
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Transcript Working with a Script Doctor 11-18-18

Thank you so much to our informative guest, Adam Levenberg. He's always a wealth of information. And he gave me the best notes on two of my feature scripts that have since been adapted into novel.

Guest: @starterscript
Moderator: @authorjamie

Sunday, November 11, 2018

#Scriptchat Transcript: Tawny Stokes @Vivi_Tawny discusses the craft of writing a novel/adapting your own script to a novel November 11, 2018

Tawny Stokes @Vivi_Tawny (author, screenwriter) shared a ton of tips/insights and answered our questions about the craft of writing a novel/adapting our own script to a novel.

Moderated by @SarahAlexis4.

Read the transcript below or on the Wakelet Site. Enjoy!