
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Theme - June 20, 2010

#Scriptchat TOPIC: THEME

The EURO chat was hosted tonight by @zacsanford, Zac Sanford, because our lovely @DreamsGrafter, Mina Zaher, is on a well-deserved vacation.   All things theme were discussed.  The USA chat ran well into a second hour full of lively debate.  You’ll definitely want to read… I even had to threaten to get the bouncers! (Yes, that’s a teaser….)  Enjoy! @jeannevb

EURO moderator: Zac Sanford, @zacsanford
USA moderator: Jeanne Veillette Bowerman, @jeannevb

EURO chat:

7:00 pm                zacsanford2:                Hello everyone and welcome to #scriptchat. Since @dreamsGrafter is away, I'll be your guest host for the evening. #scriptchat
7:00 pm             olilewington:             Hooray for @zacsanford - tonight's guest host on #scriptchat
7:01 pm             zacsanford2:             Tonight we're talking about "theme" and how it relates to your scripts. #scriptchat
7:01 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @zacsanford2 Hi @zacsanford Welcome to the UK. Don't mind the weather LOL #scriptchat
7:02 pm             zacsanford2:             So what are some tools that people use to make sure the theme is present and answered through out the script? #scriptchat
7:03 pm             lupiilu:             hello everyone, sorry, was researching #scriptchat
7:03 pm             zacsanford2:             @Jonathan_Peace I'm currently tweeting from my balcony overlooking Hollywood blvd. It's a gorgeous day here in LA. #scriptchat
7:03 pm             olilewington:             OK, so my Q to kick of is: how overt should Theme be? Should EVERYONE who reads/watches your flick be able to identify it? #scriptchat
7:04 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: So what are some tools that people use to make sure the theme is present and answered through out the script? #scriptchat
7:04 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             When I write a rough draft theme isn't uppermost in my mind. It's getting the story down. Further drafts look at how theme fits #scriptchat
7:04 pm             zacsanford2:             As someone who reads a lot of scripts, if I can't tell what the theme is of your story within 10 pages, it is an uphill battle. #scriptchat
7:04 pm             JLichtenberg:             I'm Jacqueline Lichtenberg, professional writer and reviewer. #scriptchat
7:05 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             #jealousmuch RT @zacsanford2: Im currently tweeting from my balcony overlooking Hollywood blvd. Its a gorgeous day here in LA. #scriptchat
7:05 pm             scribe_diatribe:             I guess theme springs from the actual story... there's been various types of story identified... #scriptchat
7:05 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington I tend to notice most good scripts have a line of dialogue that alludes to the theme within the first 5 mins/pages #scriptchat
7:05 pm             zacsanford2:             @JLichtenberg I believe @jeannevb said you had a great post on theme this week. Is there a way you can give us the link? #scriptchat
7:05 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: As someone who reads a lot of scripts, if I can't tell what the theme is of your story within 10 pages, it is an uphill battle. #scriptchat
7:05 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             It was only on the rewrite of Deadline I realised the true theme was obsession. #scriptchat
7:05 pm             olilewington:             So should we be aiming to write TO a Theme from the start, or is theme something that is allowed to "emerge" as we write? #scriptchat
7:05 pm             JLichtenberg:             Choice of opening image is governed by theme #scriptchat
7:06 pm             scribe_diatribe:             question is... do we get too constrained by identifying the 'theme' and sticking too closely to what we may think it dictates? #scriptchat
7:06 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington The theme shouldn't be blatant, but hidden in some subtext. #scriptchat
7:07 pm             olilewington:             But not too on-the-nose RT @zacsanford2: @olilewington most gd scripts have a line that alludes to the theme in 1st 5 mins/pages #scriptchat
7:07 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington I'm a true believer in outlining, so most the time my theme is one of the first three things locked down. #scriptchat
7:07 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             I still say initial draft is story. Further drafts can intelligently blend through dialogue/visuals the theme #scriptchat
7:07 pm             zacsanford2:             I tend to start with how my script ends, go 180 degrees and know the beginning, and then figure out the theme for the middle. #scriptchat
7:07 pm             thescriptlab:             Script Theme: To Be or Not To Be #scriptchat
7:08 pm             scribe_diatribe:             Oh stupid me... sorry I thought we were talking genre... ignore the previous! lol #scriptchat
7:08 pm             9Cups:             #scriptchat Theme @zacsanford2
7:08 pm             JLichtenberg:             #scriptchat Theme @zacsanford2
7:08 pm             scribe_diatribe:             that's what comes of half reading tweets while taking a hammer to a hard disk #scriptchat
7:08 pm             olilewington:             @zacsanford2 What's the best way to "define" a theme - is it abstract or concrete - both, or either? #scriptchat
7:08 pm             zacsanford2:             When I go to pitchfests here in the States, most people who pitch it is hard to tell what their theme is. #scriptchat
7:09 pm             KarenSperling:             I use Lajos Egri as my guide. And he says theme/premise stems from character + conflict. #scriptchat
7:09 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington It can be a mixture of both or either. No one script has the same way to define the theme. #scriptchat
7:09 pm             lupiilu:             I find most of my stories have theme even when I haven't put any thought into it, I just have to find it #scriptchat
7:09 pm             JLichtenberg:             easiest way to inject THEME is to take a positive statement and show don't tell - Always Read The Fine Print #scriptchat
7:10 pm             zacsanford2:             A good book to read that talks about theme is @savethecat by the late Blake Snyder. #scriptchat
7:10 pm             olilewington:             So it needs to be overt? RT @zacsanford2: When I go to pitchfests, most people who pitch it is hard to tell what their theme is. #scriptchat
7:10 pm             JLichtenberg:             @KarenSperling Egri is right - but writer can work either from character to theme, or from theme to character. #scriptchat
7:10 pm             zacsanford2:             Since I tend to do my first outline in the @savethecat beat sheet format, "theme stated" is one of the 12 beats. #scriptchat
7:10 pm             olilewington:             @zacsanford2 Overt in a pitch, I mean, not "on-the-nose" in the screenplay? #scriptchat
7:10 pm             thewritertype:             #scriptchat Maybe the theme of a film is like an illness: first you see the symptoms, then the diagnosis emerges.
7:10 pm             TheWriteScript:             #Screenwriting #rewrite #three coming up! #Silentwriters, here's to 5 quiet hours! The #script is looking good. I'll be done by #scriptchat.
7:10 pm             JLichtenberg:             How you work doesn't matter. End product must have theme as touchstone of choice of every image and action #scriptchat
7:11 pm             thescriptlab:             @olilewington a defined theme from the outset can really help you as you develop your story. always answer the "why?" #scriptchat
7:11 pm             scribe_diatribe:             theme and story - surely they are interlinked - although good to get a clear idea in one's head as to what you are trying to say #scriptchat
7:11 pm             olilewington:             @JLichtenberg Can you give us an example of +ve statement of theme? #scriptchat
7:11 pm             JLichtenberg:             Cardinal rule in screenwriting should be argue your theme, but don't contradict yourself while you do it #scriptchat
7:11 pm             zacsanford2:             I've even asked writers after their pitch, "what is the theme of the story" and most stare at me with a blank look on their face #scriptchat
7:12 pm             filmutopia:             #scriptchat I can't play tonight. Have fun discussing theme. I have no idea what theme is BTW
7:12 pm             fnafilms:             Should use Tweetdeck or summat, #scriptchat #filmcourage #totbo #buildyouraudience and #worldcup. PHEW!
7:12 pm             JLichtenberg:             Theme is what you want to SAY - the take-away left for the audience at the end. "Keep your friends close; enemies closer" #scriptchat
7:12 pm             zacsanford2:             RT @scribe_diatribe: theme and story - surely they are interlinked - although good to get a clear to what you are trying to say. #scriptchat
7:12 pm             olilewington:             That good or bad? RT @filmutopia: #scriptchat I cant play tonight. Have fun discussing theme. I have no idea what theme is BTW #scriptchat
7:13 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: Ive even asked writers after their pitch, "what is the theme of the story" and most stare at me blankly #scriptchat
7:13 pm             zacsanford2:             @fnafilms Best way to follow #scriptchat or any hashtag chat is with #scriptchat
7:13 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @JLichtenberg but maybe the characters could contradict it... to help show the arguments for and against the 'writers voice'? #scriptchat
7:13 pm             KarenSperling:             I build up all the elements including theme as I go along. I don't believe in rules that one should come before another. #scriptchat
7:13 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @filmutopia I thought it was the opening music. The A-Team only good thing is the theme, no story or character. #scriptchat
7:13 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 Yes, they don't teach "find the theme" in HS Lit courses as carefully as they once did. #scriptchat
7:13 pm             zacsanford2:             RT @JLichtenberg: Theme is what you want to SAY - the take-away left for the audience at the end. #scriptchat
7:13 pm             zacsanford2:             ha ha. RT @Jonathan_Peace: @filmutopia I thought it was the opening music. #scriptchat
7:14 pm             zacsanford2:             And no, as I've been asked before, the theme isn't always the "moral of the story." #scriptchat
7:14 pm             olilewington:             @fnafilms It's hard work keeping up with #filmcourage and #scriptchat isn't it? Worth the effort, though.
7:14 pm             yingandyang:             #scriptchat can anyone show me an example (link) of a beat sheet please?
7:14 pm             JLichtenberg:             The "lesson" or "moral of the story" would be theme in a YA targeted work. #scriptchat
7:14 pm             zacsanford2:             It's weird, out of the 3 current scripts I'm working on, they all have a similar theme of gender issues. #scriptchat
7:15 pm             JLichtenberg:             THEME: "Ecology trumps individual human preferences, or even life, in a space habitat" #scriptchat
7:15 pm             JLichtenberg:             That would be the theme of the short story THE COLD EQUATIONS #scriptchat
7:16 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: Its weird, out of the 3 current scripts Im working on, they all have a similar theme of gender issues. #scriptchat
7:16 pm             zacsanford2:             @yingandyang This is the beat sheet I use. #scriptchat
7:16 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             Surely story dictates theme, or at least influences it? #scriptchat
7:16 pm             JLichtenberg:             Themes from gender issues -- yes, producers want "the same but different" in theme as well, and themes wear out. #scriptchat
7:16 pm             olilewington:             How broad can/should a theme be? "Gender issues" seems quite broad, can you/should you be more precise? #scriptchat
7:16 pm             JLichtenberg:             A theme can also be a fashion statement - political positions especially subject to whim of the public #scriptchat
7:17 pm             zacsanford2:             I know Toy Story 3 isn't out in the UK yet, but the theme of the story is abandonment. Then again, that is the theme of all 3. #scriptchat
7:17 pm             olilewington:             @Jonathan_Peace But Theme CAN dictates story, depending on your approach, I guess. #scriptchat
7:17 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Jonathan_Peace Or THEME DICTATES STORY - doesn't matter which way, in the end product, they must reflect each other #scriptchat
7:17 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington Well each of the three scripts "gender issues" is the broad theme, but each story is more defined. #scriptchat
7:17 pm             RockingtheRobin:             RT @JLichtenberg: How you work doesn't matter. End product must have theme as touchstone of choice of every image and action #scriptchat
7:18 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 "Abandonment" alone isn't a theme. "Never abandon anyone, even worst enemy" is a theme #scriptchat
7:18 pm             RockingtheRobin:             RT @JLichtenberg: easiest way to inject THEME is to take a positive statement and show don't tell - Always Read The Fine Print #scriptchat
7:18 pm             zacsanford2:             So I know some said they figure out theme once they go to rewrite, while I like to find mine in the outlining stage. #scriptchat
7:19 pm             JLichtenberg:             One reason writers shy from showing WIP around is that we work on one part, THEN another. THEME often comes in rewrite #scriptchat
7:19 pm             zacsanford2:             There is no wrong way to figure it out. Sometimes theme can dictate the story and sometimes the story can dictate the theme. #scriptchat
7:19 pm             The_Jodi:             Like "war is bad, peace is good" :) #scriptchat
7:19 pm             zacsanford2:             RT @JLichtenberg: easiest way to inject THEME is to take a positive statement and show dont tell - Always Read The Fine Print #scriptchat
7:19 pm             yingandyang:             RT @zacsanford2: @yingandyang This is the beat sheet I use. #scriptchat great! thanks.
7:19 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 oops, you said "find theme in rewrite" just as I was talking about it. #scriptchat
7:20 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @The_Jodi: Like "war is bad, peace is good" :) ==> yes that's a theme! #scriptchat
7:20 pm             zacsanford2:             @yingandyang If you don't know what the slang used in the beet sheet is, check out the @savethecat book. #scriptchat
7:20 pm             lupiilu:             I don't really write with theme in mind, but I always find it there anyway, I think in most cases theme is inherent #scriptchat
7:21 pm             lupiilu:             at least I find it that way, I think half the time you just have to figure out what you're trying to say and make it more overt #scriptchat
7:21 pm             scribe_diatribe:             As always in screenwriting I think an 'ultimate' definition of a term is a non-starter - people interpret things so differently #scriptchat
7:21 pm             zacsanford2:             Since it's a movie that I know many people have seen, what would you say is the theme for Avatar? There's a few answers. #scriptchat
7:21 pm             JLichtenberg:             Do "same but different" reverse the positive statement everyone else is making. ST did "WAR IS GOOD" via Klingons #scriptchat
7:21 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             No matter which way we inject theme into the script, finding it is fun. Painful... but fun LOL #scriptchat
7:21 pm             scribe_diatribe:             but what is important is knowing what you want to say in a story and through the characters #scriptchat
7:21 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @lupiilu Why, good evening :-) #scriptchat
7:21 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             RT @scribe_diatribe: but what is important is knowing what you want to say in a story and through the characters #scriptchat
7:22 pm             zacsanford2:             RT @scribe_diatribe: but what is important is knowing what you want to say in a story and through the characters #scriptchat
7:22 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @scribe_diatribe: an ultimate definition of a term is a non-starter - people interpret things so differently #scriptchat
7:22 pm             lupiilu:             @Jonathan_Peace hello Mr. Peace ;) #scriptchat
7:22 pm             yingandyang:             RT @zacsanford2: @yingandyang If you don't know what the slang used in the beet sheet is, check out the @savethecat book. #scriptchat Ta!
7:22 pm             JLichtenberg:             @scribe_diatribe Yes, TERMINOLOGY really doesn't matter. All pros use different words, but KNOW the working parts cold! #scriptchat
7:23 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: @yingandyang If you dont know what the slang used in the beet sheet is, check out the @savethecat book. #scriptchat
7:23 pm             zacsanford2:             I forgot who asked, but even a film like AN EDUCATION could be "gender issues" as a broad theme, but it goes deeper than that. #scriptchat
7:23 pm             JLichtenberg:             SAVE THE CAT! (all 3) are wondrous distillation, empirical analysis at its best. Some writers can only learn that way #scriptchat
7:24 pm             olilewington:             @zacsanford2 'Twas me - so Theme can start broad and become focused as the movie goes forward? #scriptchat
7:24 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Jonathan_Peace Sometimes ideas and whole CONCEPTS appear in mind via theme. Sometimes theme must be whittled out #scriptchat
7:25 pm             JLichtenberg:             "gender issues" is a subject; "gender doesn't matter in love" is a theme #scriptchat
7:25 pm             zacsanford2:             Exactly. RT @olilewington: so Theme can start broad and become focused as the movie goes forward? #scriptchat
7:25 pm             KarenSperling:             Zac, how do you describe theme? #scriptchat
7:25 pm             olilewington:             Do we think that Theme can be something that you can find in the re-write process, once you've told the story in the 1st draft? #scriptchat
7:26 pm             JLichtenberg:             I would say theme must START FOCUSED - stated clearly on pg 5, then can broaden. #scriptchat
7:26 pm             zacsanford2:             Whoa, my laptop just went all wonky. #scriptchat
7:26 pm             JLichtenberg:             Screen is diff from novels in that theme must be up front, and sharpened. And sub-theme is rare in a feature film #scriptchat
7:26 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @olilewington I strongly agree with that. I always write with story in mind first, then define the theme in the rewrite. #scriptchat
7:26 pm             JLichtenberg:             Sub-themes abound in TV series, though. #scriptchat
7:27 pm             fnafilms:             @olilewington - I think it can be found, or at least solidified in rewrites... #scriptchat
7:27 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @JLichtenberg gosh p.5! Isn't that a bit specific!? #scriptchat
7:27 pm             zacsanford2:             @JLichtenberg Whoops, i think I read @olliewington wrong. I meant when I'm outlining I can start broad and then focus as I write #scriptchat
7:27 pm             olilewington:             @Jonathan_Peace Do you think your story is strengthened by the search for Theme? #scriptchat
7:27 pm             zacsanford2:             What are you trying to say to the audience about an issue or idea. RT @KarenSperling: Zac, how do you describe theme? #scriptchat
7:27 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Jonathan_Peace One way to measure progress as a writer is to discover one is doing opposite of what one 'always' does #scriptchat
7:28 pm             zacsanford2:             Most is usually out there by 5 mins in, 10 tops. RT @scribe_diatribe: @JLichtenberg gosh p.5! Isnt that a bit specific!? #scriptchat
7:28 pm             The_Jodi:             @JLichtenberg It's also good for a Miss America latform. #scriptchat
7:28 pm             KarenSperling:             @zacsanford2 cool, thanks, that works for me! :-D #scriptchat
7:28 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 yes, definitely when WRITING start broad and SHARPEN. But sharpening on 3X5 card stage is best #scriptchat
7:28 pm             lupiilu:             @JLichtenberg I don't agree, I think theme should be something that is cogitated over, discovered, it's more enjoyable that way #scriptchat
7:28 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @olilewington Definately. On the new rewrite of my thriller script I focused on the theme of obsession in every line/action #scriptchat
7:29 pm             thewritertype:             #scriptchat I've never recommended a film to someone because of its theme.
7:29 pm             zacsanford2:             So even though your theme should be stated by 5-10 mins/pages in, you need to address it in every beat going forward. #scriptchat
7:29 pm             zacsanford2:             Perfect! RT @Jonathan_Peace: On the new rewrite of my thriller script I focused on the theme of obsession in every line/action #scriptchat
7:29 pm             olilewington:             Me neither. Significant? RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat Ive never recommended a film to someone because of its theme. #scriptchat
7:29 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 SAVE THE CAT beat sheet does specify which elements need to fall on what page of a 110 pger #scriptchat
7:29 pm             KarenSperling:             RT Theme definition @zacsanford2: What are you trying to say to the audience about an issue or idea. #scriptchat
7:30 pm             JLichtenberg:             I've timed a few award winning films and found Snyder's beat sheet works - but those are produced films, not draft scripts. #scriptchat
7:30 pm             zacsanford2:             @JLichtenberg I don't hold to the exact pages in the STC book as set in concrete, but somewhere in the ballpark. #scriptchat
7:30 pm             JLichtenberg:             Snyder says spec scripts need to conform to that beat sheet CLOSER than say, a contracted script #scriptchat
7:31 pm             olilewington:             RT @JLichtenberg: I would say theme must START FOCUSED - stated clearly on pg 5, then can broaden. #scriptchat
7:31 pm             lupiilu:             @Jonathan_Peace I think that for writers the theme is more obvious, but a reader/watcher should discover it slowly #scriptchat
7:31 pm             JLichtenberg:    has the beat sheet and examples of famous movies that conform #scriptchat
7:31 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @zacsanford2 I didn't write the initial draft with it in mind. I wrote a horror-thriller then started to scrape away the layers #scriptchat
7:32 pm             olilewington:             Because it's "expected"? RT @JLichtenberg: Snyder says spec scripts need to conform to beat sheet CLOSER than a contract script #scriptchat
7:32 pm             lupiilu:             @zacsanford2 I agree, even if we need to be closer, I think there has to be room for maneuver or the plot becomes stale #scriptchat
7:32 pm             JLichtenberg:             @lupiilu Oh, yes, POINT of writer knowing theme is that it must be SHOWN NOT TOLD so viewer can misconstrue and interpret #scriptchat
7:32 pm             zacsanford2:             A good logline should also give me an insight into what the theme will be. #scriptchat
7:32 pm             scribe_diatribe:             Hmmm.... I think european cinema may have a 'slower burn' regarding theme than US films... so the page 5 thing.. I don't know... #scriptchat
7:33 pm             KarenSperling:             RT @zacsanford2: A good logline should also give me an insight into what the theme will be. #scriptchat
7:33 pm             JLichtenberg:             @scribe_diatribe Oh, definitely Euro is DIFFERENT. & US is conforming to world standards b/c need to export #scriptchat
7:33 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe Yeah, the European film market is a little more laxed on the "rules" that seem to govern American cinema. #scriptchat
7:33 pm             JLichtenberg:             Lots of US viewers have developed taste for Euro style via TV #scriptchat
7:33 pm             scribe_diatribe:             Yes it can help the writer clarify! RT @zacsanford2: A good logline should also give me an insight into what the theme will be. #scriptchat
7:34 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @KarenSperling: RT @zacsanford2: A good logline should also give me an insight into what the theme will be. #scriptchat
7:34 pm             JLichtenberg:             Yes, LOGLINE is another reason theme must be clear in writers mind. Snyder says write logline, then 3X5 cards #scriptchat
7:34 pm             lupiilu:             @zacsanford2 ACK, as if I didn't have enough problems with loglines! lol #scriptchat
7:35 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @JLichtenberg yep I think that theme in euro films tend to be more an exploration rather than a 'this is it' approach... #scriptchat
7:35 pm             zacsanford2:             I'm one of the few who does the opposite. beat sheet then logline. RT @JLichtenberg: Snyder says write logline, then 3X5 cards #scriptchat
7:35 pm             JLichtenberg:             Writing non-fic essay requires keeping "what you are saying" in mind and tossing everything that doesn't say it Same in film #scriptchat
7:35 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe You'd be amazed though that a lot of foreign films still throw the broad theme up there in the beginning. #scriptchat
7:36 pm             olilewington:             I think the writing logline 1st is even more important in this world of identifying your audience as early as possible #totbo #scriptchat
7:36 pm             scribe_diatribe:             we are more philosophical you see... ;) #scriptchat
7:36 pm             zacsanford2:             So any questions on theme to be addressed? #scriptchat
7:36 pm             JLichtenberg:             Saleability in a specific market can easily depend on the THEME chosen, as well as how well it's illustrated #scriptchat
7:36 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             The logline and basic synopsis for my OTT horror script got a request for a read, but I'm not sure you could gauge theme from it #scriptchat
7:36 pm             lupiilu:             @zacsanford2 I haven't even though about logline, well I have but only in the ostrich head in the sand sort of way! #scriptchat
7:36 pm             JLichtenberg:             Producers eye markets, what ppl are interested in DISCUSSING, and theme is a way to discuss with viewer #scriptchat
7:37 pm             olilewington:             RT @JLichtenberg: Writing an essay requires keeping "what you are saying" in mind and tossing anything that doesnt. Same in film #scriptchat
7:37 pm             KarenSperling:             I highly recommend reading Lajos Egri's The Art of Dramatic Writing for how to come up with theme/premise. #scriptchat
7:37 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Jonathan_Peace Maybe you can't gauge theme from Ur logline, but producer might IMAGINE and hope? #scriptchat
7:37 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @KarenSperling: I highly recommend reading Lajos Egris The Art of Dramatic Writing for how to come up with theme/premise. #scriptchat
7:38 pm             zacsanford2:             RT @JLichtenberg: Writing an essay requires keeping "what you are saying" in mind and tossing anything that doesnt. Same in film #scriptchat
7:38 pm             zacsanford2:             RT @KarenSperling: I highly recommend reading Lajos Egris The Art of Dramatic Writing for how to come up with theme/premise. #scriptchat
7:38 pm             JLichtenberg:             @KarenSperling Most writers don't have trouble coming up with a theme - writers write b/c they have something to SAY #scriptchat
7:38 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @JLichtenberg We can but hope LOL #scriptchat
7:38 pm             JLichtenberg:             @KarenSperling problems start when figuring out HOW to say what's burning in Ur heart, and WHO to say it to. #scriptchat
7:38 pm             scribe_diatribe:             Maybe theme is more important to certain genres? Maybe theme isn't so important to action films for example? whatchathink? #scriptchat
7:39 pm             KarenSperling:             @JLichtenberg Um have you been reading what everyone's been typing haha. #scriptchat
7:39 pm             olilewington:             @JLichtenberg Maybe writers' problem can be being unable to IDENTIFY the theme, not think it up. #scriptchat
7:39 pm             thewritertype:             #scriptchat I don't get inspired to write a theme, I'm inspired to write a story. Theme emerges to shape the story.
7:40 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             The logline is: All that stands between freedom & gory death is a pregnant woman with a cricket bat. #scriptchat
7:40 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Jonathan_Peace Producers may often go searching for a particular thematic statement but not know it. more... #scriptchat
7:40 pm             lupiilu:             @JLichtenberg I agree with that, every script I do had a theme when I wrote the idea down, I think they call me opinionated! #scriptchat
7:40 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             Theme? #scriptchat
7:40 pm             olilewington:             RT @thewritertype: #scriptchat I dont get inspired to write a theme, rather to write a story. Theme emerges to shape the story. #scriptchat
7:40 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe Even action has a theme buried somewhere inside all the tense action. Can you guess the theme for Die Hard? #scriptchat
7:41 pm             olilewington:             @Jonathan_Peace So your theme is violence in pregnant women...? Hehe #scriptchat
7:41 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Jonathan_Peace so they put out a call for a Western set in New Mexico, or a RomCom set in Paris #scriptchat
7:41 pm             zacsanford2:             @Jonathan_Peace A guess at broad theme is survival. #scriptchat
7:41 pm             lupiilu:             @olilewington that's exactly what I think, theme, plot and story to me are inextricable from each other #scriptchat
7:41 pm             JLichtenberg:             @olilewington @thewritertype - yes, each writer is different, but so is each project. One day U will be inspired by theme ... #scriptchat
7:42 pm             KarenSperling:             RT @lupiilu: @olilewington thats exactly what I think, theme, plot and story to me are inextricable from each other #scriptchat
7:42 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 but surely action theme is as simple as 'good must fight to overcome evil'? Errr... I've not seen any Diehard! :) #scriptchat
7:42 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu I agree. #scriptchat
7:42 pm             JLichtenberg:             And when suddenly inspired by a theme, if U'v always started with story, U'll be bollixed but good #scriptchat
7:42 pm             writeononline:             @Jonathan_Peace Thanks for entering the Write On! Query Contest Screenplays & Teleplays #scriptchat
7:42 pm             olilewington:             I think there's sometimes a very fine line between story and theme in the "having something to say" camp #scriptchat
7:43 pm             JLichtenberg:             So as a skills acquisition exercise, start with a theme plucked from an Award winner U love - write a new story from it #scriptchat
7:43 pm             olilewington:             100% with you RT @lupiilu: Theme, plot and story to me are inextricable from each other #scriptchat
7:43 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe Action theme isn't always "good must fight to overcome evil", but sometimes you need to look into the B story. #scriptchat
7:43 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling thank you. I've never managed to get an idea down without finding theme already there #scriptchat
7:43 pm             JLichtenberg:             A prof screenwriter can start with whatever producer tosses at them and create all the rest to order under deadline #scriptchat
7:44 pm             JMMandel:             RT @thescriptlab: Script Theme: To Be or Not To Be #scriptchat
7:44 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu you know, sometimes people just get it without thinking about it. #scriptchat
7:44 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe Name an action film that hopefully I've seen and I'll try to figure out the theme. #scriptchat
7:44 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 ahhh the B-story... :) yes... although often action based movies don't seem to have a 'B'... good ones do I guess #scriptchat
7:44 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 Oh, B-STORY is where the theme RESIDES in a feature film! forgot to say that #scriptchat
7:44 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu like people who say they don't outline. I think they do it in their heads without thinking about it #scriptchat
7:44 pm             Vivanofthelake:             What, if you've a story, have the structure, have the plot, but not the beginning and a thin end? #scriptchat
7:44 pm             JLichtenberg:             B-Story is there mostly to explicate the theme, and usually B-story is reason writer wanted to spec that script #scriptchat
7:45 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 Oh dear... errr... I don't really 'do' action... let's think... um... Charlies Angels? #scriptchat
7:45 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Vivanofthelake To generate beg&end from other parts, see my essays on writing on #scriptchat
7:45 pm             lupiilu:             JP's been booted, he'll be back in a few minutes lol #scriptchat
7:45 pm             jeannevb:             @zacsanford2 sorry I can't send u the link to her post. Maybe search her name, #scriptchat & "theme" ???
7:46 pm             olilewington:             Wait a mo - Theme is in the B-story not the A-story? Or is that just for action? #scriptchat
7:46 pm             scribe_diatribe:             RT @JLichtenberg: B-Story is there mostly to explicate the theme, and usually the reason writer wanted to spec that script #scriptchat
7:46 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Vivanofthelake there is a method for generating the missing parts when subconscious tosses you an idea.. #scriptchat
7:46 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe It's been too long since I've seen it, but maybe @johnaugust is around to say the theme of Charlie's Angels. #scriptchat
7:46 pm             momentsoffilm:             @Vivanofthelake I'd say if you haven't got the beginning and a thin end then you haven't in fact got either structure or plot. #scriptchat
7:46 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             anti-sport? Third Trimester blues? #scriptchat
7:46 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington Theme is usually in the A-story, but can be exploited more within the B-story. #scriptchat
7:47 pm             olilewington:             @zacsanford2 Can you expand? Any examples? #scriptchat
7:47 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 Ummm... what about Kick Ass? Would you class that as action? #scriptchat
7:47 pm             zacsanford2:             I haven't been around for the UK chat recently, but did you guys also read Chinatown? What would be the theme of that? #scriptchat
7:48 pm             JLichtenberg:             @jeannevb I posted the links. Will repost. #scriptchat
7:48 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling I think we're all so opinionated that we can't help but write an opinionated story, isn't that what theme is? lol #scriptchat
7:48 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe Yes, Kick-Ass is an action film or superhero movie. #scriptchat
7:49 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 China Town - Isn't it about 'Sometimes it's better not to know the truth'? #scriptchat
7:49 pm             JLichtenberg:             @zacsanford2 Yes, theme is IN the A-story, but stated explicitly not implicitly in B-story, everything must illust. theme #scriptchat
7:49 pm             KarenSperling:             @zacsanford2 I'd say the theme for Chinatown is good doesn't always overcome evil. #scriptchat
7:49 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             I won't hammer down the theme until I do the rewrite. #scriptchat
7:50 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe If you look into why the kid became Kick-Ass, you can easily find the theme. It wasn't just to defeat evil. #scriptchat
7:50 pm             lupiilu:             RT @KarenSperling: @zacsanford2 Id say the theme for Chinatown is good doesnt always overcome evil. #scriptchat
7:50 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu haha true, but some (like me) need to look under the hood and see all the parts of a script listed and defined :-D #scriptchat
7:50 pm             JLichtenberg:             @lupiilu @KarenSperling yes, "opinion" is exactly where THEME comes from. If U don't do it consciously, it'll seep in sub-conly #scriptchat
7:51 pm             yingandyang:             RT @zacsanford2: IChinatown? What would be the theme of that? #scriptchat - corruption, moral, civic, redemption to an extent (Gittes)
7:51 pm             JLichtenberg:             Just remember what the WRITER intends to say with theme will not come across to all readers or viewers #scriptchat
7:52 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 Hmmm... wasn't it to 'get the girl?'... isn't that plot rather than theme... maybe I need to watch it again... #scriptchat
7:52 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling I'm the same, need to see all the moving parts before I understand. that's why it takes me so long to finish!>> #scriptchat
7:52 pm             JLichtenberg:             "What's the theme of CHINATOWN" is only 1 viewer's opinion. What writer does is opposite of what viewer does #scriptchat
7:53 pm             zacsanford2:             The genre that pisses me off the most about theme is RomComs. Too much of the same ideology. #scriptchat
7:53 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling it has nothing to do with procrastination! honestly. lol #scriptchat
7:53 pm             olilewington:             So is that a fail? RT @JLichtenberg: Remember what the WRITER intends to say w/ theme will nt come across to all readers/viewers #scriptchat
7:53 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu yeah me too, I"m hoping I've taken long enough and time to move forward :-D #scriptchat
7:53 pm             JLichtenberg:             U must write as if Ur saying something vital, but must realize few will get that out of what you write. LET THEM INTERPRET #scriptchat
7:53 pm             thescriptlab:             theme should permeate through nearly every choice in a screenplay. #scriptchat
7:54 pm             lupiilu:             @JLichtenberg hence why so many writers are so vocal on many issues, we're opinionated and passionate #scriptchat
7:54 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu no procrastination didn't occur to me. In my case, I've wanted to learn what I can about craft before moving forward. #scriptchat
7:54 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @zacsanford2 One of my scripts for 2011 is a rom-com. With serial killers. Theme: Love hurts. #scriptchat
7:54 pm             olilewington:             If theme is designed to be open to interpretation, why should it for a key part of a pitch? #scriptchat
7:54 pm             JLichtenberg:             @olilewington No, not a fail! U are ENTERTAINER, and payload you deliver is the thinking/feeling exploration of theme #scriptchat
7:54 pm             scribe_diatribe:             I like thinking about the theme when I write - a process of self-exploration and challenge and what makes the story 'yours' #scriptchat
7:55 pm             zacsanford2:             @scribe_diatribe I think the theme of Kick-Ass is to be something more and make a difference. Contrast Kick-Ass & Hit Girl. #scriptchat
7:55 pm             sdarancette:             @yingandyang My impression of the theme of CHINATOWN: Water is power. #scriptchat
7:55 pm             zacsanford2:             a twist. :) RT @Jonathan_Peace: @zacsanford2 One of my scripts for 2011 is a rom-com. With serial killers. Theme: Love hurts. #scriptchat
7:55 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling agree, I've done the same, recently told friend when I think I know it all that's when I stop #scriptchat
7:55 pm             JLichtenberg:             Viewer pays for an "Aha!" moment Deliver it by being explicit re theme in B-story, pervading A-story with it. SYMBOLISM #scriptchat
7:55 pm             scribe_diatribe:             Too right! lol RT @lupiilu: @JLichtenberg hence why so many writers are so vocal on many issues, were opinionated and passionate #scriptchat
7:56 pm             zacsanford2:             @olilewington Trust me, most readers ain't the best and brightest. Something is lost on everyone. Even me at times. #scriptchat
7:56 pm             thewritertype:             @JLichtenberg #scriptchat I start with what works for me. When I'm inspired by a theme I write a column.
7:56 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 kick ass - yep that works... :) #scriptchat
7:56 pm             fnafilms:             I remember years ago a newspaper got famous authors to sit GCSEs exams on their books - they ALL failed (didn't know own theme) #scriptchat
7:56 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu haha i think that's a pretty big goal. For me, it's when I know "enough." :-D #scriptchat
7:57 pm             KarenSperling:             so zac who wins the grand chinatown theme prize? :-D #scriptchat
7:57 pm             JLichtenberg:             @olilewington Theme is key pt of pitch b/c theme determines audience. Ppl pay for entertainment #scriptchat
7:57 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling lol, put that wrong, what I was telling him was this is a trade where you're always learning he thought he knew > #scriptchat
7:58 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling it all already and didn't have to work at it anymore, I meant that if I thought I knew it all, then I knew >> #scriptchat
7:58 pm             zacsanford2:             @KarenSperling Ha ha. I have to go back through it all. Two were good for sure, even with different answers. #scriptchat
7:58 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling that I knew nothing and should give up #scriptchat
7:58 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: @olilewington Trust me, most readers aint the best and brightest. Something is lost on everyone. Even me #scriptchat
7:58 pm             olilewington:             @fnafilms That's got the be rubbish, though, because they may have written a different theme to the popularly perceived one #scriptchat
7:58 pm             KarenSperling:             @zacsanford2 haha what about MINE :-D #scriptchat
7:59 pm             JLichtenberg:             CHINATOWN - point is that viewer sees ambiguous, personalized theme. Writer however must work to a pointed statement #scriptchat
7:59 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu yes I agree :-D #scriptchat
7:59 pm             thewritertype:             RT @Jonathan_Peace: @zacsanford2 One of my scripts for 2011 is a rom-com. With serial killers. Theme: Love hurts. #scriptchat
7:59 pm             zacsanford2:             So that's it for the chat this week. It was a fun and lively discussion about theme and how to execute it. #scriptchat
8:00 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu A wise man is a fool because he thinks he's wise. A fool is a wise man because he knows he's a fool. :-D #scriptchat
8:00 pm             olilewington:             @Jlichtenberg @zacsanford2 I guess the fear is that putting so much emphasis on your theme means you're deflated if ppl miss it #scriptchat
8:00 pm             jeannevb:             @JLichtenberg thanks so much! Hate missing EURO #scriptchat
8:00 pm             zacsanford2:             No matter which way you get to your theme, just make sure in your final draft that every scene points to what you're saying. #scriptchat
8:00 pm             JLichtenberg:             Theme is objective from writer's POV and totally subjective from viewer's. Thus resulting film is disappointing to writer #scriptchat
8:01 pm             lupiilu:             @KarenSperling and I'm certainly a fool! lol #scriptchat
8:01 pm             JLichtenberg:             Theme is where writer communicates with viewer's subconscious #scriptchat
8:01 pm             zacsanford2:             As always, I'm really @zacsanford and can be found there. I'm still around for a bit to continue discussions in an open topic. #scriptchat
8:01 pm             KarenSperling:             @zacsanford2 thanks for hosting and for the great 411 :-D #scriptchat
8:01 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @jeannevb It's because of our drinking laws, right? Not so much tequilla over here. #scriptchat
8:01 pm             scribe_diatribe:             Thanks Zac :) RT @zacsanford2: So thats it for the chat this week. #scriptchat
8:01 pm             JLichtenberg:             And so theme appears strongest in symbolism #scriptchat
8:01 pm             zacsanford2:             @jeannevb Let me know if you're able to pull the transcript, I'll be around for a bit and can copy and paste. #scriptchat
8:01 pm             KarenSperling:             @lupiilu :-D #scriptchat
8:02 pm             olilewington:             Thanks to @zacsanford2 for stepping into the breech for tonight's #scriptchat
8:02 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @zacsanford2 Thanks for the chat tonight. really enjoyed it! #scriptchat
8:02 pm             lupiilu:             ooo I like that. RT @JLichtenberg: Theme is where writer communicates with viewers subconscious #scriptchat
8:02 pm             zacsanford2:             I think I'm going to get alcohol poisoning when @jeannevb is in town next week. I must give my condolences to my liver now. #scriptchat
8:02 pm             olilewington:             Good chat, everyone - see you next week & happy writing! #scriptchat
8:02 pm             yingandyang:             RT @sdarancette: @yingandyang My impression of theme of CHINATOWN: Water is power. #scriptchat Yes, water 's arecurrent theme, visually too
8:02 pm             lupiilu:             @jeannevb hi hun, missed you tonight. xx #scriptchat
8:03 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 i think zacstanford2 is cuter... than version 1... ;) #scriptchat
8:03 pm             Poetic_line:             @JLichtenberg Can you give an example of theme vs subtheme pls #scriptchat
8:03 pm             zacsanford2:             Next week will have guest host @kageyNYC. #scriptchat
8:03 pm             lupiilu:             hear hear. very well done. x RT @olilewington: Thanks to @zacsanford2 for stepping into the breech for tonights #scriptchat
8:03 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @zacsanford2: Next week will have guest host @kageyNYC. #scriptchat
8:03 pm             jeannevb:             @zacsanford2 *waves* #scriptchat #bakinginsunediting
8:04 pm             lupiilu:             lol RT @scribe_diatribe: @zacsanford2 i think zacstanford2 is cuter... than version 1... ;) #scriptchat
8:04 pm             JLichtenberg:             @Poetic_line Theme vs. sub-theme laid out explicitly in #scriptchat
8:04 pm             zacsanford2:             @jeannevb I'm chatting in the sun, overlooking Hollywood Blvd and the Hollywood sign. Nice day in LA today. #scriptchat
8:05 pm             momentsoffilm:             Have a good week's writing, all.:) #scriptchat
8:05 pm             Poetic_line:             @JLichtenberg Thanks so much. #scriptchat
8:05 pm             zacsanford2:             This avatar is from my Porntourage character @scribe_diatribe: I think @zacsanford2 is cuter... than version 1... ;) #scriptchat
8:06 pm             lupiilu:             @momentsoffilm you too. :) #scriptchat
8:06 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             Again - jealous! RT @zacsanford2: Im chatting in the sun, overlooking Hollywood Blvd and the Hollywood sign. Nice day in LA. #scriptchat
8:07 pm             yingandyang:             #scriptchat nice one Zac!
8:07 pm             scribe_diatribe:             @zacsanford2 You're lucky I'm not in LA... ;) Have a good evening... over and out. #scriptchat
8:08 pm             yingandyang:             @momentsoffilm #scriptchat you too!
8:08 pm             thewritertype:             @jeannevb #scriptchat. Themes emerge from the unconscious. Tequila makes me unconscious. Therefore Theme = Tequila.
8:08 pm             JLichtenberg:             RT @olilewington: @JLichtenberg Maybe writers' problem can be being unable to IDENTIFY the theme, not think it up. #scriptchat
8:09 pm             JLichtenberg:             @olilewington #scriptchat - just saw this - yes, theme is in writer's subconscious. WRITERS train to look into subconscious
8:10 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             Because I mentioned the word pregnancy in a tweet about my script I now have 2 preggo bots following me WTF? #scriptchat
8:10 pm             thewritertype:             @zacsanford2 Thank you for your gracious and discerning hosting of #scriptchat
8:11 pm             lupiilu:             @thewritertype just as @jeannevb always suspected #scriptchat
8:11 pm             zacsanford2:             @Jonathan_Peace Yikes. Stupid twitter bots. Oh wait, I said bots and will probably be followed by more bots. #scriptchat
8:12 pm             lupiilu:             @Jonathan_Peace lol, I have several on property in L.A. I didn't even mention moving to L.A.! #scriptchat
8:13 pm             Jonathan_Peace:             @zacsanford2 Is US chat also about Theme tonight? #scriptchat
8:13 pm             zacsanford2:             @Jonathan_Peace Yep, same thing at the US chat tonight. #scriptchat

USA chat:

jeannevb:                it's #scriptchat  O'CLOCK as @DreamsGrafter likes to say :)
            jmiewald:             Going into #scriptchat
            jeannevb:             talking THEME tonight .... get set... go! #scriptchat
            GCGeek:             Ready! RT @jeannevb: Everyone have your Fathers Day liquor ready? #scriptchat
            GinySassenach:             Hello everyone! #scriptchat
            cinematicshot:             @jeannevb Tequila? #scriptchat
            writeononline:             Hi all, Wanted to poke in & remind everyone Screenplay & Teleplay Query Contest deadline is 6/30. #scriptchat
            jeannevb:             for all our dad #screenwriters... Happy Father's Day! #scriptchat
            colormejazzpink:             RT @jeannevb: talking THEME tonight .... get set... go! #scriptchat
12:01 am             jeannevb:             EURO chat was hosted by @zacsanford. Can't wait to read the transcript #scriptchat
12:01 am             GCGeek:             Thanks! Hello everyone! RT @jeannevb: for all our dad #screenwriters... Happy Fathers Day! #scriptchat
12:01 am             davidspies:             RT @jeannevb: it's #scriptchat O'CLOCK as @DreamsGrafter likes to say :)
12:01 am             jeannevb:             RT @writeononline: Hi all, Wanted to remind everyone Screenplay & Teleplay Query Contest deadline is 6/30. #scriptchat
12:01 am             jeannevb:             always ;) RT @cinematicshot: @jeannevb Tequila? #scriptchat
12:02 am             UncompletedWork:             /Merrel Chills on in/ #scriptchat
12:02 am             zacsanford2:             An article on theme (aka the script's DNA) by @johnaugust #scriptchat
12:02 am             cinematicshot:             So today's theme is theme? #scriptchat
12:02 am             jeannevb:             Great book on use of theme in screenwriting by Dara Marks The Inside Story #scriptchat
12:03 am             Story_Craft:             All #storycraft chatters who are interested or involved in screenwriting, don't forget @jeannevb's #scriptchat is starting NOW!!
12:03 am             jeannevb:             @ruminski #scriptchat is on... talking theme if you're around ;)
12:03 am             writeononline:             Thx 4 the RT @jeannevb aka pro judge 4 Screenplay & Teleplay Query Contest deadline is 6/30. #scriptchat
12:03 am             GinySassenach:             Feed is going very slow?? #scriptchat
12:03 am             Danisidhe:             RT @Story_Craft: All #storycraft chatters who are interested in screenwriting, don't forget @jeannevb's #scriptchat is starting NOW!!
12:03 am             zacsanford2:             We're totally meta. RT @cinematicshot: So todays theme is theme? #scriptchat
12:04 am             jeannevb:             @Story_Craft ;) thanks for the pimpin of #scriptchat
12:04 am             DoubleNW:             @jeannevb EURO #scriptchat was good... I hopped n 2 read what was going on.
12:04 am             jeannevb:             @WriteOnOnline hope you get some good entries! #scriptchat #contest
12:05 am             TheWriteScript:             Question...are there some themes that never get old? #scriptchat
12:05 am             jeannevb:             ok, so let's start w some basics. Do u all consider theme right away or do you play w the story a bit first? #scriptchat
12:05 am             jeannevb:             @DoubleNW def going to have to read the transcript of EURO :) #scriptchat
12:06 am             sunspotpictures:             #Scriptchat What typically pulls you into writing a screenplay first? Desire to explore a theme or a specific story/concept?
12:06 am             zacsanford2:             I put theme 3rd in my outlining faze. I figure ending beat, first beat and then theme to help get through the middle act. #scriptchat
12:06 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures for me, its usually concept/hook first, then I apply theme to the chars choices #scriptchat
12:07 am             cinematicshot:             Story first. Otherwise, it becomes too conceptual. #scriptchat
12:07 am             GCGeek:             @zacsanford2 I like the article "You feel it when it?s there, and notice it when it?s missing" #scriptchat
12:07 am             AllInky:             Theme tends to emerge through developing character and then specific story points, at least for me. #scriptchat
12:08 am             KatherineCahoon:             I always start with theme. #scriptchat
12:08 am             GCGeek:             Personally, I have trouble with "theme". I can't define it but feel if it's missing. Is it organic or can it be taught? #scriptchat
12:08 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jeannevb: @sunspotpictures for me, its usually concept/hook first, then I apply theme to the chars choices #scriptchat
12:08 am             UncompletedWork:             I think about theme when I begin to write. Theme organically arises from story development./have a sense of direction early #scriptchat
12:08 am             jeannevb:             hey @ozzywood you around for #scriptchat? Talking THEME
12:08 am             sunspotpictures:             @jeannevb Interesting, so you use theme to help define your characters #scriptchat
12:09 am             UncompletedWork:             @sunspotpictures Honestly, the spark of the idea (if it has legs) pulls me into a quick writing frenzy #scriptchat
12:09 am             cinematicshot:             @AllInky Me too. If I start with theme in mind, it can be too soapboxy #scriptchat
12:09 am             zacsanford2:             From the Euro chat earlier, everyone had a different way to theme. Some had it up front while others found it during rewrites. #scriptchat
12:10 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures Depends. Choice they make under pressure often speaks to theme. Usually prot & ant make opposite choice #scriptchat
12:10 am             cinematicshot:             @zacsanford2 I use it similarly, as a means to make it more cohesive. #scriptchat
12:10 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures at least in the script I'm working on now... not in all #scriptchat
12:10 am             PitchfestBob:             I ask myself 2 questions: What is my theme, and how can I best use zombies to express that theme? #scriptchat
12:10 am             jeannevb:             When you pitch, you better know your theme. #scriptchat
12:11 am             sunspotpictures:             @GCGeek think theme is organic -- that piece of the human experience you're specially focusing on/exploring. #scriptchat
12:11 am             KatherineCahoon:             The personality of my main character always enbodies the theme, and the other characters are caught up in this orbit. #scriptchat
12:11 am             sdarancette:             Here I am. Variation on a THEME #scriptchat. Perhaps I will chime in occasionally and embarrass myself.
12:11 am             LisaFromNYC:             when reflecting on the char, the theme comes 2 shape/drive him/her #scriptchat
12:11 am             zacsanford2:             Because if I don't get it from your pitch, I'll surely ask you. #gapf RT @jeannevb: When you pitch, you better know your theme. #scriptchat
12:12 am             GCGeek:             @sunspotpictures I think it's organic, too. And then I saw Merrel say it too so it must be true. :-D #scriptchat
12:12 am             Chuklz:             RT @PitchfestBob: I ask myself 2 questions: What is my theme, and how can I best use zombies to express that theme? #scriptchat
12:12 am             AllInky:             I suspect it's different for everyone, but, for me, theme tends to be rooted in a particular character's wants vs. needs. #scriptchat
12:12 am             cinematicshot:             RT @zacsanford2: Because if I don't get it from your pitch, I'll surely ask you. #gapf RT @jeannevb: When you pitch, you better know your theme. #scriptchat
12:12 am             jeannevb:             ha! *waves* RT @PitchfestBob: I ask myself 2 questions: What is my theme, and how can I best use zombies to express that theme? #scriptchat
12:12 am             sunspotpictures:             Yeah, there's theme entrenched in everything. If you can find it, I think at the very least it helps focus a screenplay. #scriptchat
12:13 am             Chuklz:             Theme is irrelevant. Its a by product of plot. Plot reflects character choices. Character defines all. #scriptchat
12:13 am             UncompletedWork:             As writers do you think about musical terms like "leitmotif" and how they relate to your characters thematic space? #scriptchat
12:13 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jeannevb: Depends. Choice they make under pressure often speaks to theme. Usually prot & ant make opposite choice #scriptchat
12:13 am             cinematicshot:             I find the theme in the dilemma the character has to face at the climax. #scriptchat
12:14 am             jeannevb:             Let ur chars choices reinforce the theme. Can also use theme to give u ideas to push thru Act 2 #scriptchat
12:14 am             GinySassenach:             Computer keeps freezing up? #scriptchat
12:14 am             DoubleNW:             Until 2day I hadn't thought about theme @ all so I went through my scripts/gladly found what I was looking 4! #scriptchat
12:14 am             jeannevb:             @GinySassenach reboot #scriptchat
12:15 am             jeannevb:             phew! RT @DoubleNW: Until 2day I hadnt thought about theme @ all so I went through my scripts/gladly found what I was looking 4! #scriptchat
12:15 am             sunspotpictures:             Anyone approach theme as something they'd like to say or get off their chest when they begin a screenplay? #scriptchat
12:15 am             WriterSchilf:             I used to think theme was unnecessary. But now I know it's the most important element. Every story should have a point/meaning. #scriptchat
12:15 am             jeannevb:             My first script, some1 asked me what the theme was and I had no freakin' idea haha... prob why it stunk ;) #scriptchat
12:15 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jeannevb: Let ur chars choices reinforce the theme. Can also use theme to give u ideas to push thru Act 2 #scriptchat
12:15 am             GCGeek:             For me, examples are great. How about a few themes through films we know? Or films that were lacking a strong theme? #scriptchat
12:16 am             KatherineCahoon:             If the theme is too simplified, I find that the work becomes predictable. #scriptchat
12:16 am             UncompletedWork:             Hang tight team. Switching computers #scriptchat
12:16 am             jmiewald:             Theme is important but please avoid pretentious preachiness. #scriptchat
12:16 am             ruminski:             Ultimately, theme informs the meaning & impact of your piece. Good stories can be forgettable, great themes stick #scriptchat
12:16 am             DoubleNW:             I also noticed that my themes r very apparent fairly quick as well. #scriptchat
12:16 am             jeannevb:             Theme is what sits with the viewer long after the film is over. It can be haunting if done well #scriptchat
12:16 am             WriterSchilf:             Check out this short article on theme. Sums it up perfectly. #scriptchat
12:17 am             jeannevb:             @ruminski ha... just tweeted something similar ;) Great minds... #scriptchat
12:17 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @WriterSchilf: I used to think theme unnecessary. Now I know its most important element. Evry story shld have point/meaning. #scriptchat
12:17 am             jeannevb:             @ruminski I knew we'd lure you in mwhahaha #TequilagetsyouthroughMondays #scriptchat
12:18 am             cinematicshot:             Some movie examples? #scriptchat
12:18 am             Chuklz:             You give 2 authors the same logline you could end up with 2 diff themes. RT @sunspotpictures: ne1 approach theme as? #scriptchat
12:18 am             jeannevb:             RT @WriterSchilf: Check out this short article on theme. Sums it up perfectly. #scriptchat
12:18 am             jmiewald:             I think hammering the theme has become one of the worst things about modern screenwriters. #scriptchat
12:18 am             davidspies:             RT @chuklz You give 2 authors the same logline you could end up with 2 diff themes. RT @sunspotpictures: ne1 approach theme as? #scriptchat
12:19 am             sunspotpictures:             @jmiewald Yes, theme focuses a story, but can't be overt. Should be the cement foundation you never see. #scriptchat
12:19 am             WriterSchilf:             A story is an interesting character who wants something and is having trouble getting it. But theme is what it's really about? #scriptchat
12:19 am             Chuklz:             @jmiewald I agree its kind of cart before the horse if you ask me. #scriptchat
12:19 am             GinySassenach:             RT @cinematicshot: I find the theme in the dilemma the character has to face at the climax. #scriptchat
12:19 am             jmiewald:             @sunspotpictures Yeah, the best themes for me have come as absolute surprises #scriptchat
12:20 am             jeannevb:             I see a new THEME section being formed on our blog w these helpful links. #scriptchat
12:20 am             sdarancette:             I often don't consider theme before I start a script. The story comes about and hopefully a meaningful theme occurs organically. #scriptchat
12:20 am             ruminski:             Theme separates true writers from dilettantes. It's about purpose. If you're not saying anything substantive, what's the point? #scriptchat
12:20 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jmiewald: @sunspotpictures Yeah, the best themes for me have come as absolute surprises #scriptchat
12:20 am             VictoriaInVerse:             RT @UncompletedWork: I think abt theme when I begin to write... #scriptchat <-I start w/character. Once I know my characters I know my story
12:21 am             DoubleNW:             With my 1st script I was just writing. Same with the other 3. I just write when 'the voices' start talking. #scriptchat
12:21 am             cinematicshot:             I tend to dislike movies that are heavyhanded with theme. Like Crash. #scriptchat
12:21 am             ruminski:             @jeannevb saw that -- indeed! *grin* #scriptchat
12:21 am             Chuklz:             @WriterSchilf It (theme) is the by product of the author's voice and reason for writing #scriptchat
12:21 am             jmiewald:             @ruminski The point of entertainment is to entertain. If you want to send a message... #scriptchat
12:21 am             WriterSchilf:             When you pitch, you might say the protagonist's objective is to get the girl in the end, but theme is really about acceptance #scriptchat
12:22 am             jeannevb:             @ruminski *giggle* #scriptchat
12:22 am             GCGeek:             And theme isn't really "moral of the story", right? It's not about preaching or hammering ideals into the viewer's head. #scriptchat
12:22 am             leezachariah:             @ruminski It's why Buffy will be remembered when, say, Charmed won't be. Charmed is about witches. Buffy is about growing up. #scriptchat
12:22 am             sunspotpictures:             Theme sort of literally answers "what's the point" #scriptchat
12:22 am             AllInky:             Entertainment is a goal in itself, not every script has to be about deep meaning - but a cohesive belief adds something. imho #scriptchat
12:22 am             GinySassenach:             RT @ruminski: Ultimately, theme informs the meaning & impact of your piece. Good stories can be forgettable, great themes stick #scriptchat
12:22 am             jeannevb:             theme makes whole story richer RT @jmiewald: @ruminski point of entertainment is to entertain. If you want to send a message... #scriptchat
12:22 am             ruminski:             @cinematicshot CRASH didn't work because it had a theme that was 2% substance, 98% cliche and melodrama. #scriptchat
12:23 am             WriterSchilf:             @Chuklz Agree. Regardless of genre, there must be a point. What is it the writer is trying to say, suggest, imply, or propagate #scriptchat
12:23 am             readerproof:             Without a great theme, you end up with Transformers 2. And no one wants to end up like Transformers 2. #scriptchat
12:23 am             jeannevb:             @jmiewald ... hence a richer story IS more entertaining @ruminski #scriptchat
12:23 am             GinySassenach:             RT @jeannevb: Theme is what sits with the viewer long after the film is over. It can be haunting if done well #scriptchat
12:23 am             jmiewald:             Well everything has some kind of theme, even if it is as simple as "You have to kill a lot of ninjas to get the girl" #scriptchat
12:24 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @WriterSchilf: @Chuklz Regardless of genre, must be a point. What is writer is trying to say, suggest, imply, or propagate #scriptchat
12:24 am             UncompletedWork:             /cue piano/ Stan: "You see, I learned something today..." #scriptchat
12:24 am             jmiewald:             @jeannevb You are going to have to prove that. #scriptchat
12:24 am             jeannevb:             amen! RT @readerproof: Without a great theme, you end up with Transformers 2. And no one wants to end up like Transformers 2. #scriptchat
12:24 am             WriterSchilf:             You don't have to start out with a theme, though. But by the end of the script, if you haven't discovered one, you got a problem #scriptchat
12:24 am             cinematicshot:             @ruminski So true #scriptchat
12:24 am             ruminski:             @jmiewald no reason that a good writer can't do both. #scriptchat
12:25 am             KatherineCahoon:             @readerproof Watch that! I know that producer and he put his heart into it:) #scriptchat
12:25 am             jeannevb:             baby, I will... u just keep watching me ;) RT @jmiewald: @jeannevb You are going to have to prove that. #scriptchat
12:25 am             richardhartley:             RT @cinematicshot: I tend to dislike movies that are heavyhanded with theme. Like Crash. #scriptchat
12:25 am             diannesalerni:             RT @WriterSchilf U dont have to start with a theme, but by the end of the script, if U havent discovered one, U got a problem #scriptchat
12:25 am             jmiewald:             @ruminski True #scriptchat
12:25 am             cinematicshot:             RT @WriterSchilf: You don't have to start out with a theme, though. But by the end of the script, if you haven't discovered one, you got a problem #scriptchat
12:25 am             AllInky:             Both HAPPY FEET and SURF'S UP are about a penguin's quest for whatever. Happy Feet, I remember; Surf's Up, I don't. ? Theme. #scriptchat
12:25 am             Chuklz:             @WriterSchilf Yes! and theme arises from that expression. Its about listening to the muse. #scriptchat
12:25 am             jeannevb:             @neoelectricity agree. I write story & theme evolves from it. I tend to focus more on theme in rewrites than draft 1 #scriptchat
12:26 am             jmiewald:             @jeannevb You gotta entertain first or no one will watch #scriptchat
12:26 am             cinematicshot:             And if you've discovered you have two or three competing themes, you also got a problem #scriptchat
12:26 am             richardhartley:             RT @SunspotPictures: Theme sort of literally answers "what's the point" #scriptchat
12:26 am             sdarancette:             However, although I don't consider theme before a story, I do often end up writing stories with similar themes. #scriptchat
12:26 am             GinySassenach:             Someone suggest a movie that had a great theme #scriptchat
12:27 am             ruminski:             RT @leezachariah: @ruminski It's why Buffy will be remembered when, say, Charmed won't be. Charmed is about witches. Buffy is about growing up. #scriptchat
12:27 am             LynneRice:             RT @leezachariah: @ruminski It's why Buffy will be remembered when, say, Charmed won't be. Charmed is about witches. Buffy is about growing up. #scriptchat
12:27 am             WriterSchilf:             It's easy to say it's a comedy about this or a drama about that, but you must know that its really about love, identity, truth.. #scriptchat
12:27 am             jeannevb:             @jmiewald absolutely. I tend to write draft 1 heavily focused on story & rich chars. Theme emerges in rewrites for me #scriptchat
12:27 am             cinematicshot:             RT @jeannevb: @neoelectricity agree. I write story & theme evolves from it. I tend to focus more on theme in rewrites than draft 1 #scriptchat
12:27 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @cinematicshot: And if you've discovered you have two or three competing themes, you also got a problem #scriptchat
12:27 am             Chuklz:             @GinySassenach District 9 has GREAT theme #scriptchat
12:28 am             WriterSchilf:             remember, there are multiple themes as well. Often each character arc has his/her own theme - what a character learns/changes #scriptchat
12:28 am             jeannevb:             Its easier to have a main theme & sub themes in novels... not in scripts. #scriptchat
12:28 am             sunspotpictures:             Do you find you explore similar themes again and again, or jump to different subjects? #scriptchat
12:28 am             Chuklz:             RT @leezachariah: It's why Buffy will be remembered, Charmed won't be. Charmed is about witches. Buffy is about growing up. #scriptchat
12:29 am             jmiewald:             @Chuklz See, I would say District 9 was ham-fisted and obnoxious with its theme. It would have been better without it. #scriptchat
12:29 am             jeannevb:             different RT @sunspotpictures: Do you find you explore similar themes again and again, or jump to different subjects? #scriptchat
12:29 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jeannevb: Its easier to have a main theme & sub themes in novels... not in scripts. #scriptchat
12:29 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures if ur exploring same theme over & over... go to therapy so you can move on ;) #scriptchat
12:29 am             jmiewald:             @GinySassenach Pulp Fiction handled theme well in my opinion. #scriptchat
12:30 am             WriterSchilf:             Some themes are obvious. Hotel Rwanda... the political, social, cultural, theme of man's inhumanity to man: genocide, but... #scriptchat
12:30 am             Chuklz:             @jmiewald Define what you saw as the theme in D9. Is it the same as every1 else? #scriptchat
12:30 am             ruminski:             Theme separates the people who care about their craft as a writer from those who want to 'make it big in Hollywood, baby!' #scriptchat
12:30 am             sunspotpictures:             haha! RT @jeannevb: if ur exploring same theme over & over... go to therapy so you can move on ;) #scriptchat
12:31 am             jeannevb:             :) RT @sunspotpictures: haha! RT @jeannevb: if ur exploring same theme over & over... go to therapy so you can move on ;) #scriptchat
12:31 am             sdarancette:             #breakingbad is a great tv show that has distinct, unique yet subtle themes in just about every episode #scriptchat.
12:31 am             jmiewald:             @Chuklz How would I know what every individual thinks? #scriptchat
12:31 am             Chuklz:             I am attracted to similar. RT @sunspotpictures: Do you find you explore similar themes again and again, or different subjects? #scriptchat
12:31 am             DoubleNW:             @GinySassenach The First Wives Club... Theme :) Better urself/get that money!! #scriptchat
12:32 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures seriously, I am a HUGE believer in the benefits of therapy for my writing. Char evolution on the couch. #scriptchat
12:32 am             GinySassenach:             To Kill a Mockingbird is about to celebrate it's 50 yr. What do you think of the theme? Anyone? #scriptchat
12:32 am             Chuklz:             My therapist said my work is good! RT @jeannevb: if ur exploring same theme over & over... go to therapy so you can move on ;) #scriptchat
12:32 am             davidspies:             If there's no real point 2 your story, perhaps ur idea is not worth pursuing. If there?s a message to be gleaned, stick with it. #scriptchat
12:32 am             cinematicshot:             The theme of Jonah Hex is don't just make a film because it's based on a comic book :) #scriptchat
12:32 am             jeannevb:             RT @ruminski: Theme separates the ppl who care about their craft as a writer fr those who want 2 make it big in Hollywood, baby! #scriptchat
12:33 am             Chuklz:             @jmiewald Conversation #scriptchat
12:33 am             zacsanford2:             Similar broad themes, but dif specific themes. RT @sunspotpictures: Do you find you explore similar themes again and again? #scriptchat
12:33 am             sdarancette:             I think the #fifa world cup has a running theme right now: "Never underestimate the little guy." #scriptchat
12:33 am             sunspotpictures:             @jeannevb You mean writing as therapy, or therapy as a conduit to better writing? #scriptchat
12:33 am             jmiewald:             RT@cinematicshot The theme of Jonah Hex is don't just make a film because it's based on a comic book :) #scriptchat
12:33 am             moneymakermj:             Or make a web series RT @sunspotpictures: RT @jeannevb: if ur exploring same theme over&over... go 2 therapy so u can move on #scriptchat
12:33 am             jeannevb:             @chuklz I firmly believe if you can't evolve urself, u won't have the balls to evolve ur chars #scriptchat #therapy
12:33 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @cinematicshot: The theme of Jonah Hex is don't just make a film because it's based on a comic book :) #scriptchat
12:33 am             LisaFromNYC:             *ouch* RT @cinematicshot The theme of Jonah Hex is don't just make a film because it's based on a comic book :) #scriptchat
12:34 am             cinematicshot:             I think Pixar's really good about theme #scriptchat
12:34 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures therapy as a conduit to better writing. Abso-f'ing-lutely! U HAVE to be able to evolve to write evolved chars #scriptchat
12:34 am             WriterSchilf:             @davidspies but the message shouldn't be necessarily be telegraphed. It's fine to entertain first with a subtle theme within. #scriptchat
12:34 am             jeannevb:             @moneymakermj web series would work too :) #scriptchat
12:35 am             GinySassenach:             @cinematicshot Now I like Jonah Hex..but remember it is a comic book! #scriptchat
12:35 am             garnerhaines:             @GinySassenach What does anyone think of an author who only wrote one novel EVER? #scriptchat
12:35 am             jmiewald:             "No man is an island" is a theme that can be used for just about any story if you get stuck in a pitch session #scriptchat
12:35 am             sunspotpictures:             @moneymakermj Good point. At the same time look at HQ TV series and how theme can change season to season. #scriptchat
12:35 am             Chuklz:             @jeannevb We tell the same stories over and over. We've become the shamans of society. Some of us specialize #scriptchat
12:35 am             WriterSchilf:             Even cheesy slasher films have theme: there is a reason the teens having sex die first. The church should be happy. #scriptchat
12:35 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jeannevb: therapy as a conduit to better writing. Abso-f'ing-lutely! U HAVE to be able to evolve to write evolved chars #scriptchat
12:35 am             jeannevb:             ha RT @jmiewald: "No man is an island" is a theme that can be used for just about any story if you get stuck in a pitch session #scriptchat
12:35 am             moneymakermj:             different RT @sunspotpictures: Do you find you explore similar themes again and again, or jump to different subjects? #scriptchat
12:35 am             KatherineCahoon:             I think a sexy film can cover over a bad theme:) #scriptchat
12:36 am             sdarancette:             Gotta go have dinner, the theme is "Father's Day" or is that the occasion or the genre? #scriptchat
12:36 am             ruminski:             RT @davidspies: If there's no real point 2 your story, perhaps ur idea is not worth pursuing. If there?s a message to be gleaned, stick with it. #scriptchat
12:36 am             readerproof:             When you break Buffy down, even every season had it's own theme. A great show to study theme. And ass kicking. #scriptchat
12:36 am             Chuklz:             @jeannevb But I don't disagree with you on evolution ;) #scriptchat
12:36 am             jeannevb:             @Chuklz yes, specializing is cool. If it works, do it. I'm more of a Sybil ;) #scriptchat
12:36 am             garnerhaines:             I think theme is more unconscious, or rather it should be. #scriptchat
12:37 am             AllInky:             Hex has a theme, "Personal morality is the compass in difficult times." Pretty basic, universal, and common really. #scriptchat
12:37 am             jeannevb:             I hope 1 writer who hadn't thought of theme will after tonight #justsayin #scriptchat
12:37 am             Chuklz:             There are no bad themes. Only bad writers. RT @KatherineCahoon: I think a sexy film can cover over a bad theme:) #scriptchat
12:38 am             cinematicshot:             RT @readerproof: When you break Buffy down, even every season had it's own theme. A great show to study theme. And ass kicking. #scriptchat
12:38 am             PIBarrington:             RT @writeononline: Thx 4 the RT @jeannevb aka pro judge 4 Screenplay & Teleplay Query Contest deadline is 6/30. #scriptchat
12:38 am             PIBarrington:             RT @writeononline: Hi all, Wanted to poke in & remind everyone Screenplay & Teleplay Query Contest deadline is 6/30. #scriptchat
12:38 am             DoubleNW:             @cinematicshot I agree. Since they write 4 the youth. So r the HarryPotters/Twilights of the world... They make toys/things. #scriptchat
12:38 am             WriterSchilf:             When searching for theme, ask what your characters want (not the external objective) but the emotional goal they want inside #scriptchat
12:38 am             sunspotpictures:             @jeannevb Helps to understand yourself better if you're going to understand the characters you're creating! #scriptchat
12:39 am             GinySassenach:             @garnerhaines She won the lottery, what can I say! #scriptchat
12:39 am             moneymakermj:             JD Salinger? Catcher in the Rye RT @garnerhaines: @GinySassenach Anyone think of an author who only wrote one novel EVER? #scriptchat
12:39 am             davidspies:             @WriterSchilf agreed. A subtle theme can provide the foundation from which your plot and characters can grow. #scriptchat
12:40 am             GCGeek:             Just hope I can define it. RT @jeannevb: I hope 1 writer who hadnt thought of theme will after tonight #justsayin #scriptchat
12:40 am             jmiewald:             I suspect the problem most writers have is not with the theme but in creating a compelling argument #scriptchat
12:40 am             yeah_write:             OMG, I'm so sorry. I just realized what time it is. I've missed a wonderful chat. #scriptchat
12:40 am             LisaFromNYC:             RT @WriterSchilf When searching 4 theme, ask what ur chars want (not the external objective) but the emotional goal they want #scriptchat
12:40 am             sunspotpictures:             The Wire too. RT @readerproof: When you break Buffy down, even every season had it's own theme. A great show to study theme. #scriptchat
12:40 am             garnerhaines:             RT @jmiewald: I suspect the problem most writers have is not with the theme but in creating a compelling argument #scriptchat
12:40 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures i've found writers who are unwilling to change or see their own flaws/wounds don't push their chars to limits #scriptchat
12:40 am             ruminski:             Watched COPLAND last night - great example of a film steeped in theme: the writing had a real depth but it wasn't heavy-handed #scriptchat
12:40 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jmiewald: I suspect the problem most writers have is not with the theme but in creating a compelling argument #scriptchat
12:40 am             christ1287:             That would be me. Kind of RT @jeannevb: I hope 1 writer who hadn't thought of theme will after tonight #justsayin #scriptchat
12:41 am             yeah_write:             I'll have to catch the transcript. Damn me! #scriptchat
12:41 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @jeannevb: i've found writers who are unwilling to change or see their own flaws/wounds don't push their chars to limits #scriptchat
12:41 am             richardhartley:             RT @WriterSchilf When searching for theme, ask what characters want (not external objective) but emotional goal they want inside #scriptchat
12:41 am             GinySassenach:             I'm sorry folks my computer needs a thrashing. #scriptchat
12:41 am             jeannevb:             @sunspotpictures I need to write a post: Writer on the Couch :) #scriptchat
12:41 am             cinematicshot:             RT @sunspotpictures: The Wire too. RT @readerproof: When you break Buffy down, even every season had it's own theme. A great show to study theme. #scriptchat
12:41 am             LisaFromNYC:             Gr8 show RT @sdarancette #breakingbad is a great tv show that has distinct, unique yet subtle themes in just about every episode #scriptchat
12:42 am             jeannevb:             just drink more ;) RT @GinySassenach: Im sorry folks my computer needs a thrashing. #scriptchat
12:42 am             brionykidd:             I think important to differentiate between theme & message. Easy to think you're doing the former when it's really the latter. #scriptchat
12:42 am             sunspotpictures:             Adaptation is amazing at walking the line about not being too overt about theme. The title is the theme! #scriptchat
12:42 am             GCGeek:             Here's what you missed. Theme is important. Concrete examples r few. RT @yeah_write: Ill have to catch the transcript. Damn me! #scriptchat
12:42 am             jeannevb:             woot! RT @christ1287: That would be me. Kind of RT @jeannevb: I hope 1 writer who hadn't thought of theme will after tonight #scriptchat
12:42 am             ozzywood:             Okay. Managed to miss 3/4 of today's scriptchat, although it's one of my favorite THEMES. #scriptchat
12:42 am             ruminski:             RT @brionykidd: I think important to differentiate between theme & message. Easy to think you're doing the former when it's really the latter. #scriptchat
12:42 am             sunspotpictures:             @jeannevb Would make for a good post! #scriptchat
12:43 am             garnerhaines:             RT @brionykidd: I think important to differentiate between theme & message. Easy to think you're doing the former when it's really the latter. #scriptchat
12:43 am             WriterSchilf:             @GinySassenach So the theme there must be something like Man versus Machine... or Dependency on the mechanization of society. #scriptchat
12:43 am             ozzywood:             Steve Kaplan on THEME during yesterday's seminar: "Never a statement but always a question." @SKComedy #scriptchat
12:44 am             sunspotpictures:             @brionykidd: What's the difference between theme and message? #scriptchat
12:44 am             ozzywood:             Michael Hauge on Theme: "It's the Hero's Inner Journey made UNIVERSAL." #scriptchat
12:44 am             yeah_write:             @GCGeek I never miss #scriptchat I've been working on business stuff even though it's my day off. Time flew!
12:44 am             jeannevb:             Theme is the blood. Film needs it to live, but u don't notice that it's there... until it drips out. #scriptchat
12:44 am             jmiewald:             RT @ozzywood Steve Kaplan on THEME during yesterday's seminar: "Never a statement but always a question." #scriptchat
12:44 am             DoubleNW:             I think new writers tend 2 over think... Just write a great story/when it's line produced u'll c what needs 2b fix. #scriptchat
12:44 am             WriterSchilf:             @garnerhaines Sure. Theme is what the story is "really" about. Message is propaganda, which often is unnecessary. We get it. #scriptchat
12:44 am             cinematicshot:             @brionykidd What is the difference between theme and message? #scriptchat
12:44 am             garnerhaines:             RT @ozzywood: Steve Kaplan on THEME during yesterday's seminar: "Never a statement but always a question." @SKComedy #scriptchat
12:44 am             GinySassenach:             @brionykidd I'm glad ou said that theme and message, is it different #scriptchat
12:44 am             ozzywood:             See Kaplan's definition. RT @sunspotpictures: @brionykidd: Whats the difference between theme and message? #scriptchat
12:44 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @ozzywood: Steve Kaplan on THEME during yesterday's seminar: "Never a statement but always a question." @SKComedy #scriptchat
12:44 am             jeannevb:             I'm so doing it ;) *jots notes* ;) RT @SunspotPictures: @jeannevb Would make for a good post! #scriptchat
12:45 am             cinematicshot:             RT @ozzywood: Steve Kaplan on THEME during yesterday's seminar: "Never a statement but always a question." @SKComedy #scriptchat
12:45 am             jeannevb:             @yeah_write *waves* #scriptchat
12:45 am             ozzywood:             Hard to NOT see a transformational journey as a message. It shows what WORKS to overcome a specific (character) flaw. #scriptchat
12:46 am             GCGeek:             @yeah_write You were missed! I didn't send you a message because I know how busy everyone gets. #scriptchat
12:46 am             AllInky:             "Man vs Man," "Man vs Nature," etc. is a type of conflict. "The good of many outweighs the few," or vice versa is a theme. #scriptchat
12:46 am             jeannevb:             Dara Marks has great book on THEME called INSIDE STORY #scriptchat
12:46 am             WriterSchilf:             @ozzywood YES! We need to relate. I will never know what it's like to have an abortion. But I understand relief or regret #scriptchat
12:46 am             yeah_write:             @jeannevb God, I'm so sorry, I can't believe I didn't see the time. #scriptchat
12:46 am             GinySassenach:             RT @WriterSchilf @garnerhaines Theme is what the story is "really" about. Message is propaganda, which unnecessary. We get it. #scriptchat
12:46 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @ozzywood: Hard to NOT see transformational journey as a message. It shows what WORKS to overcome a specific (character) flaw #scriptchat
12:46 am             Chuklz:             RT @ozzywood: Steve Kaplan on THEME during yesterday's seminar: "Never a statement but always a question." @SKComedy #scriptchat
12:47 am             yeah_write:             @GCGeek I'm such a goober. I really wanted to be a part of this topic. #scriptchat
12:47 am             jeannevb:             @yeah_write #treefort means never having to say you're sorry, remember? :) #scriptchat
12:47 am             ruminski:             More great theme: Lord of the Flies #scriptchat
12:47 am             Chuklz:             RT @WriterSchilf: Theme is what the story is "really" about. Message is propaganda, which often is unnecessary. We get it. #scriptchat
12:47 am             WriterSchilf:             @ozzywood Exactly. Character flaws are crucial to theme. It gives the character an inner journey and arc to learn or change #scriptchat
12:47 am             LynneRice:             How would you phrase the Theme of The Wizard of Oz? There's no place like home? #scriptchat
12:48 am             jeannevb:             fantastic tale RT @ruminski: More great theme: Lord of the Flies #scriptchat
12:48 am             jmiewald:             @LynneRice No man is an island #scriptchat
12:48 am             ozzywood:             I wrote a small piece on theme: Also deals with theme in non-transformational stories. #scriptchat
12:48 am             richardhartley:             RT @ArtFortune: When it comes from the heart, it's real writing. The writer like a painter must feel the passion #scriptchat
12:49 am             ruminski:             Leone's DOLLARS trilogy is a masterclass in theme (if you're a misanthrope like me, at least) #scriptchat
12:49 am             AllInky:             @LynneRice Sure, or "We don't know what we have until we lose it." Themes tend to universal, illustrated by different stories. #scriptchat
12:49 am             Mockwriter:             RT @ozzywood: I wrote a small piece on theme: Also deals with theme in non-transformational stories. #scriptchat
12:49 am             jeannevb:             When I watch a film, I dont sit & declare what the theme was... but I DO notice if the meaning & purpose were missing. #scriptchat
12:49 am             readerproof:             I think after every set piece present in your script, there should be a bit of "theme talk" to offset it. #scriptchat
12:49 am             ozzywood:             Often the theme IS a msg. Really the writer's choice. RT @LynneRice: Theme of The Wizard of Oz? Theres no place like home? #scriptchat
12:49 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @ozzywood: I wrote a small piece on theme: Also deals with theme in non-transformational stories. #scriptchat
12:49 am             GinySassenach:             RT @ruminski More great theme: Lord of the Flies That is one book and movie that will stick with you! #scriptchat
12:49 am             WriterSchilf:             @LynneRice No. Look to the root, not the leaves. It's about self-acceptance. They go to the wizard to change themselves. #scriptchat
12:50 am             LynneRice:             Ah that's a good one. RT @jmiewald @LynneRice No man is an island #scriptchat Theme Wiz of Oz
12:50 am             yeah_write:             @jeannevb I'll read the transcript. I can't believe I missed my favorite hour of the week. I'm sure it was informative. #scriptchat
12:50 am             Chuklz:             @LynneRice The Wizard of Oz? Self Discovery. Everything you need, is inside of you. #scriptchat
12:50 am             LisaFromNYC:             RT @ozzywood I wrote a small piece on theme: Also deals with theme in non-transformational stories #scriptchat
12:50 am             DoubleNW:             So the theme can b the conflict within the characters?? #scriptchat
12:51 am             cinematicshot:             And the theme of It's a Wonderful life is it's a wonderful life? #scriptchat
12:51 am             Chuklz:             Here we go- Is it the writer or the audience that determines the theme in the great pieces? #scriptchat
12:51 am             ozzywood:             Exactly Hauge's example for ABOUT A BOY. RT @jmiewald @LynneRice No man is an island #scriptchat Theme Wiz of Oz #scriptchat
12:51 am             WriterSchilf:             I like the root/leaves image. We tend to only see the obvious, but theme will often go beneath, the roots are everything! #scriptchat
12:51 am             covermyscript:             hey #scriptchat! been running around all weekend getting ready for #GAPF, but i wanted to pop in and say hi. so, uh, hi!
12:51 am             jeannevb:             @yeah_write don't sweat it ;) #scriptchat
12:51 am             ozzywood:             YES: Inner conflict. RT @DoubleNW: So the theme can b the conflict within the characters?? #scriptchat
12:51 am             GCGeek:             Help. Theme of District 9: Ugliness is always on the inside, Man is evil, History repeats itself, or is personal 4 each viewer? #scriptchat
12:51 am             ozzywood:             When the OUTER conflict becomes the theme, you are preaching. #scriptchat
12:51 am             davidspies:             Your screenplay has a theme, what about your character's theme? Characters quirks & what they might do in particular situations. #scriptchat
12:51 am             LynneRice:             @WriterSchilf As in you are never lacking courage, love and intelligence,(and a way home) all these things can be found within #scriptchat
12:51 am             jeannevb:             fyi, @zacsanford & I will be at #GAPF next wknd so we wont be at chats #scriptchat
12:52 am             garnerhaines:             @LynneRice "Be careful what you wish for?" "The grass is always greener?" "The magic was within you all along?" #scriptchat
12:52 am             GinySassenach:             @covermyscript Hi! #Scriptchat
12:52 am             WriterSchilf:             @DoubleNW Yes. Maybe the main theme illustrates THE BREAKDOWN IN COMMUNICATION. two characters on a barren stage can do that #scriptchat
12:52 am             AllInky:             Kafka said "I write to teach myself a lesson. If you learn something else, great." #scriptchat
12:52 am             jeannevb:             I believe either @KageyNYC or @yeah_write are hosting next week... or both #scriptchat
12:52 am             covermyscript:             damn right you will be!!! yayayayay!! RT @jeannevb: fyi, @zacsanford & I will be at #GAPF next wknd so we wont be at chats #scriptchat
12:53 am             ruminski:             THE LIVES OF OTHERS is a nuanced themed piece, the way it expresses a viewpoint through character, not big political statements #scriptchat
12:53 am             UncompletedWork:             I'm super psyched about #GAPF next week. Anyone coming? Stay for #ScreenwriterKaraoke #scriptchat
12:53 am             sunspotpictures:             Theme is either just a question or a question with an answer. Can be audacious to answer that question sometimes #scriptchat
12:53 am             ozzywood:             Strongest stories have each character express an aspect of the overall theme. RT @davidspies: what about your characters theme? #scriptchat
12:53 am             jeannevb:             WOOT! RT @covermyscript: damn right you will be!!! yayayayay!! RT @jeannevb: fyi, @zacsanford & I will be at #GAPF n #scriptchat
12:53 am             HoodedMan:             @ozzywood @DoubleNW there should be either inner or outer conflict or both #scriptchat
12:53 am             cinematicshot:             So the theme should be implicit in the logline? #scriptchat
12:53 am             GinySassenach:             RT @ozzywood When the OUTER conflict becomes the theme, you are preaching. > Thanks, great thingto remember when writing #scriptchat
12:53 am             ozzywood:             RT @ruminski: THE LIVES OF OTHERS is a nuanced piece, it expresses a viewpoint through character, not big political statements #scriptchat
12:54 am             garnerhaines:             a bit of both @GCGeek is personal 4 each viewer? #scriptchat
12:54 am             covermyscript:             so, very excited, thanks to #scriptchat pimperella for intro, @jeannevb, will be manning a booth at #GAPF. very exciting!
12:54 am             WriterSchilf:             @davidspies There can be multiple themes. The story (script) can be about one thing, and a character(s) can show something else #scriptchat
12:54 am             ozzywood:             Only Inner Conflict usually doesn't work. RT @HoodedMan: @DoubleNW there should be either inner or outer conflict or both #scriptchat
12:54 am             LynneRice:             Interesting all these different takes on Theme in the Wizard of Oz, everyone takes something a little diff frm a good story #scriptchat
12:54 am             jeannevb:             @ozzywood in my current script, the prot & antagonist demonstrate theme by making totally opposing choices #scriptchat
12:55 am             TheWaitingCity:             We will be sitting with Claire McCarthy this week to ask questions about #thewaitingcity. If you have questions let us know #scriptchat
12:55 am             readerproof:             RT @WriterSchilf: Theme is what the story is "really" about. Message is propaganda, which often is unnecessary. We get it. #scriptchat
12:55 am             ozzywood:             Great if you can work it in without sounding convoluted. RT @cinematicshot: So the theme should be implicit in the logline? #scriptchat
12:55 am             covermyscript:             hi giny!! how's the rewriting going? RT @GinySassenach: Hi xandy! #Scriptchat
12:55 am             Chuklz:             @GCGeek District 9 was very nietzschean for me. WIll to power. #scriptchat
12:55 am             jeannevb:             RT @LynneRice: Interesting different takes on Theme in the Wizard of Oz, everyone takes something a little diff frm a good story #scriptchat
12:55 am             reidkimball:             @davidspies Wish more video games took that approach. #scriptchat
12:55 am             WriterSchilf:             @cinematicshot NO. The logline is "A comedy (genre) about a character who is having trouble getting this" Theme is in the mtg #scriptchat
12:55 am             ozzywood:             I doubt this. RT @WriterSchilf: @davidspies The story can be about one thing, and a character(s) can show something else #scriptchat
12:55 am             GinySassenach:             @covermyscript Have a great time! at GAPF #scriptchat
12:55 am             GCGeek:             So it does remain rather nebulous. Thanks! RT @garnerhaines: a bit of both @GCGeek is personal 4 each viewer? #scriptchat
12:56 am             garnerhaines:             Rather than explicit, yes. The logline is the hook, and theme is something we can relate to. @cinematicshot #scriptchat
12:56 am             UncompletedWork:             RT @GinySassenach: @covermyscript Have a great time! at GAPF #scriptchat [We'll drink one for you!]
12:56 am             thescriptathon:             Hello all! #scriptchat
12:56 am             davidspies:             RT @WriterSchilf There can be multiple themes. The story (script) can be about 1 thing, & a character(s) can show something else #scriptchat
12:56 am             ozzywood:             Yep. Sounds right. RT @jeannevb in my current script, the prot & antagonist demonstrate theme by making totally opposing choices #scriptchat
12:56 am             HoodedMan:             @ozzywood @DoubleNW anything may work, if you make it so #scriptchat
12:56 am             richardhartley:             @ozzywood writes about theme Also deals with theme in non-transformational stories #scriptchat @sunspotpictures
12:56 am             loreleileigh:             @ruminski I may have asked you this before, but what is #scriptchat?
12:56 am             brionykidd:             @cinematicshot I think theme is questioning, grappling with a problem...whereas message states an answer. I know which I prefer. #scriptchat
12:56 am             jeannevb:             @ozzywood phew ;) heehee #scriptchat
12:57 am             ruminski:             @AdiWriter MAGNOLIA is a very special case - on no planet should that film work, but it does. Kids, don't try this at home. #scriptchat
12:57 am             cinematicshot:             RT @brionykidd: @cinematicshot I think theme is questioning, grappling with a problem...whereas message states an answer. I know which I prefer. #scriptchat
12:57 am             jeannevb:             screenwriter chat ;) RT @loreleileigh: @ruminski I may have asked you this before, but what is #scriptchat? #scriptchat
12:57 am             ozzywood:             So what are you telling us that we can learn from? RT @HoodedMan: @DoubleNW anything may work, if you make it so #scriptchat
12:57 am             LynneRice:             RT @AdiWriter: What if narration keeps hammering it ? Ex : 'Magnolia'RT @ozzywood: When the OUTER conflict becomes the theme,you are preaching. #scriptchat
12:57 am             covermyscript:             thanks to @PitchfestBob & @Screenwriter12 #GAPF suggestion will give on-the-spot 1-sheet, consult, and more! #scriptchat
12:57 am             KatherineCahoon:             I worked w/a producer who said that 4 a theme 2 deeply affect other people the writer must have gone thru a similar conflict. #scriptchat
12:57 am             GinySassenach:             @covermyscript I got some software but it has a few things diff from what you told me ex. Ext.Tom's yard.noon It uses periods??? #scriptchat
12:57 am             cinematicshot:             RT @garnerhaines: Rather than explicit, yes. The logline is the hook, and theme is something we can relate to. @cinematicshot #scriptchat
12:58 am             ozzywood:             RT @ruminski: @AdiWriter MAGNOLIA is a special case; on no planet should that film work, but it does. Kids dont try this at home #scriptchat
12:58 am             cinematicshot:             RT @WriterSchilf: @cinematicshot NO. The logline is "A comedy (genre) about a character who is having trouble getting this" Theme is in the mtg #scriptchat
12:58 am             garnerhaines:             @GCGeek When speaking of theme, a lot of it is subjective to the audience. Each of us takes away something different. #scriptchat
12:58 am             davidspies:             RT Get on it~! @reidkimball: @davidspies Wish more video games took that approach. #scriptchat
12:58 am             AllInky:             Theme is really evident in fables, the Tortoise and the Hare, etc. Modern stories aren't as obvious, but themes seem timeless. #scriptchat
12:58 am             thescriptathon:             I think I'm catching on here. Is theme...the theme of this discussion? #scriptchat
12:58 am             jmiewald:             I have heard some established writers who make movies with strong themes who say they never think about the theme #scriptchat
12:58 am             LynneRice:             RT @ozzywood: Strongest stories have each character express an aspect of the overall theme. RT @davidspies: what about your characters theme? #scriptchat
12:58 am             jeannevb:             RT @covermyscript: thx to @PitchfestBob & @Screenwriter12 #GAPF suggestion will give on-spot 1-sheet, consult #scriptchat
12:59 am             HoodedMan:             @ozzywood @DoubleNW Nothing aside from the obvious... :) #scriptchat
12:59 am             jeannevb:             tonight, yes ;) RT @thescriptathon: I think Im catching on here. Is theme...the theme of this discussion? #scriptchat
12:59 am             covermyscript:             menu of #GAPF services will be up shortly, along with more info about our events. so excited! #screenwriterkaraoke #GAPF #scriptchat
12:59 am             GinySassenach:             @covermyscript Thanks starting the rewrite Monday, transfer over and dev char and think of theme? LOL #scriptchat
12:59 am             ozzywood:             But shouldn't the writer know? RT @garnerhaines: @GCGeek When speaking of theme, a lot of it is subjective to the audience. #scriptchat
12:59 am             jeannevb:             @loreleileigh you should join us.... we drink tequila ;) #scriptchat
12:59 am             garnerhaines:             RT @jmiewald: I have heard some established writers who make movies with strong themes who say they never think about the theme #scriptchat
12:59 am             WriterSchilf:             Don't pitch Theme. The pitch is what happens. Theme is what it's "really" about. When asked, U need a 1 word answer: Acceptance #scriptchat
12:59 am             thescriptathon:             @jmiewald I've heard the same thing. Theme as an afterthought just might work for many writers, but it must be tough. #scriptchat
1:00 am             DoubleNW:             Theme... Awesome topic #scriptchat!! Got lots of responses :) Must've asked a good question. Thanks, Tweeps!!
1:00 am             covermyscript:             theme should be like air: you're surrounded by it, you need it to survive, you know it's there, but you can't see it. #scriptchat
1:00 am             thescriptathon:             @covermyscript we're going to be at #GAPF as well. mini-scriptathon 12-3 on saturday woohoo! #scriptchat
1:01 am             Chuklz:             RT @WriterSchilf: Don't pitch Theme. The pitch is what happens. Theme is what it's "really" about. When asked, U need a 1 word answer: Acceptance #scriptchat
1:01 am             garnerhaines:             @jmiewald That's what I was saying. #scriptchat
1:01 am             WriterSchilf:             @ozzywood Agreed. This is why you don't want to hit theme over the head. Let the audience discover it on their own #scriptchat
1:01 am             garnerhaines:             RT @covermyscript: theme should be like air: you're surrounded by it, you need it to survive, you know it's there, but you can't see it. #scriptchat
1:01 am             sunspotpictures:             RT @WriterSchilf: Dont pitch Theme. The pitch is what happens. Theme is what its really about. When asked, U need a 1 wrd answer #scriptchat
1:01 am             ozzywood:             ESTABLISHED RT @garnerhaines: RT @jmiewald: some established writers [...] with strong themes who say they never think about it #scriptchat
1:01 am             cinematicshot:             RT @covermyscript: theme should be like air: you're surrounded by it, you need it to survive, you know it's there, but you can't see it. #scriptchat
1:01 am             covermyscript:             be simple at first, build up to it. RT @GinySassenach: starting rewrite Monday, transfer over and dev char and think of theme? #scriptchat
1:01 am             brionykidd:             @SunspotPictures Can you think of a good example of audacious film like that? (ie. question & answer) #scriptchat
1:01 am             jmiewald:             What is the theme of Up in the Air? #scriptchat
1:01 am             jeannevb:             It's 9pm... so handcuffs are off! Talk theme or anything that jazzes you ;) #scriptchat
1:01 am             ozzywood:             RT @Chuklz: RT @WriterSchilf: Dont pitch Theme. Theme is what its "really" about. When asked, U need a 1 word answer: Acceptance #scriptchat
1:02 am             ozzywood:             RT @cinematicshot: RT @covermyscript: theme should be like air: youre surrounded by it, you know its there, but you cant see it. #scriptchat
1:02 am             covermyscript:             awesome! stop by and say hi to us!! RT @thescriptathon: going to be at #GAPF as well. mini-scriptathon 12-3 on saturday woohoo! #scriptchat
1:02 am             LordPancreas:             RT @davidspies: Your screenplay has a theme, what about your character's theme? Characters quirks & what they might do in particular situations. #scriptchat
1:02 am             cinematicshot:             RT @WriterSchilf: Don't pitch Theme. The pitch is what happens. Theme is what it's "really" about. When asked, U need a 1 word answer: Acceptance #scriptchat
1:02 am             jmiewald:             @ozzywood You feel that writers give up on writing well once paid? #scriptchat
1:02 am             ozzywood:             "No man is an island." (LOL) RT @jmiewald: What is the theme of Up in the Air? #scriptchat
1:03 am             WriterSchilf:             When I say there can be multiple themes, the main theme is in the story, but a character can illustrate a secondary one as well #scriptchat
1:03 am             dennis_jernberg:             RT @davidspies: Your screenplay has a theme, what about your character's theme? Characters quirks & what they might do in particular situations. #scriptchat
1:03 am             zacsanford2:             Great chat guys. if you're at the #GAPF, don't forget to see me on the Exec panel Saturday at 3:30 p.m. or #screenwriterkaraoke #scriptchat
1:03 am             jmiewald:             @ozzywood It works! Re: "no man is an island" #scriptchat
1:03 am             cinematicshot:             I gotta go. Everyone have a great day. Happy Fathers Day. #scriptchat
1:03 am             ozzywood:             Understandbly they'll write to pay the bills.RT @jmiewald: @ozzywood You feel that writers give up on writing well once paid? #scriptchat
1:03 am             jeannevb:             if anyone is going to #GAPF, @ me while there & we can do a shot at the bar... but not too many that I can't pitch ;) #scriptchat
1:04 am             jeannevb:             RT @zacsanford2: if youre at the #GAPF, dont forget to see me on the Exec panel Saturday at 3:30 p.m. or #screenwriterkaraoke #scriptchat
1:04 am             garnerhaines:             @jmiewald "If you cut all ties with people, you will forever be adrift" "Be careful what you wish for, you may get it" #scriptchat
1:04 am             zacsanford2:             Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there in #scriptchat land. #scriptchat
1:04 am             GCGeek:             Good night, folks. Thanks for an interesting chat and different perspectives. Good luck for everyone heading to #GAPF! #scriptchat
1:04 am             LisaFromNYC:             true. Aud likes 2 fig it out & not feel spoon fed (hit over the head) RT @WriterSchilf Let the audience discover it on their own #scriptchat
1:05 am             willentrekin:             Forget writing theme. Theme is byproduct. It comes only from great story, characters, plot, and execution. Focus there. #scriptchat
1:05 am             HoodedMan:             I think a writer should ignore the audience & write for himself. That will give the best result, by far #scriptchat #amwriting #writechat
1:05 am             WriterSchilf:             @dennis_jernberg It all depends upon character flaws. FLAWS ARE GOLDEN. The more flaws, the more there is to learn/grow/change #scriptchat
1:05 am             UncompletedWork:             Never enough time in the day! #ineedtheFinalDraftBrainPluginWithRetinaScanner #scriptchat
1:05 am             ozzywood:             Re theme: Story = Character & v.v. RT @WriterSchilf: character can illustrate a secondary one as well #scriptchat
1:05 am             willentrekin:             If you write characters, plot, story well, you will have a theme. If you don't, no amount of attempt will recover. #scriptchat
1:05 am             davidspies:             Regardless of your story?s theme, the message that your film conveys should be understood and well received by your audience. #scriptchat
1:05 am             thescriptathon:             @hoodedman ignore audience - brave decision! Perhaps too brave? #scriptchat
1:06 am             garnerhaines:             RT @willentrekin: Forget writing theme. Theme is byproduct. It comes only from great story, characters, plot, and execution. Focus there. #scriptchat
1:06 am             ozzywood:             Hmmm... First draft, OK. Following drafts: DO keep it in mind. RT @willentrekin: Forget writing theme. #scriptchat
1:06 am             UncompletedWork:             OK yes, do follow @SWKaraoke it's the all the time #ScreenwriterKaraoke account.:-) #scriptchat
1:06 am             susynandfolsom:             @covermyscript sorry missed #scriptchat #screenwriterkaraoke is when? where? on 6/26?
1:06 am             WriterSchilf:             @HoodedMan Horrible mistake to ignore audience. AUDIENCE is EVERYTHING! Otherwise you write for one person: yourself. Who cares #scriptchat
1:06 am             ozzywood:             It's about making it as strong as possible. RT @willentrekin: If you write characters, plot, story well, you will have a theme. #scriptchat
1:06 am             Chuklz:             @writerschilf You are a great communicator, enjoyed all your thoughts on #scriptchat
1:07 am             hunttalent:             RT @davidspies: Regardless of your story?s theme, the message that your film conveys should be understood and well received by your audience. #scriptchat
1:07 am             camyado:             Just an excuse for a lazy writer? RT @garnerhaines: @GCGeek When speaking of theme, a lot of it is subjective to the audience. #scriptchat
1:07 am             ozzywood:             Or ignorant. RT @thescriptathon: @hoodedman ignore audience - brave decision! Perhaps too brave? #scriptchat
1:07 am             brionykidd:             RT @ozzywood Hard to NOT see a transformational journey as a message. <---Yes, I often come up against this problem. #scriptchat
1:07 am             davidspies:             RT @willentrekin If you write characters, plot, story well, U will have a theme. If you don't, no amount of attempt will recover #scriptchat
1:07 am             WriterSchilf:             @garnerhaines Not always true. You can have a clear theme and horrible execution of character, plot, story, structure, voice #scriptchat
1:08 am             ozzywood:             Most will disagree. RT @hunttalent: RT @davidspies: the message should be understood and well received by your audience. #scriptchat
1:08 am             garnerhaines:             @ozzywood The writer may know, but what s/he thinks is in there might not be what the audience comes away with. #scriptchat
1:08 am             jolenejahnke:             Late to #scriptchat. Glad to see so many still conversing. #scriptchat
1:08 am             thescriptathon:             Ugh. Signed on three hours too late for #scriptchat i think. will be on next week though!
1:08 am             ozzywood:             RT @WriterSchilf: @garnerhaines You can have a clear theme and horrible execution of character, plot, story, structure, voice #scriptchat
1:08 am             HoodedMan:             @thescriptathon I don't think so. It can still be an economic success. There are many examples of that #scriptchat
1:08 am             WriterSchilf:             @Chuklz thanks. A lot of it is just common sense. there is a point to everything. A joke without a punch line is no joke #scriptchat
1:09 am             ozzywood:             Theme resonates with your audience without them being aware of it. #scriptchat
1:09 am             garnerhaines:             Okay, that's the last time I use the Retweet button. I'm getting responses to other people's remarks as if I said them. #scriptchat
1:09 am             ozzywood:             So you're going to claim them as your own? (LOL) RT @garnerhaines: Okay, thats the last time I use the Retweet button. #scriptchat
1:10 am             HoodedMan:             @thescriptathon The entire idea of pre-screenings, for instance is horrible and should be totally abandoned #scriptchat
1:10 am             jeannevb:             my guess is we had many lurkers tonight. Love the voyeur ;) #scriptchat
1:10 am             dirtywater22:             RT @ozzywood: Theme resonates with your audience without them being aware of it. #scriptchat
1:10 am             jolenejahnke:             @UncompletedWork Better late than never, right? #scriptchat
1:10 am             ozzywood:             RT @camyado excuse for a lazy writer? RT @garnerhaines @GCGeek When speaking of theme a lot of it is subjective to the audience. #scriptchat
1:10 am             LynneRice:             Brilliant input - thanks all for hammering it out. Theme feels less nebulous now. #scriptchat
1:11 am             thescriptathon:             @jolenejahnke i was late too! Late is the new early #scriptchat
1:11 am             beingbrad:             Late to the party, it's been a while - anybody have any advice for a TV single camera comedy pilot? #scriptchat
1:11 am             numbminded:             @ozzywood Ah! Just when i am struggling early morning to concentrate on my preprod work #scriptchat rejuvenates me..! Off to the board i go.
1:12 am             WriterSchilf:             Good writing is a triangle: writer, subject, and audience. Everything decision you make affects audience, and theme connects all #scriptchat
1:12 am             beingbrad:             I've really missed my #scriptchat
1:12 am             jeannevb:             I'll post some links to theme articles recommended at tonight's chat on our blog #scriptchat
1:12 am             covermyscript:             burbank marriot 6pm -10pm, sardo's 10-2. :-D RT @susynandfolsom: missed #scriptchat #screenwriterkaraoke on 6/26?
1:12 am             beingbrad:             @jolenejahnke better somewhere than nowhere... always. #scriptchat
1:12 am             ozzywood:             Just realised I've contradicted something I stated here: ... about preaching... #scriptchat
1:12 am             UncompletedWork:             @jolenejahnke Hey, don't the cool people show up late ;-) #scriptchat
1:12 am             jeannevb:             then set ur #scriptchat O'CLOCK ;) RT @beingbrad: Ive really missed my #scriptchat
1:12 am             AllInky:             Is it even possible to not have theme? Perhaps not well-realized structurally, but to actually NOT have one? #scriptchat
1:12 am             abizrobok:             RT @HoodedMan: I think a writer should ignore the audience & write for himself. That will give the best result, by far #scriptchat #amwriting #writechat
1:13 am             thescriptathon:             @ruminski Definitely. Writing with audience in mind but not pandering or stifling creativity to do so is more than viable #scriptchat
1:13 am             jolenejahnke:             Fab! RT @thescriptathon: @jolenejahnke i was late too! Late is the new early #scriptchat
1:13 am             HoodedMan:             @ozzywood I think it's other way around. If you write for an audience or readers you write formula & that's never a good idea #scriptchat
1:13 am             beingbrad:             @jeannevb I know, but fucking kids & family & job & life & everything else. EVERYTHING is a bitch except when I'm writing. #scriptchat
1:14 am             davidspies:             RT Definitely agree! @Chuklz: @writerschilf You are a great communicator, enjoyed all your thoughts on #scriptchat
1:14 am             WriterSchilf:             For anyone who missed it earlier, check out this great short THEME article from #scriptchat
1:14 am             ozzywood:             Best result to whom??? RT @abizrobok: RT @HoodedMan: a writer should ignore the audience. That will give the best result #scriptchat
1:14 am             beingbrad:             Can someone summarize what we've learned tonight for the late-comers? #scriptchat
1:14 am             scripteach:             RT @AllInky: Is it possible to not have theme... to actually NOT have one? #scriptchat Yes, but an unrealized theme is an unrealized script
1:14 am             HoodedMan:             @WriterSchilf Bullshit, quite frankly #scriptchat
1:15 am             jeannevb:             @beingbrad oh, I know! Juggling is killing me too #scriptchat
1:15 am             scripteach:             RT @UncompletedWork: @jolenejahnke Hey, don't the cool people show up late ;-) #scriptchat That's what I say too!
1:15 am             dennis_jernberg:             @WriterSchilf That's exactly what I learned, come to think of it. And it's exactly the way to avoid Mary Sue syndrome. #scriptchat
1:15 am             WriterSchilf:             @davidspies Thanks. Always nice to know people are listening. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me. #scriptchat
1:15 am             ozzywood:             Sorry who are you writing for? RT @HoodedMan If you write for an audience or readers you write formula & thats never a good idea #scriptchat
1:15 am             garnerhaines:             @AllInky I think people will find one, even if it's not intended to be. We see patterns in things, even when there aren't any. #scriptchat
1:15 am             beingbrad:             @jeannevb you've done well though... congrats! #scriptchat
1:16 am             jeannevb:             @scripteach where have u been, man!? Throw in ur 2 cents on theme b4 I pull transcript ;) #scriptchat
1:16 am             HoodedMan:             @ruminski I don't view them as either, but as potential interested parties, but I don't suck up to them #scriptchat
1:16 am             scripteach:             RT @WriterSchilf: Good writing is triangle: writer, subject & audience... theme connects all #scriptchat YES!
1:16 am             jeannevb:             @beingbrad it's all in the pimp skillage ;) #scriptchat
1:16 am             ozzywood:             So how can you LEARN if you only write for yourself? RT @HoodedMan If you write for an audience or readers you write formula #scriptchat
1:16 am             scripteach:             RT @jeannevb: where have u been, man!? Throw in ur 2 cents on theme b4 I pull transcript ;) #scriptchat Jut got in. OK, theme... uh...
1:17 am             ozzywood:             RT @scripteach: RT @WriterSchilf: Good writing is triangle: writer, subject & audience... theme connects all #scriptchatYES! #scriptchat
1:17 am             WriterSchilf:             @HoodedMan Your opinion. You're entitled. However, you will never make any money if you ignore AUDIENCE. Audience is EVERYTHING! #scriptchat
1:17 am             HoodedMan:             @ozzywood the story, which should be the most important, of course, but practically forgotten today #scriptchat
1:17 am             ozzywood:             RT @WriterSchilf: @HoodedMan You will never make any money if you ignore AUDIENCE. Audience is EVERYTHING! #scriptchat
1:18 am             beingbrad:             @HoodedMan i disagree - writers don't forget story - but story is lost in production. #scriptchat
1:18 am             Chuklz:             @hoodedman Writing 'screenplays' only for yourself is like masturbating without climaxing. Kinda pointless #scriptchat
1:18 am             AllInky:             @scripteach You're right. As soon as one character demonstrates one belief or takes one action, you have theme of some kind. :) #scriptchat
1:18 am             UncompletedWork:             @scripteach I remember you saying that when you came to #ScreenwriterKaraoke in NYC ;-) #scriptchat
1:18 am             scripteach:             Theme unifies all the elements of a script & gives it meaning beyond plot points A-Z. Theme tells us WHY went thru the plot. #scriptchat
1:18 am             davidspies:             @WriterSchilf You provide a wealth of insight & encouragement, wish your tweets were shorter... I'd retweet them all! #scriptchat
1:18 am             WriterSchilf:             @HoodedMan True. Story is important, but you craft the story to engage and involve your audience: to hope and fear for your hero #scriptchat
1:18 am             ozzywood:             What's forgotten: the skill HOW to tell story for an AUDIENCE. Ppl write 4 themselves. RT @HoodedMan practically forgotten today #scriptchat
1:18 am             ozzywood:             RT @beingbrad: @HoodedMan i disagree - writers dont forget story - but story is lost in production. #scriptchat
1:18 am             beingbrad:             @Chuklz i do that ALL the time. seriously. it's called life after 30. #scriptchat
1:19 am             ozzywood:             RT @Chuklz: @hoodedman Writing screenplays only for yourself is like masturbating without climaxing. Kinda pointless #scriptchat
1:19 am             davidspies:             RT @jeannevb I'll post some links to theme articles recommended at tonight's chat on our blog #scriptchat
1:19 am             ruminski:             @HoodedMan I call BS: writers who say they don't care about the aud are mostly afraid of failure, rejection, lack of resonance #scriptchat
1:19 am             ozzywood:             RT @AllInky: @scripteach As soon as one character demonstrates one belief or takes one action, you have theme of some kind. :) #scriptchat
1:19 am             ozzywood:             RT @ruminski: @HoodedMan writers who say they dont care about the aud are mostly afraid of failure, rejection, lack of resonance #scriptchat
1:20 am             WriterSchilf:             How you reveal information is all about audience. Sometimes we learn with, before, or after our character does. it affects us #scriptchat
1:20 am             Chuklz:             A screenplay isnt even a finished piece, its like the pirates code- more of an guideline for the end product #scriptchat
1:20 am             jeannevb:             while I update the #scriptchat blog w theme links, u guys get ur thoughts all out before I pull transcript #scriptchat
1:20 am             beingbrad:             @ruminski I just don't think riters r ever afraid. they're either trying 2 hard, learning 2 little or being their shallow selves #scriptchat
1:20 am             ErikaLT:             RT @willentrekin: If you write characters, plot, story well, you will have a theme. If you don't, no amount of attempt will recover. #scriptchat
1:21 am             scripteach:             Theme has to be more than what I call a "topic area" such as "love." What ABOUT love do you want to say at your film's climax? #scriptchat
1:21 am             beingbrad:             i have nothing to add to theme. i'm a loser baby, why don't you kill me. #scriptchat
1:21 am             AllInky:             A journal is for yourself, a place to reflect and learn. Most everything else is for you to share with someone, yeah? #scriptchat
1:22 am             ozzywood:             Phew... Pretty intense 35mins that was! Thank you all for adding to the discussion. Great. #scriptchat
1:22 am             brionykidd:             But regard yourself as the audience to some extent. If you're excited or entertained by an idea, chances are others will be too. #scriptchat
1:23 am             ruminski:             @WriterSchilf audience isn't EVERYTHING - that's as much a route to bad writing as a writer's onanistic self-indulgence #scriptchat
1:23 am             ozzywood:             Allow me to plug @SKComedy as I've just had the privilege to attend his one-day seminar. Truly enlightening. The King of Comedy. #scriptchat
1:23 am             beingbrad:             I have high esteem 4 all writers - I truly believe we are all trying 2 achieve greatness - but greatness is rarely a cash skill #scriptchat
1:24 am             beingbrad:             RT @ozzywood: Phew... Pretty intense 35mins that was! Thank you all for adding to the discussion. Great. #scriptchat
1:24 am             beingbrad:             theme: what you aim for when you can't remember what your character is supposed to be saying or doing. #scriptchat
1:25 am             WriterSchilf:             @ruminski Well, obviously there is a lot to a screenplay, but as the writer, you are dictating how you want an audience to feel #scriptchat
1:25 am             numbminded:             I've bn struggling of late with putting effective conversations on paper. #scriptchat Any suggestions @HoodedMan @ozzywood @WriterSchilf
1:26 am             beingbrad:             theme is just dialogue without pronouns. #scriptchat
1:26 am             scripteach:             What you have occur at climax "proves" your theme. It can't be "love overcomes all" if they don't end up together. #scriptchat
1:26 am             WriterSchilf:             @beingbrad If you're trying to figure out what your character is suppose to be saying, you don't know him/her. he/she tells you #scriptchat
1:27 am             brionykidd:             RT @WriterSchilf: How you reveal information is all about audience. Sometimes we learn with, before, or after our character does. it affects us #scriptchat
1:27 am             beingbrad:             @WriterSchilf you're a lucky schilf then. the alcohol tells me, then the sober me tells me the edits... #scriptchat
1:27 am             scripteach:             RT @AllInky: soon as 1 character demonstrates 1 belief or takes 1 action U have theme of some kind. #scriptchat Yes so make it work FOR you
1:28 am             Screenwriter911:             Is #theme important? Put it this way: it's the only reason why the audience cares about your story. #scriptchat
1:28 am             ruminski:             @WriterSchilf no! as a writer you suggest, provide information, but trying to dictate audience reaction is a fools errand. #scriptchat
1:28 am             scripteach:             RT @beingbrad: theme: what U aim for when U can't remember what character is supposed to be saying or doing. #scriptchat What GUIDES you.
1:28 am             WriterSchilf:             @beingbrad Once you really know your characters, they write for you. They direct you. Otherwise, it's the writer forcing it. #scriptchat
1:29 am             jeannevb:             wow, almost 30 min past chat & u guys are still on a role :) #scriptchat
1:29 am             jolenejahnke:             Story is what I've learned. Theme is what makes me care. #scriptchat
1:29 am             beingbrad:             @WriterSchilf all characters are pieces of my soul. some speak their mind, some need their arms twisted. #scriptchat
1:30 am             beingbrad:             @jeannevb it's all you VB baby. #scriptchat
1:30 am             WriterSchilf:             @ruminski Wrong. You are the master mechanic. You must know if you want your audience to empathize, hope, fear, etc #scriptchat
1:30 am             Chuklz:             RT @jolenejahnke: Story is what I've learned. Theme is what makes me care. #scriptchat
1:30 am             jeannevb:             RT @Screenwriter911: Is #theme important? Put it this way: its the only reason why the audience cares about your story. #scriptchat
1:30 am             brionykidd:             @SunspotPictures Yes, definitely, which is why that rule of having the best possible villain works I guess. #scriptchat
1:30 am             ruminski:             @beingbrad Fear is a powerful motivator for many writers. We're mostly neurotic, insecure creatures by nature. Embrace & use it. #scriptchat
1:30 am             Screenwriter911:             Theme is the horizon for your story. When u find yourself lost in Act2, look @ that horizon & u will find your way. #scriptchat
1:31 am             jeannevb:             man, this is like a college frat party... drinking & waiting for a brawl :) RT @beingbrad: @jeannevb its all you VB baby. #scriptchat
1:31 am             beingbrad:             @ruminski mostly? I wish. #scriptchat
1:31 am             scripteach:             Also, check out McKee's "Controlling Idea" for a good way to use theme as a guiding force: #scriptchat
1:31 am             garnerhaines:             Author f/o/friend took univ class feat. own books, thought it'd be easy credit. #fail Prof disagreed w/ author on theme. #scriptchat
1:32 am             scripteach:             Gotta go. Sorry I came in late 'cause I'm a HUGE believer in theme. "See" y'all again soon I hope. #scriptchat
1:32 am             jeannevb:             got all the theme links set for the blog... and it wont save them #grrrr #needmoretequila #scriptchat
1:32 am             brionykidd:             @SunspotPictures But are there any *good* films where the question is answered? (ie. didactic, message v. theme) #scriptchat
1:32 am             Screenwriter911:             If u don't care what yr audience thinks/feels when they read yr script, chances r they have already set it down or tuned out. #scriptchat
1:32 am             beingbrad:             @jeannevb i think about audience, but it's not the theatre goer - it's the person next in line to read, that's all that matters #scriptchat
1:32 am             ruminski:             @WriterSchilf The writer isn't omnipotent, just an attuned observer portraying events from a POV. Auds decide for themselves. #scriptchat
1:33 am             beingbrad:             dammit to fucking hell I've missed this #scriptchat
1:33 am             so_you_know:             @jeannevb pssst. while fixing dinner, i = lurker. #scriptchat = good stuff for sure. :) much is applicable for my WIP
1:33 am             mikestuchbery:             More Australians want to hear stories about middle-aged white people with problems. ;) #scriptchat
1:33 am             Chuklz:             @Screenwriter911 God is dead. There is no horizon. AAAAAAAHH! #scriptchat
1:33 am             beingbrad:             @beingbrad i should clarify - i'm not writing to the reader, but i'm sure as hell thinking about them #scriptchat
1:33 am             SilverScreen45:             RT @ozzywood: Theme resonates with your audience without them being aware of it. #scriptchat
1:33 am             ozzywood:             @numbminded Don't you love how #scriptchat kickstarts the day?!
1:34 am             beingbrad:             #scriptchat is on - writers join in - everyone else beware.
1:34 am             WriterSchilf:             @ruminski Wrong again. You're building a script, like a car. It matters where you put the cup holder: audience/driver is why #scriptchat
1:35 am             HoodedMan:             I find these discussions horribly business oriented #scriptchat
1:35 am             WriterSchilf:             @HoodedMan Screenwriting is a business. #scriptchat
1:35 am             beingbrad:             @WriterSchilf everything matters, everything, always and everything - but how much YOU care about the WHO matters equally #scriptchat
1:35 am             beingbrad:             RT @WriterSchilf: @HoodedMan Screenwriting is a business. #scriptchat
1:36 am             beingbrad:             @HoodedMan deal with it man - write 4 or 5 scripts for yourself to learn the craft and expunge your soul - then decide your fate #scriptchat
1:37 am             LynneRice:             I love coming away from a movie thinking, if I reacted/responded like that, I could be a better person, make a dif Theme #scriptchat
1:37 am             Screenwriter911:             @HoodedMan If ur writing 4 yr own satisfaction, fine. If u want 2 get paid, @WriterSchilf is correct: Screenwriting = a business #scriptchat
1:38 am             ruminski:             @WriterSchilf Writing isn't building a car. If you want to win hearts/minds, you can't condescend or manipulate. #scriptchat
1:38 am             CrackingYarns:             Myy 2 day Intro to Screenwriting course is on this weekend June 26-27 at AFTRS. Click here to book #scriptchat
1:39 am             AllInky:             Worrying about audience isn't particularly business-oriented. :) Zro-budget, made-for-the-love-of films still need an audience. #scriptchat
1:39 am             LynneRice:             when I'm TOLD how I should respond to a situation, it irks me. Rather see the struggle and the hard decision against the odds #scriptchat
1:40 am             Screenwriter911:             @ruminski Structuring a story, working the outline & executing it is not condescending. #scriptchat
1:40 am             ruminski:             RT @LynneRice: when I'm TOLD how I should respond to a situation, it irks me. Rather see the struggle and the hard decision against the odds #scriptchat
1:40 am             WriterSchilf:             @ruminski A novel isn't building a car. But Screenwriting IS! It's up to you what you build: SmartCar or Aston Martin. #scriptchat
1:40 am             jeannevb:             WOOT! Now a THEME section of our #scriptchat blog :)
1:40 am             HoodedMan:             I'm probing the interest for some kind of true independent writer's "club", both films and books #amwriting #scriptchat
1:41 am             Screenwriter911:             @ruminski However, writing is - in some sense - manipulation. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with manipulation. #scriptchat
1:41 am             beingbrad:             seriously people - screenwriting is about getting movies made, not getting words posted on scriptshadow! #scriptchat
1:41 am             beingbrad:             @Screenwriter911 LIFE IS FUCKING MANIPULATION #scriptchat
1:41 am             WriterSchilf:             Screenwriting is a trade that occasionally becomes art. You're building a car first. They all have four wheels. #scriptchat
1:42 am             beingbrad:             RT @WriterSchilf: Screenwriting is a trade that occasionally becomes art. Youre building a car first. They all have four wheels. #scriptchat
1:42 am             AllInky:             All films are propaganda films, we just like our own propaganda better. :) #scriptchat
1:42 am             KageyNYC:             Had to miss #scriptchat tonight due to Father's Day festivities. Sorry to miss Theme convo, seems it was a good one.
1:42 am             Screenwriter911:             @beingbrad @Screenwriter911 LIFE IS FUCKING MANIPULATION #scriptchat Agreed.
1:43 am             ruminski:             @ozzywood I understand the analogy, I just disagree. Craft ultimately serves art: the former is a tool to achieve the latter #scriptchat
1:44 am             WriterSchilf:             @ruminski Well, then you WILL struggle. No one goes to a RomCom to be surprised. But the audience does expect to go on a ride. #scriptchat
1:44 am             beingbrad:             "they all have 4 wheels" - sometimes you enjoy the ride - sometimes you appreciate the upholstery - sometimes you get car sick #scriptchat
1:44 am             ruminski:             @ozzywood @WriterSchilf If writing was nothing more than mechanics, every schmuck who ever took a seminar would have an Oscar. #scriptchat
1:45 am             jeannevb:             last call for brilliant remarks #transcriptpull #scriptchat
1:45 am             AllInky:             Thanks again for another thought-provoking #scriptchat session. Have a great week! Good luck to those at the GAPF! #scriptchat
1:45 am             ozzywood:             @slushpilehero It's a topic we'll be discussing all week here! (LOL) #scriptchat THEME
1:45 am             davidspies:             A great plot & interesting characters are key. RT @annie5050: someone said that a good story well told will always be accepted. #scriptchat
1:45 am             WriterSchilf:             @ruminski Wrong again. It's a very skilled trade... and an almost impossible task. And it take YEARS to master. #scriptchat
1:46 am             thinkStory:             Been #amwriting all day and now have an Act I that is 7 pages too long. Sorry I missed #scriptchat, but werewolves were biting.
1:47 am             cinematicshot:             I believe entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot. ~Steve Martin #scriptchat
1:48 am             thelightedbridg:             @WriterSchilf Yes. The theme of my project is : Freedom. #scriptchat
1:48 am             SPCWriter:             @AllInky I so agree with that. :) #scriptchat.
1:49 am             beingbrad:             @WriterSchilf do you have a working website or not!? #scriptchat
1:49 am             ruminski:             @WriterSchilf We're obv coming from diff viewpoints here. I understand and respect craft, but it's a tool in service of art. #scriptchat
1:49 am             jeannevb:             @ruminski @WriterSchilf Remember #1 rule: BYOB and leave ur ego behind. Don't make me get the bouncers ;) #scriptchat
1:50 am             Screenwriter911:             The audience wants to feel. Emotions are universal in a way that story is not. Emotions are revealed through theme. #scriptchat

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