professional way to get a "reader" to read a script without an agent or manager?
    Would it help to call or query first? What info should be included as part of a bio or resume?

    3- What is the best source for a list of readers/producers?

    4- Are contests a strong option for getting read nowadays?

    Huge thanks!

  2. FYI... Questions should be posted on the next blog post:
