Monday, July 30, 2012

The Best of... & BlueCat - Transcript for July 29, 2012

 @teenierussel moderated tonight's EURO Chat with Guest  BlueCat Screenplay @BlueCatPictures 

@zacsanford moderated tonight's US chat, the Best of... movies, scripts, books, etc.


2012-07-29 6:59 pm vigiledelfuoco Hello everyone, my name is Gordy Hoffman and I started the BlueCat
Screenplay Competition in 1998. Welcome!n #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm teenierussell It's #scriptchat O'Clock. Join in and welcome our guest
@vigiledelfuoco from @BlueCatPictures #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm Sandy_Nicholson @vigiledelfuoco And welcome to you Mr Gordy! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm eising @scriptchat Good evening! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm vigiledelfuoco Ask me anything you want! Please don't be shy to ask the hard
questions. Let's talk straight. n #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm ChooseOneThing Final Draft Reader for iPad hopes to replace paper scripts via @TUAW #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco Hi Gordy, welcome to #scriptchat and thank you for
joining us tonight #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:00 pm scriptcat @ThitiaOfficial's great new interview with @Actioncut about #directing
#screenwriting & #filmmaking: #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:01 pm TaroJ @vigiledelfuoco hi Gordy thanks for joining us #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:01 pm teenierussell Get your questions in! RT @vigiledelfuoco: Ask me anything you
want!dont be shy to ask the hard questions. Lets talk straight. #
2012-07-29 7:01 pm vigiledelfuoco Thanks for having me! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:02 pm teenierussell Here is a link to Blue Cat Screenplay for those not familiar - #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:02 pm ijoda07 Is it #scriptchat time yet?
2012-07-29 7:02 pm scriptcat RT -“@roomedia: Inspiring tips on enjoying the #scriptwriting journey
from @scriptcat #scriptchat #amwriting”
2012-07-29 7:03 pm ijoda07 Ok you can start the party now, I'm here. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:03 pm teenierussell @ijoda07 it is indeed, our guest tonight is @vigiledelfuoco from
@Bluecatpictures #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:03 pm BlueCatPictures RT @teenierussell: It's #scriptchat O'Clock. Join in and welcome our
guest @vigiledelfuoco from @BlueCatPictures #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:04 pm vigiledelfuoco Does everyone know of our Cordelia Award? We give a special award
every year to the best script from the UK. FYI #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:05 pm TaroJ Hi @vigiledelfuoco what made last years winning script, special. What
stood out for you last year? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:05 pm ClaireYeowart Good evening all #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:05 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco I was about to ask, are the competiotns separate for
different countries? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:05 pm TaroJ RT @vigiledelfuoco: Does everyone know of our Cordelia Award? We
give a special award every year to the best script from the UK. FYI #
2012-07-29 7:06 pm vigiledelfuoco Here's a link #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:06 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco so being from the UK, would I ever only compete
against UK writers rather than the world? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:08 pm vigiledelfuoco @TaroJ THE EMPEROR OF WYOMING was original and filled with
heart, an individual voice, but ultimately like a popcorn movie. #
2012-07-29 7:08 pm Bang2write @TaroJ @vigiledelfuoco I've got a hard question for Gordy, WHY
AREN'T YOU FOLLOWING ME?? ;) #scriptchat @BlueCatPictures
2012-07-29 7:08 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Yes, the Cordelia Award is only for UK writers, but
you're still eligible for our Grand Prize. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:09 pm Ghop56 Evening all, going to try and take part tonight but also trying to write
as I go along #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:09 pm vigiledelfuoco This year's Cordelia Award winner got a lot of attention from agents in
London. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:09 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco I'm not familiar with The Emperor of Wyoming. Did it
get made? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:09 pm teenierussell @Ghop56 Hi there, jump in #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:10 pm teenierussell RT @vigiledelfuoco: This years Cordelia Award winner got a lot of
attention from agents in London. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:10 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 It just won in March, so not produced yet. We are working
to obtain representation for writer. n #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:10 pm Bang2write RT @vigiledelfuoco: Does everyone know of our Cordelia Award? We
give a special award every year to the best script from the UK. FYI #
2012-07-29 7:10 pm vigiledelfuoco @Bang2write Hi, Lucy! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:11 pm vigiledelfuoco Let's go! Ask me the hard questions! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:11 pm Bang2write Gordy aka @vigiledelfuoco has written a guest post on today on how to title your screenplay #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:11 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco over the years, has there been a variety of genres
amongst the winners? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:11 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco How often do you get scripts that are very similar to
one another or that tell the same story? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:12 pm Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco hey Gordy. Cor 2008 seems a lifetime away when
@KevinLehane + I did your workshop #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:13 pm BlueCatPictures RT @Bang2write: Gordy aka @vigiledelfuoco has written a guest post
on today on how to title your screenplay #
2012-07-29 7:13 pm teenierussell @ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco and on the back of that, how often do you
get scripts with the same title? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:13 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @teenierussell Yes, the Cordelia Award is only
for UK writers, but you're still eligible for our Grand Prize. #
2012-07-29 7:13 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: Let's go! Ask me the hard questions! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:13 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Yes, different genres every year. Sony bought a
comedy that won, while we've had period dramas, everything.. #
2012-07-29 7:14 pm eising @vigiledelfuoco Hi there! I've never submitted to a comp, but would
like to know what this to do or absolutely not to do when … #
2012-07-29 7:14 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell great question, happens a lot! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:14 pm eising @vigiledelfuoco submitting. Eg are there things lots of people
underestimate or do not think about? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:14 pm vigiledelfuoco If you don't have a great title, you're not done working on your story,
people! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:15 pm RWWFilm The 60-Film official selection list for The Venice Film Festival is out #screenwriting #film #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:15 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 Lots of imitating style, but everyone needs to write from
within, you are different from everyone, connect with you #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:15 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco And before u answer my 1st question - another 1!
How many scripts that don't win, get made or find agent? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:15 pm teenierussell RT @vigiledelfuoco: If you dont have a great title, youre not done
working on your story, people! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:15 pm Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco so true. Titles can be EVERYTHING to a good
screenplay. Seen so many with the "wrong" titles #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:16 pm Ghop56 @vigiledelfuoco Can a title be "too clever"? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:16 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco Was curious more abt story/plot/ than style. #
2012-07-29 7:16 pm ijoda07 RT @vigiledelfuoco: @ijoda07 Lots of imitating style, but everyone
needs to write from within, you are different from everyone, connect
with you #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:16 pm vigiledelfuoco @eising Do you believe your own choices? Make sure you accept
your decisions. Be honest with yourselves! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:17 pm vigiledelfuoco @Ghop56 If you think your title is too cute, it is by a freaking mile. #
2012-07-29 7:18 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco How far into a script does the BlueCat team read at
first? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:18 pm ClaireYeowart @Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco agree, good title that's also memorable
is a must #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:18 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 Yes there are certain types of stories that show up, but they
can transcend everything as well. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:19 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Every screenplay is read twice by our readers as
evidenced by the two analyses each entrant receives. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:19 pm Ghop56 @vigiledelfuoco Like on the Nose Dialogue? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:19 pm teenierussell @ClaireYeowart like Paws (great Twitter photo) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:19 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 I'm sure plenty! We are only people. We do our best. We
are not the final say on what you've written. n #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:21 pm terriwatson_ @vigiledelfuoco can you submit more than one screenplay to the
competition? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:21 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco What's your favourite movie title from a produced
film? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:22 pm vigiledelfuoco Writers often demand authentic behavior and choices from characters
when sitting in theatre, but not from our own screenplays. #
2012-07-29 7:22 pm vigiledelfuoco @terriwatson_ yes. we've had people submit six or more... #
2012-07-29 7:23 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Well I love THE THIRD MAN, as well as the movie.
ANIMAL HOUSE. LOVE LIZA haha #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:24 pm eising @vigiledelfuoco Great answer, thanks :-) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:24 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco do you mean Love, Liza? ;-) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:24 pm Sandy_Nicholson @vigiledelfuoco What advice do you have about choosing a subplot?
2012-07-29 7:24 pm vigiledelfuoco Everyone who enters BlueCat by Wednesday is eligible for our Title
Contest, if you're wondering why everyone is talking titles #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:25 pm BlueCatPictures RT @Ghop56: @vigiledelfuoco Can a title be "too clever"? #
2012-07-29 7:25 pm Ghop56 @vigiledelfuoco Is that often due to lack of drafts or just trying to get
the plot to where they want regardless of characters? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:25 pm eising @vigiledelfuoco Approximately how many entries do you expect this
year? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:25 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @teenierussell Every screenplay is read twice by
our readers as evidenced by the two analyses each entrant receives.
2012-07-29 7:26 pm vigiledelfuoco @Sandy_Nicholson Needs a beginning middle and end and needs to
be supportive of the emotional journey of main plot. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:26 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @ijoda07 I'm sure plenty! We are only people.
We do our best. We are not the final say on what you've written. n #
2012-07-29 7:26 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: Everyone who enters BlueCat by Wednesday is
eligible for our Title Contest, if you're wondering why everyone is
talking titles #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:26 pm vigiledelfuoco @Sandy_Nicholson People have often have missing acts to their
subplots. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:27 pm vigiledelfuoco @eising We are tracking nearly 50% higher this year. We expect
close to 4000 #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:28 pm teenierussell subplots RT @vigiledelfuoco: Needs a beginning middle and end and
needs to be supportive of the emotional journey of main plot. #
2012-07-29 7:28 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Title is LOVE LIZA no apostrophe lol that's why I love
the title. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:28 pm ijoda07 Sheesh. Thought @50kisses was tough! RT @vigiledelfuoco: We are
tracking nearly 50% higher this year. We expect close to 4000 #
2012-07-29 7:29 pm BlueCatPictures One participant in today's Euro #scriptchat will be awarded a free
entry ! 32 minutes to go!
2012-07-29 7:29 pm BrevityRulesOK Missing you guys. Sad I couldn't join you. Computer blew up
yesterday. So no #scriptchat for me.
2012-07-29 7:30 pm vigiledelfuoco @Ghop56 Yes, writers force their characters into unmotivated choices
to follow formula or outline, plans, etc. See Batman. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:30 pm Bang2write RT @BlueCatPictures: One participant in today's Euro #scriptchat
will be awarded a free entry ! 32 minutes to go!
2012-07-29 7:30 pm eising @vigiledelfuoco Whoa, that's quite a lot! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:30 pm ClaireYeowart @ijoda07 hence why I'm not entering #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:30 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco haha, was joking, I read your post on Lucy's
webpage :-) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:31 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @Sandy_Nicholson Needs a beginning middle
and end and needs to be supportive of the emotional journey of main
plot. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:31 pm ijoda07 @ClaireYeowart Lol. You gotta be in it to win it. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:31 pm Ghop56 @vigiledelfuoco The most recent one? Need to rewatch it, 5AM
showing not best place to gather it all #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:31 pm teenierussell RT @BlueCatPictures: One participant in todays Euro #scriptchat
will be awarded a free entry ! 32 minutes to go! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:31 pm ijoda07 @ClaireYeowart There's no reason you can't be one of the chosen
ones.... #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:31 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @Ghop56 Yes, writers force their characters into
unmotivated choices to follow formula or outline, plans, etc. See
Batman. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:32 pm Alex_Carrick “Excerpt Flight Deck” Group on FB: Where writers post & readers
awake to new treasures #scriptchat #blogchat
2012-07-29 7:32 pm teenierussell We are half way through Euro #scriptchat with guest @vigiledelfuoco
from @BlueCatPictures Any questions on scripts and comps? #
2012-07-29 7:32 pm Bang2write @ClaireYeowart There's a prize for best UK script as well, bet UK is
only 10% of entries max, v few UK scribes enter US comps #
2012-07-29 7:33 pm lindahf1 RT @BlueCatPictures: One participant in today's Euro #scriptchat
will be awarded a free entry ! 32 minutes to go!
2012-07-29 7:33 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 The Cordelia Award is $1000USD and way fewer writers to
compete against. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:33 pm teenierussell @BrevityRulesOK hi there, hope you get it fixed soon. no computer
these days = disaster! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:33 pm Bang2write @ClaireYeowart I see Bang2writers' names on US comp lists A LOT,
that's no accident - skillz and fewer UK entrants @ijoda07 #
2012-07-29 7:34 pm ijoda07 RT @vigiledelfuoco: @ijoda07 The Cordelia Award is $1000USD and
way fewer writers to compete against. #scriptchat @claireyeowart
2012-07-29 7:35 pm vigiledelfuoco @Bang2write The Cordelia Award gets lot of UK industry attention,
very few feature length competitions in UK. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:35 pm BlueCatPictures psst Euro writers - did you know we have an International award for
the Best Screenplay from the UK? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:35 pm BlueCatPictures RT @teenierussell: We are half way through Euro #scriptchat with
guest @vigiledelfuoco from @BlueCatPictures Any questions on
scripts and comps? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:35 pm teenierussell RT @Bang2write: There's a prize for best UK script as well, bet UK is
only 10% of entries max, v few UK scribes enter US comps #
2012-07-29 7:36 pm Sonic_Screwup Howdy kids, how's it writin'? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:36 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco How often does a script fail on page one? #
2012-07-29 7:36 pm JD_Scripter RT @BlueCatPictures: psst Euro writers - did you know we have an
International award for the Best Screenplay from the UK? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:36 pm Bang2write RT @BlueCatPictures: psst Euro writers - did you know we have an
International award for the Best Screenplay from the UK? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:36 pm ijoda07 RT @Bang2write: @ClaireYeowart I see Bang2writers' names on US
comp lists A LOT, that's no accident - skillz and fewer UK entrants
@ijoda07 #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:37 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell A lot. It's not often the story but your expression, and
that starts immediately, doesn't it? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:38 pm teenierussell @Sonic_Screwup Hi, @vigiledelfuoco from @blucatpictures is
answering qs on #scriptchat tonight. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:38 pm ClaireYeowart @Bang2write it's more a case I've already entered a few paid comps
this year and don't have the money. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:39 pm Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco I bet too many don't start with an interesting image in
keeping with the story? #scriptchat @teenierussell
2012-07-29 7:39 pm BlueCatPictures Our other International award is for the Best Screenplay outside of the
USA, UK and Canada! #
2012-07-29 7:39 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco In your opinion what are some of the worst cliches at
the start of a script? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:39 pm JD_Scripter Writing action-action is HARD. It's finding the balance between
description, energy, and brevity. #owbrainhurts #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:40 pm Ghop56 @vigiledelfuoco What's the most common screw up you see in the
scripts you get? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:40 pm vigiledelfuoco @ClaireYeowart Please join our Facebook, we give away entries all
year! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:40 pm BlueCatPictures RT @vigiledelfuoco: @teenierussell A lot. It's not often the story but
your expression, and that starts immediately, doesn't it? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:40 pm teenierussell RT @vigiledelfuoco: @ClaireYeowart Please join our Facebook, we
give away entries all year! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:42 pm vigiledelfuoco @Ghop5 Unmotivated choices by characters. Dialogue recalled from
movies and not from experience. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:43 pm Sandy_Nicholson @vigiledelfuoco What's your favourite script that didn't win? And why
did you end up choosing something else? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:43 pm ijoda07 Speaking of movie titles - have to say "Drive" worst title for film ever. #
2012-07-29 7:43 pm vigiledelfuoco @Bang2write Lots of scripts start with descriptions of the sun or sky.
Delete all descriptions of the sun. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:43 pm ijoda07 RT @vigiledelfuoco: @Bang2write Lots of scripts start with
descriptions of the sun or sky. Delete all descriptions of the sun. #
2012-07-29 7:43 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco so do you see a lot of imitation from existing films? #
2012-07-29 7:44 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Reflective voiceover is one of the more awkward
ways to get started. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:44 pm Bang2write @ijoda07 noooooo .... has to be ARLINGTON ROAD. What's that got
to do with terrorism? Sounds like a C5 MOW #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:44 pm Bang2write RT @vigiledelfuoco: @Bang2write Lots of scripts start with
descriptions of the sun or sky. Delete all descriptions of the sun. #
2012-07-29 7:44 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco But also often used effectively, no? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:45 pm ijoda07 RT @Bang2write: @ijoda07 noooooo .... has to be ARLINGTON
ROAD. What's that got to do with terrorism? Sounds like a C5 MOW #
2012-07-29 7:45 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell Yes. Lots of confusion a la INCEPTION. People
actually saving cats. Please stop actually saving cats everybody! #
2012-07-29 7:45 pm Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco I get cityscapes alot, drives me mental. My biggest
pet peeve though: characters just WALKING #leyawn #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:45 pm ClaireYeowart @vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell most voice over narrations aren't
actually needed I find #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:45 pm Sandy_Nicholson On titles, I once met someone whose job it was to come up with
movie titles. Her favourite of her own was "About last night" #
2012-07-29 7:46 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 No, not often used effectively. NO. Show me what
happened. Show Bane's relationship to the child. Don't tell me. #
2012-07-29 7:46 pm ijoda07 @Bang2write No. I still think "Drive" - such a slow paced film. And
main character not that motivated. didn't match tone at all. #
2012-07-29 7:46 pm Bang2write @ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco VO used well can be fantastic, but in my
experience for every time it is, there's 150 terrible ways #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:46 pm teenierussell RT @vigiledelfuoco: @teenierussell Yes. ... People actually saving
cats. Please stop actually saving cats everybody! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:46 pm ijoda07 RT @Bang2write: @ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco VO used well can be
fantastic, but in my experience for every time it is, there's 150 terrible
ways #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:47 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco No I think about it, exception proves the rule! #
2012-07-29 7:47 pm vigiledelfuoco RT @Bang2write: VO used well can be fantastic, but in my
experience for every time it is, theres 150 terrible ways #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:47 pm Sonic_Screwup @Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco Read a script recently which employed
it fantastically. But for that, I read 150 others which suck. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:47 pm ClaireYeowart @Bang2write @ijoda07 I like 'Arlington Road' because it sounds so
normal - and obviously the normal neighbours are not so normal #
2012-07-29 7:48 pm ijoda07 RT @Sonic_Screwup: @Bang2write @vigiledelfuoco Read a script
recently which employed it fantastically. But for that, I read 150 others
which suck. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:48 pm Sonic_Screwup @Bang2write @ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Wonderful example of how VO can abet narrative rather than hinder.
2012-07-29 7:48 pm Sandy_Nicholson RT @Sonic_Screwup: @Bang2write @ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco Kiss
Kiss Bang Bang. Wonderful example of how VO can abet narrative
rather than hinder. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:48 pm Ghop56 RT @vigiledelfuoco: @Bang2write Lots of scripts start with
descriptions of the sun or sky. Delete all descriptions of the sun. #
2012-07-29 7:49 pm mineyonne RT @JD_Scripter: Writing action-action is HARD. It's finding the
balance between description, energy, and brevity. #owbrainhurts #
2012-07-29 7:49 pm vigiledelfuoco There are no rules except we need to care. So voiceover flashbacks
saving cats you can do, but be careful. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:49 pm Bang2write @ClaireYeowart that's the defence of SO MANY SCREENWRITERS
... and why so many script readers are tearing their hair out (1/2) #
2012-07-29 7:49 pm ijoda07 RT @vigiledelfuoco: There are no rules except we need to care. So
voiceover flashbacks saving cats you can do, but be careful. #
2012-07-29 7:49 pm hashonomy_gus Submit an entry | Wellcome Trust #scriptchat
(via @Bang2write)
2012-07-29 7:50 pm teenierussell @Sonic_Screwup @Bang2Write @ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco I like the
VO intro to American Beauty, works for me #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:50 pm Ghop56 @Bang2write Should the cityscapes be left for the director to put in?
2012-07-29 7:50 pm Bang2write @ClaireYeowart Titles = tone. Thrillers then need to sound like
Thrillers (DIE HARD et al); Horrors like Horror, etc (ALIEN) #
2012-07-29 7:51 pm EmmasLens RT @vigiledelfuoco: @Bang2write Lots of scripts start with
descriptions of the sun or sky. Delete all descriptions of the sun. #
2012-07-29 7:51 pm Bang2write @Ghop56 I think cityscapes should be left alone, full stop. Horrible
cliche these days #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:51 pm eising @vigiledelfuoco You know that voiceover trick in 'Adaptation.'? That
one was quite brilliant. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:52 pm Bang2write #scriptchat Titles are part of the packaging. Don't make your Thriller
or Horror sound like a Drama. See this happen all the time
2012-07-29 7:52 pm Sonic_Screwup @vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell I liken bad VO to terrible sports
commentary. Talking about what we can clearly see. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:53 pm ClaireYeowart @Bang2write I agree, I just like that title. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:53 pm teenierussell @eising @vigiledelfuoco haha, yes, loved that #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:53 pm Bang2write RT @Sonic_Screwup: @vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell I liken bad VO
to terrible sports commentary. Talking about what we can clearly see.
2012-07-29 7:53 pm JD_Scripter RT @Bang2write: #scriptchat Titles are part of the packaging. Don't
make your Thriller or Horror sound like a Drama. See this happen all
the time
2012-07-29 7:53 pm bishakalaka RT @Bang2write: #scriptchat Who's entering the @wellcometrust /
@BFI screenwriting prize, then?...
2012-07-29 7:53 pm TaroJ @Bang2write @ghop56 one of my favourite films of all time opens
with a fantastic cityscape Manhatten also critical to the story #
2012-07-29 7:54 pm Bang2write #scriptchat Free ebook where I talk about montages, VO, static
scenes, rejection, feedback & more:
2012-07-29 7:55 pm Sonic_Screwup Unless the character is in a separate scene (i.e The Help) out of
context, VO's tend to be very meta/knowing or reflective. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:55 pm Bang2write @ClaireYeowart Well ... sit in the corner at once! ;) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:55 pm teenierussell 5minutes to go on #scriptchat with guest @vigiledelfuoco Got any
final questions? Make them hard! :-) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:55 pm JD_Scripter RT @Bang2write: #scriptchat Free ebook where I talk about
montages, VO, static scenes, rejection, feedback & more:
2012-07-29 7:56 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco Any regrets about any of your choices? Opportunities
passed? Wrong script won? (don't have to name them!) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:58 pm ClaireYeowart RT @Bang2write: #scriptchat Free ebook where I talk about
montages, VO, static scenes, rejection, feedback & more:
2012-07-29 7:58 pm vigiledelfuoco @ijoda07 We've made mistakes since 1998. But we learn and make
the changes we need----why we're receiving a record # entries! #
2012-07-29 7:59 pm ijoda07 @vigiledelfuoco Biggest learning curve, then? ;) #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:59 pm teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco Have you received any scripts with no dialogue since
The Artist came out? #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:59 pm JKPoulton brill #scriptchat
2012-07-29 7:59 pm Ghop56 @vigildelfuoco Does negatively commentating on produced material
on twitter Effect one's industry fortunes ? IE "A FILM" sucked #
2012-07-29 8:00 pm vigiledelfuoco @teenierussell haha no. #scriptchat
2012-07-29 8:00 pm JKPoulton RT @Bang2write: #scriptchat Free ebook where I talk about
montages, VO, static scenes, rejection, feedback & more:
2012-07-29 8:00 pm ClaireYeowart #scriptchat Shameless self promotion but
2012-07-29 8:01 pm teenierussell Thank you so much for joining us tonight @vigiledelfuoco and
@BlueCatPictures Great chat! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 8:02 pm teenierussell Thank you to everyone who joined us tonight! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 8:02 pm NotLongNowUK Your weekly reminder, writers have 35 days left to enter the Not Long
Now script competition! #scriptchat
2012-07-29 8:02 pm ClaireYeowart @teenierussell @vigiledelfuoco @BlueCatPictures great #scriptchat
tonight, thanks all
2012-07-29 8:03 pm ijoda07 And off the back of #scriptchat - who's up for an hour #writingsprint?
2012-07-29 8:03 pm BlueCatPictures RT @teenierussell: Thank you so much for joining us tonight
@vigiledelfuoco and @BlueCatPictures Great chat! #scriptchat


2012-07-30 12:01 am kim_garland Okay! RT @zacsanford2: It's #scriptchat o'clock. Cozy on up to the
bar and let's discuss the "best" of the screenwriting world. #
2012-07-30 12:01 am zacsanford2 And anyone who has heard me talk or seen me on the chats before
know how much I push reading scripts to grow as a writer. #
2012-07-30 12:01 am rdlln RT @zacsanford: The #scriptchat site has no formal topic for tonight,
so I'm taking a poll for the next eight minutes, what would you like to
2012-07-30 12:02 am zacsanford2 Don't just read the scripts of movies that were made, but read scripts
that weren't made and figure out why. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:02 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 I think it's not only important to read the best scripts,
but also some that don't work as well to learn from them. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:02 am zacsanford2 Anyone have any great scripts that they love and best show how to
write a script/story? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:02 am JimNewman75 Any highly recommended or must-reads in terms of scripts? #
2012-07-30 12:03 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 What genre do you typically write in? I can give you
suggestions based on that. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:04 am zacsanford2 A good script has me hooked and knowing what the story is by page
10. Look at Attack the Block. Inciting Incident in scene 1. #
2012-07-30 12:04 am kim_garland @zacsanford2 When I was 1st learning structure, I found The Fugitive
script & film a v clear example of acts, turning pts, etc #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:04 am JimNewman75 My preferences are romantic comedies and psych-thrillers #
2012-07-30 12:04 am zacsanford2 *tap tap*. This thing on? Or is everyone out at the beach? :) #
2012-07-30 12:05 am ozzywood The Business of Screenwriting: They don’t think like you (Part 1) #botw #scriptchat #amwriting #screenwriting
2012-07-30 12:05 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 Look at classics like When Harry Met Sally or even
recent successes like 40 Year Old Virgin. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:05 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 Some of the best thrillers were written decades ago:
Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:05 am GREGBIELA What's the topic tonight? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:06 am zacsanford2 RT @kim_garland: When I was 1st learning structure, I found The
Fugitive script & film a clear example of acts, turning pts, etc #
2012-07-30 12:06 am JimNewman75 Are there online resources where screenplays can be downloaded
(PDF) such as "When Harry Met Sally"? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:06 am zacsanford2 @GREGBIELA We're talking "best of..." And going to discuss the
best of different things. Right now the best scripts 4 writers. #
2012-07-30 12:07 am SarahAlexis4 @JimNewman75 simplyscripts .com is a good one #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:07 am GREGBIELA @zacsanford2 Thnx. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:07 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 Check @MyPDFScripts or a subscription to
@mytrackingboard for PDFs of scripts. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:08 am zacsanford2 Jut make sure they have it in PDF format and not HTML. :) RT
@SarahAlexis4: @JimNewman75 simplyscripts .com is a good one #
2012-07-30 12:08 am kim_garland @zacsanford2 Another surprisingly good example is The Fisher King.
Rock solid structure but never feels stiff or canned. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:09 am JimNewman75 Thank you - will check this out! RT @SarahAlexis4: @JimNewman75
simplyscripts .com is a good one #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:09 am zacsanford2 So what else can get people to come out of the woodworks tonight?
Hmmmm, best drink on a hot summer evening? :) #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:09 am wcmartell Read as many scripts as you can - you can learn from bad scripts,
too! But engage the brain and *study* the scripts you read. #
2012-07-30 12:09 am rdlln I think a strong hook is essential in 1st 10 but have until end of 1st act
to know what the story is about @zacsanford2 #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:09 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 Right, they pull from various
sources. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:10 am wcmartell Reading a script without trying to figure out where it goes right or
where it goes wrong isn't as helpful. May learn by osmosis #
2012-07-30 12:10 am GREGBIELA @zacsanford2 Cold & free. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:10 am JimNewman75 Very cool ... easily found "WHMS": #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:10 am zacsanford2 So since @wcmartell is here, I think it's only fair to discuss websites
that are beneficial for writers... #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:11 am zacsanford2 is a great site run by @wcmartell. I'd also
check out @gointothestory and @johnaugust's site. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:11 am kim_garland Absolutely @wcmartell's :) RT @zacsanford2 So since @wcmartell is
here, fair to discuss websites that are beneficial for writers #
2012-07-30 12:12 am wcmartell Well, since I am here *I* think we should discuss if the Batsuit is
better with nipples. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:12 am kim_garland RT @zacsanford2 is a great site by @wcmartell.
I'd also check out @gointothestory and @johnaugust's site. #
2012-07-30 12:12 am twatterer Best screenwriting advice ever! MT @wcmartell Read as many scripts
as you can! Engage the brain, *study* the scripts you read. #
2012-07-30 12:12 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 Just be careful when finding scripts on the web to
know the diff between a spec script and shooting script. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:12 am kim_garland Only if Adam West is wearing it RT @wcmartell: *I* think we should
discuss if the Batsuit is better with nipples. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:12 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 The link to the WHMS script is a shooting script so
you don't want to follow all its formatting. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:13 am zacsanford2 So what other sites do you guys visit? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:13 am JimNewman75 Great point! MT @zacsanford2: Just be careful when finding scripts
on the web ... diff between a spec script & shooting script. #
2012-07-30 12:13 am zacsanford2 @wcmartell Do guys, let alone bats, really even need nipples? Why
do we have 'em? I don't get it. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:14 am wcmartell It's usually difficult to find spec scripts online because they are not
widely distributed - mostly between writer and producer. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:14 am wcmartell Once a script goes into production, the guy who brings donuts to the
set probably has a copy. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:14 am JimNewman75, to read fresh scripts (both
good and bad) ... #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:14 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 @GoIntoTheStory's site for all things screenwriting.
Great analysis of script scenes/characters plus the biz side #
2012-07-30 12:15 am zacsanford2 @wcmartell And with online tools like scenechronize it will get tougher
and tougher to find scripts (especially TV) online. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:16 am wcmartell But the differences between specs and production aren't as great as
you might think. Just rea what you can get hold of! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:16 am sethruffer Hi, everyone...sorry I'm late - what's the topic tonight?n #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:17 am zacsanford2 RT @wcmartell: the differences between specs and production arent
as great as you might think. Just read what you get hold of! #
2012-07-30 12:17 am wcmartell I second GoIntoTheStory - great info on a daily basis! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:17 am zacsanford2 @sethruffer We're talking "best of..." Right now we're talking Best
sites for writers. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:17 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 And @wcmartell's site for his great script tips! #
2012-07-30 12:17 am zacsanford2 Also the scriptchat page has a HUGE list of resources and links for
writers: - check it out! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:18 am sethruffer Ah - best sites in terms of writing or learning the industry? (Or both?)
2012-07-30 12:18 am kim_garland Yep! RT @zacsanford2: scriptchat page has a HUGE list of
resources and links for writers: - check it out! #
2012-07-30 12:18 am zacsanford2 If you want to be up-to-date on news within the town that won't be on, check out @mytrackingboard. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:18 am Cilly247 Absolutely! RT “@wcmartell: I second @GoIntoTheStory - great info
on a daily basis! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:18 am zacsanford2 @sethruffer Both. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:19 am docadope RT @ozzywood: The Business of Screenwriting: They don’t think like
you (Part 1) #botw #scriptchat #amwriting
2012-07-30 12:19 am tracinell RT @kim_garland: Yep! RT @zacsanford2: scriptchat page has a
HUGE list of resources and links for writers: -
check it out! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:19 am zacsanford2 If you wanted to grab a subscription to @mytrackingboard use "
scriptchat" at checkout for 25% off. :) #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:20 am zacsanford2 So we've talked best scripts, best websites... now let's talk about the
"best tools" for writers. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:20 am rdlln @zacsanford2 the guys at @writetoreel run a nice screenwriting site #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:21 am wcmartell Hammer. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:21 am RWWFilm @mytrackingboard is great - as is @GoIntoTheStory - great insight
and a genuine desire to help. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:21 am dwacon Late -- was folding laundry. But to anzwer @zacsanford2... Save The
Cat is the best tool I ever purchased!n #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:21 am sethruffer Tracking Board is super valuable - great resource. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:21 am zacsanford2 RT @wcmartell: Hammer. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:22 am zacsanford2 @wcmartell Sometimes I feel like taking a hammer to my head when I
can't crack a story. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:22 am SarahAlexis4 @wcmartell Personally, I go with the power saw... #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:23 am kim_garland RT @zacsanford2: If you wanted to grab a subscription to
@mytrackingboard use "scriptchat" at checkout for 25% off. :) #
2012-07-30 12:23 am wcmartell I think the most important tool is some sort of work ethic or deadline
that gets you writing. Calendar? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:23 am zacsanford2 In the tools category I would put podcasts from @yogoldsmith (The
Q&A), @johnaugust (Script Notes) & Pilar (@onthepage) #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:24 am GREGBIELA RT @wcmartell: I think the most important tool is some sort of work
ethic or deadline that gets you writing. Calendar? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:24 am zacsanford2 Simple. RT @wcmartell: I think the most important tool is some sort of
work ethic or deadline that gets you writing. Calendar? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:24 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 I was going to say we should do best podcasts... there
are some great ones with valuable info #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:24 am JimNewman75 Cattle prod? RT @wcmartell: ... most important tool is some sort of
work ethic or deadline that gets you writing. Calendar? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:24 am rdlln RT @kim_garland: RT @zacsanford2: If you wanted to grab a
subscription to @mytrackingboard use "scriptchat" at checkout for
25% off. :) #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:25 am zacsanford2 Has anyone used Scrivner during the outlining and/or writing stage of
their script? Wondering if it's worth the $$$. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:25 am zacsanford2 @SarahAlexis4 Any podcasts that I missed that you would
recommend? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:26 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 I also wonder the same about the Save the Cat
software. Anybody use that? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:26 am wcmartell I still outline by hand - and I suspect that's because I'm old and like to
use pen and paper at some point in writing. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:27 am JimNewman75 Scrivner looks impressive ... the only software I have is Final Draft ...
2012-07-30 12:27 am kim_garland @wcmartell @zacsanford2 Calendar doesn't shame me if I miss
deadlne. I need shame. Class, writers group, setting a shoot date ;) #
2012-07-30 12:27 am sethruffer Can I play Devil's Advocate a moment and ask whether anyone thinks
there are too many "tools" & websites"? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:27 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 Besides those 3 greats, I recommend Nerdist's TV
Writer Panel Podcast, The Script Reporter, The TV Writer Podcast #
2012-07-30 12:28 am JimNewman75 Sadly, the reviews of "Save the Cat" software on Amazon were less
than stellar ... but there were only a few. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:28 am wcmartell The thing with all tool is - do they work for you? Do they get you to
produce results? What works for me may not work for you. #
2012-07-30 12:28 am zacsanford2 @SarahAlexis4 I think @dwacon said he used the @savethecat
software. Dwayne, any feedback on it? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:28 am JimNewman75 Peer disappointment keeps me on pace, too. RT @kim_garland:
Calendar doesnt shame me if I miss deadlne. I need shame. #
2012-07-30 12:28 am rdlln #scriptchat you can learn a thing or 20 from @willsimmons_ He
wrote one #badass screenplay: #MurderCity
2012-07-30 12:29 am zacsanford2 @wcmartell I HATE writing long hand... Don't know why... guess the
hand can't keep up as fast as the brain as typing can. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:29 am SarahAlexis4 @sethruffer I think it could be too much, if you let it become a
distraction instead of a source of help/motivation #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:29 am zacsanford2 RT @SarahAlexis4: I recommend Nerdists TV Writer Panel Podcast,
The Script Reporter, The TV Writer Podcast #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:29 am zacsanford2 @sethruffer Yes, there's an overabundance of "tools" out there, but it
is finding which of those work for you. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:30 am kim_garland @sethruffer I think learning about screenwriting can absolutely
distract from actual writing. Gives impression you're "working" #
2012-07-30 12:30 am RWWFilm @sethruffer "too many" is subjective, but I do agree there's enough
out there to drag a beginner into info overload & inaction #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:30 am zacsanford2 @kim_garland This is why I need a writing group again... I miss the
idea of deadlines. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:31 am zacsanford2 So next on the "best of..." dial... What are your best practices to stay
motivated? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:31 am JimNewman75 I found a local writing group on Meetup ... #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:31 am kim_garland @zacsanford2 The first one I tried was a bust but I really need to get
on my horse and try again. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:31 am RWWFilm @zacsanford2 @kim_garland I've never had a truly GOOD writing
group. #jealous #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:31 am sethruffer my concern is H'wood is a $Bn industry, and "How To Be A [insert
title] in H'wood" seems a TRILLION $ industry. It's subjective. #
2012-07-30 12:32 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 Podcasts cont'd: USC School of Cinematic Arts
Conversations With... Speakers Series Podcast & Grisanti's Storywise
2012-07-30 12:32 am wcmartell I feel left out because I don't have my own software... #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:32 am zacsanford2 @RWWFilm I had a GREAT writing group of all development execs...
but with our schedules it all fell apart. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:33 am ozzywood We're on Facebook too. And we like to be liked!
#scriptchat #amwriting #screenwriting
2012-07-30 12:33 am JimNewman75 @zacsanford2 Staying motivated: setting reasonable/attainable goals
... and achieving those short-term milestones. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:33 am kim_garland @RWWFilm @zacsanford2 writing group I tried was mostly
hobbyists, which is fine, but I felt they didn't push, just there for fun #
2012-07-30 12:33 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 Sometimes I use competition/fellowship deadlines for
motivation. Peer accountability. Writers group. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:33 am zacsanford2 GREAT! RT @JimNewman75: Staying motivated: setting
reasonable/attainable goals ... and achieving those short-term
milestones. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:33 am Mr_insidouz RT @ozzywood: We're on Facebook too. And we like to be liked! #scriptchat #amwriting #screenwriting
2012-07-30 12:34 am wcmartell Motivated: I think it's important to like writing, and find a story that is
both deeply personal and insanely commercial. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:34 am zacsanford2 RT @wcmartell: I think its important to like writing, and find a story
that is both deeply personal and insanely commercial. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:34 am adambarnick RT @wcmartell: Read as many scripts as you can - you can learn
from bad scripts, too! But engage the brain and *study* the scripts you
read. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:35 am dwacon @zacsanford2 I disabled a lot of the extraneous tools in STC & use
the part that helps me organize a solid outline to write from #
2012-07-30 12:35 am wcmartell What Jim sd: Break it up into bite sized pieces. No one can write 110
pages! So you write one page (scene, whatever) at a time. #
2012-07-30 12:35 am RWWFilm @kim_garland @zacsanford2 EXACTLY. The ones I find are filled
with hobbyists who don't want anything more @#scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:36 am zacsanford2 I really like the 1, 2, 7, 14 principle from @gointothestory: #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:36 am RWWFilm @zacsanford2 I need an online writing group - with
dropbox/skype/etc. there's no need to live near each other. #
2012-07-30 12:36 am kim_garland yes! I've been doing this all year! RT @zacsanford2 I like the 1, 2, 7,
14 principle from @gointothestory: #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:36 am wcmartell My outline method breaks the script up into (roughly) 5 page
segments. So I write 5 pages and cross it off. Accomplishment! #
2012-07-30 12:36 am zacsanford2 Ways to stay motivated: So bite sized goals, loving the craft and the
story you're writing. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:37 am JimNewman75 I'm getting lots of homework to do after this chat ... haha ... #
2012-07-30 12:37 am sethruffer But being a hobbyist doesn't discount valid opinions. I took some
notes from hobbyists and my script won a contest. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:37 am zacsanford2 The latest Script Notes podcast has great advice on "what script
should you be writing". Check it out for free in iTunes. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:37 am JimNewman75 LOVE this idea! RT @RWWFilm: @zacsanford2 I need an online
writing group w/ dropbox/skype/etc. No need to live near each other. #
2012-07-30 12:37 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 I've been keeping an ongoing list of scripts I've read,
movies I've watched, etc. Actually motivates me further. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:38 am JimNewman75 Let's do this! RT @RWWFilm: @zacsanford2 I need an online writing
group w/ dropbox/skype/etc. No need to live near each other. #
2012-07-30 12:38 am RWWFilm @zacsanford2 @gointothestory I'm doing a variation of part of the
1,2,7,14 format and blogging about it. #52ScriptChallenge #
2012-07-30 12:38 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 @RWWFilm You can check out
ascreenwritersworkshop through Yahoo Groups for something similar
to that. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:38 am wcmartell Use writing as an escape so that it doesn't become a chore. I get to
be a spy for an hour! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:38 am JimNewman75 Do you have a sample to share? RT @wcmartell: My outline method
breaks the script up into (roughly) 5 page segments. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:38 am dwacon @zacsanford2 The checklist & litterbox are nice but take up space in
the SDI interface. I refer to them, but not for FT use IMO #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:38 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 @RWWFilm but they only give feedback on one
script a month. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:39 am zacsanford2 RT @wcmartell: Use writing as an escape so that it doesnt become a
chore. I get to be a spy for an hour! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:39 am SarahAlexis4 @wcmartell Great way to think about it! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:39 am wcmartell The good think about an online group is that you have to write your
comments on scripts - which may remove the stupid notes. #
2012-07-30 12:40 am zacsanford2 Next up: What are your favorite books? It can be screenplay or just
general writing related... I'd say Heroes Journey #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:41 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 @RWWFilm If you're both interested I'd be down to
test out an online writers group concept through skype/dropbox. #
2012-07-30 12:41 am dwacon So far, the only software I've seen do Series Bibles is Celtx. Would
love to have a template for Final Draft... #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:41 am wcmartell @JimNewman75 I have some examples in my book, and also here: #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:42 am zacsanford2 @dwacon There's no set format for series bibles... Every show's bible
is different so no template could ever truly exist. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:42 am RWWFilm @zacsanford2 It's not screenwriting, but Stephen King's "On Writing"
is great. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:42 am JonFour @zacsanford2 I really enjoyed Riding the Alligator. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:42 am dwacon @zacsanford2 “The Craft of Comedy Writing” by Sol Saks is my
all-time favorite. Linda Seger is also a favorite author. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:42 am RWWFilm @zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 I'm definitely game to see if we can
get a format that works. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:42 am JimNewman75 @zacsanford2 @RWWFilm I think most in this forum would be up for
it, but you can add me to the list! :-) #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:43 am zacsanford2 I read this yearly. RT @RWWFilm It's not screenwriting, but Stephen
King's "On Writing" is great. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:43 am dwacon @zacsanford2 WAH! Oh well... Celtx at least got something that got
a read (but, alas, not a sale)...n #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:44 am zacsanford2 @JimNewman75 @RWWFilm Shoot me an email to Zac at
scriptchat dot com to discuss the online writers group further. #
2012-07-30 12:44 am RWWFilm It never ceases to be inspirational RT @zachsanford2 I read this
yearly. RT @RWWFilm Stephen King's "On Writing" is great. #
2012-07-30 12:45 am zacsanford2 So since the book discussion died rather quickly, what are some of
your best tips/tricks/advice/etc on screenwriting? #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:45 am CassidyMcM Good points:) RT @zacsanford2: Ways to stay motivated:So bite
sized goals, loving the craft and the story youre writing. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:46 am kim_garland @zacsanford2 I know this isn't #directorchat but I've read Lumet's
Making Movies more than once. Awesome! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:46 am sethruffer Most important tip/trick/advice: write every day. No matter what.
Most of it will SUCK, all of it will make you BETTER. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:46 am JimNewman75 @zacsanford2 Sent you an email #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:47 am SarahAlexis4 @kim_garland I have to finish reading that one... it's on my shelf! #
2012-07-30 12:47 am sethruffer well, write every day, and also bourbon, or your drink of choice. #
2012-07-30 12:47 am JonFour RT @sethruffer: Most important tip/trick/advice: write every day. No
matter what. Most of it will SUCK, all of it will make you BETTER. #
2012-07-30 12:48 am zacsanford2 @kim_garland Never read it but will have to add it to my never ending
"reading list". #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:48 am zacsanford2 Advice: Write what you want to write, not what you think will sell. It'll
show a lack of passion if selling is your 1st reason #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:48 am RWWFilm tips/tricks/advice on screenwriting? my first read through
post-first-draft-completion reveals the true themes of my script #
2012-07-30 12:49 am zacsanford2 Water, lots and lots of water. #wetblanket RT @sethruffer: well, write
every day, and also bourbon, or your drink of choice. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:50 am zacsanford2 My biggest piece of advice (and I already said it once tonight): READ
SCRIPTS! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:50 am dwacon @zacsanford2 Dave & Janet Peoples told me two great things. #1…
keep action no more than 2 lines and manage white space on page #
2012-07-30 12:50 am zacsanford2 As someone who reads for contests you'd be amazed at how many
people don't know how to properly format a script. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:51 am zacsanford2 If you've read more than a handful of scripts, you'll know how to
format it properly and what works/doesn't work on the page. #
2012-07-30 12:51 am sethruffer @zacsanford - actually, the water thing is true - and exercise, good
diet. It's shocking how draining this is. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:51 am RWWFilm #Advice does anyone here write to music? I've tried and it just doesn't
do it for me. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:51 am wcmartell Books: Hey, I have 3 of the top 10 books on Amazon Screenwriting
List (kindle) plus my Action Book is still in the top 20! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:52 am dwacon @zacsanford2 #2… never show up @ meeting dressed better than
the studio folk… but wear nice watch & shoes to not look desperate…
2012-07-30 12:52 am SarahAlexis4 @zacsanford2 Remember, it may take a hundred 'no's, but all you
need is that one 'yes' #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:52 am ADELyrics RT @dwacon: @zacsanford2 Dave & Janet Peoples told me two
great things. #1… keep action no more than 2 lines and manage
white space on page #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:52 am RWWFilm Advice: I suppose I should shamelessly self promote - but Read
Scripts. Watch Movies. Write Pages. Those are the keys #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:53 am zacsanford2 RT @wcmartell: I have 3 of the top 10 books on Amazon
Screenwriting List (kindle) plus my Action Book is still in the top 20! #
2012-07-30 12:53 am zacsanford2 RT @SarahAlexis4: @zacsanford2 Remember, it may take a hundred
nos, but all you need is that one yes #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:53 am sethruffer @rwwfilm - I almost always write to classical music (esp. Bach);
classical guitar particularly. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:54 am zacsanford2 I recently read my 1st script. Boy oh boy what a horrible POS.
Remember you will grow as a writer with each new script/rewrite #
2012-07-30 12:54 am SarahAlexis4 @RWWFilm Depends on my mood and the mood of script, but I often
do. I make playlists to fit the tone of scene/script. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:54 am zacsanford2 My favorite writing playlist: #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:54 am sethruffer @SarahAlexis4 But remember must be careful-these days, 100 "no"s
in a small industry might prevent that "yes" ever being read. #
2012-07-30 12:55 am wcmartell Keep writing. The race is not to the swift nor to the strong, but to
those too stupid to know when to quit! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:55 am chasffisher RT @wcmartell: Keep writing. The race is not to the swift nor to the
strong, but to those too stupid to know when to quit! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:55 am wcmartell I write to film scores and pick the music that matches the day's
scenes. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:55 am zacsanford2 @sethruffer @SarahAlexis4 Yes, best to be careful, but there's two
different types of passes in town. Don't want pass as writer. #
2012-07-30 12:56 am dwacon @sethruffer @rwwfilm I vary music based on what I’m writing.
Classical… Sinatra… Metal… #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:56 am rdlln Looking for exposure +/or feedback on your feature length
screenplay? Considering submitting 1st 10 pgs. to #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:56 am rdlln RT @wcmartell: Keep writing. The race is not to the swift nor to the
strong, but to those too stupid to know when to quit! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:56 am dwacon RT @wcmartell: Keep writing. The race is not to the swift nor to the
strong, but to those too stupid to know when to quit! #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:56 am RWWFilm Don't know why it doesn't work for me @sethruffer - I almost always
write to classical music (esp. Bach)#scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:57 am SarahAlexis4 @sethruffer You mean be careful what you're putting out there? Yes. I
just meant not to give up in the face of rejection. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:57 am sethruffer @RWWFilm I think many find music distracting. For me it's a gentle
sort of stimulation. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:57 am brainyreviewer “@rdlln: Looking for exposure/ feedback on your feature length
screenplay? Submit 1st 10 pgs. to #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:57 am zacsanford2 Any last minute advice, thoughts, etc? Anything some of you want to
plug? Throw it out there so it'll be in the transcript. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:58 am zacsanford2 @sethruffer @RWWFilm I cannot write in silence... that ends up
being my worst writing of all. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:58 am JimNewman75 Coffee house music is fine ... not too distracting, but the right level of
background noise. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:58 am zacsanford2 If anyone else is interested in an online writers group, shoot me an
email to zac at scriptchat dot com. #scriptchat
2012-07-30 12:59 am sethruffer @SarahAlexis4 Yes, you're exactly right on both counts. I was just
clarifying, cause I think many scripts are sent out b4 ready. #
2012-07-30 12:59 am SarahAlexis4 @sethruffer What do you like to listen to? Any suggestions? I always
like to hear what others listen to :) #scriptchat
2012-07-30 1:00 am zacsanford2 Thanks y'all for coming out on a beautiful summer evening (at least in
LA). Come join us in 30 minutes for #tvwriterchat #scriptchat