
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Transcript: Why Do Characters Fail and Julie Gray Talks 3D Characters February 20, 2011

#Scriptchat TOPIC:
EURO: Why Do Characters Fail?
USA: Guest Julie Gray talking Creating 3D Characters with Heart

Characters were the name of the game this week.  This is a golden transcript of character development.  EURO had a wonderful conversation about characters and Julie Gray @Julie_Gray did an amazing job fielding questions and sharing her knowledge.  After reading the transcript, head over to Julie’s website and check out her contest that starts March 1st.  Read and enjoy! @jeannevb

EURO moderator: Mina Zaher @DreamsGrafter
USA moderator: Jeanne Veillette Bowerman @jeannevb


8:00 pm            DreamsGrafter:            #Scriptchat O'Clock! We're discussing WHY DO CHARACTERS FAIL? tonight ... want to throw your thoughts in?
8:00 pm            robinkelly1:            The Deadlines Calendar has been updated: #scriptchat
8:00 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Hi, welcome! RT @Charles118xx: Euro scriptchaters! Greetings from central New York. :) #scriptchat
8:00 pm            DreamsGrafter:            *waves* RT @TheWriteScript: Hello EURO Scriptchatters! #Scriptchat
8:01 pm            DreamsGrafter:            So why do characters fail in scripts? Too passive? Not interesting enough? #scriptchat
8:01 pm            lizziside:            Are we started? #scriptchat
8:02 pm            Rickallden:            #scriptchat Comedy characters fail when the author forgets who s/he has created and opts for the easy joke, rather than the 'true' reaction
8:02 pm            sweettweenie:            hello #scriptchat
8:02 pm            filmutopia:            @DreamsGrafter for me, the characters that really fail are obvious photocopies of a character from another movie #scriptchat
8:02 pm            DreamsGrafter:            1 of the most common text book answers is the character is passive but what about in horrors where protag usually acts 3rd act? #scriptchat
8:03 pm            Rickallden:            #scriptchat The moment that I don't believe a character's choice is the moment at which I'm lost
8:03 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Indeed! RT @lizziside: Are we started? #scriptchat
8:04 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter for me, the characters that really fail are obvious photocopies of a character from another movie #scriptchat
8:04 pm            sweettweenie:            I think the boring characters in horror movies are the ones who die first #scriptchat
8:04 pm            kingisafink:            They fail when they're not relatable. RT @dreamsgrafter: Why do characters fail in scripts? Too passive? Not interesting enough? #scriptchat
8:05 pm            lizzayn:            @DreamsGrafter unsympathetic. The reader/viewer never connects. #scriptchat
8:05 pm            kingisafink:            @dreamsgrafter A character may not be exactly like you, but you need to be able to put yourself in their situation. #scriptchat
8:06 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Looking at Ripley in Alien and Aliens is an interesting study. When is she the most interesting for you? #scriptchat
8:06 pm            DreamsGrafter:            What makes a char unsympathetic for you? RT @lizzayn: @DreamsGrafter unsympathetic. The reader/viewer never connects. #scriptchat
8:06 pm            sweettweenie:            haha, just watching Alien now #scriptchat
8:06 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @kingisafink: @dreamsgrafter A character may not be exactly like you, but you need to be able to put yourself in their situation. #scriptchat
8:07 pm            lizziside:            I find that characters fail if they are detached from whole structure. #scriptchat
8:07 pm            carter_andrewj:            Characters are defined by their choices NOT by their actions. It's their decisions and motives that matter. #scriptchat
8:07 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @sweettweenie Ripley is so fascinating in that film. Classic horror protagonist. #scriptchat
8:07 pm            Scripts_n_Scars:            @DreamsGrafter Some high-concept scripts/story have passive characters, or characters that fail. It's the story that drives #scriptchat
8:07 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @carter_andrewj: Characters are defined by their choices NOT by their actions. It's their decisions and motives that matter. #scriptchat
8:07 pm            sweettweenie:            when she becomes in charge #alien #scriptchat
8:08 pm            filmutopia:            @DreamsGrafter if drama is defined by conflict, then characters are defined by connections - unconnected characters fail #scriptchat
8:08 pm            lizzayn:            @DreamsGrafter if a character has no redeeming qualities, it's hard to root for them. There's a fine line b/t jerk and antihero #scriptchat
8:08 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @carter_andrewj Totally agree! #choices *Stronger a character's dilemma, the more interesting their situation* #scriptchat
8:09 pm            sweettweenie:            RT @carter_andrewj: Characters are defined by their choices NOT by their actions. Its their decisions and motives that matter. #scriptchat
8:09 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter if drama is defined by conflict, then characters are defined by connections - unconnected characters fail #scriptchat
8:09 pm            sweettweenie:            too nice doesn't cut it either, there has to be some form of flaw to a character #scriptchat
8:10 pm            Indiefilmgirl:            @DreamsGrafter Characters are not written deep enough making them less interesting, nothing to dig into #scriptchat
8:10 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @filmutopia Agree, characters are also defined by their relationships to others even if they're a loner. #scriptchat
8:10 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @lizzayn: @DreamsGrafter if a character has no redeeming qualities, it's hard to root for them. There's a fine line b/t jerk and antihero #scriptchat
8:10 pm            Rickallden:            #scriptchat I don't understand people that say characters don't matter. Without their choices along the way, how do we see the story?
8:10 pm            carter_andrewj:            @Scripts_n_Scars Case in point is Avatar - which execs wld hav rejected out of hand if anyone other than Cameron had written it. #scriptchat
8:11 pm            LisaFromNYC:            Late to the party. My computer keeps freezing #ScriptChat
8:11 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @lizzayn Completely, even Hannibel Lecter has an appreciation for the fine things in life that we can relate to. #scriptchat
8:12 pm            filmutopia:            @DreamsGrafter yeap, it's the one thing 99% of writers forget #scriptchat
8:12 pm            Rickallden:            #scriptchat What characters think of each other has a major bearing on my sympathies and involvement with a story.
8:12 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Subtext! RT @Indiefilmgirl: Characters are not written deep enough making them less interesting, nothing to dig into #scriptchat
8:13 pm            alli_and_that:            The other thing characters sometimes lack is motive for actions or what's at stake for them isn't high enough. #scriptchat
8:13 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Indiefilmgirl My bf calls me Captain Subtext when he's trying to read between the lines. Haha. #scriptchat
8:14 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @HMStack So their motivation must be clear in order to believe their actions? #scriptchat
8:14 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj but surely it's through their actions we see their choices? Or am I missing your point? #scriptchat
8:15 pm            lizziside:            Take Ken Loach's or Mike Leigh's characters. Little choice, little action but highly relatable with. #scriptchat
8:15 pm            carter_andrewj:            @DreamsGrafter @HMStack Not necessarily - but the audience either need to know they don't know the motive or know a fake motive. #scriptchat
8:15 pm            davidpbaker:            RT @DreamsGrafter: #Scriptchat O'Clock! We're discussing WHY DO CHARACTERS FAIL? tonight ... want to throw your thoughts in?
8:15 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Scripts_n_Scars Don't you think the character needs to be interesting enough for audience to want to follow them? #scriptchat
8:16 pm            alli_and_that:            If the audience doesn't feel that there's a chance the character could lose EVERYTHING important to them, they feel weaker. #scriptchat
8:16 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Scripts_n_Scars My definition of fail is audience isn't interested in character. What's yrs? #context ;) #scriptchat
8:16 pm            antonsays:            #scriptchat characters have to show us ourselves so we can relate and engage
8:16 pm            carter_andrewj:            @PauliePaulster If we only know why a character does something as/after they do it - where's the intrigue/suspense/anticipation? #scriptchat
8:17 pm            Charles118xx:            For me, it's all about motivation, and having the audience be able to logically believe they would act in such a way. #scriptchat
8:17 pm            emmarush75:            RT @jeannevb: Don't miss @Julie_Gray on USA #scriptchat 5pm PST talking creating 3D chars
8:18 pm            alli_and_that:            Can't stand characters who do stupid things. Not stupid characters, but those who do what they shouldn't to drive story forward. #scriptchat
8:18 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @carter_andrewj @HMStack Yeah, real or fake motive, the audience needs to feel that they're getting to know the character. #scriptchat
8:19 pm            Charles118xx:            Who are some of your favorite characters? #scriptchat
8:19 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @davidpbaker Thanks David! #scriptchat
8:19 pm            simone257:            @alli_and_that I bet you love all the teen horror flicks then :-D #scriptchat
8:19 pm            carter_andrewj:            @alli_and_that Exactly - characters' actions should drive the story, not be driven by the demands of the plot. #scriptchat
8:20 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Wow, who says that? RT @Rickallden: #scriptchat I don't understand people that say characters don't matter.
8:21 pm            LisaFromNYC:            It's weird. 4 me a char could b saving the world & I may not care. While another on way 2 store, battling conflicts & I'm hooked #ScriptChat
8:21 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Scripts_n_Scars Doesn't a story belong to a character? i.e. whose story are you watching/reading? #scriptchat
8:21 pm            xyresin:            INT. LANDLORD'S APARTMENT - LATER #thiscantbegood #amwriting #scriptchat
8:21 pm            Charles118xx:            What about something more philosophical with blurred characters, like the thin red line. #scriptchat
8:21 pm            alli_and_that:            @simone257 They are painful to watch. But it happens in other films too. I sit there and go 'WHY WOULDN'T YOU DO THAT?!' #scriptchat
8:22 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Scripts_n_Scars You may not know that character yet but first five mins. usually has some kind of pov. #scriptchat
8:22 pm            alli_and_that:            @carter_andrewj I think plot driving character makes them weaker, definitely. #scriptchat
8:22 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Welcome! RT @LisaFromNYC: Late to the party. My computer keeps freezing #ScriptChat
8:22 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @alli_and_that: The other thing characters sometimes lack is motive for actions or what's at stake for them isn't high enough. #scriptchat
8:23 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            RT @lizzayn: @DreamsGrafter unsympathetic. The reader/viewer never connects. #scriptchat
8:23 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @alli_and_that Yes! Stakes are so important for a character. What do they have to lose? #scriptchat
8:24 pm            emmarush75:            RT @filmutopia: @DreamsGrafter if drama is defined by conflict, then characters are defined by connections - unconnected characters fail #scriptchat
8:24 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Worst fears/Biggest dreams. RT @antonsays: #scriptchat characters have to show us ourselves so we can relate and engage
8:24 pm            sweettweenie:            #scriptchat Jack Bauer's daughter in 24 to me was a fail, especially after season 1
8:24 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat nuance
8:25 pm            Scripts_n_Scars:            @dreamsgrafter True. Story belongs to character. In some cases it works like that for me. #scriptchat.
8:25 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @Charles118xx: For me, it's all about motivation, and having the audience be able to logically believe they would act in such a way. #scriptchat
8:26 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Charles118xx Totally and if you establish the rules of the world convincingly enough, the char can be motivated to do anything. #scriptchat
8:26 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @alli_and_that: Can't stand characters who do stupid things. Not stupid characters, but those who do what they shouldn't to drive story forward. #scriptchat
8:26 pm            lizziside:            @sweettweenie To me the entire set of characters in 24 was a fail...talking of plot driven actions. #scriptchat
8:27 pm            carter_andrewj:            @sweettweenie A perfect example of an unnecessary character: the story didn't need her, so she got boring stake-less side-plots. #scriptchat
8:27 pm            yeah_write:            So far opening day has gone better than expected considering the weather. Hoping to get home in time for #scriptchat tonight.
8:27 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat it's also about only penciling in 85% of the details and leaving space for the audience to figure out the other 15%
8:27 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj (2of2)key is getting audience to care&understand asap I think The Sopranos is like a masterclass in character.#scriptchat
8:28 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Jack Nicholson's in The Pledge. RT @Charles118xx: Who are some of your favorite characters? #scriptchat
8:28 pm            tkpleslie:            RT @jeannevb: MUST read for #screenwriters. Think budget. How To Make a Career Out of Nothing via @filmutopia #scriptchat
8:28 pm            cspego:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat it's also about only penciling in 85% of the details and leaving space for the audience to figure out the other 15%
8:29 pm            Charles118xx:            @lizziside @sweettweenie 24 itself was a fail... Right wing, pro torture, drivel. #scriptchat
8:29 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Agree! RT @alli_and_that: @carter_andrewj I think plot driving character makes them weaker, definitely. #scriptchat
8:29 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Wow, this is a fast paced Euro #Scriptchat tonight ... We're already halfway through! *What makes a character fail?*
8:29 pm            lizziside:            @Charles118xx Plus that!! @sweettweenie #scriptchat
8:30 pm            simone257:            Leon in The Professional RT @Charles118xx: Who are some of your favorite characters? #scriptchat
8:30 pm            carter_andrewj:            @PauliePaulster ACTION: A homeless man saves another man from being hit by a train. Compared to: (cont'd) #scriptchat
8:30 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat I think a lot of writing a good character is about getting the audience to ask the question "why is she doing that?"
8:31 pm            LisaFromNYC:            @alli_and_that yep & if stakes r personal: relatnshp, belief syst, dream etc then we're vested in how outcome changes the char #ScriptChat
8:31 pm            carter_andrewj:            @PauliePaulster MOTIVE: A homeless man has flashbacks of friend being killed on a level crossing. Action doesn't tell the story. #scriptchat
8:32 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat I think a lot of writing a good character is about getting the audience to ask the question "why is she doing that?"
8:32 pm            Charles118xx:            Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver #scriptchat
8:32 pm            carter_andrewj:            @filmutopia And the rest is making them ask the question "What is she going to do?" #scriptchat
8:33 pm            lizziside:            @carter_andrewj re ActionVSMotive. Thx, good tip. @PauliePaulster #scriptchat
8:33 pm            alli_and_that:            @carter_andrewj @filmutopia Best question an audience can ask: 'How on Earth are they going to get out of this?' + want to know. #scriptchat
8:33 pm            KageyNYC:            Home now & joining #scriptchat and listening to @filmcourage - this has turned out to be a fab combo!
8:33 pm            carter_andrewj:            Forrest Gump <-- greatest character in film history. One character carries the entire film despite loose plot and broad theme. #scriptchat
8:34 pm            thewritertype:            There are no unsympathetic characters, only badly written characters. #scriptchat
8:34 pm            DreamsGrafter:            What about creating obstacles for your character to make them more interesting? Seeing them suffer? #scriptchat
8:34 pm            sweettweenie:            Roberto Benini in Life is Beautiful - just love that character #scriptchat
8:34 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            RT @thewritertype: There are no unsympathetic characters, only badly written characters. #scriptchat
8:34 pm            LisaFromNYC:            Rick from Casablanca RT @Charles118xx: Who are some of your favorite characters? #scriptchat
8:35 pm            dodgyjammer:            RT @alli_and_that: @carter_andrewj @filmutopia Best question an audience can ask: 'How on Earth are they going to get out of this?' + want to know. #scriptchat
8:35 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Yes! *a man w/ great integrity* RT @LisaFromNYC: Rick from Casablanca RT @Charles118xx: Who are some of yr favorite characters? #scriptchat
8:35 pm            filmutopia:            @alli_and_that I don't agree, but what do I know? #scriptchat
8:35 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @thewritertype: There are no unsympathetic characters, only badly written characters. #scriptchat
8:35 pm            DreamsGrafter:            *passes tequila* ;) RT @KageyNYC: Home now & joining #scriptchat and listening to @filmcourage - this has turned out to be a fab combo!
8:36 pm            WestgarthEnt:            A story without a plan for the hero will fall apart in the middle of your script. #ScriptChat
8:36 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat favorite character - Atticus Finch
8:36 pm            filmcourage:            RT @KageyNYC: Home now & joining #scriptchat and listening to @filmcourage - this has turned out to be a fab combo!
8:36 pm            WritersWithCats:            Missing #scriptchat tonite. Dad in a coma after all the surgeries. Need to spend some time there. *hugs* TY for the well-wishes. Love u all.
8:36 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            @LisaFromNYC A fave of mine too - so real. #scriptchat
8:36 pm            sweettweenie:            RT @DreamsGrafter: RT @thewritertype: There are no unsympathetic characters, only badly written characters. #scriptchat
8:36 pm            carter_andrewj:            @alli_and_that @filmutopia Was trying to encompass that in more broad terms with "What are they going to do?" #scriptchat
8:36 pm            KageyNYC:            Sweet, thx! :) *glug glug* RT @DreamsGrafter: *passes tequila* ;) RT @KageyNYC: Home now & joining #scriptchat and listening to @filmcourage
8:36 pm            LisaFromNYC:            @DreamsGrafter Yep. Rick pretends not to care, but ends up sacrificing his heart in the end. *sigh* #ScriptChat
8:37 pm            DreamsGrafter:            They'll be running around/no direction. RT @WestgarthEnt: A story without a plan for the hero will fall apart in the middle. #ScriptChat
8:37 pm            antonsays:            @carter_andrewj #scriptchat wondered when Forrest would get a mention from you! :)
8:37 pm            lizziside:            @DreamsGrafter The audience is expert and expects obstacles, so they must be credible too and blend in. #scriptchat
8:37 pm            antonsays:            RT @alli_and_that: @carter_andrewj @filmutopia Best question an audience can ask: 'How on Earth are they going to get out of this?' + want to know. #scriptchat
8:37 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @lizziside: @DreamsGrafter The audience is expert and expects obstacles, so they must be credible too and blend in. #scriptchat
8:37 pm            The_Jodi:            @LisaFromNYC @DreamsGrafter And damn, he has some kickass dialogue! #scriptchat
8:38 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj surely on screen we explore our characters through action- yes action that has motive-but action none the less.#scriptchat
8:38 pm            carter_andrewj:            @WestgarthEnt Exactly. If you don't know where they're going - how on Earth can you expect to get them there? #scriptchat
8:38 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            #scriptchat I think I love every character in The Castle, such a wonderful film.
8:38 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @lizziside Totally and the obstacles need to challenge the character to help them grow. #scriptchat
8:38 pm            carter_andrewj:            @antonsays Well I hit the Avatar button in the first 5 minutes... Figured it was Mr Hanks' turn. #scriptchat
8:39 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat this thread is missing an antagonist! Let me fetch my moustache!
8:40 pm            antonsays:            @carter_andrewj #scriptchat I noticed. You are a predictable character! :)
8:40 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @LisaFromNYC Totally. I love how his actions contradict his dialogue - like when he helped that young couple. Aww. #scriptchat
8:40 pm            carter_andrewj:            @PauliePaulster Diff between on-screen action and simply what a character does. Making a character do nothing can speak volumes. #scriptchat
8:40 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @carter_andrewj: @WestgarthEnt Exactly. If you don't know where they're going - how on Earth can you expect to get them there? #scriptchat
8:41 pm            carter_andrewj:            @antonsays I HAVE HIDDEN DEPTHS, DAGNABBIT!! DEPTHS!!! #scriptchat
8:41 pm            sweettweenie:            @TaroJ says his favourite character is Michael Corleoni in The Godfather #scriptchat
8:41 pm            Charles118xx:            @DreamsGrafter @lizziside and the base human motivators get them through the obstacles... Love, hate, revenge, greed, and so on. #scriptchat
8:42 pm            thewritertype:            @carter_andrewj It can be compelling to watch a character driven by a goal that's mysterious or that changes. #scriptchat
8:43 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @filmutopia &that guessing mixed with how we expect them2 act I think makes really engaging drama #scriptchat
8:43 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Yes! Tom Cruise in Collateral is a gr8 antag! RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat this thread is missing an antagonist! Let me fetch my moustache!
8:43 pm            The_Jodi:            I appreciate a character who doesn't talk or think down to me ... I want to like you, don't make it hard! :) #scriptchat
8:43 pm            alli_and_that:            @filmutopia I'm curious as to why you don't want the audience to think that? #scriptchat
8:43 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat I think it's impossible to write good characters if you've younger than 40 or middle class (twirls moustache)
8:44 pm            DreamsGrafter:            In a thriller, the antagonist drives the story for the main part. So what makes them interesting? #scriptchat
8:44 pm            alli_and_that:            @The_Jodi But some characters you can love to hate - what about them? #scriptchat
8:45 pm            carter_andrewj:            @thewritertype Better still: a character who is in denial of their own motives. #scriptchat
8:45 pm            Charles118xx:            @DreamsGrafter a philosophy... #scriptchat
8:45 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @Charles118xx: @DreamsGrafter @lizziside and the base human motivators get them through the obstacles... Love, hate, revenge, greed, and so on. #scriptchat
8:45 pm            lizziside:            That's harsh..ha ha RT @filmutopia:I think its impossible to write good characters if youve younger than 40 or middle class #scriptchat
8:45 pm            alli_and_that:            @DreamsGrafter Once again, their motives. The best antagonists are the ones who are doing what they think is right. #scriptchat
8:46 pm            carter_andrewj:            @DreamsGrafter The best antag want the polar opposite of the protag - can be overt (e.g. Bond) or subtle (e.g. Gump). #scriptchat
8:46 pm            ridingnwriting:            RT @thewritertype: There are no unsympathetic characters, only badly written characters. #scriptchat
8:46 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @alli_and_that: @DreamsGrafter Once again, their motives. The best antagonists are the ones who are doing what they think is right. #scriptchat
8:46 pm            matthewmilam1:            #scriptchat would it be fair to say that the main character in paralax view was flat?
8:46 pm            alli_and_that:            @filmutopia But if you're both, you're the exception? #scriptchat
8:46 pm            simone257:            @filmutopia: but it's quite possible to write shitty characters if you're over 40 and not middle class... :-) #scriptchat
8:46 pm            sweettweenie:            Don Draper RT: @alli_and_that @The_Jodi But some characters you can love to hate - what about them? #scriptchat
8:46 pm            filmutopia:            @lizziside but true... and I'm being generous about the age hahahahhaha #scriptchat
8:46 pm            LisaFromNYC:            How anothr char relates 2 pro is big. Watched NorthByNorthwest again yest & the scene where mom doesn't believe. more sym & fun! #ScriptChat
8:46 pm            antonsays:            #scriptchat my favourite antag. is Hannibal Lecter.
8:46 pm            mjodirector:            RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat I think it's impossible to write good characters if you've younger than 40 or middle class (twirls moustache)
8:46 pm            The_Jodi:            @alli_and_that @The_Jodi I can love to hate, too! But a character who treats me like I'm a toddler isn't fun. #scriptchat
8:47 pm            carter_andrewj:            RT @alli_and_that Once again, their [antag's] motives. The best antagonists are the ones who are doing what they think is right. #scriptchat
8:47 pm            alli_and_that:            @carter_andrewj @DreamsGrafter Exactly. The best antagonists are what the protagonists COULD be if they didn't do the good thing #scriptchat
8:47 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            #scriptchat fave character - I love Omar Little from The Wire
8:47 pm            filmutopia:            @simone257 nope, if you're over 40 and working class, you're golden! hahahaha #scriptchat
8:47 pm            LisaFromNYC:            Mine too RT @antonsays: #scriptchat my favourite antag. is Hannibal Lecter. #ScriptChat
8:47 pm            sweettweenie:            Great antagonist RT @antonsays #scriptchat my favourite antag. is Hannibal Lecter #scriptchat
8:48 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj totally agree but then having them do nothing becomes an action in itself.going2stop talking about action now;-) #scriptchat
8:48 pm            The_Jodi:            @filmutopia (Very enjoyable post-birthday tweet!) tnx :) #scriptchat
8:48 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @alli_and_that: @carter_andrewj @DreamsGrafter Exactly. The best antagonists are what the protagonists COULD be if they didn't do the good thing #scriptchat
8:49 pm            lizziside:            The best antagonist is the one that competes with the hero to conquer the audience. #scriptchat
8:49 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat my fav antagonist is Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (she murders those nice old ladies)
8:49 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @lizziside: The best antagonist is the one that competes with the hero to conquer the audience. #scriptchat
8:49 pm            thewritertype:            @filmutopia: #scriptchat You can't write good characters without experience of drugs. Or alien abduction. Or maybe that was just the drugs.
8:50 pm            filmutopia:            @thewritertype I'm golden then #scriptchat
8:50 pm            matthewmilam1:            How do you know you aren't writing flat characters? #scriptchat
8:50 pm            sweettweenie:            main guy in Clockwork Orange,Alex, great antagonist #scriptchat
8:50 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @alli_and_that: @carter_andrewj @DreamsGrafter Exactly. The best antagonists are what the protagonists COULD be if they didn't do the good thing #scriptchat
8:50 pm            carter_andrewj:            @sweettweenie @antonsays Lecter was mine too... Until Dark Knight. Ledger's Joker is my favourite Char, regardless of alignment. #scriptchat
8:50 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            haha! RT @thewritertype:#scriptchat U cnt write gd characters w/out experience of drugs. Or alien abduction. Or mayB that ws just the drugs.
8:51 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @Rickallden Haha, I'm wondering who they're thinking is driving the story. #scriptchat
8:51 pm            sweettweenie:            or is he more of an anti-hero? RT: @sweettweenie main guy in Clockwork Orange,Alex, great antagonist #scriptchat
8:51 pm            simone257:            @matthewmilam1 give first part of script to friends.. if they can predict the char's behavior & next actions, he's flat. #scriptchat
8:51 pm            Charles118xx:            Ralph Fiennes, Schindlers List... #scriptchat
8:52 pm            JLichtenberg:            @dreamsgrafter BEST antagonist is generated inside the protagonist, just as our real-life adversaries come to us b/c of our SELF #scriptchat
8:52 pm            carter_andrewj:            @Leytonrocks You mean the antag in FG? It's the world - always out to change him for the worse and never up to the task. #scriptchat
8:52 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Burt Lancaster in Sweet Smell Of Success is one of my fave antagonists. So sinister. #scriptchat
8:52 pm            alli_and_that:            @matthewmilam1 When they surprise you on the page. #scriptchat
8:52 pm            matthewmilam1:            @simone257 That seems good enough. #scriptchat
8:52 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @JLichtenberg: @dreamsgrafter BEST antagonist is generated inside the protagonist, just as our real-life adversaries come to us b/c of our SELF #scriptchat
8:52 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            RT @JLichtenberg: @dreamsgrafter BEST antagonist is generated inside the protagonist, just as our real-life adversaries come to us b/c of our SELF #scriptchat
8:52 pm            sweettweenie:            how about characters that fail? #scriptchat
8:52 pm            antonsays:            @carter_andrewj @sweettweenie he's my favourite scary villian but you don't get to see behind the mask much unlike Lecter. #scriptchat
8:53 pm            LisaFromNYC:            gr8 ant RT @carter_andrewj @sweettweenie @antonsays Lecter was mine too... Until Dark Knight. Ledgers Joker is my favourite Char #ScriptChat
8:53 pm            lizziside:            RT @JLichtenberg: @dreamsgrafter BEST antagonist is generated inside the protagonist, just as our real-life adversaries come to us b/c of our SELF #scriptchat
8:53 pm            matthewmilam1:            Here's a character question: How do you make interesting protagnoists in horror films when the genre isn't about protagonists? #scriptchat
8:53 pm            filmutopia:            #scriptchat I honestly couldn't write a word, if my mind was so full of facts about how writing should be done.
8:53 pm            carter_andrewj:            @alli_and_that @DreamsGrafter The "good" thing is a little black/white. Best antag is just the opposite shade of grey. #scriptchat
8:53 pm            JLichtenberg:            #scriptchat Film (& ST ep made from it) THE ENEMY BLOW - Navy capt vs Submarine Capt - conscious vs. subconscious
8:54 pm            Rickallden:            @dramsgrafter I like to see the antagonist as the little devil on the protagonist's shoulder made big #scriptchat
8:54 pm            matthewmilam1:            I find that especially these days, the protagonists are incredibly weak. #scriptchat
8:54 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Good question. RT @matthewmilam1: How do you know you aren't writing flat characters? #scriptchat
8:54 pm            alli_and_that:            @matthewmilam1 Every story is about a protagonist otherwise it wouldn't be a story. Make them smart. Make them savvy. #scriptchat
8:54 pm            alli_and_that:            @carter_andrewj I ran out of characters for a better adjective. #scriptchat
8:54 pm            Charles118xx:            @DreamsGrafter @matthewmilam1 ask people... #scriptchat
8:54 pm            jenny_hyde:            @DreamsGrafter @matthewmilam1 When you can keep writing and writing them? #scriptchat
8:55 pm            carter_andrewj:            @antonsays Good point. But, for me, it's a case of "I wish I'd written that" with the Joker. I don't get that with Hannibal. #scriptchat
8:55 pm            JLichtenberg:            @matthewmilam1 #scriptchat I think Horror Genre is about protagonists, there's always someone who's HORRIFIED & reason is tie to audience
8:55 pm            carter_andrewj:            @alli_and_that Oh the irony... #scriptchat
8:55 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @matthewmilam1 Is your character growing? Obstacles/goals/drive/motivation gives an audience something to relate to. #scriptchat
8:55 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @matthewmilam1 Keep it external so the audience can see what's going on w/ the character. #scriptchat
8:56 pm            whomadewhoprods:            @filmutopia #scriptchat But is it better to write like crazy & then refine the script as opposed to how you should write at the start?
8:56 pm            JLichtenberg:            @matthewmilam1 #scriptchat so ask yourself "What is horrifying here?" Then "Who wld this be a nemesis for?" That's interesting protag
8:56 pm            sweettweenie:            sometimes character is great on paper, but just badly cast #scriptchat
8:56 pm            DreamsGrafter:            He's a great character! RT @Charles118xx: Ralph Fiennes, Schindlers List... #scriptchat
8:57 pm            matthewmilam1:            @whomadewhoprods @filmutopia I usually free-write my scripts. Since I get so few days off, I normally do that. #scriptchat
8:57 pm            JLichtenberg:            @whomadewhoprods #scriptchat @filmutopia each project is different. Some U "write like crazy" then refine; others you ponder 4 years
8:57 pm            carter_andrewj:            Anyone else figure out their antagonist first and leave the protag until later? (Or am I being weird again?) #scriptchat
8:57 pm            matthewmilam1:            @whomadewhoprods @filmutopia the challenge is the re-writing so that it makes sense. #scriptchat
8:57 pm            DreamsGrafter:            On the page, the character's journey is internal. No external challenges. RT @sweettweenie: how about characters that fail? #scriptchat
8:57 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @sweettweenie: sometimes character is great on paper, but just badly cast #scriptchat
8:57 pm            DreamsGrafter:            RT @matthewmilam1: Here's a character question: How do you make interesting protagnoists in horror films when the genre isn't about protagonists? #scriptchat
8:58 pm            WestgarthEnt:            If you have a story where the hero doesn?t have to put Plan B into effect, it means you?ve got a very weak opponent. #ScriptChat
8:58 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj @antonsays I think they're both great&I think that's because you never know if you can trust what they're saying #scriptchat
8:58 pm            rdlln:            Anyone know of an example where a "good guy" antagonist opposes the actions of a "bad guy" protagonist? #scriptchat
8:58 pm            LisaFromNYC:            Should b consistency w/ant 2. Re: Frozen. Ant is the elements but then flick adds something else external 2 weather & ruins it #ScriptChat
8:58 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @matthewmilam1 Good q, I asked similar at the start. If protag acts in last act, how do u make them interesting until tht point? #scriptchat
8:59 pm            antonsays:            @carter_andrewj #scriptchat I've come up with a protagonist and realised it works better if he was the antagonist before.
8:59 pm            Scripts_n_Scars:            RT @sweettweenie: sometimes character is great on paper, but just badly cast #scriptchat
8:59 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @WestgarthEnt: If you have a story where the hero doesn?t have to put Plan B into effect, it means you?ve got a very weak opponent. #ScriptChat
8:59 pm            matthewmilam1:            @DreamsGrafter In horror, everything is about delaying action with the protagonist. Lots of time these days we don't care. #scriptchat
8:59 pm            matthewmilam1:            @DreamsGrafter as audiences before hand. #scriptchat
8:59 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            @rdlln I wish I did coz that's how the screenplay I'm working on at the mo works... #scriptchat
8:59 pm            carter_andrewj:            @PauliePaulster @carter_andrewj Bringing us back to @DreamsGrafter's point abt knowing a char has motives but not what they are. #scriptchat
9:00 pm            JLichtenberg:            @rdlln #scriptchat bad-guy protagonist might be Robin Hood - or check out SMALLVILLE with the TV version of Vigilante League
9:00 pm            WestgarthEnt:            In a good story a hero will adjust his plan constantly, because the opponent will be taking new action against him. #ScriptChat
9:00 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @Rickallden A great antagonist challenges the protag's greatest 'need'. #scriptchat
9:00 pm            antonsays:            @PauliePaulster @carter_andrewj also helped by exceptional performances #scriptchat
9:00 pm            alli_and_that:            @matthewmilam1 It's not always about delaying action. It's about dealing with threat. #scriptchat
9:01 pm            carter_andrewj:            @DreamsGrafter @matthewmilam1 Watch Jaws. Brody spends the entire film not acting and yet you can't look away :) #scriptchat
9:01 pm            JLichtenberg:            @lisafromnyc #scriptchat I think you're saying the Antagonist must "arc" just as the protag must? Even if antagonist is Nature
9:01 pm            antonsays:            remember an antagonist doesn't have to be a person. #scriptchat
9:02 pm            simone257:            @rdlln What Women Want seems to be what you're looking for..? #scriptchat
9:02 pm            sweettweenie:            Infernal Affairs/The DepartedRT: @rdlln Any1 know of an eg where a "good guy" antag. opposes the actions of a "bad guy" protag? #scriptchat
9:02 pm            matthewmilam1:            My mother made a comment once about Twilight Zone being a terrible show because you can't warm up to the protagonists. #scriptchat
9:02 pm            Charles118xx:            Characters now a days are more and more ambiguous... All rules have been blurred. Thanks nihilism. #scriptchat
9:02 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Same w/ Alien. RT @carter_andrewj: @matthewmilam1 Watch Jaws. Brody spends the entire film not acting & yet u can't look away #scriptchat
9:02 pm            carter_andrewj:            @DreamsGrafter @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @Rickallden Which is made more powerful if the protag has two+ competing needs. #scriptchat
9:02 pm            JLichtenberg:            @alli_and_that @matthewmilam1 #scriptchat "dealing with threat" explores emotion of "dread" that prevents character from arcing.
9:02 pm            rdlln:            @matthewmilam1 The bad guy is the protagonist in a horror, they drive the action. #scriptchat
9:03 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @carter_andrewj: @DreamsGrafter @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @Rickallden Which is made more powerful if the protag has two+ competing needs. #scriptchat
9:03 pm            matthewmilam1:            They're all very much unlikeable rotten people. I know that's someone else's opinion, but it's hard to sell someone as to #scriptchat
9:03 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @Charles118xx: Characters now a days are more and more ambiguous... All rules have been blurred. Thanks nihilism. #scriptchat
9:03 pm            matthewmilam1:            how the show works. #scriptchat
9:03 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @Rickallden More layers of conflict. :) #likethat #scriptchat
9:03 pm            carter_andrewj:            @DreamsGrafter @carter_andrewj @matthewmilam1 Yeah. They don't make 'em like they used to... *sigh* #scriptchat
9:03 pm            Charles118xx:            @antonsays yes, I'm writing a story about a virus, to me it's damn near main character. #scriptchat
9:04 pm            JLichtenberg:            @charles118xx #scriptchat I've noticed that "ambiguous" blurred rules effect. It reflects world of current teens
9:04 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Omg, this was such a great Euro #Scriptchat! Thanks so much!
9:04 pm            PauliePaulster:            @carter_andrewj @dreamsgrafter new to this.missed that point. I agree. Although eventually with a protag we'll want to find out #scriptchat
9:04 pm            carter_andrewj:            @Charles118xx @antonsays Cool. What's it's arc? #kidding #scriptchat
9:04 pm            DreamsGrafter:            @HMStack I need to catch up ... hope it's good! :) #scriptchat
9:04 pm            alli_and_that:            @JLichtenberg @matthewmilam1 Not always the case. Dread + tension are big parts of horror but protag can still arc within that. #scriptchat
9:05 pm            JLichtenberg:            @filmutopia #scriptchat I know writers who work the way you do - polish then move on. Others sketch whole canvass, then color in lines
9:05 pm            LisaFromNYC:            @JLichtenberg That's another way of putting it. Has 2 feel organic, not insert "X" 2 add drama, creating plotholes/inconsis #scriptchat
9:05 pm            DreamsGrafter:            If anyone's going to be in London on Thursday, there's #scriptchat drinks. Everyone's welcome! Details:
9:06 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            popped my #scriptchat - shoulda done it sooner - really interesting, thought-provoking & inspiring. thanks all :-)
9:06 pm            carter_andrewj:            @alli_and_that @JLichtenberg @matthewmilam1 Horror works best when the Monster represents something deeper for the protag. #scriptchat
9:06 pm            matthewmilam1:            Needs and wants are important to characters. I think it helps the story stay on course. #scriptchat
9:06 pm            carter_andrewj:            RT @DreamsGrafter: If anyones going to be in London on Thursday, theres #scriptchat drinks. Details: #scriptchat
9:06 pm            alli_and_that:            RT @DreamsGrafter: If anyone's in London on Thurs, there's #scriptchat drinks. Everyones welcome! Details: #scriptchat
9:06 pm            JLichtenberg:            @alli_and_that #scriptchat agreed charac can arc within paralyzed dread - THAT is great writing, nevermind screenwriting!
9:06 pm            WestgarthEnt:            The biggest mistake you can make is to have no main opponent. Without a main opponent the conflict will not be focused. #ScriptChat
9:06 pm            lizziside:            This was great. Thanks everybody. Thx Mina @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat
9:06 pm            matthewmilam1:            @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @JLichtenberg This is true, anyone can make a character #scriptchat
9:06 pm            EmmaMWhittle:            popped my #scriptchat *cherry* I meant to say... ;-)
9:06 pm            Charles118xx:            @DreamsGrafter I want to travel over there some day, I dig English culture. #scriptchat
9:07 pm            alli_and_that:            @DreamsGrafter Thanks for another wicked session and looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night! #scriptchat
9:07 pm            matthewmilam1:            @carter_andrewj @alli_and_that @JLichtenberg I mean, a monster #scriptchat
9:07 pm            JLichtenberg:            RT @WestgarthEnt: The biggest mistake you can make is to have no main opponent. Without a main opponent the conflict will not be focused. #ScriptChat
9:07 pm            sweettweenie:            RT @lizziside: This was great. Thanks everybody. Thx Mina @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat
9:08 pm            whomadewhoprods:            @WestgarthEnt #scriptchat Can the opponent be a non-tangable idea as opposed to an individual?
9:08 pm            Charles118xx:            Cool chat everyone... Many of you will have a new follower... Me! #scriptchat
9:08 pm            DreamsGrafter:            US #Scriptchat tonight has a special guest! Julie Gray will be discussing Creating 3D Characters: 8pm EST/5pm PST
9:08 pm            simone257:            Ditto. RT@lizziside: This was great. Thanks everybody. Thx Mina @DreamsGrafter #scriptchat
9:08 pm            carter_andrewj:            @WestgarthEnt I think that's dependent on whether the lack of opponent is intentional or accidental. It's been done well before. #scriptchat
9:08 pm            JLichtenberg:            @matthewmilam1 #scriptchat "needs and wants" outline charac motivation without which there is no plot! But SHOW don't TELL need/want
9:08 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Me too, looking forward to catching up! :) RT @alli_and_that: looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night! #scriptchat
9:09 pm            JLichtenberg:            @matthewmilam1 #scriptchat how charac tells diff between NEED and WANT can define diff b/t protag and antag
9:09 pm            alli_and_that:            @whomadewhoprods @WestgarthEnt Absolutely. What about a virus? Or natural disasters? They can be antagonists. Jaws has a shark! #scriptchat
9:10 pm            DreamsGrafter:            Next week, Euro #Scriptchat's going to continue looking at the script fr different pov's. Next week we have music composer @robgokee w/ us!


1:00 am            jeannevb:            It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind
1:00 am            PennyAsh:            @JoshKEvans I make people who irritate me victims in my books :D #scriptchat
1:00 am            art1032:            Hello #scriptchat *Waves* :)
1:00 am            yeah_write:            RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind
1:00 am            tracinell:            hi scriptchatters! Junior Mints anyone? *sneaks chocolate almonds to* @Andiwritesagain #scriptchat
1:00 am            KageyNYC:            RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind
1:00 am            Julie_Gray:            Hey everybody, I'm here! #scriptchat
1:00 am            zacsanford2:            RT @jeannevb: Its #SCRIPTCHAT OCLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind #scriptchat
1:01 am            GCGeek:            Woot! *Waves* RT @jeannevb: Its #SCRIPTCHAT OCLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D, not us, the fictional kind #scriptchat
1:01 am            KageyNYC:            @Julie_Gray Hey, Julie, welcome! #scriptchat
1:01 am            PennyAsh:            @yeah_write Alas, no vodka in the house, just tequila, rum, amd brandy #scriptchat
1:01 am            tracinell:            so excited for @Julie_Gray... got my RT trigger finger ready. ;) #scriptchat
1:01 am            Julie_Gray:            HEY I want some junior mints! Or a margarita! #scriptchat
1:01 am            WestgarthEnt:            @Julie_Gray Welcome Julie #scriptchat
1:01 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray hi Julie! Bring on the characters! #scriptchat
1:01 am            JordanDrew:            RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind
1:01 am            JoshKEvans:            @yeah_write: @ZaNiaCmedic @PennyAsh Or lemon drop martini. Just sayin [ sounds delish (Can straight guys say that?) ] #scriptchat
1:01 am            DerisiveDoll:            RT @jeannevb: Its #SCRIPTCHAT OCLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind #scriptchat
1:01 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray welcome to #scriptchat
1:01 am            the_chauz:            hey everyone at #scriptchat!!
1:01 am            KonradStief:            Hi gang :D #scriptchat
1:02 am            WestgarthEnt:            @PennyAsh @yeah_write And coffee #scriptchat
1:02 am            PennyAsh:            @JoshKEvans Yep :) I even know of a CIA type who loves em #scriptchat
1:02 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray *pours* :) Salt? #scriptchat
1:02 am            yeah_write:            @WestgarthEnt Any tea? Tea with brandy. #scriptchat
1:02 am            art1032:            @Julie_Gray Welcome to #scriptchat! :)
1:02 am            scott_logie:            Sitting down to participate in #Scriptchat
1:02 am            luckwagon:            I'm lying on my comfy hotel bed in Ashville NC with a lovely Pinot Noir .... I'm ready! #scriptchat
1:02 am            PennyAsh:            @yeah_write @WestgarthEnt Got all kinds of tea :) and coffee #scriptchat
1:02 am            LifesizeLD:            Woo Hoo! RT @Julie_Gray: Hey everybody, I'm here! #scriptchat
1:02 am            Julie_Gray:            @jeannevb, no salt. on the rocks :) I'm ready when you guys are! #scriptchat
1:03 am            LifesizeLD:            RT @yeah_write: RT @jeannevb: It's #SCRIPTCHAT O'CLOCK welcome to @Julie_Gray and our 3D characters... no, not us, the fictional kind
1:03 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray do you have tips you'd like to throw out at us on your advice re chars? Or we can just bombard you with questions #scriptchat
1:03 am            TheWriteScript:            Hey all! [juggles dinner plates while finding a seat] #scriptchat
1:03 am            RosalinKrieger:            New name for #scriptchat: #12stepprogramchat
1:03 am            zacsanford2:            @Julie_Gray We're good and ready... let's jump right into this sucker... :) #scriptchat
1:03 am            luckwagon:            Hi Julie, loved your seminar at Willamette Writers Conference in Portland! #scriptchat
1:03 am            KageyNYC:            That's how I like 'em. Big fan of our guest already. ;) RT @Julie_Gray: @jeannevb, no salt. on the rocks :) #scriptchat
1:03 am            WestgarthEnt:            @yeah_write Tea with Brandy??? Nah, she can sing while I'm drinking my Nescafe. #scriptchat
1:03 am            Julie_Gray:            first of all, this is SO FUN!! If you guys have questions, go ahead. We can start there! #scriptchat
1:03 am            ZaNiaCmedic:            @luckwagon I love Asheville! My wife got her tattoo there on a motorcycle trip we did 2 summers ago. Talk about a good story... #scriptchat
1:04 am            tracinell:            @TheWriteScript hi! saved a box of Jr. Mints just for you. ;) #scriptchat
1:04 am            Julie_Gray:            @luckwagon - thank you!!! I loved Portland! #scriptchat
1:04 am            jeannevb:            that would imply we want to be cured ;) RT @RosalinKrieger: New name for #scriptchat: #12stepprogramchat #scriptchat
1:04 am            JoshKEvans:            @PennyAsh I meant, can straight guys say delish? :) #scriptchat
1:04 am            TheWriteScript:            @Julie_Gray Welcome! Thanks so much for being here! #scriptchat
1:04 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Q: How do you save a bad character without ditching them #scriptchat
1:04 am            tyronebreauxjr:            #scriptchat time
1:04 am            tracinell:            RT @TheWriteScript: @Julie_Gray Welcome! Thanks so much for being here! #scriptchat
1:04 am            PennyAsh:            @JoshKEvans Ah, now that I'm not so sure on :) #scriptchat
1:04 am            TheWriteScript:            @tracinell Thanks! My favorite! #scriptchat
1:05 am            UncompletedWork:            Won't be in #scriptchat much today. Hi guys, briefly!
1:05 am            SWKaraoke:            Won't be in #scriptchat much today. Hi guys, briefly!
1:05 am            SusannaSpeier:            @Julie_Gray #scriptchat what do you think about the upcoming Oscar contenders?
1:05 am            Julie_Gray:            @thewritescript - thank you!! @PennyAsh, can you be specific about the prob with your character? Is it a main character? #scriptchat
1:05 am            jeannevb:            Ask your questions of @Julie_Gray with a big ol "Q" in the front #scriptchat
1:05 am            LifesizeLD:            @Julie_Gray I've got three characters in my latest story that people get mixed up. I need them all. Help? #scriptchat
1:05 am            SharkGoddess:            #scriptchat.ters I've got the Tequila and Red Vines! Hello A
1:05 am            chicanaknight:            RT @jeannevb & @Julie_Gray Salt? Why are you guys having Margaritas, already? #scriptchat
1:05 am            Julie_Gray:            @LifesizeLD @Julie_Gray are the main characters or are they ancillary? #scriptchat
1:05 am            TheWriteScript:            Q. For those of us trying to break in to HW, what's your best advice besides the obvious "write, write, write..." #scriptchat
1:05 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Main character who is falling flat flaws and all #scriptchat
1:06 am            RosalinKrieger:            I'm going the no character root. #scriptchat
1:06 am            RosalinKrieger:            route oops #scriptchat
1:06 am            Screenwriter911:            Hi Merrel! #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:06 am            Julie_Gray:            okay let's take one question at a time. If you have ancillary characters that people are getting mixed up... #scriptchat
1:07 am            TheWriteScript:            Q. What character mistakes do you see most often? #scriptchat
1:07 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            Hi all and @julie_gray! #scriptchat
1:07 am            Julie_Gray:            (the nurse, the cop, etc.) make them different genders, races, and types. Give them names that are different from each other 2 #scriptchat
1:07 am            tracinell:            RT @TheWriteScript: Q. What character mistakes do you see most often? #scriptchat
1:07 am            UncompletedWork:            @Screenwriter911 hey there Will! Good to see ya #scriptchat
1:07 am            Julie_Gray:            @TheWriteScript oh MAN that's a great ???. Characters with no backstory and no flaw and no arc of change. #scriptchat
1:08 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: @TheWriteScript oh MAN thats a great ???. Characters with no backstory and no flaw and no arc of change. #scriptchat
1:08 am            TheWriteScript:            @JoshKEvans @PennyAsh Depends upon what they are looking at and who is close enough to hear. #scriptchat
1:08 am            LifesizeLD:            @Julie_Gray Thanks! #scriptchat
1:08 am            Julie_Gray:            common prob: characters who start out nice and end up nice. They don't change much. Writers are afraid to really TEST them #scriptchat
1:08 am            jeannevb:            @Screenwriter911 is here... after a much-too-long absence. Welcome back, Will! #scriptchat
1:09 am            scott_logie:            I wonder if the best way to ensure 3D main characters is to surround them with an ensemble that each pull at a different trait. #scriptchat
1:09 am            Julie_Gray:            I have a great exercise: write 100 words to describe your mc on page 1, and 100 words to describe your mc on the last page. #scriptchat
1:09 am            PennyAsh:            @TheWriteScript Good point :) #scriptchat
1:09 am            Julie_Gray:            ... In other words, use adjectives on either end of their journey of change. Scared, vain, cowardly TO brave, proud, happy... #scriptchat
1:09 am            blankethouse:            @Julie_Gray #scriptchat I hate when writers name their Character's John or Mr. Johnson. That's 1 dim to me. I try to find real, unique names
1:10 am            Exoc0r:            Hi everyone #scriptchat
1:10 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: I have a great exercise: write 100 words to describe ur mc on pg 1, & 100 to describe your mc on the last page. #scriptchat
1:10 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Excellent and I think you just hit what's wrong with my mc #scriptchat
1:10 am            Julie_Gray:            I hate generic names too. But don't go too far in the other direction! LOL! #scriptchat
1:10 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray:In other words, use adjectives on either end of journey of change. Scared, vain, cowardly TO brave, proud, happy #scriptchat
1:10 am            WestgarthEnt:            @Julie_Gray Do you mean to give them chronic emotional archtypes? #scriptchat
1:10 am            JoshKEvans:            @TheWriteScript: @PennyAsh Good point. The devil may literally be in the details. #scriptchat
1:11 am            GCGeek:            @Julie_Gray What a great exercise - there better be change! #scriptchat
1:11 am            UncompletedWork:            RT @jeannevb: @Screenwriter911 is here... after a much-too-long absence. Welcome back, Will! #scriptchat
1:11 am            Julie_Gray:            also: make a list of the qualities you'd like to see in your BEST self. Those are the qualities your character will become #scriptchat
1:11 am            PennyAsh:            @JoshKEvans Always :) #scriptchat
1:11 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray Q Is it good to have the main character physically change? #scriptchat
1:11 am            jeannevb:            RT @Julie_Gray: great exercise: write 100 words to describe your mc on pg 1, and 100 words to describe ur mc on the last page. #scriptchat
1:11 am            Julie_Gray:            @WestgarthEnt @Julie_Gray I'm not sure what you mean by chronic emotional types. Think of characters as REAL people, like US #scriptchat
1:11 am            scripteach:            UR _so_ right! RT @Julie_Gray characters who start out nice & nice. They don't change. Writers are afraid to really TEST them #scriptchat
1:11 am            DerisiveDoll:            @Julie_Gray Oooh, I love that! I'm totally doing it. #scriptchat
1:11 am            Julie_Gray:            @Exoc0r @Julie_Gray If that's part of their emotional arc, of course! #scriptchat
1:11 am            Screenwriter911:            Not sure I understand what's wrong with the name "John." Sometimes, it's right. #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:11 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: make a list of the qualities youd like 2 see in your BEST self. Those R the qualities your character will become #scriptchat
1:11 am            sdarancette:            Hi, I will be lurking while watching the game so, that's my story @julie_gray #scriptchat
1:12 am            Julie_Gray:            @DerisiveDoll @Julie_Gray yeah it's really fun to do :) #scriptchat
1:12 am            SharkGoddess:            Anyone interested in writing stories needs to follow #Scriptchat for the next hour.
1:12 am            KageyNYC:            RT @Julie_Gray: I have a great exercise: write 100 words to describe your mc on page 1, and 100 words to describe your mc on the last page. #scriptchat
1:12 am            Molly_Pinkerton:            Anyone interested in writing stories needs to follow #Scriptchat for the next hour.
1:12 am            scripteach:            Great! RT @Julie_Gray I have a great exercise: write 100 words to describe mc on page 1; 100 words to describe mc on last page. #scriptchat
1:12 am            Julie_Gray:            there's another exercise we can do here but it's tricky to Tweet. Wanna try? #scriptchat
1:13 am            brionykidd:            @nickseemore Have you been following #scriptchat?
1:13 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Go for it. I'm taking notes #scriptchat
1:13 am            Mr_Frodo_esq:            Loving the #scriptchat with @Julie_Gray
1:13 am            zacsanford2:            Same here... RT @sdarancette: Hi, I will be lurking while watching the game so, that's my story @julie_gray #scriptchat
1:13 am            yeah_write:            @Julie_Gray We like tricky. Let's try it. #scriptchat
1:13 am            Screenwriter911:            RT @SharkGoddess: Anyone interested in writing stories needs to follow #Scriptchat for the next hour. #scriptchat
1:13 am            WestgarthEnt:            @Julie_Gray That's what I;m saying. There are characters that are chronically in Grief, anger, conservatism, apathy etc, #scriptchat
1:13 am            Julie_Gray:            okay this is called the "I AM" writing exercise, so get ready to jot this down and do it later for YOU, not your character #scriptchat
1:14 am            Scatoma:            Strewnfields weekly chapter_ #amwriting #writing #bookbuzzr #scriptchat #fiction #novels #writers #reading. #Books
1:14 am            Julie_Gray:            Fill in the rest of these statements (again, for YOU right now) do it once a year, do it once a month, do it once a week.. #scriptchat
1:14 am            MeganGrant333:            @Julie_Gray I'm in! #scriptchat
1:14 am            Julie_Gray:            @WestgarthEnt @Julie_Gray Keep it real. Do the exercise we're about to do, it's great. #scriptchat
1:15 am            blankethouse:            @tracinell @Julie_Gray "use adjectives" - this is great, we're getting an English lesson too. BONUS! #scriptchat
1:15 am            Julie_Gray:            okay? I am - (fill in the blank) I want (fill in the blank) I dislike (fill in the blank) I am afraid (fill in the blank) #scriptchat
1:15 am            jeannevb:            RT @Julie_Gray: I am - (fill in the blank) I want (fill in blank) I dislike (fill in the blank) I am afraid (fill in the blank) #scriptchat
1:15 am            Julie_Gray:            I don't know if (FIB), I am angry that (FIB), I think I can (FIB), I'm scared that (FIB), I can't (FIB) I am willing (FIB) #scriptchat
1:16 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: okay? I am - (fill in the blank) I want (fill in the blank) I dislike (fill in the blank) I am afraid #scriptchat
1:16 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray I appreciate that you are talking about the craft of writing =) Noun & Verb usage is imperative in screenwriting #scriptchat
1:16 am            Julie_Gray:            I can (FIB), I love (FIB) I know (FIB) I am (FIB) #scriptchat
1:16 am            nisajaie:            @Screenwriter911 I think she means try making your list of characters in your script with a little variety of demographics. #scriptchat
1:17 am            Julie_Gray:            so fill out these declaratives without thinking. Just jot the answer down from a place of truth. #scriptchat
1:17 am            mydramaink:            check out @Julie_Gray and #scriptchat. Loving the writing exercises she's describing.
1:17 am            Exoc0r:            This is fun! #scriptchat
1:17 am            Julie_Gray:            if you do this exercise, I promise, you'll learn something you didn't realize about yourself. So then we can do it again - #scriptchat
1:18 am            blankethouse:            @Julie_Gray I am - (hungry) I want (cereal) I dislike (cream cheese) I am afraid (cream cheese in my cereal) #scriptchat How's that? LOL
1:18 am            Julie_Gray:            for your MAIN CHARACTER. I am, I want, i dislike, I am afraid, I wish. All of these r how your character is in the FIRST ACT #scriptchat
1:18 am            josephvales:            I will definitely be doing this writing exercise later tonight. #scriptchat
1:18 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray great exercise, Julie. Though I feel like I shld bring my answers straight to my therapist's ;) #scriptchat
1:18 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray Thank you, thank you :) #scriptchat
1:18 am            Julie_Gray:            @nisajaie @Screenwriter911 yes, dig deeper for interesting differences....Look around in real life. #scriptchat
1:19 am            emmarush75:            I made it! Better late than never. Hi everyone. Hi @Julie_Gray #scriptchat
1:19 am            tracinell:            @Julie_Gray Q. any insider deets about ur contest? BTW:I love your podcasts. (please, never stop) :) #scriptchat
1:19 am            Screenwriter911:            @nisajaie That's cool. And sometimes "John" or "Bob" or "???" says exactly what u want it 2 say. That's what I was getting at. #scriptchat
1:19 am            Julie_Gray:            @jeannevb @Julie_Gray Totally therapeutic. The point is that if you can be honest with yourself, you can dig into a 3D character #scriptchat
1:19 am            zacsanford2:            Q @julie_gray what is your opinion on writing an unlikable or anti-hero protagonist? #scriptchat
1:19 am            dwacon:            @Julie_Gray @nisajaie @Screenwriter911 This is where a dysfunctionaly childhood would come in handy. #scriptchat
1:19 am            Julie_Gray:            @tracinell @Julie_Gray oh gosh, thank you! TONS of new podcasts coming up #scriptchat
1:19 am            RosalinKrieger:            "Can you feel the love tonight?" in #scriptchat
1:19 am            chicanaknight:            RT @jimkorhan yes it does, that's why #scriptchat is better :)
1:19 am            Julie_Gray:            @zacsanford2 @julie_gray a main character should be not necessarily likable as much as vulnerable, so that we CARE #scriptchat
1:19 am            nisajaie:            @jeannevb @Julie_Gray I was thinking I was going to have to get a therapist now. Lol #scriptchat
1:19 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: for ur M CHARAC. I am, I want, i dislike, I am afraid, I wish. All of these r how ur character is in the 1st ACT #scriptchat
1:20 am            Julie_Gray:            @dwacon @Julie_Gray @nisajaie @Screenwriter911 oh trust me.... :) #scriptchat
1:20 am            GCGeek:            @jeannevb @Julie_Gray Though REALLY tempted to do it now, I've copied to a separate doc and will wait until our chat is over. ;) #scriptchat
1:20 am            nisajaie:            @zacsanford2 Good ? #scriptchat
1:20 am            tracinell:            Woo-Hoo! You just made my day. :)RT @Julie_Gray: @tracinell @Julie_Gray oh gosh, thank you! TONS of new podcasts coming up #scriptchat
1:20 am            Julie_Gray:            @nisajaie @jeannevb @Julie_Gray the point is that EVERY character you write is a little part of YOU. #scriptchat
1:20 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray Q Is having a great antagonist vital too? (I always think it's more interesting) #scriptchat
1:20 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray i've often said if you cant be honest about ur own flaws & evolve, it makes evolving ur chars harder #scriptchat
1:21 am            TheWriteScript:            @Julie_Gray So cool to see how the questions break into the acts. This will be a great exercise tonight. #scriptchat
1:21 am            GCGeek:            This entire transcript is worth saving for future reference. So glad there will be one @jeannevb! #scriptchat
1:21 am            Julie_Gray:            You guys wanna know the difference between good writers and GREAT writers? #scriptchat
1:21 am            dianewms:            You don't particularly like George Clooney in Michael Clayton, but you feel for what he's got to do. #scriptchat
1:21 am            zacsanford2:            @Julie_Gray I tend to create unlikable MCs in the beginning, but I'll make sure I focus that they have a vulnerable side... thx. #scriptchat
1:21 am            tracinell:            Please and thank you! RT @Julie_Gray: You guys wanna know the difference between good writers and GREAT writers? #scriptchat
1:21 am            emmarush75:            Of course ;) RT @Julie_Gray: You guys wanna know the difference between good writers and GREAT writers? #scriptchat
1:21 am            nisajaie:            @Julie_Gray Yes ma'am! #scriptchat
1:21 am            Julie_Gray:            GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:21 am            Screenwriter911:            What about consequences for your character? Shouldn't that be another question? What happens if they lose? #scriptchat
1:22 am            PennyAsh:            RT @Julie_Gray: @nisajaie @jeannevb @Julie_Gray the point is that EVERY character you write is a little part of YOU. #scriptchat
1:22 am            DerisiveDoll:            RT @tracinell: Please and thank you! RT @Julie_Gray: You guys wanna know the difference between good writers and GREAT writers? #scriptchat
1:22 am            Exoc0r:            OFC RT @Julie_Gray: You guys wanna know the difference between good writers and GREAT writers? #scriptchat
1:22 am            GCGeek:            There's no "i" in writer! Wait, no. RT @Julie_Gray: You guys wanna know the difference between good writers and GREAT writers? #scriptchat
1:22 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult & dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but its hard. #scriptchat
1:22 am            mydramaink:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:22 am            momonpatrol:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:22 am            josephvales:            When I write, sometimes I forget about the consequences to their action, usually comes in a second revision. #scriptchat
1:22 am            Julie_Gray:            so did everyone write down the "I Am" questions that are in the first act? Did you notice the questions are fearful & lacking? #scriptchat
1:22 am            nisajaie:            @Screenwriter911 Good ? #scriptchat
1:23 am            Julie_Gray:            @GCGeek @Julie_Gray lol, wiseacre. #scriptchat
1:23 am            dwacon:            @Julie_Gray That makes me a GREAT writer. OH BOY !!! #scriptchat
1:23 am            chicanaknight:            RT @nisajaie I think all writers need therapy LOL #scriptchat
1:23 am            BrowneTom:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:23 am            RosalinKrieger:            RT @chicanaknight: RT @nisajaie I think all writers need therapy LOL #scriptchat
1:23 am            Julie_Gray:            so the "I Am" questions in the 2nd act (in which change is beginning to take place) are: #scriptchat
1:23 am            Exoc0r:            Yes I did RT @Julie_Gray: so did everyone write down the "I Am" questions that are in the first act? Did you notice the questio #scriptchat
1:23 am            TheWriteScript:            @Julie_Gray Yes, I did see that! #scriptchat
1:23 am            Screenwriter911:            Honest writing is the most difficult of all. Crap. You mean I gotta be honest? #scriptchat
1:23 am            Screenwriter911:            @nisajaie All good. #scriptchat
1:24 am            DerisiveDoll:            I think this is my favorite #scriptchat yet! #scriptchat
1:24 am            GCGeek:            @Julie_Gray ;-) Couldn't resist. In all seriousness, you are gold tonight. I'm taking lots of notes! #scriptchat
1:24 am            oz_scriptwriter:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:24 am            Julie_Gray:            2nd act: I don't know if, I am angry that, I think I can, I'm scared that, I can't, I am willing.... see the arc of chnge....? #scriptchat
1:24 am            dwacon:            @chicanaknight @nisajaie Writing is therapy. A cheaper form of therapy. #scriptchat
1:24 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:24 am            emmarush75:            @jeannevb r u gonna have transcript of this avail? I'm missing some cool, valuable stuff I fear :( #scriptchat
1:24 am            Exoc0r:            @Screenwriter911 Honest, yet we're making it all up! (: #scriptchat
1:24 am            Julie_Gray:            @GCGeek @Julie_Gray it's hard to keep up with you guys, lol! #scriptchat
1:24 am            jeannevb:            @GCGeek same here. This transcript will be gold! @Julie_Gray #scriptchat
1:24 am            Julie_Gray:            so in the 2nd act, your character is undergoing the real journey of change. and they don't want to. they don't like it. #scriptchat
1:25 am            zacsanford2:            @emmarush75 transcript is always posted on within a couple hours. #scriptchat
1:25 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @Julie_Gray: @zacsanford2 @julie_gray a main character should be not necessarily likable as much as vulnerable, so that we CARE #scriptchat
1:25 am            Julie_Gray:            I'm scared, I can't.... but then we come to the end of the 2nd act and the character is "I am willing" #scriptchat
1:25 am            art1032:            @chicanaknight @nisajaie LOL, Amen to that! :) #scriptchat
1:25 am            Julie_Gray:            @JoshKEvans @Julie_Gray @zacsanford2 think of Tom Cruise in Rainman. A real jerk. But he gets cut out of a will by his dad. #scriptchat
1:26 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray agreed, they are not afraid of being naked (metaphorically speaking) and they go to their dark side #scriptchat
1:26 am            Julie_Gray:            so in the 3rd act your character is "I am, I can, I love, I know, I am. " but it's a totally new "I Am" from the first one. #scriptchat
1:26 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:27 am            Julie_Gray:            @chicanaknight @Julie_Gray right so start with YOU. Great writers are unafraid to be honest. #scriptchat
1:27 am            Julie_Gray:            the character is not YOU - but a universal part of you. The script is not about YOUR life, it's about LIFE. About what you know #scriptchat
1:27 am            dianewms:            I'm writing a true story and the character arc for my protag is exactly as Julie describes. No reason for me to fail at this! #scriptchat
1:28 am            Julie_Gray:            ....about greed, revenge, lust, lying, bravery, grace, pride, happiness, grief. #scriptchat
1:28 am            DerisiveDoll:            RT @Julie_Gray: the character is not YOU - but a universal part of you. The script is not about YOUR life, its about LIFE. #scriptchat
1:28 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: character is not U - but a universal part of u, script is not about UR life, its about LIFE. About what u know #scriptchat
1:28 am            dwacon:            @Julie_Gray That is how I can write female protagonists without writing in drag. #scriptchat
1:28 am            Julie_Gray:            The other thing writers have to remember is that ALWAYS you have to know what your main character WANTS on pg 1 #scriptchat
1:28 am            mydramaink:            RT @Julie_Gray: the character is not YOU - but a universal part of you. The script is not about YOUR life, it's about LIFE. About what you know #scriptchat
1:28 am            jeannevb:            @dianewms no reason at all. :) #scriptchat
1:28 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: The other thing writers have to remember is that ALWAYS you have to know what your main character WANTS on pg 1 #scriptchat
1:28 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray Mark #Zuckerberg is made sympathetic because of the multiple lawsuits against him in The Social Network. #scriptchat
1:28 am            Julie_Gray:            a WANT that is attainable and achievable. On page ONE, guys. #scriptchat
1:29 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray: @chicanaknight @Julie_Gray right so start with YOU. Great writers are unafraid to be honest. #scriptchat
1:29 am            GCGeek:            @Julie_Gray You're answering questions I didn't know how to form. "The character is not YOU - but a universal part of you." #scriptchat
1:29 am            Julie_Gray:            Too vague to say "my character wants love" or revenge. or fame. Be specific. What would make your character FEEL love? #scriptchat
1:29 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: a WANT that is attainable and achievable. On page ONE, guys. #scriptchat
1:29 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray The want can change too, right? #scriptchat
1:29 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: a WANT that is attainable and achievable. On page ONE, guys. #scriptchat
1:30 am            Julie_Gray:            so if they "want" success - what tangible thing would give them the FEELING of success? A car? A husband? Going to Harvard? #scriptchat
1:30 am            Screenwriter911:            @dwacon Actually, I highly suggest writing while in drag. It's very "freeing". Or is that "humiliating"? My bad. #scriptchat
1:30 am            Julie_Gray:            @Exoc0r @Julie_Gray Ab-so-FRUITLY!! Tom Cruise in Rainman totally changes his want. #scriptchat
1:30 am            Julie_Gray:            @Screenwriter911 @dwacon LOL #scriptchat
1:30 am            art1032:            @GCGeek @Julie_Gray Answering questions I didn't know I had lol. :) #scriptchat
1:31 am            Julie_Gray:            so a tangible want on page one. but also an internal need. and they aren't very aware of their emotional wounds or needs #scriptchat
1:31 am            tracinell:            I know right? RT GCGeek: @Julie_Gray ur answering q's I didnt know how to form. #scriptchat
1:31 am            kimnunley:            Lurking at #scriptchat w/ the lovely Ms. @Julie_Gray.
1:31 am            Julie_Gray:            characters aren't like US - they don't read Eckhart Tolle, they don't watch Oprah, they don't know they could feel better #scriptchat
1:31 am            jeannevb:            haha RT @Screenwriter911: @dwacon I highly suggest writing while in drag. Its very "freeing". Or is that "humiliating"? My bad. #scriptchat
1:31 am            Julie_Gray:            @kimnunley @Julie_Gray Hi Kim!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo #scriptchat
1:31 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray When Zuckerberg is dumped by his GF that also increases sympathy for him...though can too much pity make us dislike? #scriptchat
1:31 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: so if they "want" success - what tangible thing would give them FEELING of success? A car? A husband? Harvard? #scriptchat
1:32 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray you are SO rockin this chat that I am just going to sit back and drink *refills your margarita* #scriptchat
1:32 am            Julie_Gray:            remember they are unaware. Unaware they have problems that stem from themselves. No therapy for them. Only this adventure #scriptchat
1:32 am            Julie_Gray:            @JoshKEvans @Julie_Gray Not pity, empathy. He was dumped. We've all been dumped. It hurts. #scriptchat
1:32 am            Julie_Gray:            @jeannevb @Julie_Gray HEY WHERE'S MINE? :) #scriptchat
1:33 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: remember they are unaware. No therapy for them. Only this adventure #scriptchat
1:33 am            KageyNYC:            Agreed! I popped open a new column in TweetDeck just for her tweets! RT @jeannevb: @Julie_Gray you are SO rockin this chat #scriptchat
1:33 am            Exoc0r:            Think Bud fox: Gekko as a trading partner RT @tracinell: RT @Julie_Gray: so if they "want" success - #scriptchat
1:33 am            Julie_Gray:            so ask your character, WHY do they want their want? Not the specific want of a car, a man, a trophy, a death. The vague want. #scriptchat
1:33 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray girl, that IS your drink I'm pouring :) #youearnedit #scriptchat
1:33 am            Julie_Gray:            if your character "wants" to have success or fame or power - ask WHY. The WHY is part of their inner need. #scriptchat
1:34 am            Julie_Gray:            they want power because they feel powerless. Why is that? What happened in the past? What will having power repair? #scriptchat
1:34 am            Julie_Gray:            @jeannevb @Julie_Gray LLLLLOOOOOLL! #scriptchat
1:34 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: if your character "wants" to have success or fame or power - ask WHY. The WHY is part of their inner need. #scriptchat
1:34 am            tracinell:            @jeannevb I'm praying there's a print button for tonight's transcript. ;) #scriptchat
1:34 am            wcdixon:            A quick observation from afar, but it should be noted that @Julie_Gray is very organized and doling out good advice on #scriptchat now.
1:34 am            Julie_Gray:            so you get that tangible, attainable want on page one. you get the more vague want that begat it (did that make sense?) #scriptchat
1:34 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: they want power because they feel powerless. Why? What happened in the past? What will having power repair? #scriptchat
1:35 am            KageyNYC:            Q: @Julie_Gray Any tips for developing rich characters for a short film? So little time for development. #scriptchat
1:35 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray Agreed. There is just enough empathy for Zuckerberg for us to want him to succeed, despite his other shortcomings. #scriptchat
1:35 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray It's a part of their past, 3d means to have a character who has lived, and will live. #scriptchat
1:35 am            emmarush75:            @jeannevb It's 11:30am here, but what the hey, pour me one too. Cheers ;)#scriptchat
1:35 am            Julie_Gray:            @KageyNYC @Julie_Gray It is the SAME PROCESS. don't ever skimp. #scriptchat
1:35 am            Julie_Gray:            @Exoc0r @Julie_Gray YES. #scriptchat
1:36 am            Julie_Gray:            so remember what the Rolling Stones said: You can't get what you want until you get what you need, right? #scriptchat
1:36 am            chicanaknight:            RT @jeannevb what kind are you having? #scriptchat
1:36 am            JordanDrew:            Lurking in #scriptchat makes my Sundays rock. ::sips gin::
1:36 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Makes perfect sense, thanks :) #scriptchat
1:36 am            Julie_Gray:            so I want success so that for me means Harvard, but I need to know that outer success & stuff doesn't define me. #scriptchat
1:36 am            jeannevb:            i'm praying wthastag works! RT @tracinell: @jeannevb I'm praying there's a print button for tonight's transcript. ;) #scriptchat
1:36 am            Julie_Gray:            so attaining going to Harvard still isn't going to make me happy; my need has still not been met. #scriptchat
1:36 am            art1032:            How many faves are we allowed to have on twitter. Mine is getting pretty full w/Julie's tweets. LOL :) #scriptchat
1:36 am            dianewms:            @Julie_Gray Attaining the power to overcome my character's former lack of power is exactly what happens. #scriptchat
1:37 am            Exoc0r:            Wisdom! RT @Julie_Gray: so remember what the Rolling Stones said: You cant get what you want until you get what you need, right? #scriptchat
1:37 am            Julie_Gray:            so I go to Harvard because the MEAN/JERK writer who wrote me is gonna put me through hell until I learn my own value #scriptchat
1:37 am            yeah_write:            @art1032 Go through the transcript later and cut and paste into a document. #scriptchat
1:38 am            Julie_Gray:            don't forget, writers - YOU choose an adventure that is going to put your character in the WORST story for them #scriptchat
1:38 am            emmarush75:            RT @Julie_Gray: don't forget, writers - YOU choose an adventure that is going to put your character in the WORST story for them #scriptchat
1:38 am            Julie_Gray:            so if we say Tom Cruise WANTS success, yes, by selling sports cars, but he NEEDS to forgive his dad for the past... so I know... #scriptchat
1:38 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray You have to be ruthless, and relentless too. #scriptchat
1:39 am            GCGeek:            @Julie_Gray Oh I like that: "until I [as a character] learn my own value" #scriptchat
1:39 am            Julie_Gray:            ...let's take this arrogant JERK and put him on a (ha ha!!) ROAD TRIP WITH AN AUTISTIC BROTHER!! He won't be able to stand it! #scriptchat
1:39 am            TheWriteScript:            @jimkorhan Welcome! You need to add the #scriptchat hashtag. We use TweetChat because it adds it automatically.
1:39 am            Julie_Gray:            .. and he can't stand it. Until he starts to change. Because he learns about the past and begins to forgive.... #scriptchat
1:39 am            art1032:            @yeah_write oh yea "DER!" LOL :) #scriptchat
1:40 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray True. But, in the Social Network we don't see Mark Zuckerberg learn this lesson. He didn't arch in that direction #scriptchat
1:40 am            Screenwriter911:            Does he need to forgive his dad or does he need to embrace "family" and all the flaws that go with it? #scriptchat
1:40 am            Julie_Gray:            it's not about being mean to your main characters, it's about having them EARN the grace, courage, bravery & love they find... #scriptchat
1:40 am            SusannaSpeier:            Sorkin did a Q&A after the @WGA screening & said he went back to Greek Tragedy to create his 'Zuckerberg.' #scriptchat #scriptchat
1:40 am            Julie_Gray:            how many people have EVER learned an important life lesson and it was painless when you learned it? #scriptchat
1:40 am            Julie_Gray:            @Screenwriter911 forgive his father. he felt unloved. #scriptchat
1:41 am            createimbalance:            RT @Julie_Gray: GREAT writers are brave. they explore the difficult and dark corners of themselves and of humanity. but it's hard. #scriptchat
1:41 am            emmarush75:            @Julie_Gray No pain, no gain, right? ;) #scriptchat
1:41 am            Julie_Gray:            How many people here would take back the rough times and hard lessons that made you who you are now? #scriptchat
1:41 am            dwacon:            @Julie_Gray You mean, like the day I got kicked out of the White House? Yeah... #scriptchat
1:41 am            dianewms:            The Winklevoss twins wanted to arc Mark in that direction: I'm 6-5, 220 and there are 2 of me! LOLOLOL! My favorite line. #scriptchat
1:41 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray A similar path is walked by Stu Shepard in Phone Booth. A transformation from the despised into the respected. #scriptchat
1:41 am            Screenwriter911:            Hmm. I'll think about that. #scriptchat
1:42 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: How many people here would take back the rough times and hard lessons that made you who you are now? #scriptchat
1:42 am            Julie_Gray:            @emmarush75 @Julie_Gray Yes. And the gain is a thing of beauty. Nice people are boring. #scriptchat
1:42 am            Julie_Gray:            They say that religion is for those who are afraid of hell but spirituality is for those who've been there. Think about that. #scriptchat
1:42 am            jeannevb:            sweet jesus, @Julie_Gray, those rough times made me who I am. No change cld have happened w/o them #scriptchat
1:42 am            GCGeek:            @Julie_Gray Would I take back the rough times/hard lessons that made me who I am? No. Rewrite them? Hmmm... ;-) #scriptchat
1:42 am            RosalinKrieger:            RT @Julie_Gray: They say that religion is for those who are afraid of hell but spirituality is for those who've been there. Think about that. #scriptchat
1:42 am            Julie_Gray:            so the adventure of your 2nd act will be a journey through hell for your character - even if it's a funny one! #scriptchat
1:43 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: dont forget, writers - YOU choose an adventure that is going to put your character in the WORST story for them #scriptchat
1:43 am            Julie_Gray:            so we've talked about want and need, let's talk about having an ACTIVE flaw. #scriptchat
1:43 am            Exoc0r:            I like who I am I wouldn't take back those hard earned years of suffering. It's all about interpreting the human experience. #scriptchat
1:43 am            emmarush75:            @Julie_Gray So true! #scriptchat
1:43 am            writeononline:            Writers, please post your goals for the week: #scriptchat #writechat #amwriting
1:43 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: so the adventure of your 2nd act will be a journey through hell for your character - even if its a funny one! #scriptchat
1:43 am            Julie_Gray:            @jeannevb @Julie_Gray right. me either. But it was nooo fun. : ) #scriptchat
1:43 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @dianewms: The Winklevoss twins wanted to arc Mark in that direction: I'm 6-5, 220 and there are 2 of me! LOLOLOL! My favorite line. #scriptchat
1:43 am            SharkGoddess:            RT @tracinell: RT @Julie_Gray: so the adventure of your 2nd act will be a journey through hell for your character - even if its a funny one! #scriptchat
1:43 am            DerisiveDoll:            Surprisingly, not me. RT @Julie_Gray How many ppl here wld take back the rough times & hard lessons that made u who u are now? #scriptchat
1:44 am            Julie_Gray:            The flaw of your character arises from the tension of the want and the need. In other words, they can't get what they want so... #scriptchat
1:44 am            Screenwriter911:            This I agree with RT @Julie_Gray: ...religion is 4 those who are afraid of hell but spirituality is 4 those whove been there. #scriptchat
1:44 am            RosalinKrieger:            As opposed to an active rash? RT @Julie_Gray: so we've talked about want and need, let's talk about having an ACTIVE flaw. #scriptchat
1:44 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: The flaw of your character arises from the tension of the want and the need. In other words, they cant get what #scriptchat
1:44 am            Julie_Gray:            the number two most common problem is writers who write characters with passive flaws like doormat or shy. #scriptchat
1:45 am            jeannevb:            @RosalinKrieger i love you ;) #rashtrashtalking #scriptchat
1:45 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray: They say that religion is for those who are afraid of hell but spirituality is for those who've been there. Think about that. #scriptchat
1:45 am            Julie_Gray:            BORING. And it doesn't interact with the other characters. Things happen TO your character. Not BECAUSE of who they are. #scriptchat
1:45 am            Screenwriter911:            RT @Exoc0r: I like who I am I wouldnt take back hard earned years of suffering. Its all about interpreting the human experience. #scriptchat
1:45 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: the number two most common problem is writers who write characters with passive flaws like doormat or shy. #scriptchat
1:45 am            Julie_Gray:            so how do you know if your character's flaw is active enough to DRIVE conflict in scenes and sequences? #scriptchat
1:46 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: BORING. it doesnt interact w/ the other characters. Things happen TO ur character. Not BECAUSE of who they are. #scriptchat
1:46 am            RosalinKrieger:            Aw shucks, dag nabbit RT @jeannevb: @RosalinKrieger i love you ;) #rashtrashtalking #scriptchat
1:46 am            scott_logie:            @SusannaSpeier That's a great trick for enriching story. Paralleling the Greek dramas. #scriptchat
1:46 am            Julie_Gray:            ask the flaw some questions. Say the flaw is a terrible one like shy (srsly you guys, this is a lame flaw) #scriptchat
1:46 am            Screenwriter911:            RT @Julie_Gray: the number two most common problem is writers who write characters with passive flaws like doormat or shy. #scriptchat
1:46 am            dianewms:            My hero acts rashly w/out thinking til he learns patience to bide his time for the right time & place to act against his captor. #scriptchat
1:46 am            Julie_Gray:            so fine, let's ask SHY how it LOOKS and BEHAVES in a few situations, just to see if it creates conflict. #scriptchat
1:47 am            art1032:            @Screenwriter911 @Julie_Gray What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger? LOL :) #scriptchat
1:47 am            Julie_Gray:            Okay so let's ask SHY how it LOOKS & BEHAVES at a dinner party. Interesting? Comedy? Tension? Fear - what does shy do? NOTHING #scriptchat
1:47 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            @Julie_Gray What about a character who lacks bravery/can't take a risk? Would you consider that the same as a passive flaw? #scriptchat
1:47 am            PennyAsh:            @art1032 What doesn't kill us has made a serious tactical mistake #scriptchat
1:48 am            Julie_Gray:            Flaws have to ACT OUT like a naughty child. #scriptchat
1:48 am            Julie_Gray:            @AnneMarieAngelo @Julie_Gray yes, that's pretty passive. WHY do they lack bravery? #scriptchat
1:48 am            RosalinKrieger:            Kill the shy person in the opening credits #scriptchat
1:48 am            Julie_Gray:            @PennyAsh @art1032 LOL now that was FUNNY. #scriptchat
1:48 am            emmarush75:            Lol ;) RT @RosalinKrieger: Kill the shy person in the opening credits #scriptchat
1:49 am            Exoc0r:            Flaw? secretly likes to embrace the dark side of life. But the MC is a cop, judge or lawyer. A good guy who likes the bad? #scriptchat
1:49 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Famous saying in sci fi circles :) #scriptchat
1:49 am            Exoc0r:            LOL RT @RosalinKrieger: Kill the shy person in the opening credits #scriptchat
1:49 am            Julie_Gray:            there is 1 word you can ask your character in almost any situation when trying to figure out flaw, want, etc. wanna know what? #scriptchat
1:49 am            Screenwriter911:            As with many script elements, the "what" might be diverting, but the "why" is where the meat and blood are. #scriptchat
1:49 am            jeannevb:            esp when ur a ninja :) RT @PennyAsh: @art1032 What doesnt kill us has made a serious tactical mistake #scriptchat
1:49 am            PennyAsh:            @jeannevb LOL yep or even a cowboy ninja #scriptchat
1:49 am            Julie_Gray:            WHY? WHY do you want that want? WHY do you have that need? #scriptchat
1:49 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: @PennyAsh @art1032 LOL now that was FUNNY. #scriptchat
1:50 am            Julie_Gray:            constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:50 am            Screenwriter911:            Shy? -- Why? Passive? -- Why? Wants to be seen as a success? -- Why?, etc. #scriptchat
1:50 am            Julie_Gray:            lol are we all still with me? #scriptchat
1:50 am            dianewms:            @Julie_Gray Why? #scriptchat
1:50 am            art1032:            @jeannevb @PennyAsh LOL :) #scriptchat
1:50 am            RosalinKrieger:            Thanks for RTs #scriptchat but if you're shy, watch your back.
1:50 am            Screenwriter911:            Amen. RT @Julie_Gray: constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:50 am            SharkGoddess:            @mishacollins For the cream of the crop of writers, producers, directors, PLEASE direct your attention to hash #Scriptchat 5-6pm Sundays!
1:50 am            yeah_write:            Love this. RT @Julie_Gray: constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:51 am            BrowneTom:            RT @Julie_Gray: constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:51 am            Exoc0r:            Still with you RT @Julie_Gray: lol are we all still with me? #scriptchat
1:51 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @PennyAsh: @art1032 What doesn't kill us has made a serious tactical mistake #scriptchat
1:51 am            Julie_Gray:            why do YOU want what you want, guys? Feeling & revealing more about yourself opens the pathway to great writing. #scriptchat
1:51 am            emmarush75:            I'm gonna stick that on my monitor - thx RT @Julie_Gray: constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:51 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:51 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray Still here and taking notes :) #scriptchat
1:51 am            Screenwriter911:            LOL RT @jeannevb: esp when ur a ninja :) RT @PennyAsh: @art1032 What doesnt kill us has made a serious tactical mistake #scriptchat
1:51 am            RosalinKrieger:            As in mum saying "why and how do you constantly disappoint me and your father" #scriptchat
1:51 am            Julie_Gray:            okay so establish that WANT (tangible, attainable) but then ask WHY? And you'll find the need. #scriptchat
1:51 am            TheWriteScript:            @Julie_Gray Quiet because we're taking notes like frantic freshmen because the prof is giving us the answers to the final exam. #scriptchat
1:52 am            rachlanger:            Dammit. Only eight minutes left of #scriptchat.
1:52 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @Julie_Gray: Flaws have to ACT OUT like a naughty child. #scriptchat
1:52 am            Julie_Gray:            tension between icky feeling need (that they are unaware of) and BAD WANT (which they can't get) = FLAW arising from FRUSTRATION #scriptchat
1:52 am            yeah_write:            @rachlanger Get the transcript, this has been an AWESOME chat. #scriptchat
1:52 am            RosalinKrieger:            Why and How does that make you feel? RT @rachlanger: Dammit. Only eight minutes left of #scriptchat.
1:52 am            Julie_Gray:            @JoshKEvans @Julie_Gray YES. How does SHY act out? How does it play tennis? How does it do dishes? How does it get a date? #scriptchat
1:52 am            dianewms:            RT @PennyAsh: @Julie_Gray Still here and taking notes :) #scriptchat
1:53 am            art1032:            @emmarush75 @Julie_Gray I just did :) #scriptchat
1:53 am            Exoc0r:            RT @yeah_write: @rachlanger Get the transcript, this has been an AWESOME chat. #scriptchat
1:53 am            rachlanger:            @yeah_write definitely! #scriptchat
1:53 am            yeah_write:            @Julie_Gray Do you do TV writing consulting too? #scriptchat
1:53 am            dwacon:            @Exoc0r @Julie_Gray But the plot makes you beg, ?Please, baby? please, baby? please, baby?? until the next turning point. #scriptchat
1:53 am            ZaNiaCmedic:            RT @Julie_Gray: constantly ask your character WHY and ask your plot HOW. #scriptchat
1:53 am            Julie_Gray:            You mean, mean writers get to parent your characters by CHOOSING their life lesson that will change them forever. #scriptchat
1:53 am            emmarush75:            @art1032 ;) #scriptchat
1:53 am            Julie_Gray:            @yeah_write @Julie_Gray I do :) #scriptchat
1:53 am            RosalinKrieger:            I'm waiting for #scriptchat Gaga remix
1:54 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray What about giving characters split personalities? (Doesn't need to be clinical.) Such as shy AND a kleptomaniac. #scriptchat
1:54 am            jeannevb:            7 more minutes left with the amazing @Julie_Gray #scriptchat
1:54 am            yeah_write:            @Julie_Gray @gcgeek and I along with a few others are writing for TV. #scriptchat
1:54 am            Julie_Gray:            choose an adventure (your premise) that is THE WORST adventure 4 your poor character. But from the depths, they'll find grace. #scriptchat
1:55 am            Julie_Gray:            @JoshKEvans @Julie_Gray shy and klepto makes TOTAL sense. Shy people are repressed and act out in very weird ways. #scriptchat
1:55 am            rachlanger:            @RosalinKrieger Angry at myself for not making it! But the why....? ;-) #scriptchat
1:55 am            Julie_Gray:            @yeah_write @Julie_Gray @gcgeek just held a TV competition. Big cocktail party at my place this friday for the winners :) #scriptchat
1:55 am            Screenwriter911:            What about consequences for your character? What happens if they lose? #scriptchat
1:55 am            tracinell:            I want a time machine, cause I need more time & I'm frustrated!RT @jeannevb: 7 more minutes left with the amazing @Julie_Gray #scriptchat
1:55 am            yeah_write:            @Julie_Gray @gcgeek And of course Mike and I missed it. #scriptchat
1:56 am            Julie_Gray:            @Screenwriter911 do you mean stakes? Well, what is important in your life? Security? Your home? Your lover? Your pets? Your job? #scriptchat
1:56 am            dianewms:            choose an adventure that is THE WORST adventure 4 your poor character--this really happened to my hero. #scriptchat
1:56 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray Q what do you think about giving the Mc a theme song? #scriptchat
1:56 am            dwacon:            @Screenwriter911 Rewrite. #scriptchat
1:56 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray Indeed. Good evidence of that repressed craziness with Stephen Root's character in Office Space. #scriptchat
1:56 am            adite:            Hello from India! #scriptchat
1:56 am            Julie_Gray:            remember writing character is THE SINGLE MOST VALUED talent for writers in Hollywood. So GO BIG OR GO HOME #scriptchat
1:56 am            GCGeek:            We'll be ready for the next one! RT @yeah_write: @Julie_Gray @gcgeek And of course Mike and I missed it. #scriptchat
1:56 am            rachlanger:            @tracinell Me too! I have blueprints. Think we can build one in 7 minutes? #Timemachine #scriptchat
1:56 am            Julie_Gray:            @Exoc0r @Julie_Gray if it helps you write - go for it!!! #scriptchat
1:56 am            kimnunley:            @Julie_Gray Hi Julie! Thanks for the awesome #scriptchat session! :)
1:57 am            yeah_write:            RT @Julie_Gray: remember writing character is THE SINGLE MOST VALUED talent for writers in Hollywood. So GO BIG OR GO HOME #scriptchat
1:57 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray: remember writing character is THE SINGLE MOST VALUED talent for writers in Hollywood. So GO BIG OR GO HOME #scriptchat
1:57 am            Exoc0r:            @adite Hi, welcome to #scriptchat
1:57 am            emmarush75:            Hi there, Adite. Hi from Australia ;) RT @adite: Hello from India! #scriptchat
1:57 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            RT @Julie_Gray: remember writing character is THE SINGLE MOST VALUED talent for writers in Hollywood. So GO BIG OR GO HOME #scriptchat
1:57 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: remember writing character is THE SINGLE MOST VALUED talent for writers in Hollywood. So GO BIG OR GO HOME #scriptchat
1:57 am            tracinell:            @rachlanger @tracinell let's do it. mwa ha-ha! #scriptchat
1:57 am            Screenwriter911:            I see scripts that don't work and part of the problem is that I don't care if the MC loses bcz it's not that big a deal to them #scriptchat
1:58 am            Screenwriter911:            LOL RT @dwacon: @Screenwriter911 Rewrite. #scriptchat
1:58 am            Julie_Gray:            describe your character on pg 1 & on pg 100. they'll have gone from fearful, sad, scared, greedy, etc. 2 loving, proud, happy #scriptchat
1:58 am            emmarush75:            RT @Screenwriter911: I see scripts that don't work and part of the problem is that I don't care if the MC loses bcz it's not that big a deal to them #scriptchat
1:58 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @Julie_Gray: remember writing character is THE SINGLE MOST VALUED talent for writers in Hollywood. So GO BIG OR GO HOME #scriptchat
1:58 am            TheWriteScript:            @adite Welcome. Isn't it rather early there? #scriptchat
1:58 am            rachlanger:            @Screenwriter911 So the stakes aren't high enough? #scriptchat
1:58 am            dianewms:            @AmBungalow You haven't seen RAINMAN? #scriptchat
1:58 am            Julie_Gray:            @AmBungalow yeah totally, right?? Road trip! In space!! #scriptchat
1:58 am            JoshKEvans:            RT @Julie_Gray: want, need, flaw, asking how the flaw acts out like a child and how that drives the plot forward. #scriptchat
1:58 am            yeah_write:            @Julie_Gray Thanks so much for the gold nuggets you've given us tonight. Just incredible. #scriptchat
1:59 am            Screenwriter911:            LOL RT @AmBungalow: btw, Julie, Im stealin your arrogant jerk with an autistic brother idea. Thats GOLD, Julie, GOLD. #scriptchat
1:59 am            Julie_Gray:            @Screenwriter911 nobody is interested in a writer for 3 SECONDS who can't make us care. #scriptchat
1:59 am            KageyNYC:            @Julie_Gray I feel like I just took a workshop! Thanks! #scriptchat
1:59 am            PennyAsh:            @Julie_Gray This chat definitely solved the mc problem for at least two wips :) #scriptchat
1:59 am            Julie_Gray:            @yeah_write @Julie_Gray oh gosh I hope so - most unusual interview I've ever done but super fun! #scriptchat
1:59 am            DerisiveDoll:            @Julie_Gray Thank you so much for all the great advice, it's been incredibly helpful!!! #scriptchat
1:59 am            dwacon:            @yeah_write @Julie_Gray I am going BIG. Notoriously B.I.G. #scriptchat
2:00 am            RosalinKrieger:            Your name is gray but you're a ray of sunshine #scriptchat #asskisserchat
2:00 am            Julie_Gray:            if I don't care about the mc, I don't respect you as a writer. Because I should care. That's your job. #scriptchat
2:00 am            BrowneTom:            RT @Julie_Gray: @Screenwriter911 nobody is interested in a writer for 3 SECONDS who can't make us care. #scriptchat
2:00 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: @Screenwriter911 nobody is interested in a writer for 3 SECONDS who cant make us care. #scriptchat
2:00 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: if I dont care about the mc, I dont respect you as a writer. Because I should care. Thats your job. #scriptchat
2:00 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray we like being "most unusual" ;) #scriptchat
2:00 am            LifesizeLD:            RT @yeah_write: @Julie_Gray Thanks so much for the gold nuggets you've given us tonight. Just incredible. #scriptchat
2:00 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            @Julie_Gray Thank you for your thoughts! #scriptchat
2:00 am            zacsanford2:            Reminder to TV writers... The Nickelodeon Fellowship deadline is February 28th. for more info. #scriptchat
2:00 am            emmarush75:            Me too, this is awesome ;) RT @KageyNYC: @Julie_Gray I feel like I just took a workshop! Thanks! #scriptchat
2:00 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray Thanks for one damn good hour! And the Nuggets of wisdom(: #scriptchat
2:00 am            SusannaSpeier:            Looking forward to doing these excercizes later tnite. Thanks @Julie_Gray #scriptchat #scriptchat
2:01 am            yeah_write:            RT @zacsanford2: Reminder to TV writers... The Nickelodeon Fellowship deadline is February 28th. #scriptchat
2:01 am            KageyNYC:            RT @zacsanford2: Reminder to TV writers... The Nickelodeon Fellowship deadline is February 28th. for more info. #scriptchat
2:01 am            Screenwriter911:            Agreed. RT @tracinell: RT @Julie_Gray: @Screenwriter911 nobody is interested in a writer for 3 SECONDS who cant make us care. #scriptchat
2:01 am            Julie_Gray:            nothing shows off good writing like great dialogue and great characters! that gets you competition wins, meetings, etc. #scriptchat
2:01 am            Exoc0r:            Same here RT @SusannaSpeier: Looking forward to doing these excercizes later tnite. Thanks @Julie_Gray #scriptchat #scriptchat
2:01 am            tracinell:            Thank you ever so @Julie_Gray what an awesome experience. #scriptchat
2:01 am            Julie_Gray:            oh couple of reminders !! #scriptchat
2:01 am            art1032:            Thank you @Julie_Gray your a great wealth of knowledge, thank you for sharing it. Great #scriptchat as usual #treefort and chatters. :)
2:01 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray you were amazing!!!! Thank you so much for an amazing hour of 3D character tips #scriptchat
2:01 am            luckwagon:            RT @yeah_write: RT @zacsanford2: Reminder to TV writers... The Nickelodeon Fellowship deadline is February 28th. #scriptchat
2:01 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            @Julie_Gray because they're afraid of an overbearing, controlling father. #scriptchat
2:02 am            TheWriteScript:            @Julie_Gray Fantastic job tonight. Thank you, Julie! Thanks #treefort! #scriptchat
2:02 am            Julie_Gray:            you can go to You Tube and find tons of Idea Testing classes by me. Just type in Julie Gray, it's super fun. #scriptchat
2:02 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: nothing shows off good writing like great dialogue and great characters! that gets you competition wins, meet #scriptchat
2:02 am            emmarush75:            Thanks so much @Julie_Gray - amazing! #scriptchat
2:02 am            120pgs:            RT @zacsanford2: Reminder to TV writers... The Nickelodeon Fellowship deadline is February 28th. for more info. #scriptchat
2:02 am            rachlanger:            @Julie_Gray I only caught the end, but even that was a pleasure! Thanks for being here! #scriptchat
2:02 am            art1032:            RT @Julie_Gray: nothing shows off good writing like great dialogue and great characters! that gets you competition wins, meetings, etc. #scriptchat
2:02 am            tracinell:            Good night #treefort, this was fantastic. seriously. :) #scriptchat
2:02 am            Screenwriter911:            Agreed again RT @Julie_Gray: if I dont care about the mc, I dont respect u as a writer. Because I should care. Thats your job. #scriptchat
2:02 am            yeah_write:            RT @Julie_Gray: you can go to You Tube and find tons of Idea Testing classes by me. Just type in Julie Gray, it's super fun. #scriptchat
2:02 am            RosalinKrieger:            Ah, it's over. Gray came, conquered and left us wanting more #scriptchat blues
2:02 am            Julie_Gray:            Also watch my blog - I have a TON of great new podcasts, and of course, the Just Effing Entertain Me script competition is 3/01 #scriptchat
2:02 am            Exoc0r:            RT @Julie_Gray: you can go to You Tube and find tons of Idea Testing classes by me. Just type in Julie Gray, its super fun. #scriptchat
2:02 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: you can go to You Tube and find tons of Idea Testing classes by me. Just type in Julie Gray, its super fun. #scriptchat
2:02 am            GCGeek:            @Julie_Gray I love your blog, but I especially loved the live interaction tonight. Thank you so much, Julie! Have fun on Friday! #scriptchat
2:02 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            RT @Julie_Gray: you can go to You Tube and find tons of Idea Testing classes by me. Just type in Julie Gray, its super fun. #scriptchat
2:02 am            Julie_Gray:            the blog is at and the competition is awesome with great prizes as usual. #scriptchat
2:03 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray Now We're Talking and playing with the big boys. #scriptchat
2:03 am            dwacon:            @Julie_Gray It has for me? wins and meetings. Thank you Julie. And I am following you! #scriptchat
2:03 am            jeannevb:            fyi here's @Julie_Gray's website #scriptchat
2:03 am            Julie_Gray:            Thank you all so much, be sure to go to You Tube and to the blog and enter the competition. This was great fun!!! #scriptchat
2:03 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 Dang Canadian citizenship. Guess I'm out for that one. :-/ #scriptchat
2:03 am            AnneMarieAngelo:            RT @Julie_Gray: the blog is at and the competition is awesome with great prizes as usual. #scriptchat
2:03 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: I have a TON of great new podcasts, and of course, the Just Effing Entertain Me script competition is 3/01 #scriptchat
2:03 am            DerisiveDoll:            RT @Julie_Gray: the blog is at and the competition is awesome with great prizes as usual. #scriptchat
2:03 am            5thandspring:            RT @ScreenwritingMC: Every day this week, I will be analyzing Spec Script Sales 2010. The list of 55 scripts here #screenwriting #scriptchat
2:03 am            tracinell:            RT @Julie_Gray: the blog is at and the competition is awesome with great prizes as usual. #scriptchat
2:04 am            zacsanford2:            @rachlanger Check out the ABC/Disney or WB fellowships... not sure of citizenship requirements on those. #scriptchat
2:04 am            storydepth:            #screenwriting Not on the screen? Not on the page!: If it?s not on the screen, it can?t be on the pa... #scriptchat
2:04 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray thank you. One of the best I've read on here :) Have a good night #scriptchat
2:04 am            Julie_Gray:            the best part is that I get to spend the whole week with the winner. we always become fast friends, lol! #scriptchat
2:04 am            Julie_Gray:            Goodbye, everyone and thanks again, I'm very honored :) xoxoxoxoxo #scriptchat
2:04 am            yeah_write:            Me next! RT @Julie_Gray: the best part is that I get to spend the whole week with the winner. we always become fast friends, lol!#scriptchat
2:05 am            jeannevb:            @Julie_Gray i want to win! #weekwithJulieWOOT #scriptchat
2:05 am            rachlanger:            @zacsanford2 I checked the WB last year and it was US only. Will try again. #scriptchat
2:05 am            chicanaknight:            RT @Julie_Gray: nothing shows off good writing like great dialogue and great characters! that gets you competition wins, meetings, etc. #scriptchat
2:05 am            tracinell:            g'night @DerisiveDoll, @rachlanger & @TheWriteScript this was fun...I'll save y'all seats next week. ;) #scriptchat
2:05 am            Exoc0r:            @Julie_Gray Have a good night, I know I will. :D #scriptchat
2:05 am            dwacon:            @zacsanford2 @rachlanger I highly recommend the WB fellowship. It was a great experience. #scriptchat
2:05 am            GCGeek:            Remember the Nickelodeon Fellowship POSTMARK deadline for entries is February 28. #scriptchat
2:05 am            tracinell:            RT @jeannevb: @Julie_Gray i want to win! #weekwithJulieWOOT #scriptchat
2:05 am            JoshKEvans:            @Julie_Gray Awesome job! Stay motivated. #scriptchat
2:05 am            the_chauz:            awesome #scriptchat tonight, thanks!
2:06 am            jeannevb:            Amen Thanks @Julie_Gray RT @the_chauz: awesome #scriptchat tonight, thanks! #scriptchat
2:06 am            dianewms:            RT @jeannevb: Amen Thanks @Julie_Gray RT @the_chauz: awesome #scriptchat tonight, thanks! #scriptchat
2:07 am            nisajaie:            Sorry I didn't get to participate as much tonight. Babysitting got in the way. #scriptchat
2:07 am            Hollyw00t:            Almost missed #scriptchat.
2:08 am            jeannevb:            Let's pray this transcript pulls. I'm off to wthastag.... Thank you, everyone for a great chat. Now go work on those characters #scriptchat

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