Sunday, February 23, 2020

#Scriptchat Transcript: Screenwriting Duo Anna & Mark Casadei @annaliterally @markliterally Discuss All Things Screenwriting - February 23rd, 2020

Screenwriting duo Anna & Mark Casadei @annaliterally @markliterally returned for another fun and fabulous chat sharing their tips, insights, and experience about all things screenwriting including their writing process, working as writing partners, character development and clear voices, rewriting, incorporating notes, keeping the reader engaged, etc. 

Moderated by @SarahAlexis4.

Read the transcript below or on the Wakelet site. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

#Scriptchat Transcript: Writing Resources, Sites and Productivity Tips!

A fun-filled chat sharing tips to help each other get more words on the page. You'll want to read this one! Enjoy! @jeannevb

Read the transcript on Wakelet or embedded below: