We had a fun chat sharing various screenwriting exercises/tools we use.
Read the transcript below or here or here. Enjoy!
#Scriptchat Transcript: Jen Grisanti @jengrisanti Talking 'Arc of the Wound' September 10, 2017
Great chat tonight with Jen Grisanti @jengrisanti tonight - TOPIC: How to Write the Arc of the Wound. Jen takes you deep into your character's psyche so you can write a stellar pilot! Enjoy! @jeannevb
- Put your characters on therapy couch #Scriptchat Sunday 5pm PT w @jengrisanti "How to Write the Arc of the Wound." http://scriptchat.blogspot.com/p/how-to-chat.html … pic.twitter.com/yx9NCkX7Cq
- Hello all you happy people. #scriptchat
- It’s #SCRIPTCHAT O’CLOCK w @jengrisanti "How to Write the Arc of the Wound.” Chat here: http://www.tchat.io/rooms/scriptchat … #amwriting
- @Al_1701 Are we shiny happy people? #scriptchat
- “A good #logline must be emotionally intriguing, like an itch you have to scratch.” Blake Snyder #screenwriting #scriptchat
- We're here! #ScriptChat
- #scriptchat Hello!! It's great to be here!
- Time for #scriptchat with guest @jengrisanti! Topic: "How to Write the Arc of the Wound."
- @jengrisanti Great to have you joining us as always! #scriptchat
- For all trying to access #scriptchat, go to twubs here: http://twubs.com/scriptchat Then authorize your Twitter acct
- Managed to get signed in via http://twubs.com/scriptchat and am here. Hello all! #scriptchat
- Welcome @jengrisanti! Great to see you here, and thanks for joining us! #scriptchat
- Let's talk all things about characters w/ @jengrisanti! Welcome, Jen! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Thank you for having me! It's great to be on #scriptchat!
- @collinlieberg Hey Collin! *waves* Great to see you too! Welcome! #scriptchat
- OK. Jen define would and how it differs from traditional definition #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Yes! We are shiny happy people!
- RT @timplaehn RT @SarahAlexis4: Time for #scriptchat with guest @jengrisanti! Topic: "How to Write the Arc of the Wound."
- Yay, on time for Scriptchat and I forgot it was with the amazing, incomparable @jengrisanti #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Q: How would this arc work for comedies? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I LOVE talking characters. Bring it on!
- @jengrisanti That's what I say every week. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti what is arc of the wound? #Scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Q: Curious what kind of work/exploration you may recommend in the early stages to develop our protag & their wound. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 I would think it would be very important in comedy. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti I see you too! Your tweets are coming through clearly. #scriptchat
- Yes, @jengrisanti, we can see your tweets. No worries. Put those char on the therapy couch & let's have at it! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Do you struggle with the inside story of your character?
- @Al_1701 Welcome David! *waves* Great to see you here, as well #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti what do you think the biggest challenge is for writers in evolving characters? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti what if a best friends kinda act like each other or “sound” the same in the script. #Scriptchat
- #scriptchat - My current fav shows to explore the wound FLEABAG, RIVER, MARCELLA, HANDMAID'S TALE, YOU'RE THE WORST
- #scriptchat HAPPY VALLEY
- I find the best part of breaking a story is finding out how best to break a character and rebuild them on the way... #scriptchat
- @Al_1701 I think so too. I've been looking at ways to develop my characters in these 2 episodes of my web series #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Ideally, you don't want two characters whose name sounds alike. It makes it harder to track.
- @Angie_Lavallee Don't make them too similar. How they're different helps enrich the relationship. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat The biggest problem in evolving characters is not writing from a place of depth.
- @Angie_Lavallee Hey Angie! *waves* Great to see you as well #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti I loved HAPPY VALLEY! That woman had so much drive. And talk about a wound... #scriptchat
- Oh. Names. Oi. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat When you write from the wound, you give us a glimpse inside. We identify.
- How can I better create strong female protag in my action adventure screenplays? #Scriptchat
- @jengrisanti How best to balance characterization and plot development/action? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Q: How much background do you recommend doing on a character before writing? Know everything or just enough? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat How does the series trigger and dilemma split open an earlier wound? This is a good way to explore the wound.
- #scriptchat The best way to create a stronger character is to create empathy as well as strength.
- #scriptchat In TV, character is more important than plot. Keep this in mind. The audience returns every week for the characters.
- Is this chat moving slow, or is it just me? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I think finding a balance between plot and character is the key.
- @filmwritr4 It's definitely lagging behind. I'm following on regular ol' Twitter feed too. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Every scene should advance plot while revealing character. A scene should never just reveal character.
- #scriptchat It is moving slow. You are right.
- #scriptchat When you draw from your emotional truth, you connect us to your character.
- I just assumed chat was going slow because I'm not using tchat... #scriptchat
- So, we should have the past of the character in mind when beginning the story? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti I love your idea of drawing from our emotional truth/well. Do you have any advice for how best to tap into that? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat You should also not have two characters whose names begin with the same letter.
- @chasinglamely I thought no one had questions or busy writing. #scriptchat
- RT @jengrisanti #scriptchat How does the series trigger and dilemma split open an earlier wound? This is a good way to explore the wound.
- #scriptchat @SarahAlexis4 Think of your darkest moments. How did you emotionally react to them? Draw from this.
- @jengrisanti How does the "arc of the wound" work within a 1/2 hr sitcom or web series context? #scriptchat
- @collinlieberg Maybe, but chat is definitely slow too! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat can a script be too character-driven?
- #scriptchat The arc of the wound works very well with the sitcom format. Look at FLEABAG and SILICON VALLEY.
- @collinlieberg @chasinglamely The chat was moving very slowly on Twubz, and now I'm chatting on Twitter. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat In both FLEABAG and SILICON VALLEY, the wound of the lead characters is what makes the pursuit so difficult.
- @jengrisanti Somewhat related to the arc, how much backstory would you suggest someone create for a character before working on his/her arc? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat When you draw from an earlier wound that the series trigger and dilemma splits open, you create fertile ground for story.
- I think Twubs lags a bit. Just be patient. The #scriptchat tweets will all of a sudden show up.
- @jengrisanti I admit I haven't seen either of those shows, but I will read the scripts (if available) and check them out. Thanks Jen :) #scriptchat
- #scriptchat With backstory, think about how you can reveal it in one line, an action or a picture in the background.
- I feel like I'm missing information on what the arc of the wound actually is... Did I miss a new book by @jengrisanti or...? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Q: How much of wound backstory should be revealed in the pilot episode? Do we chip away to expose it over eps? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat You can also start in real time with the wound and then cut to the present.
- #scriptchat I would say that you should create an "arc of the wound" for Season One and reveal it slowly but give us enough in the pilot
- @jengrisanti The Oreville is doing that as we speak. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat The "Arc Of the Wound" is when you have a wound that is shown or reflected in your series trigger and dilemma.
- @SarahAlexis4 @jengrisanti excellent Q! I've had a pilot go out in town and been told it has both too much and too little... #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Then, like a puzzle, you reveal more of the wound. Check out RIVER on Netflix.
- @jengrisanti Does the wound have to be something that the protagonist inflicted upon himself/herself, or can it be something done to him/her? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat To understand how to build the arc of the wound, watch a series all the way through. Then, go back and watch the pilot.
- #scriptchat lately all wounds are generic. tips for keeping fresh?
- @jengrisanti so the wound is like the investigation thread in a procedural, but focused on your protagonist? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat The wound can be either. It is usually something that happens to them.
- #scriptchat Yes! The wound is like an investigation thread. It is the internal story that parallels the external story.
- #scriptchat The wound tells us WHY your character wants WHAT they want. It is the emotional fuel.
- RT @jengrisanti #scriptchat To understand how to build the arc of the wound, watch a series all the way thru. Then, go back and watch pilot.
- @jengrisanti ah-ha, now I'm up to speed, thanks! #scriptchat
- What do you mean by wound arc? Do they need to be healed or simply affect the main char? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat There is so much to learn when you study story. Watch a series with the idea of just watching the wound evolve. Focus on this.
- @jengrisanti so... how much is too much or too little in a pilot? Because I'm getting mixed feedback... #scriptchat
- #scriptchat We all have wounds. This is how you universally connect with your audience. It is a feeling of I see you. You see me.
- #scriptchat The pursuit should be an external way of healing the internal.
- @jengrisanti Q: Should characters have more than one wound in their arc? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I've seen writers reveal too much and not enough. Give a hint at the beginning. Then, build on it in the reveal.
- @jengrisanti Might you give us an example that you felt was a really satisfying end of the series healing of a wound? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Very often in an investigative show like RIVER, the case is one step toward healing the wound. There are parallels.
- @collinlieberg I imagine there can be satellite wounds, but they should tie into the main wound. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti hmm, I guess that makes sense. My protags in my pilot might just not be wounded enough. Hmm :-/ #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 Or an example of a BAD one that we shouldn't follow? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I LOVED the exploration of the wound in RIVER. The last episode gives a shocking reveal that links back to the first episode.
- @jengrisanti haven't seen RIVER, but had a similar experience with RIVERDALE. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat The wound sets up why your central characters care and why your audience will care about your story.
- I feel like not enough peeps are here for this chat; how often do we get a free hour with one of the top consultants in the biz? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I wasn't satisfied with the last episode of MAD MEN. Whereas, I LOVED the last episode of BREAKING BAD.
- #scriptchat should the wound be somewhat buried or should protagonist be wearing it on their sleeve?
- #scriptchat The wound also builds your character dynamics. This is what brings your audience back.
- #scriptchat I've seen it done where they show us the actual wound or we see it reflected in behavior.
- @jengrisanti In addition to the wound, what else do you rec a writer keep in mind when dev. protag? ie: Fears? Untruths they tell themselves? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti so... just to consolidate my understanding, the wound drives characters to deliver those "holy sh**" moments? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat In THE HONORABLE WOMAN, the pilot starts with the childhood wound. Then, it connects to the present.
- @jengrisanti If, say, character wants to get his old job back bc he needs to be taken seriously again in his career, is that a good example? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb Ah... Also, I forgot it was football season. *Turns on audio feed of game* #scriptchat
- #scriptchat With the development of a protagonist, you also want to think of the flaw that gets in the way.
- @jengrisanti Seeing this, I now feel like I don't know the true motivation of my main character. He's obviously in an undesirable position. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat You also want your protagonist to be ACTIVE not REACTIVE.
- @jengrisanti Is there something you see writers most often get "wrong" with their protag's wound in their pilots? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat - The key is creating empathy and a rooting factor for your protagonist from the start.
- @jengrisanti is there any character who should be reactive? I feel like having protags and antags both pushing creates tension. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti While he's good at his job, his arrogance is primarily why he finds himself stuck in an undesirable position. That's his flaw. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat If you're confused about the motivation, ask the question "Why does my central character want what he or she wants?"
- #scriptchat Arrogance can be a great flaw if we understand what is underneath it.
- #scriptchat Right now, people watch the first 10 minutes of a show and decide whether they like it or not. You need to connect.
- @filmwritr4 @jengrisanti #scriptchat Arrogance is often driven by insecurity - ie. a flaw manifests as the opp of the cause
- #scriptchat When you see a show like RIVER, FLEABAG, MARCELLA or HANDMAID'S TALE, you remember them because of the way they made you feel
- @jengrisanti I'd be surprised if people give it that long with so many previews and commercials nowadays. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti How might one use the wound/flaw of protag to best dev. other characters in the world that act as good foil for protag? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Creating a strong lead should be a main part of your focus with your pilot. The arc of the wound is what adds to this.
- I'm such an idiot. Tried to put the Dolphins game on in the background and remembered there's a hurricane on the loose. Oops. #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I do agree with you Collin. They probably do give it less than 10 minutes. I like to see the full set up.
- @jgsarantinos @jengrisanti I've thought that my main character's goal should change by end of series. He overcomes his arrogance, and accepts his situation #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Sarah, you can develop your other characters by asking what is the wound that drives them and the flaw that gets in the way.
- @jengrisanti it's worse with readers these days. People may watch ten minutes, but readers only read three pages. #scriptchat
- @jgsarantinos @jengrisanti Because he's helped to make his previously inept co-workers better, which is what I hope for the show #scriptchat
- If your characters need a boost, @jengrisanti is dishes great tips on #scriptchat right now!
- #scriptchat Sarah, yet, the wound of your central character is the one that should be developed the most.
- @jgsarantinos @jengrisanti Or at the very least, they teach him that not everything is as hopeless as it seems, and good can come out of a bad situation #scriptchat
- #scriptchat Recognize with your other characters that they are responding to the problem for your lead. So, thematically connect them.
- @jengrisanti Q: Should every character have a wound? How much to show/heal in each episode? #scriptchat
- Is it possible to bury the wound of your central protag in the wounds of those around them? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I LOVE to watch complicated and flawed characters. I love to see the growth in a character with the pursuit.
- @jengrisanti This is awesome advice, Jen. Thank you so much. You've given me a lot to think about, and I want to keep it in mind when writing #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely #scriptchat I've seen people bury the wounds. Then, we miss the emotional fuel. There is a way to reveal with just a hint.
- This chat has actually given me more ideas for screenplays than I'll ever have time to write so far! #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Any good examples of such in comedy/sitcoms? Would love to study and watch those. #scriptchat
- @collinlieberg #scriptchat I don't think every character should have a wound. I think the lead and the character driving the b story should
- Sweet! RT @chasinglamely This chat has actually given me more ideas for screenplays than I'll ever have time to write so far! #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely #scriptchat Yay!! I LOVE to hear this!!
- @jengrisanti That's kind of what I was asking. For its faults, THE NIGHT SHIFT is very good at that, as it HOW TO GET AWAY... #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely It's definitely given me a lot to consider when working on my web series. Thanks immensely to @jengrisanti for the great info! #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely I feel that way with a lot of the chats. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti what are some common mistakes to be mindful of, like protecting your protagonist, etc? #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 It's given me some things to consider when working on your webseries! #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti @chasinglamely An inappropriate response to a bland situation can also reveal the wound. #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 #scriptchat My FAV comedies to study this are FLEABAG, TRANSPARENT, YOU'RE THE WORST, ATLANTA, SILICON VALLEY, CATASTROPHE
- @jengrisanti it's rare I come away from Scriptchat with this many ideas. Maybe I'll finally pay you for that consult... #scriptchat
- @jgsarantinos #scriptchat Yes. You are right. It can.
- @jengrisanti @chasinglamely Any tips on creating backstory you'd suggest? How extensive should it be? #scriptchat
- Am loving this chat with @jengrisanti !! It's a refresher for the game-changing course I took with her earlier this year. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely #scriptchat You make me smile! Thank you!! I'd love to work with you!
- @jengrisanti Will definitely check those out! :) Thanks so much, Jen! Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge w/us on #scriptchat
- .@jengrisanti has some great articles on @scriptmag too http://www.scriptmag.com/author/grisanje/ … #bookmark #scriptchat
- ATYPICAL is an interesting show because the parents have the strongest wounds not main char. #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti it's been on my to-do list for a while, as has attending one of your classes. I've heard great things :) #scriptchat
- @filmwritr4 #scriptchat With backstory, you have to be careful not to be expository. So, revealing in action in the present is a good way.
- @chilltowntv @jengrisanti Hey Leesa! *waves* Great to see you here, too! Jen is amazing! #scriptchat
- RT @jeannevb .@jengrisanti has some great articles on @scriptmag too http://www.scriptmag.com/author/grisanje/ … #bookmark #scriptchat
- @chilltowntv #scriptchat Thank you so much! Giving gratitude!!
- @jgsarantinos @jengrisanti sounds like the story of my life! That's usually how people work out that I'm autistic ;-) #scriptchat
- Thursday @jengrisanti has a live webinar: Staying True to the Core Concept of Your Series https://www.writersstore.com/staying-true-to-the-core-concept-of-your-series?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=scr-jvb-tw-170910 … #scriptchat pic.twitter.com/ntG43PKk6n
- #scriptchat I do have two upcoming events where I will go deeper http://eiace.org/events/september-21-2017/ …
- #scriptchat Yes, I have a webinar this Thursday 9/14 https://www.writersstore.com/staying-true-to-the-core-concept-of-your-series/ …
- @filmwritr4 #scriptchat Thank you!! You are all asking great questions! So, it helps!!
- @jengrisanti I've been reading your tweets 😊 Great stuff 😎 I'll be bringing a feature to LA to pitch in November 🎬 #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti I appreciated seeing you in the Script Lab seminar a few weeks ago, too. Thanks for everything! #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Ooh, webinars? Fancy and flight-eliminating! Now I just have to work it into my schedule and wallet! #scriptchat
- @LeonThomasBraun #scriptchat Good luck with your pitch!
- @LeonThomasBraun @jengrisanti Hey Leon! *waves* Welcome! Congrats and best of luck to you on the pitch! Great to see you here on #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti what are some of your favorite TV characters to study as examples? #scriptchat
- @collinlieberg #scriptchat Thank you!! I loved doing the talk with Script Lab!
- @chasinglamely That's why I'm glad I got the chance for the free Script Lab seminars though I didn't get to watch them all. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @jengrisanti @eiaceorg :-O Jen and Lee Jessup on the same webinar? Oh. My. God. This is better than Christmas! #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Thank you 😊 Just found this community while doing my research online 😎 #scriptchat 🎬
- I love the characters a certain @KenTremendous (Mr. Schur) creates. They are so funny because they stay so consistent. #scriptchat
- @LeonThomasBraun Good luck! #scriptchat
- @collinlieberg @chasinglamely Next time they have those, I'll definitely look into them. #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely #scriptchat Yes! I LOVE and ADORE Lee!! We are excited to be doing this event together!
- F5: DESCRIPTION & VOICE Blue Book. Packed with information & Techniques! 389 pages, Only $4.99. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073CNMF6G/secretsofactions … #scriptchat #writing
- Anyway, I feel like I've got distracted by shiny objects and things! #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Q: Can one wound heal and another come out in the course of a series? Or one wound throughout? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I think that the key to writing a pilot that sells is giving us a reason to want to come back every week.
- @jengrisanti I love Lee, too. Her book changed my life and how I do business. Truly holds a key spot on my shelf. #scriptchat
- Top 5 Tips for Submitting a #Screenplay by @SusanKouguell @scriptmag http://bit.ly/1H6OkRj #scriptchat
- @LeonThomasBraun @jengrisanti Welcome! We’ve been around since 2009. All transcripts live on our site: http://scriptchat.com #scriptchat
- @chasinglamely Shiny objects are EVIL! #scriptchat
- #scriptchat My books STORY LINE and CHANGE YOUR STORY, CHANGE YOUR LIFE both go deeper into the arc of the wound.
- @jengrisanti Best pilot episodes to watch/read? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Q If a writer were to sit down tmrw to start work on a pilot, what is most important bit of advice to keep in mind? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Has the way stories are told and characters are developed changed with binge culture, do you think? #scriptchat
- #scriptchat I do love doing this! Jeanne, I LOVE everything that you are doing!! Thank you to you and Sarah for this!
- @jengrisanti I have both in my "to read" pile. Please don't hate me, I have 117 screenwriting books. (I'm moving, I counted!) #scriptchat
- @jeannevb @jengrisanti Fantastic! 😊 Thank you. I much planning to do in the coming months 🎬 #scriptchat
- @SarahAlexis4 #scriptchat I think that the most important advice is to think about what you want to say with your story.
- @jengrisanti can you join us almost every week like @wcmartell does? I mean, I think I speak for us all when I say we'd love it! #scriptchat
- NO #scriptchat next week due to #Emmys2017 - Drunk up, Buttercup, and enjoy!
- @jengrisanti *curtsy* our pleasure! It's our #payitforward to the fab Twitter #screenwriting peeps. #scriptchat
- *blows a kiss* Goodnight everybody. #scriptchat
- @jeannevb I won't be attending. My invite got lost in the post and I wasn't nominated. Again. :-( #scriptchat
- #scriptchat - Thank you to ALL!! You guys are GREAT!! I am launching a new product in October on How To Write a TV Pilot that Sells. Thx!
- @jeannevb That just means an hour of writing instead. :) #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti is there an Amazon pre-order link for that, or...? #scriptchat
- @jeannevb #scriptchat This is a phenomenal platform! Love it!!
- @jengrisanti Thanks so much for your time and answers! I look forward to the product! #scriptchat
- Thank you @jengrisanti for the inspiration and the chat, I'll be in touch about that consult, too. What's the wait like atm? #scriptchat
- @jengrisanti Thank you so much for the super helpful insights! All the best to you with your creative work and clients! #scriptchat
- Grabbing the #scriptchat transcript, so stay tuned. You'll want to save this one. Thanks so much, @jengrisanti !
- @chasinglamely #scriptchat The product will be on my newsletter and Facebook page - Jen Grisanti Consultancy Inc. http://www.jengrisanti.com
- Also, naturally, thanks to @jeannevb for her awesome moderating and whatnot and suchlike and to the gang for being here! #scriptchat
- @collinlieberg #scriptchat Thank you!!
- @jengrisanti ah, I think I'm already on it, but it can't hurt to sign up again! #scriptchat