
Sunday, March 25, 2012

EURO - Guest Adam Levenberg @StarterScript

Euro guest Adam Levenberg @starterscript

2012-03-25 7:01 pm TaroJ Hi everyone #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:01 pm teenierussell @StarterScript Hi Adam! Thank you so much for joining us tonight! #
2012-03-25 7:02 pm StarterScript @Jamie_LD thx!n #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:02 pm StarterScript So Teenie and Taro, have you had a chance to read my book? #
2012-03-25 7:03 pm teenierussell If you haven't already, you can check out Adam's amazing bio here - #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:04 pm teenierussell @StarterScript I started it today but can't wait to go finish now, it looks
like I'm committing all the writer sins :-) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:05 pm TaroJ @StarterScript first few chapters, lots of good advice and a very good
read, well worth everyone checking out #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:05 pm teenierussell My first spec has a dual protag and a drug addict. It looks like I might
have to put that one away a later stage :-) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:06 pm StarterScript It's amazing that most film schools don't teach that stuff. And most
book authors don't even share that info with readersn #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:07 pm teenierussell @StarterScript would you always suggest that new writers stick to
genre? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:08 pm StarterScript @teenierussell if you can't deliver a good genre script, what chance is
there for you to deliver something original that works? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:09 pm StarterScript @teenierussell I don't believe that there are flat rules. But I would ask,
why is your drug addict script FUN? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:10 pm teenierussell @StarterScript it's a curse that my initial genre ideas end up
becoming character driven rather than plot driven #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:10 pm StarterScript Just saw YOUNG ADULT, it's an amazing character study. But it's
FUNNY. And BITING. The hero has a demented but CLEAR GOAL. #
2012-03-25 7:11 pm StarterScript @teenierussell Then it's your ideas that are the problem. You're
probably being too creative in your concept process. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:11 pm StarterScript Concepts don't emerge out of thin air. screenwriters say "How would I
rewrite BATTLE ROYALE for todays audience" #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:12 pm StarterScript and thats where Hunger Games comes from #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:12 pm teenierussell @StarterScript Young Adult is definitely on my list of films to see, and
even more now that you are recommending it #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:12 pm TaroJ @StarterScript isn't that what Hunger Games is? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:13 pm teenierussell @StarterScript I think it's a case of going back to the genre rules and
sticking to them. Is there a genre that sells more? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:14 pm StarterScript Yeah. Suzanne Collins thinks and writes like a screenwriter. She
created a central, sympathetic hero with two love interests #
2012-03-25 7:14 pm teenierussell Come join #scriptchat with Adam Levenberg and fire away your
questions. Lots of great tips! #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:15 pm TaroJ How much of your job is developing scripts for studios that have
bought it, and how much is for writers with specs? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:15 pm StarterScript I never know how to answer the questions what sells more. Hundreds
of scripts sell every year. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:16 pm StarterScript Most of my job is evaluating books for producers 2 see if theyd make
good movies... #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:16 pm StarterScript I'm doing a lot of work more recently with filmmakers who have the
funding for independent films but need development assistance #
2012-03-25 7:17 pm StarterScript writers from all over the world hire me to read their spec scripts. #
2012-03-25 7:18 pm teenierussell @StarterScript that's interesting, are producers always looking
through books as well as the spec pile? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:19 pm StarterScript No, these are books from top authors submitted by top agents where
there is HIGH DEMAND from producers. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:19 pm TaroJ Are there any common pitfalls that drive you crazy seeing again and
again? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:20 pm StarterScript Producers compete against each other for the right to bring books to
studios but they need to read first, so they send to men #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:20 pm StarterScript On a book that could sell to a studio, I read it and write full coverage
within 24 hours. If the book isn't a candidate for sale #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:21 pm StarterScript ...I have some more time to read and write up coverage, but I let the
producer know why it's problematic via email #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:21 pm TaroJ For those of you haven't changed your clocks we're chatting to
@StarterScript Now on #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:21 pm StarterScript @TaroJ Yeah, that's why I wrote a book! #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:22 pm teenierussell @StarterScript are you sometimes surprised by adaptations that
shouldn't have worked? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:22 pm StarterScript Funny last time I did this I was competing with grammys, this time
with daylight savings? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:22 pm teenierussell RT @TaroJ: For those of you havent changed your clocks were
chatting to @StarterScript Now on #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:22 pm TaroJ Have you seen a big push to the Young Adult market with the success
of Twilight and Hunger Games? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:23 pm StarterScript @teenierussell THE HELP was astounding--brilliantly adapted, but I'd
suggest there was a fair amount of screenwriting technique #
2012-03-25 7:23 pm StarterScript in the book itself #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:24 pm teenierussell @StarterScript it's also the first weekend this year where the weather
is good enough for BBQ #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:24 pm StarterScript After Twilight, studios snapped up tons of YA material. That died out
because they spent too much developing screenplays... #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:24 pm StarterScript without book sales. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:25 pm StarterScript So I don't think Hunger Games changes anything...That book had
sold over 250,000 copies BEFORE a studio bought it. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:25 pm teenierussell @StarterScript I read the book The Help and it was great, looking
forward to seeing the adapted version #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:26 pm StarterScript Before the book caught on, I'm sure studios looked at it and said
"we've already tried to do Battle Royale".. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:26 pm TaroJ I seem to remember after twilight that Angels were going to be the
next big thing, not that I've seen that on the screen #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:27 pm StarterScript I don't recommend writers chase the next big things. The smart ones
get ahead of the curve. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:27 pm StarterScript After STARGATE, wannabe writers probably said "Hollywood wants
pyramid scripts!" Meanwhile.... #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:28 pm Jamie_LD RT @StarterScript: I don't recommend writers chase the next big
things. The smart ones get ahead of the curve. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:28 pm teenierussell Have you come across many scripts that are shockingly similar and
could both sell easily? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:28 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: I dont recommend writers chase the next big
things. The smart ones get ahead of the curve. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:28 pm StarterScript Roland Emmerich was probably looking at other elements of
alternative history and came up with 2012 as a subject #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:29 pm StarterScript @teenierussell I think most movies are shockingly similar. #
2012-03-25 7:29 pm Jamie_LD #screenwriting peeps, learn a lot by listening in on the live chat with
@StarterScript at #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:30 pm teenierussell @StarterScript the same but different :-) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:31 pm antonsays Very interesting it is RT @Jamie_LD: #screenwriting peeps, learn a
lot by listening in on the live chat with @StarterScript at #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:31 pm StarterScript @teenierussell First, there was the incredible shrinking man, then the
inc. shrink. woman, then honey, I shrunk the kids... #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:31 pm StarterScript @TaroJ I think if you haven't sold a script, you should be reading a lot
more than 1 script from last year. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:31 pm teenierussell We're halfway through #scriptchat with Adam Levenberg. Make sure
to join us if you want your script to reach the next level #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:32 pm StarterScript @TaroJ But the Black List is a good place to start. Anything on there
should be at least okay... #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:32 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: @TaroJ I think if you havent sold a script, you
should be reading a lot more than 1 script from last year. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:32 pm Cilly247 Tuning into #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:32 pm Jamie_LD I can say @StarterScript improved my thriller script by 100% after
consulting with him. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:33 pm StarterScript The biggest challenge to new screenwriters is that they have to learn
how to deliver a movie. And a new writer is anyone unsold. #
2012-03-25 7:34 pm teenierussell Here's a link to last year's Blacklist: #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:34 pm EvaKnoet Where do we find this black list? (Or have I missed something further
down the conversation?) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:34 pm Jamie_LD RT @teenierussell: Here's a link to last year's Blacklist: #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:34 pm Jamie_LD @EvaKnoet Here's a link to last year's Blacklist:
2012-03-25 7:34 pm teenierussell @Cilly247 @antonsays @evaKnoet hi there *waves* #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:35 pm EvaKnoet @teenierussell Thanks! On the ball as always :) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:35 pm StarterScript But then you have to actually get the scripts...That seems to be a
challenge for some writers. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:35 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: The biggest challenge to new screenwriters is that
they have to learn how to deliver a movie. And a new writer is anyone
unsold. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:35 pm LoveReasonFilm RT @StarterScript: @TaroJ I think if you haven't sold a script, you
should be reading a lot more than 1 script from last year. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:37 pm StarterScript I also recommend for new/unsold writers not to spend too much time
giving advice to other screenwriters in terms of feedback #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:37 pm StarterScript In my experience, if you aren't getting representation, there are HUGE
IMPORTANT issues for you to deal with in your writing #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:38 pm StarterScript I've never read a script that truly, absolutely deserved to sell and
didn't at least get optioned by a major company #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:38 pm teenierussell @StarterScript Hopefully it's better than notes from family though,
haha #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:39 pm Jamie_LD Only 20 minutes left to pick the brain of consultant/reader
@StarterScript #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:39 pm StarterScript Don't take notes from your family and friends. They're useless.
Seriously. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:39 pm LewSwift #TheImitationGame's been getting major buzz. According to total film
DiCaprio's onboard as a producer/potential star.n#Blacklist #
2012-03-25 7:39 pm teenierussell Do you come across writers who have been working on just the one
script for years? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:40 pm teenierussell RT @Jamie_LD: Only 20 minutes left to pick the brain of
consultant/reader @StarterScript #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:40 pm StarterScript Actually, let me revise that...Friends can be helpful with typos or
identifying confusing elements. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:40 pm Jamie_LD @StarterScript In my case, family is less than useless for reading.
(sorry family) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:40 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: Dont take notes from your family and friends.
Theyre useless. Seriously. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:40 pm BHuntyer 'Prometheus' trailer shot-by-shot breakdown & analysis by
@nate_winslow #prometheus #movies #
scriptchat #screenwriting
2012-03-25 7:40 pm StarterScript @teenierussell Yes, scripts dont work when writers spend more than
a few months on em. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:41 pm StarterScript @LewSwift Yeah, it's an amazing piece of writing and would make a
great movie, we'll have to see if it gets made #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:42 pm richjudges @teenierussell Yes me!, although i've written one full script and
several part finished ones in the last six months.. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:42 pm teenierussell @StarterScript Why is that? When you mean more than a few
months, re-write included? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:42 pm LewSwift To be fair, I once got a "Professional" script report and the consultant
got the name of my script wrong on the cover page. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:43 pm DimitriDavis @StarterScript I use friends and family for brainstorming sessions.
But then my brother is also a writer. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:43 pm DimitriDavis RT @StarterScript: I've never read a script that truly, absolutely
deserved to sell and didn't at least get optioned by a major company #
2012-03-25 7:44 pm teenierussell @richjudges that's already more than just the one though :-) #
2012-03-25 7:44 pm StarterScript @DimitriDavis Is he a screenwriter? Don't use book authors to get
feedback on your scripts, they don't help in general #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:45 pm StarterScript @LewSwift @scriptshadow does a nice job with coverage...He is the
ONLY person I recommend to writers if they cant afford me. #
2012-03-25 7:45 pm Fey1IsleofSkye Yo! #scriptchat #ohchat Where's my pal @princess_scribe ??
2012-03-25 7:46 pm StarterScript @LewSwift If you're a new screenwriter, you really can't buy coverage
that gives you REAL feedback. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:46 pm DimitriDavis @StarterScript Yeah, he is. Anyone can be helpful for ideas, though;
crap ideas from other people can help lead to shinier ones. #
2012-03-25 7:46 pm Jonathan_Peace @ScreenwritingU when Ms Muse is hiding, I crank up the music and
push on. Luckily Mr Rewrite always turns up without fail :) #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:46 pm richjudges @teenierussell ah no I spent ten years on one script before I picked
up the new ones #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:47 pm TaroJ @DimitriDavis @starterscript very true, there are lots of places you
can get inspiration from #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:47 pm DimitriDavis RT @StarterScript: I don't recommend writers chase the next big
things. The smart ones get ahead of the curve. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:47 pm teenierussell @richjudges are you still working on it? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:47 pm StarterScript the reason I recommend not rewriting over and over is that
professionals don't do that.They write a spec and get EXPERT
feedback #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:48 pm StarterScript rewriting without the help of someone like me, or an agent that sells,
or a REAL producer, youre writing in a vacuum #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:49 pm StarterScript Professionals get expert feedback from their agents, managers, and
those people's assistants and executives. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:49 pm teenierussell How about competitions? They are great for a morale boost. #
2012-03-25 7:49 pm joshuastecker RT @StarterScript: I also recommend for new/unsold writers not to
spend too much time giving advice to other screenwriters in terms of
feedback #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:50 pm richjudges @teenierussell Yes, it will happen, its been a film/play/tv script at one
point or another. Never quite sure how to carry it on #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:50 pm StarterScript And writers who sell to studios--each set of studio notes costs over
$10K in labor for everyone involved to give imput #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:50 pm StarterScript @teenierussell I really don't like script competitions. They are good
for little other than morale boosts #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:51 pm StarterScript If you have disposable income, enter contests. But do NOT take their
"coverage" or "feedback" seriously. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:51 pm LewSwift Met writers who've been channeling all their energy into 1 script for
years. Deep down I think u know if something doesn't work. #
2012-03-25 7:51 pm StarterScript Recently had a client who had notes back from 5 contests--All the
notes looked like they were written by people earning $10-20 #
2012-03-25 7:51 pm lizzayn Very informative #scriptchat today.
2012-03-25 7:51 pm StarterScript @LewSwift You know it doesn't work if you can't finish your script in
six months. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:52 pm TaroJ For a Professional writer I agree, for a starter screenwriter I wouldn't
ignore my peers advice we are there to help each other #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:53 pm StarterScript @TaroJ Nothing wrong with taking notes from friends who are
screenwriters even if they're not successful yet. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:54 pm StarterScript @TaroJ But I'd ALSO explore other avenues to get real feedback. #
2012-03-25 7:54 pm StarterScript Again, I like @scriptshadow, he gives expert feedback but I'm sure his
rates are going to go up quite a bit #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:55 pm EvaKnoet What is the best book on screenwriting you've ever read? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:55 pm teenierussell @StarterScript re-writes help me get the script to a point I'm happy to
show to someone else, that's then my 1st draft... #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:55 pm StarterScript @LewSwift Writers who keep rewriting are what I call "trapped in the
funhouse." They have more data outside the script than in #
2012-03-25 7:56 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: @TaroJ But Id ALSO explore other avenues to
get real feedback. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:56 pm StarterScript @EvaKnoet I wrote my book, avail through amazon download, to go
2012-03-25 7:56 pm teenierussell 5mins to go, make sure to get your questions in for @StarterScript #
2012-03-25 7:57 pm StarterScript @teenierussell I think we're referring to different types of re-writes. It's
one thing to go back and flesh things out, polish.. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:58 pm LewSwift 1 of the benfits of doing my scriptwriting MA is that I have a network of
writers/friends who are all willing to read/give notes #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:58 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: I wrote my book, avail through amazon download,
to go along with SAVE THE CAT and 45 MASTER CHARACTERS #
2012-03-25 7:58 pm StarterScript @EvaKnoet I think writers would benefit from rereading their
screenwriting books, highlighting, taking notes. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:59 pm teenierussell @StarterScript ahhhh, yes! I get you :-) #rewrites #scriptchat
2012-03-25 7:59 pm StarterScript @EvaKnoet Most writers read scr books like magazines, they read
quickly, think about stuff and move on, not a good way 2 learn #
2012-03-25 8:00 pm teenierussell RT: @NObodySpecial Is the script the final word or do you invest in
the authors ability to adapt/adjust the "final" draft? #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:01 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: @EvaKnoet I think writers would benefit from
rereading their screenwriting books, highlighting, taking notes. #
2012-03-25 8:01 pm teenierussell That's it, thank you everyone and especially @StarterScript for joining
us tonight. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:01 pm AuthorKimKoning RT @Alex_Carrick: NUDGE: All EST Sundays / #WriteChat 3-6 pm
@WritingSpirit / #storycraft 6-7 pm @AuthorKimKoning / #scriptchat
8-9 pm @jeannevb / #funforall
2012-03-25 8:02 pm StarterScript @teenierussell Agents wont take you on unless you have a script
they can sell. It's not about your raw talent. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:02 pm StarterScript But if you're a comedy writer and can make them laugh a lot, they'll
help you mold the script into something that works. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:02 pm teenierussell You can find Adam's book to dl on Amazon for Kindle "The Starter
Script" - #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:02 pm EvaKnoet Another great #scriptchat! Thanks for the inspiration @StarterScript
2012-03-25 8:02 pm DimitriDavis Interesting #scriptchat session today. Search the hashtag and read
up if you haven't been tuning in!
2012-03-25 8:03 pm LewSwift @StarterScript Have a script written with 2 script-eds (1 highly
regarded,1 starting out) should I name names when sending out #
2012-03-25 8:03 pm teenierussell RT @DimitriDavis: Interesting #scriptchat session today. Search the
hashtag and read up if you havent been tuning in! #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:04 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: @teenierussell Agents wont take you on unless
you have a script they can sell. Its not about your raw talent. #
2012-03-25 8:04 pm StarterScript @LewSwift Lew, writers hire me as well. And if their script is ready, I
get it to the right people. if it's not, I explain why #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:04 pm StarterScript @LewSwift I wouldn't mention... you're saying "these names didn't
think my script was good enough to give to their friends." #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:05 pm TaroJ Thanks everyone. Especially @StarterScript for joining us tonight #
2012-03-25 8:06 pm teenierussell If you've missed out on tonight's chat, make sure to read the transcript
in the morning! #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:06 pm Cilly247 @teenierussell @starterscript Thanks for the candid advice #
2012-03-25 8:06 pm Cilly247 RT @StarterScript: But if you're a comedy writer and can make them
laugh a lot, they'll help you mold the script into something that works.
2012-03-25 8:06 pm StarterScript thx everyone! If you have any questions, you can tweet me..and if you
read my book, my email is in there so you can ask ?'s #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:07 pm StarterScript @Cilly247 You're welcome. #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:07 pm StarterScript Also check out my website! #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:08 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: thx everyone! If you have any questions, you can
tweet me..and if you read my book, my email is in there so you can
ask ?'s #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:08 pm teenierussell RT @StarterScript: Also check out my website!
2012-03-25 8:10 pm teenierussell Don't miss later tonight USA #scriptchat guests @showmefun2 #
2012-03-25 8:12 pm StarterScript #scriptchat
2012-03-25 8:13 pm teenierussell Next week on #scriptchat it's movie night! Euro will be
watching/reading Fargo.
2012-03-25 8:14 pm joshuastecker RT @StarterScript: And writers who sell to studios--each set of studio
notes costs over $10K in labor for everyone involved to give imput #

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